"Provost Colloquium on Interdisciplinarity" by Jesse Swan Secretary

Document Type

Forum Theme 1


Provost Gibson is facilitating a discussion of interdisciplinarity at UNI, responsive to reactions of colloquium participants. The exchanges have mostly been informal among participants, but there has been one gathering so far. UNIversitas is sponsoring the colloquy.

At the fall gathering of participants, Gibson started with what she values of faculty, the most abstract, intellectual, and creative mode of thought, and then she moved onto other modes, both to accommodate the feelings of participants and to guide participants into free and imaginative expression.

For the abstract, intellectual, and creative mode of thought, Gibson picked up on UNI President Allen’s primary goal to make UNI the premier undergraduate program in the state of Iowa and among the best of the mid-west. Wondering how interdisciplinarity might contribute, perhaps in a defining way, to the attainment of the premiere status we seek, Gibson directed participants to consider how current disciplinary knowledge and ways of knowing would be enhanced by an expansive, more freely associative speculation and contemplation.

Publication Date

Fall 2009

Journal Title






First Page


Last Page



Provost colloquium on interdisciplinarity was attended by the following people:

  • Gloria Gibson (Provost)
  • Phyllis Baker,
  • Harry Brod,
  • Maureen Clayton,
  • Scharron Clayton,
  • Jeffrey Funderburk,
  • Joel Haack,
  • Helen Harton,
  • Laura Jackson,
  • Kurt Meredith,
  • Gabriela Olivares-Cuhat,
  • Kent Sandstrom,
  • Donna Schumacher-Douglas,
  • Ira Simet,
  • Donna Wood,
  • Jesse Swan (secretary)


©2009 Jesse Swan



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