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The Moderating Role of Mindful Awareness in the Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coronavirus and Sleep [Presentation]
Presentation Type
Open Access Oral Presentation
Although the associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and sleep outcomes (Chapman et al., 2011) have been explored in prior research, few studies have examined the role of mindful awareness during the current pandemic on this link. Additionally, few studies have explored the impact of COVID-19 on sleep. In the current study, participants self-reported current sleep patterns, exposure to COVID-19, and mindful awareness and their past ACEs. Results of the study were partially consistent with past literature on ACE and sleep outcomes (Koskenvuo, Hublin, Partinen, Paunio, & Koskenvuo, 2010). The main effects between mindful awareness and sleep outcomes were also supported.
Start Date
12-4-2021 11:00 AM
End Date
12-4-2021 12:00 PM
Faculty Advisor
Dilbur Arsiwalla
Department of Psychology
Student Type
Undergraduate Student
©2021 Shyanne Sporrer
Recommended Citation
Sporrer, Shyanne Faith, "The Moderating Role of Mindful Awareness in the Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coronavirus and Sleep [Presentation]" (2021). INSPIRE Student Research and Engagement Conference. 49.
The Moderating Role of Mindful Awareness in the Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coronavirus and Sleep [Presentation]
Although the associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and sleep outcomes (Chapman et al., 2011) have been explored in prior research, few studies have examined the role of mindful awareness during the current pandemic on this link. Additionally, few studies have explored the impact of COVID-19 on sleep. In the current study, participants self-reported current sleep patterns, exposure to COVID-19, and mindful awareness and their past ACEs. Results of the study were partially consistent with past literature on ACE and sleep outcomes (Koskenvuo, Hublin, Partinen, Paunio, & Koskenvuo, 2010). The main effects between mindful awareness and sleep outcomes were also supported.
Awards: Nadyne Harris Scholarship for Honors Research; Fruehling Undergraduate Research Fellowship
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