Faculty Publications

Students' Perceptions Of Teachers And Teaching

Document Type


Journal/Book/Conference Title

Images of Mainstreaming: Educating Students with Disabilities

First Page


Last Page



The studies described in Chapters 3 to 7 represent research that examines relationships between what teachers do in classrooms (processes) and student learning (products). These studies expand typical process-product research by examining teachers' thoughts about their own teaching and about student learning. However, these early chapters do little to establish the students' perspectives. As a result, the chapters do not explore the discrepancy that frequently exists between teachers' and students' perceptions of teaching behavior, or discrepancy that is likely to disrupt communication in the classroom. This chapter reports what one mainstreamed and one typical student in the same classroom thought about the teaching practices to which they were exposed and includes, for purposes of comparison, the teacher's own account. We also discuss how these students responded to the teacher's questions, both to those which demanded factual answers and to those which required inference.


Department of Special Education

Original Publication Date


DOI of published version

