Faculty Publications
The Effect Of Auditory And Visual Models On Acquisition Of A Timing Task
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Human Movement Science
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While research on observational learning has typically employed visual models of correct performance, the characteristics of perceptual systems support the suggestion that an auditory model may be more effective in developing a cognitive representation of tasks for which timing is essential. Therefore, it was the purpose of this study to compare the relative effectiveness of auditory and visual models in the acquisition of a timing task. Subjects were provided with an auditory model, a visual model, a combined auditory and visual model, or no model of correct performance. There were significant main effects of groups and trials during acquisition. While performance of all groups improved during acquisition, the audio and audiovisual groups had generally better performance. The same effects were significant on immediate transfer, again reflecting the superior performance of the two auditory model groups. The results suggest an important role for audition in the development of a cognitive representation of movement timing. © 1985.
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Doody, Susann G.; Bird, Anne Marie; and Ross, Diane, "The Effect Of Auditory And Visual Models On Acquisition Of A Timing Task" (1985). Faculty Publications. 4804.