"The impact of Reading First on reading achievement scores in a midwest" by Julie Thomas

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Reading First Program (U.S.) -- Evaluation; Reading First Program (U.S.); Reading (Elementary) -- Curricula -- Middle West; Middle West; Academic theses;


Schools are facing tremendous pressure to demonstrate student proficiency through reading achievement scores. The recommendations from the report from the National Reading Panel (NICHD, 2000) concluded that fluency and comprehension are two of five essential areas in reading instruction. The principles of Reading First programs are based on the findings of the National Reading Panel. Many schools across the nation have received Reading First funds with the intent of increasing reading achievement scores. Federal Reading First funding is provided to school districts that meet state requirements for eligibility. This funding is provided to districts to assist schools in assessing reading achievement in addition to increasing the level of teaching proficiency in the area of reading through professional development opportunities. Fluency and comprehension are two areas of instruction often targeted in schools participating in the Reading First program. Research has clearly documented the correlation between reading fluency and reading comprehension, and it hints at a possible causal relationship between the two components of reading. Reading First schools that focus on fluency instruction with an emphasis on comprehension strategies may see a positive impact on their reading achievement scores due to the provision of strategies and instruction provided through the Reading First funding received by those schools. The purpose of this thesis research is to search for evidence of a positive impact on reading achievement scores in a school that received Reading First funding for 6 years and had a specific instructional emphasis on teaching fluency and comprehension strategies to students in the school.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Charlotte Haselhuhn


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