Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Yasemin Sari


When I began this project, I wanted to ask the question of whether or not our narratives are a basic human right. Looking back, I realize how naive it was of me to ponder on such a thought, for I have now realized that we have many rights just simply by being humans, and it is undeniable that having an accurate version of our narratives without fear of manipulation or silencing is a right. How can one argue not? The question is not and cannot be about whether or not something is a right, but instead whether or not we view the concept as worthy of protection. This, unlike the first question I wanted to ask, is not something that an individual decides or that one can answer simply by looking into their heart and saying yes or no. Something that would be considered or called a “protected right” is not for us to decide- it is decided by those in power.

Year of Submission



Department of Philosophy and World Religions

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (281 pages)
