UNI Honors Program Theses | Student Work | University of Northern Iowa

Honors Program Theses


The University Honors Program is an intellectually stimulating and socially nurturing community of students of exceptional academic achievement. Every honors student has the opportunity to complete undergraduate research during their time at UNI by writing a thesis. Students work with faculty members in their major or area of interest to develop and conduct a study during either their Junior or Senior year. To go to the Honors Program page, click here.

From this page, you can browse our Honors Program Theses by academic department or by the year of completion Some theses and dissertations are not eligible for open access.

Browse Honors Program Theses by academic department:

College of Business Administration


Submissions from 2024


The Relationship Between Athletes' Competitive State Anxiety and Self-Confidence and Coaches' Behaviors, Derek Anderson Open Access Honors Program Thesis


We Did What? To Whom? An Analysis of How US Educational Materials Present the Philippine-American War and Occupation, Jude Beekman Open Access Honors Program Thesis


“Our Hands are Tied”: How State Educational Diversity Laws Affect Iowa Public Educators and How Educators Respond, Lydia Berns-Schweingruber Open Access Honors Program Thesis 2024 Award


Variability of Water Quality in Relation to Farming Along the Raccoon River in West Des Moines, Iowa, Kelly Biscoglia Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Using PTA Staining with Micro-CT Scanning to Analyse Structural and Anatomical Variation in the Tooth Pulp Cavity in Mammals, Derek Thomas Blackburn Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Thing with Feathers for Orchestra, Treyton Blaser Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Concert Band Methods and Supplemental Ensemble Material for the High School Band, Carissa Blumka Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Olivine Variability of the Nickel Lake Macrodike of Northern Minnesota, Katelyn Boege Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Mathematical Conjectures in Grades Three through Five Relating to Fractions and Decimals, Lauren Elizabeth Bork Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Balancing Progress and Ethics: Exploring the Science and Ethics of Gene Editing: Literature Review, Jackson Burgess Open Access Honors Program Thesis


A Literature Review of Factors Contributing to Archaeal Diversity, Anna R. Carmen Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Changing Demographics in a Rural Iowa High School: A Case Study of the Experiences of Emergent Bilinguals, Lindsay Carter Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Crafting a Traveling Icon: The Role of Mobile Carillons in Honoring Tradition, Emily S. Clouser Open Access Honors Program Thesis


"Sit Still, Look Pretty to Survive": An Analysis of The Hunger Games Trilogy, Bryleigh Sharon De Jong Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Using GIS To Evaluate Habitat Connectivity Among The Pollinator Conservation Reserve Program Pollinator Habitat (CP-42) Restorations In Northeast Iowa, Ethan D. Dickey Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Information Provided by State Human Trafficking Websites: A Content Analysis, Brooklyn Dilley Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Unreliable Narrators; Origins and Impact, Lauren Fetzer Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Using Fiddler Crab Species to Identify Coastal Biomes Around the Perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean, Amber Finke Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Beyond the Classroom: Do the Iowa Civic Virtues Standards Achieve Their Goals?, Damien Foster Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Housing Affordability: An Examination of Factors in Black Hawk County Impacting Housing Affordability for UNI Graduates, Mason DeLaine Fritz Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Adoption and Perception of Pharmacogenomics: A Literature Review, Anna C. Girten Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


The Impact of COVID-19 on the IT Services Industry, Shekynah AnneMarie Haworth Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Characterization of Zebra Calcite to Better Understand Wind Cave National Park as an Extraterrestrial Analog, Jenna Heinen Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Characterization of mtDNA Minicircles in a Chewing Louse Stachiella octomaculatus, Jaylie Hicklin Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Reexamination of College Students’ Behaviors and Knowledge of Recycling, Ella Hilbrant Open Access Honors Program Thesis


¿Tengo el derecho a votar?: Un análisis de las leyes del acceso lingüístico y los impactos de recursos multilingües de votación en la participación de votantes hispanos en Iowa y Michigan, Madeline L. Hinz Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Impact of Sentiment on Iowa Farmland Values by Agricultural District, Skyler Kelly Open Access Honors Program Thesis


It’s Not All About Winning and Losing: Increasing Fan Experience in Collegiate Basketball, Lydia Kernen Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Language Barriers in the U.S. Legal System for Primarily Spanish Speakers: Attorney Perspectives and Potential Solutions for True Equal Access, Emma F. Kizer Open Access Honors Program Thesis


"I Failed My Brother": How Online Radicalization Affects the Family Unit, Serenity Dawn Kollasch Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Small Business Burnout: Reversing the Entrepreneurial Exit, Adele Kuruppu Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Impact of High School Climate and Bullying on Depression and Anxiety in Emerging Adulthood, Tyler K. D. Larson Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Impact of ESG Initiatives on Stock Returns, Reagan Lommell Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Integrating Music in PK-12 Classrooms to Impact Behavior, Improve Academics, and Support Developmental Milestones in Children, Emily Grace Manis Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Proportional Reasoning: Understanding Student Thinking with Direct and Inverse Proportions, Emma Marshall Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Effect of Gender-Based Occupational Segregation on Women's Earnings in the United States and Canada, Jadyn Grace Milius Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Gender Socialization and Social Media in College Students' Fear of Crime, Ashlyn C. Miller Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Role of FLO11 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Colonization of the Lepidopteran Gastrointestinal Tract, Kayla Jeanette Minor Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Why Would I Read When the Game is On?: Reasons Adults Give for Reading or Not, Emmy C. Nelson Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Gender and Student Motivation in Domestic and Foreign Language Study, Macey Overturf Open Access Honors Program Thesis


A Qualitative Case Study of Montessori Approaches to Learning Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iowa, Ellie Penick Open Access Honors Program Thesis


An Analysis of Crash Factors on Total Property Damage, Erica Peters Open Access Honors Program Thesis

Comparing In-Person and Remote Language Assessments for Adults with Communication Disorders: Clinical Applications for Speech-Language Pathologists, Lauren Rotherham Honors Program Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)


The Effects of Exercise in Cognitive Function in Older Ad, Josephine Sagan Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Little Miss Sure Shot: Essays on a Young Woman Journalist's Search for Fulfillment, Mallory Schmitz Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Confronting CTE: A Blog Dedicated to Increasing Awareness in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Caden Shea Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Exploring Social Emotional Learning: Impacy, Policy, and Effective Implementation, Rebekah Simmons Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Why Play? Exploring the Realities of Play-Based Learning in Kindergarten, Sofia Josephine Steele Open Access Honors Program Thesis


A Comparison Between Two Schools Implementing Trauma-Informed Classroom Management, Maddie Steffen Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Exploration of Affine Functions, Katelyn Jo Stirling Open Access Honors Program Thesis


An Analysis of Post-War Economic Growth in the Balkans, Edina Tahirovic Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Gene Looping in Brewer’s Yeast: Exploring the Role of DNA Mechanics in Three-dimensional Genome Structure, Thalia Torres Guzman Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


An Analysis of Artificial Intelligence's Potential in Assessments of Math Learning, Casandra Tounjian Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Orthographic Influences on the Production of French Nasal Vowels by English-Speaking Learners of French, Claire Evelyn Tow Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Equity in Harmony: Music Teacher Preparedness and Perceptions of Multilingual Learners In The Midwest, McKenzie Vick Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Editing the Tri5 Gene of Fusarium graminearum Using CRISPR/Cas9, Madelyn Rae Waters Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Death and Grief in 21st Century America: A Literature Review on Bereavement & Attitudes Toward Death, Jordan Whitney Open Access Honors Program Thesis

Submissions from 2023


New Policy Opens Trade with India for Pork Producers in the U.S., Morgan Marie Aitchison Open Access Honors Program Thesis


"Variety": A Look at Several Genres, Ryan Dean Carlin Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Effects of Living On Campus Versus Off Campus on Student Engagement, Megan Carlson Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Her Story, Her Right: Narrative as a Basic Human Right, Karlee M. Colby Open Access Honors Program Thesis


A Literature Review of the Connection Between Infant Early Intervention and Childhood Executive Functioning, Nola Miriam Conner Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Evaluation Of Methods To Analyze Microbial Composition In Soils, Joseph Correa Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Horror of Darwinism: The Evolution of the Monster in Film and Popular Culture, Ava Deitrich Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Sinking Into My Skin: An Exploration of the Mind and Body Through Multigenre Creative Writing, Ana Elizabeth Eagan Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Language Development and Poverty: Considerations and Applications for Speech-Language Pathologists, Samantha Lynn Ehler Open Access Honors Program Thesis 2023 Award


Monitoring Archaeal Persistence in Cultivation, Payton Hall Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Art Teaching and American Society: An Exploration of How Art Makes Us Think and Why America Needs It Right Now, Julie Marie Hammerand Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Competencies Acquired in the Psychology Major, Jake Harrington Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Exposure, Adaptation and Expectations: How They Affect Perception of Foreign Accented Speech, Isabella Huddleston Open Access Honors Program Thesis


How Economic Distribution Impacts Human Rights on an International Level: A Case Study in Africa and the Balkans, Lindsey G. Ingraham Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Carpet Hell: A Backrooms Story, A Creative Exploration of The Backrooms and Liminal Space Horror, Christian Dean Jauron Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)

The Power of Homeownership, Esha Sanjiv Jayswal Honors Program Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)


The Sacrifice of Artistry for a Convenient Society, Riley Jermier Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Diffusion of Carbon Nanoparticles Intercalated into Layered Materials, Madelyn Johnson Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Nature-Based Education: Expanding the Walls of the Classroom, Halle Louise Kilburg Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Investigation into a Potential DNA Polymerase of Thermomyces lanuginosus, Kameron J. Kruger Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Effectiveness of Dry Cupping on Low Back Pain: A Validation Case Study, Sierra Kuhlers Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Data Ethics and the Dilemma Created by Turing's Learning Machines, Jacob Kuhn Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Prevalence and Knowledge of Proper Treatment of People Living with Dementia in Physical Therapy, Eric Robert Melrose Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Common Creativity: Conversations with Artists and Nonartists, Will Nachazel Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Bioactive Secondary Metabolites in Cave Dwelling Fungi, Jade Nuehring Open Access Honors Program Thesis


How Hypermasculinity and Rape Myth Acceptance (RMA) Relate to Rape Proclivity in College Males, Cora Lynn Patterson Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Exploring the Microbial Composition of Moonmilk in Wind Cave National Park, Emma Pellegrino Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Senatorial Behavior in Recent Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings, Alex Perrin Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Better Solutions to Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine Access: Giving Away Vaccines Rather than Vaccine Formulas, Tristen Prouse Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Neurodiversity and the Field of Speech Language Pathology: A Literary Review of the History, Common Practices, and Misconceptions, Wren Anne Repko Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Dose-Response Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Healthy Young Adults, Elizabeth Lizzy Lea Richardson Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Un-Swung Heroes: Highlighting Women Instrumentalists’ Contributions to Jazz Repertoire, Alayna Ringsby Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)


A Snapshot of War: First World War Postcards from the Cedar Falls Historical Society, James Alexander Schmitt Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Effect of Gibberellic Acid Concentration on Gentiana andrewsii Germination, Laura Spies Open Access Honors Program Thesis


The Impact of Exercise on Mental Health: The Use of Exercise as Prevention and Treatment for Mental Health Disorders, Abigail Stivers Open Access Honors Program Thesis

Reversing the Entry: Generation Z's Outlook on Accounting, Andrew Straube Honors Program Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Alcohol: The Permitted Drug in Our Society, Madison TenHulzen Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Breaking the Marble Ceiling: The Construction of Athena in Greek Thought, Elizabeth Tulley Open Access Honors Program Thesis 2023 Award


Secondary Traumatic Stress: Therapists’ Past Trauma and Workplace Interventions, Morgan Wickman Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Investigation of Unexpected Purple Substance Extracted from Newsprint Paper, Raquel Wilhelm Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Identification of a DNA Polymerase Alpha Gene Sequence in Thermomyces lanuginosus Fungus, Nathan Williams Open Access Honors Program Thesis


Admittance Processes in Gifted Education and Their Influence on Equity, Rachel Wohlgemuth Open Access Honors Program Thesis

Submissions from 2022


Analysis of phylogenetic-based variation in enamel thickness in vertebrate teeth, Carly Jewel Baker Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)