Content Posted in 2021
Measuring experience with young children, Andrew R. Gilpin and Bradley B. Glanville
Measuring forager mobility, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Jelmer Eerkens, Jehanne Féblot-Augustins, Jonathan Haws, Michael Shott, Peter Turchin, and Hendrik van Gijseghem
Measuring impacts: A review of frameworks, methodologies, and indicators for assessing socioeconomic impacts of resource activity in the arctic, Andrey N. Petrov, Jessica Graybill, Matthew Berman, Philip Cavin, Vera Kuklina, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, and Matthew Cooney
Measuring perceived benefits and perceived barriers for physical activity, Seth A. Brown
Measuring public relationships among students and administrators at the University of Florida, Linda Hon and Brigitta Brunner
Measuring solid angles beyond dimension three, Jason M. Ribando
Measuring the differences in spatial ability between a face-to-face and a synchronous distance education undergraduate engineering graphics course, Wade H. Goodridge, Scott David Greenhalgh, Oenardi Lawanto, and Gary A. Stewardson
Measuring the Microbial Limit of Detection for a Modified DNA Extraction Protocol, Emma Pellegrino and Marek K. Sliwinski Ph.D.
Measuring the success of ClassWorks computer instruction, Susan J. Boatwright
Mechanism of metolachlor action due to alterations in cell cycle progression, Dana M. Lowry, Donovan Greiner, Michelle Fretheim, Macy Ubben, and Kavita R. Dhanwada
Mechanisms of cancer prevention by green and black tea polyphenols, Lisa Ann Beltz, Diana Kay Bayer, Amber Lynn Moss, and Ira Mitchell Simet
Media and youth: The potential influence of television on the behavior of children, Sandra Marie Brown
Media laws in political transition, Chris W. Ogbondah
Medicare and medicaid services online: Government initiatives narrowing online access inequalities, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
Medicare and medicaid services online: Government initiatives narrowing online access inequalities, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
Meeting of the Executive Council of the Iowa Science Teacher's Association
Meeting Seed Demand for Landscape-Scale Restoration Sustainably: The Influence of Seed Harvest Intensity and Site Management, Justin C. Meissen, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Meredith W. Cornett
Meeting state mandates for gifted and talented: Iowa teacher preparation programs, Judy Davison
Meeting the Needs of the Mathematically Gifted Child, Edward Zaccaro
Meeting the social and emotional needs of gifted and talented students, Angela Germaine
Melanie Bressler - Waterloo Center for the Arts, Melanie Bressler
Mellin transforms of mixed cusp forms, Youngju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Melting of hexane monolayers adsorbed on graphite: The role of domains and defect formation, C. Wexler, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, and M. W. Roth
Meme marketing: How viral marketing adapts to the internet culture, Triet Minh Ngo
Memoirs and journals as maps of intrapersonal communication, Marvin D. Jensen
Memorial Day: Honoring Service and Sacrifice [Lesson Plan], Thomas G. Connors
Memorializing lost lives: A review of the commandant of lubizec, Stephen J. Gaies
Memories of a Raid, Cheryl Roberts
Memory and lost communities: strange methods for studying place, Jennifer H. Rice, Jonathan Alexander, Emily Amedée, Jamie Crosswhite, David Grant, Evin Groundwater, Alina Haliliuc, Aaron Hess, Jens Lloyd, Katherine Wilson Powell, Candice Rai, and Elizabethada Wright
Men's Quest for Wholeness: The Changing Counseling Needs of Paheka Males, Philip Culbertson
Men's studies: A retrospective view, Harry Brod
Mental health consumer concept mapping of supportive community, Steven J. Onken
Mental Health Services In Schools: School Psychologists' Current Practices And Perspectives, Nicole Carlson
Mental illness representation in young adult literature, Ashley Aberle
Mental maps, the power of words, and current events, Basheer K. Nijim
Mental maps, the power of words, and current events, Basheer K. Nijim
Mental Models of Research: Generating Authentic Questions, Jean Donham, Jill A. Heinrich, and Kerry A. Bostwick
Mental Readiness: Minding Your Ps and “Cues”, Mick G. Mack
Mental Realities of the Multi-Culture: Multiple Othering in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, Kyle G. Wilson
Mentoring and Facilitating Professional Engagement as Quality Enhancement Strategies: An Overview and Evaluation of the Family Child Care Partnerships Program, Ellen Abell, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Robin I. Putnam, and Ellaine B. Miller
Mentoring the Next Generation of Higher Education Professionals, Doris R. Corbett
Mentor's Introduction [to Diong Trong Hue's Paper], Victoria De Francisco
Mentor's Introduction [to Kaori Yamada's Paper], Catherine Palczewski
Mentor's Introduction [to Kyle G. Wilson's Paper], Pierre-Damien Mvuyekure
Mentor's Introduction [to Maria del Pilar Montoya's Paper], April Chatham-Carpenter
Mentor's Introduction [to Matt Foy's Paper], Paul J. Siddens
Mentor's Introduction [to Tanna White's Paper], April Chatham-Carpenter
Mercury in Environment Subject of New Report
Merging Parallels: Libraries in the Classroom, Gretchen Gould
Merit pay: The pros and cons, Stephen Forest Beecher
Metabolic effects of two high-intensity circuit training protocols: Does sequence matter?, Tony P. Nuñez, Fabiano T. Amorim, Nicholas M. Beltz, Christine M. Mermier, Terence A. Moriarty, Roberto C. Nava, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, and Len Kravitz
Metacognitive knowledge about reading proficiency: Its relation to study strategies and task demands, Donna E. Alvermann and Ned H. Ratekin
Metacomputing with the IceT system, Paul A. Gray and Vaidy S. Sunderam
Metal-insulator transition in variably doped (Bi1-xSb x)2Se3 nanosheets, Chee Huei Lee, Rui He, Zhenhua Wang, Richard L.J. Qiu, Ajay Kumar, Conor Delaney, Ben Beck, T. E. Kidd, C. C. Chancey, R. Mohan Sankaran, and Xuan P.A. Gao
Metal Lunchbox with Black Paint, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Metal Lunchbox with Orange Paint, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Metamemory Skills, Cliff Highnam and Kellie Martin
Metaphors: An avenue to other techniques, Kelley J. Algoe
Metaphors for leadership: Military battle and friendship, Gerri Perreault
Meta-recommendation systems: User-controlled integration of diverse recommendations, J. Ben Schafer, Joseph A. Konstan, and John Riedl
Methamphetamine use and adolescents : treatment options and implications for counselors, James J. Wilwerding
Methemoglobinemia risk factors: Response to Avery and L'hirondel [4], Catherine Zeman, Burton Kross, and Mariana Vlad
Methodological challenges and innovations in Arctic community sustainability research, Gary Kofinas, Shauna BurnSilver, and Andrey N. Petrov
Methods and evaluation outcomes in speech, language, and hearing camps, Lindsey Paige Carter
Methods for fostering success in the transition to high school, Deborah E. Hanna Porter
Mexican American high school students' postsecondary educational goals: Applying Social Cognitive Career Theory, Lisa Y. Flores, Rachel L. Navarro, and S. Joseph DeWitz
Mexican medical border towns: A case study of Algodones, Baja California, Alex P. Oberle and Daniel D. Arreola
Michellamines D-F, new HIV-inhibitory dimeric naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, and korupensamine E, a new antimalarial monomer, from Ancistrocladus korupensis, Yali F. Hallock, Kirk P. Manfredi, Jin Rui Dai, John H. Cardellina, Robert J. Gulakowski, James B. McMahon, Manuela Schäffer, Martin Stahl, Klaus Peter Gulden, Gerhard Bringmann, Guido François, and Michael R. Boyd
Michelle Wilke - Center for Violence Prevention, Michelle Wilke
Microsoft Word Basic Skills Workshop, Wu Rui
Microtubule orientation and spacing within bundles is critical for long-range kinesin-1 motility, Leslie Conway, Michael W. Gramlich, S. M. Ali Tabei, and Jennifer L. Ross
Middle school intramural/co-curricular programs, Andrew W. Strottman
Middle School or Junior High?:Background and Rationale, R. P. Brimm
Middle school students' mathematics knowledge retention: Online or face-to-face environments, Clayton M. Edwards, Audrey C. Rule, and Robert M. Boody
Mid-Holocene Erosion of Soil Catenas on Moraines near the Type Pinedale Till, Wind River Range, Wyoming, Dennis E. Dahms
Mid-level manager's perspectives of competencies for entry-level campus housing professionals, Nicholas F. Rafanello
Migration and Inclusive Transnational Heritage: Digital Innovation and the New Roots Latino Oral History Initiative, Hannah Gill, Jaycie Vos, Laura Villa-Torres, and Maria Silvia Ramirez
Migration behavior of college graduates: An empirical analysis, Mahmood Yousefi and Janet Rives
Migration, gene flow, and genetic diversity within and among Iowa populations of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata), Rebecca J. Richtsmeier, Neil P. Bernstein, James W. Demastes, and Robert W. Black
Migration of legacy Mumps applications to relational database servers, K. C. O'Kane
Mindtools and problem solving: An introduction, J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Mary C. Herring
Mineralogical evidence for eolian contribution to soils of late quaternary moraines, Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA, Dennis E. Dahms
Mini AXE Megaphone, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Minifying government: The unintended consequences of the bergman secondary road act of 1929, J. Peter Beck and Tom W. Rice
Minimal cost of a Brownian risk without ruin, Shangzhen Luo and Michael Taksar
Minimal multi-convex projections, Grzegorz Lewicki and Michael Prophet
Minimal shape-preserving projections in tensor product spaces, Grzegorz Lewicki and Michael Prophet
Minimizing the effects of the digital divide, Trevor Walker
Minimum quantity lubrication using nano-graphite cutting fluids for sustainable machining of AISI 4140 under different cutting conditions, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Nageswara Rao Posinasetti, M. Amrita, and Venkata Ramana S.N. Vuppala
Mining FDA resources to compute population-specific frequencies of adverse drug reactions, Aleksandar Poleksic, Carson Turner, Rishabh Dalal, Paul Gray, and Lei Xie
Mining functional subgraphs from cancer protein-protein interaction networks, Ru Shen, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, and Chittibabu Guda
Mini-replications: An alternative to term papers, Sharon Arthur Moore and David W. Moore
Ministry matters: A study of the relationship between campus ministry and socialization, Rachel Jean Kitrell
Minority alcoholism programs: Issues in service delivery models, Donald E. Maypole and Ruth Anderson
Minority dropout and prevention, Ryan J. Williamson
Minority Report: Re-Reading Gilgamesh After Levinas, Francis Dominic Degnin
Minutes of the Executive Board, Ames, Iowa, March 4, 1966
Minutes of the Meeting of the Flat Society of Lower Speight Avenue, O. T. Hayward
Minutes of the September 25 Meeting of the Executive Board
Misoneism Will Kill Teacher Education, Geraldine E. Larocque
Missing-value proportion problems: The effects of number structure characteristics, Suzanne M. Riehl and Olof B. Steinthorsdottir
Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous) microfossils from the Chios Mélange (Chios Island, Greece), John R. Groves, Cristiano Larghi, Alda Nicora, and Roberto Rettori
Mitigating oral corrective feedback through linguistic strategies and smiling, Hilal Ergül
Mitochondrial genome of Geomydoecus aurei, a pocket-gopher louse, Theresa A. Spradling, Alexandra C. Place, Ashley L. Campbell, and James W. Demastes
Mitochondrial genome of Geomydoecus aurei, a pocket-gopher louse, Theresa A. Spradling, Alexandra C. Place, Ashley L. Campbell, and James W. Demastes
Mixed Automorphic Forms and Differential Equations, Min Ho Lee
Mixed automorphic forms and whittaker vectors, Min Ho Lee
Mixed automorphic forms on semisimple lie groups, Min Ho Lee
Mixed automorphic vector bundles on Shimura varieties, Min Ho Lee
Mixed cusp forms and holomorphic forms on elliptic varieties, Min Ho Lee
Mixed cusp forms and parabolic cohomology, Min Ho Lee
Mixed cusp forms and poincaré series, Min Ho Lee
Mixed Hilbert modular forms and families of abelian varieties, Min Ho Lee
Mixed Siegel modular forms and Kuga fiber varieties, Min Ho Lee
Mixed Siegel modular forms and special values of certain Dirichlet series, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Mobile decision support and business intelligence: An overview, Daniel J. Power
Mobile Gaming and Student Interactions in a Science Center: the Future of Gaming in Science Education, Dana Atwood-Blaine and Douglas Huffman
Mobilizing benefit-sharing through transportation infrastructure: Informal roads, extractive industries and benefit-sharing in the Irkutsk oil and gas region, Russia, Vera Kuklina, Andrey N. Petrov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, and Viktor Bogdanov
Model-based predictive controller design, Soheil Sadeghi
Model-driven decision support systems: Concepts and research directions, Daniel J. Power and Ramesh Sharda
Model evidence links (MELs) and the impact of critical thinking on open ended responses, James Gregory Zabel
Modeling and simulation of a Kalman filter based control scheme for an AC/DC power system, Recayi Pecen, Sadrul Ula, and Marc Timmerman
Modeling Artistic Creativity: An Empirical Study, SCOTT CAWELTI, ALLEN RAPPAPORT, and BILL WOOD
Modeling biomass procurement tradeoffs within a cellulosic biofuel cost model, Alicia Rosburg, John Miranowski, and Keri Jacobs
Modeling of ultra-wideband indoor channels with the modified leapfrog ADI-FDTD method, Meng Lin Zhai, Wen Yan Yin, Zhizhang Chen, Hong Nie, and Xiang Hua Wang
Modeling superconducting states of arbitrary pairing symmetry with the fluctuation exchange approximation applied to Hubbard-like models, J. J. Deisz and T. Slife
Modeling the precision and robustness of Hunchback border during Drosophila embryonic development, Heather Hardway, Bibhash Mukhopadhyay, Timothy Burke, Theron James Hitchman, and Robin Forman
Modeling use-life distributions in Archaeology using new guinea wola Ethnographic data, Michael J. Shott and Paul Sillitoe
Modelling the folding of paper into three dimensions using affine transformations, Sarah Marie Belcastro and Thomas C. Hull
Model of a marketing plan for library media programs, Ruie Chehak
Model of orbital populations for voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy in transition-metal thin films, Jia Zhang, Pavel V. Lukashev, Sitaram S. Jaswal, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Model railroading and computer fundamentals, John W. McCormick
Models and measures for efficiency dominance in DEA - Part I: Additive models and MED measures, I. Bardhan, W. F. Bowlin, W. W. Cooper, and T. Sueyoshi
Models and measures for efficiency dominance in DEA - Part II: Free Disposal Hull (FDH) and Russell Measure (RM) approaches, I. Bardhan, W. F. Bowlin, W. W. Cooper, and T. Sueyoshi
Model Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Moderating effects of gender on the relationship between poverty and children's externalizing behaviors, William R. Henninger IV and Gayle Luze
Modernity and industrial culture of indian elites, Dhirendra Vajpeyi
Modernity and Industrial Culture of Indian Elites, Dhirendra Vajpeyi
Modification of electronic band structure in mL + nL (m = 1, 2; N = 1-5) free-stacking graphene, Jianting Ji, Rui He, Yinghao Jie, Anmin Zhang, Xiaoli Ma, Linjing Pan, Le Wang, Liyuan Zhang, and Qing Ming Zhang
Modification of the G-phonon mode of graphene by nitrogen doping, Pavel V. Lukashev, Liuyan Zhao, Tula R. Paudel, Theanne Schiros, Noah Hurley, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Aron Pinczuk, Abhay Pasupathy, and Rui He
Modified kurtosis detection for UWB impulse radios, Aidong Yang, Hong Nie, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang David Chen
Modified water regimes affect photosynthesis, xylem water potential, cambial growth, and resistance of juvenile Pinus taeda L to Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera, Scolytidae), J. P. Dunn and P. L. Lorio
Modifying job sequencing rules for work-in-process inventory reduction, Hoyt G. Wilson and Barbara J. Mardis
Modular forms associated to theta functions, Min Ho Lee
Modular polynomials and derivatives of quasimodular forms, Min Ho Lee
MOF crystal growth: UV resonance Raman investigation of metal-ligand binding in solution and accelerated crystal growth methods, Thomas D. Petersen, Gurusamy Balakrishnan, and Colin L. Weeks
Mohammad Iqbal's Third Way at UNI, Mohammad Iqbal
Moi Tarzan, Vous Jane? A Study of Communicative Competence, Patricia B. Powell
Molecular beam growth of graphene nanocrystals on dielectric substrates, Ulrich Wurstbauer, Theanne Schiros, Cherno Jaye, Annette S. Plaut, Rui He, Albert Rigosi, Christopher Gutiérrez, Daniel Fischer, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Abhay N. Pasupathy, Aron Pinczuk, and Jorge M. Garcia
Molecular dynamics simulations of noble gases encapsulated in C 60 Fullerene, W. Even, J. Smith, and M. W. Roth
Molecular dynamics simulations of noble gas release from endohedral fullerene aggregates due to cage disintegration, M. K. Balasubramanya, M. W. Roth, P. D. Tilton, and B. A. Suchy
Molecular evolution of cytochrome b of subterranean mole rats, Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies, in Israel, Eviatar Nevo, Avigdor Beiles, and Theresa Spradling
Molecular evolution of Dmrt1 accompanies change of sex-determining mechanisms in reptilia, Daniel E. Janes, Christopher L. Organ, Rami Stiglec, Denis O'Meally, Stephen D. Sarre, Arthur Georges, Jennifer A.M. Graves, Nicole Valenzuela, Robert A. Literman, Kim Rutherford, Neil Gemmell, John B. Iverson, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Scott V. Edwards, and Tariq Ezaz
Molecular Modeling of Environmentally Important Processes: Reduction Potentials, Anne Lewis, John A. Bumpus, Donald G. Truhlar, and Christopher J. Cramer
Molecular simulations of intermediate and long alkanes adsorbed on graphite: Tuning of non-bond interactions, Lucyna Firlej, Bogdan Kuchta, Michael W. Roth, and Carlos Wexler
Moments of residual life and some characterization results, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Monetary policy as a decision-making hierarchy: The case of Taiwan, Chung Hua Shen and david R. Hakes
Monitoring and modeling cropland loss in rapidly growing urban and depopulating rural counties using remotely sensed data and GIS, Andrey N. Petrov and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Monitoring intra-annual water quality variations using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing data in Iowa lakes, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Nathan Green, and Maureen Clayton
Monkeybar injuries [4] (multiple letters), D. Thompson, S. Hudson, M. L. Waltzman, M. Shannon, A. P. Bowen, and M. C. Bailey
Monodentate dicarboxylate complexes of chromium(III), James C. Chang
Monstrous Generosity: Pedagogical Affirmations of the “Improper”, Gregory N. Bourassa and Frank Margonis
Mood state changes of students enrolled in physical activity classes, Mick G. Mack, Sharon Huddleston, Kaia E. Dutler, and Wei Bian
Moody's ratings and regionalization: State government general obligation bonds, Bulent Uyar, Donald R. Escarraz, and Kenneth Oldfield
Moral activity and domain theory: An alternative interpretation of research with young children, Michael Glassman and Betty Zan
Moral economy and the expansion of the privatisation constituency in nigeria, Pita Ogaba Agbese
Moral reasoning of msw social workers and the influence of education, Laura E. Kaplan
Moral Values and Ideological Conclusions Influence Perceived Credibility for Headlines, Morning Baker, Nick Clark, and Helen Harton
More on alphas, Roger Hanson
More Regional Meetings of ISTS Announced
More Than 2000 Colleges Are Now Using Our Equipment for Research and Teaching Nuclear Science
More thoughts on the khipu code [4], Gordon M. Harrington
Morgan Holzer - UNI's Center for Violence Prevention, Morgan Holzer
Morningside College, October 16, 1965, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Morningside College, October 18, 1969, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Morningside College, October 19, 1963, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Morningside College, October 19, 1968, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Morningside College, October 21, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Morningside College, October 22, 1966, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Morphological and anatomical development in the Vitaceae. IX. Comparative ontogeny and phylogenetic implications of Vitis rotundifolia Michx., Susan A. Timmons, Usher Posluszny, and Jean M. Gerrath
Morphological and anatomical development in the Vitaceae. VII. Floral development in Rhoicissus digitata with respect to other genera in the family, Jean M. Gerrath, T. Wilson, and Usher Posluszny
Morphological and anatomical development in the Vitaceae. VIII. Comparative development of three Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) species reveals important vegetative and reproductive differences among the species, Trevor C. Wilson, Jean M. Gerrath, and Usher Posluszny
Morphological and anatomical development in the Vitaceae. X. Comparative ontogeny and phylogenetic implications of Cissus quadrangularis L., Susan A. Timmons, Usher Posluszny, and Jean M. Gerrath
Morphological and genetic variation among populations of the fiddler crab minuca burgersi (Holthuis, 1967) (crustacea: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) from shores of the caribbean basin and western south atlantic ocean, C. L. Thurman, R. E. Alber, M. J. Hopkins, and Hsi Te Shih
Morphological variation in eunotia serra, with a focus on the rimoportula, Lynn A. Brant and Paula C. Furey
Mortal pots: On use life and vessel size in the formation of ceramic assemblages, Michael J. Shott
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) development within microhabitats of an Iowa wetland, David R. Mercer, Sara L. Sheeley, and Edward J. Brown
Mother-daughter relationships in young adult literature, Kelly K. Fischbach
Mothers' responses to the cries of normal and premature infants as a function of the birth status of their own child, Ann M. Frodi, Michael E. Lamb, and Diane Wille
Motivating students with Accelerated Reader, Kirsten J. Wrieden
Motivation and Mandatory Standardized Testing: Utilizing the School Counselor as Consultant, Liaison, Trainer, and Advocate, Trent Taylor
Motivation maxims: Why they fail to motivate, Charles Dedrick and Len Froyen
Motivations of wine travelers in rural Northeast Iowa, Oksana Grybovych, Jill Lankford, and Samuel Lankford
Motor and reflexive behavior in the aging rat, J. E. Wallace, E. E. Krauter, and B. A. Campbell
Mozart's bawdy canons, vulgarity and debauchery at the wiednertheater, David J. Buch
Mozart’s German operas, David J. Buch
MR/Har and MNRA/Har Maudsley rat strains: Differences in acoustic startle habituation, Randall L. Commissaris, Gordon M. Harrington, Theodore J. Baginski, and Harvey J. Altman
MR/Har and MNRA/Har Maudsley rat strains: Differential response to chlordiazepoxide in a conflict task, Randall L. Commissaris, Timothy C. McCloskey, Gordon M. Harrington, and Harvey J. Altman
Mrs. Keithahn Receives Outstanding Service Award
MSETI-AREA: Math-science-engineering technology in iowa on applied renewable energy areas, Recayi Reg Pecen and Jill Humston
Multi-Attribute Decision Making e-course, Cornel Resteanu, Marius Somodi, and Bogdan Alexe
Multichannel energy detection UWB receivers based on nonlinear square law technology, Zhimeng Xu, Aidong Yang, Zhizhang David Chen, and Hong Nie
Multicultural American Exceptionalism in the Speeches of Frederick Douglass and Barack Obama, Julie Husband
Multicultural Counseling in South Korea: Exploration and Development of Culture-Specific Competence Indicators, Seong In Choi and Soohyun La
Multicultural education and attitudes towards immigrant groups in the United States, Anika Marie Lillegard-Bouton
Multicultural Education and Attitudes Towards Immigrant Groups in the U.S., Anika Lillegard-Bouton
Multicultural Inclusion of Lesbian and Gay Literature Themes in Elementary Classrooms, Stephanie R. Logan, Dwight C. Watson, Yolanda Hood, and Terri A. Lasswell
Multidisciplinary team decision-making practices in Iowa schools, Debra S. Meyer
Multilinear differential operators on modular forms, Min Ho Lee
Multi-period asset allocation under hidden markovianly driven noises, Shangzhen Luo
Multi-scale extensions to quantum cluster methods for strongly correlated electron systems, C. Slezak, M. Jarrell, Th Maier, and J. Deisz
Multiscale Fractal Characteristics of Urban Landscape in Indianapolis, USA, Bingqing Liang and Qihao Weng
Multisector Approaches to Societal Issues Management, Laquita C. Blockson
Multi-sided macro-element spaces based on Clough-Tocher triangle splits with applications to hole filling, Vera Rayevskaya and Larry L. Schumaker
Multivariate dynamic information, Nader Ebrahimi, S. N.U.A. Kirmani, and Ehsan S. Soofi
Multivariate morphometry and rates of morphologic evolution within the Pennsylvanian fusulinid Beedeina (Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma, USA), John R. Groves and Stacey Reisdorph
Multivariate process capability via Löwner ordering, S. N.U.A. Kirmani and Alan M. Polansky
Mural, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Muscle activation during low- versus high-load resistance training in well-trained men, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Jeffrey M. Willardson, Fabio Fontana, and Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez
Muscular adaptations to periodized resistance-training in older adults, Z. Murlasits and J. Reed
Musical composition graduate portfolio, Juan Marulanda
Music that teaches, Susan L. Carroll
Mutation of trimethyllysine 72 to alanine enhances his79-heme-mediated dynamics of iso-1-cytochrome c, Melisa M. Cherney, Carolyn C. Junior, and Bruce E. Bowler
MY collection is bigger than yours: Tales from the handcrafter's stash, Marybeth C. Stalp and Theresa M. Winge
Mycorrhizal response in wheat cultivars: Relationship to phosphorus, B. A.D. Hetrick, G. W.T. Wilson, and T. C. Todd
My education plan: A teaching mindset, Joseph Van Zante
My father, more or less, Jerome Klinkowitz
Myth versus reality: Comparing the depiction of juvenile delinquency in metropolitan newspapers with arrest data, Gayle M. Rhineberger-Dunn
NABT Convention in Philadelphia in October, 1969
NABT Midwest Regional Conference
NABT Outstanding Biology Teachers Award Programs
NAEYC accreditation and high quality preschool curriculum, Betty Zan
Nakba Day: The Ephemera of Martyrdom, Philip Hopper
Nano cutting fluids, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Amrita Maddamsetty, and Vamsi Krishna Pasam
Narrative knowledge development among caregivers: Stories from the nurses' station, Jayne Morgan-Witte
Narrative therapy treatment for adolescents with drug abuse, Julie F. Stevens
Narrowband interference mitigations capacity of differential code-shifted-reference UWB systems, Zhimeng Xu, Aidong Yang, Hui Qian, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, and Lun Yu
National and regional associations between human West Nile virus incidence and demographic, landscape, and land use conditions in the coterminous United States, John P. DeGroote and Ramanathan Sugumaran
National and regional trends in “jobs in geography”: 1980-1993, Philip W. Suckling
National Association of Biology Teachers Midwestern Regional Convention
Nationalisms and anti-immigrant sentiment in Spain, Xavier Escandell and Alin M. Ceobanu
National Park Service Unveils new Environmental Education Book Series
Native American Indian Female Students in Higher Education, Becky YoungBear
Native Seed Scoop, Fall 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Native Seed Scoop, Fall 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Native Seed Scoop [July 2020], University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Native Seed Scoop, Summer 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Native Seed Scoop, Summer 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Native Seed Scoop, Winter 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Native Speaker-Nonnative Speaker Interaction Among Academic Peers, Stephen J. Gaies
Nature of the Antinatriuretic Action of Growth Hormone, Ronald R. Bach
Navigating a tangled intersection: Agricultural communication as public meeting space among the humanities, social sciences, and the digital, Adrienne P. Lamberti
Navigating discourses in place in the world of Webkinz, Karen E. Wohlwend, Sarah Vander Zanden, Nicholas E. Husbye, and Candace R. Kuby
Navigating instructional dialectics: empirical exploration of paradox in teaching, Blair Thompson, C. Kyle Rudick, Jeff Kerssen-Griep, and Kathryn Golsan
Navigating Minority and Majority Cultures in Emerging Adulthood: A Pilot Study of Young Hearing Adults of Deaf Parents and Young Heterosexual Adults of Lesbian/Gay Parents, Steven J. Onken and Catherine Katie O’Brien
Navigating the g schedule, Susan Moore
Navigating the Visual Turn in Argument, Leo Groarke, Catherine H. Palczewski, and David Godden
NCATE standards for Preparation of Secondary Computer Science Teachers, J. Philip East, Charmaine Bentley, Joe Kmoch, Stephen Rainwater, and Chris Stephenson
Near, far, and online: small business owners’ advice-seeking from peers, Kristine Kuhn, Tera Galloway, and Maureen Collins-Williams
Near-Optimal Detection of Monobit Digitized UWB Signals in the Presence of Noise and Strong Intersymbol Interference, Hassan Khani and Hong Nie
Nebbe's Nature Nest : a summary of an animal assisted therapy camp, Nicole A. Whisler
Necdetina, a new fusulinoidean foraminifera with a recrystallized or replaced wall from the Middle Permian of the central Tauride belt, Turkey, Demir Altiner, John R. Groves, Sevinç Özkan-Altiner, I. Ömer Yilmaz, and Ayşe Atakul
Need, qualifications, training, responsibilities, and supervision of paraprofessionals in special education : a qualitative case study approach, Heather L. Marolf
Negative Halo Effects in Parent Ratings of ADHD, ODD, and CD, Helena F. Alacha and Elizabeth K. Lefler
Negative Impact of the Job: Secondary Trauma Among Juvenile Detention and Juvenile Probation Officers, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn and Kristin Y. Mack
Negotiating continuity of self at home: Restorative strategies and home spaces used by caregivers and care recipients, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
Negotiating time and space for serious leisure: Quilting in the modern U.S. home, Marybeth C. Stalp
Neighborhood attachment, social capital building, and political participation: A case study of low-and moderate-income residents of Waterloo, Iowa, R. Allen Hays and Alexandra M. Kogl
Neighborhood networks, social capital, and political participation: The relationships revisited, Richard Allen Hays
Neoliberal multiculturalism and productive inclusion: beyond the politics of fulfillment in education, Gregory Bourassa
Networks Matter: Male Mexican Migrants' Use of Hospitals, Margaret L. Ralston and Xavier Escandell
Network structure moderates intergroup differentiation of stereotyped rumors, Nicholas DiFonzo, Jerry Suls, Jason W. Beckstead, Martin J. Bourgeois, Christopher M. Homan, Samuel Brougher, Andrew J. Younge, and Nicholas Terpstra-Schwab
Neural crest cell motility in valproic acid, Leah C. Fuller, Shannon K. Cornelius, Charles W. Murphy, and Darrell J. Wiens
Neural networks-based in-process surface roughness adaptive control system in turning operations, Julie Z. Zhang and Joseph C. Chen
Neural network simulation of visual inspection of graphs of single-subject interventions, Andrew R. Gilpin
Neurocognitive Underpinnings of Face Perception: Further Evidence of Distinct Person and Group Perception Processes, Michael A. Zárate, Colby J. Stoever, M. Kimberly MacLin, and Clarissa J. Arms-Chavez
Neutrality as a Moral Standpoint, Conceptual Confusion and the Full Inclusion Debate, Deborah J. Gallagher
New 1982 - 1990 photometry of λ Andromedae and its 11-year cycle, Douglas S. Hall, Gregory W. Henry, Dietmar Böhme, Peter A. Brooks, Sandy Chang, Ales Dolzan, George L. Fortier, Robert E. Fried, Russell M. Genet, Bruce S. Grim, James Hannon, Darrel B. Hoff, Kevin Krisciunas, Howard J. Landis, Howard P. Louth, Larry P. Lovell, Paul Nielsen, Bobby E. Powell, Harry D. Powell, Don Pray, Thomas R. Renner, Charles W. Rogers, Stephen Shervais, Douglas M. Slauson, Samuel Slote, Harold J. Stelzer, Arthur J. Stokes, Jack C. Troeger, Louis C. Turner, Norman F. Wasson, and Kenneth W. Zeigler
New and Notes - Earth Science Institutes
New and Notes - Ford-FSAA Program
New and Notes - Hawkeye Science Fair
New and Notes - SCI Science Symposium
New avenues for instructional communication research: Relationships among coaches’ leadership behaviors and athletes’ affective learning, Paul D. Turman and Paul Schrodt
New communication technologies in tropical African development, Jerry Komia Domatob, Willam A. Ausmus, and John M. Butler
New distributional records of ticks from southeast asia and the pacific (metastigmata: Argasidae, ixodidae), Nixon Wilson
New distribution records for Stenoponia americana (Baker) and Stenoponia ponera Traub and Johnson (Siphonaptera: Ctenophthalmidae) with a review of records from the southwestern United States, Michael W. Hastriter, Glenn E. Haas, and Nixon Wilson
Newer better faster, James R. Stevenson and Ali E. Kashef
New ethnographies, Phyllis L. Baker
New frameworks for fundraising in performing arts nonprofits: trust, commitment, and utility as donor motivation, Evan Hilsabeck
New Guidelines for Advanced Science Education Program
New Iowa school Redux: Second life as laboratory, Michael A. Katovich and Shing Ling S. Chen
New method to recognize s-Cepheids, Siobahn M. Morgan
New Offerings from the Government Printing Office
New patterns of civil-military relations in Africa, Pita Ogaba Agbese
New questions and insights into nitrate/nitrite and human health effects: A retrospective cohort study of private well users' immunological and wellness status, Catherine Zeman, Lisa Beltz, Mark Linda, Jean Maddux, Diane Depken, Jeff Orr, and Patricia Theran
News and Notes - Academy Program Committee
News and Notes - Academy Sessions, April 17 & 18
News and Notes - Academy Sponsors Contest
News and Notes - Academy's Program Committee
News and Notes - Academy to Sponsor Meeting for Junior College Teachers
News and Notes - Action in the ISTA Regions
News and Notes - Activity in the Regions
News and Notes - Advertising for This Journal
News and Notes - Affiliated with the Iowa Junior Academy
News and Notes - A Full Schedule of Papers for Science Teaching Section
News and Notes - AIBS Meeting a Success
News and Notes - Annual Fall Meeting
News and Notes - Annual Spring Meeting
News and Notes - Another Visiting Physicists Program
News and Notes - Any Other News
News and Notes - April 15 and 16 at Pella
News and Notes - Area PSSC Meeting at Roosevelt in Des Moines
News and Notes - Army Science Symposium
News and Notes - CASMT Convention a Success
News and Notes - CASMT Meeting
News and Notes - Cedar Falls Science Symposium a Success
News and Notes - Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers Hold Annual Meeting
News and Notes - Coe Physics Workshop
News and Notes - Complimentary Copies of Issue No. 1 of Volume 2
News and Notes - Congratulations
News and Notes - Congratulations to the New ISTA Officers
News and Notes - Detroit CASMT Convention
News and Notes - Election by Mail
News and Notes - Fall Meeting a Success
News and Notes - Ford-FSAA Program
News and Notes - Ford-FSAA Program
News and Notes - Ford-Future Scientists of American Awards
News and Notes - Increase in Dues
News and Notes - In-Service Institute
News and Notes - In-Service Programs
News and Notes - Iowa Academy of Science
News and Notes - Iowa to Host Regional NSTA Meeting
News and Notes - Iowa-U.S. Army Science Symposium
News and Notes - ISTA Affiliation with NABT
News and Notes - ISTA'ers at Milwaukee
News and Notes - ISTA-Iowa Academy and Co-Sponsor Meeting for Junior College Science Teachers
News and Notes - ISTA Members on CASMT Program at Detroit
News and Notes - ISTA Representatives at National Meetings
News and Notes - ISTA's October Meeting
News and Notes - ISTA to Meet in Decorah
News and Notes - ISTS Business
News and Notes - Junior Academy
News and Notes - Junior Academy Manuscript Program
News and Notes - Junior Academy of Science
News and Notes - Junior Academy Science Symposium
News and Notes - Junior Academy Science Symposium
News and Notes - Junior Academy Symposium
News and Notes - Junior Academy to Meet
News and Notes - Keep the News Lines Open
News and Notes - Manuscript Reminder for "Science & Children"
News and Notes - Membership Problems
News and Notes - Molecular Biology Institute at University of Iowa
News and Notes - More Articles
News and Notes - More Articles Needed from All Members of the Academy
News and Notes - NABT Meets in Urbana
News and Notes - New Executive Secretary
News and Notes - New Membership
News and Notes - NSF Sponsored Student Symposium
News and Notes - NSTA and NABT
News and Notes - NSTA Meeting in New York
News and Notes - NSTA Regionals
News and Notes - NSTA to Meet in Denver
News and Notes - Outstanding Biology Teacher Award Program
News and Notes - Physics Teacher Recognition Program
News and Notes - Regional Meeting of NSTA
News and Notes - Regional Meetings
News and Notes - Regional NSTA Meeting
News and Notes - Research Funds Available
News and Notes - Science Fairs
News and Notes - Science Teaching Papers in Proceedings
News and Notes - Scientific Manuscript Competition . . . To Remind You
News and Notes - SCI Space-Science Symposium
News and Notes - Second Year for Election by Mail
News and Notes - Short Course a Success
News and Notes - Short-Course a Success
News and Notes - Short-Course a Success!
News and Notes - South East Meeting
News and Notes - Spring Meeting of ISTA
News and Notes - State OBTA Nominations
News and Notes - Summer Opportunities for Gifted Students
News and Notes - Teacher Recognition
News and Notes - The Revision of the Constitution
News and Notes - Three Dollar ISTA Members
News and Notes - Three Teachers Honored at Dubuque Meeting
News and Notes - U. S. Army Symposium
News and Notes - USOE-Regional Laboratory Established
News and Notes - Visiting Science Program
News and Notes - Visiting Scientist Program Continues to Grow
News of North Mahaska Junior Academy, Claflin J. Von Yeast
News of the Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association
Newspaper reporting and the production of deviance: Drug use among professional athletes, Michael J. Leiber, Katherine M. Jamieson, and Marvin D. Krohn
New species and combinations in Physaria (Brassicaceae) from Western North America, Ben R. Grady and Steve L. O'Kane
New technology in unionized firms? Advantages of mandatory bargaining, Steven E. Abraham and Bart D. Finzel
New Titles in NSTA How-To-Do-It Series
New trends in rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing applications in metal casting, Yury S. Lerner, P. Nageswara Rao, and Vladimir I. Kuznetsov
New Viète-like infinite products of nested radicals with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Esther M. García-Caballero, Samuel G. Moreno, and Michael P. Prophet
Next-generation CVD aluminum precursors pose new handling challenges, Clark E. McGrew
NGO politics and insurgency: Examining institutional structures and change processes of NGO influence, Harry T. Hall, James E. Mattingly, and Duong Trong Hue
Nigeria: How to derail a transition program, Pita Ogaba Agbese
Nightmares in the nightly news: CNN covers atrocities in Kosovo, Anelia K. Dimitrova
NI LabView data acquisition system design using hydrogen fuel cell, Kenan Baltaci and Faruk Yildiz
Nineteenth century investigations of periodicities in the jovian atmosphere, Thomas A. Hockey
Nitrate flux from aquifer storage in excess of baseflow contribution during a rain event, Mohammad Z. Iqbal
Nitrates/nitrites alter human lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production, I. V. Ustyugova, C. Zeman, K. Dhanwada, and L. A. Beltz
Nitrogen isotope indicators of seasonal source variability to groundwater, M. Z. Iqbal, N. C. Krothe, and R. F. Spalding
Nitrogen: It doesn't just go away, Laura L. Jackson
Nitrogen loading leads to increased carbon accretion in both invaded and uninvaded coastal wetlands, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, and Kenneth J. Elgersma
NMR structure of phospho-tyrosine signaling complexes, Carol Beth Post, Beverly S. Gaul, Elan Zohar Eisenmesser, and Michael L. Schneider
No Child Left Behind (2001) and high stakes tests : how they affect teachers' experiences in the classroom, Emily N. Olson
No Child Left Behind (2001) and high stakes tests : how they affect teachers' experiences in the classroom, Emily N. Olson
Noise levels of electronic arcade games: A potential hearing hazard to children, Bruce L. Plakke
No me llames cariño (Do not call me dear) by Isabel Franc: The lesbian detective novel in Spain, Ivonne Cuadra
Non-Abstinence-Based supportive housing for persons with Co-Occurring disorders: A human rights perspective, Rupert van Wormer and Katherine van Wormer
Non-constructive properties of the real numbers, Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis, Jean E. Rubin, Adrienne Stanley, and Eleftherios Tatchtsis
Noncontact measurement of viscosity, F. Behroozi, B. Lambert, and B. Buhrow
Non-data-aided code synchronization for the code-shifted reference ultra-wideband (UWB) system, Chen Wei, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
"None of the Weakness of Her Sex": Uncovering a Lost Chapter in Women's Studies, Kenneth Atkinson
Nonexercise model fails to predict aerobic capacity in college students with high v02peak, Fred W. Kolkhorst and Forrest A. Dolaener
Nonhandicapped students' perceptions of severely handicapped students, W. Stainback and S. Stainback
Noninvasive measurement of viscosity from damping of capillary waves, F. Behroozi, B. Lambert, and B. Buhrow
Nonlinear blind narrowband interference mitigation for energy detection based UWB receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, Hassan Khani, and Lun Yu
Nonlinear magnetization behavior near the spin-glass transition in the layered III-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-x Mnx S, T. M. Pekarek, E. M. Watson, J. Garner, P. M. Shand, I. Miotkowski, and A. K. Ramdas
Nonlinear signal processing technologies for energy detection based impulse radio UWB transceivers, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, and Zhimeng Xu
Nonliteral comprehension, Janice J. Bolger
Nonmetallic inclusions in solar cell silicon: Focusing on recycling of scraps, Lifeng Zhang, Eivind Øvrelid, Samuel Senanu, Benjamin Agyei-Tuffour, and Adegboyega Nathaniel Femi
Nonparametric estimation from proportional hazards competing risks data under selection bias, Jean Yves Dauxois, Agathe Guilloux, and Syed N.U.A. Kirmani
Nonprofit Crowdfunding Best Practices, Shelly Smith
Nonprofit Fundraising: A Look at Effective Employees’ Participation, Moses A. Ulom
Non-radial pulsation models of the H-alpha profile in BW vulpeculae, Andrew P. Odell
Non-Technology Issues: The Human-Side Factors in Online Education, QingHua Yu
Nonverbal cues: Clues to the detection of foreign language anxiety, Tammy S. Gregersen
No right to judge: Feminism and the judiciary in Third Republic France, Sara L. Kimble
North Dakota State, November 1, 1969, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
North Dakota State, November 2, 1968, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
North Dakota State, September 23, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
North Dakota State, September 25, 1965, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Northeast Iowa Foodbank, Nora Klemesrud, Melissa Hoffman, Erinn Schaffner, and Grace Rempe
Northeast Regional Meeting of ISTA, George Chapman
Northern Iowa Basketball 1979-80 Press Guide - Record Book, University of Northern Iowa
Northern Iowa Panthers 2021-2022 [Men's Basketball] Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
Northern Michigan University, September 10, 1966, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Northern Michigan University, September 13, 1969, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Northern Michigan University, September 9, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Nosotros como familia: the negotiation of group identity in a binational community of practice, Elise M. DuBord
No surprises, please: A mother's story of betrayal and the fragility of inclusion, Janet S. Sauer
Not a country for old men: Scapegoats and sacrifice in Santa Varvara, Martha Reineke
Note on descendants of the Tryon lines of rats, Gordon M. Harrington
Note on guessing probabilities, William Bogartz
Note on the Pfaffian Matrix-Tree Theorem, Scott Hirschman and Victor Reiner
Notes for the Stalled, v13n5, February 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v13n6, March 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v13n7, April 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v13n8, May 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v14n1, August/September 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v14n2, October 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v14n3, November 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v14n4, December 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes on Rankin-Cohen brackets, Youngju Choie and Min Ho Lee
“Not Gainfully Employed”: Women on the Iowa Frontier, 1833-1870, Glenda Riley
Not in the eyes of the beholder: Envy among Bolivian migrants in Spain, Maria Tapias and Xavier Escandell
Not So Black and White: Race and Promotion in Major League Baseball, 1951-1955, David Surdam, Kenneth Brown, and Paul E. Gabriel
Novel K-band tunable microstrip bandpass filter using a thin film HTS/ferroelectric/dielectric multilayer configuration, G. Subramanyam, F. Van Keuls, and F. A. Miranda
now ive heard everything, Norman H. Russell
No wonder social workers feel uncomfortable in court, Katherine van Wormer
NSF Announces Grants for Inservice Institutes
NSF Awards $12 Million for Science Programs at Colleges and Universities
NSF Launches Major Ocean Study
NSF Reports on 1967 Industrial Research and Development
NSF S-STEM scholarship grant for engineering and applied technology majors to increase enrollment and retention, Kenan Baltaci, Melissa Thompson, and Bekir Zihni Yuksek
NSTA 1969 Regional Conferences
NSTA Annual Meeting In Cincinnati March 13-17
NSTA Combined Bibliography Ready
NSTA Meeting / (ISTA) Membership
NSTA, NASA Announce 1971 Youth Congresses
NSTA, NASA Announce Youth Science Congresses
NSTA Science Source Book for Junior High Available
NSTA Science Source Book for Junior High Teachers Available
Nuclear-magnetic-resonance determination of the activation volume for self-diffusion in aluminum, R. D. Engardt and R. G. Barnes
Nucleophile-Selective Iodocyclizations: Butyrolactone versus Tetrahydrofuran Formation, Mark J. Kurth, Richard L. Beard, Marilyn Olmstead, and James G. Macmillan
Nurturing Children's Concepts of Time and Chronology through Literature, Jeanne Mc Lain Harms and Lucille J. Lettow
Obama in Words and Deeds, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
Objective Indices of Perceived Vocal Strain, Supraja Anand, Lisa M. Kopf, Rahul Shrivastav, and David A. Eddins
Object-oriented classification of LIDAR-fused hyperspectral imagery for tree species identification in an Urban environment, Ramanathan Sugumaran and Matthew Voss
Observation of infrared-active modes in Raman scattering from topological insulator nanoplates, Rui He, Zhenhua Wang, Richard L.J. Qiu, Conor Delaney, Ben Beck, T. E. Kidd, C. C. Chancey, and Xuan P.A. Gao
Observation of interlayer phonon modes in van der Waals heterostructures, C. H. Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Chao Ji, Kuan Chang Chiu, Cheng Tse Chou, Trond I. Andersen, Casie Means-Shively, Heidi Anderson, Jenn Ming Wu, Tim Kidd, Yi Hsien Lee, and Rui He
Observation of low energy Raman modes in twisted bilayer graphene, Rui He, Ting Fung Chung, Conor Delaney, Courtney Keiser, Luis A. Jauregui, Paul M. Shand, C. C. Chancey, Yanan Wang, Jiming Bao, and Yong P. Chen
Observations of sorted patterned ground features, High Valley/Tangle Lakes region, central Alaska, USA, J. C. Walters
OBTA Selection Process, David V. McCalley
Occupational change and differing returns to migration by gender, Randall G. Krieg
Occupational change, employer change, internal migration, and earnings, Randall G. Krieg
Occupational choices of working children in Bangladesh, Imam M. Alam, Shahina Amin, and Janet M. Rives
Occupational hearing loss in farmers, B. L. Plakke and E. Dare
Occupational Safety among Working Children in the Export Sector of Bangladesh, Imam M. Alam, Shahina Amin, and Janet M. Rives
Occupations an the cyclical behavior of gender unemployment rates, Janet M. Rives and Kim Sosin
Occurrence of phi thickenings is correlated with gymnosperm systematics, Jean M. Gerrath, Lori Covington, Jennifer Doubt, and Douglas W. Larson
Ockham's Razor and autism: The case for developmental neurotoxins contributing to a disease of neurodevelopment, M. Catherine DeSoto
Odysseus and the silent sirens: Irmtraud Morgner's feminist subversion of Greek myths through umfunktionierung, Siegrun Wildner
Officer Candidates for Iowa Science Teachers' Association
Offshore outsourcing: A dynamic causal model of counteracting forces, Amitava Dutta and Rahul Roy
Offshore Wind Farm Collection Cable Layout Optimization through Cost Minimization, Hamid Tahery and Sadik Kucuksari
Off the raft: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Jane Smiley's The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton, Jim O'Loughlin
Of Magicians and Masculinity: Merlin and the Manifestation of the New Man, Jennie Morton
Of PEZ and perfect price: Sniping, collecting cultures, and democracy on eBay, Nathan Scott Epley
Of straw men and melting pots: A response to Cara Aitchison’s (2010) ‘Labouring the leisure society thesis…, Rodney Dieser
Older adult inmates: The challenge for social work, Cindy Snyder, Katherine Van Wormer, Janice Chadha, and Jeremiah W. Jaggers
On absolute ruin minimization under a diffusion approximation model, Shangzhen Luo and Michael Taksar
On Academic Rigor As Simple Consistency and Interactive Standards, Scott Cawelti
On a class of generalized Marshall-Olkin Bivariate distributions and some reliability characteristics, Ramesh C. Gupta, S. N.U.A. Kirmani, and N. Balakrishnan
On a constrained optimal location algorithm, Robert Huotari and M. P. Prophet
On a construction using commuting regular graphs, Marius Somodi, Katie Burke, and Jesse Todd
On beauty: Ancient perceptions of beauty from classical Greece to Imperial Rome, Maya Jess
Once bitten twice shy? Evidence from the U.S. banking industry during the crash of the energy market, Zhongdong Chen, Karen Ann Craig, and Mikhael Karpovics
On coming to terms with death and dying: Neglected dimensions of identity work, Kent L. Sandstrom
On commutative power-associative nilalgebras of low dimension, Murray Gerstenhaber, Murray Gerstenhaber, and Hyochul Myung
On complexity of protein structure alignment problem under distance constraint, Aleksandar Poleksic
On Creativity and Humor: An Analysis of Easy Street, ROY R. BEHRENS
On crediting authorship, Darrel B. Hoff
One-dimensional TRFLP-SSCP is an effective DNA fingerprinting strategy for soil Archaea that is able to simultaneously differentiate broad taxonomic clades based on terminal fragment length polymorphisms and closely related sequences based on single stranded conformation polymorphisms, Colby A. Swanson and Marek K. Sliwinski
One Historical Aspect in the History of the Iowa Science Teachers Association
One hundred years of dasymetric mapping: Back to the origin, Andrey Petrov
On estimating market efficiency, Brian T. Ratchford and Pola Gupta
On finite basis property for joins of varieties of associative rings, Nikolay Silkin
On flexible composition algebras, Alberto Elduque
On generalized theta series liftings, Min Ho Lee
On inconsistencies in the modern definition of jewishness, Ernest Raiklin
On iterated forcing for successors of regular cardinals, Todd Eisworth
On j-Convex Preserving Interpolation Operators, M. P. Prophet
On life distributions having monotone residual variance, Ramesh C. Gupta, S. N.U.A. Kirmani, and Robert L. Launer
Online health information: Home caregiver population driving cyberspace searches in the United States, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
Online health information: Home caregiver population driving cyberspace searches in the United States, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
Online training for physical activity practitioners on evidence-based practices for clients with autism, Scott McNamara, Melissa Bittner, and Sean Healy
On minimum length confidence intervals, S. N. Kirmani
On models of and for teaching: Toward theory-based computing education, J. Philip East
On mozart’s partial autograph of the duet «nun, liebes weibchen», K.625/592a, David J. Buch
On order relations between reliability measures, Ramesh C. Gupta
On People's Welfare in Aganbegyan's The Economic Challenge of Perestroika, Ernest Raiklin
On perfect pre-images of ω1, Todd Eisworth
On Predicting Repair Times in A Minimal Repair Process, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
On prime ideals and primary decompositions in a non assoc i ati ve ring, Hyo Chul Myung
On proportional reinsurance with a linear transaction rate, Shangzhen Luo
On reinsurance and investment for large insurance portfolios, Shangzhen Luo, Michael Taksar, and Allanus Tsoi
On sample spacings from IMRL distributions, S. N.U.A. Kirmani
On scribal errors: From the Old Saxon evidence, Karl Odwarka
On “small” privatization in the Russian Federation (1992 to first quarter of 1993), Ernest Raiklin
On Some Aspects of the Soviet-type Development, Ernest Raiklin
On testing for a survival ratio under random right censoring, Jean Yves Dauxois and Syed N.U.A. Kirmani
On testing the proportionality of two cumulative incidence functions in a competing risks setup, Jean Yves Dauxois and Syed N.U.A. Kirmani
On the applicability of queueing theory to lock capacity analysis, Hoyt G. Wilson
On the causality of great personalities and great events exemplified by lenin and the october revolution, Ernest Raiklin
On the construction of reductive Lie-admissible algebras, Hyo Chul Myung and Arthur A. Sagle
On the difference in quality between current heuristic and optimal solutions to the protein structure alignment problem, Mauricio Arriagada and Aleksandar Poleksic
On the difficulty of preserving monotonicity via projections and related results, Douglas Mupasiri and Michael P. Prophet
On the effect of cranial deformation in determining age from ectocranial suture closure, T. G. O'Brien and I. L.A. Sensor
On the equilibrium of coplanar forces, F. Behroozi
On the exams of a multi-attribute decision making electronic course, Cornel Resteanu, Marius Somodi, and Marin Andreica
On the heat of formation of nitromethane, John A. Burnpus and Patrick H. Willoughby
On the Ihara zeta function and resistance distance-based indices, Marius Somodi
On the Ihara Zeta Function of Cones Over Regular Graphs, Paymun Bayati and Marius Somodi
On the Kronecker pairing for mixed cusp forms, Min Ho Lee
On the modeling of data aggregation and report delivery in QoS-constrained sensor networks, Jin Zhu, Symeon Papavassiliou, Stella Kafetzoglou, and Jie Yang
On the Monotonicity of the Quotient of Certain Abelian Integrals, Min Ho Lee
On the nature and origin of soviet turnover taxes, E. Raiklin
On the nonlinear teager-kaiser operator for energy detection based impulse radio UWB receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, Hassan Khani, Weidong Xiang, and Lun Yu
On the nonlinear Teager-Kaiser operator for energy detection based impulse radio UWB receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, Hassan Khani, and Lun Yu
On the optimal and equilibrium retrial rates in an unreliable retrial queue with vacations, Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang, and Bin Liu
On the power efficiency and optimal transmission range of wireless sensor nodes, Jin Zhu
On the proportional mean residual life model and its implications, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
On the proportional odds model in survival analysis, S. N.U.A. Kirmani and Ramesh C. Gupta
On the receiving power pattern for cellular CDMA systems employing successive interference cancellation, Shaohua Chen, Hong Nie, and Jacek Ilow
On the relativity of the concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunity cost, Ernest Raiklin and Bülent Uyar
On the relevance of the principal programs of the leading post-soviet russian political parties, Ernest Raiklin
On the robustness of regular systems of inbreeding, R. B. Campbell
On the search for a characteristic wisc‐R subtest profile of reading/learning disabled children, David W. Moore and Barry J. Wilson
On the short-run allocation of economic resources by the Soviet and post-Soviet enterprises, Ernest Raiklin
On the size of the wild set, Marius Somodi
On the suicide of Angelus Novus: Searching for history’s future through (academic) hell, C. Kyle Rudick
On the track of the bog people, John R. Cole
On the Trail of the Decadent Polyglot, W. F. Hollander
On the use of cinematographic materials in the teaching of undergraduate biological anthropology, Norris M. Durham
On the Variance-Based Detection for Impulse Radio UWB Systems, Aidong Yang, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
On the Vulnerability of OpenThread to Agile Denial of Service Attacks, Casey Cronin, Sarah Diesburg Ph.D., and Dheryta Jaisinghani Ph.D.
On Three Non-Ideological Consequences of Specialisation among Economists, Ernest Raiklin
On Turning Pages, Fresh Beginnings, and Commemorations, Michael D. Waggoner
Open Access Publishing and the Ends of Scholarship, Fred Rascoe
Open-field behavior in the Maudsley reactive and nonreactive strains: Procedural variations, Gordon M. Harrington and David A. Blizard
Opening doors with informal science: Exposure and access for our underserved students, Leslie S. Jones
Opening minds or changing them? Some observations on teaching introductory linguistics, Joyce Milambiling
Open Letter from Consulting Editor, Donald Biggs
Open Letter from Membership Chairman, Lyle Anderson
Open Letter from Short Course Coordinator, Betty C. Goettsch
Open Letter from Short Course Coordinator, Betty W. Goettsch
Open Letter from the Advertising Editor, David L. Fagle
Open Letter from the Chairman of Science Talent Search, Joe D. Woods
Open Letter from the Editor, Robert E. Yager
Open Letter from the Editor, Robert Yager
Open Letter from the Editor, Robert Yager
Open Letter from the Executive Secretary, Robert W. Hanson
Open Letter from the ISTS President, Richard L. Sweeney
Open Letter From the President, Lena Keithahn
Open Letter from the President, Martin L. Grant
Open Letter from the President, John O. Chellevold
Open Letter from the President, David L. Fagle
Open Letter from the President, David L. Fagle
Open Letter from the President, David L. Fagle
Open Letter from the Short Course Coordinator, Donald L. Biggs
Open Letter to Iowa Science Teachers' Journal, Ken Carlander
Open Letter to Science Teachers, Clifford G. McCollum
Open Letter to Science Teachers, Frank W. Starr
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Are You Ready for the Third Generation?, Gerald H. Krockover
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Before You Lock the Door, Delma E. Harding
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Iowa Science, Engineering and Humanities Symposium, Ronald D. Townsend
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Let's Reflect for a Moment . . . ., Lynn W. Glass
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Look Out for Secondary Science Teachers!, Lynn W. Glass
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Society in the Science Classroom, Darrel Hoff
Open Letter to Science Teachers: U.S. Army-Iowa Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, Ronald D. Townsend
Open Letter to the Editor, Paul Tweeten
Open Letter to the Members of ISTS, George F. Chapman
Operational impact of collaboration and resource specificity: The moderating role of technology context, Karthik N.S. Iyer
Oppositional Memory Practices: U.S. Memorial Spaces as Arguments Over Public Memory, Ryan Erik McGeough, Catherine Helen Palczewski, and Randall A. Lake
Oppression, Katherine van Wormer
Optical phonons in twisted bilayer graphene with gate-induced asymmetric doping, Ting Fung Chung, Rui He, Tai Lung Wu, and Yong P. Chen
Optimal constrained investment in the Cramer-Lundberg model, Tatiana Belkina, Christian Hipp, Shangzhen Luo, and Michael Taksar
Optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance under borrowing constraints, Shangzhen Luo and Michael Taksar
Optimal functioning: The eastern ideal in psychotherapy, Thomas Keefe
Optimal load frequency control of multi-area power system considering incremental control action, A. B. Kunya, M. Argin, and S. Kucuksari
Optimal Loading during Two Different Leg-Press Movements in Female Rowers, Robin J. Lund, Dennis G. Dolny, and Kathy D. Browder
Optimal maintenance schedules of computer software, Nam Sook Wee
Optimal pairwise alignment of fixed protein structures in subquadratic time, Aleksandar Poleksic
Optimal reinsurance: Minimize the expected time to reach a goal, Shangzhen Luo, Mingming Wang, and Xudong Zeng
Optimal reinsurance under a jump diffusion model, Shangzhen Luo
Optimal solutions versus 'good' solutions: An analysis of heuristic decision making, Jack A. Fuller
Optimisation of cutting parameters for cutting temperature and tool wear in turning AISI4140 under different cooling conditions, M. Amrita, Revuru Rukmini Srikant, and V. S.N. Venkataramana
Optimization of Minimum Quantity Lubrication Parameters, M. Amrita, R. R. Srikant, and V. S.N. Venkata Ramana
Optimization of titanium alloys turning operation in varied cutting fluid conditions with multiple machining performance characteristics, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Julie Z. Zhang, Nageswara Rao Posinasetti, and Timothy Kidd
Optimizing a widely used protein structure alignment measure in expected polynomial time, Aleksandar Poleksic
Optimizing DNA extraction from microorganisms living in Wind Cave, Allison Warming
Optimizing the size of the sequence profiles to increase the accuracy of protein sequence alignments generated by profile-profile algorithms, Aleksandar Poleksic and Mark Fienup
Optimum production technology (OPT) and the theory of constraints (TOC): Analysis and genealogy, M. S. Spencer and J. F. Cox
Option Trading and REIT Returns, George D. Cashman, David M. Harrison, and Hainan Sheng
Oral communication competency and teacher certification in the U.S.: Reality and recommendations, Jean DeWitt, Mary Bozik, Ellen Hay, Judith Litterst, C. Sue Strohkirch, and Karolyn Yocum
Oral glutamine supplement reduces subjective fatigue ratings during repeated bouts of firefighting simulations, Mary Moore, Terence A. Moriarty, Gavin Connolly, Christine Mermier, Fabiano Amorim, Kevin Miller, and Micah Zuhl
ORAU to Develop Environmental Science Package for High School Students
Orchestrating A Student's Reading Fluency in the Elementary Classroom, Sarah A. Yoder
Order in the courts: propagating a culture of efficiency within the Irish Court Services, Dan Bumblauskas and Salil Kalghatgi
Order quantity, product popularity, and the location of stock in a warehouse, Hoyt G. Wilson
Organizational adaptation from a rules theory perspective, Randall A. Rose
Organizational commitment of teachers in Urban schools: Examining the effects of team structures, Jay R. Dee, Alan B. Henkin, and Carole A. Singleton
Organizational culture: Assessment and transformation, Achilles Armenakis, Steven Brown, and Anju Mehta
Organizational ethics in developing countries: A comparative analysis, Jamal A. Al-Khatib, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, and Scott J. Vitell
Organizational impacts on the secondary traumatic stress of social workers assisting family violence or sexual assault survivors, Ga Young Choi
Organizational public relations in a global community: Good citizenship is good business, Gayle M. Pohl
Organogenesis of Fascicled ear mutant inflorescences in maize (Poaceae), Alan R. Orr, Gretchen Haas, and Marshall D. Sundberg
Orientation: Meeting the needs of students, Robin Jean Bennett
Orientation to a new book: More than a picture walk, Connie Briggs and Salli Forbes
Origin and early evolutionary radiation of the Order Lagenida (Foraminifera), John R. Groves, Demír Altiner, and Roberto Rettori
Osmoregulation by six species of fiddler crabs (Uca) from the Mississippi delta area in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Carl Thurman
Osmoregulation in fiddler crabs (Uca) from temperate Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of North America, C. Thurman
Osmoregulation in six sympatric fiddler crabs (genus Uca) from the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Carl L. Thurman
Our social work imagination: How social work has not abandoned its mission, Katherine van Wormer
Our Work to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19, February 2, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Our Work to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19, February 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Outcome assessment part 2: Measurement of person-environment interaction, Stephen Herrmann and Brian G. Ragan
Outcome asssessment part 1: Measurement of physical activity, Stephen Herrmann and Brian G. Ragan
Outcome measurement in athletic therapy: Selecting the appropriate outcomes tool, Todd A. Evans
Out-of-plane electron transport in finite layer MoS2, R. Holzapfel, J. Weber, P. V. Lukashev, and A. J. Stollenwerk
Overcoming sparseness of biomedical networks to identify drug repositioning candidates, Aleksandar Poleksic
Overestimating covid-19 mortality: Differential findings based on support for trump versus biden, M. Catherine Desoto
Overhead Power Line Sag Monitoring through Augmented Reality, M. Yusuf Sermet, Ibrahim Demir, and Sadik Kucuksari
Overmedicating "Difficult" Patients, Francis Dominic Degnin
Overview, Lou Honary and Charles Conconi
Overview of the Hungarian national youth fitness study, Tamás Csányi, Kevin J. Finn, Gregory J. Welk, Weimo Zhu, István Karsai, Ferenc Ihász, Zoltán Vass, and László Molnár
Oxidation of I- and S2- Anions by Oxygen in Aqueous Suspensions of Silica Gel, V. N. Pak, C. D. Hanson, and S. R. Coon
Oxygen cost of walking and running in untrained, sprint trained, and endurance trained females, F. Dolgener
Painted Butch Paddle, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Painted Paddle, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Panther Basketball 2020-21, University of Northern Iowa
Panther Softball Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Panther Train Wrestling 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Panther Volleyball Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Paperback books in America, Molly S. Britton
Paraheliotropism in two Phaseolus species: Combined effects of photon flux density and pulvinus temperature, and consequences for leaf gas exchange, Douglas G. Bielenberg, Jennifer D. Miller, and Virginia S. Berg
Parallel port interface circuit for computer control applications involving multiple stepper motors, Mike J. Johnson and Guru Subramanyam
Paramecia Affected by Leaf Extracts, M. Bley, B. Frenchick, and K. Smith
Parameter estimation for peer grading under incomplete design, Hoyt G. Wilson
Paraprofessional services for students with disabilities: A legal analysis of issues, Susan Etscheidt
Parental attachment, academic achievement, life events and their relationship to alcohol and drug use during adolescence, Kyle L. Kostelecky
Parental attitude: A mediating role in disciplinary methods used by parents, Cindy Juby
Parental factors correlated with developmental outcome in the migrant head start child, Mary Lou de Leon Siantz and M. Shelton Smith
Parental perception of nursery school education, Ömür Bozkurt
Parental perspective on technology integration in PK-2 in a rural community school, Stephanie L. Callan
Parental refusal to consent for evaluation: A legal analysis with implications for school psychologists, Susan Etscheidt, Kerri Clopton, and Charlotte Haselhuhn
Parentification in Polish Adolescents: a Prevalence Study, Judyta Borchet, Lisa M. Hooper, Sara Tomek, Wei S. Schneider, and Maciej Dębski
Parent-mediated intervention delivered through telehealth for children with autism spectrum disorder, Qing Liu, Wu Ying Hsieh, Gregory Cheatham, and Yue Yin
Parents’ child care experience: Effects of sex and parity, Andrew R. Gilpin and Bradley B. Glanville
Parents' perceptions of professional support for the emergent literacy of young children with visual impairments, Susan A. Brennan, Gayle J. Luze, and Carla Peterson
Parent-talk and sport participation: Interaction between parents, children, and coaches regarding level of play in sports, Paul D. Turman, Angela Zimmerman, and Brett Dobesh
Parker Aden - Pocahontas Chamber of Commerce, Parker Aden
Parks Suspend Entrance Fees Pending Congressional Action
Participation of students with moderate to severe disabilities in the general curriculum: The effects of the self-determined learning model of instruction, Martin Agran, Michael Cavin, Michael Wehmeyer, and Susan Palmer
Partisan Social Pressure and Voter Mobilization, Meghan Condon, Christopher W. Larimer, and Costas Panagopoulos
Part-machine grouping in the presence of operation flexibility, Shashidhar Kaparthi
Party competition, social movements and postmaterialist values: Exploring the rise of green parties in France and Germany, Matthias Kaelberer
Passages of politeness, A. J. Meier
Past and recent deliberate self-harm: Emotion and coping strategy differences, Seth A. Brown, Kelly Williams, and Amanda Collins
Pasting our past: Cultural memory, family photographs, and ephemeral street art, Isaac Wilson Campbell
Past, present, and future of decision support technology, J. P. Shim, Merrill Warkentin, James F. Courtney, Daniel J. Power, Ramesh Sharda, and Christer Carlsson
Paths to citizenship? Public views on the extension of rights to legal and second-generation immigrants in Europe, Alin M. Ceobanu and Xavier Escandell
Patient-reported outcomes measurement information system physical function item bank, version 1.0: Physical function assessment for athletic patient populations, Leif P. Madsen, Todd A. Evans, Kelli R. Snyder, and Carrie L. Docherty
Pattern-based programming instruction, J. Philip East, S. Rebecca Thomas, Eugene Wallingford, Walter Beck, and Janet Drake
Pattern categorization of male U.S. Civil War reenactor images, Mitchell D. Strauss
Patterned and predictable materials in a beginning reading program, Phyllis Boeding
Patterns of care for immediate and early delayed breast reconstruction following mastectomy, Sue A. Joslyn
Patterns of effective permeability of leaf cuticles to acids, Hugh D. Hauser, Katherine D. Walters, and Virginia S. Berg
Patterns of trichothecene production, genetic variability, and virulence to wheat of Fusarium graminearum from smallholder farms in Nepal, Anne E. Desjardins, Andrew M. Jarosz, Ronald D. Plattner, Nancy J. Alexander, Daren W. Brown, and James E. Jurgenson
Pay gap between foreign-born and native-born doctors in the United States, Shahina Amin and Bulent Uyar
Paysonia, a new genus segregated from Lesquerella (Brassicaceae), Steve L. O'Kane and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
PC_Eyewitness: A computerized framework for the administration and practical application of research in eyewitness psychology, Otto H. MacLin, Christian A. Meissner, and Laura A. Zimmerman
PC_eyewitness and the sequential superiority effect: Computer-based lineup administration, Otto H. MacLin, Laura A. Zimmerman, and Roy S. Malpass
PC_Eyewitness: Evaluating the New Jersey method, Otto H. Maclin and Colin M. Phelan
PCK in Action: Examining one Chemistry Teacher's Practice through the Lens of her Orientation Toward Science Teaching, Sarah Boesdorfer and Anthony Lorsbach
PEA (Pisum sativum L.) Tendril-surface changes are correlated with changes in functional development, Jean M. Gerrath, Richard Côté, and Melissa Farquhar
Peer coaching and the role of the principal, Scott Dwayne Cakerice
Peer Mentors in the Religions of the World Classroom, Martha Reineke
Peer relationships and internally persuasive discourse, Sohyun Meacham
Peer review as a strategy for improving students’ writing process, Kimberly M. Baker
Peer Reviewed Article Voices of the Cold War, Jeff Morrison
Peer-reviewed research and individualized education programs (IEPs): An examination of intent and impact, Susan Etscheidt and Christina M. Curran
Peer Support for Mental Health, Talia Pulley and Mike Tate
Perceived exclusion in the workplace: The moderating effects of gender on work-related attitudes and psychological health, Robert T. Hitlan, Rebecca J. Cliffton, and M. Catherine DeSoto
Perceived exertion and blood lactate concentration during graded treadmill running, Fred W. Kolkhorst
Perceived self-determination of youth with emotional and behavior disorders: A pilot study of the effect of different educational environments, Natalee Van Gelder, Patricia L. Sitlington, and Krista Morrison Pugh
Perceived Threat and Misinformation Surrounding COVID-19, Matthew Gunderson, Hiroki Hirano, Anika Lillegard-Bouton, and Taylor Sloan
Perceived understanding as a mediator of perceived teacher confirmation and students' ratings of instruction, Paul Schrodt, Paul D. Turman, and Jordan Soliz
Perceiving surprising words in an unattended auditory channel., Jack Yates and Nancy Thul
Perceiving the causes of user-system outcomes: analyst-user causal attributions in outcome evaluation, Rex Karsten
Perception and Language: A German Replication of the Piaget-Inhelder Position, Ralph Scott and Ludwig Sattel
Perception of accented speech by residents in assisted-living facilities, Angela N. Burda and Carlin F. Hageman
Perception of attractiveness by obesity and hair color., D. E. Clayson and M. L. Klassen
Perception of politics and job outcomes: moderating role of Islamic work ethic, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Basharat Javed, and Muhammad Naveed Iqbal
Perception of stress among Iowa school media specialists, Pam Dohrn
Perceptions About Disability Among Ghanaian University Students, Augustina Naami and Reiko Hayashi
Perceptions of family relationship factors and depressive symptoms in adolescents: What roles do parents and gender play?, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Perceptions of HR: an analysis of millennial and postmillennial insights, Sarah M. Paukert, Russell P. Guay, and You Jin Kim
Perceptions of living alone among older adult women, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Perceptions of the police: The role of need for cognition and numeracy, Carolyn Pham and Jiuqing Cheng
Perceptual agreement as an aggregation criterion: An empirical study of a debate in climate research, F. Moussavi, T. P. Cronan, and T. W. Jones
Perceptual effects of participative, goal-oriented performance appraisal: A field study in public agencies, Farzad Moussavi and Donald L. Ashbaugh
Perceptual identification and the cross-race effect, Jessica L. Marcon, Christian A. Meissner, Michael Frueh, Kyle J. Susa, and Otto H. MacLin
Perennial farming systems that resist flooding, Laura Jackson and Dennis Keeney
Perfectionism: Its Measurement and Career Relevance, Robert B. Slaney, Joseph Trippi, and Jeffrey S. Ashby
Perfectionism: Its Measurement and Career Relevance, Robert B. Slaney, Joseph Trippi, and Jeffrey S. Ashby
Performance analysis of code-shifted reference UWB radio, Hong Nie and Zhizhang Chen
Performance analysis of high rate weighted-TR UWB system in the presence of inter-block and multiuser interferences, Hassan Khani, Paeiz Azmi, and Hong Nie
Performance analysis of pulse generators for uwb-based sensor networks, Zhimeng Xu, Min Luo, Zhizhang Chen, Hong Nie, and Lun Yu
Performance Analysis of UWB System in the Presence of the Narrowband Interference, Yanliang Jin, Xue Wang, Hong Nie, and Xuetao Luo
Performance and Life Cycle Analysis of Soybean Oil-Based Minimum Quantity Lubrication in Machining of Ti6Al4V, Rukmini Srikant Revuru and Nageswara Rao Posinasetti
Performance characteristics of soybean-based greases thickened with clay, aluminum complex and lithium, Lou A.T. Honary
Performance comparisons of UWB selective rake and transmitted reference receivers under IEEE802.15.4a industrial environments, Huiling Gong, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
Performance estimates and confidence calibration for a perceptual-motor task, Michael Gasser and Rowena Tan
Performance evaluation for special educators: A workable model, Sally J. Frudden
Performance evaluation of copper-based Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, P. Gray and A. Betz
Performance evaluation of graphene added nanofluids and self-lubricating tools in machining Inconel 718, Amrita Maddamasetty, Kamesh Bodduru, Siva Bevara, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, and Sanjay Kumar
Performance evaluation of vegetable emulsifier based green cutting fluid in turning of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 1040 steel – an initiative towards sustainable manufacturing, R. R. Srikant and V. S.N.V. Ramana
Performance evaluation of vegetable oil based nano cutting fluids in machining using grey relational analysis-A step towards sustainable manufacturing, Padmini Rapeti, Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Krishna Mohana Rao Gurram, and Rukmini Srikant Revuru
Performance evaluations for differential code-shifted reference ultra-wideband (UWB) radio, Hong Nie and Zhizhang Chen
Performance implications of lean in supply chains: Exploring the role of learning orientation and relational resources, Karthik N.S. Iyer, Prashant Srivastava, and Mahesh Srinivasan
Performance in reviewn, Liz Diamond and Phyllis Scott Carlin
Performance in upper-level accounting courses: The case of transfer students, Dennis Schmidt and Martha Wartick
Performance measurement in a theory of constraints environment, A. Lockamy and M. S. Spencer
Performance of Fuzzy ART neural network for group technology cell formation, N. C. Suresh and S. Kaparthi
Performance of Selected Part‐Machine Grouping Techniques for Data Sets of Wide Ranging Sizes and Imperfection, Shashidhar Kaparthi and Nallan C. Suresh
Performance of selected vegetable oils in ASTM hydraulic tests, Lou Honary
Performance of UWB systems with suboptimal receivers under IEEE 802.15.4a industrial environments, Huiling Gong, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
Performance of young, middle-aged, and older adults on tests of executive function, Angela N. Burda, Emily Andersen, Marissa Berryman, Maddisen Heun, Claire King, and Tina Kise
Performance Outcomes of Investing Slack Resources in Corporate Social Responsibility, James E. Mattingly and Lori Olsen
Performance overconfidence: Metacognitive effects or misplaced student expectations?, Dennis E. Clayson
Perhaps a Blessing: Skills and Contributions of Recent Mexican Immigrants in the Rural Midwest, Phyllis L. Baker and Douglas R. Hotek
Periodicity and the influence of temperature and cellular size in contractile vacuole contraction intervals, S. Nematbakhsh and B. L. Bergquist
Periodic operators in high-contrast media and the integrated density of states function, Jeffrey Selden
Periods of mixed automorphic forms and differential equations, M. H. Lee
Periods of mixed cusp forms, Min Ho Lee
Permafrost degradation and ecological changes associated with a warming climate in central Alaska, M. Torre Jorgenson, Charles H. Racine, James C. Walters, and Thomas E. Osterkamp
Permanent mold casting of ductile iron - Part II, Yury S. Lerner
Permanent mold casting of ductile iron - Part III, Yury S. Lerner
Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in half-metallic thin-film Co2CrAl, Ryan Carlile, Juliana Herran, Shashi Poddar, Eric J. Montgomery, Parashu Kharel, Paul M. Shand, and Pavel V. Lukashev
Personal and Professional Perspectives on Social Nudism: Should You be Personally Involved in Your Research?, Marilyn D. Story
Personal epistemologies and the learning paradox in teacher education: A neglected dilemma, Elana Joram and Carmen Montecinos
Personality and non-suicidal deliberate self-harm: Trait differences among a non-clinical population, Seth A. Brown
Personality and the student evaluation of teaching, Dennis E. Clayson and Mary Jane Sheffet
Personality as a predictor of hooking up among college students, Gary Gute and Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Personal narratives and self-transformation in postindustrial societies, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Personal power: A taoist perspective, Robert Stensrud
Personal values in advertisements found in magazines read by teenagers in Southeast Iowa, Joni S. Erland
Perspectives, Michael J. Shott and Arthur A. Joyce
Perspectives of fitness and health in college men and women, Jennifer J. Waldron and Rodney B. Dieser
Perspectives of special education teachers on general education curriculum access: Preliminary results, Amy Petersen
Perspectives on Intercultural Listening, Melissa L. Beall
Persuading the body: A rhetoric of action in the fugitive, Dale Cyphert
Phase diagram for the attractive Hubbard model in two dimensions in a conserving approximation, J. J. Deisz, D. W. Hess, and J. W. Serene
Phase transitions in hexane monolayers physisorbed onto graphite, M. W. Roth, C. L. Pint, and Carlos Wexler
Phenomenology, Edgar C. Boedeker
Philip Mauceri's Third Way at UNI, Philip Mauceri
Philosophy and life: The wisdom of a successful life, Peter Chen
Phonetically motivated parallels between child phonology and historical sound change, Mel Greenlee and John J. Ohala
Phonology and fluency: How pronunciation is (and is not) taught in United States ESL classrooms, Nik Hucke
Phosphate uptake by the yeast, Rhodotorula rubra, and the green alga, Selenastrum capricornutum Printz, after phosphate additions to steady-state continuous cultures, Joan Forshaug Braddock and Edward J. Brown
Phosphorus sequestration in lake sediment with iron mine tailings, Maureen E. Clayton, Sarah Liegeois, and Edward J. Brown
Photochemically induced carbon dioxide production as a mechanism for carbon loss from plant litter in arid ecosystems, L. A. Brandt, C. Bonnet, and J. Y. King
Photochemical method of silver deposition on a quartz surface modified by polybutoxytitanium, I. I. Roslov, D. Bartak, V. V. Gorbunova, and T. B. Boitsova
Photoemission studies of the pseudogap regime in the high Tc cuprate phase diagram, P. D. Johnson, H. B. Yang, J. D. Rameau, G. D. Gu, T. E. Kidd, H. Claus, and D. Hinks
Photographs to Enhance the Exhibits in Writing Portfolios, Carol R. Winterboer
Photo identification laws and perceptions of electoral fraud, Kyle Endres and Costas Panagopoulos
Photoproduct characterization and dynamics in the 248 nm photolysis of CH3I thin films on Ag(III), S. R. Coon, K. B. Myli, and V. H. Grassian
Phyllotactic pattern is altered in the transition to flowering in the early ears of zea mays landrace chapalote (Poaceae), Marshall D. Sundberg, Alan R. Orr, and Thompson D. Pizzolato
Phylogenetic patterns and the adaptive evolution of osmoregulation in fiddler crabs (Brachyura, Uca), Samuel Coelho Faria, Diogo Borges Provete, Carl Leo Thurman, and John Campbell McNamara
Phylogenetic position and generic limits of Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae) based on sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA, Steve L. O'Kane and Ihsan Al-Shehbaz
Phylogenetics of Lopezia (Onagraceae): Evidence from chloroplast DNA restriction sites, Steve L. O'Kane and Barbara A. Schaal
Phylogeography of the bigeye chub Hybopsis amblops (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Early Pleistocene diversification and post-glacial range expansion, P. B. Berendzen, T. Gamble, and A. M. Simons
Phylogeography of the blue-spotted salamander, Ambystoma laterale (Caudata: Ambystomatidae), James W. Demastes, Jonathan M. Eastman, Jade S. East, and Christina Spolsky
Physaria pulvinata (Brassicaceae), a new species from southwestern Colorado, Steve L. O'Kane and James L. Reveal
Physaria scrotiformis (Brassicaceae), a new high-elevation species from southwestern Colorado and new combinations in Physaria, Steve L. O'Kane
Physical Education and the Individual Education Plan: A Checklist for Service Providers and Parents, Scott W.T. McNamara, Lauren J. Lieberman, Brad Weiner, and Brock McMullen
Physical education: Stronghold of sex role stereotyping, Patricia L. Geadelmann
Physics Is Too for Girls, Floyd D. Goar
Physics of volleyball: Spiking with a purpose, F. Behroozi
Physiological performance characteristics of Universal Tennis Rating (UTR), Savanna Storm Hunt
Physiological responses by college students to a dog and a cat: Implications for pet therapy, John W. Somervill, Yana A. Kruglikova, Renee L. Robertson, Leta M. Hanson, and Otto H. MacLin
Phytostabilization of metal mine tailings using tall fescue, G. M. Pierzynski, M. Lambert, B. A.D. Hetrick, D. W. Sweeney, and L. E. Erickson
Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage: Activities to Enhance the Cognitive Development of Infants and Toddlers, Candice York
Piaget's social theory, Rheta DeVries
Picard lattices of families of K3 surfaces, Sarah Marie Belcastro
Picture books about Korea and Korean Americans, Jongsun Wee
"Pillars in the same temple and priests of the same worship": Woman's rights and the politics of church and state in antebellum America, Nancy Isenberg
Pilot study: The influence of cultural components on breast cancer patients’ perceptions of their support systems, Archana Daya Shankar
Place-conscious writing tasks, Erika L. Bass
Place of refuge photos and research note: how the Mayo Clinic uses the serious leisure perspective within a mechanical and humanic environmental healthcare design to reduce stress, Rodney B. Dieser, Renee Ziemer, and Christopher R. Edginton
Planning a small-scale wind-electric system in east-central Iowa, Michael E. Hay and Recayi Pecen
Plant cuticle as a barrier to acid rain penetration., V. S. Berg
Plant size and competitive dynamics along nutrient gradients, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason P. Martina, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and William S. Currie
Plaudits for educators, Charles Dedrick and Donna Raschke
Play fresh, play local: The case of Athletic de Bilbao, Juan Carlos Castillo
Playing vs. Caring: Differential Socialization for Childrearing in Older Adolescents, Andrew R. Gilpin
Playing with Subversive Spaces in Lluís Maria Todó's El juego del mentiroso and El mal francés, Heather Jerónimo
Play therapists' attitudes toward using technology in the playroom, Sandra Gavin, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Meegan Murray, Alicia Christians, Molly Barrett, and Terry Kottman
Play therapists' perceptions of wellness and self-care practices, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Alyssa Cobie-Nuss, Eric Eittreim, Sunny Teeling, Stacy Wilson, and Chuck Xander
Play therapy, Terry Kottman
Play therapy for victims of abuse in the school setting, Jennifer J. Turner-Peterson
Play therapy in 2100: Precognitions and prognostications, Terry Kottman
Pleasure, pedagogy and oppression in the heartland, Dale Cyphert
Pledge-a-picketer, power, protest, and publicity: Explaining protest when the state/establishment is not the opposition, Catherine Helen Palczewski and Kelsey Harr-Lagin
Pl involutions of some 3-manifolds, Myung Mi Myung
Plottage revisited, Hans R. Isakson
Plugged In or Disconnected? A Model of the Effects of Technological Factors on Employee Job Embeddedness, Steven D. Charlier, Russell P. Guay, and Ryan D. Zimmerman
Pluralizing methodologies in the field of LD: From "what works" to what matters, Beth A. Ferri, Deborah Gallagher, and David J. Connor
Point of view: Principled pluralism, cognitive flexibility, and new contexts for reading, Rand J. Spiro, Paul Morsink, and Benjamin Forsyth
Poisson liftings of holomorphic automorphic forms on semisimple Lie groups, Min Ho Lee and Hyo Chul Myung
Poisson transforms and mixed automorphic forms on semisimple lie groups, Min Ho Lee and Hyo Chul Myung
Polarity-invariant square law technology for monobit impulse radio ultra wideband receivers, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang Chen
Polarity-invariant square law technology for transmitted reference UWB receivers digitizing with a monobit ADC, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, Zhimeng Xu, Sateesh Addepalli, and Zhizhang Chen
Police culture, individualism, and community policing: Evidence from two police departments, Eugene A. Paoline, Stephanie M. Myers, and Robert E. Worden
Policing in Northern Ireland: Community Control, Community Policing, and the Search for Legitimacy, R. Allen Hays
Policy field and policy discourse: The american federation for children network, B. Scott Ellison, Ariel M. Aloe, and Shehreen Iqtadar
Policy-making rhetoric and youth issues in the 2004 presidential campaign, Alison D. Howard and Donna R. Hoffman
Policy networks and innovation diffusion: The case of state education reforms, Michael Mintrom and Sandra Vergari
Politically valued resources and preferred outcomes: Does the political context matter?, Nicholas Bailey and Kurt Norder
Political Orientation and Modern Versus Aversive Racism: Tests of Dovidio and Gaertner's (1998) Integrated Model, Paul R. Nail, Helen C. Harton, and Brian P. Decker
Pollen as a Teaching Tool, Paul W. Tweeten
Polyethyleneimine applications in post combustion carbon capture: From theoretical study to experimental work, Xinhua Shen, Hongbo Du, Ziaul Huque, and Raghava Rao Kommalapati
Polyethylenimine Applications in Carbon Dioxide Capture and Separation: From Theoretical Study to Experimental Work, Xinhua Shen, Hongbo Du, Riley H. Mullins, and Raghava R. Kommalapati
Polygenis martinezbaezi (Siphonaptera: Rhopalopsyllidae) Reared from a Rodent Nest Found in the Peloncillo Mountains of Southwestern New Mexico, Glenn E. Haas and Nixon Wilson
Polygonal patterned ground in central New Jersey, James C. Walters
Polygraph testimony and juror judgments: A comparison of the guilty knowledge test and the control question test, Bryan Myers and Jack Arbuthnot
Population Genetic Structure of Asclepias Tuberosa in Northwest Iowa: A Comparison Within and Between Remnant Prairies and Commercially Available Seed, Jeffrey T. Ploegstra, Brittany De Ruyter, and Tony Jelsma
Portable Darkroom, Richard F. Trump
Portfolio assessment in high school chemistry: One teacher's guidelines, Amy J. Phelps, Mark M. LaPorte, and Aileen Mahood
Portfolio assessment in kindergarten, Deanna J. Berry
Portrayal of characters with autism in picture books, Tara Amundson
Portrayal of Diverse Family Structures in Children's Literature, Beth Grafft
Portrayal of females in notable science trade books for children, Carolyn Proesch
Portuguese-language broadcasting in linguistic and cultural maintenance in northern California, Byron B. Renz and Byron B. Renz
Positive Psychological States and Employee Creativity: The role of Ethical Leadership, Amjad Younas, Daoping Wang, Basharat Javed, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Iqra Abdullah, and Muhammad Adeel Zaffar
Possessive structures and genitive case: Spanish and English compared, Elizabeth Kelsey
Possible effects of the copyright controversy in three public high schools, Rita Didio
Post-breast cancer lymphedema: understanding women's knowledge of their condition., M. Elise Radina, Jane M. Armer, Scott D. Culbertson, and Julie M. Dusold
Post-Cyclone Sidr illness patterns in coastal Bangladesh: An empirical study, Bimal Kanti Paul, Munshi Khaledur Rahman, and Bankim Chandra Rakshit
Postdivorce variables related to children's adjustment to their parents' divorce, David J. Berns
Poster Session: Predicted Net Flux Versus Pressure Profiles During a Probe Descent into Uranus’s Atmosphere, Meredith Wieber, Shahid Aslam, Maarten Roos, Patrick Irwin, and Geronimo Villanueva
Poster Sessions and Concurrent Workshops: Chapter Reports 101 & Career Tool Box, Taylor Walters, Robert McTaggart, and Brad Conrad
Poster Session: Simulating Griffiths Phase Behavior, Aaron Janaszak
Poster Session: Tagging Pb-214 Decay Events via Toy Monte Carlo Method, Samuel Schleich
Post-glacial expansion into the Paleozoic Plateau: Evidence of an Ozarkian refugium for the Ozark minnow Notropis nubilus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), P. B. Berendzen, J. F. Dugan, and T. Gamble
Postschool imaginaries: Educational life after neoliberalism, Gregory N. Bourassa
Postsecondary education for students with learning disabilities: A synthesis of the literature, Charlotte Mull, Patricia L. Sitlington, and Sandra Alper
Post-Soviet Afghanistan: The Position of the Minorities, Richard S. Newell
Post-staple bust: Modeling economic effects of mine closures and post-mine demographic shifts in an arctic economy (Yukon), Andrey Petrov
Post traumatic stress disorder and the Vietnam veteran, Doran Butschi
Postville Immigration Raid 5 Years Later [poster - version 2]
Postville: Past, Present and Future Conference [flyer]
Postville: Past, Present and Future [poster]
Postville: The effects of an immigration raid, Cindy Juby and Laura E. Kaplan
Potential mediators of the relationship between gender and death anxiety, Elaine Eshbaugh and William Henninger
Potential positive and negative consequences of coresidence for teen mothers and their children in adult-supervised households, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Potential utilization of soybean oil as an industrial hydraulic oil, Lou A.T. Honary
Poverty and other determinants of child labor in Bangladesh, Shahina Amin, Shakil S. Quayes, and Janet M. Rives
Poverty, caregiver depression and stress as predictors of children's externalizing behaviours in a low-income sample, William R. Henninger and Gayle Luze
Poverty Reduction by Getting Female Farmers Access to Cash and Credit, Sandra J. Thiman
Power-associative products on octonions, Hyo Chul Myung
Powerpoint and the evolution of electronic eloquence: Evidence from the contemporary business presentation, Dale Cyphert
PowerPoint's power in the classroom: Enhancing students' self-efficacy and attitudes, Joshua E. Susskind
Practical advice for conducting ethical online experiments and questionnaires for United States psychologists, Kimberly A. Barchard and John Williams
Practical volunteer administrator professional development strategies., R. F. Long
Pragmatic functions of humble forms in Japanese ceremonial discourse, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Prairie restoration project: Alternatives for identifying gifted students, Katie E. Salisbury, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Prayer as a coping strategy for chronic pain patients, J. S. Ashby and R. S. Lenhart
Preadolescents' categorization of gender and ethnicity at the subgroup level in memory, Joshua E. Susskind
Precarious enjoyment: Suicide contra schizophrenia, Mohammed Rawwas
Precipitation of gold nanoparticles on the quartz surface modified by titanium (IV) butoxide, Ivan Roslov, Tatiana Boitsova, and Duane Bartak
Precollege competence [6], Margaret M. Heckler, Donald M. Kirschenbaum, and James C. Chang
Precolonial palm oil production and gender division of labor in nineteenth-century Gold Coast and Togoland, Donna J.E. Maier
Predicating COVID-19 Health Behaviors Using the Health Belief Model, Kristyn Pellymonter
Predictability of operational processes over finite horizon, Nader Ebrahimi, S. N.U.A. Kirmani, and Ehsan S. Soofi
Predicted anomalous behavior of C 60 fullerenes on graphite at low temperature: A new hindered cooperative rotational transition, M. W. Roth, M. K. Balasubramanya, P. Bergmann, M. Karl, M. J. Connolly, and Paul A. Gray
Predicting aggressive driving behavior from anger and negative cognitions, Sundé M. Nesbit and Judith C. Conger
Predicting Asian international students' sociocultural adjustment: A test of two mediation models, Andrew Li and Michael B. Gasser
Predicting Burnout Among Juvenile Detention and Juvenile Probation Officers, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn and Kristin Y. Mack
Predicting female attractiveness: A second look at thinness and waist-to-hip ratio, M. Catherine De Soto and Katie J. Kopp
Predicting first-year law school performance: The influences of race, gender, and undergraduate major, John Fordyce, Lisa K. Jepsen, and Ken McCormick
Predicting genome terminus sequences of Bacillus cereus-group bacteriophage using next generation sequencing data, Cheng Han Chung, Michael H. Walter, Luobin Yang, Shu Chuan Grace Chen, Vern Winston, and Michael A. Thomas
Predicting Polymer Solubility in Solvents and Solvent Blends Using a Two-Parameter Hydrogen Bonding Model, Paul E. Rider
Predicting school readiness for low-income children with disability risks identified early, Hyun Joo Jeon, Carla A. Peterson, Shavaun Wall, Judith J. Carta, Gayle Luze, Elaine M. Eshbaugh, and Mark Swanson
Predicting serious rare adverse reactions of novel chemicals, Aleksandar Poleksic and Lei Xie
Predicting the level of B2B e-commerce in industrial organizations, Cindy Claycomb, Karthik Iyer, and Richard Germain
Prediction of gear heat treat distortion based on historical data, A. Tolu-Honary and John A. Weihs
Prediction of soil formation as a function of age using the percolation theory approach, Markus Egli, Allen G. Hunt, Dennis Dahms, Gerald Raab, Curdin Derungs, Salvatore Raimondi, and Fang Yu
Prediction of Success in BSCS Biology at the 9th Grade Level, D. J. Schmidt and R. E. Crist
Predictive models of domestic violence and fear of intimate partners among migrant and seasonal farm worker women, Nikki R. Van Hightower, Joe Gorton, and Casey Lee DeMoss
Predictors of depressive symptomatology among low-income adolescent mothers, E. M. Eshbaugh
Predictors of Mild Hazing, Severe Hazing, and Positive Initiation Rituals in Sport, Jennifer J. Waldron
Predictors of self-reported likelihood of working with older adults, Elaine M. Eshbaugh, Patricia E. Gross, and Tatum Satrom
Preface, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Preface, James Noble, Eugene Wallingford, and Uwe Zdun
Preface, Congcong Wang and Lisa Winstead
Preface, James Noble, Ralph Johnson, Uwe Zdun, and Eugene Wallingford
Preface, Daniel J. Power
Preface, J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Mary C. Herring
Preface, Michael D. Waggoner
Preface, Pita Ogaba Agbese and George Klay Kieh
Preface, Cynthia M. Morrison, Diana Cassady, and Thomas M. Davis
Preface: On the College of Humanities Fine Arts Graduate Student Symposium, Samuel Lyndon Gladden
Preliminary data on the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory-20 from female caregivers of male hemodialysis patients, Robert Schneider
Preliminary Examination of a Cartoon-Based Hostile Attributional Bias Measure for Urban African American Boys, Stephen S. Leff, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Gagan S. Khera, Brooke Paskewich, and Abbas F. Jawad
Preliminary Findings of KINNECT: A Psychosocial Intervention for Youth in Residential Treatment, Frank Grijalva and Matthew Vasquez
Preliminary Planning Session for Short Course
Premier, Summer 2021, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Prenatal classes: The baby business, A. Jann Davis
Prenatal office practices regarding infant feeding choices, Lois B. Dusdieker, Claibourne I. Dungy, and Mary E. Losch
Preparation and properties of a stable organic cation: A microscale experiment for organic chemistry, K. P. Manfredi and L. A. McGrew
Preparation, characterisation and testing of graphene self-lubricated tungsten carbide tools for sustainable turning, Amrita Maddamasetty, Kamesh Bodduru, and Rukmini Srikant Revuru
Preparation for and response to the flood of 2008 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Munshi Khaledur Rahman and Kay E. Weller
Preparation of Ultrathin Gold Films with Subatomic Surface Roughness, Timothy E. Kidd, Jacob Weber, Evan O'Leary, and Andrew James Stollenwerk
Pre-parenthood Sense of Self and the Adjustment to the Transition to Parenthood, Eva Yi Ju Chen, Eli Yi Liang Tung, and Robert D. Enright
Preparing for in-person operations this fall, April 26, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Preparing for the robots: A proposed course in robotic process automation, Nishani Edirisinghe Vincent, Amy Igou, and Mary B. Burns
Preparing for war casualties: Therapy considerations, Katherine Van Wormer
Preparing for Web-based Instruction: An exercise in planning and design, Nicholle D. Stone
Preparing Our Students for the Future, Mary Janela
Preparing personnel with expertise in severe disabilities in the electronic age: Innovative programs and technologies, Fred Spooner, Martin Agran, Melba Spooner, and Richard Kiefer-O'Donnell
Preparing Personnel with Expertise in Severe Disabilities in the Electronic Age: Innovative Programs and Technologies, Fred Spooner, Melba Spooner, Martin Agran, and Richard Kiefer-O'donnell
Preparing preservice teachers to make instructional decisions: An examination of data from the teacher work sample, Frank Kohler, John E. Henning, and Jaime Usma-Wilches
Preparing regular class teachers for the integration of severely retarded students, W. Stainback and S. Stainback
Preparing teachers of young bilingual children with disabilities, Norma A. López-Reyna, Cindy L. Collado, Mary Bay, and Wu Ying Hsieh
Preparing the way: Hispanic ministry and community transformation in Marshalltown, Iowa, Anne C. Woodrick
Preparing tomorrow's teachers: A program analysis of teacher education in Iowa and its role in preparing preservice teachers for emergent bilinguals, Karrigan Alexandria Mentzer
Preparing Youths with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders for Transition to Adult Life: Can It Be Done Within the Standards-Based Reform Movement?, Patricia L. Sitlington and Debra A. Neubert
Preparticipation exam to identify risk for sudden cardiac death, Julianna Shappy
Preschoolers’ Author-Illustrator Study of Donald Crews, Sohyun Meacham, Shuaib Meacham, Gloria Kirkland-Holmes, and Myae Han
Preschool learning profiles of poor and middle-class chilean children, Marcia Prieto and Ralph Scott
Preschool teachers' questioning in sociodramatic play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell
Present a Paper at Dubuque this Spring!
Presentations for 72nd Annual Meeting: Soybean oil-based solid stick lubricant, Lou Honary
Presentation Technology in the Age of Electronic Eloquence: From Visual Aid to Visual Rhetoric, Dale Cyphert
Pre-service general education teachers' attitudes on the education of English language learners, Rachel Margaret Zidon
Preservice Legal Training Concerning Issues and Rights of People With Disabilities: A National Survey, Ronald J. Anderson and Lee E. Courtnage
Pre-service students understanding of professional roles, Anne Whalen Gradoville
Preservice teacher education - innovative applications of interactive television, Mary Herring, Sharon Smaldino, and Ann Thompson
Preservice Teachers and Blogs: An Invitation to Extended Reflection and Conversation, Wendy Miller and Rachel Marie Crane Williams
Preservice Teachers Map Compassion: Connecting Social Studies and Literacy Through Nonfictional Animal Stories, Audrey C. Rule, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of sluggish cognitive tempo, Rachel E. Meisinger and Elizabeth K. Lefler
Preservice teachers' prior beliefs: Transforming obstacles into opportunities, Elana Joram and Anthony J. Gabriele
Preservice teachers' views of the importance and learnability of selected teacher competencies, Dorothy A. Engstrom and Karl E. Schwaab
Presidential Reflections, Roberta A. Davilla
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
Prevalence of head injury and medically diagnosed concussion in junior-level community-based Australian Rules Football, Mark D. Hecimovich and Doug King
Prevalence of obesity and body composition in Hong Kong school children, Ming Kai Chin, Jingzhen Yang, Robert N. Girandola, Kele Ding, Faryle Nothwehr, and Corinne Peek-Asa
Prevalence of problem gambling in Iowa: Revisiting Shaffer's adaptation hypothesis, Donald W. Black, Brett McCormick, Mary E. Losch, Martha Shaw, Gene Lutz, and Jeff Allen
Preventing unintended pregnancies and improving contraceptive use among young adult women in a rural, midwestern state: Health promotion implications, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Erica L. Spies, and Mary Losch
Prevention of child abuse: Two contrasting social support services, Philip A. Mann
Previous excavations and geophysical discoveries at a prehistoric earthwork site in Western Michigan, Laura Sherrod, Jan Brashler, and Donald Gaff
Primarily nonlinear effects observed in a driven asymmetrical vibrating wire, Roger J. Hanson, H. Kent Macomber, Andrew C. Morrison, and Matthew A. Boucher
Primary grade students engage in creative word play through traditional and hands-on methods, Angela Naomi Webb, Audrey C. Rule, Adrianna D. Cavanaugh, and Angel Munson
Primary vascular patterns in the Vitaceae, J. M. Gerrath, U. Posluszny, and N. G. Dengler
Priming dominant and unusual senses of ambiguous words, Jack Yates
Principles of motivational interviewing geared to stages of change: A pedagogical challenge, Katherine Van Wormer
Prior knowledge determines interest in learning in physical education: A structural growth model perspective, Tan Zhang, Ang Chen, Sami Yli-Piipari, Jerry Loflin, Stephanie Wells, Ray Schweighardt, Kevin Moennich, Deockki Hong, and Catherine D. Ennis
Prison wardens' perception of psychosocial and service needs of incarcerated women, Katherine Van Wormer and Robert A. Schneider
Private and Public Juvenile Placements: Is there a Difference?, David Shichor and Clemens Bartollas
Private goods, club goods, and public goods as a continuum, Roy D. Adams and Ken McCormick
Privatization and Capitalist Development: The Case of the Private Police, Steven Spitzer and Andrew T. Scull
Privatization, business attraction, and social services across the United States: Local governments' use of market-oriented, neoliberal policies in the post-2000 period, Linda Lobao, Lazarus Adua, and Gregory Hooks
Proactive personality and proactive behaviour: Perspectives on person–situation interactions, Brian W. McCormick, Russell P. Guay, Amy E. Colbert, and Greg L. Stewart
Probation officer recommendations for sentencing relative to judicial practice: The implications for African Americans, Michael Leiber, John Reitzel, and Kristin Mack
Problem Based Learning, Susan Tebbe
Problem-based learning: Can it improve managerial thinking?, Gerald F. Smith
Problem-based Learning in the Middle School Science Classroom, Lesley Taylorson
Proceeding of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference, SIGAda: Foreword, John W. McCormick and Leemon C. Baird
Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference; SIGAda: Foreword, John W. McCormick, Michael B. Feldman, and Leemon C. Baird
Processing and physical properties of single phase Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 and (Tl0.5Pb0.5)Sr2-xBaxCa 2Cu3O9 superconductors, G. Subramanyam, Z. Ju, M. Fahmy, P. M. Shand, M. Zhang, and P. Boolchand
Process-oriented intelligent planning for the delivery of reinforcing bars, Md Salim
Process-oriented intelligent planning for the fabrication and placement of concrete reinforcement, M. D. Salim and Leonhard E. Bernold
Product distribution and service support strategy linkages: An empirical validation, Arvinder P.S. Loomba
Production guidelines for community atlases, J. F. Fryman
Production planning in a make-to-order repetitive environment, Michael S. Spencer
Production planning in a MRP/JIT repetitive manufacturing environment, Michael S. Spencer
Productive taboos: cultivating spatialized literacy practices, Sarah Vander Zanden
Productivity and resistance to weed invasion in four prairie biomass feedstocks with different diversity, Jessica E. Abernathy, Dustin R.J. Graham, Mark E. Sherrard, and Daryl D. Smith
Productivity improvement tool: Camcorders, Neil N. Eldin and Stephan Egger
Product placement in movies: The effect of prominence and mode on audience recall, Pola B. Gupta and Kenneth R. Lord
Product placements in movies: A cross-cultural analysis of austrian, french and american consumers’ attitudes toward this emerging, international promotional medium, Stephen J. Gould, Pola B. Gupta, and Sonja Grabner-Kräuter
Professionalization of family life education: Defining the field, Carol A. Darling, Wm Michael Fleming, and Dawn Cassidy
Professional judgments about the relationship between speech and intelligence in African American preschoolers, Ken M. Bleile, Joy Silverman Mcgowan, and John E. Bernthal
Professional staffing levels and fourth-grade student research in rural schools with high-poverty levels, Karla Steege Krueger and Jean Donham
Professional status of talented and gifted education teachers/coordinators in the state of Iowa, 1988-89, Janice Elaine Blockhus
Professor Says Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized
Profiling Potential Plagiarizers: A Mastery Learning Instructional Technique to Enhance Competency, Sarah Rosol and Dale Cyphert
Profiling the quality of bentonite clay with dilatometry, J. Thiel, S. Ravi, and V. Lafay
Prognostic value of nodal ratios in node-positive breast cancer: A compiled update, Vincent Vinh-Hung, Nam P. Nguyen, Gábor Cserni, Pauline Truong, Wendy Woodward, Helena M. Verkooijen, Donald Promish, Naoto T. Ueno, Patricia Tai, Yago Nieto, Sue Joseph, Wolfgang Janni, Frank Vicini, Melanie Royce, Guy Storme, Anne Marie Wallace, Georges Vlastos, Christine Bouchardy, and Gabriel N. Hortobagyi
Programs and Courses Catalog 2020-2021, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2021-2022, University of Northern Iowa
Program sharing and it's effect on Iowa schools, Charles L. Buckel
Programs in Environmental Education Readied for Mid-Fall Release
Progress in Development of Differential Code Shift Reference Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband Transceiver, Bhargava Sahukar, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
Progress in Web-based decision support technologies, Hemant K. Bhargava, Daniel J. Power, and Daewon Sun
Pro‐growth, limits to growth, and a sustainable development synthesis, Jerry Stockdale
Projecting future land use/land cover by integrating drivers and plan prescriptions: the case for watershed applications, Cyril O. Wilson, Bingqing Liang, and Shannon J. Rose
Projecting virtual hologram images onto a screen, D. W. Olson
Projective structures, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Project Options in an Astronomy Course, Darrel Hoff
Proleptic Death in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol and Little Dorrit, Jolene Zigarovich
Promoting access to the general curriculum by teaching self-determination skills, Susan B. Palmer, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Krista Gipson, and Martin Agran
Promoting Careers in Gerontology to Students: What Are Undergraduates Seeking in a Career?, Elaine Eshbaugh, Patricia E. Gross, Kelsey Hillebrand, Josie Davie, and William R. Henninger
Promoting Causal Agency: The self-determined learning model of instruction, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Susan B. Palmer, Martin Agran, Dennis E. Mithaug, and James E. Martin
Promoting changes in teachers' conduct of student pair activities: An examination of reciprocal peer coaching, Frank W. Kohler, Helen K. Ezell, and Maria Paluselli
Promoting Community for Online Learners in Special Education, Elizabeth West, Phyllis Jones, and Sarah Semon
Promoting effective health advocacy to promote global health: The case of the global advocacy leadership academy (gala), Gary L. Kreps, Paula Kim, Lisa Sparks, Linda Neuhauser, Carol G. Daugherty, Mollie Rose Canzona, Wonsun Kim, and Jungmi Jun
Promoting effective health advocacy to promote global health: The case of the global advocacy leadership academy (GALA), Gary L. Kreps, Carol G. Daugherty, Paula Kim, Mollie Rose Canzona, Lisa Sparks, Wonsun Kim, Linda Neuhauser, and Jungmi Jun
Promoting family and school success for children with adhd: Strengthening relationships while building skills, Jennifer A. Mautone, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Thomas J. Power
Promoting interest in your class or studio, Theresa Chardos Camilli
Promoting mathematical proof from collective argumentation in primary school, Jonathan Alberto Cervantes-Barraza, Antonia Hernandez Moreno, and Chepina Rumsey
Promoting Positive Achievement in the Middle School: A Look at Teachers’ Motivational Knowledge, Beliefs, and Teaching Practices, Charlotte W. Haselhuhn, Radhi Al-Mabuk, Anthony Gabriele, Marc Groen, and Sarah Galloway
Promoting preservice teacher efficacy through dialogic problem-posing seminars, Jim Hill, Erika Lynn Bass, and Trevor Thomas Stewart
Promoting prevention and early intervention of adolescents' self-disclosure and online risk behavior, Rachel Ellingson and Nicole R. Skaar
Promoting STEM to young students by renewable energy applications, Recayi Pecen and Ahmet Nayir
Promoting Student Active Classroom Participation Skills Through Instruction to Promote Self-Regulated Learning and Self-Determination, Martin Agran, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Michael Cavin, and Susan Palmer
Promoting the Principles of Civility in NAKHE: National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education 53rd Amy Morris Homans Commemorative Lecture 2019, Doris R. Corbett
Promoting the self-determination of students with visual impairments: Reducing the gap between knowledge and practice, Martin Agran, Sunggye Hong, and Karen Blankenship
Promoting transition goals and self-determination through student self-directed learning: The self-determined learning model of instruction, Martin Agran, Caryl Blanchard, and Michael L. Wehmeyer
Pronunciation and Task-Based Instruction: Effects of a Classroom Intervention, Joshua Gordon
Properties of a 5500-year-old flood-plain in the Loup River Basin, Nebraska, David W. May
Properties of hydrogen terminated diamond as a photocathode, J. D. Rameau, J. Smedley, E. M. Muller, T. E. Kidd, and P. D. Johnson
Proportionate consolidation versus the equity method: Additional evidence on the association with bond ratings, Mark P. Bauman
Proposed media center services to Chiricahua Apache elementary school students, Kathleen Cole
Prospects for democracy in Serbia and Croatia, Kenneth E. Basom
Protein structure alignment in subquadratic time, Aleksandar Poleksic
Protein structure alignment: Is there room for improvement?, Mauricio Arriagada and Aleksandar Poleksic
Proud & Torn: A Visual Memoir of Hungarian History, Bettina Fabos, Leslie M. Waters, Kristina E. Poznan, Dana Potter, Isaac Campbell, Collin Cahill, and Jacob Espenscheid
Providing Promotion Pathways That Reflect Changing Faculty Workloads, C. Scott Peters
Providing services for a culturally and linguistically diverse student in a small midwestern elementary school : a qualitative case study, Candace L. Kist-Tahmasian
Provost Colloquium on Interdisciplinarity, Jesse Swan Secretary
Proxy reporting in education surveys: factors influencing accurate reporting in the 2012 Qatar Education Study, Jill Wittrock, Linda Kimmel, Brian Hunscher, and Kien Trung Le
PSCAD simulation in a power electronics application course, Liping Guo and Recayi Pecen
Pseudodifferential operators associated to linear ordinary differential equations, Min Ho Lee
Pseudodifferential operators of several variables and Baker functions, Min Ho Lee
Psyche means soul: Understanding the role of spirituality in psychotherapy, Emily R. Askew
PsychExperiments: A web-based resource for enhancing science training through simulation, Kenneth O. McGraw and John E. Williams
Psychological maltreatment : the case of verbal abuse, Majedah Khalifah
Psychological testing, IQ, and evolutionary fitness, Gordon M. Harrington
Psychologists' labeling of the affective states of shame and of guilt, Jeffrey S. Ashby, Robert B. Slaney, Wendy J. Moran, and John M. Cotter
Psychometric evaluation of the Inventory of Negative Thoughts in Response to Pain (INTRP) with a community sample, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Beverly A. Kopper, Joylene R. Osman, Josh A. Troutman, and Lee Grittmann
Psychometric evaluation of the National Opinion Research Center DSM-IV Screen for Gambling Problems (NODS), Emerson M. Wickwire, Randy S. Burke, Seth A. Brown, Jefferson D. Parker, and Ryan K. May
Psychometric Evaluation of the Parentification Inventory–Swahili Version With Kenyan Adults: Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity, Lisa M. Hooper, George C.T. Mugoya, Shelby Burton, and Sara Tomek
Psychometric Evaluation of the Reasons for Living Inventory, Augustine Osman, Jody Gifford, Teresa Jones, Laura Lickiss, Joylene Osman, and Rebecca Wenzel
Psychometric properties of a primary care mental health screening tool for young children, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Cynthia M. Hartung, and David A. Fedele
Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in nonclinical adolescent samples, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Peter M. Gutierrez, John E. Williams, and Jennifer Bailey
Psychometric properties of the Social Fear Scale, A. Osman, K. Jones, and J. R. Osman
Psychometric properties of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test in a college sample., A. Osman, K. Markway, and J. R. Osman
Psychometric Properties of the Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale: Evidence for Utility in Research, Assessment, and Treatment of ADHD in Emerging Adults, Will H. Canu, Cynthia M. Hartung, Anne E. Stevens, and Elizabeth K. Lefler
PsychoPro 2.0: Using multidimensional scaling to examine the perceptual categorization of race, Otto H. MacLin, Dwight J. Peterson, Cody Hashman, and Nick Flach
Psycho-social needs of patients with AIDS, Nancy Baker
Publications: The Microstructure of Cells; The Human Story; A Laboratory Text for Physical Science
Public library/public school cooperation in Bettendorf, Iowa, Kristi Anhalt
Public library service for the preschool child, Betty Bergman
Public library systems in the United States, Alfred Baird
Public perception of adults with ADHD in the United States: Stigma vs. strengths, Peyton S. Barton
Public Perceptions of the Police: Race, Socioeconomic Status, and their Interaction, Grace Tolliver
Public reaction to a v = -125 supernova, Thomas Hockey and Virginia Trimble
Public relations, Dean Kruckeberg
Public relations adding to businesses' bottom line, Gayle M. Pohl
Public relations and community: A reconstructed theory revisited, Kenneth Starck and Dean Kruckeberg
Public relations, not propaganda, for US public diplomacy in a post-9/11 world: Challenges and opportunities, Dean Kruckeberg and Marina Vujnovic
Pulling yourself up again: Women's choices and strategies for recovering and maintaining self-esteem, April Chatham-Carpenter and Victoria Defrancisco
Purépecha pottery ethnoarchaeology, Michael J. Shott and Eduardo Williams
Pushing up against the limit-horizon of educational change: A critical discourse analysis of popular education reform texts, Ashlee Anderson, Brittany Aronson, Scott Ellison, and Sherrie Fairchild-Keyes
Putting Science Back Together: The Teacher's Role, Walter R. Hearn
Putting Science Back Together: The Teacher's Role, Walter R. Hearn
PV reactive power injection effect on voltage profile, Mehmet Argin and Sadik Kucuksari
QR-code implementation to reduce unnecessary procedures in material handling, Junyong Ahn, Younghan Jung, Sara Smith, and Shahram Varzavand
Quadriceps muscle group activity related to hip angle and load, N. Hamilton and H. Deutsch
Qualitative Analysis of Dietary Behaviors in Picture Book Fiction for 4- to 8-Year-Olds, Oksana Matvienko
Qualitative methodologies in chemical education research: Challenging comfortable paradigms, Amy J. Phelps
Quality and Quantity of Social Support in College Students with ADHD Symptomatology, Chloe Reeble
Quality and quantity of social support in college students with ADHD symptomatology, Chloe J. Reeble
Quality circles in education, Timothy A. Brunner
Quality Improvement Analysis of Participant Reach for an Early Intervention Program for Parkinson's Disease, Raelynn Murphy
Quality inclusive practices for preschoolers with disabilities: Providing access, opportunities for participation, and supports, Bernadette M. Laumann, Michaelene M. Ostrosky, and Wu Ying Hsieh
Quality in educational research, John K. Smith
Quality Schools for the Next Century: a Reflective Essay, Pam J. Zeigler
Quantifying below-water fluvial geomorphic change: The implications of refraction correction, water surface elevations, and spatially variable error, Amy S. Woodget, James T. Dietrich, and Robin T. Wilson
Quantifying carbon sequestration for riparian-zone restoration in Ecuador, Paula Carvalho de Castro
Quantifying Intracellular Water Regulation in a Single-celled Organism, Barton L. Bergquist
Quantifying rates of soil deflation with Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry in west Greenland, Ruth C. Heindel, Jonathan W. Chipman, James T. Dietrich, and Ross A. Virginia
Quantifying spatiotemporal dynamics of agricultural landscapes using remotely sensed data and landscape metrics, Andrey N. Petrov and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Quantitative analysis of dispersion, cooling and lubricating properties of graphene dispersed emulsifier oil, M. Amrita and R. R. Srikant
Quantitative analysis of DNA polymerase alpha gene expression during various stages in chicken embryonic development, Carter Howard Stochl
Quantitative Character Analysis for a New Variety of Synedra Cyclopum (Bacillariophyceae), Gregg A. Cunningham and Paul D. Whitson
Quantitative Coronary Arteriography and Its Assessment of Atherosclerosis: Part I. Examining the Independent Variables, Richard M. Fleming, Gordon M. Harrington, Harry R. Gibbs, and Joseph Swafford
Quantitative Coronary Arteriography and Its Assessment of Atherosclerosis: Part II. Calculating Stenosis Flow Reserve from Percent Diameter Stenosis, Richard M. Fleming and Gordon M. Harrington
Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research: An Attempt to Clarify the Issue, John K. Smith
Quantum many-body calculation of mixed-parity pairing in the Sr 2RuO 4 superconductor induced by spin-orbit coupling, J. J. Deisz and T. E. Kidd
Quantum-mechanical equivalent-photon spectrum for heavy-ion physics, C. J. Benesh, A. C. Hayes, and J. L. Friar
Quasimodular and modular polynomials, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms and automorphic pseudodifferential operators of mixed weight, Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms and cohomology, Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms and Jacobi-like forms, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms and Poincaré series, Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms and vector bundles, Min Ho Lee
Quasimodular forms and vector-valued modular forms, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Queerly Lamenting Anne Bradstreet, Anne G. Myles
Questions, question asking, and the questioning environment for a novice teacher's classroom use, Timothy Burrell
Quiet Eye: Practical Applications in Sport and Physical Education, Jacob Digmann, Zachary Prouty, Ashley Klein, Wesley Castro, Alex Lang, Fabio Fontana, and Mick Mack
Race, age, and juvenile justice decision making, Michael J. Leiber and Kristin Y. Mack
Race and decision making within juvenile justice: The importance of context, Michael J. Leiber and Katherine M. Jamieson
Race and National Football League Player Salaries After Controlling for Fantasy Statistics and Arrests, Christopher Jepsen, Lisa Jepsen, Trevor Draisey, and Josh Mahoney
Race and the impact of detention on juvenile justice decision making, Michael J. Leiber and Kristan C. Fox
Race, criminal justice professionals, and intellectual authority in fictional crime dramas, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn and Nicole E. Rader
Race differences in felony charging and sentencing: Toward an integration of decision-making and negotiation models, B. Keith Crew
Race/ethnicity and perinatal depressed mood, Lisa S. Segre, Mary E. Losch, and Michael W. O'Hara
Race/Ethnicity and Traumatic Brain Injury: Are There Disparities in Positive Screenings and Diagnoses Among Service Members Returning From Afghanistan and Iraq?, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon and Sarah Mustillo
Race, gender, single-mother households, and delinquency: A further test of power-control theory, Kristin Y. Mack and Michael J. Leiber
Race, sex, and juvenile inmate roles, Christopher M. Sieverdes and Clemens Bartollas
Racial and ethnic disparities in breast cancer rates by age: NAACCR Breast Cancer Project, Sue A. Joslyn, Mary L. Foote, Kiumarss Nasseri, Steven S. Coughlin, and Holly L. Howe
Racial and Language Microaggressions in the School Ecology, Anne Steketee, Monnica T. Williams, Beatriz T. Valencia, Destiny Printz, and Lisa M. Hooper
Racial Differences in Breast Cancer Survival in Iowa, Sue A. Joslyn, Paul R. Pomrehn, and Charles F. Lynch
Racial differences in breast carcinoma survival, Sue A. Joslyn and Michele M. West
Racial Differences in Survival From Breast Cancer, Sue A. Joslyn
Racial differences in treatment and survival from early-stage breast carcinoma, Sue A. Joslyn
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Treatment Completion for Youths with and without a Psychiatric Comorbidity, Margarita Villagrana and Sei Young Lee
Radiation therapy and patient age in the survival from early-stage breast cancer, Sue A. Joslyn
Radiative decays of and involving qq scalar-meson final states, Gerald W. Intemann
Radiative decays of heavy quarkonia in an extended vector-dominance model, Gerald W. Intemann
Radiocarbon ages of soils and charcoal in late wisconsinan loess, South-Central Nebraska, David W. May and Steven R. Holen
Radiocarbon Dating as a Probabilistic Technique: The Childers Site and Late Woodland Occupation in the Ohio Valley, Michael J. Shott
Radon transforms, laplacians, and flows for directed graphs, Min Ho Lee
Raising Japanese Quail in the Laboratory, Kashmiri L. Arora
Rallying Cry for Truly Logical Animal Lover, Michael O'Donnell
Raman scattering in superconducting NdO 1-x F x BiS 2 crystals, Yong Tian, Anmin Zhang, Kai Liu, Jianting Ji, Jianzhong Liu, Xiyu Zhu, Hai Hu Wen, Feng Jin, Xiaoli Ma, Rui He, and Qing Ming Zhang
Raman scattering measurements in the initial region of sub- and supercritical jets, B. Chehroudi, R. Cohn, D. Talley, and A. Badakhshan
Raman scattering measurements in the initial region of sub- and supercritical jets, B. Chehroudi, R. Cohn, D. Talley, and A. Badakhshan
Raman Spectroscopy: Investigation of Acidic Azure B on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles, Cobey Heinen
Raman spectroscopy of optical phonon and charge density wave modes in 1T-TiSe2 exfoliated flakes, Lin Cui, Rui He, Gaomin Li, Yujun Zhang, Yumeng You, and Mingyuan Huang
Range expansion of the invasive rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda: Astacoidea) in northeastern Iowa (USA) rivers, Mauricio Leon, Megan J. Merner, Allison A. Dreyer, Audrey Cooper, Leander Scott, Peter B. Berendzen, David A. McCullough, and Eric C. Merten
Rank-based genome-wide analysis reveals the association of Ryanodine receptor-2 gene variants with childhood asthma among human populations, Lili Ding, Tilahun Abebe, Joseph Beyene, Russell A. Wilke, Arnon Goldberg, Jessica G. Woo, Lisa J. Martin, Marc E. Rothenberg, Marepalli Rao, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakraborty, and Tesfaye B. Mersha
Rankin-Cohen brackets on pseudodifferential operators, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Rank order analysis of state general obligation bond ratings, Bülent Uyar and Donald R. Escarraz
Rapid antigen detection testing in diagnosing group A β-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis, S. A. Joslyn, G. L. Hoekstra, and J. E. Sutherland
Rate Law determination of everyday processes, Michael J. Sanger, Russell A. Wiley, Erwin W. Richter, and Amy J. Phelps
Rational Choice and Moral Decision Making in Research, Anita M. Gordon
Rationale for Sequence of High School Science Courses: Argument for Change, James M. Moulton
Rational emotive behavior therapy successes and failures: Eight personal perspectives, Stephen G. Weinrach, Albert Ellis, Catharine MacLaren, Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ann Vernon, Janet Wolfe, Ruth Malkinson, and Wouter Backx
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Past, Present, and Future, Ann Vernon
Rational equivariant holomorphic maps of symmetric domains, M. H. Lee
Reaching older less proficient readers with books suggested in a standard bibliography, Sandra E. Antons
Reactions of α,β-dibromo-β-nitrostyrene with primary aromatic amines, S. V. Makarenko, E. V. Trukhin, J. G. Macmillan, and V. M. Berestovitskaya
Reactivity of Methyl Diruthenium Complexes with CO and Bipyridine Ligands, Nina J. Bonde, Michael B. Hall, Xin Yang, William W. Brennessel, Nia N. McClendon, and Robert M. Chin
Readability estimates of "Books for Young Adults 1974 Honor Listing" and the "1975 BYA Book Poll", Linda Fischer
Readability estimates of the "Best of the Best, 1970-75", Beverly S. Brown
Read aloud practices in one Iowa middle school, Linda K. Balog
Reading Achievement of Disabled Learners, Ned Ratekin
Reading and writing as social, cultural practices: Implications for literacy education, David Landis
Reading comprehension: Cloze procedure vs. sustained silent reading in the fourth grade, Deborah Jo Barkley
Reading Motivation in the Elementary Classroom, Maria E. Youngblut
Reading Recovery, Wendy C. Williams
Reading the Writing of a Five-Year-Old Through Three Perspectives about Early Literacy, Deena M. Tauber
Reading to heal: bibliotherapy with children, Kimberly Ann Wilkin
Ready or not, here they come : a look at kindergarten readiness, Sara J. Swyter
Real clients, real management, real failure: The risks and rewards of service learning, Dale Cyphert
Realistic depiction of symptoms and consequences of parental problem drinking in young adult novels, Teresa A. Bunday
Real-time process monitoring of core shifts during metal casting with wireless sensing and 3D sand printing, Jason M. Walker, Andrew Prokop, Charles Lynagh, Brian Vuksanovich, Brett Conner, Kirk Rogers, Jerry Thiel, and Eric MacDonald
Real-time spatio-temporal analysis of West Nile virus using Twitter data, Ramanathan Sugumaran and Jonathan Voss
Real-world research: A qualitative study of faculty perceptions of the library’s role in service-learning, Anne Marie Gruber
Rearing Snakes from Eggs, John L. Williams
Reasons for self-mutilating behavior in the 21st century, ZhiQing Yaw
Reassessing the family-delinquency association: Do family type, family processes, and economic factors make a difference?, Kristin Y. Mack, Michael J. Leiber, Richard A. Featherstone, and Maria A. Monserud
Reauthorization of the individuals with disabilities education improvement act (IDEA, 2004): The peer-reviewed research requirement, Susan Etscheidt and Christina M. Curran
Rebecca Dirks - Grout Museum District, Rebecca Dirks
REBT with children and adolescents, Ann Vernon
Rebuilding a Tornado to See What Makes It Tick
Recalibrating the molecular clock for Arctic marine invertebrates based on DNA barcodes, Tzitziki Loeza-Quintana, Christina M. Carr, Tooba Khan, Yash A. Bhatt, Samantha P. Lyon, Paul D.N. Hebert, and Sarah J. Adamowicz
Recent applications of proazaphosphatranes in organic synthesis, John G. Verkade and Philip B. Kisanga
Recent developments in the new Iowa school of symbolic interactionism, Michael Katovich and Shing Ling S. Chen
Recent graduates have definite ideas on how to improve teacher education programs, H. Lewis Lynch and Ray Kuehl
Reciprocal teaching as an instructional strategy to increase reading comprehension, Paula Thome
Reclaiming Our Children's Education: Building a Fortress of Support for Children of African Descent, Gevonee E. Ford, Dwight C. Watson, and Lesley Ford
(Re)claiming space for ingeborg von bronsart’s wildenbruch lieder, op. 16, Melinda Boyd
(Re)claiming space for ingeborg von bronsart’s wildenbruch lieder, op. 16, Melinda Boyd
Recognition of Richard Sweeney
Recognition Programs for Secondary Teachers
Recommendations for measurement and management of an elite athlete, William Sands, Marco Cardinale, Jeni McNeal, Steven Murray, Christopher Sole, Jacob Reed, Nikos Apostolopoulos, and Michael Stone
Recommender systems for the web, J. Ben Schafer, Joseph A. Konstan, and John T. Riedl
Recommender systems in higher education: The effectiveness of meta-data analysis in predicting academic success, Michael J. Holmes
Reconstituting the state in Africa, Pita Ogaba Agbese and George Klay Kieh
Reconstructed Fermi surface of underdoped Bi2Sr 2CaCu2O8+δ cuprate superconductors, H. B. Yang, J. D. Rameau, Z. H. Pan, G. D. Gu, P. D. Johnson, H. Claus, D. G. Hinks, and T. E. Kidd
Reconstructing paleoenvironments from ancient soils: A critical review, D. E. Dahms
Reconstructing the authoritarian state in Africa, George Klay Kieh and Pita Ogaba Agbese
Recovering cryptic diversity and ancient drainage patterns in eastern North America: Historical biogeography of the Notropis rubellus species group (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), Peter B. Berendzen, Andrew M. Simons, Robert M. Wood, Thomas E. Dowling, and Carol L. Secor
Recovery of silver from silver chloride residues, Craig A. Perman
Recursive and explicit rules: How can we build student algebraic understanding?, John K. Lannin, David D. Barker, and Brian E. Townsend
Redefining sex and intimacy: The sexual self-images, outlooks, and relationships of gay men living with HIV/AIDS, Kent L. Sandstrom
Redefining What's Manly: Using Masculine Attributes to Describe Counseling Services for Men, Riley Rodemaker
Redefining what's manly: Using masculine attributes to describe counseling services for men, Riley Nicholas Rodemaker
Redescription of the pocket gopher Thomomys atrovarius from the Pacific coast of mainland Mexico, Mark S. Hafner, Amber R. Gates, Verity L. Mathis, James W. Demastes, and David J. Hafner
Rediscovery of the pocket gopher Orthogeomys lanius (Rodentia: Geomyidae) in Veracruz, Mexico, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, Erick E. Gonzáles, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, and Fernando A. Cervantes
Redrawing the Margin: Re-examining Regional Multichotomies and Conditions of Marginality in Canada, Russia and their Northern Frontiers, Andrey N. Petrov
Reducing chromium air emissions without going broke, Carol Huston
Reduction of redundant stimulus information in short-term memory, Robert E. Morin, Dorothy S. Konick, and Kenneth L. Hoving
Reflecting, Coaching and Mentoring to Enhance Teacher-Child Interactions in Head Start Classrooms, Betty Zan and Mary Donegan-Ritter
Reflection or Refusal? A Response to Hilton Kelly’s 2018 AESA Presidential Address, Gregory N. Bourassa and Graham B. Slater
Reflections on Economic Aspects of Gorbachev's Book Perestroika: Wishful Thinking for a Make-believe World?, Ernest Raiklin
Reflections on elementary school science, Greg P. Stefanich
Reflections on Faculty Participation in University Decision Making, Daniel J. Power
Reflective liberals and intuitive conservatives: A look at the cognitive reflection test and ideology, Kristen D. Deppe, Frank J. Gonzalez, Jayme L. Neiman, Carly Jacobs, Jackson Pahlke, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing
Refocusing Outcome Expectations for Secondary and Postsecondary Chemistry Classrooms, Sarah B. Boesdorfer and Dawn I. Del Carlo
Reforming U.S. Education for the Academic Study of Religion, Michael D. Waggoner
"Reforms Looked Really Good on Paper": Rural Food Service Responses to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Disa Cornish, Natoshia Askelson, and Elizabeth Golembiewski
Re-Framing Master Narratives of Dis/ability through an Affective Lens: Sophia Cruz’s LD Story at Her Intersections, David I. Hernández-Saca
Regarding heroin: British and American approaches, Katherine Van Wormer, Rupert Van Wormer, and Scott Dickenson
Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social-ecological water systems, Lance Gunderson, Barbara A. Cosens, Brian C. Chaffin, Craig A.Tom Arnold, Alexander K. Fremier, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Robin Kundis Craig, Hannah Gosnell, Hannah E. Birge, Craig R. Allen, Melinda H. Benson, Ryan R. Morrison, Mark C. Stone, Joseph A. Hamm, Kristine Nemec, Edella Schlager, and Dagmar Llewellyn
Regional differences in use of immune-modulating catechins should be investigated regarding COVID-19, M. Catherine DeSoto
Regional mountain torque estimates over the Rocky Mountains in lee cyclones, Alan C. Czarnetzki
Regional variations in the realignment of American politics, 1944-2004, Charles S. Bullock, Donna R. Hoffman, and Ronald Keith Gaddie
Register now for the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Clinic, April 27, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Regression-predicted age norms for the Children's Orientation and Amnesia Test, Grant L. Iverson, Todd S. Woodward, and Annette M. Iverson
Regular systems of inbreeding with mutation, R. B. Campbell
Regulating judicial elections: Assessing state codes of judicial conduct, C. Scott Peters
Regulation of water intake: Importance of genotype, L. L. Walsh
Re-imagining leisure education with Canadian hope: will the caravan of American individualism keep rolling?, Rodney B. Dieser
Reimagining spaces where children play: developing guidance for thermally comfortable playgrounds in Canada, Eric Kennedy, Heather Olsen, Jennifer Vanos, Daniel J. Vecellio, Marla Desat, Karina Richters, Alexandra Rutledge, and Gregory R.A. Richardson
Relational Dialectics Theory: A New Approach for Military and Veteran-Connected Family Research, Erin Sahlstein Parcell and Benjamin M.A. Baker
Relational resource antecedents and operational outcome of supply chain collaboration: The role of environmental turbulence, Prashant Srivastava, Mahesh Srinivasan, and Karthik N.S. Iyer
Relational theory and intergenerational connectedness: A qualitative study, Tarrell Awe Agahe Portman, Jan R. Bartlett, and Laurie A. Carlson
Relations among national interest groups, Robert L. Ross
Relations among protective behavioral strategies, biological sex, and ADHD symptoms on alcohol use and related problems: Who benefits most, and from what type of strategy?, Alison Looby, Mark A. Prince, John M. Vasko, Lauren Zimmerman, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Kate Flory, Will Canu, and Cynthia M. Hartung
Relations between uniformed and contractor personnel in complex operations, Lindsay P. Cohn
Relationship between demographic variables and collegiate athletes’ perceptions of social support from head coaches, Nathan D. Newman and Windee M. Weiss
Relationship of personalized jerseys and aggression in women's ice hockey, Jamie Blome, Jennifer J. Waldron, and Mick G. Mack
Relationship of personalized jerseys and aggression in women's ice hockey, Jamie Blome, Jennifer J. Waldron, and Mick G. Mack
Relationships among testing medium, test performance, and testing time of high school students who are visually impaired, Jane N. Erin, Sunggye Hong, Christina Schoch, and Ya Ju Kuo
Relationships between adult women's alcohol problems and their childhood experiences of parental violence and psychological aggression, William R. Downs, Thomas Capshew, and Barb Rindels
Relationships between adult women's mental health problems and their childhood experiences of parental violence and psychological aggression, William R. Downs, Thomas Capshew, and Barb Rindels
Relationships between experiences of parental violence during childhood and women's psychiatric symptomatology, William R. Downs and Brenda A. Miller
Relationships between experiences of parental violence during childhood and women's self-esteem, William R. Downs and Brenda A. Miller
Relationships between flood control, kala-azar, and diarrheal disease in Bangladesh, Michael Emch
Relationships between opportunity to learn mathematics in teacher preparation and graduates' knowledge for teaching mathematics, James Hiebert, Dawn Berk, Emily Miller, Heather Gallivan, and Erin Meikle
Relations of personality factors and student nurses' attitudes toward abortion, J. M. Jones
Relative Age Effect and Academic Timing in American Junior College Baseball, Thomas C. Beals, Ovande Furtado, and Fabio E. Fontana
Relative and numeric age data for pleistocene glacial deposits and diamictons in and near Sinks Canyon, Wind River Range, Wyoming, U.S.A., Dennis E. Dahms
Relative Preferences for Paper and for Electronic Books: Implications for Reference Services, Library Instruction, and Collection Management, Leila June Rod-Welch, Barbara E. Weeg, Jerry V. Caswell, and Thomas L. Kessler
Relative size processing performance in 8th grade: Testing the role of gender, region and teachers' academic rating, Jiuqing Cheng and Yao Tang
Relative user ratings of MMPI-2 computer-based test interpretations, John E. Williams and Nathan C. Weed
Relearning the meaning and practice of student teaching supervision through collaborative self-study, Carmen Montecinos, Verlee Cnudde, Maili Ow, María Cristina Solís, Emy Suzuki, and Marta Riveros
Reliability and construct validity of the pain distress inventory, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Peter M. Gutierrez, Braden Schwarting, Beverly A. Kopper, and Mei Chuan Wang
Reliability and validity of the Beck Depression Inventory - II with adolescent psychiatric inpatients, Augustine Osman, Beverly A. Kopper, Frank Barrios, Peter M. Gutierrez, and Courtney L. Bagge
Reliability and validity of the Cognitive Slippage Scale in two populations., A. Osman, L. Valeri, J. R. Osman, and K. Jones
Reliability: Current issues and concerns, Brian G. Ragan and Minsoo Kang
Reliability of archaeological records on cultivated surfaces: A michigan case study, Michael J. Shott
Reliability of first ray position and mobility measurements in experienced and inexperienced examiners: Commentary, Brian G. Ragan
Reliability of the children's attitudes toward the environment scale, Sang Min Kim, Catherine Zeman, and Olga Kostareva
Reliable determination of contact angle from the height and volume of sessile drops, F. Behroozi and P. S. Behroozi
Religion and Fat = Protestant christianity and weight loss? On the intersections of fat studies and religious studies, Lynne Gerber, Susan Hill, and Lerhonda Manigault-Bryant
Religion and health connection: A study of African American, protestant christians, Melvin E. Gonnerman, Gene M. Lutz, Michele Yehieli, and Bruce K. Meisinger
Religion and sex-guilt: Implications for women, Gail M. Althaus
Religion in the cartography of the unconscious: A discussion of Stanislav Grof's Realms of the Human Unconscious, David R. Crownfield
Religious Literacy in a Perfect Storm, Michael Waggoner
ReLy: Machine Learning for Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Messaging in Industrial Robots, Kunal Sankhe, Dheryta Jaisinghani, and Kaushik Chowdhury
Remarks on what seems to be obvious, Ernest Raiklin
Remediation of Water Contaminated with an Azo Dye: An Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment Utilizing an Inexpensive Photocatalytic Reactor, John A. Bumpus, Jennifer Tricker, Ken Andrzejewski, Heather Rhoads, and Matthew Tatarko
Remembering Leslie J. Workman (1927 - 2001), Kathleen Verduin
Remembering Sacred Reason: A Humboldtian Way of Knowing the World Sustainability Symposium [University of Northern Iowa, March 30, 2016], A. James Wohlpart
Re-membering the wilton processional, Alison Altstatt
Renewable energy based capstone design applications for an undergraduate engineering technology curriculum, Recayi Pecen, Teresa Hall, Fanourios Chalkiadakis, and Ayhan Zora
Renewable energy based capstone design applications for an undergraduate engineering technology curriculum, Recayi Pecen, Teresa Hall, Fanourios Chalkiadakis, and Ayhan Zora
Renewed application of an old method improves detection of coronary ischemia: A higher standard of care, Richard M. Fleming, Gordon M. Harrington, Riaz Baqir, Scott Jay, Sridevi Challapalli, Kayla Avery, and Jim Green
Repeated Reading, Turn Taking, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Evette Edmister and Jane Wegner
Reply to “Programming may matter most.” Response to “Metabolic effects of two high-intensity circuit training protocols: Does sequence matter?”, Tony P. Nuñez, Fabiano T. Amorim, Nicholas M. Beltz, Christine M. Mermier, Terence A. Moriarty, Roberto C. Nava, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, and Len Kravitz
Reported thought, narrative positioning, and emotional expression in Japanese public speaking narratives, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Report of an Audio-Tutorial Learning Environment at the University of Northern Iowa, Alan R. Orr
Representation and the rules of the game: An electoral simulation, Donna R. Hoffman
Representations of 9-11 in editorial cartoons, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
Representations of play in caldecott medal and honor books during 1938-1949 and 2001-2014, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar and Linda M. Pavonetti
Representations of the working poor, Christopher R. Martin
Representative to UMREL; Board of Directors Meet
Representativity of the Midwestern Paleoindian sample, Michael J. Shott
Reproducible Analyses in Education Research, Brandon LeBeau, Scott Ellison, and Ariel M. Aloe
Reputation as an Emerging Construct in the Business and Society Field: An Introduction, Jeanne M. Logsdon and Donna J. Wood
Requisites to consider when choosing low volatility pressroom solvents for lithographic printing operations, Catherine L. Zeman, Lisa Hurban, Devang Mehta, Tracy Wollin, and E. A. Dennis
requivalent, meta-analysis, and robustness: An empirical examination of Rosenthal and Rubin's effect size indicator, Andrew R. Gilpin
Rescuing the childcare center: One community's efforts to manage change through generating and coordinating resources, Jaclyn Yetmar, Jill M. Uhlenberg, Charles R. May, and Rick C. Traw
Research and early childhood: the Home Start project, R. Scot
Research note: Effect of load reductions over consecutive sets on repetition performance, Jeffrey M. Willardson, Mark S. Kattenbraker, Maureen Khairallah, and Fabio E. Fontana
Research on 5G Mobile Communication Network Security Technology, Weishu Zhan and Zhen Tao
Research on Dynamic Identity Authentication Mechanism Based on Digital Signature, Weishu Zhan and Xinxin Ye
Research on False Data Injection Attack Detection of S mart Grid Based on Machine Learning, Zhen Tao and Weishu Zhan
Research on how the composting process impacts greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, Catherine Zeman, Diane Depken, and Michaela Rich
Research on the differential code-shifted reference ultra-wideband with large code length, Zhi Meng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhi Zhang Chen, and Lun Yu
Research with individuals labeled 'other': Reflections on the research process, Amy J. Petersen
Residual coefficient of variation and some characterization results, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Resistance training is accompanied by increases in hip strength and changes in lower extremity biomechanics during running, Kelli R. Snyder, Jennifer E. Earl, Kristian M. O'Connor, and Kyle T. Ebersole
Re-socialization within organizations: Examining the socialization and job satisfaction of employees following an organizational transition, Sloan T. Alberhasky
Resolutions Proposed by the Iowa Science Teachers Association
Resolvability in c.c.c. generic extensions, Lajos Soukup and Adrienne Stanley
Resonance Raman scattering in bulk 2H-MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) and monolayer MoS2, Jia He Fan, Po Gao, An Min Zhang, Bai Ren Zhu, Hua Ling Zeng, Xiao Dong Cui, Rui He, and Qing Ming Zhang
Resource Heritage and Conservation Education, Arnold O. Haugen
Resources and References for Earth Science Teachers, Charles A. Wall and Janet E. Wall
Responding to student thinking: Enhancing mathematics instruction through classroom based professional development, Lynne Nielsen, Olof B. Steinthorsdottir, and Laura B. Kent
Response of hatchling wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) to an aquatic thermal gradient, Jeff Tamplin
Response of juvenile diamond-backed terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) to an aquatic thermal gradient, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Victoria F. Moran, and Emily J. Riesberg
Response: Re: A lifestyle intervention study in patients with diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance: translation of a research intervention into practice, Oksana A. Matvienko and James Hoehns
Responses to Nietupski et al., Michael F. Giangreco, Martha E. Snell, Carolyn Hughes, Asha Jitendra, and Sandra Alper
Response strategy to environment context factors using a lean and agile approach: Implications for firm performance, Mahesh Srinivasan, Prashant Srivastava, and Karthik N.S. Iyer
Response to Intervention: Following Three Reading Recovery Children on Their Individual Paths to Becoming Literate, Evelyn A. O'Connor, Connie Briggs, and Salli Forbes
Response to "scientifically unsupported and supported interventions for childhood psychopathology: A summary" [4], Chris Kliewer, Alicia Broderick, Celia Oyler, Donald N. Cardinal, Paula Kluth, John B. Moeschler, and Herbert Schneiderman
Resting membrane potentials: a student test of alternate hypotheses., C. L. Thurman
Restorative home environments for family caregivers, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
Restorative justice: A model for personal and societal empowerment, Michael J. Sheridan
Restorative Justice: A Model for Social Work Practice with Families, Katherine Van Warmer
Restorative justice and gendered violence, Anne den Hay and Katherine S. van Wormer
Restorative justice as social justice for victims of gendered violence: A standpoint feminist perspective, Katherine Van Wormer
Restorative justice today: Practical applications, Katherine S. van Wormer and Lorenn Walker
Restoring monarch butterfly habitat in the Midwestern US: 'All hands on deck', Wayne E. Thogmartin, Laura López-Hoffman, Jason Rohweder, Jay Diffendorfer, Ryan Drum, Darius Semmens, Scott Black, Iris Caldwell, Donita Cotter, Pauline Drobney, Laura L. Jackson, Michael Gale, Doug Helmers, Steve Hilburger, Elizabeth Howard, Karen Oberhauser, John Pleasants, Brice Semmens, Orley Taylor, Patrick Ward, Jake F. Weltzin, and Ruscena Wiederholt
Restructuring and innovating of power system analysis and power electronics courses at the university of northern Iowa, Recayi Pecen
Restructuring a Secondary Business Curriculum for the 21st Century, Eric Springer
Results of a national survey of wardens in women's prisons: The case for gender specific treatment, Katherine Van Wormer and Laura E. Kaplan
Resume of Physics Section Meeting During Fall I.S.E.A. Convention Program, Henry J. Biere
Resurgent Mexican Phoenix, Alex P. Oberle and Daniel D. Arreola
Resurrection and redescription of the pocket gopher Thomomys sheldoni from the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico, Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and James W. Demastes
Retail investor risk-seeking, attention, and the January effect, Zhongdong Chen, Adam Schmidt, and Jin'ai Wang
Retention versus promotion: A study of local policy, Karol Rae Boike
Rethinking Arctic sustainable development agenda through indigenizing UN sustainable development goals, Tatiana S. Degai and Andrey N. Petrov
Rethinking social activism regarding human rights for student-athletes in South Korea, Benjamin H. Nam, Deockki Hong, Racheal C. Marshall, and Jenong Ho Hong
Rethinking Sustainability Monitoring in the Arctic by Linking Resilience and Sustainable Development in Socially-Oriented Observations: A Perspective, Tatiana Vlasova, Andrey N. Petrov, and Sergey Volkov
Rethinking the authoritarian state in Africa: The lessons, George Klay Kieh and Pita Ogaba Agbese
Rethinking the CS-2 course with an object-oriented focus, Mark Fienup
Rethinking the technology integration challenge: Cases from three urban elementary schools, Amy Staples, Marleen C. Pugach, and Dj Himes
Retournez á la nature, Mary Jo Bruett
Retrospective miscue analysis : a positive approach, Lisa Marlene Wright
Return of the caudillo: Autocratic democracy in Peru, Philip Mauceri
Return to Work Update May 21, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Revealing relationships: First graders share personal literature, Timothy G. Weih
Revealing the significance of using e-commerce in the organisations of the electric sector in Turkey, Nesrin Nayir, Ali Okatan, and Ahmet Nayir
Reversible metachromasy of crystal violet on titanium dioxide: a new surface photophysical phenomenon, S. R. Coon, T. Y. Zakharian, N. L. Littlefield, S. P. Loheide, E. J. Puchkova, R. M. Freeney, and V. N. Pak
Review - Animal Structure and Function, Robert E. Cook
Review - An Introduction to Modern Chemistry
Review - An Introduction to Modern Chemistry, Verne A. Troxel
Review - Biological Science for High Schools
Review - Biology Aids, D. J. Schmidt
Review - Chemical Background for the Biological Sciences, Verne A. Troxel
Review - Chemistry Problems, Floyd Sturtevant
Review - DNA Ladder of Life, Verlin Fleagle
Review: Electronical Structure and Chemical Bondage, Mary Leonarda Dougher
Review - Face of North America, D. J. Schmidt
Review - Fundamentals of Scientific Mathematics, George Cossman
Review - General Chemistry: A Systematic Approach
Review - General Chemistry Workbook: How to Solve Chemistry Problems
Review - Genetics, Robert E. Cook
Review - Greek Science in Antiquity
Review - Guide to Science Teaching in the Secondary School, Virginia Sullivan
Review: Human Genetics and Its Foundations, Stephen Beisler
Review - Introduction to Physics and Chemistry
Review - Laboratory Manual, Basic Life Science, E. Russell TePaske
Review - Let's Explore the Atom, Lindy Solon
Review - Masers and Lasers, Jerry Underfer
Review - Microbial Life, Robert E. Cook
Review - Microbiology for Elementary School Children, A. C. Haman
Review - Musical Acoustics, Jerry Underfer
Review of audiovisual materials for use in teaching biological anthropology, Norris M. Durham
Review of computer-based test interpretation software for the MMPI-2., John E. Williams and Nathan C. Weed
Review of recent chinese research on field dependence-independence in high-level athletes, Wen Hao Liu
Review of Theatre of the Oppressed - Roots & Wings: A Theory of Praxis, Uri Yitzchak Noy Meir
Review - Physics for the Inquiring Mind, John Nadig
Review - Plants: An Introduction to Modern Botany
Review - Research Problems in Biology - Investigations for Students - Series 1 and 2, Robert E. Yager
Reviews, Gordon B. Ford
Reviews and Abstracts, Marilyn Story
Reviews - Conservation, E. Russell TePaske
Reviews - Evolving, E. Russell TePaske
Reviews - Laboratory Manuals, E. Russell TePaske
Reviews - Library Material for Elementary Science, E. Russell TePaske
Reviews - Living Science Laboratories, E. Russell TePaske
Reviews - Single Concept Teaching Films, E. Russell TePaske
Reviews - The Cell, E. Russell TePaske
Review - Strasburger's Textbook of Botany, Elwin Emery
Reviews - Vistas of Science Books, E. Russell TePaske
Review - Teaching Chemistry with Models, Bob James
Review - Teaching Chemistry with Models, Jean Crane
Review - Teaching Science Through Discovery, Gerald H. Krockover
Review - The Architecture of Molecules, Darrel Hoff
Review - The Biotic World and Man
Review - The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science
Review - The Mystery of Matter, Verne A. Troxel
Review - The Origins of Modern Science, Herbert Butterfield
Review - The Quest of Johannes Kepler, Astronomer, Andrew Stevenson
Review - The World of Geology, Silas W. Schirner
Review - The World of Living Things, Gerald H. Krockover
Review - Today's Basic Science, Gerald H. Krockover
Review: To Know a Fly, Raymond L. Sloan
Review - Vanishing Animals, Preserving Nature's Rarities, Jean Crane
Revised norms and decision rules for the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery, form II, James A. Moses, Bruce K. Schefft, Jane L. Wong, and Richard A. Berg
Revised Quaternary glacial succession and post-LGM recession, southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Dennis Dahms, Markus Egli, Derek Fabel, Jon Harbor, Dagmar Brandová, Raquel de Castro Portes, and Marcus Christl
Revising and editing in writing workshops : teacher-student conferencing, peer conferencing, self-conferencing, Miriam Baker
Revising the factor structure of the juror bias scale: A method for the empirical validation of theoretical constructs, Bryan Myers and Lea Lecci
Revision of a Small School Science Program, Richard L. Sweeney
Revision of the [Fe/H]-φ31-P relationship for RRc variables, Siobahn Morgan
Revisiting Abbott Thayer: Non-scientific reflections about camouflage in art, war and zoology, Roy R. Behrens
Revisiting confidentiality: Observations from family therapy practice, Daniel Paul Wulff, Sally Ann St George, and Fred H. Besthorn
Revisiting mediational models of sport commitment with female gymnasts, Windee M. Weiss and Ariel M. Aloe
Revolutions in Time, Space, and Art: Russian Constructivism, Floris Bannister
Reward expectations: The influence of race, gender and type of job, Michael Gasser, Nichole Flint, and Rowena Tan
Rewriting the history of the urban revolutionary: Documentary film and human rights activism in post-dirty war society, Fernando Herrera Calderón
ReZoomⓒing Our Academic Home Using Suda (수다), Sohyun Meacham, Jinhee Kim, Su Jeong Wee, and Koeun Kim
Rhythms: Music at the University of Northern Iowa, v40, Fall 2021, University of Northern Iowa. School of Music.
Rice hull biocomposites, part 2: Effect of the resin composition on the properties of the composite, Rafael L. Quirino and Richard C. Larock
Rights of retarded people to receive regular diplomas and participate in high school graduation exercises, L. Courtnage and J. Struck
Right-wing authoritarianism relative to traditional western thinking and locus of control, Nadezhda Diakonova and Albert R. Gilgen
Riley Rozendaal - Jasper County Sheriff's Office, Riley Rozendaal
Rising above the Stigma: Developing young leaders through Peer Mentoring, Shawn Miller
Rising to the Challenge: Preparing Pre-Service Teachers During a Global Pandemic, Loren Jones, Carmen Durham, and Amanda Cataneo
Risk factors for conduct disorder among Navajo Indian men and women, S. J. Kunitz, K. R. Gabriel, J. E. Levy, E. Henderson, K. Lampert, J. McCloskey, G. Quintero, S. Russell, and A. Vince
Risk Information Seeking and Processing Model: A Meta-Analysis, Z. Janet Yang, Ariel M. Aloe, and Thomas Hugh Feeley
Road salt use and groundwater quality: An empirical study, Brian Gedlinske
Rock and Mineral Exchange Service
Rock the First Day!, Brittany R. Flokstra and Susan E. Hill
Rod Library Organization Chart, Spring 2021, 21 February, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Rod Library Strategic Plan, 2001-2006, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Rod Library Strategic Plan, 2004-2009, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Rod Library Strategic Plan, 2015-2018, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Rod Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Role models in self-esteem of college women, Mick G. Mack, Allison M. Schultz, and Kaori Araki
Role of aquaporin activity in regulating deep and shallow root hydraulic conductance during extreme drought, Daniel M. Johnson, Mark E. Sherrard, Jean Christophe Domec, and Robert B. Jackson
Role of Gender, Sex Role Identity, and Type A Behavior in Anger Expression and Mental Health Functioning, Beverly A. Kopper
Role of inventory and transportation costs in determining the optimal degree of centralization, Chandrasekhar Das and Rajesh Tyagi
Role of macropores in solute transport under ponded water condition produced by laboratory simulated intense storms, Mohammad Z. Iqbal
Role of prostaglandin F2α production in lipid bodies from Leishmania infantum chagasi: Insights on virulence, Théo Araújo-Santos, Nilda E. Rodríguez, Sara Moura-Pontes, Upasna Gaur Dixt, Daniel R. Abánades, Patrícia T. Bozza, Mary E. Wilson, and Valéria Matos Borges
Role of self-efficacy in implementation success of quality programs in organizations, Arvinder Loomba and Rex Karsten
Roles and duties of activity/athletic directors in the 115 largest high schools in Iowa, James Irvin Boyd
Roma Health Issues: A Review of the Literature and Discussion, Catherine L. Zeman, Diane E. Depken, and David S. Senchina
Room acoustics intervention efficacy measures, Carl C. Crandell, Brian M. Kreisman, Joseph J. Smaldino, and Nicole V. Kreisman
Root environmental effects on phi thickening production and root morphology in three gymnosperms, Jean M. Gerrath, Uta Matthes, Melissa Purich, and Douglas W. Larson
Roster of the Faculty, Fall 2021 Semester, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
Roster of the Faculty, Spring 2021 Semester, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
Rotation of Spherical Magnet Falling through a Slit Copper Pipe, F. Behroozi
Rotation-vibration structure of Pt196; An alternative to the O(6)-limit description, H. H. Hsu, F. K. Wohn, and S. A. Williams
Rough-cut capacity planning for remanufacturing firms, V. Daniel R. Guide and M. S. Spencer
Rubrics as a Tool in Writing Instruction: Effects on the Opinion Essays of First and Second Graders, Kendall L. Bradford, Amanda C. Newland, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Ruin Minimization for Insurers with Borrowing Constraints, Shangzhen Luo
Rule formation in a rapid-timing task: A test of schema theory, Susann G. Doody and Howard N. Zelaznik
Rules for Becoming a Graceful Woman: Rhetorical Analysis of the Japanese Self-Help Book Grace of Women, Kaori Yamada
Rural-urban differences in physical activity, physical fitness, and overweight prevalence of children, Roxane R. Joens-Matre, Gregory J. Welk, Miguel A. Calabro, Daniel W. Russell, Elizabeth Nicklay, and Larry D. Hensley
Sacred and secular tensions in contemporary higher education, Michael D. Waggoner
Sacred and secular tensions in higher education: Connecting parallel universities, Michael D. Waggoner
Sacred spaces and imperial boundaries on Catherine II’s southern frontier, Gregory Bruess
Sacrifice and sexual difference: Insights and challenges in the work of René Girard, Martha Reineke
SAE Mug, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
SAE Paddle, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
SAE Record, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Safety belt promotion: Theory and practice, Gary D. Nelson and Patrick B. Moffit
Safety of School Playgrounds: Field Analysis From a Randomized Sample, Heather Olsen and Eric Kennedy
Sales and manufacturing coordination in repetitive manufacturing: Characteristics and problems, M. Spencer and J. F. Cox
Samuel Adler Composer / Conductor in Residence, Samuel Adler
Sandboxes, loose parts, and playground equipment: a descriptive exploration of outdoor play environments, Heather Olsen and Brandy Smith
Sara Bard Field, Charles Erskine Scott Wood, and the Phenomenon of Migratory Divorce, Glenda Riley
Sarah Hanson - R. J. McElroy Trust, Sarah Hanson
Sarah Stephany - Orchard Hill Church, Sarah Stephany
Satisfaction with the social work profession: A ten-year analysis of undergraduate students' perceptions, James G. Hanson and James G. McCullagh
Scalar-meson-dominance description of the decay ′→+2π, Gerald W. Intemann
Scalar-meson model for the decays ′, →π+π-γ, Gerald W. Intemann
Scalar-meson nonet dominance predictions for η′ decays and the quark content of the 0++ states, Gerald W. Intemann and Gary K. Greenhut
School Administrators' Experiences in a 6-Month Health and Wellness Community of Practice, Matt Townsley, Jennifer Waldron, Susan Alborn-Yilek, Denise Schares, Kim Huckstadt, Scott McNamara, and Deeanne Gute
School Administrators’ Intentions to Promote Adapted Physical Education, Scott W T. McNamara, Terry Rizzo, and Matt Townsley
School administrators’ opinions of adapted physical education services, Melissa Bittner, Scott McNamara, Lisa Silliman-French, and Heather Katz
School and Community-Based Physical Education and Healthy Active Living Programs: Holistic Practices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States, Ming Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Mei Sin Tang, Kia Wang Phua, and Jing Zhen Yang
School-Based Mental Health Services for Students with Disabilities: Urgent Need, Systemic Barriers, and a Proposal, Nicole R. Skaar, Susan Larson Etscheidt, and Andrew Kraayenbrink
School counseling and confidentiality, Amy R. Usher
School Counseling at Cedar Falls High School, Emily Kause
School Counseling at Peet Jr. High School, Carli Gasaway
School counselors and student self-injury, Susan Roberts-Dobie and Rebecca J. Donatelle
School counselors' perceptions of the needs of children of incarcerated parents, Sarah Wakefield
School entrance readiness and its effect on student performance, M. Susie Ford Brau
School health promotion: Our pathway to the future, Thomas M. Davis and Larry Hensley
School library programs and materials for special education teachers and students, Audrey Cammack
School Psychology Shortage And Urban/Rural Differences, Melissa Marie Hickman
School Psychology Trainer Shortage in the USA: Current Status and Projections for the Future, Kerri L. Clopton and Charlotte W. Haselhuhn
School Readiness: Characteristics, Viewpoints, and Guidelines for Developing an Effective Kindergarten Program, Vicki A. Zweibohmer
"School's not really a place for reading": A research synthesis of the literate lives of students with severe disabilities, Christopher Kliewer and Douglas Biklen
School social work issues: An analysis of professional association actions, James G. McCullagh
School speech-language pathologists' identification, use, and need of resources and materials, Emily Michael, Melissa Tranel, and Hannah Fahey
Science and Design: A Personal Essay, Wendy Olson
Science and Math Teaching Awards
Science and Social Change, Milton O. Pella
Science - A Process Approach in Des Moines Elementary Schools, Harold Rathert
Science curriculum alignment to the NGSS, Whitney E. Canaday
Science education and culture: Inquiry-based learning, Dashia Magee and A. J. Meier
Science Education in the Elementary School: A Modern In-Service Offering, James P. Hale
Science Education in the Middle or Junior High School Grades, Robert H. Carleton
Science educators as active collaborators in meeting the educational needs of students with disabilities, Greg Stefanich
Science Educators Media Exchange Service
Science, Engineering, Humanities Symposium Set
Science Engineers and Humanities Symposium
Science Fairs: Factors Involved in Participation and Winning, Hart M. Nelson
Science for Students Today and Tomorrow, Robert E. Yager
Science for the Educationally Uninvolved Student, Joe R. Moore
Science for the Handicapped-Gifted Child, James O. Schnur
Science in the Social Studies, J. Doyle Casteel
Science Teachers' Knowledge of Sound Theory, Jerry Underfer
Science Teachers Look at Themselves and Their Schools
Science, Technology and Mrs. Gandhi, R. Natarajan
Science, Technology and Mrs. Gandhi, R. Natarajan
Science Through Choice, Darrell G. Phillips
Science Tomorrow, Robert S. Hansen
Scientific Articles and Inquiry in the Biology Classroom, Melton E. Golmon
Scored out of 10: Experiences with binary grading across the curriculum, Andrew Berns
Screening limited switching performance of multilayer 2D semiconductor FETs: The case for SnS, Sukrit Sucharitakul, U. Rajesh Kumar, Raman Sankar, Fang Cheng Chou, Yit Tsong Chen, Chuhan Wang, Cai He, Rui He, and Xuan P.A. Gao
Screening Teacher Applicants, Kenneth A. Berg and R. Paul Brimm
Seamless intertexts: Extrinsic and intrinsic intertextuality and Emily Mann's Execution of Justice, Karen Mitchell
Search engine anatomy: The industry and its commercial structure, Bettina Fabos
Searching for information, understanding, and self-value: The utilization of peer support groups by gay men with HIV/AIDS, Kent L. Sandstrom
Searching for On-Field Parity: Evidence From National Football League Scheduling During 1991-2006, Bulent Uyar and David Surdam
Searching for True Happiness, Taylor Shipley
Secondary school chemistry teacher's current use of laboratory activities and the impact of expense on their laboratory choices, Sarah B. Boesdorfer and Robin A. Livermore
Secondary Science Teachers’ Definition and Use of Data in Their Teaching Practice, Sarah B. Boesdorfer, Dawn I. Del Carlo, and Jessica Wayson
Secondary Science Teachers’ Reported Practices and Beliefs on Teaching and Learning from a Large National Sample in the United States, Sarah B. Boesdorfer, Dawn I. Del Carlo, and Jessica Wayson
Secondary Science Training Programs - Enrichment for the High School Student (1971), Edward L. Pizzini
Secondary Science Training Programs - Enrichment for the High School Student (1972), Edward L. Pizzini
Secondary trauma among community corrections staff: An exploratory study, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Kristin Y. Mack, and Kimberly M. Baker
Secondary traumatic stress and empowerment among social workers working with family violence or sexual assault survivors, Ga Young Choi
Second image reversed politics: Britain's choice of freer trade or imperial preferences, 1903-1906, 1917-1923, 1930-1932, Steven E. Lobell
Second language learning with computer software, Sonia Uppal
Second-phase of China's economic reform: crossing the Rubicon divide?, T. Yu
Secretion of lysine in a broth medium by lactic bacteria and yeasts associated with garri production using a synthetic gene, Nduka Okafor, B. C. Okeke, C. Umeh, and C. Ibenegbu
Security level and adjustment patterns in juvenile institutions, Christopher M. Sieverdes and Clemens Bartollas
Seed mix design and first year management influence multifunctionality and cost-effectiveness in prairie reconstruction, Justin C. Meissen, Alec J. Glidden, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and Laura L. Jackson
Seed mix design, planting time, and first-year mowing management to improve multifunctionality and cost-effectiveness of tallgrass prairie reconstructions, Alec James Glidden
Seeing Red: Observations of Colour in Jupiter's Equatorial Zone on the Eve of the Modern Discovery of the Great Red Spot, Thomas A. Hockey
Seeking alternatives in therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy: a social/recreation community model, Kenneth E. Mobily and Rodney B. Dieser
Seeking restorative experiences: Elementary school teachers' choices for places that enable coping with stress, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
Seeking the functional, Christopher Kliewer
Seeking the Meaning of the Missing Bones
Seen Any Orange-Tailed Bald Eagles?
Segmenting audiences and tailoring messages: Using the extended parallel process model and cluster analysis to improve health campaigns, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Knute D. Carter, and Mary Losch
Segregation of phosphorus and sulfur in heat-affected zone hot cracking of type 308 stainless steel, Leijun Li and R. W. Messler
Selecting for Durability in Bacillus cereus/anthracis Bacteriophages, Alexis J. Moore and Michael H. Walter Ph.D.
Selection and evaluation of most profitable process targets for the control of canning quality, Chandrasekhar Das
Selection and training of student assistants for the media center, Nancy Butler
Selection of Executive Secretary for IAS Committee Report, Lester Earls, Leland Johnson, George Peglar, and Robert Yager
Selective Background Suppression in MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry, Curtiss D. Hanson and Craig L. Just
Selective dialkylation of a doubly linked dicyclopentadiene ligand and the ensuing ruthenium complexes, Patrick S. Fier, Regina R. Reinig, Janeth King, Christopher Dickerson, Robert M. Chin, Mantia Doucouré, and William Brennessel
Selective elimination of low‐molecular‐weight ions in MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry using a bipolar pulsed electrostatic particle guide, Craig L. Just and Curtiss D. Hanson
Self-acceptance in the education and counseling of young people, Michael E. Bernard, Ann Vernon, Mark Terjesen, and Robyn Kurasaki
Self-assembled Ag(111) nanostructures induced by Fermi surface nesting, Timothy E. Kidd, Evan O'leary, Aaron Anderson, Skylar Scott, and Andrew J. Stollenwerk
Self-concept changes associated with incarceration in female prisoners, Thomas E. Hannum, Fred H. Borgen, and R'delle M. Anderson
Self-construal and pilgrimage travel, Samuel V. Lankford, Rodney B. Dieser, and Gordon J. Walker
Self-disclosure of homosexual orientation, Joel W. Wells and William B. Kline
Self-efficacy’s role in success of quality training programmes, Arvinder P.S. Loomba and Rex Karsten
Self-employment, earnings, and sexual orientation, Christopher Jepsen and Lisa K. Jepsen
Self-equivalences of the Gaussian field, Marius Somodi
Self-esteem as a predictive factor in juvenile delinquency, David D. Carlson
Self-harm : a review of its nature, assessment and treatment, CJ Yerington
Self in community: African american women’s views of self-esteem, Victoria L. Defrancisco and April Chatham-Carpenter
Self-injury and the school counselor, Carla J. Wosoba
Self-perceptions, peer influence, social information processing and bullying behavior, Jaime Strickler
Self reflection and preservice teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge: Promoting earlier adoption of student-centred pedagogies, Ping Gao, Tan Seng Chee, Longlong Wang, Angela Wong, and Doris Choy
Self-reported race/ethnicity in the age of genomic research: Its potential impact on understanding health disparities, Tesfaye B. Mersha and Tilahun Abebe
Self-selecting books in a children’s fiction collection arranged by genre, Joan Bessman Taylor, Andrea Hora, and Karla Steege Krueger
Self-stigma and disclosure of depression in the workplace, Bailey Rose Holm
Selling technical sales to engineering learners, Daniel P. Bumblauskas, Adam R. Carberry, and David P. Sly
Sending bundles of hope: The use of female celebrities in bundles for Britain’s public relations campaign, Anelia K. Dimitrova
Sending Children Who Are Medically Fragile to School, Aulanda L. Zenner
Senior Science Seminar, James E. McCoy
Sensation seeking, media multitasking, and social Facebook use, Gunwoo Yoon, Brittany R.L. Duff, and Matthew P. Bunker
Sensitivity of Meteorological Skill to Selection of WRF-Chem Physical Parameterizations and Impact on Ozone Prediction During the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS), M. Abdi-Oskouei, G. Carmichael, M. Christiansen, G. Ferrada, B. Roozitalab, N. Sobhani, K. Wade, A. Czarnetzki, R. B. Pierce, T. Wagner, and C. Stanier
Sensitivity of Ozone Production to NOx and VOC Along the Lake Michigan Coastline, Michael P. Vermeuel, Gordon A. Novak, Hariprasad D. Alwe, Dagen D. Hughes, Rob Kaleel, Angela F. Dickens, Donna Kenski, Alan C. Czarnetzki, Elizabeth A. Stone, Charles O. Stanier, R. Bradley Pierce, Dylan B. Millet, and Timothy H. Bertram
Sentencing guidelines and racial disparity across time: Pennsylvania prison sentences in 1977, 1983, 1992, and 1993, Joe Gorton and John L. Boies
Sentencing Recommendations by Probation Officers and Judges: An Examination of Adult Offenders Across Gender, Michael J. Leiber, Maude Beaudry-Cyr, Jennifer H. Peck, and Kristin Y. Mack
Sequence-dependent clustering of parts and machines: A Fuzzy ART neural network approach, N. C. Suresh, J. Slomp, and S. Kaparthi
Series editor foreword, Michael D. Waggoner
Series editor introduction, Michael D. Waggoner
Series editor’s foreword, Michael D. Waggoner
Serious Leisure in the Home: Professional Quilters Negotiate Family Space, Marybeth C. Stalp and Rachel Conti
Service learning: A guide to selected resources, Barbara F.H. Allen
Service Learning in Partnership with the Panther Pantry, Ashleigh Kistenmacher, Carlie Johanningmeier, Kamryn Finley, Allie Hittner, and Rachel Weber
Serving two masters, or, breathing artificial life into a lifeless debate (A reply to john beverley), Mario Roberto Morales
Setting materiality thresholds for ESG disclosures: A case study of U. S. mine safety disclosures, Brett C. Olsen, Kwame Awuah-Offei, and Daniel Bumblauskas
Settling in: Facilitating the transition to an inclusive middle school for students with mild disabilities, Kimberly Knesting, Carol Hokanson, and Nancy Waldron
Sex and gender in psychopathology: DSM-5 and beyond, Cynthia M. Hartung and Elizabeth K. Lefler
Sex differences in claimed and behavioral self-handicapping and ADHD symptomatology in emerging adults, Maryanne Jaconis, Stephen J. Boyd, Cynthia M. Hartung, Sean M. McCrea, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Will H. Canu
Sex differences in criminal sentencing: Chivalry or patriarchy?, B. Keith Crew
Sex differences in the manifestation of ADHD in emerging adults, David A. Fedele, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Cynthia M. Hartung, and Will H. Canu
Sex differences on the MMPI-2 substance abuse scales in psychiatric inpatients, Jane L. Wong and Tricia M. Besett
Sex education and related skills: A series of programs implemented with severely handicapped students, Susan Hamre-Nietupski and Alison Ford
Sex for you, but not for me: Discontinuity in undergraduate emerging adults' definitions of "having sex", Gary Gute, Elaine M. Eshbaugh, and Jacquelyn Wiersma
Sexing communication: Hearing, feeling, remembering sex/gender and sexuality in the NCA, Charles E. Morris and Catherine Helen Palczewski
Sexism in children's picture books, Kathy Dralle
Sex of model and sex of subject in reduction of snake avoidance, J. W. Somervill, D. C. Rimm, and T. J. Spudic
Sex-related differences in immune response and symptomatic manifestations to infection with Leishmania species, Ryan D. Lockard, Mary E. Wilson, and Nilda E. Rodríguez
Sex-role attitudes and perceptual learning, Jayne I. Gackenbach and Stephen M. Auerbach
Sex-role attitudes and situations: Female behavioral predictors in a learning task, Jayne Gackenbach and Steven Auerbach
Sex Role Expectations in Children's Vocational Aspirations and Perceptions of Occupations, Mary Weiking Franken
Sexual harassment in the workplace, Donald E. Maypole and Rosemarie Skaine
Sexual harassment of social workers at work: Injustice within?, Donald E. Maypole
Sexual identities and complementarity in lesbian and gay male relationships, Lynne Carroll, Paula Gilroy, Natalia Hoenigmann-Stovall, and Joseph A. Turner
Sexuality, intimacy, and persons we label mentally retarded: What they think- what we think, L. Heshusius
Sexuality-related outcomes of adolescent children of teen mothers, Elaine Eshbaugh
Sexual language usage in different interpersonal contexts: A comparison of gender and sexual orientation, Joel W. Wells
Sexual Minority Youth In The Research Literature: The Invisible Students, Kelly J. Beck
Sexual minority youth in the research literature : what kind of coverage is the field of school psychology providing?, Jill Hayes White
Shade provision in public playgrounds for thermal safety and sun protection: A case study across 100 play spaces in the United States, Heather Olsen, Eric Kennedy, and Jennifer Vanos
Shakespeare and School Counseling, Nick Abel
Shakespeare and Teaching Rhetorical Technique in the Speech Classroom, Amanda Arp
Shape-preserving projections in low-dimensional settings and the q-monotone case, M. P. Prophet and I. A. Shevchuk
Shared ecological traits influence shape of the skeleton in flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes), Corinthia R. Black and Peter B. Berendzen
Shared Governance at UNI, Daniel J. Power, Greg Scholtz, Benjamin Ginsberg, Jeffrey L. Funderburk, and Scott Peters
Sharon and mary’s voices: Sisterhood-the journey, Mary C. Herring and Sharon E. Smaldino
Shepherd of the Hills/Churches of Conference Nine Webpages, Rondee Troester
Shifting elasmobranch community assemblage at Cocos Island-an isolated marine protected area, Easton R. White, Mark C. Myers, Joanna Mills Flemming, and Julia K. Baum
Shifts in reading readiness profiles during the past decade, Ralph Scott
Shoot architecture in the Vitaceae, Jean M. Gerrath and Usher Posluszny
Short-term variability in isotopic composition of precipitation: A case study from Midwestern United States, M. Z. Iqbal
Should We Be Content with Content?, Jim O'Loughlin
Siblings of Individuals with Disabilities: Experiences in Southern India, Rebecca Dickinson
Sidney Adam - Classic Upward Bound, Sidney Adam
Siegel Modular Forms, L-Functions, and Satake Parameters, Tamara B. Veenstra
Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Signature strengths as a gateway to mentoring: Facilitating emergent teachers’ transition into language teaching, Tammy Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Significant factors in adolescent suicide and subintentional suicide: A literature review, Kirk Ryan Anderson
Sign language and gestures in young early childhood, Donna Uhlenberg
Silylation of Pyridine, Picolines, and Quinoline with a Zinc Catalyst, Joshua W. Prybil, Rodney Wallace, Alexandra Warren, Jordan Klingman, Romane Vaillant, Michael B. Hall, Xin Yang, William W. Brennessel, and Robert M. Chin
Sima Qian and Adam Smith, Ken Mccormick
Similarities in aggression, inattention/hyperactivity, depression, and anxiety in middle childhood friendships, Kristin A. Mariano and Helen C. Harton
Simple, complete, and novel quantitative model of holography for students of science and science education, Dale W. Olson
Simple Radiation Studies in Biology, C. L. Christensen and D. J. Schmidt
Simplicial cones and the existence of shape-preserving cyclic operators, B. L. Chalmers, M. P. Prophet, and J. M. Ribando
Simply the best: An exploration of advice that small business owners value, Kristine M. Kuhn, Tera L. Galloway, and Maureen Collins-Williams
Simulated behavior of krypton/argon mixtures confined between two graphite slabs: New terrain for familiar systems, K. Bader and M. W. Roth
Simulated dynamics of Ne@C60 aggregates beyond dissociation, P. Tilton, B. Suchy, M. K. Balasubramanya, and M. W. Roth
Simulated effects of odd-alkane impurities in a hexane monolayer on graphite, Cary L. Pint and M. W. Roth
Simulated structural and magnetic behavior of Mn-Ti intercalated dichalcogenide crystals, M. W. Roth, B. Wandling, T. E. Kidd, P. M. Shand, and A. Stollenwerk
Simulate microgravity and hypergravity attenuate heart tissue development in explant culture, Peter Y. Lwigale, Joel E. Thurmond, William N. Norton, Brian S. Spooner, and Darrell J. Wiens
Simulation and Characterization of Tetracosane on Graphite: Molecular Dynamics beyond the Monolayer, M. W. Roth, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M. J. Connolly, E. Maldonado, and C. Wexler
Simulation of mechanical drives with EASY5, N. Fritz, A. ElSawy, K. H. Modler, and H. Goldhahn
Simulation of particulate matter distribution over Iowa, Svetlana Korotkova, Alan Czarnetzki, and Keith McCready
Simulation of particulate matter distribution over Iowa, Svetlana A. Korotkova, Alan C. Czarnetzki, Keith C. McCready, Patrick O'Reilly, and Marc Peterson
Simulations of the chain length dependence of the melting mechanism in short-chain n-alkane monolayers on graphite, Cary L. Pint
Simulation study of confinement effects on the melting transition in hexane and decane monolayers between two graphite slabs, Cary L. Pint and Michael W. Roth
Simultaneous projection of population and households: A comparative study of methodologies used, K. N.S. Yadava and Surendar S. Yadava
Singing performance, frequency matching and courtship success of long-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis), Jill M. Trainer and David B. McDonald
Siphonaptera mammal relationships in northcentral New Mexico, G. E. Haas, R. P. Martin, M. Swickard, and B. E. Miller
Site structure and activity organization at a late paleoindian base camp in western nebraska, Matthew G. Hill, David J. Rapson, Thomas J. Loebel, and David W. May
Sixth Annual Eastern Iowa Science Fair - April 10-11
Size and form in the analysis of flake debris: Review and recent approaches, Michael J. Shott
Size as a factor in middle palaeolithic assemblage variation in the old world: A North American perspective, Michael J. Shott
Slaying the desktop management dragon with configuration manager 2012, Benjamin Arnold
Sleep and dreams: A sourcebook, Jayne Gackenbach
Small business challenges and the triple bottom line, TBL: Needs assessment in a Midwest State, U.S.A., Diane Depken and Catherine Zeman
Smallest Meaningful Pay Increases: Field Test, Constructive Replication, and Extension, Atul Mitra, Aino Tenhiälä, and Jason D. Shaw
Small group use of communication technologies: a comparison of modality on group outcomes, Melissa A. Dobosh, Marshall Scott Poole, and Rahul Malik
Small vertebrate granivores reduce seedling emergence in native tallgrass prairie restoration, Carmen A. Pellish, Mark E. Sherrard, Paige A. Leytem, and Laura L. Jackson
Smart Maintenance Decision Support Systems (SMDSS) based on corporate big data analytics, Daniel Bumblauskas, Douglas Gemmill, Amy Igou, and Johanna Anzengruber
Smartphones and their increased importance in U.S. presidential elections, Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida, and Lisa Bryan
Soap bubbles in paintings: Art and science, F. Behroozi
Social and economic justice, human rights and peace: The challenge for social work in Canada and the USA, Colleen Lundy and Katherine Van Wormer
Social anhedonia and schizotypy: The contribution of individual differences in affective traits, stress, and coping, William P. Horan, Seth A. Brown, and Jack J. Blanchard
Social capital and government performance in Iowa communities, Tom W. Rice
Social class, race, seriating and reading readiness: A study of their relationship at the kindergarten level, Ralph Scott
Social Convention and Neurosis as Obstacles to Moral Freedom, Margaret Holland
Social desirability and the celebrity attitude scale, Robert T. Hitlan, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Adam Volungis, Anupama Joshi, C. Brendan Clark, and Marta Pena
Social enhancement of fitness in yellow-bellied marmots, Kenneth B. Armitage and Orlando A. Schwartz
Social exchange process in collectivistic countries: an examination of sporting events in China, Haiyan Huang, Sophia D. Min, Tzu Shuo Ryan Wang, and Luke Lunhua Mao
Social exclusion and health: The buffering effects of perceived social support, Robert T. Hitlan
Social impact analysis on technology transfer, Ajay Das and Allen Jedlicka
Social inequalities and exercise during adulthood: Toward an ecological perspective, Joseph G. Grzywacz and Nadine F. Marks
Socialism in the French Countryside: A Continuing Debate, Roy E. Sandstrom
Social issues in management division dissertation award competition for 2010: Acknowledging exemplary research processes and outcomes in doctoral study, James E. Mattingly
Social issues in the collection and use of software metric data position paper: Metrics: Promise vs. implementation, Janet M. Drake
Social media, participation, and attitudes: Does social media drive polarization?, Justin W. Holmes and Ramona Sue McNeal
Social network analysis for Facebook: Locating cliques and visualizing sociability, Jeffrey Coons and Shing Ling S. Chen
Social Networks and Parent Motivational Beliefs: Evidence From an Urban School District, Katherine A. Curry, Gaëtane Jean-Marie, and Curt M. Adams
Social pedagogy and liberal egalitarian compensatory programs: The case of head start, Shelly Lynn Counsell and Robert M. Boody
Social pedagogy: Presence, commitment, identification and availability, Walter de Oliveira and Carmen Montecinos
Social pressure and voter turnout: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, and Christopher W. Larimer
Social Pressure, Descriptive Norms, and Voter Mobilization, Costas Panagopoulos, Christopher W. Larimer, and Meghan Condon
Social psychophysics: Using psychophysics to answer "social" questions with PsychoPro, Otto H. MacLin, M. Kimberly MacLin, Dwight Peterson, Osman Chowdhry, and Priyanka Joshi
Social worker interventions in situations of domestic violence: What we can learn from survivors personal narratives?, June Keeling and Katherine Van Wormer
Social Workers as Advocates: A Case Example, James G. McCullagh
Social work in community development: A cross-national comparison, Suzanne McDevitt
Social work with homeless women in emergency rooms: A strengths-feminist perspective, Mary Boes and Katherine Van Wormer
Society and Sites of Conscience: Operational Excellence in Prison Industries, Dan Bumblauskas,; Russell Guay; Steve Forbes; and Salil Kalghatgi
SocioApp: Detecting Your Sociability Status with Your Smartphone, Aaron Walker, Dheryta Jaisinghani Ph.D., and Sarah Diesburg Ph.D.
Socioeconomic barriers to biogas development in rural southwest China: An ethnographic case study, Li Jian
Socioeconomic factors and behavioural problems of the elderly population: A study of rural areas of eastern Uttar Pradesh, K. N.S. Yadava, Surendar S. Yadava, and C. L.N. Sharma
Socioeconomic predictors of mastery among mothers in poverty, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Socioeconomic status and health among Californians: An examination of multiple pathways, Susan L. Ettner and Joseph G. Grzywacz
Sociology dismissing religion? the presentation of religious change in introductory sociology textbooks, Richard Featherstone and Katie L. Sorrell
Soft-x-ray appearance potential spectra of La and Ce from 0 to 1400 eV, R. J. Smith, M. Piacentini, J. L. Wolf, and D. W. Lynch
Soil Analyses Supporting Meskwaki Settlement Food Sovereignty, Tama County Iowa, Gerardo Daniel Jacobo, Chad Heinzel Ph.D., and Luke Kapayou
Soil catenas of calcareous tills, Whiskey Basin, Wyoming, USA, Michael T. Applegarth and Dennis E. Dahms
Soil formation rates on silicate parent material in alpine environments: Different approaches-different results?, Markus Egli, Dennis Dahms, and Kevin Norton
Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation in Restored Native Prairies Over Time, Samrin Shahnaz and Kenneth J. Elgersma Ph.D.
Soil organic carbon and nitrogen accumulation rates in cold and alpine environments over 1 Ma, Markus Egli, Filippo Favilli, Rolf Krebs, Barbara Pichler, and Dennis Dahms
Soils and Geomorphology of the Lower Little Cedar River Valley, Northeast Iowa, Dale K. Splinter, Dennis E. Dahms, and David W. May
Soil sensitivity due to acid and heavy metal deposition in East Central Europe, A. M. Rautengarten, J. L. Schnoor, S. Anderberg, K. Olendrzynski, and W. M. Stigliani
Soil taxonomy and paleoenvironmental reconstruction: A critical commentary, Dennis E. Dahms and Vance T. Holliday
Soil type and species diversity influence selection on physiology in Panicum virgatum, Mark E. Sherrard, Lucas C. Joers, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Soil weathering and accumulation rates of oxalate-extractable phases derived from alpine chronosequences of up to 1Ma in age, Dennis Dahms, Filippo Favilli, Rolf Krebs, and Markus Egli
Solar System: Between Fire and Ice, Thomas A. Hockey
SOLD! Another Demonstration Desk, James Hungerford
Soldiers of faith behind the lines: Religious women and community patriotism during the first world war in France, Emily Machen
Solidification analysis of heat sink/chill effectiveness in of an aluminum alloy, Yury S. Lerner, Vladimir E. Kouznetsov, Gregory V. Panteleev, and John T. Berry
Solidification modeling of continuous casting process, V. S. Lerner and Y. S. Lerner
Solid starch hydrolysates, F. W. Schenck and J. W. Lehmann
Solving the policy implementation problem: The case of Arizona charter schools, Gregg A. Garn
Somatic symptoms in patients with chronic non-cancer-related and cancer-related pain, Diane Novy, Marilu Price Berry, J. Lynn Palmer, Cassandra Mensing, Jie Willey, and Eduardo Bruera
Some characterization of distributions by functions of failure rate and mean residual life, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Some Concepts of Earth Science for Junior High, Patricia M. Schwirian
Some Implications of Auditor and Client Lobbying Activities: A Comparative Analysis, John B. MacArthur
Some initial results of China's new agricultural policies, Benedict Stavis
Some Misconceptions about Market and Non-market Economies, Ernest Raiklin and Mahmood Yousefi
Some moment inequalities for the minimal repair process, S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Some new classes of division algebras, Susumu Okubo and Hyo Chul Myung
Some Perspectives on the Actuarial Adequacy of the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, Andrew Frank Thompson
Some policy implications of bank participation in small business administration lending programs, A. Rappaport and R. W. Wyatt
Some results on normalized spacings from restricted families of distributions, Subhash C. Kochar and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Some results on ordering of survival functions through uncertainty, Nader Ebrahimi and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Some results on randomly stopped minimal repair processes, S. N.U.A. Kirmani and Ramesh C. Gupta
Some Structural Features of Mycorrhizae on Coniferous Seedlings, Andrew L. McComb and J. E. Sass
Some suggestions for teaching introductory urban geography, C. Murray Austin
Something wonderful this way comes, Paul Gray and Thomas Murphy
Some Tips for Discount Buyers, Chandrasekhar Das
Some Trends in College Physics and Their Reflections on High School Physics, J. E. Kasper and L. D. Flansburg
Song repertoire of the bobolink: A reassessment, Jill M. Trainer and Brenda S. Peltz
Sorting out the spinning of autism: Heavy metals and the question of incidence, Mary Catherine deSoto and Robert T. Hitlan
Source document position as it affects head position and neck muscle tension, Nancy Hamilton
Source-identified seed: The Iowa roadside experience, Greg Houseal and Daryl D. Smith
Source provenance of carbonate grains in the Wahiba Sand Sea, Oman, using a new LIBS method, Patrick Pease and Vatche Tchakerian
Sources of ethical conflict in service channels of distribution: Managerial implications for improving client-based relationships, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas
Sources of generalized versus issue-specific dis/satisfaction in service channels of distribution: A review and comparative investigation, Rajiv P. Dant, James R. Lumpkin, and Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas
South Asian adults’ performance on executive function tests, Veena Kallambettu, Angela N. Burda, and Nicole Wakeman
South Dakota State College, November 4, 1963, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
South Dakota State University, October 28, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
South Dakota State University, October 29, 1966, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
South Dakota State University, October 30, 1965, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
South Dakota State University, October 4, 1969, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, October 15, 1966, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Southern integration: The Sui-Tang (581-907) reach south, Charles W. Holcombe
Sovereign Right, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Artur Golczewski
Sovereignty in the global economy: An evolving geopolitical concept, C. Murray Austin and Mukesh Kumar
Space utilization: Criteria for the selection of playground equipment for children, Donna Thompson
Spatial and temporal climatology of snowstorms in the deep south, Philip W. Suckling
Spatial and temporal patterns of diarrheal disease in Matlab, Bangladesh, M. Emch and M. Ali
Spatial Aspects of Demographic Change in the Arab World, Basheer K. Nijim
Spatial Aspects of Demographic Change in the Arab World, Basheer K. Nijim
Spatial coherence of solar radiation for regions in the central and eastern united states, Philip W. Suckling
Spatial decision support systems: Principles and practices, Ramanathan Sugumaran and John DeGroote
Spatial genetic variation and habitat association of Rhinichthys cataractae, the longnose dace, in the Driftless Area of the upper Mississippi River basin, Anna C. Wieman and Peter B. Berendzen
Spatial Integration, Adjustment, and Structural Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Linkage Pattern Changes in Ghana, J. Henry Owusu
Spatial modeling and prediction under stationary non-geometric range anistropy, Mark D. Ecker and Alan E. Gelfand
Spatial modelling of nitrous oxide emissions at the national scale using soil, climate and land use information, A. Lilly, B. C. Ball, I. P. Mctaggart, and J. Degroote
Spatial patterns of glacial erosion at a valley scale derived from terrestrial cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations in rock, Derek Fabel, Jon Harbor, Dennis Dahms, Allan James, David Elmore, Linda Horn, Kelly Daley, and Charles Steele
Spatial systems approach to sustainable development: A conceptual framework, Wen Yuan Niu, Jonathan J. Lu, and Abdullah A. Khan
Spatio-temporal cluster analysis of county-based human West Nile virus incidence in the continental United States, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Scott R. Larson, and John P. DeGroote
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in the arctic: early data and emerging trends, Andrey N. Petrov, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, John DeGroote, Tatiana Degai, and Alexander Savelyev
Spatiotemporal investigation of adult mosquito (diptera: Culicidae) populations in an Eastern Iowa County, USA, John DeGroote, David R. Mercer, Jeffrey Fisher, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Speaking Different Languages or Reading from the Same Script? Word Usage of Democratic and Republican Politicians, Jayme L. Neiman, Frank J. Gonzalez, Kevin Wilkinson, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing
Speaking politely, kindly, and beautifully: Ideologies of politeness in Japanese business etiquette training, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Spears, Darts, and Arrows: Late Woodland Hunting Techniques in the Upper Ohio Valley, Michael J. Shott
Special Editorial: Technology Leadership for Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology, Mary Herring, Tommye Thomas, and Pamela Redmond
Special Education Administrators’ Knowledge of Adapted Physical Education: A Pilot Study, Scott W.T. McNamara, Laura Trujillo-Jenks, Suzanna Dillon, Sean Healy, and Kevin Becker
Special issue of Decision Support Systems on web-based decision support, Hemant K. Bhargava, Daniel J. Power, and Daewon Sun
Special speciation, Lyn L. Countryman and Jill D. Maroo
Species composition influences soil nutrient depletion and plant physiology in prairie agroenergy feedstocks, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jordan M.A. Koos, Catherine M. Kokemuller, Hannah E. Dietz, Alec J. Glidden, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Species delimitation and phylogeography of the studfish Fundulus catenatus species group (Ovalentaria: Cyprinodontiformes), Peter J. Hundt, Peter B. Berendzen, and Andrew M. Simons
Species limits and phylogeography of North American cricket frogs (Acris: Hylidae), Tony Gamble, Peter B. Berendzen, H. Bradley Shaffer, David E. Starkey, and Andrew M. Simons
Specifics of the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient for a CoCl2 aqueous solution in porous-glass membranes, V. N. Pak, A. B. Nepomnyashchii, T. M. Burkat, and Sh R. Coon
Specifying the needs of a ‘bilingual’ developmentally disabled population: Issues and case studies, Mel Greenlee
Spectators' characteristics and economic impact of local sports events: A case study of cedar valley moonlight classic soccer tournament, Ariana Cela, Chris Kowalski, and Sam Lankford
Spectral spike reduction for ultra-wideband impulse radio system, A. Pearce, H. Nie, and Z. Chen
Speculations on vitamin K, VKORC1 genotype and autism, M. C. DeSoto
Speech and language production at age 2: Evidence for tradeoffs between linguistic and phonetic processing, L. K. Nelson and H. R. Bauer
Speech breathing in speakers who use an electrolarynx, Todd A. Bohnenkamp, Talena Stowell, Joy Hesse, and Simon Wright
Speech Perception in Noise by Children for Whom English Is a Second Language, Carl C. Crandell and Joseph J. Smaldino
Speech perception in the classroom, Joseph J. Smaldino and Carl C. Crandell
Speech timing in apraxia of speech versus conduction aphasia, Samuel A.K. Seddoh, Donald A. Robin, Hyun Sub Sim, Carlin Hageman, Jerald B. Moon, and John W. Folkins
Spelling: A Review of Literature, Tammy Uhlenhopp
Spelling Instruction in the Classroom, Kristin Zweibohmer
Spelling Instruction in the Primary Grades, Kathleen Ziegler
SPINFAST: Using structure alignment profiles to enhance the accuracy and assess the reliability of protein side-chain modeling, Aleksandar Poleksic, Joseph F. Danzer, Brian A. Palmer, Barry D. Olafson, and Derek A. Debe
Spin glass behavior of Zn1-xMnxTe, P. M. Shand, A. D. Christianson, L. S. Martinson, J. W. Schweitzer, T. M. Pekarek, I. Miotkowski, and B. C. Crooker
Spin-glass ordering in the diluted magnetic semiconductor, P. Shand, A. Christianson, and T. Pekarek
Spin-glass ordering in the layered III-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor [formula omitted], T. M. Pekarek, E. M. Watson, P. M. Shand, I. Miotkowski, and A. K. Ramdas
Spin glass or random anisotropy?: The origin of magnetically glassy behavior in nanostructured Gd Al 2, P. M. Shand, C. C. Stark, D. Williams, M. A. Morales, T. M. Pekarek, and D. L. Leslie-Pelecky
Spirit Lake High School Junior Research Program: A Course of Study, Milbert Krohn
Spirituality, alcoholism, and recovery: An exploratory study, M. M. Carroll
Spirituality, religion, and social work: An effort towards interdisciplinary conversation, Laura J. Praglin
Sport commitment among competitive female athletes: Test of an expanded model, Windee M. Weiss, Maureen R. Weiss, and Anthony J. Amorose
Sport commitment among competitive female gymnasts: A developmental perspective, Windee M. Weiss and Maureen R. Weiss
Sports for all (SFA) strategies: An integrated 21st century model of leisure, sports and health in Guangzhou, China, Ming Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Xiaoyan Su, and Tong Zhou
Spotlight on Athletic Training Practice-Based Research Networks: A celebration and a challenge, Todd A. Evans
Spring 2014, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Spring 2015, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Spring 2016, Anthology, UNI Literacy Clinic, University of Northern Iowa
Spring 2017, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Spring 2018, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Spring Semester Update - Faculty/Staff, January 20, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Spring Semester Update - Supervisors, January 20, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis: Evaluation of data from the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program, Jonathan M. Rippentrop, Sue A. Joslyn, and Badrinath R. Konety
Squigonometry, William E. Wood
Stacking-dependent shear modes in trilayer graphene, Chun Hung Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Courtney Keiser, Eduardo B. Barros, and Rui He
Staff Quality and Treatment Effectiveness: An Examination of the Relationship between Staff Factors and the Effectiveness of Correctional Programs, Matthew Makarios, Lori Lovins, Edward Latessa, and Paula Smith
Stained Glass Window, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Stakeholder Identification and Salience After 20 Years: Progress, Problems, and Prospects, Donna J. Wood, Ronald K. Mitchell, Bradley R. Agle, and Logan M. Bryan
Standardized measures for substance use stigma, Seth A. Brown
Standardized measures of reading achievement for placement of students in chapter 1 and learning disability programs: A nationwide survey of assessment practices, Jeannie L. Steele and Kurt Meredith
Standards-based mathematics curriculum materials: A phrase in search of a definition, Paul R. Trafton, Barbara J. Reys, and Deanna G. Wasman
Stanley Ebede - Boys and Girls Club of the Cedar Valley, Stanley Ebede
State and local politics: Cases and topics, Jayme L. Renfro
State anxiety as a function of skill level and proximity to competition, Sharon Huddleston and Diane L. Gill
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1961, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1962, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1963, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1964, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1965, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1966, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Fall 1967, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Spring 1962, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Spring 1963, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Spring 1964, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Spring 1965, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Spring 1966, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Spring 1967, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Summer 1962, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Summer 1963, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Summer 1964, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Summer 1965, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Summer 1966, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa Schedule of Classes, Summer 1967, State College of Iowa
State College of Iowa spring game, 1963, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
State-level cyberbullying policy: Variations in containing a digital problem, Ramona Sue McNeal, Susan M. Kunkle, and Lisa Dotterweich Bryan
State-level cyberbullying policy: Variations in containing a digital problem, Ramona Sue McNeal, Susan M. Kunkle, and Lisa Dotterweich Bryan
State-local relations in policy implementation: The case of Highway transportation in Iowa, R. Allen Hays
Statement by the NSTA President, Elizabeth A. Simendinger
State of the context: listening in education, Melissa L. Beall, Jennifer Gill-Rosier, Jeanine Tate, and Amy Matten
State policy action on Medicaid telemedicine reimbursement laws, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
State renewal in Africa: The lessons, Pita Ogaba Agbese and George Klay Kieh
State response to Obama’s broadband access policy: A study in policy implementation, Ramona McNeal
State under siege: Development and policy making in Peru, Philip Mauceri
Statistical characteristics of reverse link inter-cell interference for cellular CDMA systems with random power disparities, Hong Nie, Shaohua Chen, and Jacek Ilow
Status and developments in gravity diecasting of iron, Yury S. Lerner
Status and Role of Formation Theory in Contemporary Archaeological Practice, Michael J. Shott
Staying competitive: Links to manufacturing technology networks, H. Fred Walker, Teresa J.K. Hall, and Loren Faeth
Staying in the middle or avoiding extremes? A test of the effect of rating scale length in advertising research with Chinese consumers, Cong Li, Gunwoo Yoon, and John Petit
Steffany Kroeger - Irving Elementary School, Staffany Kroeger
STEM for ALL Children: Preschool Teachers Supporting Engagement of Children With Special Needs in Physical Science Learning Centers, Mary Donegan-Ritter
Step-count guidelines for children and adolescents: A systematic review, Michael Pereira Da Silva, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, Eric Callahan, Oldemar Mazzardo, and Wagner De Campos
Step-count guidelines referenced on 60-minutes of moderate/vigorous physical activity, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, Michael Pereira Da Silva, Ripley Marston, Kevin Finn, and Jere Gallagher
Stepping away from my comfort zone, Irenea Walker
Step twin cities? : Exploring uneven spaces in Waterloo-Cedar Falls business landscapes, Natalia Khortseva
Stereotypes of the Native American in fiction books in elementary school libraries, Karma Anderson
Stereotype threat for rural students, Amy Price Azano, Erika L. Bass, and Heather Wright
Stereotypical beliefs about appearance: Implications for retailing and consumer issues, C. R. Jasper and M. L. Klassen
Stigma towards Marijuana Users and Heroin Users, Seth A. Brown
Still alone at the table? Women working in technology organizations, Marilyn Drury
Still photography in Iowa junior high schools, Susan Enderson
Stimulant medication use in college students: Comparison of appropriate users, misusers, and nonusers, Cynthia M. Hartung, Will H. Canu, Carolyn S. Cleveland, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Melissa J. Mignogna, David A. Fedele, Christopher J. Correia, Thad R. Leffingwell, and Joshua D. Clapp
Stimulus modality and short-term memory in rats, Julia Wallace, Pamela A. Steinert, Stanley R. Scobie, and Norman E. Spear
Stitched together, torn apart: The keffiyeh as cultural guide, Evan Renfro
Stochastic brownian game of absolute dominance, Shangzhen Luo
Stochastic comparisons in frailty models, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani
Stochastic differential reinsurance games in diffusion approximation models, Shangzhen Luo, Mingming Wang, and Wei Zhu
Stochastic Monte Carlo Simulations of Competing Nucleoproteins on Single-Stranded DNA, Aaron Kirchman and Ali Tabei Ph.D.
Stochastic Pareto-optimal reinsurance policies, Xudong Zeng and Shangzhen Luo
Stock option compensation and the likelihood of meeting analysts' quarterly earnings targets, Mark P. Bauman and Kenneth W. Shaw
Stock returns, dividend yield, and book-to-market ratio, Xiaoquan Jiang and Bong Soo Lee
Stokes' dream: Measurement of fluid viscosity from the attenuation of capillary waves, F. Behroozi, J. Smith, and W. Even
Stones and shafts redux: The metric discrimination of chipped-stone dart and arrow points, Michael J. Shott
Stop Thinking about Past Arguments: Imagined Interactions, Mindfulness and Anxiety in Romantic Relationships, Alyssa McCoy
Stories of the poorhouse, Karen Tracey
Stormwater monitoring: A primer on basic data and methods, Rebecca Kauten
Story Retelling in the Elementary Classroom, Kathy J. Struck
Strain and sex differences in mouse killing by rats, Linda L. Walsh
Strain differences among rats initiating exploration of differing environments, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in activity of the rat in a shuttle stabilimeter, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in activity of the rat using a home cage stabilimeter, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in basal metabolism of behaviorally defined rats, Gordon M. Harrington and Louis R. Hellwig
Strain differences in free operant leverpress levels in the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in light-contingent barpress behavior of the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in neophilia in the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat. II, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in organ weights of behaviorally defined rats, Gordon M. Harrington and Louis R. Hellwig
Strain differences in passive avoidance conditioning in the rat, Gordon M. Harrington