"Immediate vs. deferred feedback during formative assessments in a 9th " by Jordan Sonntag

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Physical sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary); Educational tests and measurements; Feedback (Psychology);


For educators, feedback has become a very important part of the teaching practice that is taught in both teacher education programs and building-level professional development. While many studies have been done on feedback itself, there is much less research on the effectiveness of certain types of feedback used within a Learning Management System (LMS). The goal of this experiment is to determine if there is any difference on summative assessment scores based on the use of different types of feedback on formative assessments using an LMS.

An LMS is a program that allows the educator to create step by step lessons, both formative and summative assessments, automatically provide feedback, and track all the data in one location. The LMS this study will use is called Moodle. The two types of feedback this study will focus on are called immediate and deferred feedback. Immediate feedback allows the student to check their answer immediately to determine if they are correct or incorrect. Deferred feedback requires students to finish the entire formative assessment before they can receive feedback as to whether they are correct or incorrect on all questions. This study aims to find if there is a difference in summative assessment scores if these two types of feedback are used on the formative assessments leading up to the summative assessment.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Science


Science Education Program

First Advisor

Jef Morgan, Advisor

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (48 pages)



File Format

