Content Posted in 2021
Strain differences in rotating wheel activity of the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in runway learning in the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in shuttle avoidance conditioning in the rat, Gordon M. Harrington
Strain differences in simple operant barpress acquisition to an auditory stimulus by rats, Gordon M. Harrington
Strangers in a Strange Land: Spanish Chant Manuscript Leaves in the Permanent Collection of the University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art, Alison Altstatt
Strategic action: Community engagement professionals as institutional change leaders, Ashley Farmer-Hanson, Julianne Gassman, and Emily Shields
Strategic Global Strategy: The Intersection of General Principles, Corporate Responsibility and Economic Value-Added, Laura P. Hartman, Patricia H. Werhane, Cynthia E. Clark, Craig V. Vansandt, and Mukesh Sud
Strategic professional development for busy teachers: Profile of a high-impact instructional design, Sarah Bryans-Bongey and Craig Rosen
Strategic Stewards: Managing Accountability, Building Trust, Julie Bundt
Strategic Thinkers and Positioned Choices: Parental Decision Making in Urban School Choice, Scott Ellison and Ariel M. Aloe
Strategic use of the unsayable: Paradox as argument in gödel's theorem, Dale Cyphert and Dale Cyphert
Strategies and practices to enhance reading comprehension in the elementary classroom, Lois Marie Collins Berger
Strategies for building stronger families, Mary L. Franken and Patricia E. Gross
Strategies for playground injury prevention: An overview of a playground project, Heather Olsen, Susan D. Hudson, and Donna Thompson
Strategies for Sprinkling Spice on an Elementary Physical Education Program: Thematic Instruction Comes to the Gym!, Kristine Lee Whitcher
Strategy choices in simple and complex addition: Contributions of working memory and counting knowledge for children with mathematical disability, David C. Geary, Mary K. Hoard, Jennifer Byrd-Craven, and M. Catherine DeSoto
Stratification on the Menu: Using Restaurant Menus to Examine Social Class, Wynne Wright and Elizabeth Ransom
Stratigraphy and environmental reconstruction at the middle Wisconsinan Gilman Canyon formation type locality, Buzzard's Roost, southwestern Nebraska, USA, William C. Johnson, Karen L. Willey, Joseph A. Mason, and David W. May
Stream microcosm toxicity tests: Predicting the effects of fenvalerate on riffle insect communities, Dan H. Breneman and Kurt W. Pontasch
Strengthening Kazhdan's property (T) by Bochner methods, David Fisher and Theron Hitchman
Strength increases in upper and lower body are larger with longer inter-set rest intervals in trained men, Belmiro Freitas de Salles, Roberto Simão, Humberto Miranda, Martim Bottaro, Fabio Fontana, and Jeffrey M. Willardson
Strength-power relationships during two lower extremity movements in female division I rowers, Robin Lund, Dennis Dolny, and Kathy Browder
Stress-related symptoms among dental hygienists, R. J. Lang, J. L. Gilpin, and A. R. Gilpin
Strong orbit equivalence and Residuality, Brett M. Werner
Strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) stratigraphy of Ordovician bulk carbonate: Implications for preservation of primary seawater values, Cole T. Edwards, Matthew R. Saltzman, Stephen A. Leslie, Stig M. Bergström, Alexa R.C. Sedlacek, Amanda Howard, Jeffrey A. Bauer, Walter C. Sweet, and Seth A. Young
STRUCTFAST: Protein sequence remote homology detection and alignment using novel dynamic programming and profile-profile scoring, Derek A. Debe, Joseph F. Danzer, William A. Goddard, and Aleksandar Poleksic
Structural and magnetic properties of bulk Mn2PtSn, J. Herran, S. Prophet, Y. Jin, S. Valloppilly, P. R. Kharel, D. J. Sellmyer, and P. V. Lukashev
Structural and phase properties of tetracosane (C24H 50) monolayers adsorbed on graphite: An explicit hydrogen molecular dynamics study, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M. W. Roth, M. J. Connolly, and Carlos Wexler
Structural change and the intersectoral terms of trade: Southeast Asian experience, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self
Structural change in Asia, the real effective exchange rate, and agricultural productivity, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self
Structural, magnetic, and electron-transport properties of epitaxial Mn2PtSn films, Y. Jin, S. Valloppilly, P. Kharel, J. Waybright, P. Lukashev, X. Z. Li, and D. J. Sellmyer
Structure and magnetism of NiFeMnGaxSn1-x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00) Heusler compounds, Jace Waybright, Lee Halbritter, Bishnu Dahal, Hanyang Qian, Yung Huh, Pavel Lukashev, and Parashu Kharel
Structure control and sorption properties of porous coordination polymers prepared from M(NO3)2 and 4,4′-bipyridine (M = Co2+, Ni2+), Kathryn Mauger-Sonnek, Laura K. Streicher, Owen P. Lamp, Arkady Ellern, and Colin L. Weeks
Structure of Canine Tracheobronchial Mucin Glycoprotein, Harold D. Woodward, Ira M. Simet, Nancy J. Ringler, R. Selvakumar, V. P. Bhavanandan, and Eugene A. Davidson
Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer During PM2.5 NAAQS Exceedances in Iowa, Madison Mckenna and Alan Czarnetzki Ph.D.
Student access to school-based health care and the effects on academic achievement, behavior, and mental health, Brooke C. Olson
Student-described engagement with text: Insights are discovered from fourth graders, Timothy G. Weih
Student design projects in a programmable logic controller (PLC) course, Liping Guo and Recayi Reg Pecen
Student employees: Hire'em, mold'em, keep'em, Dana Peiffer and Benjamin Arnold
Student evaluation of teaching and matters of reliability, Dennis E. Clayson
Student Evaluations in Marketing: What is Actually being Measured?, Dennis E. Clayson and Debra A. Haley
Student evaluations of teaching: Are they related to what students learn?: A meta-analysis and review of the literature, Dennis E. Clayson
Student explorations of quantum effects in leds and luminescent devices, Lawrence T. Escalada, Sanjay Rebello, and Dean A. Zollman
Student perception of instructors: the effect of age, gender and political leaning, Dennis E. Clayson
Student perceptions of a peer mediation program in a middle school setting, Amy Junkermeier
Student perceptions of teacher power as a function of perceived teacher confirmation, Paul D. Turman and Paul Schrodt
Student performance in business and economics statistics: Does exam structure matter?, Randall G. Krieg and Bulent Uyar
Student personnel services and some faculty attitudes, University of Northern Iowa, summer 1980, David Anthony Carbone
Students’ epistemic worldview preferences predict selective recall across History and Physics texts, Benjamin Robert Forsyth
Student services possibilities in response to the black student attrition rate, David George Baumgartner
Students' evaluation of teaching effectiveness: Some implications of stability, Dennis E. Clayson
Students for Environmental Awareness (S.E.A.): A New Concept, Charles Frederick
Students helping students: Creating and evaluating a collaborative service model in the library, Theresa Westbrock and Angie Cox
Students' perceptions of teachers and teaching, Deborah J. Gallagher, Melody J. Tankersley, and Joanne M. Herbe
Students speak up on new integration with ASHA, Megan Elizabeth Carey-Vaughan, Rene Utianski, and Roger Reeter
Students who self-injure : how can counselors help, Martha Watter
Students with reading and writing challenges: Using informal assessment to assist in planning for the transition to adult life, Patricia L. Sitlington
Student travel behavior: A cross-national study, Aviv Shoham, Christine Schrage, and Shelley van Eeden
Student violence in the schools, Juan J. Barthelemy
Studies of huey sulfation plates at high ambient so2 concentrations, Paul E. Rider, Carole C. Rider, and Robert N. Corning
Studies on corrosion and quenching effects of cutting fluid with vegetable-based emulsifier on AISI 1040 steel, R. R. Srikant and V. S.N. Venkata Ramana
Study of deposition dependent characteristics of gold on n-GaAs by photoreflectance spectroscopy, Ali Badakhshan, Jeff L. England, P. Thompson, P. Cheung, C. H. Yang, and Kambiz Alavi
Study space analysis for policy development, Roy S. Malpass, Colin G. Tredoux, Nadja Schreiber Compo, Dawn McQuiston-Surrett, Otto H. Maclin, Laura A. Zimmerman, and Lisa D. Topp
Subexponential asymptotics of the BMAP/GI/1 queue, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Bin Liu, and Tetsuya Takine
Subjects and interface delay in child Spanish and Catalan, John Grinstead
Submitting to the Disciplines of Liberation: A Second Look at Mark Van Doren’s Liberal Education, Bill Koch
Suborder Lagenina and other smaller foraminifers from uppermost Pennyslvanian-lower Permian rocks of Kansas and Oklahoma, J. R. Groves
Substance misusing parents and their children: an interview with Christine Fewell, Ph.D., LCSW, CASAC and Joan Blakey, Ph.D., MSW, Lixia Zhang and Lisa Berger
Substance Use, Family Functionality, and Mental Health among College Students in Spain, Francisco Caravaca-Sánchez, Eva Aizpurua, and Andrew Stephenson
Subsurface nutrient processing capacity in agricultural roadside ditches, Keith E. Schilling, Matthew T. Streeter, Martin St. Clair, and Justin Meissen
Success and survival of skill-based pay plans, Jason D. Shaw, Nina Gupta, Atul Mitra, and Gerald E. Ledford
Success as an Adult—Does Gender Make a Difference for Graduates with Mental Disabilities?, Patricia L. Sitlington and Alan R. Frank
Successors of singular cardinals and coloring theorems I, Todd Eisworth and Saharon Shelah
Suggested core materials for early childhood programs, Erin Feingold
Suicide and Family Survival, Nancy K. Veldey
Suicide resilience inventory-25: Development and preliminary psychometric properties, Augustine Osman, Peter M. Gutierrez, Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp, Felicia Dix-Richardson, Francisco X. Barrios, and Beverly A. Kopper
Suicide risk assessment in a college student population, Peter M. Gutierrez, Augustine Osman, Beverly A. Kopper, Francisco X. Barrios, and Courtney L. Bagge
Summary of a 15-Month Biology Articulation Program through Drake University, Everett Drevs
Summary of the Elementary Section of the Fall ISTS Meeting, Eloise Soy
Summer 2014, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Summer 2015, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Summer 2016, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Summer 2017, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Summer 2018, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology, University of Northern Iowa
Summer Field Ecology, Richard Sweeney
Summer Undergraduate Student Research Symposium, University of Northern Iowa
13C and 15N fractionation of CH4/N2 mixtures during photochemical aerosol formation: Relevance to Titan, Joshua A. Sebree, Jennifer C. Stern, Kathleen E. Mandt, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, and Melissa G. Trainer
87Sr/86Sr stratigraphy from the Early Triassic of Zal, Iran: Linking temperature to weathering rates and the tempo of ecosystem recovery, Alexa R.C. Sedlacek, Matthew R. Saltzman, Thomas J. Algeo, Micha Horacek, Rainer Brandner, Kenneth Foland, and Rhawn F. Denniston
Super Bowl Precautions, February 7, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Supercomputer based laboratories and the evolution of the personal computer based laboratory, David A. Joiner, Robert M. Panoff, Paul Gray, Tom Murphy, and Charlie Peck
Superconducting phase diagram in a model for tetragonal and cubic systems with strong antiferromagnetic correlations, J. J. Deisz
Supervisory referrals to employee assistance programs: Influences on the use of EAPs by supervisors, Garth E. Baker
Supplemental seed increases native seedling establishment in roadside prairie restoration, Jessica L. Riebkes, Mark E. Sherrard, and Laura L. Jackson
Supplemental seeding and seed predation in a newly planted tallgrass prairie, Isabella Betzer
Supply chain analytic capability: Environment and performance, Karthik N.S. Iyer, Richard Germain, and Gary L. Frankwick
Supply chain B2B e-commerce and time-based delivery performance, Karthik N.S. Iyer, Richard Germain, and Gary L. Frankwick
Supply chain flexibility: Building a new model, Rhonda R. Lummus, Leslie K. Duclos, and Robert J. Vokurka
Supply chain technology: The role of environment in predicting performance, Beth Davis-Sramek, Richard Germain, and Karthik Iyer
Supporting gifted education in rural schools, Amy Price Azano, Carolyn Callahan, Erika L. Bass, and Michelle Rasheed
Supporting high school students to engage in recreational activities with peers, Carolyn Hughes, Stephanie E. Fowler, Susan R. Copeland, Martin Agran, Michael L. Wehmeyer, and Penny P. Church-Pupke
Supporting Mental Health at UNI, Dominique Kornely, Kristine Hoskinson, Hannah Nelson, Talia Pulley, and Mike Tate
Supporting school persistence : an examination of student experiences in an alternative high school, Molly O'Connor
Supporting Young Children’s Spatial Understanding: Examining Toddlers’ Experiences with Contents and Containers, Jill M. Uhlenberg and Rosemary Geiken
Suppression of women's cortisol variance: Depression doesn't mediate the sex difference, M. Catherine DeSoto
Suprasegmentals: Tools for increased language teacher effectiveness, Tammy Gregersen
Supreme Court Voids "Anti-Evolution" Law
Surface chemistry of benzene, acetylene and ethylene on porous glass, Matthew D. Graaf and Shoshanna R. Coon
Surface plasmon resonance based wavelength selector: Design considerations, Peter J. Kajenski
Surface roughness optimization in a drilling operation using the taguchi design method, Julie Z. Zhang and Joseph C. Chen
Surface roughness optimization in an end-milling operation using the Taguchi design method, Julie Z. Zhang, Joseph C. Chen, and E. Daniel Kirby
Surface sediment analysis of a rock glacier, B. M. Yarnal
Surface temperature mapping of the University of Northern Iowa Campus using high resolution thermal infrared aerial imageries, Alexander Savelyev and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Surface tension in soap films: Revisiting a classic demonstration, F. Behroozi
Surgical Techniques in High School Biology, Donald E. Westermann
Survey of pharmacists: Impact of the generic drug scandal and implications for marketing generic drugs, Pola B. Gupta
Survival analysis and mortgage termination at AgChoice ACA, Jonathan B. Dressler and Jeffrey R. Stokes
Survival and recovery of calcareous foraminifera pursuant to the end-Permian mass extinction, John R. Groves and Demír Altiner
Survival strategies of gender-imbalanced migrant households in the grasshopper region of arizona, Julia C. Lowell
Survival strategies on a semi-arid island: submersion and desiccation tolerances of fiddler crabs from the Galapagos Archipelago, Mariana V. Capparelli, Carl L. Thurman, Paloma Gusso Choueri, Denis Moledo de Souza Abessa, Mayana Karoline Fontes, Caio Rodrigues Nobre, and John Campbell McNamara
Surviving breast cancer and living with lymphedema: Resiliency among women in the context of their families, M. Elise Radina and Jane M. Armer
Surviving the downsizing: Ethical and economic considerations, Gerri Perreault
Sustainable and Biodegradable Nanocellulose Composite Materials, Jacob Scheel and Tim Kidd Ph.D.
Sustainable development in the craft brewing industry: A case study of Iowa brewers, Alicia Rosburg and Carola Grebitus
Sustainable machining utilizing vegetable oil based nanofluids, P. N. Rao and R. R. Srikant
Sustainable practices of community tourism planning: Lessons from a remote community, Oksana Grybovych and Delmar Hafermann
Sustainable practices of community tourism planning: Lessons from a remote community, Oksana Grybovych and Delmar Hafermann
Sustained-Flux Global Warming Potential Driven by Nitrogen Inflow and Hydroperiod in a Model of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands, Y. Yuan, S. J. Sharp, J. P. Martina, K. J. Elgersma, and W. S. Currie
Symmetric tensor representations, quasimodular forms, and weak Jacobi forms, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee
Synopsis of a controls-oriented four-year engineering technology degree program at the University of Northern Iowa, Recayi Pecen, Ismail Fidan, and Marc A. Timmerman
Synoptic-Scale Atmospheric Circulation over British Columbia in Relation to the Mass Balance of Sentinel Glacier, Brent Yarnal
Syntactic and semantic categories of echo words in persian, Don L.F. Nilsen
Syntheses and characterization of iridium and rhodium ethylene complexes containing a doubly linked cyclopentadienyl ligand, Robert M. Chin, Devin Maurer, Mitchell Parr, Neysa Allworth, Robbie Schwenker, Daniel Sullivan, Samantha Enabnit, and William Brennessel
Syntheses and characterization of ruthenium complexes containing a doubly linked dicyclopentadienyl ligand and acetonitrile ligands, Robert M. Chin, Andrew Simonson, Joshua Mauldin, Jared Criswell, and William Brennessel
Syntheses, Characterization, and Reactivity of Diruthenium Hydrido Complexes, Heather R. Wiltse, Alyssa N. Johnson, Raphael J. Durand, William Brennessel, and Robert M. Chin
Synthesis and characterization of a zirconium complex containing a corannulene-based ligand, Robert M. Chin, Michael S. Jarosh, Jason D. Russell, and Rene J. Lachicotte
Synthesis and characterization of copper(ii) and zinc(ii) complexes of schiff bases derived from amino acids and 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, Guangbin Wang and James C. Chang
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Studies of Some 2-Substituted Benzaldehyde-2-Furanthiocarboxyhydrazones and Their Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) Complexes, James C. Chang, Kristin L. Mikkelsen, and Ira M. Simet
Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of a rhenium complex with a corannulene-based ligand, Robert M. Chin, Benjamin Baird, Michael Jarosh, Shane Rassman, Brian Barry, and William D. Jones
Synthesis, characterization of amino acid schiff base complexes of nickel(ii), Guangbin Wang and James C. Chang
Synthesis of 5-nitrofurfural diacetate and 5-nitrofurfural semicarbazone, Xiaorong Li, Qianguang Liu, and James C. Chang
Synthesis of freestanding HfO2 nanostructures, Timothy Kidd, Aaron O'Shea, Kayla Boyle, Jeff Wallace, and Laura Strauss
Synthesis of magnetic 1D dichalcogenide nanostructures, Timothy E. Kidd, Aaron O'Shea, Zach Griffith, Stroh Leslie, Paul M. Shand, Kayla R. Boyle, and Laura H. Strauss
Synthesis of [RuII(bpy)2(NCS)2] derivatives and their use as dye-sensitizers in nanocrystalline solar cells, Joel T. Kirner and Jeffrey E. Elbert
Synthetic folic acid supplementation during pregnancy may increase the risk of developing autism, M. Catherine Desoto and Robert T. Hitlan
Synthetic folic acid supplementation during pregnancy may increase the risk of developing autism, M. Catherine Desoto and Robert T. Hitlan
Systematic evaluation of psychometric properties of the Cognition Checklist with college students., A. Osman, T. M. Besett, J. R. Osman, J. A. Troutman, and L. Grittmann
Systematic limited arbitrage and the cross-section of stock returns: Evidence from exchange traded funds, R. Jared DeLisle, Brian C. McTier, and Adam R. Smedema
Systematic reference weeding: A workable model, Kathleen E. Joswick and John P. Stierman
Systematic revision of pocket gophers of the Cratogeomys gymnurus species group, Mark S. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Jessica E. Light, David J. Hafner, and John R. Demboski
Systematic revision of the pocket gopher genus Orthogeomys, Theresa A. Spradling, James W. Demastes, David J. Hafner, Paige L. Milbach, Fernando A. Cervantes, and Mark S. Hafner
Systematics and phylogeography of pocket gophers in the genera Cratogeomys and Pappogeomys, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and David L. Reed
Systematics of a rare species of pocket gopher, Pappogeomys alcorni, James W. Demastes, Andrea L. Butt, Mark S. Hafner, and Jessica E. Light
System bounding issues for analysis, Janet M. Drake and W. T. Tsai
System level transmit power analysis in cellular systems, Aravind Warrier, Jacek Ilow, and Hong Nie
Systems theories and approaches, Gary Gute
Table for conversion of kendall's tau to spearman's rho within the context of measures of magnitude of effect for meta-analysis, Andrew R. Gilpin
Tackling food waste in Iowa's K-12 schools, Mallory Feeney
Tactile Earth and space science materials for students with visual impairments: Contours, craters, asteroids, and features of Mars, Audrey C. Rule
Tail asymptotics for M/M/c retrial queues with non-persistent customers, Bin Liu, Xi Wang, and Yiqiang Q. Zhao
Tail asymptotics of the waiting time and the busy period for the M/G/1/K queues with subexponential service times, Bin Liu, Jinting Wang, and Yiqiang Q. Zhao
Tailoring Modified Moore Method Techniques to Liberal Arts Mathematics Courses, Theron J. Hitchman and Douglas Shaw
Taking On the System: The Story of the UNI 7, Eliza Mussman
Taking on tobacco: Policy entrepreneurship and the tobacco litigation, Rorie L. Spill, Michael J. Licari, and Leonard Ray
Taking Youth Voices Seriously: Theatre, Storytelling, and Empowerment with Refugee Youth in Memphis, TN, Taylor St. John
Tales from grades 1 through 12: Understanding the complex web of multiple life forces located in schools, Rodney B. Dieser
Tales from the fields: Sources of employee identification in agribusiness, Jayne M. Morgan, Talia J. Nelson, Angela R. Johanningmeier, and Paulina Andrade
Talking Teaching and Learning: Using Practical Argument to Make Reflective Thinking Audible, Robert Boody, Katheryn East, Linda M. Fitzgerald, Melissa L. Heston, and Annette M. Iverson
Talk the Talk or Walk the Walk? An Examination of Sustainability Accounting Implementation, W. Eric Lee and Amy M. Hageman
Taming the wild grape: Botany and horticulture in the vitaceae, Jean Gerrath, Usher Posluszny, and Lewis Melville
Tasks performed by nonprofessionals in elementary school media centers in four area education agencies in Iowa, Barbara J. Beebe
Tattoo or taboo? Tattoo stigma and negative attitudes toward tattooed individuals, Kristin A. Broussard and Helen C. Harton
Tau-functions and automorphic forms, Min Ho Lee
Tau functions and residues, Min Ho Lee
Tau functions associated to pseudodifferential operators of several variables, Min Ho Lee
Taxo's Martyrdom and the role of the nuntius in the Testament of Moses: Implications for understanding the role of other intermediary figures, Kenneth Atkinson
Tax policy and planning implications of hidden taxes: Effective marginal tax rate exercises, Carol M. Fischer, Timothy J. Rupert, and Martha L. Wartick
Taylor Ehrhardt - Food Bank of Iowa, Taylor Ehrhardt
Teacher autonomy : a review of the research literature, Jaime A. Usma-Wilches
Teacher-Child Relationships in Early Childhood Classrooms, Michelle Tuttle
Teacher discourse in a culturally diverse classroom, Madalina Tanase
Teacher learning of subject matter knowledge through an educative curriculum, Jihwa Noh and Matthew Webb
Teacher perceptions of self-determination: Benefits, characteristics, strategies, Martin Agran, Kimberly Snow, and Jayne Swaner
Teacher perceptions on professional study groups as an effective means to successful guided reading implementation, Melissa Kay Reimer
Teacher Professional Learning During the Global Pandemic: Five Critical Areas to Address, Théophile Muhayimana
Teachers as therapeutic agents: Perceptions of a school-based mental health initiative, Natalya A. Lindo, Dalena Dillman Taylor, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Katherine Purswell, Kimberly Jayne, Terri Gonzales, and Leslie Jones
Teachers’ attitudes toward integration of severely handicapped students into regular schools, William C. Stainback, Susan B. Stainback, and Charles V.L. Dedrick
Teacher self-efficacy: Nature, associated factors, and impact on students, Lisa Marie Bries
Teachers for the gifted — past, present and future, James O. Schnur
Teachers Group Calls for Scientific Literacy
Teachers' interactions with a young child with: Comparing ipad and non-ipad use, Sohyun Meacham and Saeed Almalki
Teachers' interactions with a young child with: Comparing iPad and non-iPad use, Sohyun Meacham and Saeed Almalki
Teachers of color and multiculturalism, Carmen Montecinos
Teachers' positive and negative effects on student effort, Jeanne Turner
Teachers' Reflections on Their Reform-Based Teaching in Mathematics: Implications for the Development of Teacher Self-Efficacy, Anthony J. Gabriele and Elana Joram
Teachers’ Responsiveness to Preschoolers’ Utterances in Sociodramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell
Teacher Stress: Phase II Of a Descriptive Study, Richard R. Hawkes and Charles V. Dedrick
Teacher-, Student-, and Peer-Directed Strategies to Access the General Education Curriculum for Students With Autism, Amy J. Olson, Carly A. Roberts, and Melinda M. Leko
Teacher Teams, Teamwork, and Empowerment: Exploring Associations and the Nexus to Change, Alan B. Henkin, Sungmin Park, and and Carole A. Singleton
Teacher well-being: Voices in the field, Abby Weiland
Teaching about Survival: Some Hidden Assumptions, E. Russell TePaske
Teaching a cooperative leisure skill to severely handicapped adults, J. Nietupski and R. Svoboda
Teaching as you would have them teach: An effective elementary science teacher preparation program, Cherin Lee and Lisa Krapfl
Teaching a Young Child to Appropriately Gain Attention of Peers Using a Social Story Intervention, Delann Soenksen and Sandra Alper
Teaching Basic Eating Skills, Susan Stainback, Harriet Healy, William Stainback, and James Healy
Teaching conflict management in social work, Thomas Keefe and Susan J. Koch
Teaching Cryogenics Using Community Resources, Arnold Lindaman
Teaching Decision Making, Gerald F. Smith
Teaching English as a second or foreign language: An annotated bibliography of journals in the field, Barbara F.h. Allen
Teaching for democracy in post-arab spring: Challenges & opportunities, Abdullah F. Alrebh and Radhi Al-Mabuk
Teaching from the Heart …: It's about Max and Maureen: A Personal Narrative, Lynn E. Nielsen
Teaching meal planning to youth with mental retardation in natural settings, Gae S. Arnold-Reid, Patrick J. Schloss, and Sandra Alper
Teaching parallel computing to science faculty: Best practices and common pitfalls, David A. Joiner, Paul Gray, Thomas Murphy, and Charles Peck
Teaching phenomena with NGSS-A complete unit, Christopher Like, Jeffrey Morgan, Lawrence Escalada, and Les Burns
Teaching polymorphism early, Joseph Bergin, Michael Goldweber, Eugene Wallingford, Michael Caspersen, and Michael Kölling
Teaching primary grade students perfectionism through cartoons compared to bibliotherapy, Miranda L. Zousel, Audrey C. Rule, and Stephanie R. Logan
Teaching race through multicultural children's literature, Kaley Bailey and Maiya Duthoo-Wolpert
Teaching, Research and Shared Governance?, Jeffrey L. Funderburk
Teaching resource: Using monopoly tm and teams-gamestournaments in accounting education: A cooperative learning teaching resource, Margaret M. Tanner and Tim M. Lindquist
Teaching second languages in the elementary school, Alla Brisker-Kramer
Teaching semi-custom integrated circuits design using PC based software, Johnny T. Li, Guru Subramanyam, and Ahmed ElSawy
Teaching Slow Learners in Biology, Mary Placid
Teaching social interaction skills in the integrated preschool: An examination of naturalistic tactics, Frank W. Kohler, Leslie J. Anthony, Stacie A. Steighner, and Marilyn Hoyson
Teaching Strategies: Physical Science in Constructivist Early Childhood Classrooms, Tsuguhiko Kato and Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren
Teaching Strategies: Putting the Cart before the Horse: The Role of a Socio-moral Atmosphere in an Inquiry-based Curriculum, Maryann Manning, Tunde Szecsi, Rosemary Geiken, Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren, and Tsuguhiko Kato
Teaching students to self-regulate their behavior: The differential effects of student-vs. teacher-delivered reinforcement, Martin Agran, Caryl Blanchard, Michael Wehmeyer, and Carolyn Hughes
Teaching students with disabilities in inclusive science classrooms: Survey results, Katherine Norman, Dana Caseau, and Greg P. Stefanich
Teaching Teaching, D. J. Moffatt, A. W. Jacobs, and W. K. Metcalf
Teaching the Methods of Teaching CS, Michelle Friend, Anne Leftwich, J. Ben Schafer, Beth Simon, and Briana B. Morrison
Teaching the universals of politeness, Ardith J. Meier
Teaching to enhance problem solving: It's more than the numbers, Amy J. Phelps
Teaching urban high school students global climate change information and graph interpretation skills using evidence from the scientific literature, Audrey C. Rule and Mary A. Meyer
Team coordination in uncertain environments: The role of processual communication networks, Andrew Pilny, Melissa Dobosh, Alex Yahja, Marshall Scott Poole, Aaron Campbell, Luisa Ruge-Jones, and Jeff Proulx
Team Oriented Research in the High School, D. N. West
Tearing Down the Veil: Demystifying Disease During the London Cholera Epidemic of 1854-1855, Peter Limbert
Tech & Learning, December 2020/January 2021
Tech & Learning, February 2021
Tech & Learning, July/August 2021
Tech & Learning, November 2021
Tech & Learning, September 2021
Techno-economic analysis of high potential offshore wind farm locations in Turkey, Umit Cali, Nuh Erdogan, Sadik Kucuksari, and Mehmet Argin
Technology and Change in United States Agriculture: Model OR Warning?, Jerry D. Stockdale
Technology applications in intervention for preschool-age children with language disorders, Paula S. Cochran and Lauren K. Nelson
Technology in the Elementary Art Program, Michele Weisinger
Technology in the Schools, Robert J. Krajewski and Robert H. Decker
Technology, politics, and e-commerce: Internet sales tax and interstate cooperation, Kathleen Hale and Ramona McNeal
Technology transfer, the environment, and the third world: Having one's cake and eating it, Allen D. Jedlicka and Allen Rappaport
Teen mothers: Marriage, cohabitation, and educational achievement, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Television formats and the United States: New developments in production and distribution, Paul Torre
Temperature-activated layer-breathing vibrations in few-layer graphene, Chun Hung Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Courtney Keiser, Xun Xiao, and Rui He
Temperature dependence of the effective mass of the interface polaron, You Cheng Li and Shi Wei Gu
Temporal and environmental resolution of a buried loessal pedostratigraphic unit in Kansas and Nebraska, William C. Johnson, David W. May, and Salvatore Valastro
Temporal and spatial dynamics of competitive parapatry in chewing lice, David J. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Jessica E. Light, and James W. Demastes
Tennercise: Tennis and Aerobics in One, Carol Phillips and Cindy Wills Rudge
Tenure impediments for women professors, Mary A. Traetow
Terrorists and social media messages: A critical analysis of Boko Haram’s messages and messaging techniques, Chris Wolumati Ogbondah and Pita Ogaba Agbese
Tested demonstrations visual demonstration of buffer action, James C. Chang
Test-First Pair-Programming tutorial, Joseph Bergin and Eugene Wallingford
Testing, 1, 2, 3, . . . . . . . 10, R. R. Haun
Testing an Earth-Science Aid, Florence Black
Testing Frequency and Junior High Students, Lynn W. Glass
Testing Market Efficiency in the Major League Baseball Over-Under Betting Market, Kenneth H. Brown and Fred J. Abraham
“Testing Market Efficiency in the Major League Baseball Over-Under Betting Market”: Response to Paul and Weinbach's Comment, Kenneth H. Brown and Fred J. Abraham
Testing of nanofluids and their machining performance evaluation, Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, and Parimala Neelam
Testing relative risk under random censoring, Syed N.U.A. Kirmani and Jean Yves Dauxois
Testing the accuracy of regression discontinuity analysis using experimental benchmarks, Donald P. Green, Terence Y. Leong, Holger L. Kern, Alan S. Gerber, and Christopher W. Larimer
Testing the Feasibility of Fidelity Evaluation in a Multisite, Multiprogram Initiative, Disa Lubker Cornish, Mary E. Losch, and Mitchell Avery
Testing the impact attenuation of loose-fill playground surfaces, Mick G. Mack, Jeffrey J. Sacks, and Donna Thompson
Testing the Koziol-Green model against monotone conditional odds for censoring, Syed N.U.A. Kirmani and Jean Yves Dauxois
Testing the proportional odds model under random censoring, Jean Yves Dauxois and Syed N.U.A. Kirmani
Testosterone fluctuations in young men: The difference between interacting with like and not-like others, M. Catherine DeSoto, Robert T. Hitlan, Rory Sean S. Deol, and Derrick McAdams
Tetraamine Complexes of Chromium(III). 4. Kinetics of the Aquation of the cis-Aquabis(ethylenediamine)iodochromium(III) Cation, James C. Chang and Joe W. Vaughn
Tetraamine Complexes of Chromium(III). 5. Preparation of Bis (carboxylato) bis (1, 2-ethanediamine) chromium (III) Complexes, James C. Chang
Tetraamine complexes of Cr(III)-I. Kinetics of aquation of cis-bromochlorobis(ethylenediamine)Cr(III) cation, Dan Malek and James C. Chang
Tetraploidy in Melilotus alba induced by colchicine, I. J. Johnson and J. E. Sass
Textual power and the pragmatics of assessing and evaluating “powerful” performances, John M. Allison and Karen S. Mitchell
Thanking My Eight Secret Rabbis, Doug Shaw
Thanks be to bokonon, James Hantula
The 1919 Prison Special: Constituting white women's citizenship, Catherine H. Palczewski
The 1967 Eastern Iowa Science Fair
The 1997 United Parcel Service Strike: Framing the story for popular consumption, Christopher R. Martin
The academic achievement of student-athletes in the football, wrestling and basketball programs at the University of Northern Iowa 1976-1984, Charisse L. Brown
The ACS-NSTA Cooperative High School Chemistry Examinations, Albert J. Judge and Charles W. Hendrickson
The adequacy of fixed asset disclosures under U.S. GAAP, Mark P. Bauman
The administration of American elections during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sydney Wagner
The Administrative Role: a Reflective Essay, Donald R. Taylor
The Adult Learner: Do Learning Models, Activities and Environment Impact Retention?, Mindy Westendorf
The advantages and disadvantages of recess, Nicole Sullivan
The advantages and disadvantages of the dual-career life style and suggested therapeutic coping strategies, James Patrick Aspinall
The ‘affective security curriculum’: breeding JBs through the marriage of the academic and the jingoistic, Evan Renfro
The aggregate demand curve and its proper interpretation, Richard B. Hansen, Ken McCormick, and Janet M. Rives
The aggregate demand curve: A reply, Richard B. Hansen, Ken Mc Cormick, and Janet M. Rives
The alias advantage and perceptions of guilt, Otto H. Maclin and M. Kimberly MacLin
The "all-american meal": Constructing confidence in the case of BSE, Wynne Wright, Elizabeth Ransom, and Keiko Tanaka
The alphabet, Joyce Milambiling
The ambiguous-race face illusion, Otto H. MacLin and Roy S. Malpass
The American public's view of congress, John R. Hibbing and Christopher W. Larimer
The Angers Summer Institute: Forty Years and Going Strong!, Anne Lair
The angus mammoth: A decades-old scientific controversy resolved, Steven R. Holen, David W. May, and Shannon A. Mahan
The Annual Economic Diversity and Inclusion Summit [Flyer], 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Multicultural Education.
The Annual Economic Diversity and Inclusion Summit [Program], 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Multicultural Education.
The art & ignominy of compromise: M. L. King, JR., and the MFDP, Michael D. Blackwell
The artistic achievement and historical position of Huai-su's Draft-Script calligraphy, Ho Ch'ing-Ku and Charles Holcombe
The art of discussion-based teaching: Opening up conversation in the classroom, John E. Henning
The Associations Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Sleep Disorders, Mckenzie Hollander
Theater of the Oppressed and Labor Organizing: Possibilities and Limitations, Jasmin Cardenas
Theatre in the Ob Classroom: To Role Play or Not To Role Play - That Is the Question, M. Susan Rueschhoff
Theatre UNI Alumni Newsletter, Fall 2020-Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Theatre.
The Attitudes of Family Physicians Toward the Peer Review Process, Ronald R. Roth, Paul J. Porter, Gerald R. Bisbey, and Charles R. May
The Basics of Teaching Media Literacy, Jill Wurzer
The battle of the Ms: The MBA, MPA, MPH, and MSW, Vincent E. Faherty
The beck anxiety inventory: Psychometric properties in a community population, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Diane Aukes, Joylene R. Osman, and Kathleen Markway
The Beck Anxiety Inventory: Reexamination of factor structure and psychometric properties, Augustine Osman, Beverly A. Kopper, Francisco X. Barrios, Joylene R. Osman, and Tray Wade
The beef debate: Religion, history, and harmony in India, Shreya Singh
The Bem Sex-role Inventory as an index of response tendencies to scales in Likert format., A. R. Gilgen and A. Barnholtz
The big leagues go to Washington: Congress and sports antitrust, 1951–1989, David George Surdam
The biodegradation potential of vegetable-based hydraulic fluids using a miniaturized test method, Lionel J. Rouzic, Terumi Mascarenhas, and Edward J. Brown
The biopolitical turn in educational theory: Autonomist Marxism and revolutionary subjectivity in Empire, Gregory N. Bourassa and Graham B. Slater
The Birth of Wind Band Repertoire through Gustav Holst's First and Last Composition for Wind Ensemble, Foteini Angeli
The black church as a participant in community health interventions, Alfonso Scandrett
The blue and the gray in young adult fiction: A selected annotated bibliography, Kent Brewer
The Body Influence Assessment Inventory (BIAI): Development and initial validation, Augustine Osman, Frank X. Barrios, Beverly A. Kopper, Peter M. Gutierrez, John E. Williams, and Jennifer Bailey
The 'bookshelf illusion' - A real-world Zöllner-type illusion?, Otto H. MacLin and Dwight J. Peterson
The brief reasons for living inventory for adolescents (BRFL-A), Augustine Osman, Beverly A. Kopper, Francisco X. Barrios, Joylene R. Osman, Tricia Besett, and Marsha M. Linehan
The bright and dark sides of social cyberloafing: Effects on employee mental health in China, Jinnan Wu, Wenjuan Mei, Lin Liu, and Joseph C. Ugrin
The broken thread cervantes, Don quijote, and war trauma, Martha J. Reineke
The buddhist spiritual path: A counselor’s reflection on meditation, spirituality, and the nature of life, Wanpen Murgatroyd
The business ethics of credit union managers: Conflicts, practices and beliefs, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Andrew Frank Thompson, and Jason Truke
The Business Proposal: An Approach that Addresses Integrative Concerns and Practitioner/Academic Relations, Debra A. Haley and James L. Burrow
The calming effect of oil on water, Peter Behroozi, Kimberly Cordray, William Griffin, and Feredoon Behroozi
The capacitated cell formation problem: A new hierarchical methodology, N. C. Suresh, J. Slomp, and S. Kaparthi
The capitães mores of the japan voyage: A group portrait, Reinier H. Hesselink
The carlisle clovis cache from central iowa, Matthew G. Hill, Thomas J. Loebel, and David W. May
The case for gnmt as a biomarker and a therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer, Zachary Heinzman, Connor Schmidt, Marek K. Sliwinski, and Nalin C.W. Goonesekere
The case for mandatory diversity education, Myrtle Bell, Mary Connerley, and Faye Cocchiara
The case for restorative justice: A crucial adjunct to the social work curriculum, Katherine van Wormer
The Case for Smiling? Nonverbal Behavior and Oral Corrective Feedback, Hilal Ergül
The Case of the Missing Joules - A Chem Gem Necklace
The causality between stock market development and economic growth: evidence from the United States, M. Imam Alam and Tanweer Hasan
The ceremony of dining at Napoleon III 's court between 1852 and 1870, Anne Lair
The ceremony of dining at napoleon III's court between 1852 and 1870, Anne Lair
The challenge of annotating protein sequences: The tale of eight domains of unknown function in Pfam, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, Krysten Shipely, and Kevin O'Connor
The challenges of designing and implementing effective professional development for out-of-field high school physics teachers, Lawrence T. Escalada and Julia K. Moeller
The Chalmers-Metcalf operator and minimal extensions, Grzegorz Lewicki and Michael Prophet
The cherished five in sikh history, Louis E. Fenech
The children's orientation and amnesia test: Educational status is a moderator variable in tracking recovery from TBI, G. L. Iverson, A. M. Iverson, and E. A. Barton
The Civil War: An Online Unit, Liz Walgamuth
The climate of change: Library organizational structures, 1985–1990, Patricia M. Larsen
The coalescent time in the presence of background fertility selection, R. B. Campbell
The Coase Theorem and Player Movement in Major League Baseball, David G. Surdam
The combine project: An experience in a dual-language classroom, Rebecca Wilson
The Commission on Undergraduate Education in the Biological Sciences, Richard V. Bovbjerg
The common vision project: Four reactions, William Yslas Vélez, Amy Cohen, Priscilla Bremser, and Douglas Mupasiri
The Comparative Effects of Individualized and Group Instruction in BSCS Biology on the Ability of Students to Think Critically, Harry F. Fulton
The comparative life cycle assessment of power generation from lignocellulosic biomass, Xinhua Shen, Raghava R. Kommalapati, and Ziaul Huque
The compensatory effect of graphic organizers on descriptive text, Donna E. Alvermann
The complete mitochondrial genome of the red-jointed brackish-water fiddler crab Minuca minax (LeConte 1855) (Brachyura: Ocypodidae): New family gene order, and purifying selection and phylogenetic informativeness of protein coding genes, Isabelle Conrad, Abby Craft, Carl L. Thurman, and J. Antonio Baeza
The complexity of cross-cultural variation: Values in Guatemala and the U.S., Sara Estrada-Villalta and Nicholas Terpstra-Schwab
"The Concord Concept:" Speculative fiction challenging young adult literature conventions, Dylan Lee Haase
The Conditional View of the Neoclassical and Marxist Approaches to the Concept of Productive Labour, Ernest Raiklin and Ken McCormick
The condition of community streets and parks: A comparison of resident and nonresident evaluations, Michael J. Licari, William McLean, and Tom W. Rice
The consolidation of the white southern congressional vote, Charles S. Bullock, Donna R. Hoffman, and Ronald Keith Caddie
The contemporaneous correlation between price shocks and output shocks, George K. Davis and Bryce E. Kanago
The Content of Awareness Is a Model of the World, Jack Yates
The contribution of previous contact and personality traits to severe mental illness stigma, Seth A. Brown
The convergence of online teaching and problem based learning modules, Daniel Bumblauskas
The Convergence of Online Teaching and Problem Based Learning Modules amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Daniel Bumblauskas and Nick Vyas
The convergence of online teaching and problem based learning modules amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel Bumblauskas and Nick Vyas
The creation of heterodoxy: "Pseudo" mystics' visualizations of catholic doctrine in colonial Mexico, Nora Elizabeth Jaffary
The criminal stereotype, M. Kimberly MacLin and Vivian Herrera
The Critical Zone in Desert Environments, Vatche Tchakerian and Patrick Pease
The CSI Effect, DNA Discourse, and Popular Crime Dramas*, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Steven J. Briggs, and Nicole E. Rader
The Current Crisis in the Former Soviet Union and the Perspectives of Its Resolution, Ernest Raiklin
The current staffing status of library media center personnel in Iowa public schools, Roberta Dennison
The cyclical behavior of prices and relative prices, George K. Davis and Bryce E. Kanago
The day of the monkey, Japan, 10 July 645, Reinier H. Hesselink
The decapod crustaceans of Iowa, Gary S. Phillips
The decline of teacher power in the classroom, John K. Smith
The deglaciation of the Americas during the Last Glacial Termination, David Palacios, Chris R. Stokes, Fred M. Phillips, John J. Clague, Jesus Alcalá-Reygosa, Nuria Andrés, Isandra Angel, Pierre Henri Blard, Jason P. Briner, Brenda L. Hall, Dennis Dahms, Andrew S. Hein, Vincent Jomelli, Bryan G. Mark, Mateo A. Martini, Patricio Moreno, Jon Riedel, Esteban Sagredo, Nathan D. Stansell, Lorenzo Vázquez-Selem, Mathias Vuille, and Dylan J. Ward
The depth and breadth of google scholar: An empirical study, Chris Neuhaus, Ellen Neuhaus, Alan Asher, and Clint Wrede
The Determinants of Policy Introduction and Bill Adoption: Examining Minimum Wage Increases in the American States, 1997-2006, Eric A. Whitaker, Mitchel N. Herian, Christopher W. Larimer, and Michael Lang
The development and validation of the core competencies scale (CCS) for the college and university students., Bin Ruan, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, Christopher R. Edginton, and Ming Kai Chin
The development and validation of the perceived health competence scale, M. Shelton Smith, Kenneth A. Wallston, and Craig A. Smith
The Development of a Bilingual Program in the Heart of Iowa, Lisa Wymore
The development of accounting standards in the United States and United Kingdom: The case of employers' accounting for pension costs, John B. MacArthur
The development of a computer system to collect descriptions of culprits, Otto H. MacLin, Ryan L. Tapscott, and Roy S. Malpass
The development of a hydrologic budget to determine the nitrogen and phosphorus loads of the Cedar River watershed in Iowa, B. T. Tavener and M. Z. Iqbal
The development of an in-process surface roughness adaptive control system in end milling operations, Julie Z. Zhang and Joseph C. Chen
The development of an in-process surface roughness adaptive control system in turning operations, Julie Z. Zhang, Joseph C. Chen, and E. Daniel Kirby
The development of an instructional materials center in Reinbeck Community High School, Sally Brown Arends
The development of coordinated singing in cooperatively displaying long-tailed manakins, Jill M. Trainer, David B. McDonald, and William A. Learn
The development of criteria for evaluating junior premarital pregnancy novels, Connie Jo Barto
The development of empathic skill: A study, Thomas Keefe
The development of manufacturing: Unintended consequence, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self
The differential perceptions of male and female deviants, Kathleen Piker King and Dennis E. Clayson
The digital bridge to campus: Mass communication and graduate student enrollment decisions, Ashley Stoppel
“The disabled body speaks back”; Emotion as central to embodiment in mathematical experience, Rachel Lambert, David I. Hernández-Saca, and Rebeca Mireles-Rios
The discount rate and intergenerational equity, Bülent Uyar
The distinction between inquiry and scientific inquiry and why high school students should be cognizant of the distinction, William C. Kyle
The distribution of fiddler crabs (Uca) along the coast of Brazil: Implications for biogeography of the western Atlantic Ocean, Carl L. Thurman, Samuel C. Faria, and John C. McNamara
The Dollar-Pound Exchange Rate During the First Nine Months of World War II, Bryce Kanago and Ken McCormick
The domestic image and factory culture: The cotton district in mid-nineteenth-century England, Carol E. Morgan
The Don Juan tradition, eighteenth-century supernatural musical theatre and Vincenzo Righini's 'II convitato di pietra', David J. Buch
The drive for organizational differentiation and in-house politics: An executive director's dilemma, Donald E. Maypole
The Dual Crisis in Science and Society, Barry Commoner
The dynamical mass of the beat cepheid Y Carinae and stellar opacities, E. Böhm-Vitense, N. R. Evans, K. Carpenter, S. Morgan, B. Beck-Winchatz, and R. Robinson
The dynamic relation between returns and idiosyncratic volatility, Xiaoquan Jiang and Bong Soo Lee
The dynamics of location in home price, Alan E. Gelfand, Mark D. Ecker, John R. Knight, and C. F. Sirmans
The dynamics of murder-suicide in domestic situations, Katherine Van wormer
The early lives of highly creative persons: The influence of the complex family, Gary Gute, Deanne S. Gute, Jeanne Nakamura, and Mihály Csikszentmihályi
The Eastern Iowa Science Fair, Irvin H. Gerks
The economics of gay and lesbian couples: Introduction to a special issue on gay and lesbian households, Shoshana Grossbard and Lisa K. Jepsen
The economics of performance studies: Does it make cents?, Karen Mitchell
The economics of stock pollutants: A graphical exposition, Donn M. Johnson
The economy of the Arctic, Joan Nymand Larsen and Andrey N. Petrov
The educational administrators impacts on the tenure and promotion process, Ali Kashef, Mark Rajai, and Morteza Sadat-Hossieny
The effectiveness of a gastrocnemius-soleus stretching program as a therapeutic treatment of plantar fasciitis, Troy R. Garrett and Peter J. Neibert
The effectiveness of course objectives and instructional questions in social work education, Yoko Ishigaki Karjala
The effectiveness of Discis Books when used to improve reading scores of kinesthetic, below grade-level learners, Michelle Bentler
The Effectiveness Of Group Play And Group Counseling For Children With Aggressive Behaviors, Jennifer Marie Brehm
The effectiveness of instructional programming on the reduction of dental disease in mentally retarded individuals, W. P. Callahan
The effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage in patients with orthopedic injuries, Tricia Majewski-Schrage and Kelli Snyder
The effectiveness of self-monitoring for a preschooler with aggressive behaviors, Nicole Fay Kimball
The effectiveness of two methods of teaching card index skills to third graders, Jo Bader
The effective principal's role in improving the academic achievement of the school, Connie Ann Aalderks
The effect of adsorbed liquid and material density on saltation threshold: Insight from laboratory and wind tunnel experiments, Xinting Yu, Sarah M. Hörst, Chao He, Nathan T. Bridges, Devon M. Burr, Joshua A. Sebree, and James K. Smith
The effect of an alternative school on adolescent self-esteem, M. Strathe and V. Hash
The effect of anger on variety seeking for consumers of differing socio-economic backgrounds, Jinling Zhao, Carla Childers, Hui Sang, Jiuqing Cheng, and Ronaldo Vigo
The effect of articulation style on perception of modulated tempo, John M. Geringer, Clifford K. Madsen, Rebecca B. MacLeod, and Kevin Droe
The effect of a score on band directors' written comments of a recorded performance, Kevin L. Droe
The effect of a soap film on a catenary: Measurement of surface tension from the triangular configuration, F. Behroozi and P. S. Behroozi
The effect of auditory and visual models on acquisition of a timing task, Susann G. Doody, Anne Marie Bird, and Diane Ross
The effect of chemical radiation protectors on cell cycle progression after gamma or neutron irradiation, C. P. Sigdestad, B. L. Bergquist, and D. J. Grdina
The effect of creatine supplementation on two 700-m maximal running bouts, Kent A. Terrillion, Fred W. Kolkhorst, Forrest A. Dolgener, and Sue J. Joslyn
The effect of cutting condition selection on tool life in sand milling, Craig Ertl
The effect of defendant facial expression on mock juror decision-making: The power of remorse, M. Kimberly MacLin, Corynn Downs, Otto H. MacLin, and Heather M. Caspers
The effect of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs on retail gross margins: Empirical evidence and public policy implications, Steven W. Kopp and Mary Jane Sheffet
The effect of eddy currents on NMR line shapes in the presence of self-diffusion, R. D. Engardt and G. H. Paine
The effect of eddy currents on the nuclear magnetic resonance in wires, M. A. Butterworth and R. D. Engardt
The effect of flowering calendula and cuphea plants on Orius insidiosus survival and predation of Aphis glycines, Kristine Nemec, Eric Beckendorf, Louis Hesler, Walter Riedell, and Jonathan Lundgren
The effect of gender and self-care behaviors on counselors' perceptions of colleagues with depression, Lynne Carroll, Paula J. Gilroy, and Jennifer Murra
The effect of grammatical complexity upon disfluency behavior of nonstuttering preschool children, Susan Zuckerman Pearl and John E. Bernthal
The effect of inbreeding constraints and offspring distribution on time to the most recent common ancestor, R. B. Campbell
The effect of load reductions on repetition performance for commonly performed multijoint resistance exercises, Jeffrey M. Willardson, Roberto Simao, and Fabio E. Fontana
The effect of massage on lactate disappearance, Forrest A. Dolgener and Ann Morien
The effect of mating structure and progeny distribution on heterozygosity versus the number of alleles as measures of variation, R. B. Campbell
The effect of pause location on perceived fluency, Jimin Kahng
The Effect of Proximal Carceral Contact on Political Participation, Emily Loomis
The effect of proximal carceral contact on political participation, Emily Loomis
The effect of religion on women's labor force participation rates in Indonesia, Imam M. Alam, Shahina Amin, and Ken McCormick
The effect of spatial resolution of remotely sensed data in dasymetric mapping of residential areas, Aleksandra M. Bozheva, Andrey N. Petrov, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
The effect of teacher approval and disapproval of music performed in a rehearsal setting on music preferences, Kevin L. Droe
The effect of teachers' expectations, attitudes, and managerial abilities on student achievement, Catherine Tremblay Allison
The effect of the Affordable Care Act preexisting conditions provision on marriage, Matt Hampton and Otto Lenhart
The effect of theory and clinical instruction on freshmen and senior nursing students' attitudes and anxieties toward death and dying, Mary K. Brown
The Effect of Thiouracil on the Thyroid Gland of the Mouse, Patricia Patridge
The effect of time of year of data collection on sample efficiency: An analysis of behavioral risk factor surveillance survey data, Mary E. Losch, Aaron Maitland, Gene Lutz, Peter Mariolis, and Steven C. Gleason
The effect of using study guides to facilitate the comprehension of short stories, Roberta Ladd Bodensteiner
The effect of weather map scale on the results of A synoptic climatology, Brent Yarnal
The effects of 3D printing in design thinking and design education, Scott Greenhalgh
The effects of a 4-week after-school program on motor skills and fitness of kindergarten and first-grade students, Oksana Matvienko and Iradge Ahrabi-Fard
The Effects of a Buddy Skills Package on Preschool Children's Social Interactions and Play, Kristy Hughett, Frank W. Kohler, and Donna Raschke
The effects of aerobic activity on the self-stimulating behaviors of children diagnosed with autism, Jason Lee Witte
The effects of an individualized reading program on recreational reading, Kim Aneweer
The effects of a total laryngectomy on speech breathing, Todd A. Bohnenkamp
The effects of book location on the selection of paperback books by patrons, Jeffrey C. Barker
The effects of constructivism and behaviorism on the development of autonomy in young children, Deborah I. Burk
The Effects of Direct-To-Consumer-Advertising on Mental Illness Beliefs and Stigma, Seth A. Brown
The effects of early parental death on sibling relationships in later life, Kristin Y. Mack
The Effects of Emergent Norms and Attitudes on Recycling Behavior, Nicholas Schwab, Helen C. Harton, and Jerry G. Cullum
The effects of exemplar and prototype descriptors on verbal overshadowing, M. Kimberly MacLin
The effects of family, dentition, and dental caries on the salivary microbiome, Betsy Foxman, Ting Luo, Usha Srinivasan, Kirtana Ramadugu, Ai Wen, Deborah Goldberg, Kerby Shedden, Richard Crout, Daniel W. McNeil, Robert Weyant, and Mary L. Marazita
The Effects of Family Structure and Family Processes on Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors of Male and Female Youth: A Longitudinal Examination, Kristin Y. Mack, Jennifer H. Peck, and Michael J. Leiber
The effects of fluoride on macrophage THP-1 cell apoptosis, Jessica Heims
The effects of full implementation vs partial implementation utilizing the accelerated reading program in the reading classroom, Tamara Wilson-Saisa
The effects of genetic screening and assortative mating on lethal recessive-allele frequencies and homozygote incidence, R. B. Campbell
The effects of homophobia and sexism on heterosexual sexual relationships, Joel W. Wells
The effects of imperfect power control on the capacity of cellular CDMA systems employing successive interference cancellation, Aravind Warrier, Hong Nie, and Jacek Ilow
The effects of occupation and education on punitive orientations among juvenile justice personnel, Michael J. Leiber, Kimberly Schwarze, Kristin Y. Mack, and Margaret Farnworth
The effects of participation in goal setting and goal rationales on goal commitment: An exploration of justice mediators, Andrew Li and Adam B. Butler
The effects of peer delivered self-monitoring strategies on the participation of students with severe disabilities in general education classrooms, Guy H. Gilberts, Martin Agran, Carolyn Hughes, and Michael Wehmeyer
The Effects of Peer Delivered Self-Monitoring Strategies on the Participation of Students with Severe Disabilities in General Education Classrooms, Guy H. Gilberts, Martin Agran, Carolyn Hughes, and Michael Wehmeyer
The Effects of Self-Regulation Strategies on Goal Attainment for Students with Developmental Disabilities in General Education Classrooms, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Danna Yeager, Nancy Bolding, Martin Agran, and Carolyn Hughes
The effects of statutory rape laws on nonmarital teenage childbearing, Christopher A. Jepsen and Lisa K. Jepsen
The Effects of Synchronous Collaborative Technologies on Decision Making: A Study of Virtual Teams, Gary Baker
The Effects Of Systematically Fading Reinforcement While Maintaining Skills, Jodi Suzanne Brown
The effects of telomerase inhibitors on lymphocyte function, Lisa A. Beltz, Robert Moran, Osama Elsawy, Jeffrey Sadler, and James Jurgenson
The effects of the CISI process user handbook on high school students' career maturity inventory scores, Linda Rygh Cagley
The effects of the computer in the writing process, Wade S. Anderson
The effects of the premature infant on the family, Frances Bollinger
The effects of two stretching protocols on the reactive strength index in female soccer and rugby players, Kira M. Werstein and Robin J. Lund
The Effects of Using Computer-Assisted Learning to Teach Multiplication, Brian Unruh
The effects of water conservation instruction on seventh-grade students, Sandra K. Birch and Karl E. Schwaab
The efficiency and effectiveness of self-monitoring for increasing fourth graders' work completion, Stacy S. Jeffrey
The e-government surveillance in the United States: Public opinion on government wiretapping powers, Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida, and Justin Holmes
The e-government surveillance in the United States: Public opinion on government wiretapping powers, Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida, and Justin Holmes
The Emancipation Proclamation, Confederate Expectations, and the Price of Southern Bank Notes, Gary Pecquet, George Davis, and Bryce Kanago
The embeddedness of bank branch networks in immigrant gateways, Wei Li, Lucia Lo, and Alex Oberle
The emergence of elementary citizenship education: Insights from Iowa’s rural schools, 1910–1935, Carolyn A. Weber and Sarah E. Montgomery
The Enduring Effects of Social Pressure: Tracking Campaign Experiments Over a Series of Elections, Tiffany C. Davenport, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, Christopher W. Larimer, Christopher B. Mann, and Costas Panagopoulos
The Enfleshment of Masculinity(s): The Maintenance of Hegemonic Masculinity, Brett N. Billman
The Enoch Pratt Free Library, Ruth A. Allen
The epistemic value of curiosity, Frederick F. Schmitt and Reza Lahroodi
The ESCRT-Related CHMP1A and B proteins mediate multivesicular body sorting of auxin carriers in Arabidopsis and are required for plant development, Christoph Spitzer, Francisca C. Reyes, Rafael Buono, Marek K. Sliwinski, Thomas J. Haas, and Marisa S. Otegui
The essentials of leadership for successful principals, Larry D. Abel
The ethical challenges of global business-to-business negotiations: An empirical investigation of developing countries' marketing managers, Jamal Al-Khatib, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Ziad Swaidan, and Richard J. Rexeisen
The ethics of intimate student-faculty relationships, Brian Craig Steinberg
The ethics of student "affairs": Intimate relations between residence hall directors and students, Lori Butikofer
The etiology of domestic violence against women: A theoretical overview, Andrea Athey
The Evaluator/Researcher as Person vs. the Person as Evaluator/Researcher, John K. Smith
The evolution of citizenship in a divided urban community: Local citizen engagement in Belfast, Northern Ireland, R. Allen Hays
The Evolution of Distance Education: Bridging the Gap between Teacher and Students, Theresa Zeigler
The Experience and Expression of Anger: Relationships with Gender, Gender Role Socialization, Depression, and Mental Health Functioning, Beverly A. Kopper and Douglas L. Epperson
The Extended Slutsky Equation Revisited, Ernest Raiklin
The Faculty’s Role in Shared Governance in an Administrative Age, Scott Peters
The fate of economics and the role of economists, B. Wylie Anderson
The Fear of Pain Questionnaire-III: Further Reliability and Validity with Nonclinical Samples, Augustine Osman, Joseph L. Breitenstein, Francisco X. Barrios, Peter M. Gutierrez, and Beverly A. Kopper
The federal government and urban housing: Third edition, R. Allen Hays
The federal reserve's response to aggregate demand and aggregate supply shocks: Evidence of a partisan political cycle, Edward N. Gamber and David R. Hakes
The female Indian killer memorialized: Hannah Duston and the nineteenth-century feminization of American violence, Barbara Cutter
The feminized priest and the female outsider: Catholicism and sexuality in Willa Cather's death comes for the Archbishop, Susan E. Hill
The feminizing of the short story, Robley Wilson
The fifth leaf and spike organs of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) display different physiological and metabolic responses to drought stress, Jordan A. Hein, Mark E. Sherrard, Kirk P. Manfredi, and Tilahun Abebe
The Fires of Grasshopper: Enlightening Transformations in Subsistence Practices through Fire-Feature Analysis, Julia C. Lowell
The first quixotic sports hero: Federico Martín Bahamontes and national identity creation in Spain, Juan Carlos Castillo
The five-factor model for leisure management: pedagogies for assessing personality differences in positive youth development programmes, Andrea Anderson
The flea (Siphonaptera) fauna of Georgia, U.S.A: Hosts, distribution and medical-veterinary importance, Lance A. Durden, Nixon Wilson, Ralph P. Eckerlin, and W. Wilson Baker
The forgotten ones: The Darfuri genocide, Christopher W. Mullins and Dawn L. Rothe
The form of the spectral functions associated with dirac equations, S. M. Riehl
The Four Roles of a Master Toddler Teacher, Jill Uhlenberg
The Fourth Annual State College of Iowa Science Symposium and Scholarship Competition
The Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education (FAVSTE), Michelle E. Forsythe, Brett A. Criswell, Anna Maria Arias, Joshua A. Ellis, Lawrence Escalada, Heather J. Johnson, Amy B. Palmeri, Jessica Riccio, and Margaret E. Parker
The functions of lyrics in music video, Carol Vernallis
The fundamentalist movement and its effect on the educational system, Gail Lowe Brown
The future of athletic training education programs, Biff Williams
The Gendered Way of Hooking Up among College Students, Phyllis Baker, B. Keith Crew, and Kevin T. Leicht
The Gender of Child Discourse: Same‐Sex Peer Socialization Through Language Use in a Taiwanese Preschool, Catherine S. Farris
The genetic divergence of prehistoric populations of the south-central Andes as established by means of craniometric traits, Héctor H. Varela, Tyler G. O'Brien, and Jose A. Cocilovo
The genus Physaria (Brassicaceae) in South America, Steve L. O'Kane and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
The geographic structure of morphological variation in eight species of fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae: Genus Uca) from the eastern United States and Mexico, Melanie J. Hopkins and Carl L. Thurman
The gifted/learning disabled student: A contradiction in the classroom, Caroline M. Bredekamp
The Gothic Cathedral and Medievalism, Stephanie A. Glaser
The grass isn't always greener: A comparison of programs for the gifted and talented, MaryAnn Beattie
The Great Gatsby as a business ethics inquiry, Tony McAdams
The green acres effect: The need for a new colorectal cancer screening campaign tailored to rural audiences, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Tracy Routsong, Lorrie J. Graaf, Mary Losch, and Holly Smith
The har strains of rats: Origins and characteristics, Gordon M. Harrington
The Hawkeye Science Fair, Dean C. Stroud
The Hidden Elephant Is Oppression: Shaming, Mobbing, and Institutional Betrayals within the Academy—Finding Strength in Collaborative Self-Study, David I. Hernández-Saca, Jennifer Martin, and Sohyun Meacham
The Highly Qualified Physical Education Teacher: Traveling the Professional Pathway, Pat Van Volkinburg, Rip Marston, and Gloria Napper-Owen
The High School Teacher Lag: A Problem for the Profession, Ben A. Green Jr.
The historical and cultural accuracy of the Japanese internment camps in children's literature, Zoey Perrigo
The historical chronology of the Hasmonean period in the War and Antiquities of Flavius Josephus: Separating fact from fiction, Kenneth Atkinson
The Historical Dimension of Science, Doyle Casteel
The History of Reynard the Fox: How Medieval Literature Reflects Culture, Anne Lair
The History of the Iowa Teen Award, Joni K. Hoing
The History of the Z{dot below}afar-nāmah of Guru Gobind Singh, Louis E. Fenech
The human dimensions of climate change: A micro-level assessment of views from the ecological modernization, political economy and human ecology perspectives, Lazarus Adua, Richard York, and Beth Anne Schuelke-Leech
The human family and its children under the nuclear addiction, Thomas W. Keefe
The I-35W Bridge Collapse: Crimes of Commission and Omission Resulting from the Confluence of State Processes and Political-Economic Conditions, Casey James Schotter and Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn
The ICF: A framework for setting goals for children with speech impairment, Sharynne McLeod and Ken Bleile
The IDEA Amendments: A Four-Step Approach for Determining Supplementary Aids and Services, Susan K. Etscheidt and Larry Bartlett
The idolization of Ada Lovelace and its necessity, Autumn Lauen
The image of guru nanak in Dadu-Panthi sources, Louis E. Fenech
The Imbalance of Nature, Chalmer J. Roy
The impact of a constraint buffer in a flow shop, Leslie K. Duclos and Michael S. Spencer
The Impact of Adapted Physical Education on Physical Fitness of Students with Intellectual Disabilities: A Three-year Study, Cheng Chen Pan and Scott Mcnamara
The impact of advocacy and social justice work on nonprofit funding and support, Brittany Appleton
The impact of brain breaks classroom-based physical activities on attitudes toward physical activity in polish school children in third to fifth grade, Agata Glapa, Joanna Grzesiak, Ida Laudanska-Krzeminska, Ming Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, and Michal Bronikowski
The impact of early exposure to uncontracted braille reading on students with visual impairments, Sunggye Hong and Jane N. Erin
The impact of education on legislative responsiveness in three field experiments, Jayme Neiman
The impact of forgiveness on adolescent adjustment to parental divorce, Suzanne Freedman and Amy Knupp
The Impact of Geographic and Cultural Dispersion on Information Opacity, George D. Cashman, David M. Harrison, Michael J. Seiler, and Hainan Sheng
The impact of “girls on the run” on self-concept and fat attitudes, Jeffrey J. Martin, Jennifer J. Waldron, Andria McCabe, and Yun Seok Choi
The Impact of Individual Factors, Job Characteristics, and Organizational Variables on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Community Corrections Staff, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn and Kristin Y. Mack
The impact of instructional materials on the motivational of struggling readers, Kimberly Weeks
The impact of instructional technology use, course design, and sex differences on students’ initial perceptions of instructor credibility, Paul Schrodt and Paul D. Turman
The impact of JIT on capacity management: A case study and analysis, Michael S. Spencer
The impact of job characteristics on work-to-family facilitation: Testing a theory and distinguishing a construct, Joseph G. Grzywacz and Adam B. Butler
The Impact of Laptop Learning, Curt J. Valentine
The impact of marketing initiatives on the supply chain, Rhonda R. Lummus, Leslie K. Duclos, and Robert J. Vokurka
The impact of news media on child abuse reporting, Suzanne McDevitt
The impact of parental involvement on children's literacy development, Annette L. Wohlers
The Impact of Podcasts on Special Education Administrators’ Understanding of Adapted Physical Education Services, Scott Mcnamara, Suzanna Dillon, Kevin Becker, Sean Healy, and Laura Trujillo-Jenks
The Impact of Population Selection on Examinations of Discretionary Searches in Traffic Stops, Steven J. Briggs and B. Keith Crew
The Impact of Priest Sexual Abuse: Female Survivors' Narratives, Katherine Van Wormer and Lois Berns
The impact of procedural and distributive justice on satisfaction and manufacturing performance: a replication of Lindquist (1995) with a focus on the importance of common metrics in experimental design, Tim M. Lindquist and Alexandra Rausch
The impact of Reading First on reading achievement scores in a midwestern elementary school, Julie Thomas
The impact of stakeholders’ temporal orientaton on short- and long-term IPO outcomes: A meta-analysis, Peter Jan Engelen, Pursey Heugens, Marc van Essen, Roxana Turturea, and Nick Bailey
The Impact of Standards-Based Learning: Tracking High School Students’ Transition to the University, Thomas R. Guskey, Matt Townsley, and Thomas M. Buckmiller
The impact of state deposit caps on bank merger premiums, David R. Hakes, Kenneth H. Brown, and Allen Rappaport
The Impact of Supervised Filial Therapy Training on Attitude, Knowledge, and Skills, Natalya A. Lindo, Kristie Opiola, Peggy L. Ceballos, Szu Yu Chen, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Yi Ju Cheng, Gustavo Barcenas, Emily Reader, and Sarah Blalock
The impact of taoism on chinese leisure, Jianyu Wang and L. Allison Stringer
The impact of team revenues on MLB salaries, Kenneth H. Brown and Lisa K. Jepsen
The impact of the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI): cultivating cultural humility among social work students, Rebecca Dickinson, Motier Haskins, and Jeanne A. Saunders
The Impact of Wellness-Focused Supervision on Mental Health Counseling Practicum Students, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Darcie Davis-Gage, and Natalya A. Lindo
The impact of wives' earnings on earnings inequality among married-couple households in Malaysia, Shahina Amin and Julie DaVanzo
The importance of differentiation for the struggling reader, Christine M. Troyer
The importance of early STEM education, Susanna Hapgood, Charlene M. Czerniak, Kimberly Brenneman, Douglas H. Clements, Richard A. Duschl, Marilyn Fleer, Daryl Greenfield, Helen Hadani, Nancy Romance, Julie Sarama, Christina Schwarz, and Beth VanMeeteren
The Importance of eHealth in the Education of Underserved Populations, Shanel L. Winfield
The Importance of Mating Structure Versus Progeny Distribution for Genetic Identity under Mutation, R. B. Campbell
The importance of mentoring relationships among youth workers., Julianne Gassman and Michael C. Gleason
The importance of understanding different complaint themes' impact on commitment, Matthew P. Bunker
The individual and joint effects of race, gender, and family status on juvenile justice decision-making, Michael J. Leiber and Kristin Y. Mack
The influence of academic advising and retention programs on minority students' matriculation, Celeste F. Bland
The influence of achievement goals on the constructive activity of low achievers during collaborative problem solving, Anthony J. Gabriele
The Influence of Age and Type of Job on Gender Differences in Pay Expectations, Michael B. Gasser, Jennifer A. Oliver, and Rowena N. Tan
The influence of book club conversations on reluctant or struggling readers, JaDee Jo Gloede
The influence of core teaching conceptions on teachers' use of inquiry teaching practices, Christine Lotter, William S. Harwood, and J. José Bonner
The influence of distractor strength and response order on MCQ responding, John Emmanuel Kiat, Ai Rene Ong, and Asha Ganesan
The influence of family size on learning readiness patterns of socioeconomically disadvantaged preschool blacks, Ralph Scott and David A. Kobes
The influence of font type on information recall, Michael Gasser, Julie Boeke, Mary Haffeman, and Rowena Tan
The influence of gain-loss framing and its interaction with political ideology on social distancing and mask wearing compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jordan Steffen and Jiuqing Cheng
The influence of historical and contemporary landscape variables on the spatial genetic structure of the rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) in tributaries of the upper Mississippi River, Dane J. Davis, Anna C. Wieman, and Peter B. Berendzen
The influence of instructional technology use on students’ affect: Do course designs and biological sex make a difference?, Paul D. Turman and Paul Schrodt
The Influence of Just-World Beliefs on Driving Anger and Aggressive Driving Intentions, Sundé M. Nesbit, Kevin L. Blankenship, and Renee A. Murray
The Influence of Oropalatal Dimensions on the Measurement of Tongue Strength, Laura L. Pitts, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Carlin F. Hageman, and Leonard L. LaPointe
The influence of smoker status, smoking history, sex, and situational variables on smokers' self-efficacy, Francisco X. Barrios and Jon C. Niehaus
The influence of spelling strategy use on student achievement and attributions, Lisa Lynn Ludwig
The influence of topography and approach angles on local deflections of airflow within a coastal blowout, Patrick Pease and Paul Gares
The influence of victim ethnicity on arrest in violent crimes, Steven Briggs and Tara Opsal
The influence of work–family conflict on job stress among two groups of community corrections staff, Kristin Y. Mack and Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn
The influence of workplace exclusion and personality on counterproductive work behaviours: An interactionist perspective, Robert T. Hitlan and Jennifer Noel
The influence of worldmindedness and nationalism on consumer evaluation of domestic and foreign products, Mohammed Y.a. Rawwas, K. N. Rajendran, and Gerhard A. Wuehrer
The influences driving decisions by Latinx students to enroll in upper-level high school STEM courses, Erica Malloy
The information file in academic libraries: An unexploited resource, Barbara F.H. Allen
The initiation of a literature-based composition program in a fifth-grade classroom, Lori J. Alexander
The innovative effects of HDL and FPGA on digital hardware design education in EET programs, Hong Nie and Recayi Pecen
The inside information about safety surfacing, Donna Thompson and Susan Hudson
The Interaction Effects of Leader and Follower Conscientiousness on Person-Supervisor Fit Perceptions and Follower Outcomes: A Cross-Level Moderated Indirect Effects Model, Russell P. Guay, You Jin Kim, In Sue Oh, and Ryan M. Vogel
The interaction of cadmium with calcium and cisplatin with chloride - Effect on the locomotor rate of Tetrahymena pyriformis, Barton L. Bergquist, Ellen Wyttenbach, and Eugene C. Bovee
The Interaction of Internal and Downstream Integration and Its Association with Performance, Richard Germain and Karthik N.S. Iyer
The interactive effect of conscientiousness and agreeableness on job performance dimensions in South Korea, Russell P. Guay, In Sue Oh, Daejeong Choi, Marie S. Mitchell, Michael K. Mount, and Kanghyun Shin
The interactive role of eating regulation and stress in the prediction of weight-related outcomes among college students, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Amanda W. Arnold, Karla P. Teel, Pamela V. Ulrich, and Sareen S. Gropper
The interdependence of mating structure and inbreeding depression, R. B. Campbell
The internalization of the model minority myth and its effect on Asian American students' academic stress, Anne E. Raecker
The Inventory of Negative Thoughts in Response to Pain: Factor structure and psychometric properties in a college sample, Augustine Osman, Stacie Bunger, Joylene R. Osman, and Laraine Fisher
The inventory of suicide orientation-30: Further validation with adolescent psychiatric inpatients, Augustine Osman, Peter M. Gutierrez, Francisco X. Barrios, Courtney L. Bagge, Beverly A. Kopper, and Sena Linden
The Iowa Academy and You, G. Chester Lev
The Iowa Academy of Science as a Directing Influence in Science Education, Robert W. Hanson
The Iowa Academy of Science: Its Opportunities, R. W. Hanson
The Iowa Children's Choice Award, Carolyn Jeanette Byall
The Iowa Junior Academy of Science, Frank W. Starr
The Iowa Science Teacher in 1935
The Italian Makerspace, Nandita Gurjar
The January sentiment effect in the U.S. stock market, Zhongdong Chen and Phillip R. Daves
The job performance of nursing graduates: A program evaluation, Barry J. Wilson
The junior novel: Historical and literary development, criticism and a selected annotated bibliography, Janet Albrecht
The King–Devick test is a valid and reliable tool for assessing sport-related concussion in Australian football: A prospective cohort study, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, Alasdair R. Dempsey, and Myles Murphy
"The known and the used" in child and youth care work, Douglas Magnuson
The krichever map and automorphic line bundles, Min Ho Lee
The last lord of the south: Chen houzhu (r. 583–589) and the reunification of china, Charles Holcombe
“The Last Refuge of the Incompetent”: Urban Teacher Perceptions of Their Positions in Public Discourse, Brittany Aronson, Ashlee B. Anderson, Scott Ellison, Kristan Barczak, and Andrea Bennett-Kinne
The Latino commercial landscape and evolving hispanic immigrant population in two Midwestern Metropolitan areas, Alex Oberle
The legal limitations to self-directed work teams in production planning and control, Steven E. Abraham and Michael S. Spencer
The leipzig working class and world war i: A methodology for inferring historical attitudes from behavior, David McKibbin
The Lem2 gene promoter of barley directs cell- and development-specific expression of gfp in transgenic plants, Tilahun Abebe, Ron Skadsen, Minesh Patel, and Heidi Kaeppler
The level and uncertainty of inflation: Results from OECD forecasts, G. K. Davis and B. E. Kanago
The library media program and the mildly retarded adolescent, Barbara Feuerhak
The Longitudinal Effects of Age of Alcohol Initiation on School Outcomes, Sara Tomek, Lisa M. Hooper, Wei Schneider, Anneliese C. Bolland, Mitch Porter, Egemen Gun, and John M. Bolland
The Magnitude of the American Educational Establishment (1968-69)
The male Madonna and the feminine Uncle Sam: Visual argument, icons, and ideographs in 1909 anti-woman suffrage postcards, Catherine H. Palczewski
The manager seeking virtue: Lessons from literature, Tony McAdams and Roswitha Koppensteiner
The Many Faces of Distance Education, Albert Dantoni Wiggins III
The matter of scale in international affairs, Basheer K. Nijim
The Meaning and Utility of Institutional Teaching Evaluations, Katheryn East
The meaning of inclusion, Christopher Kliewer
The meaning of the word periodic [2], James C. Chang
The Measurement of Self‐Esteem, Stress‐Related Life Events, and Locus of Control Among Unemployed and Employed Blue‐Collar Workers, Taggart F. Frost and Dennis E. Clayson
The mechanics of internet growth: A developing-country perspective, Amitava Dutta and Rahul Roy
The mechanism of DNA ejection in the Bacillus anthracis spore-binding phage 8a revealed by cryo-electron tomography, Xiaofeng Fu, Michael H. Walter, Angel Paredes, Marc C. Morais, and Jun Liu
The Mediating Effects of Parentification on the Relation Between Parenting Behavior and Well-Being and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescents, Shelby Burton, Lisa M. Hooper, Sara Tomek, Bridget Cauley, Ahmad Washington, and Patrick Pössel
The Mediating Role of Self-Criticism in the Relationship between Parental Expressed Emotion and NSSI, Brooke A. Ammerman and Seth Brown
The medieval mappaemundi: Toward an archaeology of sacred cartography, Jon R. Stone
The Merger of Special and Regular Education: Can it Be Done? A Response to Lieberman and Mesinger, Susan Stainback and William Stainback
The middle road: Selecting contemporary german literature for medium-sized academic libraries, Barbara F.H. Allen
The military as an obstacle to the democratization enterprise: Towards an agenda for permanent military disengagement from politics in Nigeria, Pita Ogaba Agbese
The Mind as Black Box: A Simulation of Theory Building in Psychology, Carolyn Hildebrandt and Jennifer Oliver
The miseducation of American youth: The detriments of whitewashing literature in secondary schools, Molly Magill
The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene occurs on a minichromosome with extensive heteroplasmy in two species of chewing lice, Geomydoecus aurei and Thomomydoecus minor, Lucas L. Pietan, Theresa A. Spradling, and James W. Demastes
The Mitochondrial Genome of the Spiny-Wristed Fiddler Crab, Leptuca Spinicarpa Rathbun 1900, Amber Finke, James Demastes Ph.D., Antonio Baeza, and Carl Thurman Ph.D.
The model of domain learning: A good science-based theory, Ralph E. Reynolds and Dessy S. Stoycheva
The moderating effect of extraversion-introversion differences on group idea generation performance, J. H. Jung, Younghwa Lee, and Rex Karsten
The Moderating Role of Anxiety in the Links between Sleep and Inflammation, Taylor Courier
The Moderating Role of Mindful Awareness in the Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coronavirus and Sleep, Shyanne Sporrer
The moderating role of mindful awareness in the associations of adverse childhood experiences and coronavirus exposure with sleep patterns, Shyanne Faith Sporrer
The mortality of things: Correlates of use life in Wola material culture using age-at-census data, Michael J. Short and Paul Sillitoe
The motion of emotion: Idiodynamic case studies of learners' foreign language anxiety, Tammy Gregersen, Peter D. Macintyre, and Mario D. Meza
The Motion Picture Patents Company: A monopoly, Rhonda A. Abbott
The motivational climate and intrinsic motivation in the rehabilitation setting, Rachel E. Brinkman-Majewski and Windee M. Weiss
The motivational climate in the rehabilitation setting, Rachel E. Brinkman and Windee M. Weiss
The movement of prices and real output production in the Russian Federation (1991-April 1993), E. Raiklin
The multi-attitude suicide tendency scale: Further validation with adolescent psychiatric inpatients, A. Osman, A. R. Gilpin, W. F. Panak, B. A. Kopper, F. X. Barrios, P. M. Gutierrez, and C. E. Chiros
The Multi-Media Approach to Biology, Lena M. Keithahn
The mutual storytelling technique: An adlerian application in child therapy, Terry Kottman and Kathy Stiles
The National Debate Tournament, Arnie Madsen
The nature of contemporary soviet commodity production, Ernest Raiklin and C. C. Gillette
The nature of seaside-style health education conferences, Thomas M. Davis, Susan Koch, and Danny J. Ballard
The Nature of the "In-Between" in D.W. Winnicott's Concept of Transitional Space and in Martin Buber's das Zwischenmenschliche, Laura Praglin
The Navajo gaming referendum: Reservations about casinos lead to popular rejection of legalized gambling, Eric Henderson and Scott Russell
The need for research on training nonhandicapped students to interact with severely retarded students, W. Stainback and S. Stainback
The Need for Sex Education, R. J. Vanden Branden
The Negro in three junior novels, Linda Lea Donahue
The networks course: Old problems, new solutions, Shakil Akhtar, Nizar Al-Holou, Mark Fienup, Gail T. Finley, Robert S. Roos, and Sam Tannouri
The New York Yankees cope with the great depression, David G. Surdam
"Then i learned about positive thinking": The genre structuring of narratives of self-transformation, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
The Northeast Iowa Science Fair, Clifford G. McCollum
The Numeracy Demands of Health Education Information: An Examination of Numerical Concepts in Written Diabetes Materials, Elana Joram, Susan Roberts-Dobie, Sue J. Mattison, Michele Devlin, Kristy Herbrandson, Kim Hansen, and Denise Eslinger
The Objectives of the Earth Science Curriculum Project: An Evaluation of Their Achievement, Musa Y. Qutub and Keith M. Hussey
The Officers Elected by You Will Serve Our Organization During the 1965-66 Year
“The Only Thing Red About Her”: Personal Intertextual Palimpsests in Lucille Ball’s HUAC Testimony, Nicole Williams Barnes, Catherine Helen Palczewski, and Heather Nicole Lund
The Only True Multi-Medium Is the Human Being, Milbert Krohn
"The ooze of gluttony": Attitudes towards food, eating, and excess in the middle ages, Susan E. Hill
The oppression of women and nature: Ecofeminism as a framework for an expanded ecological social work, Fred H. Besthorn and Diane Pearson McMillen
Theoretical, empirical, and practice literature on language brokering: Family, academic, and psychological outcomes, Judy Mier-Chairez, Brenda Arellano, Sarah E. Tucker, Eileen Marquez, and Lisa M. Hooper
Theoretically based group models used in counseling and psychotherapy groups, Darcie Davis-Gage and Ann Vernon
Theories and applications of blockchain, Matthew R. Barton
Theories have consequences, don't they? On the moral nature of educational theory and research, Deborah Gallagher
Theories of Solvency and Solution, P. E. Rider
The origins of Arabidopsis suecica (Brassicaceae) as indicated by nuclear rDNA sequences, Steve L. O'Kane, Barbara A. Schaal, and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
The origins of stigma: Reactions by male and female pre-school children to a leg amputation, J. W. Somervill, O. N. Cordoba, R. S. Abbott, and P. F. Brown
Theorizing the role of big data visualization: Moving visuals from delivery to invention, Dale Cyphert
Theory of constraints in a service application: The Swine Graphics case, Michael S. Spencer
Theory of elasticity in two dimensions and its application to Langmuir-Blodgett films, F. Behroozi
The other Basque subversives: Athletic de Bilbao vs. the new age of soccer, Juan Carlos Castillo
The "other factors": Using individual and relationship characteristics to predict sexual and emotional jealousy, Emily B. Russell and Helen C. Harton
The Ottawa ankle rules and the "Buffalo" rule, part 1: Overview and background, Rebecca L. Northrup, Brian G. Ragan, and Gerald W. Bell
The Ottawa ankle rules and the "buffalo" rule, part 2: A practical application, Rebecca L. Northrup, Brian G. Ragan, and Gerald W. Bell
The Overhead Projector as an Aid to Laboratory Instruction, Larry L. Schenken
The Overhead Projector in BSCS Biology, Mary Edith
The oxidation of phenol on the surface of silica gel, V. N. Pak, O. V. Kasaritskaya, N. V. Alekseeva, Sh R. Kun, and S. Badger
The Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale: Psychometric properties in a community sample, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Joylene R. Osman, Raelynn Schneekloth, and Josh A. Troutman
The pain behavior check list (PBCL): Psychometric properties in a college sample, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Beverly Kopper, Joylene R. Osman, Lee Grittmann, Josh A. Troutman, and William J. Panak
The pain catastrophizing scale: Further psychometric evaluation with adult samples, A. Osman, F. X. Barrios, P. M. Gutierrez, B. A. Kopper, T. Merrifield, and L. Grittmann
The pain distress inventory: Development and initial psychometric properties, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Peter M. Gutierrez, Beverly A. Kopper, Adam Butler, and Courtney L. Bagge
The pen is mightier than the “koboko”: A critical analysis of the amakiri case in nigeria, Chris W. Ogbondah
The Perception of Breathiness in the Voices of Pediatric Speakers, Lisa M. Kopf, Mark D. Skowronski, Supraja Anand, David A. Eddins, and Rahul Shrivastav
The Phosphorescence of Wind Cave Cavern, and the Level of Organics Associated with it, Steven Gomez and Joshua Sebree
The PLACA agent programming language, S. Rebecca Thomas
The Plant Vascular System: Evolution, Development and Functions, William J. Lucas, Andrew Groover, Raffael Lichtenberger, Kaori Furuta, Shri Ram Yadav, Ykä Helariutta, Xin Qiang He, Hiroo Fukuda, Julie Kang, Siobhan M. Brady, John W. Patrick, John Sperry, Akiko Yoshida, Ana Flor López-Millán, Michael A. Grusak, and Pradeep Kachroo
"The Play's the Thing": Considering the Morality Play in Morality Play, Heather Kennedy McDonald
The politics of legitimating research: A case with commentary, Deborah J. Gallagher
The portrayal of child abuse in young adult literature, Kristy Lyn Berschman
The portrayal of employed mothers in children's fiction, Karen Carstensen Appleton
The portrayal of fathers in children's literature, Kate A. Hite
The portrayal of grandparents as caregivers in young adult fiction, Susan Christine Bunch
The portrayal of prison inmates and their families in juvenile literature, Maleea Dudney
The portrayal of teenage sexuality in young adult literature, Carolyn Marie Carr
The positive and negative suicide ideation inventory: Development and validation, Augustine Osman, Peter M. Gutierrez, Beverly A. Kopper, Francisco X. Barrios, and Christine E. Chiros
The Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory: Psychometric evaluation with adolescent psychiatric inpatient samples, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Peter M. Gutierrez, Jennifer J. Wrangham, Beverly A. Kopper, Ronald S. Truelove, and Sena C. Linden
The Possible Values of Dissonance In Student Teaching Experiences, Donna E. Alvermann
The Postville Raids 10 Years Later: A Reflection, Linda Green
The potential of affecting final potency of a poultry vaccine using Lean methodology, Amber Bergeson
The Power of Discussion: One Teacher's Strategies With Children in Content Classes, Larry J. Wolfe
The power of language: a constitutive response to millennial student research, C. Kyle Rudick and Scott Ellison
The power of practice: What students learn from how we teach, Amy J. Phelps and Cherin Lee
The Power of Practicum Support: A Quasi-experimental Investigation of Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Science Instruction in A Highly Supported Field Experience, Jerrid Kruse, Jesse Wilcox, Neal Patel, Sarah Borzo, Colin Seebach, and Joleen Henning
The Precognition of Crime: Treason in Medieval England and Terrorism in Twenty-first Century America, E. Kay Harris
The predictive utility of the Children’s Physical activity correlates (CPAC) scale across multiple grade levels, Jodee A. Schaben, Gregory J. Welk, Roxane Joens-Matre, and Larry Hensley
The preparation of a college reading specialist: Some philosophical perspectives, Michele L. Simpson
The presence of developmental role models in Iowa Teen Award fiction, Ann Jenette Dea
The presence of gender stereotypes in children's picture book illustrations, Jenahlee Chamberlain
The prevalence of females diagnosed as conduct disordered when DSM-III and when DSM-III-R are employed: A comparison, Jodee Jane Bohr
The prevention of playground injuries., S. Hudson, D. Thompson, and M. G. Mack
The pricing of real estate investment trust initial public offerings, Scott Below, Mir A. Zaman, and Will Mcintosh
The principal's role in curriculum articulation, Clarence Lyle Bergmann
The Problematic Practices During the Process of Marriage Proposal/Match Making, Hakima Afzaly
“The Problem isn’t Yourself Overcoming, it’s Other People Overcoming You:” A Decolonizing Mental Health DSE Curricular Cripstemology Reading of Daniel and Luna’s Intersectional Dis/ability Experiences, David I. Hernández-Saca and Laurie Gutmann Kahn
The Process for Nonprofits and Foundations to Engage in Productive Partnerships, Anna McCutcheon
The Production of a School District Video for Promotional Purposes, Rodney R. Zehr
The Professional Turn, Adrienne P. Lamberti
The profile of a dew drop, Feredoon Behroozi, Hilliard K. Macomber, Jack A. Dostal, Cyrus H. Behroozi, and Brian K. Lambert
The profit-maximizing markup formula with linear demand, J. M. Rives
The prospects of taxpayer agreement with aggressive tax advice, Dennis R. Schmidt
The psychology of interpersonal forgiveness and guidelines for forgiveness therapy: What therapists need to know to help their clients forgive, Suzanne Freedman and Tiffany Zarifkar
The psychology of suicide-murder and the death penalty, Katherine Van Wormer and Chuk Odiah
The public administration theory primer, third edition, H. George Frederickson, Kevin B. Smith, Christopher W. Larimer, and Michael J. Licari
The Public Discourse of the Corporate Citizen, David H. Saiia and Dale Cyphert
The pure numbers generated by the Collatz Sequence, Douglas J. Shaw
The Quality of Child Care, Toranna Wermes
The quantification problem in stone-tool assemblages, Michael J. Shott
Therapeutic implications of parental bereavement, Tracey R. Bishop
Therapeutic jurisprudence, drug courts and mental health courts: The US experience, Katherine van Wormer and Saundra Starks
Therapeutic recreation programming for older adults with developmental disabilities, Marcia Jean Carter and Claire Foret
Therapeutic recreation programming for older adults with developmental disabilities, Marcia Jean Carter and Claire Foret
The rationalization of crime control in capitalist society, Steven Spitzer
The Reach and Impact of UNI, University of Northern Iowa
The reactions of some pentaammine(o-substituted benzoato)chromium(III) cations in perchloric acid and water, Rodney L. Williamson and James C. Chang
The Readability of BSCS Textbooks, James C. Slaughter
The reality of persecutory beliefs: Base rate information for clinicians, Seth A. Brown
The reasons for living inventory for adolescents (RFL-A): Development and Psychometric Properties, Augustine Osman, William R. Downs, Beverly A. Kopper, Francisco X. Barrios, Monty T. Baker, Joylene R. Osman, Tricia M. Besett, and Marsha M. Linehan
The Reasons for living inventory for adolescents (RFL-A) : validation in three adolescent populations, Joe S. Rich
The Reasons for Living Inventory: psychometric properties., A. Osman, K. Jones, and J. R. Osman
The reduction of solutions of some integrable partial differential equations, Min Ho Lee
The reductive pair (B3, G2) and affine connections on S7, Alberto Elduque and Hyo Chul Myung
The reintegration of technology as a function of curriculum reform: Cases of two teachers, Amy Staples and Evette Edmister
The relation between accounting conservatism and corporate social performance: An empirical investigation, Rick N. Francis, Steven Harrast, James Mattingly, and Lori Olsen
The relation between intrafirm distances and information opacity: Evidence from stock market liquidity, George D. Cashman, David M. Harrison, Michael J. Seiler, and Hainan Sheng
The Relations Among Types of Parentification, School Achievement, and Quality of Life in Early Adolescence: An Exploratory Study, Judyta Borchet, Aleksandra Lewandowska-Walter, Piotr Połomski, Aleksandra Peplińska, and Lisa M. Hooper
The relationship between an alternative form of cognitive reflection test and intertemporal choice, Jiuqing Cheng and Cassidy Janssen
The relationship between childhood violence and alcohol problems among men who batter: An empirical review and synthesis, William R. Downs, Nancy J. Smyth, and Brenda A. Miller
The relationship between epistemic cognition and dialogic feedback in elementary and middle school science classrooms, Ronald W. Rinehart, Mason Kuhn, and Todd M. Milford
The Relationship Between Giftedness And Resiliency Among Head Start Children, Angela R. Fry
The relationship between high school curriculum and collegiate academic success, Nancy Bramhall
The relationship between leader fit and transformational leadership, Russell P. Guay
The Relationship Between Perceived Greenness and Perceived Restorativeness of University Campuses and Student-Reported Quality of Life, J. Aaron Hipp, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, Susana Alves, and Sonia Sequeira
The Relationship Between Phonemic Awareness And Preschool Children'S Literacy Activities, Cheryl M. Guerts
The relationship between psychological stress and healthy lifestyle behaviors during covid-19 among students in a us midwest university, Terence Moriarty, Kelsey Bourbeau, Fabio Fontana, Scott McNamara, and Michael Pereira da Silva
The relationship between self-discrepancies and affective states: The moderating roles of self-monitoring and standpoints on the self, Melvin E. Gonnerman, Christopher P. Parker, Howard Lavine, and Joseph Huff
The relationship between social skills and resiliency among preschool children, Kathleen M. Twohig
The relationship between wife's education and husband's earnings: Evidence from 1960 to 2000, Lisa K. Jepsen
The relationship of computer experience and computer self—efficacy to performance in introductory computer literacy courses, Rex Karsten and Roberta Roth
The relationship of isokinetic torque at two speeds to the vertical jump, Susan E. Genuario and Forrest A. Dolgener
The Relationships between Personal Values, Justifications, and Academic Cheating for Business vs. Non-Business Students, Laura Parks-Leduc, Russell P. Guay, and Leigh M. Mulligan
The relative age effect among female brazilian youth volleyball players, Fabio H.A. Okazaki, Birgit Keller, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, and Jere D. Gallagher
The reliability of surface assemblages: Recent results from the Gillett Grove site, Clay County, Iowa, Michael J. Shott, Joseph A. Tiffany, John F. Doershuk, and Jason Titcomb
The Representation of Applied Psychology Areas in Introductory Psychology Textbooks, Charlotte W. Haselhuhn and Kerri L. Clopton
The reproduction of inequalities through emotional capital: The case of socializing low-income black girls, Carissa M. Froyum
'There's no way this kid's retarded': Teachers' optimistic constructions of students' ability, Christi Kasa-Hendrickson
The response of Ω-loop D dynamics to truncation of trimethyllysine 72 of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c depends on the nature of loop deformation, Levi J. McClelland, Sean M. Seagraves, Md Khurshid Alam Khan, Melisa M. Cherney, Swati Bandi, Justin E. Culbertson, and Bruce E. Bowler
The restorative potential of a university campus: Objective greenness and student perceptions in Turkey and the United States, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, Evrim Demir Mishchenko, George Hallowell, Susana Alves, and Megan Kennedy
The return impact of realized and expected idiosyncratic volatility, David R. Peterson and Adam R. Smedema
The reversibility of the adsorption of methane-methyl mercaptan mixtures in nanoporous carbon, Monika Golebiowska, Michael Roth, Lucyna Firlej, Bogdan Kuchta, and Carlos Wexler
The rhetorical analysis of business speech: Unresolved questions, Dale Cyphert
The Rise of Hindu Militancy: India’s Secular Democracy at Risk, Yogendra K. Malik and Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi
The rise of the National Basketball Association, David G. Surdam
Thermal enhancement of graphene dispersed emulsifier cutting fluid with different surfactants, M. Amrita, B. Kamesh, R. R. Srikant, R. N. Prithiviraajan, and K. S. Reddy
Thermal expansion: A fresh look at an old problem, Pirooz Mohazzabi and Feredoon Behroozi
Thermal expansion of solids: A simple classical model, P. Mohazzabi and F. Behroozi
Thermal stability of hydrocarbon monolayers on porous silicon, Andrew N. Simonson, Robert S. Cunningham, and Shoshanna R. Coon
The Road of Life - A Teaching Aid, William P. McCall and Mary Reideler
The role and ethics of community building for consumer products and services, Dean Kruckeberg and Kenneth Starck
The role and ethics of community building for consumer products and services, Dean Kruckeberg and Kenneth Starck
The role and ethics of community-building for consumer products and services: With some recommendations for new-marketplace economies in emerging democracies, Dean Kruckeberg, Kenneth Starck, and Marina Vujnovic
The role of alcohol consumption and romantic attachment insecurity as risk factors for disrupted sleep and emotion regulation among underage and young adult drinkers, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla
The Role of Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Pro-Social Bystander Interventions in Contexts of Gender Violence, Wm Michael Fleming and Jacquelyn D. Wiersma-Mosley
The role of a PhD field exam in preparing graduate students for academic careers, Alex P. Oberle, Wendy Bigler, and Timothy W. Hawkins
The Role of a Student Teacher, Delma Harding
The role of friends in predicting loneliness among older women living alone, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
The Role of Intellectuals in American Society, Iqbal Ahmad
The Role of Media and Emerging Representation in Early Childhood, Annette Swann
The role of mrp in repetitive manufacturing, M. S. Spencer and J. F. Cox
The role of physical appearance in managerial decisions, Michael L. Klassen, Cynthia R. Jasper, and Richard Jackson Harris
The Role of Racial Markers in Race Perception and Racial Categorization, Otto H. MacLin and M. Kimberly MacLin
The role of religion and spirituality in working with children and adolescents: Results of a national survey, Connie L. Kvarfordt and Michael J. Sheridan
The Role of Science in the Elementary School, Dean Halverson
The role of social media in enforcing environmental justice around the world, Gayle M. Pohl
The role of technological know-how in c-commerce success, Edward Hartono, Clyde W. Holsapple, and Haihao Jin
The Role of Technology in Education: High Schools of The Future, Robert Decker and Robert J. Krajewski
The role of technology in the transition to postsecondary education of students with learning disabilities: A review of the literature, Charlotte A. Mull and Patricia L. Sitlington
The role of terrain and pressure stresses in Rocky Mountain lee cyclones, Alan C. Czarnetzki and Donald R. Johnson
The role of the interdisciplinary approach in improving middle school curriculum, Kim L. Anderson
The Role of the Literacy Coach: The Challenge of Change, Janet Bargmann Thompsen
The Role of Theory, Research, and Evaluation in Adventure Education, Cheryl Baldwin, John Persing, and Douglas Magnuson
The Role of the Rhythm Step on Pro-Agility Test Performance in Division I Football Players, Panayiotis Papadopoulos, Robin J. Lund, Travis K. Ficklin, and Jacob P. Reed
The role of the school library media specialist as perceived by English and social science teaching majors and library science students at the University of Northern Iowa, Edward L. Bailey Jr.
The Role of the University Library in Graduate Education: A Natural Partnership, Katherine Martin
The role of weighted distributions in stochastic modeling, Ramesh C. Gupta
The Role of Working Memory among Non-Traditional Foreign Language Students, Gabriela Olivares-Cuhat and Michelle H. Ploof
The roles of tools and models in a prospective elementary teachers’ developing understanding of multidigit multiplication, Ian Whitacre and Chepina Rumsey
The russian dacha: A repository of civil indifference, Ernest Raiklin
The school counselor's role in facilitating the development of gay and lesbian students, Rob Bahl
The school librarian and the elementary social studies curriculum, Gerald Richard Eberle
The Scientific Knowledge Base of Special Education: Do We Know What We Think We Know?, Deborah J. Gallagher
These 12-year Olds Learned to Count Atoms with the "Atomette" Science Lab
These 12-year Olds Learned to Count Atoms with the "Atomette" Science Lab
The search for historical impact sites on Jupiter, T. A. Hockey
The Season of the MOOC, Justin J. Roberts and Jim O'Loughlin
The Secondary Science Teacher as an Elementary Science Consultant, Milbert H. Krohn
The “second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic: regional and temporal dynamics, Andrey N. Petrov, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, John DeGroote, Michele Devlin, Tatiana Degai, and Alexander Savelyev
The secret life of pets: The intersection of animals and organizational life, Thomas K. Kelemen, Samuel H. Matthews, Min Wan, and Yejun Zhang
The self beyond itself: Hermeneutics and transpersonal experience, David R. Crownfield
The seminal trace: Presence, difference, and transubstantiation, David Crownfield
The Sexual Victim in a Coeducational Juvenile Correctional Institution, Clemens Bartollas and Christopher M. Sieverdes
The sexual vocabularies of heterosexual and homosexual males and females for communicating erotically with a sexual partner, Joel W. Wells
The sex variable and reactions to the physically disabled by eighth grade students, J. W. Somervill, M. N. Veeder, B. E. Miller, and G. L. Zortman
The SF-36 and the MFI-20 in assessing fatigue among female caregivers of male hemodialysis patients, Robert A. Schneider
The shifting pattern of food security support: Food stamp and food bank usage in North Carolina, Maureen Berner and Kelley O'Brien
The Shoemaker-Levy 9 spots on Jupiter: Their place in history, T. Hockey
The Sikh Z{dot below}afar-nāmah of Guru Gobind Singh: A Discursive Blade in the Heart of the Mughal Empire, Louis E. Fenech
The sliding chain problem with and without friction: A universal solution, F. Behroozi
The Small School: How It Can Be Improved, R. Paul Brimm and Donald L. Hanson
The social ecology of health: Leverage points and linkages, Joseph G. Grzywacz and Juliana Fuqua
The social justice roots of the mentors in violence prevention model and its application in a high school setting, Jackson Katz, H. Alan Heisterkamp, and Wm Michael Fleming
The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: Further validation in two nonclinical samples, Augustine Osman, Francisco X. Barrios, Diane Haupt, Kimberly King, Joylene R. Osman, and Stacey Slavens
The social phobia and social interaction anxiety scales: Evaluation of psychometric properties, Augustine Osman, Peter M. Gutierrez, Francisco X. Barrios, Beverly A. Kopper, and Christine E. Chiros
The social security system of the Federal Republic of Germany, B. Eska
The socio-economic health and well-being of immigrants living in the state of Iowa during the COVID-19 pandemic, Samantha Jaquelyn Habinck
The Solar Eclipse of 1869 as seen in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky, Trishyan Anthony and Thomas A. Hockey Ph.D.
The Sorry Sons of The Godfather: Intertextuality, Orality and Diminished Masculinities in The Sopranos, Harry Brod
The sounds of silence: How men silence women in marital relations, Victoria Leto Defrancisco
The Soviet and post-Soviet allocation of land rent, Ernest Raiklin
The Soviet Union in Transition (The Question is Open to Discussion), Ernest Raiklin
The Speak UP! Salon Project: Using Hair Stylists as Lay Health Educators About Unintended Pregnancy, Susan Roberts-Dobie, Addie Rasmusson, and Mary E. Losch
The spectral function for Sturm-Liouville problems where the potential is of Wigner-von Neumann type or slowly decaying, D. J. Gilbert, B. J. Harris, and S. M. Riehl
The speculative value of farm real estate, Jeffrey R. Stokes and Arthur T. Cox
The Stability of Generation Identification Over Time and Across Contexts, Lisa M. Finkelstein, Melvin E. Gonnerman, and Sara K. Foxgrover
The stability of modified miscue analysis profiles, Carolyn Orr Kuhns, David W. Moore, and Sharon Arthur Moore
The stability of spiral flow between coaxial cylinders, Min Ho Lee
The status of statewide subscription databases, Karla S. Krueger
The stories educational researchers tell about themselves, John K. Smith
The Story of Disproportionality as Told by a Collaborative Culturally Responsive Coalition, Cathy A. Thorsen, Aram deKoven, Deborah Pattee, Dwight C. Watson, and Ann Collier
The Story of Parthenium alpinum, George J. Goodman
The strange case of the missing magazine in the elementary media center, Doris Crandall
The strengths perspective: A paradigm for correctional counseling, Katherine Van Wormer
The stresses of unemployment, Thomas Keefe
The student evaluation of teaching and likability: what the evaluations actually measure, Dennis Clayson
The Success of Early Reading Interventions, Tammy A. Theroith
The suicidal behaviors questionnaire-revised (SBQ-R): Validation with clinical and nonclinical samples, Augustine Osman, Courtney L. Bagge, Peter M. Gutierrez, Lisa C. Konick, Beverly A. Kopper, and Francisco X. Barrios
The Suicide Probability Scale: Norms and factor structure, Courtney Bagge and Augustine Osman
The 10Be deglaciation chronology of the Göschenertal, central Swiss Alps, and new insights into the Göschenen Cold Phases, Max Boxleitner, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Markus Egli, Dagmar Brandova, Marcus Christl, Dennis Dahms, and Max Maisch
The Synthesis of Hierarchical Structures: Technique and Applications, Robert J. Waller
The systematics of Physaria sensu stricto from Wyoming and surrounding areas, Jason Ratcliff
Theta functions on Hermitian symmetric domains and Fock representations, Min Ho Lee
Theta series associated to symmetric matrices, Min Ho Lee
Theta series liftings from orthogonal groups to semi-simple groups, Min Ho Lee
The Tau-function and Poincaré series, M. H. Lee
The Taylor rule and the appointment cycle of the chairperson of the Federal Reserve, Edward N. Gamber and David R. Hakes
The teacher-consultant model— A different perspective: A reaction to symposium 13, Thomas L. Little
The teacher work sample: A tool for scaffolding and assessing preservice teachers' early field experiences, John E. Henning, Andrea DeBruin‐Parecki, Becky Wilson Hawbaker, Curtis P. Nielsen, Elana Joram, and Anthony J. Gabriele
The teacher work sample: Implementing standards‐based performance assessment, John E. Henning and Victoria Robinson
The Technology Coordinators' Web Site Project, Jason Allen Vetter
The telephone survey: A procedure for assessing educational needs of nurses, Virginia R. Hash, Jan Donlea, and Dixie Walljaspek
The test-anxious student, Joan Carol Cagley
The thingness of things, Adrienne P. Lamberti
The Threshold for Aging in the Workplace, Donald L. Ashbaugh and Charles H. Fay
The Timing Of Changes In G And T In The Balanced-Budget Multiplier, Ernest Raiklin
The Toxic Activity of Main Trunk Wood From Diseased Dutch Elm Trees, Lyle C. Baugess and J. Lester Dalton
The transformation of the urban housing system in China, Zhong Yi Tong and R. Allen Hays
The Transition Assessment Process and IDEIA 2004, Patricia L. Sitlington and Gary M. Clark
The treatment of occupational stress in the field of emergency medical services, Patricia A. Boeck
The trend is an analyst's friend: Analyst recommendations and market technicals, Ryan Flugum
The Trouble with Iconic Images: Historical Timelines and Public Memory, Bettina Fabos
The Trump Administration: Government secrecy, bureaucracy, and democracy, Logan J. Santel
The “Trump effect” on hate crime reporting: media coverage before and after the 2016 presidential election, Kiesha Warren-Gordon and Gayle Rhineberger
The two faces of Nagasaki: The world of the Suwa festival screen, Reinier H. Hesselink
The Underserved: Primary Grade Gifted, Michelle Sturtz
The unforgettable June 2008 Cedar River flood, Keri Annis
The U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women: A focus on women's health., S. J. Koch
The Union Navy's blockade reconsidered, David G. Surdam
The universal declaration of linguistic rights, Joyce Milambiling
The unusual case of the widely distributed fiddler crab Minuca rapax (Smith, 1870) from the western Atlantic: An exemplary polytypic species, C. L. Thurman, M. J. Hopkins, A. L. Brase, and H. T. Shih
The usefulness of contingent claims analysis in predicting corporate credit ratings, Mark P. Bauman
The usefulness of linguistically-based word generalizations, Robert Emans and Jeanne Mc Lain Harms
The Use of a Daily Calendar to Increase Responsibilities Fulfilled by Secondary Students with Special Needs, Deborah Mae Flores, Patrick J. Schloss, and Sandra Alper
The Use of Calcite in Earth Science, Verne Troxel and Silas Schirner
The Use of Conflict Resolution to Reduce School Violence, Sabrina L. Taylor
The use of direct observation in functional behavior assessment, Lori O'Rourke
The use of high-resolution imagery for identification of urban climax forest species using traditional and rule-based classification approach, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Manoj Kumar Pavuluri, and Daniel Zerr
The Use of Immunosorbent Assays to Study Stress Response and Anxiety, Carrie Shea
The Use of Interdisciplinary Teaming and its Influence on Student Self-Concept in Middle Schools, Greg P. Stefanich, Fred A. Wills, and Ray R. Buss
The use of motivation in academic excellence, Donald James Blau
The use of specialty sand blends to improve casting quality and reduce costs, S. Ravi and J. Thiel
The Use of Sports In the Teaching of Culture and Civilization: Spain as a Case Study, Juan Castillo
The use of writing as a tool for teaching and learning in mathematics classes, Walter C. Block
The U.S. rare earth industry: Its growth and decline, Joanne Abel Goldman
The U.S. war on terrorism and the dynamics of threat perception in West Africa, Pita Ogaba Agbese
The utility of molecular hypotheses for uncovering morphological diversity in the notropis rubellus species complex (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), Peter B. Berendzen, Wendy M. Olson, and Scott M. Barron
The utility of pay raises/cuts: A simulation experimental study, Atul Mitra, G. Douglas Jenkins, Nina Gupta, and Jason D. Shaw
The utilization of paperbacks in high school libraries, Betty Cornelius
The value of group work: Functional group models and historical perspectives, Bradley T. Erford, Ann Vernon, and Darcie Davis-Gage
The value of operator training, Brian Gedlinske
The value of the option to preserve farm real estate, Jeffrey R. Stokes
The Variability in the Color of Red Clover Seeds, its Cause, and Relation to the Value of the Seeds, John N. Martin
The Victimized White in a Juvenile Correctional System, Clemens Bartollas and Christopher M. Sieverdes
The Views Of Students With Disabilities Regarding Dropout And School Belonging, Rebecca L. Brandau
The Voting Rights Act at Today's Supreme Court, Scott Peters
The Voting Rights Act in 1965 and Today, John W. Johnson
The Voting Rights Act in Iowa, Paul Pate
The Weave (and Warp) of Invention, ROY R. BEHRENS
The Willard J. Combs Aerospace Award
The women of library history project, Katelyn Browne
The word-faith movement: A theological conflation of the nation of Islam and Mormonism?, Kirk R. MacGregor
The workplace, undergraduate: The public relations academic and practitioner views, Gayle M. Pohl and Dee Vandeventer
The world leisure commission on accessibility and inclusion, Rodney B. Dieser
The world of designing women: A narrative account of focus group plans for a women's university, Victoria Leto DeFrancisco
The Xianbei in Chinese history, Charles Holcombe
“They Are Just Like You and Me”: Cultivating Volunteer Sympathy, Carissa Froyum
The Year in Review: 2020-2021 Letter from the Co-Presidents, Robin Brandehoff and Rachel DeSoto-Jackson
The Year that Was, Lyle Anderson
The zones of regulation in schools, Kyle Andrew-Kelly Wiebers
Thinking skills: The question of generality, Gerald F. Smith
"This fatal cake": The ideals and realities of republican virtue in eighteenth-century America, Trudy Eden
"This is how we play destroy": Deconstruction and the construction of a cyborg future in Poppy's Am I a Girl?, Stevie Eve Sanchez
"This is my body": Reflections on abjection, anorexia, and medieval women mystics, Martha J. Reineke
This is What I Am!!, Milbert H. Krohn
Thomomys nayarensis, a new species of pocket gopher from the Sierra del Nayar, Nayarit, Mexico, Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and James W. Demastes
Thorstein Veblen, Ken Mccormick
"Thought Alert" . . . to Iowa Science Teachers
Thoughts While Reflecting on Dr. Degnin’s Essay, Joel Haack
Three Bacillus anthracis bacteriophages from topsoil, Michael H. Walter and Dylan D. Baker
Three-dimensional quantum size effects on the growth of Au islands on MoS2, T. E. Kidd, J. Weber, R. Holzapfel, K. Doore, and A. J. Stollenwerk
Three-dimensional transportation analysis: Planning and design, Said M. Easa, Tim R. Strauss, Yasser Hassan, and Reginald R. Souleyrette
Three Elements of Stakeholder Legitimacy, Adele Santana
Three methods for encouraging interactions between severely retarded and nonhandicapped students, W. Stainback, S. Stainback, D. Raschke, and R. J. Anderson
Three new naphthyldihydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Ancistrocladus tectorius, Kirk P. Manfredi, Melissa Britton, Valerie Vissieche, and Lewis K. Pannell
Through the ANOVA looking-glass: Distortions of heredity-environment interactions, Gordon M. Harrington
Thymic involution and HIV progression, L. Beltz
Time and frame synchronization of IEEE 802.15.6 IR-UWB physical layer with strong narrowband interferences, Xuzhou Zuo and Hong Nie
Timeline of Creating the Original Performance Work, A Scotch Verdict, Cyntia Goatley and Rebecca Burkhardt
Time-loss and non-time-loss injuries in youth football players, Thomas P. Dompier, John W. Powell, Mary J. Barron, and Marguerite T. Moore
Time spent below a random threshold by a Poisson driven sequence of observations, S. N.U.A. Kirmani and Jacek Wesołowski
Time spent in different sedentary activity domains across adolescence: A follow-up study, Michael Pereira Silva, Roseane de Guimarães, Eliane Denise Bacil, Thiago Silva Piola, Edmar Roberto Fantinelli, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, and Wagner de Campos
Time spent in different sedentary activity domains across adolescence: a follow-up study, Michael Pereira da Silva, Roseane de Fátima Guimarães, Eliane Denise Araújo Bacil, Thiago Silva Piola, Edmar Roberto Fantinelli, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, and Wagner de Campos
Time trends of physical inactivity in Brazilian adults from 2009 to 2017, Michael Pereira da Silva, Fabio Fontana, Jhonathan Gritten Campos, Oldemar Mazzardo, Dartel Ferrari Lima, Ana Carolina Paludo, and Wagner de Campos
Time-varying response of monetary policy to macroeconomic conditions, Chung Hua Shen, David R. Hakes, and Kenneth Brown
Tips for teaching creative and critical reading, Paula Boothby
Tips for Teaching Plant Water Relations, Virginia Berg
Titan aerosol analog absorption features produced from aromatics in the far infrared, Joshua A. Sebree, Melissa G. Trainer, Mark J. Loeffler, and Carrie M. Anderson
Titanium in the rapidly cooled hypereutectic gray iron, Y. Lerner
TOA Estimation Based on Narrowband Interference Mitigation Technique, Yanliang Jing, Xuetao Luo, Xue Wang, and Hong Nie
To Build a Foundation, Nicole Zumbach Harken and Rachel Morgan
To err is human: A reminder to teachers of language-anxious students, Tammy S. Gregersen
Tool condition monitoring in an end-milling operation based on the vibration signal collected through a microcontroller-based data acquisition system, Julie Z. Zhang and Joseph C. Chen
Too many types of quality problems, Gerald F. Smith
Topic modeling as a tool for analyzing library chat transcripts, Hyun Seung Koh and Mark Fienup
Torus bundles over locally symmetric varieties associated to cocycles of discrete groups, Min Ho Lee and Dong Youp Suh
Total body bone mineral content and tibial cortical bone measures in preschool children, Bonny L. Specker, Neil Johannsen, Teresa Binkley, and Kevin Finn
Totally proper forcing and the Moore-Mrówka problem, Todd Eisworth
Total Quality Management and outsourcing : a new partnership for higher education, Justin A. Weis
Total quality management: Applicability to law firms, Steven E. Abraham, Michael S. Spencer, and Eloise L. Monk
Total Quality Management programmes at smaller manufacturers: Benchmarking techniques and results, Michael S. Spencer and Arvinder P.S. Loomba
To the Side, to the Side: Academic Libraries and LibGuides Layout Adoption, Chris Neuhaus, Anne Marie Gruber, Angie Cox, HyunSeung Koh, Jim Kelly, Claire Bowling, and Gail Bunz
Tourism planning, community engagement and policy innovation in Ucluelet, British Columbia, Oksana Grybovych, Delmar Hafermann, and Felice Mazzoni
Toward a first course based on object-oriented patterns, Eugene Wallingford
Toward a general framework for the analysis of deviance: A comment on block and bernard, Jerry D. Stockdale
Toward a general theory of infantile attachment: A comparative review of aspects of the social bond, D. W. Rajecki, M. E. Lamb, and P. Obmascher
Toward a global phylogeny of the Brassicaceae, C. Donovan Bailey, Marcus A. Koch, Michael Mayer, Klaus Mummenhoff, Steve L. O'Kane, Suzanne I. Warwick, Michael D. Windham, and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
Toward an elaboration of the pedagogical common, Gregory N. Bourassa
Toward a pedagogy compatible with equitable grading tenets, difficulties, and suggestions, Andrew Berns and J. Philip East
Toward clarification of the concept of ' ‘minority’ status and decision-making in juvenile court proceedings, Michael J. Leiber
Toward effective community-based interventions in child abuse, Philip A. Mann, Michael Lauderdale, and Ira Iscoe
Towards a better measure of protein 3D model quality, Aleksandar Poleksic
Towards a comprehensive account of effective thinking, Gerald F. Smith
Towards a deeper understanding of JIT: a comparison between APICS and logistics managers, Michael S. Spencer, Patricia J. Daugherty, and Dale S. Rogers
Towards a definition of waste in economics: A neoinstitutionsl approach, Ken McCormick
Towards a feminist empowerment model of forgiveness psychotherapy, Kevin M. McKay, Melanie S. Hill, Suzanne R. Freedman, and Robert D. Enright
Towards a Logic of Innovation, Gerald F. Smith
Towards an arctic sustainability monitoring framework, Andrey N. Petrov and Tatiana Vlasova
Towards an arendtian conception of justice, Yasemin Sari
Towards Herd Humanity: COVID-19 Vaccination Reluctance in Bangladesh, Mohammad Ali and Dan Bumblauskas
Towards replacement of failed parts on the battlefield via metal casting in 3D-printed desert sand molds, Marc Pepi, Jerry Thiel, Nathaniel Bryant, Brandon McWilliams, Andelle Kudzal, and Jennifer Sietins
Towards understanding benefit sharing between extractive industries and indigenous/local communities in the arctic, Maria S. Tysiachniouk, Andrey N. Petrov, and Violetta Gassiy
Toward sustainable literacies: From representational to recreational rhetorics, David M. Grant
To whom does transformational leadership matter more? An examination of neurotic and introverted followers and their organizational citizenship behavior, Russell P. Guay and Daejeong Choi
TPACK development in higher education, Mary C. Herring, Sohyun Meacham, and Daniel Mourlam
TPACK Leadership Diagnostic Tool: Adoption and Implementation by Teacher Education Leaders, Jon M. Clausen, Elizabeth S. Finsness, Arlene C. Borthwick, Kevin J. Graziano, Jeffery P. Carpenter, and Mary Herring
Tracing the development of the south african alto saxophone style, Christopher Linn Merz
Tracking in schools: Can American social scientists objectify such a sensitive topic?, Ralph Scott
Trade networks and conflict processes in the Israeli conflict system, Nadia Jilani-Hyler, Ashley Murph-Schwarzer, Dona Roy, Matthew Shaffer, and Brian Warby
Trading costs and exchange delisting: The case of firms that voluntarily move from the American Stock Exchange to the Nasdaq, Paul Clyde, Paul Schultz, and Mir Zaman
Traditional media marketing and the Panther marching band, Adam James Herzog
Training special education support personnel, Thomas L. Little
Training students with T-shaped interdisciplinary studies in predictive plant phenomics, Julie A. Dickerson, Theodore J. Heindel, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Patrick S. Schnable, Jill Wittrock, and Mary E. Losch
Training Teachers for the Severely and Profoundly Handicapped: A New Frontier, Susan Stainback, William Stainback, and Steven Maurer
Training teachers for the severely and profoundly retarded: An accountability model, S. Stainback, W. Stainback, R. Schmid, and L. Courtnage
Transberingia, a New Generic Name Replacing the Illegitimate Beringia (Brassicaceae), Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz and Steve L. O'Kane
Transceiver technologies for impulse radio ultra wideband (IR UWB) wireless systems, Hong Nie and Zhizhang Chen
Transcendental meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: A longitudinal study, Robert W. Cranson, David W. Orme-Johnson, Jayne Gackenbach, Michael C. Dillbeck, Christopher H. Jones, and Charles N. Alexander
Transcending barriers in the superintendency: The resiliency leadership discourse of African American women, Francemise Kingsberry and Gaëtane Jean-Marie
Transcriptome Sequences Resolve Deep Relationships of the Grape Family, Jun Wen, Zhiqiang Xiong, Ze Long Nie, Likai Mao, Yabing Zhu, Xian Zhao Kan, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Jean Gerrath, Elizabeth A. Zimmer, and Xiao Dong Fang
Transdisciplinary graduate training in predictive plant phenomics, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Theodore J. Heindel, Patrick S. Schnable, Stephanie J. Strong, Jill Wittrock, Mary E. Losch, and Julie A. Dickerson
Transgender issues in counselor preparation, Lynne Carroll and Paula J. Gilroy
Transient analysis of an M/G/1 retrial queue subject to disasters and server failures, Jinting Wang, Bin Liu, and Jianghua Li
Transient-state groundwater flow in various geometries with wells at arbitrary positions: Analytical methods, M. W. Roth, C. M. Wilson, and M. Z. Iqbal
Transient versus sustained biophysical responses to dam removal, F. J. Magilligan, K. H. Nislow, J. T. Dietrich, H. Doyle, and B. Kynard
Transition as a Vehicle: Moving From High School to an Adult Vocational Service Provider, Michelle L. Nuehring and Patricia L. Sitlington
Transition assessment-where have we been and where should we be going?, Patricia L. Sitlington
Transition education for adolescents with learning disabilities, Cari Dunn and Christina M. Curran
Transition from traditional and flexible manufacturing to agile manufacturing: an application in a textile company, Mehmet Civan, Mehmet Emre Bahadir, and Cemalettin Demireli
Transition mechanisms and phases of hexane physisorbed on graphite, C. L. Pint, M. W. Roth, and C. Wexler
Transitions of Developmental Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms Between Junior and Senior High School Among Youths in Taiwan: Linkages to Symptoms in Young Adulthood, Yu Chung Lawrence Wang, Hsun Yu Chan, and Pei Chun Chen
Transition to living: The neglected component of transition programming for individuals with Learning Disabilities, Patricia L. Sitlington
Translating Feuerbach, constructing morality: The theological and literary significance of translation for George Eliot, Susan E. Hill
Translation into English: Poems by Marie-Léontine Tsibinda, Catherine MacGillivray
Translitic Poems, Ron Sandvik
Transmission and reconstruction of gender through dress:Hmong american new year rituals, Annette Lynch, Daniel F. Detzner, and Joanne B. Eicher
Transmission line transposition, Arif M. Gashimov, Aytek R. Babayeva, and Ahmet Nayir
Transmission theory in the study of stone tools: A midwestern north American example, Michael J. Shott
Transnational lives, travelling emotions and idioms of distress among Bolivian migrants in Spain, Xavier Escandell and Maria Tapias
Transparency and social responsibility issues for Wikipedia, Adele Santana and Donna J. Wood
Transportation Approach to Locating Plants in Relation to Potential Markets and Raw Material Sources, Chandrasekhar Das and Sunderesh Heragu
Transport of Bromide and Other Inorganic Ions by Infiltrating Storm Water Beneath a Farmland Plot, Mohammad Z. Iqbal and Noel C. Krothe
Trauma in children's literature, Kyra Ross
Traumatic experiences and mental health risk for refugees, Victoria A. Schlaudt, Rahel Bosson, Monnica T. Williams, Benjamin German, Lisa M. Hooper, Virginia Frazier, Ruth Carrico, and Julio Ramirez
Treasurer's Report for the Iowa Science Teacher's Association
Treatment Dosage and the Risk Principle: A Refinement and Extension, Matthew Makarios, Kimberly Gentry Sperber, and Edward J. Latessa
Treatment expectancy and therapeutic change in treatment of migraine headache: Are they related?, F. X. Barrios and P. Karoly
Treatment of the American Indian in eight junior novels, Linda Ann Carlsen
Treatment strategies used to teach adults diagnosed with mental retardation appropriate interpersonal skills, Laurie S. Youngblood
Trend in male engagement in maternal and newborn health services in Ethiopia, Wubite Bekele Bogale
Trends in Ghana's international timber trade: Implications for local livelihoods and sustainable forest management, J. Henry Owusu
Trends in online education: Case study at Southwest Missouri state university, Lesta A. Burgess and Shawn D. Strong
Trends, patterns, and characteristics of young adult horror fiction, Melissa A. Buelow
Triangulated research designs - A justification?, Gayle M. Rhineberger, David J. Hartmann, and Thomas L. Van Valey
Triangulated research designs - A justification?, Gayle M. Rhineberger, David J. Hartmann, and Thomas L. Van Valey
Triangulated Research Designs – A Justification?, Gayle M. Rhineberger, David J. Hartmann, and Thomas L. Van Valey
Tribological Behavior of Graphene-Dispersed Emulsifier Cutting Fluid, M. Amrita, B. Kamesh, R. S. Revuru, and V. S.N. Venkataramana
Tricks, lies, frauds and misguided good intentions: Examining the labyrinth of affirmative action/diversity, Ralph S. Scott
Tripmaster monkey: Kingstons postmodern representation of a new china man, Jennie Wang
Triumphant Love, Alan Schmitz and Paul Siddens
Trophy Case, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
Troubling the master narrative of “grit”: Counterstories of black and latinx students with dis/abilities during an era of “high-stakes” testing, Adai A. Tefera, David Hernández-Saca, and Ashlee M. Lester
Truck driver or nurse? the impact of gender roles and occupational status on children's occupational preferences, Stacey Teig and Joshua E. Susskind
Trueerase: Leveraging an auxiliary data path for per-file secure deletion, Sarah Diesburg, Christopher Meyers, Mark Stanovich, An I.Andy Wang, and Geoff Kuenning
"Truly Disabled?": An Analysis of LD Eligibility Issues Under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, Susan Etscheidt
Trunk exercise training improves muscle size, strength, and function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial, Behnaz Shahtahmassebi, Jeffrey J. Hebert, Mark Hecimovich, and Timothy J. Fairchild
Trust Issues: US Public Preferences for Entities to Protect the Environment, Samantha Mosier and Megan Ruxton
Truth, Faith, and Intelligent Design: A Pedagogical Essay, Francis Dominic Degnin
Tunable microwave components for Ku- and K-band satellite communications, F. A. Miranda, F. W. Van Keuls, R. R. Romanofsky, and G. Subramanyam
Tunable optical filter using long-range surface plasmons, Peter J. Kajenski
Tuning them in versus turning them on: How do we interest students in working with older Adults?, Patricia E. Gross and Elaine M. Eshbaugh
“Turning Pictures” in Shakespeare’s England, Allan Shickman
Turning pictures or perspectives, Allan Shickman
Turnover threat and CEO risk-taking behavior in the banking industry, Zhongdong Chen and Alireza Ebrahim
Twenty-fifth Annual Commencement, 1901, Iowa State Normal School
Twenty-Five Years as a Starter?, Warren Classon
Twisted modular forms and parabolic cohomology, Min Ho Lee
Twisted torus bundles over arithmetic varieties, Min Ho Lee
Twitter as an online educational community in the Spanish literature classroom, Heather Jerónimo and Allysha Martin
Two cultures: Thought and practice in British and North American archaeology, Michael J. Shott
Two faces of representativeness: The effects of response format on beliefs about random sampling, Elana Joram and Daniel Read
Two Instructional Approaches - The Electric Maze And The Direct Instructional Model-For Teaching At- Risk Kindergarten Students Alphabet Letter Names, Sherry Marie Jack
Two new species of the genus Dermacarus haller, 1880 (Acari: Glycyphagidae), A. Fain, J. R. Philips, and N. Wilson
Two NSTA Publications Called "Popular Sources"
Typha (Cattail) Invasion in North American Wetlands: Biology, Regional Problems, Impacts, Ecosystem Services, and Management, Sheel Bansal, Shane C. Lishawa, Sue Newman, Brian A. Tangen, Douglas Wilcox, Dennis Albert, Michael J. Anteau, Michael J. Chimney, Ryann L. Cressey, Edward DeKeyser, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Sarah A. Finkelstein, Joanna Freeland, Richard Grosshans, Page E. Klug, Daniel J. Larkin, Beth A. Lawrence, George Linz, Joy Marburger, Gregory Noe, Clint Otto, Nicholas Reo, Jennifer Richards, Curtis Richardson, Le Roy Rodgers, Amy J. Schrank, Dan Svedarsky, Steven Travis, Nancy Tuchman, and Lisamarie Windham-Myers
Ubiquitous LibGuides: Variations in Presence, Production, Application, and Convention, Chris Neuahus, Angie Cox, Anne Marie Gruber, Jim Kelly, HyunSeung Koh, Claire Bowling, and Gail Bunz
Ubiquitous LibGuides: Variations in Presence, Production, Application, and Convention, Chris Neuhaus, Angie Cox, Anne Marie Gruber, Jim Kelly, Hyun Seung Koh, Claire Bowling, and Gail Bunz
Ultrasonic energy in conjunction with the double-diffusion treating technique, Patrick E. Wheat, Kevin C. Curtis, and Raghunath S. Chatrathi
Ultrasonic NDT can assess ductile iron quality, Yury S. Lerner
Ultrasonic testing: Predicts casting properties, Yury Lerner and Paul Brestel
Ultrasound induced aqueous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon reactivity, P. E. Wheat and M. A. Tumeo
Unanticipated Consequences: The Impact of a Smoke-Free Law on Assaults Around Bars, Steven Briggs, Andrey Petrov, and Samuel Peterson
Uncertainty, opportunism, and governance: The effects of volatility and ambiguity on formal and relational contracting, Stephen J. Carson, Anoop Madhok, and Wu Tao
Uncovering perspectives and attitudes toward inclusion : a study of parents, students and teachers, Rea-Eleene Woolley
Uncovering the complexities of the relationship between women and well-being in the workplace:An introduction, Mary L. Connerley and Jiyun Wu
Undergraduate social work programs as health resources in rural areas: Needs assessment as an example, Donald E. Maypole
Undergraduate students’ experiences with educational podcasts to learn about inclusive and integrated physical education, Scott W.T. McNamara and Justin A. Haegele
Understanding anti-plagiarism software adoption: An extended protection motivation theory perspective, Younghwa Lee
Understanding brain-based instruction and the technology connection for improved teaching and learning, Tammy Wawro
Understanding breast cancer screening behaviors of Korean American women in sociocultural contexts, Ga Young Choi, Eun Koh, Sam Choi, and Ji Young Cho
Understanding consumers of Asian female sports: A case study of the Women's Korean Basketball League, Sophia D. Min, James J. Zhang, Minkil Kim, and Chong Kim
Understanding data-driven decision support systems, Daniel J. Power
Understanding emission characteristics of a foundry sand binder, Scott R. Giese and Anne Shepard
Understanding individual differences: Critical human service component, Ralph Scott
Understanding individual differences: Critical human service component, Ralph Scott
Understanding 'likers' on facebook: Differences between customer and non-customer situations, Matthew P. Bunker, K. N. Rajendran, Steven B. Corbin, and Ciara Pearce
Understanding of website usability: Specifying and measuring constructs and their relationships, Younghwa Lee and Kenneth A. Kozar
Understanding the impact of a DUI court through treatment integrity: A mixed-methods approach, Andrew J. Myer and Matthew D. Makarios
Understanding the lived experiences of Asian American transracial adoptees in college, Frances Elizabeth McDermott
Understanding the use of crisis communication in Clery Act compliance, Allyson L. Rafanello
Understanding why children and adolescents attempt suicide, Michael Thomas Brinkman
Underwater Laser Scanning for River Bathymetry, Courtney Johnson
Unemployment trends in Russia of the 1990s, Ernest Raiklin
(Un)gendered sentiments: The relationship between modernism and gender in the works of Barnfield and Woolf, Brittany Kay Jungck
UNI 2019-20 Climate Survey: Summary of Findings, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Social and Behavioral Research
UNI announces updates following new CDC guidance, May 20, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Uniaxial stress dependence of the Orbach spin-lattice relaxation rate of phosphorous and arsenic donors in silicon, D. W. Olson and T. G. Castner
UNI Campus Climate Survey: Faculty/Staff and Student Campus Climate, Safety and Sexual Assault Assessment 2015-2016, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
UNICASE (University of Northern Iowa Corpus of Academic English), Jacob Rigal
UNI Diversity Assessments: Organizational Diversity Assessment; Student Climate Assessment [2011], Kristin Moser
UNI Diversity Assessments: Organizational Diversity Assessment; Student Climate Assessment, 2013-2104, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research.
UNI Diversity Assessments: Organizational Diversity Assessment; Student Climate Assessment; Diversity Key Performance Indicators [2009], Kristin Moser and Shashi Kaparthi
UNI Faculty Senate Resolution – Encourages Contribution to the UNI Institutional Repository, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
UNI Football 2021 Spring Season Guide, University of Northern Iowa
Uniformity of long-tailed Manakin songs from three localities in Costa Rica, Jill M. Trainer and Ryan J. Parsons
Uniformization and anti-uniformization properties of ladder systems, Zoltán Balogh, Todd Eisworth, Gary Gruenhage, Oleg Pavlov, and Paul Szeptycki
UNI Grad Student News, v19n3, March 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI Grad Student News, v19n4, May 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI Grad Student News, v20n1, October 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI Leaders Nook and Bennett Urge Campus to Get Vaccine [Video] August 18, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Magazine, issue 03, 2021, University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association
UNI Offers Free, On-Campus Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics to Students, Faculty and Staff [Video] August 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Union Slough - An Outdoor Classroom, Mary Rosaire Heinowski
Unions of left-separated spaces, E. Scheidecker and A. Stanley
UNI Orchesis Dance Company, Mel Lemke
UNI Political Science Newsletter, v15n1, June 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Political Science.
UNI Political Science Newsletter, v16n1, June 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Political Science.
UNI President Mark Nook Welcomes Students Back for 2021-22 Academic Year [Video] August 24, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Unique considerations in the assessment of ADHD in college students, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Kate Flory, Will H. Canu, Erik G. Willcutt, and Cynthia M. Hartung
Uniqueness of polymorphic equilibria under soft selection, R. B. Campbell
Unique partnerships that work., Christopher Kowalski and Jerry Harris
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1968, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1969, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1970, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1971, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1972, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1973, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1974, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1975, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1976, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1977, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1978, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1979, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1980, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1981, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1982, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1983, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1984, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1985, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1986, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1987, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1988, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1989, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1990, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1991, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1992, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1993, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1994, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1995, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1996, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1997, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1998, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 1999, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2000, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2001, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2002, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2003, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2004, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2005, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2006, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2007, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2008, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2009, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2010, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2011, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2012, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2013, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2014, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2015, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2016, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2017, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2018, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2019, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Fall 2020, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1968, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1969, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1970, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1971, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1972, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1973, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1974, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1975, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1976, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1977, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1978, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1979, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1980, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1981, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1982, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1983, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1984, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1985, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1986, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1987, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1988, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1989, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1990, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1991, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1992, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1993, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1994, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1995, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1996, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1997, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1998, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 1999, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2000, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2001, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2002, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2003, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2004, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2005, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2006, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2007, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2008, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2009, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2010, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2011, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2012, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2013, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2014, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2015, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2016, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2017, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2018, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2019, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2020, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1968, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1969, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1970, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1971, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1972, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1973, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1974, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1975, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1976, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1977, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1978, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1979, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1980, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1981, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1982, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1983, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1984, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1985, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1986, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1987, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1988, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1989, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1990, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1991, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1992, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1993, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1994, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1995, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1996, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1997, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1998, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 1999, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2000, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2001, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2002, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2003, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2004, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2005, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2006, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2007, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2008, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2009, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2010, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2011, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2012, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2013, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2014, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2015, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2016, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2017, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2018, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2019, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Schedule of Classes, Summer 2020, University of Northern Iowa
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, April 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, December 2020, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, February 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, January 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot July 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, June 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, March 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, May 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, November 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, October 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, September 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Readership Snapshot, September 2021, bepress
UNI ScholarWorks Surpasses 2 Million Downloads, Andrew Creasey
UNI Swimming & Diving 2019-20 Top Times, University of Northern Iowa
UNI to Host Postville Conference / Teach-In [news release]
Universal method for creating optically active nanostructures on layered materials, Timothy E. Kidd, Aaron Oshea, Benjamin Beck, Rui He, Conor Delaney, Paul M. Shand, Laura H. Strauss, Andrew Stollenwerk, Noah Hurley, Kyle Spurgeon, and Genda Gu
University faculty tolerance of NS and NNS writing errors: A comparison, Michael Janopoulos
University of North Dakota, October 1, 1966, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of North Dakota, October 2, 1965, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of North Dakota, October 26, 1963, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of North Dakota, September 30, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 12, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 18, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 2, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 27, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 28, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 30, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 4, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 6, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 7, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 1, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 13, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 3, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 4, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 5, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 6, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 7, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 8, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 16, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 18, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 2, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 4, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 5, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 6, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 7, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 11, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 12, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 12, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 14, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 15, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 16, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 23, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 24, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 1, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 6, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 7, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 1, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 2, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 9, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 15, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 19, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 2, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 3, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 5, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 6, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 7, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 7, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 8, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 11, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 15, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 3, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 1, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 17, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 20, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 5, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 6, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 7, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 2, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 26, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 27, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 28, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 30, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 7, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 7, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 1, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 13, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 3, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 4, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 5, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 6, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 6, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 7, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 8, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 2, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 4, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 5, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 6, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 12, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 12, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 14, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 15, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 16, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 24, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 1, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 6, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 1, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 15, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 2, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 3, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 5, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 6, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 7, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 7, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 11, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 15, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 3, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 6, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 1, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 5, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 6, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Elementary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 7, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Elementary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Fact Book, 2020-2021, University of Northern Iowa. Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, April 12, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, April 26, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, August 23, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, December 6, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, February 22, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, February 8, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, January 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, March 22, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, March 8, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, October 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, September 27, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, Faculty Senate
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, April 26, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, Faculty Senate
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, August 23, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, Faculty Senate
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, December 6, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, Faculty Senate
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, February 22, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, February 8, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, January 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, March 22, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, March 8, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, October 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, Faculty Senate
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, September 27, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, Faculty Senate
University of Northern Iowa Fall Faculty Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Curriculum Committee Minutes, August 27, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Curriculum Committee Minutes, November 12, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Curriculum Committee Minutes, October 5, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Curriculum Committee Minutes, October 8, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Curriculum Committee Minutes, September 10, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Curriculum Committee Minutes, September 24, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate College’s First Annual 3 Minute Thesis® Competition [Program, 2021], University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, December 9, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, February 11, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, March 11, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, November 11, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, November 12, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, Octobe4r 14, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, October 21, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, October 22, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, October 8, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, September 23, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, September 24, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, February 11, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, February 25, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, November 11, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, October 14, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, October 22, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, September 23, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, September 9, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate Council.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 17, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 2, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 24, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 3, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 5, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 8, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 9, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 11, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 12, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 13, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 15, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 16, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 17, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 17, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 17, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 3, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 5, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 8, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 9, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 11, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 13, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 16, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 17, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 13, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 14, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 16, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 18, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 19, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 4, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 12, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 13, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 14, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 15, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 17, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 18, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 19, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, December 6, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 11, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 15, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 16, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 16, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 19, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 21, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 27, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 4, 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, February 7, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 18, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 19, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 19, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 22, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 23, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 28, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, January 30, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 22, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, March 28, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 2, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 4, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 5, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 7, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 8, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, May 9, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 1, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 12, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 15, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 16, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 17, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 17, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 20, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 21, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 21, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 5, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, November 5, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 10, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 13, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 15, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, October 18, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 15, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 18, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 19, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 19, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 20, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 20, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 20, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 21, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, September 3, 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 13, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 14, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 16, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 19, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 12, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 13, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 14, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 15, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 17, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 18, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 19, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, December 6, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 11, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 15, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 16, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 16, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 21, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 27, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 18, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 19, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 19, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 19, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 22, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 23, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, January 28, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 22, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, March 28, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 3, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 8, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 1, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 12, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 15, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 16, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 17, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 17, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 21, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, November 21, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 10, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 13, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 15, 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, October 18, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 15, 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 18, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 19, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 19, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Secondary Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, September 21, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Secondary Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Special Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Agenda, April 19, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Special Joint Teacher Education Senate Meeting Minutes, April 19, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Joint Teacher Education Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Works to Create Initial Plans for Safe Return to Campus [Video] May 21, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
University of South Dakota, November 4, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of South Dakota, November 6, 1965, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of South Dakota, October 25, 1969, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of South Dakota, October 26, 1968, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University of South Dakota, September 28, 1963, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
University Student Interest and Use of Personal Training Services, Kathleen G. Scholl, Kristina Leen, Devyn Alexander, Rachel Pike, and Luke Johansen
University students' felt alienation and their attitudes toward African-Americans, women and homosexuals., J. W. Wells and A. Daly
University Students' Reported Incidence and Perceptions of Plagiarism, Taylor Courier
Unlearning liberty in seminars and cinemas, Thomas K. Lindsay
Unlocking the condoms: The effect on sales and theft, Daniel Ashwood, Karen B. Farris, Shelly Campo, Mary L. Aquilino, and Mary Losch
Unmasking invisible ideologies: A commentary on Rojek’s “Leisure and emotional intelligence, Christopher R. Edginton and Rodney B. Dieser
Unmuted: A Digital Dilemma Inspired by Forum Theatre, Akhila Khanna
Unofficial sister cities: Meatpacking labor migration between Villachuato, Mexico, and Marshalltown, Iowa, Mark A. Grey and Anne C. Woodrick
Unpacking decision difficulty: Testing action dynamics in Intertemporal, gamble, and consumer choices, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo
Unpacking the Standing Neutral: A Cost Effective and Common-Sense Approach for Preventing Conflict, Kate Vitasek, James P. Groton, and Daniel Bumblauskas
Unravelling the ecological significance of endogenous rhythms in intertidal crabs, Carl L. Thurman
Until There's a Cure, There's a Cause, Jaylee Knowles
Unusual Ph.D. Program Supported
Unusual shapes for a catenary under the effects of surface tension and gravity: A variational treatment, F. Behroozi, P. Mohazzabi, and J. McCrickard
Update on Today's J&J Vaccination Clinic, April 13, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Upper body muscle activation during low-versus high-load resistance exercise in the bench press, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Dan Ogborn, Fabio Fontana, and Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez
Upper elementary teachers' perception of the pre-referral process, Lyndi Meyer
Uprising, Issue 11 [Spring 2021], University of Northern Iowa. Northern Iowa Student Government.
Uprising, Issue 12 [Fall 2021], University of Northern Iowa. Northern Iowa Student Government.
Upscale” news audiences and the transformation of labour news, Christopher R. Martin
Upsetting behavior: Reactions to personal and bystander sexual harassment experiences, Robert T. Hitlan, Kimberly T. Schneider, and Benjamin M. Walsh
Urban Pollution of Bagmati River Corridor within the Densely Populated Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, Y. J. Khadka, M. Z. Iqbal, and K. J. De Nault
Ursicoptes procyoni spec. nov. (Acari: Astigmata: Audycoptidae) from the Raccoon, Procyon lotor, in U.S.A., A. Fain and N. Wilson
Usability design and psychological ownership of a virtual world, Younghwa Lee and Andrew Chen
Use and recall of positively and negatively valenced adjectives in impression formation, James Marc Jones
Use(less) Data: Discovery, COUNTER, and Music Databases, Angela L. Pratesi
Use life and curation in New Guinea experimental used flakes, Michael J. Shott and Paul Sillitoe
Use of a kinetic energy orifice as a probe of metastable dissociation in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Michaela L. Rich, Ira M. Simet, Shoshanna R. Coon, and Curtiss D. Hanson
Use of dilatometry to evalute the high temperature characteristics of silica in chromite sand, S. Ravi, J. Thiel, N. Bryant, S. Giese, and T. J. Schneiter
Use of Discretionary Environmental Accounting Narratives to Influence Stakeholders: The Case of Jurors’ Award Assessments, W. Eric Lee and John T. Sweeney
Use of Portion Size Estimation Aids for High-Energy-Dense Snack Foods Increases Portion Size Estimation Accuracy in College Students, Elana Joram and Morgan Weigel
Use of recommended selection aids, procedures and budget priorities for library media, Johanna Anderson
Use of Social Media for Professional Development by Physical Educators Who Teach Students with Disabilities, Scott McNamara, Sean Healy, and Justin Haegele
Use of solid waste materials as alternative compositions in the development of wood-cement blocks, Haig Vahradian, Ahmed Elsawy, and Mohammed Fahmy
Use of the analytic hierarchy process in the selection of participants for a telecommuting pilot project, Rex Karsten and Timothy Garvin
Use of toys in child-centered play therapy, Dee C. Ray, Kasie R. Lee, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Sarah E. Carlson, Kara L. Carnes-Holt, and Jenifer N. Ware
Use, training, and duties of student assistants in Iowa public school library media centers, Bonnie Bannister
Using a Buddy Skills Package to Increase the Social Interactions Between a Preschooler With Autism and Her Peers, Frank W. Kohler, Cindy Greteman, Donna Raschke, and Clifford Highnam
Using a cloud computing environment to process large 3D spatial datasets, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Jeffrey Burnett, and Marc P. Armstrong
Using a Computer Animation to Improve Students' Conceptual Understanding of a Can-Crushing Demonstration, Michael J. Sanger, Amy J. Phelps, and Jason Fienhold
Using a Computer in High School Chemistry, Floyd F. Sturtevant and Kennth A. Hartman
Using a computer simulation of three slot machines to investigate a gambler's preference among varying densities of near-miss alternatives, Otto H. Maclin, Mark R. Dixon, Dustin Daugherty, and Stacey L. Small
Using action research to improve instruction: An interactive guide for teachers, John E. Henning, Jody M. Stone, and James L. Kelly
Using an African Centered Educational Model and Technology to Improve African American Children's Performance in School, Tehia Venise Starker
Using a school-wide diversity program to promote tolerance, Daniel J. Weichers
Using Bibliotherapy To Increase Sharing In A Kindergarten Classroom, Carla Marie Eich
Using ‘Big Data’ for analytics and decision support, Daniel J. Power
Using brain-breaks® as a technology tool to increase attitude towards physical activity among students in Singapore, Govindasamy Balasekaran, Ahmad Arif Bin Ibrahim, Ng Yew Cheo, Phua Kia Wang, Garry Kuan, Biljana Popeska, Ming Kai Chin, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, Christopher R. Edginton, Ian Culpan, and J. Larry Durstine
Using castings to make castings, L. Fred Vondra
Using children's literature to stimulate children's writing, Lois Jane Auliff
Using C++ in CS1/CS2, A. Michael Berman, Rick Decker, Dung X. Nguyen, Richard J. Reid, and Eugene Wallingford
Using Communication Theories in Min-Risk Education Campaigns: The Case of Vietnam, Duong Trong Hue
Using computer-based visualization strategies to improve students' understanding of molecular polarity and miscibility, M. J. Sanger and S. M. Badger
Using Data to Expand Programming on Campus: Data Driven Decision-Making and Institutional Collaboration in First-Year Only Courses at UNI, David Marcesani and Kristin Moser
Using distance education to deliver English instruction in Indonesia, Muhammad Yaumi
Using dynamic explanations to enhance novice programmer instruction via the WWW, Rex Karsten and Shashidhar Kaparthi
Using fluorescein and bromide tracers to investigate the role of baseflow in a small suburban watershed in Iowa, USA, S. Rai and M. Z. Iqbal
Using Functional Communication Training to Reduce Problem Behavior, Jiaju Wu, Todd G. Kopelman, and Kenzie Miller
Using Games to Enhance Skill and Fitness, Jacob P. Reed
Using institutional resources and agency to support graduate students’ success at a hispanic serving institution, Natalie A. Tran, Gaetane Jean-Marie, Katherine Powers, Sean Bell, and Kimberly Sanders
Using Interactive Home-School Portfolio Assessment Systems for Parental Communication, Nancy L. Stirm
Using motor learning guided theory and augmentative and alternative communication to improve speech production in profound apraxia: A case example, Joanne P. Lasker, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Carlin F. Hageman, and Leonard L. La Pointe
Using multiple images post-stress to enhance diagnostic accuracy of myocardial perfusion imaging: The clinical importance of determining washin and washout indicates a parabolic function between coronary perfusion (blood flow) and cellular (“uptake/release”) function, Richard M. Fleming, Gordon M. Harrington, and Riaz Baqir
Using nominal technique to inform a sexual health program for black youth, Lucy Annang, Lonnie Hannon, Faith E. Fletcher, Wendy Sykes Horn, and Disa Cornish
Using on-campus monitoring wells to enhance student learning in geo-hydrology courses, M. Z. Iqbal and S. H. Chowdhury
Using online simulations to support elementary preservice teachers' questioning practices in mathematics classrooms, Kimberly Conner, Corey Webel, and Wenmin Zhao
Using Particulate Drawings to Determine and Improve Students' Conceptions of Pure Substances and Mixtures, Michael J. Sanger
Using peer review to improve the writing of case analyses: Requirements and experience, A. Rappaport and G. S. Cawelti
Using Pitch Height and Pitch Strength to Characterize Type 1, 2, and 3 Voice Signals, Supraja Anand, Lisa M. Kopf, Rahul Shrivastav, and David A. Eddins
Using portfolios to assess academic progress and academic self-concept, Cynthia A. Burger
Using Practice-Based Coaching to Increase Use of Language Facilitation Strategies in Early Head Start and Community Partners, Mary Donegan-Ritter and Beth Van Meeteren
Using reflective journals in a sustainable design studio, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
Using reflective journals in a sustainable design studio, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
Using self-monitoring to improve performance in general education high school classes, Carolyn Hughes, Susan R. Copeland, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Martin Agran, Michael S. Rodi, and Judith A. Presley
Using self-monitoring to increase following-direction skills of students with moderate to severe disabilities in general education, Martin Agran, Thomas Sinclair, Sandra Alper, Michael Cavin, Michael Wehmeyer, and Carolyn Hughes
Using sentiment analysis to find the public's opinion on Iowa's three state schools, Alexa Ryan Bullock
Using Social Issues To Introduce Topics in Organizational Behavior, Donald L. Ashbaugh
Using stable isotopes of nitrogen to study its source and transformation in a heavily farmed watershed, S. Gautam and M. Z. Iqbal
Using student knowledge to enhance inquiry: A theoretical and practical view of negotiation in a science classroom, Mason Albert Kuhn
Using Technology in a Social Studies Classroom, Cari R. Teske
Using technology to assist in the teaching of reading instruction, Hallie M. Wyatt
Using technology to encourage critical thinking, Tracy Wilkins
Using technology to provide more objective grading and compliance with "No Child Left Behind", Kevin Suhr
Using the DELPHI Method to Collect Feedback on Student's Perceptions of Teaching Quality, Otto H. MacLin, M. Kimberly MacLin, M. Catherine DeSoto, Robert T. Hitlan, and John E. Williams
Using the Dyadic Adjustment Scale in Marital Therapy: An Exploratory Study, Anne M. Prouty, Edward Mel Markowski, and Howard L. Barnes
Using the internet in fund raising for nonprofits, Gayle M. Pohl
Using The Q-Sort To Identify Nonverbal Perceptions, Marvin D. Jensen
Using the Winnebago Circ/Cat. program for collection analysis in a small school library, Pati Jo Daisy
Using V-A-T analysis as a framework for supply chain management: A case study, Michael S. Spencer and Archie Lockamy
US maize yield growth implications for ethanol and greenhouse gas emissions, John Miranowski, Alicia Rosburg, and Jittinan Aukayanagul
U.S. presidential election portrayed by foreign media: Costa Rica and Nicaragua comparative study, Emily Neumann
U.S. public support to climate change initiatives? Setting stricter carbon dioxide emission limits on power plants, Mary Schmeida and Ramona Sue McNeal
U.S. public support to climate change initiatives?: Setting stricter carbon dioxide emission limits on power plants, Mary Schmeida and Ramona Sue McNeal
Utilization of educational television in Iowa's elementary schools, Jane Barker
Utilization of formal support services among hispanic americans caring for aging parents, M. Elise Radina and Clifton E. Barber
Utilization of machine-learning algorithms for wind turbine site suitability modeling in Iowa, USA, Andrey N. Petrov and Jordan M. Wessling
Utilizing advanced software tools for classroom projects in control and power system studies, Fanis Chalkiadakis and Recayi Pecen
Utilizing advanced software tools in engineering technology curriculum as a bridge between academia and industry, Recayi Pecen, Ayhan Zora, and Faruk Yildiz
Utilizing Nonfiction Texts to Enhance Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary in Primary Grades, Karen E. Kuhn, Casey M. Rausch, Tiffany G. McCarty, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Audrey C. Rule
Utilizing Sandtray Within the Discrimination Model of Counselor Supervision, Kara Carnes-Holt, Kristin Meany-Walen, and Andrew Felton
Utilizing the convergence of data for expedited evaluations: Guidelines for school psychologists, Kerri L. Clopton and Susan Etscheidt
Utilizing twilight zone sequence similarities to increase the accuracy of protein 3D structure comparison, Aleksandar Poleksic and Paul Gray
V2O5: A 2D van der Waals Oxide with Strong In-Plane Electrical and Optical Anisotropy, Sukrit Sucharitakul, Gaihua Ye, Walter R.L. Lambrecht, Churna Bhandari, Axel Gross, Rui He, Hilde Poelman, and Xuan P.A. Gao
Vaccine Update, January 13, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Validating the international tourist role scale, Jeff Jiang, Mark E. Havitz, and Robert M. O'Brien
Validation of a noninvasive maturity estimate relative to skeletal age in youth football players, Robert M. Malina, Thomas P. Dompier, John W. Powell, Mary J. Barron, and Marguerite T. Moore
Validation of Instruments for Measuring Affective Outcomes in Gifted Education, Carolyn M. Callahan, Amy Price Azano, Sunhee Park, Annalissa V. Brodersen, Melanie Caughey, Erika L. Bass, and Christina M. Amspaugh
Validation of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire and the Reasons for Living Inventory in an adult psychiatric inpatient sample, Augustine Osman, Beverly A. Kopper, Francisco X. Barrios, Marsha M. Linehan, Peter M. Gutierrez, and Courtney L. Bagge
Validation of the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory in a diverse sample of young adults, Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp, Peter M. Gutierrez, Augustine Osman, and Francisco X. Barrios
Validation of the rockport fitness walking test in college males and females, Forrest A. Dolgener, Larry D. Hensley, Jeanette J. Marsh, and Jill K. Fjelstul
Validity rates of the Personality Assessment Inventory and the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2 in a VA Medical Center setting, Loretta E. Braxton, Patrick S. Calhoun, John E. Williams, and Christina D. Boggs
Validity, reliability and sensitivity of the NORLA-6: Naming and oral reading for language in aphasia 6-point scale, Laura L. Pitts, Rosalind Hurwitz, Jaime B. Lee, Julia Carpenter, and Leora R. Cherney
Valuation consequences of regulatory changes in revenue recognition: Evidence from advertising barter sales, Christine C. Bauman, Mark P. Bauman, and Somnath Das
Value of reading aloud to children, Sandy K. Aronson
Value relevance of customer-related intangible assets, Mark P. Bauman and Kenneth W. Shaw
Vanessa McNeal - Together for Youth, Vanessa McNeal
Vanishing Original Prairie Area in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, George R. Browne
Variables affecting the deaf student's achievement in reading, Rebecca A. Budensiek
Variance detection for non-coherent impulse radio UWB receivers, Aidong Yang, Hong Nie, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang Chen
Variation in photon flux during extended photochemical aerosol experiments: Implications for atmospheric laboratory simulations, Joshua A. Sebree, Jessica M. Wayson, and Jose R. Lopez
Variation of the Köppen C/D climate boundary in the central United States during the 20th century, Philip W. Suckling and Martin D. Mitchell
Variations in heating and cooling degree‐days in the south‐eastern USA, 1960–1989, Peter T. Soulé and Philip W. Suckling
Varied NSTA Activities Reported
Varieties of cues to emotion in naturally occurring situations, Sally Planalp, Victoria Leto DeFrancisco, and Diane Rutherford
Various challenges in realizing spin-gapless semiconductivity in Ti2CoSi, Evan O'Leary, Bishnu Dahal, Parashu Kharel, and Pavel Lukashev
Veblen and globalization: A comment on Wellington and Zandvakili, Ken McCormick
Veblen and the new growth theory: Community as the source of capital's productivity, Ken McCormick
Vector-meson mixing and hadronic decays of ψ, L. J. Clavelli and Gerald W. Intemann
Vector-valued Jacobi-like forms, Min Ho Lee
Vector-valued modular forms associated to linear ordinary differential equations, Min Ho Lee
Vector-valued modular forms of weight two associated with Jacobi-like forms, Min Ho Lee
Venetian anchors for crusader acre, David Jacoby
Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy in Undergraduate Curricula 1969-70, Karl E. Goellner
Viability of a proposed transparent fluid model for analog metal casting filling process, Andres Segura Irazoqui
Vibrational relaxation of hexafluoride compounds: MoF6, ReF 6, SeF6, and WF6, Henry E. Bass, Verner Jensen, and Jean Ezell
Victim Blame in Fictional Crime Dramas: An Examination of Demographic, Incident-Related, and Behavioral Factors, Nicole E. Rader, Gayle M. Rhineberger-Dunn, and Lauren Vasquez
Victimization Status of Female and Male College Students in Spain: Prevalence and Relation to Mental Distress, Eva Aizpurua, Francisco Caravaca-Sánchez, and Andrew Stephenson
Vida Dutton Scudder's quest for cultural fellowship, Kristi Van Gorder
Viewers’ evaluations of product placements in movies: Public policy issues and managerial implications, Pola B. Gupta, Siva K. Balasubramanian, and Michael L. Klassen
Viewlex Introduces Mark IIA: A "Major" Planetarium at Low Cost
View through MetaLens: Usage patterns for a meta-recommendation system, J. B. Schafer, J. A. Konstan, and J. Riedl
Virginia Woolf and the synapses of radio, Jane Lewty
Virtual vs. In-Person Instruction: The Impact of Teachers' Understanding of Physics, Madelyn Johnson, Jeff Morgan Ph.D., and Lawrence Escalada Ph.D.
Virtue epistemology and collective epistemology, Reza Lahroodi
Virus induced gene silencing of Fusarium verticillioides pathogenicity genes in maize, Jennifer M. Redfern
Visibility of Lattice Points, Sydney Hauser and Adrienne Stanley Ph.D.
Visions of Iowa, Shirley J. Daman
Visitor spending and economic impacts of heritage tourism: A case study of the silos and smokestacks national heritage area, Ariana Çela, Sam Lankford, and Jill Knowles-Lankford
Vistabeans coffee shop data analytics teaching case, Amy Igou and Martin Coe
Visual and verbal metaphors among children with typical language and language disorders, Clifford Highnam, Joyce Wegmann, and Jason Woods
Visual Communication and the Digital Turn, Bettina Fabos
“Visualization” of Biochemical Pathways with Enzyme Markers, Alan R. Orr
Visualizing Human RAD51 Protein Binding to Single-Stranded DNA Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Timothy Perksen and Justin P. Peters Ph.D.
Visualizing protein structural superpositions and alignments with StructAlignViewer, Harald Kattnig and Aleksandar Poleksic
Visuomotor tracking abilities of speakers with apraxia of speech or conduction aphasia, Donald A. Robin, Adam Jacks, Carlin Hageman, Heather M. Clark, and George Woodworth
Vocabulary Instruction Correlation to Reading Comprehension, Kelly M. Vaughn
Vocal repertoire of the long-tailed manakin and its relation to male-male cooperation, J. M. Trainer and D. B. McDonald
Voltage regulation of unbalanced distribution network with distributed generators, Islam Ali and Sadik Kucuksari
Volunteer Laboratory Assistants in BSCS Biology Program, Lena Keithahn
Voters and the Limits of Gubernatorial Power: The Case of Iowa, Christopher W. Larimer
Voters and the limits of gubernatorial power: The case of Iowa, Christopher W. Larimer
Voting at home is associated with lower cortisol than voting at the polls, Jayme Neiman, Karl Giuseffi, Kevin Smith, Jeffrey French, Israel Waismel-Manor, and John Hibbing
Vouchers and students with disabilities: A multidimensional analysis, Susan Etscheidt
Vows in the Sikh tradition, Louis E. Fenech and Pashaura Singh
Vygotsky, Piaget, and education: A reciprocal assimilation of theories and educational practices, Rheta DeVries
Wagner's law: New evidence, Mahmood Yousefi and Sohrab Abizadeh
Wall structures in selected Paleozoic lagenide foraminifera, John R. Groves, Roberto Rettori, and Demír Altiner
Warehouse location for high frequency JIT delivery, Chandrasekhar Das and Rajesh Tyagi
Warehouse Management Using V-A-T Logical Structure Analysis, Michael S. Spencer
WAR is politics: Offensive realism, domestic politics, and security strategies, Steven E. Lobell
Warning Issued Against Universal Use of Lasers
Warranties as a device to extract rent from low-risk users of a product, David Hakes and Dongsoo Shin
Warrants, ownership concentration, and market liquidity, Paul Brockman and Brett C. Olsen
Was Medieval China Medieval? (Post-Han to Mid-Tang), Charles Holcombe
Waste Water: A Valuable Resource
Water and air pollution in Taiwan, R. M. Selya
Water or air? Examining permanent mold cooling methods, Yury S. Lerner
Water or air? Examining permanent mould cooling methods, Yury S. Lerner
Water quality monitoring: Lessons learned from the field 2004-2012, Rebecca Kauten
'Water Resources in Iowa' Publication Now Available
Water resources in the history of the Palestine-Israel conflict, Basheer K. Nijim
Watershed Forest Management Information System (WFMIS), Yanli Zhang and Paul K. Barten
Wavelength-encoded angular displacement sensor using surface plasmon resonance, Peter J. Kajenski
Waxing grave about adipocere: Soft tissue change in an aquatic context, Tyler G. O'Brien and Amy C. Kuehner
Waypoint Family Services, Richard Campos Richard Campos
Ways to Use the Overhead Projector, Bert A. Murphy
Weak-coupling analysis of quasiparticle excitations in Sr2RuO4 along the Γ-M cut, J. J. Deisz and T. E. Kidd
Weakly prime ideals, D. D. Anderson and Eric Smith
Weak separability of non-tradables from consumer good imports: A simple test with evidence from Bangladesh, Shahe Emran and Imam Alam
We are in this Together: Retrospective Parentification, Sibling Relationships, and Self-Esteem, Judyta Borchet, Aleksandra Lewandowska-Walter, Piotr Połomski, Aleksandra Peplińska, and Lisa M. Hooper
“We are Two of the Lucky Ones”: Experiences with Marriage and Wellbeing for Same-Sex Couples, Heather R. Kennedy, Rochelle L. Dalla, and Steven Dreesman
"We are what we remember, but we are also what we forget": Interview with Paloma Díaz-Mas, Heather Jerónimo
Wear Resistance of austempered ductile iron, Yury S. Lerner
Wear resistance properties of austempered ductile iron, Y. S. Lerner and G. R. Kingsbury
Wear Resistance Properties of Austempered Ductile Iron, Y. S. Lerner and G. R. Kingsbury
Weather influences on demography of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris), Orlando A. Schwartz and Kenneth B. Armitage
Weathering in Iowa: Not What You May Think, Alexa Sedlacek
WebCT as an E-learning tool: A study of technology students' perceptions, Lesta A. Burgess
"We do it cuz it's fun": Gendered fun and leisure for midlife women through Red Hat Society membership, Marybeth C. Stalp, M. Elise Radina, and Annette Lynch
Weighing a Magnet as it Falls with Terminal Velocity Through an Aluminum Pipe, F. Behroozi
Welcome and Keynote: The Many Worlds of Quantum Mechanics, Mark Nook, Paul Shand, and Sean Carroll
Welcome Back, and Let's Get Vaccinated, Panthers! August 23, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Welcome Back Panthers, January 26, 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Welcome & Keynote, Marcy M. Seavey, Selena Losee, Riley (Mullins) Plagge, and Nicole (Bishop) North
Welcome to SIGAda 2004 from the SIGAda conference & program committee chairs, Currie Colket, John W. McCormick, and Ricky E. Sward
Welcome to SIGAda 2007 from the SIGAda, conference, and program committee chairs, John W. McCormick, Alok Srivastava, and Leemon C. Baird
Welfare economic analysis of lifting water subsidies for banana farms in Jordan, Tala H. Qtaishat, Mohammad S. El-Habbab, and Dan P. Bumblauskas
Wendt's violation of the constructivist project: Agency and Why a World State is not Inevitable, Vaughn P. Shannon
Western Illinois University, September 14, 1968, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Western Illinois University, September 16, 1967, University of Northern Iowa Athletic Communications
Western media coverage of international news: A content analysis of Associated Press coverage of Africa, Adukwu Samuel Atadoga
We've been working on the railroad: A laboratory for real-time embedded systems, John W. McCormick
We walk the line: An analysis of the problems and possibilities of work at the sport psychology-sport sociology nexus, Ted M. Butryn, Nicole M. Lavoi, Kerri J. Kauer, Tamar Z. Semerjian, and Jennifer J. Waldron
What About the Parental Response?: The Effect of Delinquency and Anger on Parental Monitoring, Jeremiah W. Jaggers, Sara Tomek, Lisa M. Hooper, Missy T. Mitchell-Williams, and Wesley T. Church
What are high schools offering as preparation for employment?, Barbara A. Guy, Patricia L. Sitlington, Michael D. Larsen, and Alan R. Frank
What Are Little Girls Made Of?, Francesca Soans
What are the benefits and challenges of diversification of revenue for nonprofit organizations, Mckenzie Musser
What are the perceived career, educational and personal needs of secondary students by grade level?, Steven Charles Bicknase
What a way to go, Thomas Hockey
What comes next, Jerome Klinkowitz
"What Does Membership Mean to the Elementary Teacher?", Gordon Wagner
What does actually rate?, Dennis E. Clayson
What does the future hold? A follow-up study of graduates of a residential school program, Nancy S. Oddo and Patricia L. Sitlington
What Do I Do Now, Teacher?????, Milbert H. Krohn
Whatever it takes: Health compromising behaviors in female athletes, Jennifer J. Waldron and Vikki Krane
What factors influence student satisfaction with module quality? A comparative analysis in a UK business school context, Dylan Sutherland, Philip Warwick, and John Anderson
What factors influence the quality of governance institutions? An Asian perspective, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self
What happened to Dad: A portrayal of teenage fathers in young adult literature, Becky R. Schafer Andrews
What Happened When a Mathematician Found Himself Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Joel K. Haack
What happens to reading between first and third grade? Implications for students who use AAC, Janet Sturm, Stephanie A. Spadorcia, James W. Cunningham, Kathleen S. Cali, Amy Staples, Karen Erickson, David E. Yoder, and David A. Koppenhaver
What I Believe about Educational Leadership: A Reflective Essay, Janet Young
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Kathleen M. Walech
What I Believe About Leadership and Education: A Reflective Essay, Douglas M. Spahn
What I believe about leadership and education: a reflective essay, Mary Yamoah
What I believe about leadership education : a reflective essay, Melissa M. Stuber
What if MacGyver Taught Physical Education?, Rip Marston and Trey Leech
What influences teachers’ “buy-in” of research? Teachers’ beliefs about the applicability of educational research to their practice, Elana Joram, Anthony J. Gabriele, and Katherine Walton
What is acceptable for women may not be for men: The effect of family conflicts with work on job-performance ratings, Adam B. Butler and Amie Skattebo
What is a theory? A response to Springer, Jack Yates
What is A.T.T.V. Biology?, Charles Frederick
What Is Critical Thinking and How Critical Thinking Improves Student Learning, Madalina F. Tincu
What is “good criticism”? A conversation in progress, Catherine Helen Palczewski
What is Happening to Science in Davenport?, Warren F. Classon
What Is Missing In Our Teacher Education Practices: A Collaborative Self-Study Of Teacher Educators With Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Jinhee Kim, Su Jeong Wee, and Sohyun Meacham
What Is Shared Governance Anyway?, Greg Scholtz
What Is Technology Planning?, Melva Ann Starr
What is the (Real Option) Value of a College Degree?, Jeffrey R. Stokes
What is the relationship between myocardial perfusion imaging and coronary artery disease risk factors and markers of inflammation?, Richard M. Fleming and Gordon M. Harrington
What is the truth of death and dying? Reflections on Fulton, Foucault, and Finitude, Kent L. Sandstrom
What Is This Fuss About General Science?, Phillip E. Miller
What it means to forgive and why the way we define forgiveness matters, Suzanne Freedman
What makes a difference? Various teaching strategies to reduce homophobia in university students, Joel W. Wells
What makes a theory psychological?, Albert R. Gilgen
What man artow?: An exploration of the narrator of the Canterbury tales, Kimberly Cavalier
What matters most? Comparing the impact of individual, job, and organizational factors on job stress and job satisfaction among juvenile justice personnel, Kristin Mack and Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn
What one more professional could do for the West Junior High library, Terry Dutcher
What role does race play in adolescent suicidal ideation?, Peter M. Gutierrez, Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp, Lisa C. Konick, and Augustine Osman
What schools can do to help gay/lesbian/bisexual youth: A harm reduction approach, Katherine Van Wormer and Robin McKinney
What we can learn of history from older African American women who worked as maids in the Deep South, Katherine Van Wormer, David W. Jackson, and Charletta Sudduth
What we can learn of Resilience from older African-American women: Interviews with women who worked as maids in the deep South, Katherine van Wormer, Charletta Sudduth, and David W. Jackson
What would my avatar do? Gaming, pathology, and risky decision making, Kira Bailey, Robert West, and Judson Kuffel
When and how should keyboarding be taught in the elementary school?, Shannon Fleming
When and where students engage in recreational reading, Harriet Wooge Adams
When Children Make Rules, Rheta DeVries and Betty Zan
When does gender diversity enhance team performance? The dual need for visionary leadership and team tenure, Thomas K. Kelemen, Samuel H. Matthews, Xin an Zhang, Bret H. Bradley, and Huihua Liu