Faculty Publications
Watershed Forest Management Information System (WFMIS)
Document Type
Decision support system, Forest harvest, GIS, Road, Water resources, Watershed management, Zoning
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Environmental Modelling and Software
First Page
Last Page
Maintenance of a sustainable clean water supply is critical for our future. However, watershed degradation is a common phenomenon around the world that leads to poor water quality. In order to protect water resources, the Watershed Forest Management Information System (WFMIS), was developed as an extension of ArcGIS® and is described in this paper. There are three submodels to address nonpoint source pollution mitigation, road system management, and silvicultural operations, respectively. The Watershed Management Priority Indices (WMPI) is a zoning approach to prioritize critical areas for conservation and restoration management. It meets the critical need to spatially differentiate land cover and site characteristics within a watershed to quantify their relative influence on overall water quality. The Forest Road Evaluation System (FRES) is a module to evaluate road networks in order to develop preventive management strategies. The Harvest Schedule Review System (HSRS) is a module to analyze and evaluate multi-year and multi-unit forest harvesting to assist in the reduction of impact on water yield and associated changes in water quality. The WFMIS utilizes commonly available spatial data and has user friendly interfaces to assist foresters and planners to manage watersheds in an environmentally healthy way. Application examples of each submodel are presented.
Department of Geography
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Zhang, Yanli and Barten, Paul K., "Watershed Forest Management Information System (WFMIS)" (2009). Faculty Publications. 2275.