Faculty Publications
Phylogeography Of The Bigeye Chub Hybopsis Amblops (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Early Pleistocene Diversification And Post-Glacial Range Expansion
Document Type
Central Highlands, Cyprinidae, Mitochondrial DNA, Phylogeography, Post-glacial expansion, Pre-Pleistocene diversification
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Journal of Fish Biology
First Page
Last Page
The bigeye chub, Hybopsis amblops, is a member of the Central Highlands ichthyofauna of eastern North America. Phylogenetic analyses of the H. amblops species group based on a 1059 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene did not recover a monophyletic group. The inclusion of Hybopsis hypsinotus in the species complex is questionable. Within H. amblops, five strongly supported clades were identified; two clades containing haplotypes from the Ozark Highlands and three clades containing haplotypes from the Eastern Highlands and previously glaciated regions of the Ohio and Wabash River drainages. Estimates of the timing of divergence indicated that prior to the onset of glaciation, vicariant events separated populations east and west of the Mississippi River. East of the Mississippi River glacial cycles associated with the blocking and rerouting of the Teays River system caused populations to be pushed southward into refugia of the upper Ohio River. Following the most recent Wisconsinan glaciation, populations expanded northward into previously glaciated regions and southward into the Cumberland River drainage. In the Ozarks, west of the Mississippi River, isolation of clades appears to be maintained by the lack of stream capture events between the upper Arkansas and the White River systems and a barrier formed by the Arkansas River. © 2008 The Authors.
Department of Biology
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Recommended Citation
Berendzen, P. B.; Gamble, T.; and Simons, A. M., "Phylogeography Of The Bigeye Chub Hybopsis Amblops (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Early Pleistocene Diversification And Post-Glacial Range Expansion" (2008). Faculty Publications. 2365.