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Exploring the Prevalence & Impact of Eating Disorders in Athletes: A Literature Review and Analysis [Presentation]
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
This honors thesis literature review explores eating disorders (ED), including topics such as risk factors and health impacts, in both clinical and subclinical cases. In addition to considering this topic in the general population, I also examine ED in athletes specifically. I explore the sports with the highest rates of eating disorders, and how being an athlete can elevate the risk for the development of an ED. Lastly, I explore prevention efforts, including those targeting athletic populations, and make recommendations for future intervention and research pursuits to enhance our understanding of eating disorders.
Start Date
12-4-2021 12:00 PM
End Date
12-4-2021 1:00 PM
Faculty Advisor
Elizabeth Lefler
School of Applied Human Sciences
Student Type
Undergraduate Student
©2021 Emily Schotzko
Recommended Citation
Schotzko, Emily, "Exploring the Prevalence & Impact of Eating Disorders in Athletes: A Literature Review and Analysis [Presentation]" (2021). INSPIRE Student Research and Engagement Conference. 57.
Exploring the Prevalence & Impact of Eating Disorders in Athletes: A Literature Review and Analysis [Presentation]
This honors thesis literature review explores eating disorders (ED), including topics such as risk factors and health impacts, in both clinical and subclinical cases. In addition to considering this topic in the general population, I also examine ED in athletes specifically. I explore the sports with the highest rates of eating disorders, and how being an athlete can elevate the risk for the development of an ED. Lastly, I explore prevention efforts, including those targeting athletic populations, and make recommendations for future intervention and research pursuits to enhance our understanding of eating disorders.
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