About UNI ScholarWorks


UNI ScholarWorks Brochure [Faculty Focused]
UNI ScholarWorks Brochure [Student Focused]

    UNI ScholarWorks (ISSN 2578-3637) is a service of Rod Library’s Digital Scholarship unit dedicated to preserving and providing open access to the research and creative output of the University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library staff works with university departments, centers, and individual faculty to select, submit, and manage content. Members of the UNI community are invited to contribute their completed scholarship for long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility. Archiving content, such as author manuscripts, in UNI ScholarWorks is free and allowed by many publishers.

    UNI ScholarWorks adds works throughout the year, increasing the impact of University of Northern Iowa’s scholarship. View the repository’s growth over time, updated monthly (Activity by Year.) Go to the Digital Scholarship page for more information.

    What is it?

    UNI ScholarWorks is a collection of services designed to capture and showcase output by the University of Northern Iowa community by bringing it all together under one umbrella, with the aim to preserve and provide access to that research. These services include:

    • Identifying and making available via the UNI ScholarWorks web site documents and files produced by the faculty, research groups, staff, students and affiliates of the University of Northern Iowa community
    • Work with University Archives in identifying and making available campus materials
    • Distribution of regular reports that provide data on the impact and usage of faculty publications
    • Access to simple and inexpensive electronic publishing of original series, journals, open access books, open educational resources, and conferences as part of the University of Northern Iowa Digital Press
    • Promotion of research efforts via a searchable database, reports to key administrators and stakeholders, and coordination with other research recognition activities

    During the Spring 2019 semester, the digital collections in CONTENTdm were moved to UNI ScholarWorks.

    PLEASE NOTE: Materials located in UNI ScholarWorks come from a broad range of sources and time periods. Some of these materials may contain offensive stereotypes, ideas, visuals, or language. Their presence should be viewed and considered within their historical context. They do not represent the views of the University of Northern Iowa or the Library, which strives to create and maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment.

    The FACULTY PROFILES (SelectedWorks Profiles integrated in UNI ScholarWorks) have been canceled due to dwindling resources. For some information about what faculty have published, go to the Faculty Publicationspage or the UNI Impact newsletter.

    Why Contribute?

    Posting a document provides faculty, staff, and students many advantages:

    • Where you publish makes a difference – studies have shown that open access articles have more views/downloads than non-open access articles. Open access articles tend to be more frequently used and cited, therefore research has higher impact.
    • Enhances professional visibility and impact through broader dissemination and increased use of research
    • More citations to and downloads of works
    • Supports graduate scholarship by providing public access to theses and dissertations
    • Provides a quick, effortless, and inexpensive method of sharing research
    • Helps remove the significant access barriers to research and publicly funded scholarship
    • Provides substantial support of the University of Northern Iowa’s scholarly communication efforts by facilitating the entire publishing and dissemination process
    • Gives researchers information on how often their works are being used through monthly download reports


    Who Can Contribute? Submission Policy

    We accept works created by any University of Northern Iowa department, research unit, or center. We accept works created by UNI faculty, faculty, and students with authorization from a sponsoring department or faculty member. Other individuals affiliated with the University of Northern Iowa (e.g., contributors to University of Northern Iowa sponsored conferences and journals) can contribute works to the repository.

    What Types of Materials? Content Policy

    Significant UNI publications. In addition, final versions of your output are welcome and may include many types of materials includes but is not limited to:
    • journal publications
    • conference papers and proceedings
    • presentations
    • working papers
    • books
    • book chapters
    • multimedia (including video, audio, and image files)
    • administrative and policy documents
    • newsletters/magazines
    • course assignments
    • lesson plans
    • laboratory notebooks/activities
    • syllabi
    • textbooks
    • learning objects
    • lecture notes
    • lecture videos
    • patents
    • data sets
    • faculty projects

    Can Materials be Removed? Preservation Policy

    UNI ScholarWorks is intended to be a permanent record, therefore removing content from public viewing is strongly discouraged. Authors will be notified by the repository administrator before removal of any content. Authors wishing to remove or update their content should contact the repository administrator at scholarworks@uni.edu.

    What Can You Do With the Metadata? Metadata Policy

    Anyone may access the metadata free of charge

    What Can You Do With the Data? Data Policy

    Anyone may access full items free of charge/Access to some or all full items is restricted.


    How Can I Add Materials?

    Adding your materials to UNI ScholarWorks is easy! For faculty and staff publications send us a copy of your vita, and staff in the Digital Scholarship Unit will take care of the rest. For other types of works, contact us at scholarworks@uni.edu to set up a consultation about the project. If you have questions about contributing to UNI ScholarWorks, you may contact the site administrators at scholarworks@uni.edu or contact your Library Liaison.

    Registered with OpenDOAR

    UNI ScholarWorks has been registered with the OpenDOAR, Directory of Open Access Repositories, since February 2019. OpenDOAR is a global directory of Open Access repositories and their policies. See the UNI ScholarWorks OpenDOAR entry (OpenDOAR ID 4284) for details.

    Registered with ROAR

    UNI ScholarWorks has been registered with the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) since spring 2016. ROAR is a searchable international database indexing the creation, location, and growth of open access institutional repositories and their contents. To date (spring 2018), over 3,000 institutional and cross-institutional repositories have been registered. See the UNI ScholarWorks ROAR entry (ROAR ID 11437) for details.

    Feedback From Users

    The global input listed below is collected from responses to a feedback form that is found throughout the repository. The form asks permissions if the library can share the submitter's story. The formal also requests the link to the resource the person is commenting on, therefore we can often link feedback to a specific resource within the repository.

    • Tabea, a graduate student from Germany, states, "... I'm writing my master thesis in the field of Marketing. Having access to this publication [Relevant decision criteria and their level of importance in consumers' choice of hospital] helped me gain valuable insights regarding the topic of my thesis..."
    • Hannah, a student, states, "As a graduate student, I can continue my research and learning experience knowing I have reliable resources at hand!”
    • A graduate student from Spain states, "Access to this publication [Dungeons and Dragons and Literacy: The Role Tabletop Role-Playing Games can Play in Developing Teenagers' Literacy Skills and Reading Interests] has helped me expand my research scope for my Master's thesis."
    Global Feedback Reports

For Assistance

For assistance in submitting works and in using the UNI ScholarWorks services or to learn more about the project, please contact:

UNI ScholarWorks
Rod Library
319-273- 3739 (Ellen Neuhaus)