Content Posted in 2021
When i am an old woman, i shall wear purple: Red hatters cope with getting old, M. Elise Radina, Annette Lynch, Marybeth C. Stalp, and Lydia K. Manning
When idealists evade taxes: The influence of personal moral philosophy on attitudes to tax evasion - A Lebanese study, Yusuf M. Sidani, Abdul Jalil Ghanem, and Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas
When McLuhan met Simmel: Form is the content, medium is the message, Shing Ling S. Chen, Mark D. Johns, and Laura A. Terlip
When my country is at war: Issue importance and interpersonal influence lead Iraq War attitudes to cluster within social networks, Jerry G. Cullum, Bradley M. Okdie, and Helen C. Harton
When (not if) the big one comes, Jack Riessen
When students lead parent-teacher conferences, Lyn Le Countryman and Merrie Schroeder
When Times Collide: Ward Churchill's Use of an Epideictic Moment to Ground Forensic Argument, Catherine Helen Palczewski
White ethnic diversity and community attachment in small iowa towns, Tom W. Rice and Brent Steele
"Whoa versus go!" A rejoinder to Mannell and Caldwell, Gordon J. Walker, Rodney B. Dieser, and Jinyang Deng
Who Cares About Being Gentle? The Impact of Social Identity and the Gender of One's Friends on Children's Display of Same-Gender Favoritism, Rachael D. Robnett and Joshua E. Susskind
Who gets to decide? the role of institutional logics in shaping stakeholder politics and insurgency, James E. Mattingly and Harry T. Hall
Who is sexually faithful? Own and partner personality traits as predictors of infidelity, Emma E. Altgelt, Melanie A. Reyes, Juliana E. French, Andrea L. Meltzer, and James K. McNulty
Whole and part practice: A meta-analysis, Fabio E. Fontana, Ovande Furtado, Oldemar Mazzardo, and Jere D. Gallagher
Wholesaler: A decision support system for wholesale procurement and distributions, Chandrasekhar Das and Rajesh Tyagi
Who may be literate? Disability and resistance to the cultural denial of competence, Christopher Kliewer, Douglas Biklen, and Christi Kasa-Hendrickson
Who owns a group's proposals: The initiator or the group as a whole?, Charles Pavitt, Michael Philipp, and Kelly Kline Johnson
Who we are and what we do, 2008, Dale Cyphert
Who Were the German Independent Socialists? The Leipzig City Council Election of 6 December 1917, David McKibben
Who will speak for agriculture?, Jerry D. Stockdale
Why Are Asian Americans Silent? Asian Americans' Negotiation Strategies for Communicative Discriminations, Jungmi Jun
Why college athletes play through pain during competition, Jennifer J. Waldron and Nathan White
Why college athletes play through pain during competition, Jennifer J. Waldron and Nathan White
Why do captive tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) urine wash?, Kimran E. Miller Buckholz, Katalin Laszlo, and Stephen J. Suomi
Why Do Emotionally Intelligent People Have Positive Work Attitudes? The mediating role of situational judgment effectiveness, Daejeong Choi, In Sue Oh, Russell P. Guay, and Eunjung Lee
Why don't they read?, Cynde Duncan
Why people harm the organization and its members: Relationships among personality, organizational commitment, and workplace deviance, Russell P. Guay, Daejeong Choi, In Sue Oh, Marie S. Mitchell, Michael K. Mount, and Kang Hyun Shin
Why people self-injure and what school counselors can do to help, Emily M. Thole
Why Teach Earth Science in Our Secondary Schools?, Raymon E. Bisque
Why Teach Fungi in High School?, David McLaughlin
Wicked problems as moral crossroads: choosing the path for human flourishing, C. Kyle Rudick
Wife's employment and worker relocation behavior, Janet M. Rives and Janet M. West
Wild bee visitors and floral source associations in the Conservation Reserve Program habitat in NE Iowa, Ai Wen, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark E. Sherrard, Laura L. Jackson, Justin Meissen, and Mark C. Myers
Wild bee visitors and their association with sown and unsown floral resources in reconstructed pollinator habitats within an agriculture landscape, Ai Wen, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark E. Sherrard, Laura L. Jackson, Justin Meissen, and Mark C. Myers
William Caxton: Pioneer English printer, Dana Crawford
Willing to play the game: How at-risk students persist in school, Kimberly Knesting and Nancy Waldron
Will teachers read the newsletter: A design problem, David Booth
Wind power potential assessment of Kano, Nigeria, Gaddafi Sani Shehu, Mehmet Argin, Abdullah Bala Kunya, and Sadik Kucuksari
Winning the battle of seattle: State response to perceived crisis, Jesse Wozniak
WIP—A Working Inservice Program, Richard R. Hawkes
Wireless Ventilation Measurement in 3D Printed Sand Molds, Brian Vuksanovich, Callan Herberger, Dean Jaric, Timothy Daugherty, Mike Clancy, Stephanie Gaffney, Rich Lonardo, Richard Huff, Jason Walker, Pedro Cortes, Sairam Ravi, Jerry Thiel, and Eric MacDonald
With fingers on the trigger: the military as custodian of democracy in Nigeria, P. O. Agbese
Woman to woman sexual violence, Paula J. Gilroy and Lynne Carroll
Women and men in warfare and migration: Implications of gender imbalance in the Grasshopper region of Arizona, Julia C. Lowell
Women Construct Self-Esteem in their Own Terms: A Feminist Qualitative Study, April Chatham-Carpenter and Victoria DeFrancisco
Women disrupting a marginalized identity: Subverting the parolee identity through narrative, Tara D. Opsal
Women in science: A snapshot across generations in academia, Dawn Del Carlo and Tori Wagner
Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill, Donna J. Maier
Women on parole: Understanding the impact Of Surveillance, Tara D. Opsal
Women on the Panama Trail to California, 1849-1869, Glenda Riley
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v6, Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v7, Fall 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Women's employment decisions in Malaysia: Does religion matter?, Shahina Amin and Imam Alam
Women's leadership in Africa, Rosemarie Skaine
Women's status and fertility in rural India, K. N.S. Yadava and Surendar S. Yadava
Women's use of physical and nonphysical self-defense strategies during incidents of partner violence, William R. Downs, Barb Rindels, and Christine Atkinson
Women’s voices in the field of educational technology: Our journeys, J. Ana Donaldson
Women, work and consciousness in the mid-nineteenth-century English cotton industry, Carol E. Morgan
Woodrow Wilson's Christian internationalism and the pursuit of a just and lasting peace, Cara Lea Burnidge
Work and nonwork engagements between life domains: Effects on subjective health and life satisfaction of employees across 53 nations varying in economic competitiveness, Atul Mitra, Michael Harris Bond, Qing Lu, Russell P. Guay, and Jason D. Shaw
Work, Family, and Health: Work-Family Balance as a Protective Factor Against Stresses of Daily Life, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Adam B. Butler, and David M. Almeida
Work, family, and mental health: Testing different models of work-family fit, Joseph G. Grzywacz and Brenda L. Bass
Work-Family Balance, J. G. Grzywacz and A. B. Butler
Work-family conflict, Joseph G. Grzywacz and Adam B. Butler
Work–family crossover: A meta-analytic review., Andrew Li, Russell Cropanzano, Adam Butler, Ping Shao, and Mina Westman
Work-family spillover and daily reports of work and family stress in the adult labor force, Joseph G. Grzywacz, David M. Almeida, and Daniel A. McDonald
Working 9-to-5? A review of research on nonstandard work schedules, Mark C. Bolino, Thomas K. Kelemen, and Samuel H. Matthews
Working-class heroes: Barrio consciousness, student power, and the Mexican dirty war, Fernando Herrera Calderón
Working through the risks: A structured experience to facilitate self-disclosure, William B. Kline
Working with gay and lesbian youth : the counselor as advocate, Kara L. Thompson
Working with male batterers: A restorative-strengths perspective, Katherine Van Wormer and Susan G. Bednar
Work-life balance as a predictor of college student anxiety and depression, Justin M. Sprung and Anna Rogers
Workplace flexibility, self-reported health, and health care utilization, Adam B. Butler, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Susan L. Ettner, and Bo Liu
Workplace health promotion: Effects of an mHealth application on Employee Behaviour and Wellness, Sophie Emerson, Ciara Heavin, and Daniel J. Power
World water resources: Trends, challenges, and solutions, C. Zeman, M. Rich, and J. Rose
Worldwide photometry of the january 1989 τ persei eclipse, Douglas S. Hall, William S. Barksdale, David R. Curott, Roger Diethelm-Sutter, Jack Ells, Gary J. Frey, Michael B. Houchen, Kevin Krisciunas, P. Steven Leiker, Helen C. Lines, Richard D. Lines, Richard Miles, Russell E. Milton, Osamu Ohshima, Harry D. Powell, John L. Pasour, Klaus Peter Schröder, Douglas M. Slauson, Diane Pyper Smith, Leroy F. Snyder, and David B. Williams
World wide web-based information storage and retrieval, Kevin C. O'Kane
"Wow, that was funny": The value of exposure and humor in fostering campaign message sharing, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Erica L. Spies, Christie Boxer, Kristina M. Scharp, and Mary E. Losch
Writing across the curriculum, writing proficiency exams, and the NNS college student, Michael Janopoulos
Writing and Evaluating the Laboratory Report, David N. West
Writing as a New Component of English as a Second Language Programs For Young Russian Children, Elena Voronina
Writing a user functional description for an army software metrics support tool, Janet M. Drake
Writing in Biology: One Way to Improve Analytical Thinking, E. Russell TePaske
Writing in the Marketing Curriculum, Steven B. Corbin and Karen A. Glynn
Writing Opportunities to Extend Literacy for At-Risk Children in Grade One, Judy K. Torrens
Writing portfolios: Descriptive assessment of children's writing, Barbara M. Bohach
Writing Portfolios in a Second Grade English as a Second Language Classroom, Adriana Vargas
Writing, the process approach: A directed search from prewriting to publication, Diane D. Barkema
Writing Wakan: The lakota pipe as rhetorical object, David M. Grant
WWW Database of Variable Star Fourier Coefficients, Siobahn M. Morgan
Xenopus development from late gastrulation to feeding tadpole in simulated microgravity, Wendy M. Olson, Darrell J. Wiens, Theresa L. Gaul, Manuela Rodriguez, and Chérie L. Hauptmeier
Year-Round Education, Kara Trentz
Yes, and … : continuing the scholarly conversation about freedom of speech at colleges and universities*, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … ”: continuing the scholarly conversation about Hispanic Serving Institutions*, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … ”: continuing the scholarly conversation about immigration and higher education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
Yes, and … : continuing the scholarly conversation about mental health stigma in higher education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … ” continuing the scholarly conversation about pandemic pedagogy, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … ”: continuing the scholarly conversation about teacher labor in PK-12 education*, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … *”: continuing the scholarly conversation about the dark side of social media *, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
Yes, and … : continuing the scholarly conversation about undue donor influence on higher education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … *”: continuing the scholarly conversation about anti-LGBT bullying in K-12 education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … * ” continuing the scholarly conversation about contingent labor in higher education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … *”: continuing the scholarly conversation about mentoring in higher education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, and … *” continuing the scholarly conversation about student precarity in higher education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
Young Adults with Behavioral Disorders: A Comparison with Peers with Mild Disabilities, Alan R. Frank, Patricia L. Sitlington, and Rori R. Carson
Young adults with behavioral disorders - Before and after IDEA, Alan R. Frank and Patricia L. Sitlington
Young children's understanding of war and peace, Joan Tephly
Young minds meet for sustainable future, Faruk Yildiz, Recayi Pecen, and Soner Tarim
Young women's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to long-acting reversible contraceptives, Erica L. Spies, Natoshia M. Askelson, Emma Gelman, and Mary Losch
Your Endangered Heritage and Your Children, Arnold O. Haugen
Your Evolving UNI Library: Spaces, Sources, and Services for Graduate Research, Chris Neuhaus
Yours, mine, or ours: Tax-related decision responsibility of married couples, Carol M. Fischer, Timothy J. Rupert, and Martha L. Wartick
Youth Australian footballers experience similar impact forces to the head as junior-and senior-league players: A prospective study of kinematic measurements, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, Alasdair Dempsey, Mason Gittins, and Myles Murphy
Zero accident vision: Literature review and future directions in indian context, Jai Narain, Yogesh Mishra, Manoj Kumar Sain, Makkhan Lal Meena, Govind Sharan Danga-Yach, and Naseswara Rao Posinasetti
Zijad Mahmutovic - Grout Museum District, Zijad Mahmutovic