2021 Society of Physics Students Zone 11 Regional Meeting


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Virtual Meeting, University of Northern Iowa

Start Date

20-2-2021 1:00 PM

End Date

20-2-2021 3:00 PM

Publication Date


Publication Type

Open Access Presentation



10:00 am --- Poster Session

  • Predicted Net Flux versus pressure Profiles during a Probe Descent into Uranus’s Atmosphere Presented by Meredith Wieber
  • Tagging Pb-214 Decay Events via Toy Monte Carlo Method Presented by Sam Schleich Simulating
  • Griffiths Phase Behavior Presented by Aaron Janaszak

Student Presentations will be followed by a short informal discussion of undergraduate research with Taylor Walters, UNI Physics and Marcy Seavey, UNI STEM.

Concurrent Sessions:

  • Chapter Reports 101 with Taylor Walters (AZC) and Dr. Robert McTaggart (ZC)

Chapter reports from SPS chapters are an important aspect of showcasing your chapter; learn what the national council seeks in chapter reports, what counts in your report, and the benefits of submitting a report!


  • Careers Toolbox and Grad-School Shopper with Brad Conrad, Director of SPS, Washington D.C.


Department of Physics

File Format


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Closed Captioning SRT File


Feb 20th, 1:00 PM Feb 20th, 3:00 PM

Poster Sessions and Concurrent Workshops: Chapter Reports 101 & Career Tool Box

Virtual Meeting, University of Northern Iowa


10:00 am --- Poster Session

  • Predicted Net Flux versus pressure Profiles during a Probe Descent into Uranus’s Atmosphere Presented by Meredith Wieber
  • Tagging Pb-214 Decay Events via Toy Monte Carlo Method Presented by Sam Schleich Simulating
  • Griffiths Phase Behavior Presented by Aaron Janaszak

Student Presentations will be followed by a short informal discussion of undergraduate research with Taylor Walters, UNI Physics and Marcy Seavey, UNI STEM.

Concurrent Sessions:

  • Chapter Reports 101 with Taylor Walters (AZC) and Dr. Robert McTaggart (ZC)

Chapter reports from SPS chapters are an important aspect of showcasing your chapter; learn what the national council seeks in chapter reports, what counts in your report, and the benefits of submitting a report!


  • Careers Toolbox and Grad-School Shopper with Brad Conrad, Director of SPS, Washington D.C.