2021 Society of Physics Students Zone 11 Regional Meeting


Virtual Meeting, University of Northern Iowa

Start Date

20-2-2021 10:00 AM

End Date

20-2-2021 12:00 PM

Publication Date


Publication Type

Open Access Poster


The Griffiths Phase is a result of a spontaneous increase in the overall magnetization of the system primarily influenced by the rare, large clusters transitioning to a ferromagnetic state at the Curie temperature. Approaching this computationally, we were able to create a MATLAB program that exhibits this trend by using the Langevin function to simulate clusters. Modifying variables resulted in behaviors similar to that experienced in a laboratory setting, lending support to the veracity of the model. Further refinement of the computational model could allow in-depth exploration and lead to a better understanding of the Griffiths Phase.


Department of Physics

Student Type

Undergraduate Student


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Feb 20th, 10:00 AM Feb 20th, 12:00 PM

Poster Session: Simulating Griffiths Phase Behavior

Virtual Meeting, University of Northern Iowa

The Griffiths Phase is a result of a spontaneous increase in the overall magnetization of the system primarily influenced by the rare, large clusters transitioning to a ferromagnetic state at the Curie temperature. Approaching this computationally, we were able to create a MATLAB program that exhibits this trend by using the Langevin function to simulate clusters. Modifying variables resulted in behaviors similar to that experienced in a laboratory setting, lending support to the veracity of the model. Further refinement of the computational model could allow in-depth exploration and lead to a better understanding of the Griffiths Phase.