Honors Program Theses
Open Access Honors Program Thesis
First Advisor
Chad Heinzel
This project is looking at the mineralogy of olivine crystals found in an igneous formation called the Nickel Lake Macrodike. This formation is from 1.1 billion years ago and is a part of the Midcontinent Rift System that extends from Kansas to Michigan. Olivine crystals are typically only found in ultramafic and mafic rocks which are associated with the mantle of the Earth. Knowing more about the original composition of the magma that formed these crystals can give information about the consistency of the magma and can give more information about the formation of other rocks in the area. Given the results presented in the figures, there is evidence for morphological and chemical changes within Nickel Lake Macrodike. This means that as the dike formed, the magma likely changed in composition and the morphology indicates a change in cooling rates.
Year of Submission
Department of Environmental Science
University Honors Designation
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF (18 pages)
©2024 Katelyn Boege
File Format
Recommended Citation
Boege, Katelyn, "Olivine Variability of the Nickel Lake Macrodike of Northern Minnesota" (2024). Honors Program Theses. 964.