"Nonprofit Crowdfunding Best Practices" by Shelly Smith

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Crowdfunding has grown in popularity amongst the general public. This paper is a literature review that examines the opportunities and challenges for nonprofit organizations to use crowdfunding to supplement traditional fundraising efforts. Literature sources were used to identify what crowdfunding is and where it came from, crowdfunding platforms, crowdfunding campaign benefits and limitations, organizational costs for nonprofit crowdfunding, and crowdfunding regulation and oversight. Sources for the literature review include study areas of crowdfunding definitions and history, crowdfunding platform examination, crowdfunding benefits and limitations, costs for nonprofit crowdfunding, and crowdfunding regulation and oversight. Authors share insight into the risks, benefits, and best practices for nonprofit organizations to consider when designing a crowdfunding campaign.

Year of Submission



Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

First Advisor

Julianne Gassman

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (33 pages)
