Honors Program Theses

The Power of Homeownership


Honors Program Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)

First Advisor

Dr. Joseph Ugrin


The purpose of this study is to examine the far-reaching impacts of homeownership for Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity (IHHFH) home recipients. We develop a serial mediation model with homeownership as the independent variable, and financial well-being, current health, and psychological well-being as mediating variables to explore the impact on life satisfaction, the dependent variable. We utilize a survey and data from 184 participants to test the model. The findings show a direct relationship between homeownership and life satisfaction, but that relationship is partially mediated by financial well-being, current health, and psychological wellbeing, where the mediating variables amplify the relationship between homeownership and life satisfaction. The model highlights that homeownership has three levels of impact: financial, current health, and psychological well-being all of which combined improve life satisfaction.

Year of Submission



Department of Accounting

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (16 pages)

Electronic copy is not available through UNI ScholarWorks.
