Complete Schedule
Redefining What's Manly: Using Masculine Attributes to Describe Counseling Services for Men
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Participants from MTurk and UNI read a short situation and answered various measures related to their attitudes toward seeking help, gender role conflict, and adherence to traditional masculinity ideology. The masculine attributes used to describe counseling did not result in significantly different attitudes toward seeking help. Similarly, gender role conflict and traditional masculinity ideology did not significantly moderate the effect of attitudes across the three conditions.
Start Date
12-4-2021 12:00 PM
End Date
12-4-2021 1:00 PM
Faculty Advisor
Helen Harton
Department of Psychology
Student Type
Graduate Student
©2021 Riley Rodemaker
Recommended Citation
Rodemaker, Riley, "Redefining What's Manly: Using Masculine Attributes to Describe Counseling Services for Men" (2021). INSPIRE Student Research and Engagement Conference. 55.
Redefining What's Manly: Using Masculine Attributes to Describe Counseling Services for Men
Participants from MTurk and UNI read a short situation and answered various measures related to their attitudes toward seeking help, gender role conflict, and adherence to traditional masculinity ideology. The masculine attributes used to describe counseling did not result in significantly different attitudes toward seeking help. Similarly, gender role conflict and traditional masculinity ideology did not significantly moderate the effect of attitudes across the three conditions.
This entry was part of the following session of the event: