"The effectiveness of self-monitoring for a preschooler with aggressive" by Nicole Fay Kimball

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Aggressiveness in children; Self-control in children; Problem children -- Behavior modification;


The study was designed to examine the effectiveness of self-monitoring as an intervention for a preschooler with aggressive behaviors. It specifically looked at treatment effects, parent and teacher evaluations of self-monitoring as a technique, the user-friendliness of self-monitoring, and adult time required to implement the intervention. The subject was Darin, a preschool-aged boy who attended a daycare affiliated with a Midwestern laboratory school. Other subjects included Darin's mother, his two main teachers at the daycare, and multiple aides at the daycare. Darin demonstrated aggressive acts at a high frequency in both the home and school settings. A self-monitoring intervention was developed for and implemented in both settings to decrease the boy's number of aggressive acts. Results indicated that the preschooler was capable of demonstrating the self-monitoring procedures with the help of the adults, but the intervention did not decrease the frequency of aggressive acts. The researcher's journal data were reviewed, and the frequency and types of journaling are reported. An evaluation of survey data showed that the parent and teachers did not find self-monitoring to be user-friendly. Parent and teacher time required to implement the intervention is reported as well. Several conclusions are drawn based on the conditions under which the self-monitoring intervention was implemented and the limited data received. The findings of this study may or may not indicate the effectiveness of self-monitoring as a technique for aggression in the preschool population. Multiple hypotheses are generated and recommendations regarding future implementation of self-monitoring are made. Future research should address the effectiveness of self-monitoring as an intervention for preschoolers with aggressive behaviors and maintenance and generalization effects. The usefulness of conjoint behavioral consultation for the preschool population and time efficient self-monitoring training should also be conducted.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Annette M. Iverson


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1 PDF file (118 leaves)



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