Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Brian Roberts


Since the beginning of civilization, sporting activities have played a role in the lives of people. Whether it was the ancient Greek Olympics, or the Native-American game of lacrosse, people found time to participate in athletic endeavors, whether it be for competition or friendly play. While this was originally limited to men, women also found time to participate in sporting activities, although on a more limited basis that reflected their "delicate" nature. 1 As in most other social areas, women were limited to only those sports and leisure activities that were deemed "ladylike", since physical exertion and competition were too strenuous for females.

Year of Submission



Department of History

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (38 pages)
