Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Juan Carlos Castillo, Honors Thesis Advisor


Grammar, Comparative and general—Possessives; English language—Possessives; Spanish language—Possessives;


Although possessive constructions are formed differently in Spanish as compared to English, most notably through the insertion of the preposition de as compared to the Saxon genitive ‘s, both languages require that possessive Ɵ-roles must be assigned and possessive Case must be checked when possessive constructions are formed. This research follows authors such as Picallo (1994), Antrim (2003), and Bernstein (2005) to propose that possessive Ɵ-roles and possessive Case are assigned and checked, respectively, by specific, separate functional projections, which are only generated in instances of a possessive relationship. Using the principles of minimalism, examples of Spanish and English possessive constructions with both nominal and pronominal possessors are analyzed to demonstrate how this Agreement projection (AgrP) and Possessive phrase (PossP) are derived in both languages. The implications of various types of possessive pronouns, including clitic, weak, and strong pronouns, are also discussed, and possible lines of future research are presented for exceptional constructions involving Spanish pronouns such as nuestro and suyo.

Year of Submission



Department of Languages and Literatures

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (43 pages)



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