Honors Program Theses
This collection contains Honors Program Theses written by undergraduate students in the Department of History at the University of Northern Iowa.
Every honors student has the opportunity to complete undergraduate research during their time at UNI by writing a thesis. Students work with faculty members in their major or area of interest to develop and conduct a study during either their Junior or Senior year.
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Submissions from 2024
We Did What? To Whom? An Analysis of How US Educational Materials Present the Philippine-American War and Occupation, Jude Beekman Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2023
A Snapshot of War: First World War Postcards from the Cedar Falls Historical Society, James Alexander Schmitt Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Breaking the Marble Ceiling: The Construction of Athena in Greek Thought, Elizabeth Tulley Open Access Honors Program Thesis 2023 Award
Submissions from 2022
Alexander the Great and Achilles: The origin of the connection between the Homeric hero and the king of Macedon, Katie Thessen Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2021
On beauty: Ancient perceptions of beauty from classical Greece to Imperial Rome, Maya Jess Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2017
"A special program for highly gifted students:" The evolution and growth of UNI's Honors Program, 1959-2009, Matthew Christian Miller Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2016
The Civil Rights Movement through the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Hannah Lodge Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2015
The early demagogues : the rise of the plebeian tribunate and their exclusive interests, c. 550-450 BCE, Conner James Brakeville Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2014
Muddied waters: exploring Iowa's water policy and practices, Jorgen D. Rose Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2013
More than a quick and easy meal: convenience food advertising in Ladies' Home Journal, 1945-1954, Molly Franta Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
The Chicago Americanization movement: Solutions to the immigrant problem, Heather Greel Open Access Honors Program Thesis
An American's Paris: Tourism and the American identity, 1947-1963, Margaret Nervig Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Memories of College Hill: A historical view, Emily Marie O'Loughlin Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2012
Thomas Jefferson and His Religious Beliefs in the Contexts of History and Today, Nolan Christian Hovland Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2011
Girl's Basketball in Iowa: The Game of Six-On-Six and Its Impact on the State's Athletic Culture, Sarah Gronemeyer Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Raising good Soviets: Media depictions of Soviet life and upbringing under Khrushchev, Chelsea Miller Open Access Honors Program Thesis
"With a Woman's Bitterness": Early Propaganda Against Female Rulers in Medieval Chronicles in the Twelfth and Fifteenth Centuries, Elizabeth Anne Wiedenheft Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2007
Thomas Jefferson's Biographers: Historiography and Sally Hemings, Courtney Ihde Open Access Honors Program Thesis
St. Peter Canisius and the Youth: Jesuit Educators in Counterreformation Germany, Kendra Anne Willey Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2006
Striking Out: The All-American Girls' Professional Baseball League Failed to Break Gender Barriers, Lindsey Letcher Open Access Honors Program Thesis