Content Posted in 2019
Grass Fire, David Ward
Grass-Hopper Control Work in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
Grays new map of the United States 1874
Green Iowa AmeriCorps: Engaging Students in Environmental & Community Based Leadership, Carmen R. Finken, Ashley L. Craft, and Daniel Luepke
Green Iowa AmeriCorps: Providing environmental services and initiatives for K-12 school districts throughout the state, Carmen Rae Finken
Green Island Quadrangle by USGS 1953
Greenville Quadrangle by USGS 1966, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Greetings from Visiting Academies, L. H. Pammel, C. C. Nutting, A. E. Sheldon, and Henry B. Ward
Gribbenes, Clark Terry and Phil Woods
Grief and loss associated with divorce : a counseling perspective, Lisa A. Lydon
Grief counseling with children and adolescents, Megan Funke
Grimes Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Griswold NE Quadrangle by USGS 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Griswold Quadrangle by USGS 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Groove Merchant, Butch Nordal
Group admiring model of Acrobats
Group meal at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
Group therapy for bereaved parents : sudden death of a child or adolescent, Jessica L. Heidecker
Growing epidemic of videogame addiction, Christopher S. Hager
Growth and Pigment Production of Pseudomonas janthina, Harry F. Watt
Growth, Reproduction, and Lactation on Diets Containing Soy Beans as the Sole Source of Vitamins B and G, P. D. Wilkinson and V. E. Nelson
Grundy Center NE topographical map 1976
Grundy Center NW topographical map 1977
Grundy Center SE topographical map 1976
Grundy Center SW topographical map 1977
Guatemalan consulate 'satisfied' by conditions inside NCC
Guatemalan consulate "satisfied" with treatment of detainees
Guatemalan flag, Julie Berg-Raymond
Guatemalan workers in Iowa reunite with family members they left behind
Guest editorial; Postville's real victims not invited to this party
Guest editorial; Railroading immigrants
Guest editorial; What you sow, Is what you reap
Guiding peer conferences in the process of writing, Cheryl Kremer
Hackberry Psyllidae Found at Ames, Iowa, Chas. W. Mally
Hake chagrined; Indian popular, The College Eye, December 4, 1959
Hake chalk talk fills first hour, The College Eye, September 29, 1939
Hake directs summer theater, Alumnus, April 1947
Hake gives chalk talk, The Northern Iowan, March 15, 1974
Hake honored by changing radio station call letters, Alumnus, December 1972
Hake is author of stagecraft book 'Here's How,' The College Eye, July 31, 1942
Hake is BobHope- Ding Darling Duo, The College Eye, August 16, 1946
Hake named HC marshal, The Northern Iowan, October 17, 1975
Hake produces movie on stage setting, The College Eye, April 7, 1939
Hake sketches in charcoal at forum, The College Eye, March 17, 1939
Hake speaks to tri-state alums at Princeton Club of New York, Alumnus, February 1967
Hake's program tells only good, not the disasters, The College Eye, June 30, 1950
Hake talks and draws, Alumnus, October 1946
"Half-Breeds," Squatters, and Settler Colonialism in the Des Moines-Mississippi Confluence, Matthew Hill
"Half-breeds," squatters, land speculators, and settler colonialism in the Des Moines-Mississippi confluence, Matthew Hill
Hall Effect and Specific Resistance in Evaporated Films of Silver, Copper and Iron, J. C. Steinberg
Hall Effect and Specific Resistance in Thin Evaporated Film of Fe, Co, Ni, Pd, and Pt, H. B. Peacock
Hall Effect in Thin Silver Films, J. C. Steinberg
Halloween House, Nina Jocic, Joshua Prybil, and Nicole Bishop
Hammonds auto route distance map Iowa 1925 side 1
Hammonds auto route distance map Iowa 1925 side 2
Hammonds highway and railway map of Iowa 1947
Handbook is dedicated to new freshmen, The College Eye, June 27, 1941
Hands on Chemistry in Wind Cave, Joshua Sebree
Handwritten signs outside St. Bridget's Catholic Church 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Handwritten signs outside St. Bridget's Catholic Church 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Handwritten signs outside St. Bridget's Catholic Church 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Hanford Quadrangle by USGS 1959, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Happy Go Lucky Local (from Deep South Suite), Duke Ellington
Harcourt Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Hard Scratch Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Harlan Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Harlem Air Shaft, Duke Ellington
Harmonium: Negative Love (1981), John Adams
Harold Budensieck talks to a class
Harper Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Harris Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Harry Pfanz on the audio-phone to State College High School
Hart and Hake practice their 'mike manners,' The College Eye, June 3, 1942
Hartford Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Hartley Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Hartley SW Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Haskells new sectional and township map of Iowa 1876
Health and safety practices in three art classrooms, George Wade Killian
Health Canada Partnership, Karlene Izer, Kayla Dustin, and Heather Olsen
Hearne Bros. polyconic projection map of greater Des Moines 1945 side 1
Hearne Bros. polyconic projection map of greater Des Moines 1945 side 2
Heat Flow in the Finite Cylinder with Variable Surface Temperature, Geo. E. Thompson
Heat of Adsorption on Charcoal of Certain Organic Vapors, Lloyd McKinley and J. N. Pearce
Hegelian Political Theater, Cade M. Olmstead
Heights of Weeds, L. H. Pammel and C. M. King
Heliantheae of Iowa. I, M. Rae Johns
Heliantheae of Iowa II, M. Rae Johns
Helicopter 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Helicopter 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Helicopter 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Helicopter 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Helicopter 05, Julie Berg-Raymond
Helicopter 06, Julie Berg-Raymond
Heliolatry, Robert Washut
Helmets closeup with Stovall and Clayton
Helpful and Harmful Iowa Birds, Fred Berninghausen
Help given to immigrants affected by Iowa raid called faith in action
Helping children with difficulties learn : an overview, Sherry Marie Jack
Helping prepare food for Philippine booth
Herbert Hake will direct new play: Production is world premiere, The College Eye, June 16, 1939
[Herb Hake illustration on cover], Alumnus, May 1972
[Herb Hake on cover], Alumnus, February 1951
Herb Hake works long hours put TC on television, radio, The College Eye, January 15, 1954
H. G. Chapman's map of Sioux City 1887 sheet 1
H. G. Chapman's map of Sioux City 1887 sheet 2
H. G. Chapman's map of Sioux City 1887 sheet 3
H. G. Chapman's map of Sioux City 1887 sheet 4
H. H. Seerley with trowel Nov. 1924
Hiattsville Quadrangle by USGS 1966, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Hibbs Sculpture 2009 photo by Molly Wade
High Altotude, Matt Catingub
Higher Education in Iowa, Leonard F. Parker
High-Level Terraces of Okanogan Valley, Washington, Charles Keyes
High-resolution satellite imagery analysis of coastal tundra vegetation disturbances caused by all-terrain vehicles (ATVs): A case study in Teriberka, Russia, Md Atiqur Rahman
High School, Chariton, IA 1916
Highway map of Iowa 1929 side 1
Highway map of Iowa 1929 side 2
Highway map of Iowa 1947 side 1
Highway map of Iowa 1947 side 2
Highway to Postville, Julie Berg-Raymond
Hinton Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Hip-Hop Literacy Project, Dongyub Back, Shuaib Meacham, and Lamont Muhammad
Hispanic men on the street, Julie Berg-Raymond
Hispanic men sitting outside, Julie Berg-Raymond
Hispanics learning their rights
Histology of the Corn Leaf, Robert Combs
Histopathology of the Thyroid of the Guinea Pig in Experimental Scurvy, Katherine R. Day
Historia de nuestras vidas, Teatro Indocumentado
Historical Record of Cedar Falls, Peter Melendy
Historical Sketch of Early Health Regulations in Iowa, L. S. Ross
History of Black Hawk County, Iowa, and Representative Citizens, Isaiah Van Metre
History of Comics, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
History of Geology in Iowa for the Last Twenty-Five Years, Melvin F. Arey
Hogwarts Potions Class, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Holbrook's North American Herpetology. First Edition., B. Shimek
Holiday Greetings from Robert Frost
Holmes Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Holstein Quadrangle by USGS 1967
Homecoming '75 review, Alumnus, December 1975
Homecoming elm repair to head October 1983
Homecoming elm tree October 1983 by Bill Witt
Home schooling, Julie L. Lange
Home visits : building a team approach with families with children with special needs, Linda S. Jacoby
Homologies of the Cyclostome Ear, H. W. Norris
Homology of Tissues of Ferns, Henry S. Conard
Honesty, Alan Foust
Honey Boy, Bill Butler and Bill Doggett
Honey Creek Quadrangle by USGS 1957
Honoring alumni successes, Alumnus, December 1977
Honor students recognized, The College Eye, May 15, 1942
Hoofin', John Webber
Hora Decubitus, Charles Mingus
Horizontal Movement in Oblique Faulting on Inclined Strata, Charles Keyes
Hospers Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Host-parasite associations of the Cratogeomys fumosus species group and their chewing lice, Geomydoecus, Alex Popinga, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, David J. Hafner, and Mark S. Hafner
Hotel Le Hot, Kenny Wheeler
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence and the implications for gifted education, Cynthia Fell
How a Tree Grows, Fred Berninghausen
How Blue was My Crystal: Synthesis of Copper(II) Oxalate Coordination Polymers, Paul White, Arkady Ellern, and Colin Weeks
How can a child's fluency be improved and provide support for comprehension?, Sharon Marie Collins
How evangelical ministries create social identity on college campuses: An analysis of The Salt Company, Hannah Gregor
How much do you know about Panther athletics?, The Northern Iowan, April 16, 2002
How Old is the Mississippi?, Francis M. Fultz
How poverty affects social development, behavior, and academics of children : how can school personnel help?, Jessica Holm-Blackburn
How profs met wives, The College Eye, August 14, 1942
How Shall We Treat Our State Parks?, B. Shimek
How teacher-librarians can effectively support technology integration in 21st century schools, Holly L. Karlen
How telecommunications is assisting the United States in adult educational distance learning programs, telemedicine, and future applications, Minna Ann Harrison
How the College Textbooks in Botany Treat the Prairie Problem, B. Shimek
How to build and maintain a strong technology program, Brian Horn
How to Lower Chronic Absenteeism Rates in Kindergarten Through Fifth-Grade Students, Morgan Eggert
How to teach the eight multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner in an elementary classroom, Sarah Lyle
HR employees enter not guilty pleas
Hudson Quadrangle by USGS 1963, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Humbug, Don Sebesky
Humpty Dumpty, Chick Corea
Hundreds of residents enjoy soup supper; Toy give-away during hometown of hope event
Hybridization in Iris, M. Louise Sawyer
Hybrid Oaks in Iowa, B. Shimek
Hydrogen Sulphide Production by Bacteria, Frederick W. Mulsow and Frederick S. Paine
ICE application for search warrant
Ice Caves, John E. Smith
Ice Caves, John E. Smith
ICE head touts common ground with church, avoids talk of differences
ICE raid is largest ever in Iowa
ICE search warrant and affidavit for raid
Ida Grove NW Quadrangle by USGS 1967
Ida Grove Quadrangle by USGS 1967
Identification of Symphoricarpus Occidentalis, Florence D. Smith
Identifying and overcoming barriers to college student success, Crystal Sivia
Identifying Elemental Composition of Sand Grain with EDX, Gaoyong Wu, Timothy Kidd, and Patrick Pease
Igneous Rocks of the Central Caucasus and the Work of Loewinson-Lessing, Charles R. Keyes
II, Paul Kondzieta
Il Barbiere di Siviglia: Overture, Gioacchino Rossini
Illegal immigrants freed after testifying against plant manager; Pair remain under house arrest
Illinois City Quadrangle by USGS 1970
I'll Stay with You for a Lifetime, Bob Cook
Illuminating Engineering - A New Profession, Arthur H. Ford
Illuminating Power of Kerosenes Used in Iowa, William Kunerth
Illustrated Review Showing Development of the State of Iowa, Earl J. Robinson & Co.
Image processing of cellular aggregates, Nathan P. Schmidt
Images of downtown Postville storefronts created by Diversity Council, 2000-2002
Immigrants meet with U.S. Congressmen Saturday
Immigration raid termed largest in Iowa history
Immigration reform next up on bishops' wish list for Congress
Imogene Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Impact of Experience July 1968
Impact of Experience March 1977
Impact of Experience with sculptor Ted Egri October 1965
Impact of the arts on students' learning, Sook Ming Kong
Implementation of Brain Breaks((R)) in the Classroom and Effects on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in a Macedonian School Setting, Biljana Popeska, Snezana Jovanova-Mitkovska, Ming-Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, and Serjoza Gontarev
Implementation of cooperative groups and single gender classrooms, Kara Haugen
Implementation of literature circles, Dawn Lewis
Implementation of writing portfolios in grade two, Jill A. Hans
Implementing and Sustaining School Improvement
Implementing a Reading Recovery shared classroom : good first-grade reading instruction for all, Bonnie L. Hoewing
Implementing bibliotherapy: Noah & friends, Ryan Ealy
Implementing response journals in a reading workshop : one teacher's study of the effectiveness of reader response journals in evaluating individual progress, Molly A. Knipper
Implementing student-led conferences, Allyson Forney
Implementing writer's workshop in a kindergarten classroom, Katie Hauschildt
Importance of teaching reading comprehension with nonfiction texts, Valeria Jo Frey
Improved Apparatus for Growth of Metal Crystals, A. G. Hoyem
Improved literacy in the content areas, Mauri Johnson
In a Country Cemetery in Iowa, for James Hearst
In A Mellow Tone, Duke Ellington
Inches from the back to the mat
Incidence of Colorblindness at Iowa State College, Martin F. Fritz
Including preschool children in the school counseling program : classroom recommendations for counselors, Nancy A. Kriener
Including Students with Significant Disabilities in the General Education Classroom, Carissa Newman
Inclusion and inclusive classrooms at the preschool level, Michele Keefer
Inclusion of special needs students into the regular education classroom, Jennifer S. Hemann
Inclusive Curriculum: Making STEM Accessible for ALL Students, Mark Busch
Increasing student perceptions of success and inclusion through strategic programming of underrepresented composers, Joyce J. Beyer
Independence Quadrangle by USGS 1973, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Indian Blues, Donald Harrison
Indian History of Winneshiek County, Charles Philip Hexom
Indian Lady, Don Ellis
Indian Pottery of the Oneota or Upper Iowa River Valley in Northeastern Iowa, Ellison Orr
Indian Quartzite Quarry near Hot Springs, South Dakota, Paul Rowe
Indivisible, with an education for all : differentiation strategies used in a multi-categorical classroom, Stephanie Elizabeth Francis
Induction of Lipid Bodies in Leishmania infantum-infected C57BL/6 macrophages of male versus female origin, Victor A. Soupene, Ryan D. Lockard, Mary E. Wilson, and Nilda E. Rodriguez
Influence of Bile and Brilliant Green on Rate of Growth of Colon Bacilli, Harold W. Coles and Max Levine
Influence of external and internal factors on financial advisors' guidance of clients in the area of charitable giving, Angela J. Gorsuch Widner
Influence of Nitrogenous Compounds on the Respiratory Quotient of Rhzobium, D. A. Anderson and R. H. Walker
Influence of Orchard Soil Management on Fruit Bud Development and Formation as Found in the Apple, R. S. Kirby
Influence of Reducing Credit for Absence of Regularity of Class Attendance in College, E. O. Finkenbinder
Influence of Sonication Parameters on the Morphology of Nanocellulose Aerogels, Dexter Cox and Tim Kidd
Influences on Learning of Tests Composed of True and False Statements and Direct Questions, E. O. Finkenbinder
Influential Factors of Student Teachers' Self-Efficacy in Teaching Students With Disabilities, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih
Informed Hearing Loss Prevention at Theatre UNI, Mallory Park Atkinson
Informed hearing loss prevention for Theatre UNI, Mallory Park
Infrared Analysis of Anaerobic Photochemical Aerosols, Mildrède Debello, Joshua Sebree, and Kailey Casper
Inheritance of Carbohydrates and Fat in Corn, E. W. Lindstrom and F. Gerhardt
Inheritance of Shape in Tomato Fruits, E. W. Lindstrom
Inhibition of the P2X7 receptor and its effects on epithelial cell actin distribution and fiber size, Shayla Warrick
In Memoriam: Archelaus G. Field, Charles Keyes and L. H. Pammel
In Memoriam: Arthur G. Smith; Bert H. Bailey, R. P. Baker and S. W. Stookey
In Memoriam: Bird Thomas Baldwin; J. M. Fulton; John Littleton Tilton; Flora May Tuttle; M. F. Arey; Abram Owen Thomas; Joseph A. Treganza; Louis H. Pammel, George D. Stoddard, Charles Keyes, Henry S. Conrad, E. J. Cable, James H. Lees, and B. Shimek
In Memoriam: Byron D. Halsted, L. H. Pammel
In Memoriam: Charles Edwin Bessey; David MacMillan Houghtelin, L. H. Pammel and John L. Tilton
In Memoriam: Charles Nutting; LeRoy Titus Weeks; Edna M. Carter, L. H. Pammel and Guy West Wilson
In Memoriam: E. W. Stanton, L. H. Pammel
In Memoriam: Frank Fayette Almy; Ervin E. Reed; William E. Albert; Frank W. Paige; Arthur Gray Leonard; Winfield Scott Dudgeon; Max E. Witte; Royal Edgar Jeffs; H. Gregg Smith, H. W. Norris, Charles Reuben Keyes, Katherine Mauthe, J. N. Martin, T. J. Maney, John A. Yarbrough, and H. A. Mattill
In Memoriam: Fred C. Werkenthin; Chalmers Colin Norwood, John N. Martin and Ben Hur Wilson
In Memoriam: George Ellsworth Thompson; Stephen J. Popoff; Samuel Walker Beyer; Johan Augustus Udden; William Ernest Andrew Slaght; Merrill M. Meyers, L. B. Spinney, Edward Bartow, C. S. Gwynne, W. H. Norton, Christian A. Ruckmick, and James H. Lees
In Memoriam: George Luther Smith; Henry Albert; D. S. Fairchild; George Bennett, James H. Lees, L. H. Pammel, and Florence Sinclair Chapin
In Memoriam: G. E. Patrick; Harriette Kellogg, L. H. Pammel
In Memoriam: Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs; James Edward Todd, Charles Keyes
In Memoriam: Herbert R. Werner; R. Ellsworth Call, Albert Hartzell and Charles Keyes
In Memoriam: J. Howard Frazier; Glenn I. Tenney; Robert B. Dodson, L. H. Pammel, A. O. Thomas, and G. W. Stewart
In Memoriam: J. H. Paarmann; Bruce Fink; Melvin P. Somes; Addie Grace Wardle; Clifford H. Farr, L. H. Pammel, A. O. Thomas, Nicholas Knight, and Robert B. Wylie
In Memoriam: Philip Sprong; Walter Scott Hendrixson; Clyde Leslie Winter
In Memoriam: Samuel Calvin, Thomas H. MacBride, Melvin F. Arey, and William Harmon Norton
In Memoriam: Susan Grace Jewell; William Paul Yancy; Rollo Harrison Moore, Fern M. Williams, U. A. Hauber, and H. S. Longley
Inoculation Experiments with Gymnosporangium macropus Lk., F. C. Stewart and G. W. Carver
In Postville; Shock but no surprise
Input and Output: Classroom Applications, Samantha Ribble
Insect Pollination of Frasera stenosepala, L. A. Kenoyer
Insect Pollination of Timberline Flowers in Colorado, L. A. Kenoyer
Insects, H. F. Wickham
Insights, experience follow NBC's Pettit to classroom, The Northern Iowan, July 24, 1987
Instinct or Intelligence in the Great Golden Digger?, Roy L. Abbott
Institute of African-American Children & Families Pre-Conference, February 23, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Institute of African-American Children & Families Pre-Conference, February 27, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Institute of African-American Children & Families Pre-Conference, February 4, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Instructional strategies within single-gender learning environments, Rachelle Sarrah Grandon
Integrating and implementing literacy in a toddler classroom, Emily Knutson
Integrating "kindergarten technology activities" into the kindergarten classroom, Tania Johnson
Integrating literature-based language arts and mathematics, Lora L. Irvine
Integrating movement in the elementary classroom: Creating innovative materials that incorporate movement with content areas, Hannah Kristine Harrison
Integrating spirituality into mental health counseling, Mary Jane Madsen
Integrating spirituality into the counseling session : facilitating positive changes, Bruce A. Gregory
Integrating technology into literature circles, Carrie A. Lutkenhaus
Integrating technology into the classroom through online projects : a fairy tale unit, Luann K. Langel
Integrating technology into the science curriculum : environmental studies grade 5, Lois Diane Enger
Integrating the literature and social studies curriculum, Christa S. Lynch
Integrating the research process in the early primary curriculum, Laurie Jean Hazel
Integrative model for couples counseling, Annie Johnson
Intensity of Mercury Lines Excited by Positive Ions, C. Frische
Interactive writing in a kindergarten classroom, Amy Henze
Intercalating transition metals in tantalum disulfide nanostructures, Madeline Christine Roach
Interfaith immigration reform prayer walk and vigil
Interfaith Immigration Reform Prayer Walk list of chants
Interfaith Immigration Vigil program
Interfaith Prayer Service program
Interfaith Service and March poster
Interfaith Service and Walk schedule of events
Interloessial Till near Sioux City, Iowa, J. E. Todd and H. Foster Bain
International Panther, Winter 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Culture and Intensive english Program.
Interrupted Hibernation in the Garter Snake, Harry M. Kelly
Interventions for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Justin M. Larson
Interview with great-granddaughter, Verle McFarland Shanks
In the hollow of a tree, Lisa A. McClurg
In the immigration spotlight: Detention, immigrants' citizen children
Intrinsic vs extrinsic job search factors: What is more attractive to the younger workforce?, Danielle Nardini
Introduced Plants of the Clear Creek Canon, Colorado, L. H. Pammel
Introducing Director Herbert V. Hake, Alumnus, October 1942
Introduction, Ken McCormick
Invented spelling and its effect on kindergarten students' reading and writing abilities, Kelli A. Daly
Invented spelling : the role of developmental spelling in early childhood classrooms, Cynthia L. Ford
Investigating Fourier Coefficient Relationships of Cepheid Variable Stars, Forrest Cronin and Siobahn Morgan
Investigating the impact of data-driven decision making on elementary curriculum and its implications for teaching and learning, Sara A. Hofer
Investigation of the changes of preservice teachers' efficacy beliefs in teaching students with special needs, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih
Investigation of the changes of preservice teachers' efficacy beliefs in teaching students with special needs, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih
Investigation of the English language curriculum in grade five for the Omani government schools, Khalfan Hamed Alharrasi
Investment banker's little bond fund goes nationwide for immigrants
Invitations to sing : a home-school literacy partnership, Connie J. Gordon
Involuntary Tongue Movements under Varying Stimuli, M. George Scheck
Inwood Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Iodine, a Factor in Feeding Young Growing Swine, John M. Evvard and C. C. Culbertson
Iodine Monochloride, Jacob Cornog, R. A. Karges, and H. W. Horrabin
Ionization Constants and Parachors of Some Furan compounds, Henry Gilman, Willard E. Catlin, and Robert K. Davis
Iowa and Minnesota pages from Atlas of the World 1908
Iowa broadcasters herald UNI's 'first man of radio', Alumnus, September 1976
Iowa by George F. Cram 1899 side 1
Iowa by George F. Cram 1899 side 2
Iowa by George F. Cram 1902 side 1
Iowa by George F. Cram 1902 side 2
Iowa by Kenyon Printing side 1
Iowa by Kenyon Printing side 2
Iowa by Mast, Crowell and Kirkpatrick
Iowa by Matthews-Northrup side 1
Iowa by Matthews-Northrup side 2
Iowa by Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. 1947 side 1
Iowa by Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. 1947 side 2
Iowa by the Dept. of the Interior 1878
Iowa by U. S. Geological Survey 1917
Iowa City 1929 by College of Engineering
Iowa City & Coralville by Mid America Publishers
Iowa City West Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Iowa community rallies to help families after raids
Iowa Conference on Communicative Disorders [Program, 2019], Iowa Conference on Communicative Disorders
Iowa Cycles at night with Rod Library and Maucker Union in background
Iowa Cycles at night with Sabin in background photo by Sam Castro
Iowa Cycles close up with clouds
Iowa Cycles in color Fall 1994
Iowa Cycles in color with group
Iowa Cycles in the snow photo by Sam Castro
Iowa Cycles in winter photo by Sam Castro
Iowa Cycles view from reflecting pool photo by Sam Castro
Iowa Cycles with Wright Hall in background photo by Sam Castro
Iowa Division of Labor proposes citations and penalties against Agriprocessors, Inc.
Iowa Erysiphaceae, J. P. Anderson
Iowa Field Notes on Reproduction of Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense), Ada Hayden
Iowa German-Language Newspapers in Existence Five or More Years, Barbara F. H. Allen
Iowa in War Times, S. H. M. Byers
Iowa map by the U.S. Dept. of the Interior
Iowa Microlepidoptera, A. W. Lindsey
Iowa Mineralogical Notes, Charles Rollin Keyes
Iowa, other raids rallying points in push for immigration changes
Iowa page from Rand McNally Atlas of the World
Iowa page from the Rand McNally Business Atlas side 1
Iowa page from the Rand McNally Business Atlas side 2
Iowa Placement Examinations, George D. Stoddard
Iowa Plant Notes, R. I. Cratty
Iowa Plant Notes, II, R. I. Cratty
Iowa Plant Notes, III, R. I. Cratty
Iowa Plant Notes, V, R. I. Cratty
Iowa Plants Notes, IV, R. I. Cratty
Iowa prepared for National Newspaper Directory
Iowa published by J. H. Colton
Iowa Regional FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), Marcene Seavey, Bruce Newendorp, and Jan Newendorp
Iowa registered highway routes 1914-1925
Iowa's Great Period of Mountain Making, Charles Keyes
Iowa state highway map 1934 side 1
Iowa state highway map 1934 side 2
Iowa state highway map 1935 side 1
Iowa state highway map 1935 side 2
Iowa Stratigraphy on Methodical Scheme, Charles Keyes
Iowa, the First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase, William Salter
Iowa town stretching resources to help families hurt by ICE raid
Iowa transportation map 1979-1980 side 1
Iowa transportation map 1979-1980 side 2
Iowa transportation map 1981-1982 side 1
Iowa transportation map 1981-1982 side 2
Iowa transportation map 1982 side 1
Iowa transportation map 1982 side 2
Iowa transportation map 1983 side 1
Iowa transportation map 1983 side 2
IOWAVE, Iowa State Teachers College
Iowa Veterans Remembrance Project, Robert Green
I Remember Clifford, Quincy Jones
I Remember Clifford, Clark Terry
Isfahan, Billy Strayhorn
Is inclusion working at one middle school in Iowa?, Brett Alan Fischels
Is Iowa Getting Wetter or Drier?, Charles D. Reed
Is Reading Recovery a beneficial reading program to have implemented in a school district?, Carrie Langan
ISSL standards : tools for an effective educational leader, Kimberly R. Latusick
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, April 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, April 18, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, April 24, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, April 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, August 1, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, August 16, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, August 22, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, August 29, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, August 8, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, December 12, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, December 19, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, December 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, February 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, February 21, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, February 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, February 8, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, January 18, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, January 24, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, January 31, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, July 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, July 18, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, July 25, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, July 3, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, June 13, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, June 20, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, June 27, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, June 6, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, March 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, March 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, March 7, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, May 15, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, May 2, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, May 23, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, May 30, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, May 9, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, November 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, November 21, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, November 8, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, October 10, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, October 17, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, October 24, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, October 31, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, October 3, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, September 12, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, September 19, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, September 26, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISSO Weekly Newsletter, September 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. International Students and Scholars Office.
ISTC summer school class photo, 1927
ISTC summer school class photo, 1928
Is teaching history reasonable, worthwhile, and beneficial in the elementary grades?, Jill Johnson
Is the Appetite of Swine a Reliable Indication of Physiological Needs?, John M. Evvard
Is the Loess of Aqueous Origin?, B. Shimek
Is the Plum Curculio Double-Brooded?, C. P. Gillette
Is there a correlation between oral reading rate and social conversational speaking rate?, Sarah C. Mason
ITC sculpture May 1979 by Dan Grevas
ITC sculpture placement May 1979 by Dan Grevas
Itinerary for anniversary event
It's 'crunch time" for Warner, The Northern Iowan, January 28, 2000
"It's important to just have your voice heard": Young voters' change perception of political efficacy, Christopher Matthew Merck
"It's Important to Just Have Your Voice Heard": Young Voters Changing Perceptions of Political Efficacy, Christopher Merck
I Wish You Love, Gordon Jenkins
IYL: Institute for Youth Leaders, Dongyub Back, Joyce Levingston, Glynis Worthington, and Brian Hadley
Jackson Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Jacksonville Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Jacobson staffing helping Agriprocessors replace workers taken in may ICE raid
James and Louise Hearst and mother 1903
James and Meryl Hearst with C. Deute
James Hearst and Carl Sandburg
James Hearst and George Maynard
James Hearst and high school baseball team
James Hearst and James McAlvin
James Hearst and Sunday school class of the First Congregational Church
James Hearst Honorable Discharge
James Hearst military rifle tag
James Hearst Order of Induction Into Military Service
James Hearst [photo in the Waterloo Daily Courier]
James Hearst receiving honorary doctorate
James Hearst receiving Outstanding Service Award, front
James Hearst receiving Outstanding Service Award, reverse
Jason Sweet with his sculpture
Jean Ferguson adds 'feminine touch' to campus radio studio, The College Eye, March 12, 1943
Jean Heisterkamp with logo designed in 1976
Jeep's Blues, Johnny Hodges
Jelly Roll, Charles Mingus
Jenny, Bob Cook
Jepson Forum, Flier, Fall 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Economics.
Jewell Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Jewish community action marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Jewish family walking in Postville, Julie Berg-Raymond
J. J. Thomson's Theory of Matter, L. Begeman
Johnsons Iowa and Nebraska 1864 side 1
Johnsons Iowa and Nebraska 1864 side 2
Johnsons Iowa and Nebraska 1870 side 1
Johnsons Iowa and Nebraska 1870 side 2
Johnson's Iowa & Nebraska 1861
Jones, Van Duyn, Stoner win one-act play writing contest, The College Eye, January 16, 1942
Journey 2050, Cindy Hall and Will Fett
Judging, University of Northern Iowa
Judging Children's Literature, Ivy C. Husband
Jump Monk No. 2, Charles Mingus
Just Friends, Dan Haerle
Justice on Wikipedia: Edit-a-thons to Combat Systemic Bias and Close Content Gaps, Angela L. Pratesi
J. W. Maucker & T. W. Davis 1968
KAAL TV news reporter, Julie Berg-Raymond
Katherine Schell Hearst photo 1
Katherine Schell Hearst photo 2
KCOI news van, Julie Berg-Raymond
KCRG news van, Julie Berg-Raymond
Keeping Iowa's Waters Pure, George Bennett
Keokuk Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Keswick Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Keyboarding Camp!: Identifying the Effects of 4th-Grader Characteristics on Keyboarding Proficiency, Amy Lockhart and Leigh E. Zeitz
Key components in an online class, Renae Darlene Farrell
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of Central Iowa, Henry S. Conard and Winifred Ellsworth
Kids Are Right, Phil Wilson
Kid Zone, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Kings Park instructor's guide, Adele Schwartz
Klebs-Leoffler Bacillus, Gershom H. Hill
Klezmer Dances by Goran Frost, Sayyod Mirzomurodov and Mariya Akhadjanova
Klondike Quadrangle by USGS 1962
Knierim Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of physical education teachers in Saudi Arabia about drug prevention education: Potential for health education, Fahad Bin Radhyan
Knoxville NW Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Knoxville Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Knoxville SW Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Koko, Duke Ellington
Laboratory Notes in Zoology, Herbert Osborn
Ladora Quadrangle by USGS 1965
La Historia de Nuestras Vidas theatre program
Lake City topographical map 1977, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Lake Huron Winter Beach Forms, Max Littlefield
Lake Park Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Lake Park SE Quadrangle by USGS 1970
La Motte Quadrangle by USGS 1962
Lanesboro topographical map 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Lansing Lead Mines, A. G. Leonard
Laramian Hiatus around the Southern Rockies, Charles Keyes
Larchwood Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Large fan base including the band
Larger Prospect of our Loess Mantle, Charles Keyes
Last day picnic - Amity 1930 no.1
Last day picnic - Amity 1930 no.2
Late 1960s photographing oscillagraph
Late 1960s Studying in the library
Late Devonic Sequence of the Iowa Region (Synopsis), Charles Keyes
Late Fall and Winter Bird Records, 1926 to 1930, in the Upper Missouri Valley, Wm. Youngworth
Late Potato Blight Epidemics in Iowa as Correlated with Climatic Conditions, A. T. Erwin
Latham and staff meet with govt. officials, others
Latham Field cheer by Kaldenberg
Launa Rambler - Pastor Christopher Staley
Lawmakers call for Agriprocessors probe
Lawton Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Leaching of the Pleistocene Drifts of Eastern Iowa, Morris M. Leighton
Leading to develop a culture of learning : a reflective essay, Stacie A. Henderson
Leap of Faith, Dick Oatts
Learning and literacy in music: activities for integrating children's literature into the elementary general music curriculum, Taryn Jeanette Kroymann
Learning from Leadership: Investigating the links to Improved Student Learning
Learning to write, writing to learn: Cedar Valley high school teachers' use of formative assessment, Kenna Marie Koster
Legal and Political Status of Women in Iowa, Ruth A. Gallaher
Legal, judicial and constitutional implications of the Postville raid, James Benzoni
Lego Mindstorms as Alternative Scientific Instrumentation, Emma Yarrow and Joshua Sebree
LeHigh Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Leilani's Mirror, Geoff Keezer
Lens Effect of Pressure Windows, Carl Benz and Thos. C. Poulter
Le Roy Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescent populations : implications and implementation of LGBT guidance programs, Adam L. Karsten
Lessons learned from Agriprocessors raid shared; Immigration reform needed
Lester Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Let's bake in Project Head Start
Letter from Home, Bob Cook
Letter from Mayor Douglas C. Sharp
Letter from Patty with the poem Portrait of a Poet
Letter of resignation to Daniel Cahill
Letters in a Discipline: A Manifesto on the State of English, Danielle Dunagan
Letters to the Editor [Carole S. Gauger)]
Letters to the Editor [Dorothy Paulsen]
Letters to the editor, The College Eye, September 26, 1952
Letter to Dept. of Justice and Dept. of Homeland Security
Letter to Editor; Crack down on employers
Letter to Editor; Land of xenophobia
Letter to the Editor [Amy Tamar Dickel]
Letter to the Editor [Becky Monroe]
Letter to the Editor [Cami Hanson]
Letter to the Editor [Dale Siems]
Letter to the Editor [David Cavagnaro]
Letter to the Editor [Herman Lenz] 1
Letter to the Editor [Herman Lenz] 2
Letter to the Editor; Illegal immigration is illegal
Letter to the Editor; Immigration policy flawed
Letter to the Editor; Immigration reform needed
Letter to the Editor [Jayn Brotman]
Letter to the Editor [Jody Mitchell]
Letter to the Editor [Karen Heins]
Letter to the Editor [Ken Weston] 1
Letter to the Editor [Ken Weston] 2
Letter to the Editor [Ken Weston] 3
Letter to the Editor [K. Weston]
Letter to the Editor [K. Weston]
Letter to the Editor [Lewis Regenstein]
Letter to the Editor [Lori Egan]
Letter to the Editor [Rachel Vega and Zulema Medina]
Letter to the Editor; Raid was long overdue
Letter to the Editor [Rev. Michael S. Mulberry ]
Let Us Tell Your Story: Critical Service-Learning and Student Understanding of Audience, Debra Dimond Young and Rachel Morgan
Leveling ground with horses in the late 1920s
LGB students and the school environment, Molly C. Juhl
Libertyville Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Library Connection, v6n1, Fall 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Library Connection, v6n2, Spring 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Lichens and Recent Conceptions of Species, Bruce Fink
Lichens Collected by Dr. C. C. Parry in Wisconsin and Minnesota in 1848, Bruce Fink
Life Histories of Jassidae, Herbert Osborn
Life History and Embryology of Monostegia (Selandria) ignotia (Nor), Frederick W. Mally
Life History and Habits of Polistes metricus Say, Frank C. Pellett
Life History Notes on the Plum Curculio in Iowa: Conotrachelus nenuphar Herbst, R. L. Webster
Light and Shadow, Beth Van Meeteren
Lightning Injury to Alfalfa, Joseph C. Gilman
Lightweight Formal Methods for Improving Software Security, Andrew Berns, James Curbow, Joshua Hilliard, Sheriff Jorkeh, and Miho Sanders
Lilium michiganense Farw. in Iowa, Wier R. Mills
Lime City Quadrangle by USGS 1970, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Lime Creek Fauna of Iowa in Southwestern United States and Northern Mexican Region, Charles R. Keyes
Limestone Boulders, Arthur Goshorn
Linear Order of Four Genes on the First Chromosome of the Tomato, E. W. Lindstrom
Listening to learn : the academic achievement of auditory learners, Rae Ann McLean-Dickinson
List of Iowa Clover Insects and Observations on Some of Them, J. A. Lintner and C. M. Weed
List of media materials for anniversary
List of Members and Visitors in Attendance
[List of UNI alums], Alumnus, January 1944
Literacy backpacks for emergent readers, Lori J. Logan
Literacy instruction in first grade classrooms : teachers trained in Reading Recovery in comparison with teachers who have not been trained, Trisha Fuelling
Literature-based language arts extended to mathematics, Carrie L. Johnson
Literature-based language arts extended to science, Jennifer A. Johnson
Literature-based language arts extended to the science area : a unit on spring, Kelly Jones
Literature-based language arts extended to the science area : backyard unit, grade 2, Suzanne Jensen
Literature based social studies versus textbook based social studies, Kathrine Jean Kellogg
Literature circles, Diane MacLennan
Literature response journals : successful implementation in a balanced literacy program, Michelle Heiserman
Literature review: Analyzing the reasons behind the long-standing debate of evolution and religion in America, Michelle Kathryn Matchell
Little Black Sambo puts on all of his fine clothes
Little Pixie, Thad Jones
Little Sioux Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Living Plants as Geological Factors, B. Shimek
Lloyds new map of the State of Iowa 1874
Local and Landscape Effects on Butterfly Abundance in CP-42 Plantings, Emma Simpson, Kate Sinnott, and Mark Myers
Local Problems in Science, Herbert Osborn
Lockridge W topographical map 1978
Logarithmic Factors for Use in Water Analysis, W. S. Hendrixson
Lohrville topographical map 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
L'Oiseau de Feu (1919), Igor Stravinsky
Looking back at Panther legends, The Northern Iowan, October 19, 2010
Looping : an old idea revisited, Steven J. Koester
Losing faith : the process of converting to atheism, Jennifer J. Jacobi
Lounge Light Relief created by Hu Hung-shu and photographed by Sam Castro
Loveland Quadrangle by USGS 1969
Lowden Quadrangle by USGS 1976, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Low Life, Johnny Mandel
Luis Argueta, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 05, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 06, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 07, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 08, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luis Argueta 09, Julie Berg-Raymond
Lullaby of the Leaves, Joe Young and Bernice Petkere
Lumberjanes, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Luther College commemorative art installation 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Luther Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Lytton topographical map 1977, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Mackey Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Macroscopic Fuana of a Small Brook, D. M. Brumfiel
Madrid NW Quadrangle by US 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Magic Flute: Act II, March of the Priests, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Magnesia Crucibles in an Arc Furance, Edmond E. Moore and Anson Hayes
Magnetic and Natural Rotatory Dispersion in Absorbing Media, E. O. Hulburt
Magnetic Properties of Evaporated Iron Films, A. Sorenson
Magnetic Properties of Iron Films Electrically Deposited, E. P. Tyndall
Magnetic Properties of Thin Cobalt Films Electrolytically Deposited, E. P. T. Tyndall and W. W. Wertzbaugher
Magnetic Properties of Thin Films of Iron, Electrolytically Deposited, E. P. T. Tyndall
Magnetic Properties of Thin Nickel Films, H. E. Malmstrom
Magnetization of Electrolytic Nickel Films, E. P. T. Tyndall and H. E. Malmstrom
Magnetization of Thin Films of Electrolytic Iron, E. P. T. Tyndall
Mag Pie magazine, Emily Stowe
Make-it–Take-it professional development training at Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc., Joyce Gallentine-Nelson
Makin' Whoopee, Walter Donaldson and Gus Cahn
Malone Quadrangle by USGS 1976, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Mammoth Clover Rust, W. H. Davis
Managerial employees are arrested last week at Agriprocessors, Inc.
Manganese in Iowa City Waters, Edward Bartow and W. T. Bailey
Manilla Quadrangle by USGS 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Manning Quadrangle by USGS 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Manning SE Quadrangle by USGS 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Man with winter coat playing 1959
Many doses of kindness; A northeast Iowa Christmas story
Map and profile of the Canada de las Uvas CA 1853
Map and profile of the Tejon Pass 1853
Mapleton Quadrangle by USGS 1969
Mapleton SE Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Map of Black Hawk County 1875, A. T. (Alfred Theodore) Andreas
Map of Bulter County 1875, A. T. (Alfred Theodore) Andreas
Map of Cedar Falls by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 1
Map of Cedar Falls by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 2
Map of Cedar Falls by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 3
Map of Cedar Falls by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 4
Map of Cedar Rapids 1930 by City Engineer's Office
Map of Cedar Rapids, Marion and Kenwood Park 1892
Map of Iowa 1904 prepared & printed for the railroad commissioners
Map of Iowa 1927 by A. J. Christiansen
Map of Iowa by H. R. Page & Co. 1879 side 1
Map of Iowa by H. R. Page & Co. 1879 side 2
Map of Iowa by Iowa Loan and Trust side 1
Map of Iowa by Iowa Loan and Trust side 2
Map of Iowa showing drift sheets 1914
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 1
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 2
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 3
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 4
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 5
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 6
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 7
Map of Oskaloosa by C. R. Allen 1891 sheet 8
Map of Ottumwa Wapello Co. by Harrison & Warner 1870
Map of Sioux City 1892 by John Newcomb sheet 1
Map of Sioux City 1892 by John Newcomb sheet 2
Map of Sioux City 1892 by John Newcomb sheet 3
Map of Sioux City 1892 by John Newcomb sheet 4
Map of Sioux City 1892 by John Newcomb sheet 5
Map of Sioux City 1892 by John Newcomb sheet 6
Map of Sioux City c.1884 Geo. M. Pardoe
Map of the City of Cedar Rapids 1909
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 1
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 2
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 3
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 4
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 5
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 6
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 7
Map of the City of Council Bluffs 1885 by C. R. Allen sheet 8
Map of the City of Davenport 1890
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 1
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 2
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 3
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 4
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 5
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 6
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 7
Map of the City of Waterloo by Iowa Publ. 1908 sheet 8
Map of the Des Moines Northern & Western RR 1897
Map of the half breed Sac & Fox Reservation
Map of the mineral region of Dubuque and vicinity 1858
Map of the western theatre of war by A. H. Bumstead 1918
Map showing the principal meridians and base lines in the U.S. side 1
Map showing the principal meridians and base lines in the U.S. side 2
Map & street directory of Sioux City by Bekins side 1
Map & street directory of Sioux City by Bekins side 2
Maquoketa Shales in Delaware County, Samuel Calvin
March Cress, Its Geography and Ecology in Iowa, L. H. Pammel, C. M. King, and Ada Hayden
Marchers 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 05, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 06, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 07, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 08, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 09, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 10, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 11, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 12, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 13, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 14, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 15, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 16, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 17, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 18, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 19, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 20, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 21, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 22, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 24, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 25, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 26, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 27, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 28, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 29, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 30, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 31, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 32, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 33, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 34, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 35, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 36, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 37, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 38, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 39, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 40, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 41, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers 42, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers preparing banners, Julie Berg-Raymond
Marchers walk for immigration reform during Sunday's rally
Marengo Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Margaret Divilbess, English teacher and friends
Marion Quadrangle by USGS 1975
Marketing strategies for career services, Jessie Heideman
Marshalltown Quadrangle by USGS 1960
Maryn Olson, marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Mason City area topographic map by USGS 1967, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Mason City Quadrangle by USGS 1959, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Mason City SE Quadrangle by USGS 1959, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Maternal Mortality in the U.S., Christine Shipley
Matlock Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Matthews-Northrup 1898 up-to-date map of Iowa
Maximum Precipitation in Short Periods of Time, Charles D. Reed
Maxwell Coulee and the Diversion of the Rio Mora, Charles R. Keyes
Maxwell's Treatment of Networks Applied to the Delta Connection of a Three-Phase Power Source, Alfred W. Meyer
May 1971 Hake interviewing Arnold Graber
May 1972 Dr. Donald Howard & Hake final behind the headlines program
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #1
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #2
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #3
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #4
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #5
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #6
May 1972 Hake with Don Howard #7
May 31, 1972 at the controls on Hake's last day
May City Quadrangle by USGS 1970
MBA Capstone Experience, Dale Cyphert
MBA Capstone Projects, Dale Cyphert
McCausland Quadrangle by USGS 1975
McClelland Quadrangle by USGS 1956
McPaul Quadrangle by USGS 1966
Mean Free Path of Gases by a Direct Method, John A. Eldridge
Mean Free Paths of Gases, John A. Eldridge
Mean What You Say, Thad Jones
Measurement of Mean Life of Cadmium 2^3p1 by Thermal Motion of Excited Atoms during Life Time, H. D. Koenig
Measurement of the Acoustic Impedance of a Branch Line, G. W. Stewart
Measurement of the Quality of Water, Jack J. Hinman Jr.
Measurements of the Amplitude of Vibration of the Diaphragm of the Hewlett Tone Generator, C. E. Lane
Measurements of the Minimum Audible Intensity of Sound for Tones of High Frequency, C. E. Lane
Measurements of Wood Fiber, H. S. Conard and W. A. Thomas
Mechanicsville Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Mechanism for Securing Cross Fertilization in Salvia lanceolata, G. W. Newton
Mechanisms of Addition and Substitution Reactions of Furfural and Derivatives, Henry Gilman, G. F. Wright, J. B. Dickey, and A. P. Hewlett
Media Career Guide: Preparing for Jobs in the 21st Century, Nichole Harken
Media coverage: Past present and future, Jeff Abbas
Mediapolis Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Meeting academic needs through explicit vocabulary insturction, Ann D. M. Langenfeld
Meeting the accountability challenge in guided reading instruction, Rachelle E. Jensen
Meeting the needs of gifted adolescent girls, Marcia Schrader Hoffman
Meeting the needs of the adult learner in the instructional design environment, Takeisha Henfield
Membership of the Academy and Constitution
Memorial Day 1899, Iowa. Dept. of Public Instruction
Memorial Note on Seth Eugene Meek, Charles Keyes
Memories - poem by Verle Shanks, Verle McFarland Shanks
Mendenhalls road map of Iowa side 1
Mendenhalls road map of Iowa side 2
Menke's Method of Preparing Hyponitrites, Alfred N. Cook
Mental health services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, Laura Scheffert James
Mentality, Achievement, and Class Survival, Willis J. Bell
Mentoring : a key to first year survival, Shannon Hartman
Men waiting outside, Julie Berg-Raymond
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Phil Wilson
Messa-Stomp, Mary Lou Williams
Metabolism and Vitamin A, V. E. Nelson and C. M. McCay
Metal Wall Sculpture in Rod Library by Ralph Haskell
Meteorites in the Coe College Museum Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Glenn S. Dillé
Meteor Mountain, David H. Boot
Method of Preparing Silica Absorbents, O. R. Sweeney, Frederic D. Pfeffer, and Arthur L. Redstone
Methods for the Estimation of Carbon Dioxide in Minerals and Rocks, Nicholas Knight
Methods of Modeling the Agaricaceae, Kathryn Gilmore
Methods of Obtaining and Creating Pediatric Dysphagia Cases for Graduate Level Training, Sydney Kunzweiler and Olivia Steffen
Methods of Teaching Parasitology, Herbert R. Werner
Metropolitan Sioux City 1947 by Journal Tribune Publishing
Mexicali Nose, Harry Betts and Bob Eberhart
Microbiological Death Rates, C. H. Werkman
Microsporogensis in Cucurbita maxima, Edward F. Castetter
Microstructure of Plant Films, H. L. Maxwell
Migration: Major social, economic force in Americas for years to come
Milesian Web, Robert Washut
Milford Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Milk as the Sole Diet of Ruminants, A. C. McCandlish
Millnerville Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 1
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 2
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 3
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 4
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 5
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 6
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 7
Mills & Co. map Iowa 1873 sheet 8
Milonga Loca, Astor Piazolla
Milo Quadrangle by USGS 1910 side 1
Milo Quadrangle by USGS 1910 side 2
Milton Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Mindset theory among education professors in a Midwestern private college, David D. Fox
Mineola Quadrangle by USGS 1956
Mineral Analysis of Steffen's Waste from the Manufacture of Beet Sugar, Edward Bartow and H. M. Benninghoff
Mineral resources of Iowa 1947 by H. Garland Hershey
Minimum Durations of the Glacial and Interglacial Ages in the Pleistocene of Iowa, George F. Kay
Minimum Light Intensities Required for Reading, William Kunerth
Misconceptions of HR: An analysis of post-millennials' thoughts before entering the workforce, Sarah Paukert
Mississippian Rocks of Central Iowa, H. Foster Bain
Missouri Valley NW Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Missouri Valley Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Miss Representation curriculum
Mites Affecting the Poison Oak, H. E. Ewing
Moanin', Charles Mingus
Mobility determination of polyanions using Capillary Electrophoresis, Jill Miller and Justin Peters
Modale Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Modeling and Optimized Scheduling of Virtual Power Plant using Particle Swarm Optimization, Hamid Tahery
Modern Genocide: The Kosovo Refugee Crisis 1998-2004, Jacob Bartlett
Moldau (Vltava), Bedrich Smetana
Molding Sand in Eastern Iowa, John E. Smith
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cytoskeletal Actin Networks, Nathan Schmidt and Ali Tabei
Molecular Space Array in X-Ray Diffractioin Halos in a Liquid: The Case of Liquid Normal Primary Alcohols: The Cybotatic State, G. W. Stewart and Roger M. Morrow
Molecular Structure of Benzene, Cyclohexane and Their Derivatives - A Study in X-Ray Diffraction, G. W. Stewart
Mona Van Duyn as Poet Laureate
Mona Van Duyn named Poet Laureate, Northern Iowa Today, July 1992
Mona Van Duyn photo by Thomas Victor
Mona Van Duyn speaking in 1991
Mondamin Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Monobromoamine with Organomagnesium Halides, Geroge H. Coleman and Charles B. Yager
Monochloroamine with Grignard Reagents, G. H. Coleman and C. R. Houser
Monroe Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Montpelier Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Moon River, Butch Nordal
Moorland Quadrangle by USGS 1965
More charges are filed against Agriprocessors
More Light on the Origin of the Missouri River Loess, J. E. Todd
Morning message : bringing interactive writing to life in a kindergarten classroom, Kay M. Hoffman
Morphological and morphometric analysis of Nekemias arborea and Ampelopsis aconitifolia (Vitaceae), Sally Rose Gray
Morphological Studies on the Injury to Apple Caused by Ceresa bubalis, J. C. Goodwing and F. A. Fenton
Mosaic Zinc Crystals, E. P. T. Tyndall and H. K. Schilling
Mother Had Said, Danielle Dunagan
Motility in Newborn Infants, Orvis C. Irwin
Motion of K+ Ions in Mercury Vapor, Carl Frische
Motivating students with digital portfolios, Rochelle Christine Duwa
Motivation for leisure reading : a model Camp Adventure curriculum, Nicole Beth Geopfert
Motivation to call police: The exploration of racial and risk averse motivation, Alivia Lauren Zubrod
Mounds and Mound Explorations in Northeastern Iowa, Ellison Orr
Mount Sterling Quadrangle by USGS 1968
Mount Zion NW topographical map 1978
Moville Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Moving towards a language arts program extended across the curriculum, Amy M. Kortemeyer
Mt. Vernon Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Multiage classrooms : setting up a quality program, Jan Lindeman
Multiage education, Wendy Edwards
Mumbles, Clark Terry
Municipal Hygiene - Part I, C. O. Bates
Municipal Hygiene - Part II - Milk, C. O. Bates
Muscatine NW Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Muscatine Quadrangle by USGS 1948
Muscatine Quadrangle by USGS 1953.
Muscular Fixation in Voice Production of the Stutterer under Emotion, Lee Edward Travis
Music and the brain, Kimberly D. Madison
Mutual Induction and the Internal Resistance of a Voltaic Cell, L. Begeman
MVP Model, Konul Karimova
My Discovery of Transnational Feminism: The Urge for Inclusion, Alia Afzal
My Experience in Rearing Vanessa antiopa, F. M. Witter
My Funny Valentine, Bob Eberhart
My Objection to Being Stepped On
My One and Only Love, Robert Mellin and Guy Wood
My philosophy of educational leadership, Jody L. Fink
Mystic Quadrangle by USGS 1942, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Mystic Quadrangle by USGS 1966, Geological Survey (U.S.)
My vision and beliefs to effectively lead a middle school : a reflective research paper, Philip L. Laube
My vision for administering elementary schools : a reflective essay, Angela J. Fowler
My vision for becoming a secondary level educational administrator : a reflective essay, Camelle C. Kinney
Names of Coals West of the Mississippi River, Charles R. Keyes
Naming of Burlington Limestone, Charles Keyes
Nardis, Miles Davis
Nasal Resonance in Speech Sounds, Joseph P. Kelly
Native Crab Apples and Their Cultivated Varieties, John Craig and H. Harold Hume
Native Dye-Plants and Tan-Plants of Iowa, with Notes on a Few Other Species, Harriette S. Kellogg
Native Grass Cover Influences Forb Density in CP-42 Pollinator Plantings, Alyssa Burgert and Laura Jackson
Native trees in an urban area: A case study of the Waterloo metropolitan area Black Hawk County, Iowa, Alice Christine Robbins
Natural Gas and Oil in Iowa, Charles Rollin Keyes
Natural Gas in the Drift of Iowa, A. G. Leonard
Nature and its application with students who have special needs, Nicholas J. Hoeger
Nature's Legacy photo by Molly Wade
Nauvoo Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Navigating a Tangled Intersection: Agricultural Communication as Public Meeting Space among the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Digital, Adrienne Lamberti
Navigating the Financial Aid Process, Jennifer Sullivan and Kristin Peiffer
NCC officials thought grounds for Homeland Security training
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of African Tribal Masks, Jordan Smith, Huzaifa Shah, and Kaitlyn Parrott
Near wrist pinning combination by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
Nebraska City Quadrangle by USGS 1907
Nebraska City Quadrangle by USGS 1966
Necrology: Arthur A. Crozier; Robert Combs; Carl Edward Schlabach, L. H. Pammel
Necrology: Charles Aldrich, L. H. Pammel, H. E. Summers, and L. S. Ross
Necrology: Finley M. Witter, B Shimek and L. H. Pammel
Necrology: William Miller Beardshear, L. H. Pammel
Necrology: W. N. Craven; Wilbert Eugene Harriman, John L. Tilton, L. H. Pammel, A. C. Page, and G. F. Kay
Negative Halo Effects in Ratings of ADHD and Conduct Problems, Helena Alacha
NE Iowa Synod Bishop Steven Ullestad, Rabbi Morris Allen, Dubuque Archbishop Jerome Hanus, Julie Berg-Raymond
Nematocysts, C. C. Nutting
Nervous Tic, Todd Munnik
Nest Boxes for Woodpeckers, Frank C. Pellett
Nest-Digging and Egg-Laying Habits of Bell's turtle, Frank A. Stromsten
Nether Delimitation of Our Carbonic Rocks, Charles Keyes
Networked learning in an educational environment, Garey Gill
Neuvo amanecer: Weaving a new beginning?, Jennifer Cooley
New Charts for the Radioactive Series, C. J. Lapp
New Data on the Upper Devonian of Iowa, S. W. Stookey
New Derivatives of Vanillin, G. Carroll Hilman and O. H. Alderks
New Developments in the Tonoscope: Measurements on Correct Intonation in Singing, H. M. Williams
New Halogenated Derivatives of Vanillin, L. Chas. Raiford and W. C. Stoesser
New Iowans Youth Leadership Conference, Yasemin Sari and Cara Lea Burnidge
New Light on the Drift in South Dakota, J. E. Todd
New Measurements in the Process of Reading, E. O. Finkenbinder
New Method of Cohesion of Water and Adhesion of Mercury Apparatus, Edwin Morrison
New Method of Precise Geological Correlation, Charles Keyes
New or Little Known Plants, T. J. Fitzpatrick
New Sculpture Dedicated to Fallen Soldiers, Northern Iowa Today, Winter 2010, Beth Bruns
New sectional map of Iowa part 1
New sectional map of Iowa part 2
Newspaper article recognizes ESL student ceremony
News press 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
News press 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
News press 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Newton Quadrangle by USGS 1965
New Vibrations within a Conical Horn, Victor A. Hoersch
New York by NY State Historical Ass'n. 1940 side 1
New York by NY State Historical Ass'n. 1940 side 2
Nicole Bishop, University of Northern Iowa
Night in Tunisia, Dizzy Gillespie
Night on Bald Mountain (original version), Modest Mussorgsky
Nine forum meetings left, The College Eye, January 23, 1942
Nitrate Assimilation by Soil Bacteria, F. B. Smith and Dorothy Schlots
Nitrogen and Other Compounds in Rain and Snow, Jacob E. Trieschmann and Nicholas Knight
Nitrogen Compounds of the Soil, D. B. Bisbee
Nitrogen in Rain and Snow, Nicholas Knight
Nitrogen in Rain and Snow: Second Paper, Nicholas Knight
Nitrogen Trichloride and Grignard Reagents, George H. Coleman and Marion A. Buchanan
Nitrogen Trichloride with Benzalacetophenone, G. H. Coleman and David Craig
NLA Service Learning Project: YMCA Healthy Kid's Day, Kyle Skoumal and Alex Lenarts
NMDA: Review and clinical implications for potential cognitive deficits, Madison A. Miller
Nobel winner listens to testimony of workers rounded up in Iowa raid
No Child Left Behind Act : implications and strategies for middle school science teaching, Kimberly A. Holmes
Nodal Distances in Acoustics, G. W. Stewart
No Longer Newsworthy: How the Mainstream Media Abandoned the Working Class, Christopher R. Martin
Nomenclature and Classification of Geologic Formations with Special Reference to the Cretaceous of Iowa, A. C. Tester
No Mulligans Allowed, Gayle Pohl
Nora Springs Quadrangle by USGS 1959, Geological Survey (U.S.)
North American Cycads, Thomas H. MacBride
Northeast Iowa Medical Foundation Clinical Study of Type Two Diabetes, Thomas Blake
Northward Extension of the Lake Valley Limestone, Charles R. Keyes
Norwegian Wood, Bill Holman and Bob Eberhart
Notable Mound Groups in and near the Proposed Government Park at McGregor, Iowa, Ellison Orr
Note on a New Species of Phloeothrips, with Description, Herbert Osborn
Note on Probable Life History of Crepidodera (Epitrix) cucumeris, Ham., F. A. Sirrine
Note on the Hydrolysis of Nitrobenzene, H. F. Lewis and G. W. Thiessen
Note on the Nature of Cone-in-Cone, Charles R. Keyes
Note on the Origin and Objects of the Academy
Note on the Theory of the Optimum Angle of a Conical Horn, G. W. Stewart
Note on the Tungsten X-Ray Spectrum (L-Series), O. B. Overn
Notes Concerning Iowa Lichens, Bruce Fink
Notes for the Stalled, v12n1, August 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v12n2, September 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v12n3, October 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v12n4, November 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v12n5, December 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes from the Botanical Laboratory of Iowa Agricultural College, L. H. Pammel
Notes in Regard to Efficiencies of Luminous Flames, G. W. Stewart
Notes of Melilotus alba, White Sweet Clover, Walter E. Rogers
Notes of Oxygen Consumption in Turtles Chrysmus marginata belli and Chelydra serpentina Linn, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Notes of Some Introduced Plants of Iowa, L. H. Pammel
Notes of the Food of the Black Crowned Night Heron in Captivity, B. H. Bailey
Notes on a Collection of Mammals from Northwestern Iowa, Alexander G. Ruthven and Norman A. Wood
Notes on a Decapod Crustacean from the Kinderhook Shale at Burlington, Otto Walter
Notes on a Fossil Tree-Fern of Iowa, Clifford H. Farr
Notes on a Fossil Wood from the Keokuk Limestone, Keokuk, Iowa, C. H. Gordon
Notes on American Cladonias, Bruce Fink
Notes on an Introduced Woodland Flora, R. I. Cratty
Notes on Aphididae, Herbert Osborn and F. A. Sirrine
Notes on Aquatic Plants from Northern Iowa, B. Shimek
Notes on a Thermophilic Bacillus, R. Earle Buchanan
Notes on Audio Methods of Determining Null Points in Chemical Tests, Edwin Kurtz
Notes on Certain Elastic Peculiarities of Phosphor Bronze Wires, L. P. Sieg and A. J. Oehler
Notes on Coccidae Occurring in Iowa, Herbert Osborn
Notes on Conditions at the Head of Flood Plains, John L. Tilton
Notes on Factors in Fungus Diseases of Plants, with Records of Occurrences of Plant Diseases at Ames for a Period of Twenty Five Years, L. H. Pammel and Charlotte M. King
Notes on Forest Distribution in Iowa, T. H. MacBride
Notes on Fungi — 1928, G. W. Martin
Notes on Heteranthera dubia, Robert B. Wylie
Notes on Introduced Plants, Robert B. Wylie
Notes on Iowa Fungi - 1924, G. W. Martin
Notes on Iowa Fungi - 1925, G. W. Martin
Notes on Iowa Fungi - 1926, G. W. Martin
Notes on Iowa Fungi — 1927, G. W. Martin
Notes on Iowa Grasses, Robert P. Adams
Notes on Iowa Mosses. I, Lucy M. Cavanagh
Notes On Iowa Mosses II, Lucy M. Cavanagh
Notes on Iowa Mosses. IV, Lucy M. Cavanagh
Notes on Iowa Mosses. V., Lucy M. Cavanagh
Notes on Iowa Pentatomoidea, Dayton Stoner
Notes on Iowa Saprophytes, Thomas H. MacBride
Notes on Methods for the Study of Amphibian Eggs and Larvae, Albert Kuntz
Notes on Missouri Minerals, Erasmus Haworth
Notes on Peronosporales for 1907, Guy West Wilson
Notes on Some Iowa Cladonias, Alfred R. Stanley
Notes on Some Iowa Reptiles, M. P. Somes
Notes on Some Iowa Rodents, Dayton Stoner
Notes on Some Mammalian Remains Reported in Iowa During the Past Year, A. O. Thomas
Notes on Some North American Conifers Based on Leaf Characters, L. W. Durrell
Notes on Some of the Rarer Birds of the Ames Region, H. E. Ewing
Notes on Some Paleozoic Echinoderms, A. O. Thomas
Notes on Some Pileate Hydnaceae from Iowa, Guy West Wilson
Notes on Some Plants of the Arapahoe National Forest and Rocky Mountain National Park, L. H. Pammel and R. I. Cratty
Notes on Some Shells, Ferns, Etc. - Collected in Deacatur County, Iowa and Lyon County, Kansas, in the Summer of 1886, F. M. Witter
Notes on the Acocephalina (Homoptera Jassidae), E. D. Ball
Notes on the Algae of Iowa, Robert Earle Buchanan
Notes on the Bacterial Flora of the Snake, Roger Patrick and C. H. Werkman
Notes on the Bacteriological Analysis of Water, L. H. Pammel
Notes on the Biology of the Leafhopper Eutettix strobi Fitch, F. A. Fenton
Notes on the Birds of South Dakota, with a Preliminary List for Union County, T. C. Stephens
Notes on the Branches of the Aorta (Arcus Aortae) and the Subclavian Artery of the Rabbit, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Notes on the Carboniferous Faunas of Mississippi Valley in the Rocky Mountain Region, Charles R. Keyes
Notes on the Cercopidae with Descriptions of Some New Species, E. D. Ball
Notes on the Construction of Selenium Bridges, E. O. Dieterich
Notes on the Differential Viability in Gambusia, S. W. Geiser
Notes on the Discomycete Flora of Iowa, Fred Jay Seaver
Notes on the Distribution of Hemiptera, Herbert Osborn
Notes on the Distribution of Midsummer Bee Plants in the Mississippi Zone of Clayton County, Ada Hayden
Notes on the Distribution of the Prairie Spotted Skunk in Iowa, B. H. Bailey
Notes on the Early Development of Astragalus caryocarpus, F. W. Faurot
Notes on the Ecology of Iowa Lichens, Zoe R. Frazier
Notes on the Flora, Especially the Forest Flora, of the Bitter Root Mountains, L. H. Pammel
Notes on the Flora of Johnson County, Iowa, M. P. Somes
Notes on the Flora of Northeastern Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick
Notes on the Flora of Sitka, Alaska, Jacob Peter Anderson
Notes on the Flora of Texas, L. H. Pammel
Notes on the Flora of Western Iowa, L. H. Pammel
Notes on the Flora of Yosemite and Adjacent Regions, L. H. Pammel
Notes on the Floristic Features of a Prairie Province in Central Iowa, Ada Hayden
Notes on the Food of the Yellow Perch in Cayuga Lake, W. A. Hoffman
Notes on the Fungous Flora of Iowa Soils, E. V. Abbott
Notes on the Genus Catharinaea in Iowa, Lucy M. Cavanagh
Notes on the Geology of Jackson County, Iowa, H. S. Ladd and Maquoketa Shale
Notes on the Geology of Northwestern Iowa, J. E. Todd
Notes on the Geology of the Boston Basin, J. L. Tilton
Notes on the Gross Anatomy of Campeloma, R. Ellsworth Call
Notes on the Hemiptera of Northwestern Iowa, Herbert Osborn
Notes on the Histological Structure and Specific Gravity of the Seeds of Pyrus, L. H. Pammel and Luella Robb
Notes on the Internal Morphology of Eucrangonyx mucronatus, L. S. Ross
Notes on the Lower Strata of the Devonian Series in Iowa, William Harmon Norton
Notes on the Mammals Observed in Marshall County, Iowa, Ira N. Gabrielson
Notes on the Native Forest Trees of Eastern Arkansas, R. Ellsworth Call
Notes on the Nebraskan Drift of the Little Sioux Valley in Cherokee County, J. Ernest Carman
Notes on the Occurrence of a Black Bituminous Shale near Palo, Linn County, Iowa, Glenn S. Dille
Notes on the Occurrence of Oolitic Limestone in the Otis Beds of the Devonian, Kenwood, Iowa, Glenn S. Dille
Notes on the Occurrence of Warts on Cottontail Rabbits, J. E. Guthrie
Notes on the Orthopterous Fauna of Iowa, E. D. Ball
Notes on the Oyster-Shell Scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi, Linn, R. L. Webster
Notes on the Physiography of Southwestern North Dakota, Philip B. King
Notes on the Pollination of Cucurbits, L. H. Pammel
Notes on the Pollination of Some Liliaceae and a Few Other Plants, Mary C. Rolfs
Notes on the Position of the Individuals in a Group of Nileus vigilans Found at Elgin, Iowa, G. E. Finch
Notes on the Production and Some Electrical Properties of Tellurium Crystals, W. E. Tisdale
Notes on the Progress of the Physiographic Evolution of Lake Cooper, Ben H. Wilson
Notes on the Redrock Sandstone, Charles R. Keyes
Notes on the Reversal of the Sodium Line, L. B. Spinney
Notes on the Sporulation Time, Prepatent Period, Patent Period, and Size of Oocycts in Infections with Isospora lacazei Labbe, Phoebe R. Hall
Notes on the Time of Sexual Maturity in Certain Unios, H. M. Kelly
Notes on the Weeds of California, L. H. Pammel
Notes on Two Strawberry Slugs, Empria fragarae Rohwer, Empria maculata Norton, R. L. Webster
Notes on Variation in Micranthes texana, L. A. Kenoyer
Notes on Vertebrates of Iowa Prairies, Geroge O. Hendrickson
Noteworthy Iowa Fungi, Guy West Wilson
Notice of Arrow Points from the Loess in the City of Muscatine, F. M. Witter
Notice of a Stone Impement from Mercer County, Illinois and One from Louisa County, Iowa, F. M. Witter
Novel Data Analysis Methods in Multi-Channel and Multi-State Binding Experiments, Joseph Tibbs, Elizabeth Boehm, Wayne Bowie, Todd Washington, Maria Spies, and Ali Tabei
November 1948 alumni dinner with Frank Hill
Now He Sings, Now He Sobs, Chick Corea
Nuclear Condensations of Furan, Henry Gilman, B. L. Wooley, and R. J. Vanderwal
Nucleations According to Barus, L. Begeman
Nutritive Value of Powered Milk Together with Observations for a New Vitamin for Reproduction, L. T. Anderegg and V. E. Nelson
Nystrom international trade desk map wheat 1924
Oakland Quadrangle by USGS 1963
Oakville Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Objective Study of Speed and Accuracy in Typing, Luton Ackerson
Observation on the Habits of a Tarantula in Captivity, Albert Hartzell
Observations in the Vicinity of Wall Lake, Frank A. Wilder
Observations of Plant Diseases in Iowa from 1924-1926, Joseph C. Gilman and D. R. Porter
Observations of Some Biological Activities in Manure Composts, Alfred J. Englehorn
Observations of the Cicadidae of Iowa, Herbert Osborn
Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1918, at Matheson, Colorado, D. W. Morehouse
Observations on a Hen Possessing some Structural Doubling and Limited Cock Characters, R. G. Schott and V. Curtis
Observations on Sphenodon punctatum in Captivity, Wendell Krull
Observations on the Cranial Nerves of Certain Ganoids, H. W. Norris
Observations on the Geology of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, F. M. Witter
Observations on the Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus, C. H. Gordon
Observations on the Nutritive Value of Skimmed Milk Powder, L. T. Anderegg
Observations on the Pollination of Some of the Compositae, Mary Alice Nichols
Observations on the Protozoa - with Descriptions and Drawings of Some Probable New Species, Clementina S. Spencer
Observations on the Staining of Bacterial Flagella, E. J. Petry
Observing Black Hawk County Eviction Court, Scott Peters
Occurrence in Iowa of Fossiliferous Concretions Similar to Those of Mazon Creek, Arthur C. Spencer
Occurrence of Megalomus canadensis, Hall, in the LeClaire at Port Byron, Illinois, William Harmon Norton
Occurrence of the Various Groups of Legume Bacteria in Iowa Soils, Lewis W. Erdman and Rudger H. Walker
Occurrence of Zinc in Northeastern Iowa, A. G. Leonard
Ocean current map of the world by Cram 1947
Ocean Underwater Scene Dioramas of First Graders with Submarine Porthole Views, Ksenia Zhbanova, Audrey C. Rule, and Denise A. Tallakson
Ocheyedan Mound, Osceola County, Iowa, George F. Kay
Oclupaca, Duke Ellington
Oct. 1981 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
Odebolt West topographical map 1978
Odonata (Dragon-Flies and Damsel-Flies) of Henry County, Charles Hoffman
Odonata of Iowa, Lloyd Wells.
Of Courage and Spirit, Robert Washut
Officers and Fellows of the Academy
Officers and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers and Past Presidents, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers and Past Presidents, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers and Past Presidents, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers and Past Presidents, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Science
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Officers, Past Presidents, and Members, Iowa Academy of Sciences
Official AAA road map of Iowa 1936 side 1
Official AAA road map of Iowa 1936 side 2
Official Conoco road map of Iowa 1936 side 1
Official Conoco road map of Iowa 1936 side 2
Official Hearne Bros. polyconic projection map of greater Cedar Rapids 1947 side 1
Official Hearne Bros. polyconic projection map of greater Cedar Rapids 1947 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1950 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1950 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1953 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1953 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1955 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1955 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1956 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1956 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1957 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1957 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1970 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1970 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1971 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1971 side 2
Official highway map of Iowa 1975 side 1
Official highway map of Iowa 1975 side 2
Official map of Black Hawk County by American Lithographing 1934, American Lithographing and Printing Company
Official map of Kossuth County Iowa
Official map of Polk County 1955
Official map of Tama County by American Lithographing
Official map primary road system 1925
Official map primary road system 1926
Official map primary road system 1930 side 1
Official map primary road system 1930 side 2
Official map primary road system 1932 side 1
Official map primary road system 1932 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1933 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1933 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1934 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1934 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1935 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1935 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1937 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1937 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1938 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1938 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1941 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1941 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1942 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1942 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1944 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1944 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1945 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1945 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1946 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1946 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1947 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1947 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1949 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1949 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1953 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1953 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1958 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1958 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1959 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1959 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1960 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1960 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1961 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1961 side 2
Official road map of Iowa 1963 side 1
Official road map of Iowa 1963 side 2
Officials from Harkin's office visit with displaced workers
Official state map of Iowa 1873 side 1
Official state map of Iowa 1873 side 2
Oil Structures in Iowa, Charles Keyes
Ojos de Rojo, Cedar Walton
Okoboji Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Olanzapine vs. conventional and other atypical antipsychotics in response and side effects for the treatment of schizophrenia, Jade A. Knutson
Omaha North Quadrangle by USGS 1975
Omaha South Quadrangle by USGS 1975
Omaha & Vicinity Quadrangle by USGS 1898
On an Abnormal Hyoid Bone in the Human Subject, R. Ellsworth Call
On a New Astatic Galvanometer with a Single Spiral Needle, Launcelot W. Andrews
On a New Fossil Limnaeid from the Post-Pleiocene of California, R. Ellsworth Call
On a Quaternary Section Eight Miles South-East of Des Moines, Iowa, Charles R. Keyes and R. Ellsworth Call
On a Supposed Fruit or Nut from the Tertiary of Alaska, A. O. Thomas
On Atmospheric Electricity, C. S. Dorchester and L. W. Butler
On Certain Elastic Properties of Drawn Tungsten Wires, L. P. Sieg
On Certain Points in the Anatomy of Siren lacertina, H. W. Norris
One Foot in the Gutter, Clark Terry and Dan Haerle
One Million Volumes and Counting, Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
One year anniversary vigil flyer from St. Bridget's catholic church front
On Finding the Equation of the Characteristic Blackening Curve for a Photographic Plate, P. S. Helmick
Online counseling : risks, benefits, and future development, Lindsey J. Kenison-Severson
On Some Carboniferous Fossils from Jackson County, Iowa, Herbert Osborn
On Super-Regeneration, E. O. Hulburt
On the Absence of Ferns between Fort Collins and Meeker Colorado, F. M. Witter
On the Assumption of a Special "Nascent State", Launcelot Andrews
On the Coefficient of Absorption of Photoelectrons in Silver and Platinum, Otto Stuhlman Jr.
On the Conductivity of Cod Liver Oil, L. W. Butler
On the Distribution of Certain Hemiptera, Herbert Osborn
On the Dynamics of a Spherically Symmetric Molecule, J. V. Atanasoff
On the Existence of a Minimum Volume in Solution, LeRoy D. Weld
On the field at Latham Stadium
On the Folding of Carboniferous Strata in Southwestern Iowa, J. E. Todd
On the Function of the Paddle of the Paddlefish, H. W. Norris
On the Geology of Eastern Arkansas, R. Ellsworth Call
On the Inheritance of Resistance to Fowl Typhoid in Chickens, W. V. Lambert and C. W. Knox
On the Keokuk Beds and Their Contained Fossils in the Vicinity of Keokuk, Iowa, C. H. Gordon
On the Lymphatic System of the Common Rat, Thesle T. Job.
On the Metamorphosis of a Species of Aleyrodes, Herbert Osborn
On the Occurence of Precious Stones in the Drift, Garrett A. Muilenburg
On the Occurrence of Rhizopods in the Pella Beds in Iowa, J. A. Udden
On the Occurrence of the White Ant (Termes flavipes) in Iowa, Herbert Osborn
On the Orthopterous Fauna of Iowa, Herbert Osborn
On the Piezoelectric Properties of Tourmaline, Morris Underwood
On the Recovery of the Elastic Properties of a Platinum Iridium Wire, L. P. Sieg
On the Structure and Probable Affinities of Cerionites dactylioides Owen, S. Calvin
On the Summation Σx^n, John F. Reilly
On the Temperature of the Bank Swallow, Dayton Stoner
On the Wax Glands of the Pemphiginae, Herbert Osborn
Opinions Concerning the Age of the Sioux Quartzite, Charles Rollin Keyes
Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder : different names for the same condition?, Daryl L. Hawkins
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in children and adolescents, Maria J. Garlie
Optical Constants of Bismuth Crystals in the Ultra-Violet, Florence E. Dix
Optical Constants of Molybdenite in the Ultra-Violet, A. W. Meyer
Optical Constants of Single Crystal Bismuth, L. H. Rowse
Optimum time to teach beginning reading, Lisa A. Ludwig
Opus de Funk, Horace Silver
Oral argument in Flores-Figueroa v. United States
Oral Glutamine Supplement Reduces Subjective Fatigue Ratings during Repeated Bouts of Firefighting Simulations, Mary Moore, Terence A. Moriarty, Gavin Connolly, Christine Mermier, Fabiano Amorim, Kevin Miller, and Micah Zuhl
Oral statement of Camayd-Freixas
Orange City Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Organic Matter and the Life of the Green Plant, Norman Ashwell Clark
Organo-Lead Compounds in the Treatment of Cancer, Henry Gilman and Jack Robinson
Organomagnesium Compounds Containing Solubilizing Amino Groups, Henry Gilman, Stanton A. Harris, and Chuan Liu
Origin and Significance of Sex, C. C. Nutting
Origin & destination through traffic Cedar Falls 1937
Origin of Limestone Conglomerates, Louise Fillman
Origin of Species Eucrangonyx mucronatus, L. S. Ross
Origin of the Pebble Band on Iowan Till, George F. Kay
Origin of the Present Drainage System of Warren County, J. L. Tilton
Orion Risk, University of Northern Iowa
Orotaxial Geologic Correlation and Diastrophism, Charles R. Keyes
Ottumwa North NE topographical map 1978
Ottumwa North Quadrangle by USGS 1956
Ottumwa South Quadrangle by USGS 1956
Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
Our Native Plants, L. H. Pammel
Our Pre-Cambrian Rocks, Charles Keyes
Outcomes of an intensive exercise-based swallowing program for persons with Parkinson's disease: A single-case experiment, Jocelyn Jenks
Outcrop of Cretaceous Sandstone in Cherokee County, E. J. Cable
Outdoor kindergarten playground
Outdoor meet by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
Out of Mind, Out of Sight: How Do Counselor Education Programs Train Students in Assessing Foreseeable Harm to Others?, Steven Dreesman and Kelvin Mackey
Out-of-plane electron transport in finite layer MoS2, R Holzapfel, Jake Weber, Pavel Lukashev, and Andrew Stollenwerk
Outside of St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
Outside Russell and Baker Halls
Outstanding students win special awards, The College Eye, June 3, 1942
Overview of attachment disorder and effective treatments for children, Kathryn H. Hedican
Overview on EMBARC (Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center), Wubite Bogale
Oviposition of Anomalon Sp., C. P. Gillette
Oxygen Absorption and Carbon Dioxide Production in Soils, F. B. Smith and P. E. Brown
Oxygen Consumption at 20° in Certain Snakes Pituophis sayi and Lampropeltis getulus Holbrooki with Some Notes on Size and Seasonal Difference, Francis M. Baldwin
Pacific Junction Quadrangle by USGS 1969
Packwood NW topographical map 1978
Pageant Program, The Spirit of 50 Years
Paired Ovules of Vallisneria, Robert B. Wylie
Palauans facing many challenges after 'American dream' becomes nightmare
Panama Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Panelists discuss how news media look at poverty issues
Panther all-star gives back, The Northern Iowan, January 23, 2007
Panther gridders are 4-time champs, The Northern Iowa Today, January 1, 1994
Panther Press, Fall 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Military Science.
Panther standouts to test professional ranks, The Northern Iowa Today, July 1, 1994
#panthersvote, Justin Holmes, Brenna Wolfe, and Matt Johnson
Panther with artist Rob Lorenson September 1990
Parade scheduled tomorrow morning, The Northern Iowan, October 24, 1969
Parental and community involvement in reading education, Rhonda S. Johnstone
Parental involvement in child's education : Does it help? How can we make it better?, Keith Galloway
Parent-child interaction : how it impacts language and literacy skills, Angie Thurman
Parenting styles in society today, Julie Hammond
Parent perspectives on inclusive bookclubs, Amy Bucciferro
Parents and schools : making the literacy connection, Patricia A. Greguras
Parents join the club : inviting parents and children to participate in a family book club, Kimberly Gansen
Parkersburg NE topographical map 1977, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Parkersburg NW topographical map 1977, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Parkersburg SE topographical map 1976, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Parkersburg SW topographical map 1976, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Park Sites along Des Moines Valley, James H. Lees
Paroxymetamethylacetophenone and Some of Its Derivatives, J. G. Goodwin
Parry's Catalog of Iowa Plants of 1848, Winifred Ellsworth
Partly Dancing, Partly Dreaming, Ed Sarath
Paschen-Back Effect of Hyperfine Structure and Polarization of Resonance Radiation: Cadmium (61P1-51S1), N. P. Heydenburg
Paschen-Back Effect of Hyperfine Structure and Polarization of Resonance Radiation: Sodium, N. P. Heydenburg
Pastor David Vasquez 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez, Bishop Steven Ullestad, marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor David Vasquez, marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor Mike Blair, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pastor Steve Brackett, Aaron Goldsmith, Chad Wahls, Sister Mary McCauley, Maryn Olson, Julie Berg-Raymond
Paullina Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Pavane Pour une Infante Defunte, Maurice Ravel
Paycheck record for detained workers
Pearl Bearing Unios, F. M. Witter
Peculiar, John Scofield
Pedagogical contraband: A phenomenological approach to understanding student engagement during simulations, Stephen Austin Henderson
Pedro's letter to President Obama
Peer relations of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Joan Elizabeth Licari
Peggy's Garden (They're Growing), Bob Cook
Pellaea atropurpurea, Link., on Sandstone Ledges in Muscatine County, Iowa, F. Reppert
Peltier Effect in Single Crystals of Bismuth, H. D. Fagan
Pennsylvanian as a Periodic Title for Iowa Coal Measures, Charles Keyes
People at interfaith prayer service, rally urge justice for migrants
Peosta Quadrangle by USGS 1901 side 1
Peosta Quadrangle by USGS 1901 side 2
Peosta Quadrangle by USGS 1966
Perception of preservice teachers on the implementation of multicultural education, Winnie Esther Akinyi
Perceptions of Microaggressions and Consequences Differ by Political Orientation, Christina Fortuna, Jordan Newburg, and Bre Kirpes
Perennial Mycelium of Parasitic Fungi, L. H. Pammel
Perennial Sow Thistle (Sonchus arvensis L.) in iowa, Ada Hayden
Perfect Flowers of Salix amygdaloides Ands., B. Shimek
Performance improvement or training : what is the difference?, Travis Kramer
Periodical Literature in Iowa on the Subject of Chemistry, W. S. Hendrixson
Periodical Literature in Iowa on the Subject of Chemistry, W. S. Hendrixson
Permian Rocks of Eastern Russia, Charles R. Keyes
Pernicious Anemia: A Study in Psychodietetics, M. F. Fritz
Perry-o Sliwa with girls, Julie Berg-Raymond
Persia Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Personal account from Sister Mary McCauley
Personal Attitudes of Delinquent Boys in Iowa, J. L. Reusser
Personal growth groups for therapists, Vicky A. Knapp
Personal professional vision for administrative practice : a reflective essay, Lisa Lueken
Personal "Tempo" or Rhythm, Alvhh R. Lauer
PETA files complaint with U.S. Department of Agriculture
Pettit award to be given, The Northern Iowan, January 22, 1985
Pettit will return to UNI to teach two seminars, The College Eye, February 6, 1987
Pettit wins discussion trophy at Wisconsin speech tourney, The College Eye, February 27, 1953
Phaenological Notes, L. H. Pammel
Phaenological Notes for 1892, L. H. Pammel
Pharyngeal Derivates of Amblystoma, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Phenomena in Gases Excited by Radio Frequency Currents, E. O. Hulburt
Phenomena of Cathode Sputtering, K. V. Manning
Philippine food booth August 24, 2003
Philosophical perspective on education, Michael Doyle
Phonemic awareness in the kindergarten classroom, Shelly Jelinek
Phonics or whole language : choosing the most effective approach to teach reading, Alisha Sue Jobe
Phosphorescence in a Photoelectric Cell of Fused Quartz, George V. Emery
Photochemical Distribution on the Retina as Shown by the Perimeter, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Photographic Accessories of the Drake Observatory, D. W. Morehouse
Photometric Measurements of the Reflection Factor of Cotton and Linen Household Materials, Earl C. McCracken
Photomograph, L. B. Spinney
Photosynthesis in Corn, W. E. Loomis and K. H. Burnett
Phylogeny of the Araceae, James Ellis Gow
Physical Features of the Hawaiian Islands, Chester K. Wentworth
Physical Properties of Some Vegetables, Earl C. McCracken
Physical Theories of Gravitation, T. Proctor Hall
Physiographic Significance of the Mesa de Maya, Charles R. Keyes
Physiological Behavior of the Propionic Acid Group of Bacteria, Sara E. Kendall and C. H. Werkman
Pianitis, Chico O'Farrill
Piano Concerto in E-flat, K. 482: Allegro, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26: Andante allegro, Sergei Prokofiev
Picnic, Hearst Farm, June 12, 1927, group photo front
Picnic, Hearst Farm, June 12, 1927, group photo reverse
Picnic, Hearst Farm, June 12, 1927, notes page 1
Picnic, Hearst Farm, June 12, 1927, notes page 2
Pietro Antonio Locatelli: The Baroque Virtuoso, Bethany Washington
Piezoelectric Measurements of Crystals with a High Sensitivity Lever, George Fink
Pink flower represents the detained minors, Julie Berg-Raymond
Pioneer Plants on a New Levee, Frank E. A. Thone
Pioneer Plants on a New Levee - II, Frank E. A. Thone
Pioneer Plants on a New Levee. III., Frank E. A. Thone
Pioneer Plants on a New Levee - IV, Frank E. A. Thone
Pitching at Riverfront Stadium
Pitch Perception in Voice Patterns, Milton F. Metfessel
Plan cap'n gown senior breakfast, The College Eye, May 22, 1942
Plan for Reorganization of Secondary School Physics Material, Russel D. Miller
Plano Quadrangle by USGS 1966, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Plant Lice Infesting Grass Roots, Herbert Osborn and F. A. Sirrine
Plants and the Surface Film of Water, Robert B. Wylie
Plants New to the Flora of Decatur County, Iowa, J. P. Anderson
Plants of Iowa: A Preliminary List of the Native and Introduced Plants of the State, Not under Cultivation, Wesley Greene
Plants of Southeastern Alaska, J. P. Anderson
Plant Studies in Lyon County, Iowa, D. H. Boot
Platinum-Cadmium Alloys, K. W. Ray
Plattsmouth Quadrangle by USGS 1956
Play Element and Dynamics of Interaction in an Adult Second Language Classroom, Marine Pepanyan
Players Mike Filer and Jim Luhring
Playground Safety: Relationships between Surface Impact Attenuation, Fall Height & Depth of Loose-fill Surfacing Material, Heather Olsen
Playing in front of the power plant
Play therapy, Melissa A. Hardman
Play therapy with adults, Lisa E. Heiden
Play therapy with victims of child abuse, Annie E. Jessen
Play Together. Play Smart. Play S.A.F.E.: A Website, Karlene Izer, Anna Bourke, and Heather Olsen
Playwriting winners are named, The College Eye, April 4, 1941
Pleasant Plain NW topographical map 1978
Pleasantville Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Pleistocene Deposits between Manilla in Crawford County and Coon Rapids in Carroll County, Iowa, George F. Kay
Pleistocene Exposures in Cedar Rapids and Vicinity, W. D. Shipton
Pleistocene Mammalian Remains Recently Found in Iowa, A. O. Thomas
Pleistocene Record of the Simpson College Well, John L. Tilton
Plessis Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Pleuroptyx in the Iowa Coal Measures, J. A. Udden
Pocket map and shipper's guide of Iowa
Poems & memories, Verle McFarland Shanks
Poet Laureate dies, Northern Iowa Today, January 2005
Poetry in person, Northern Iowan, October 25, 1991
Points Regarding the Casing of Well (4) at Grinnell, W. S. Hendrixson
Polariscopy of Molybdatomalates, Launcelot W. Andrews
Polarization of Resonance Radiation and Breadth of Spectral Lines, A. Ellett
Polarization of λ2537 of Mercury, Harry F. Olson
Police car, protestors, Julie Berg-Raymond
Political, physical & commerical map of the World 1872
Pollen Studies of Some Leguminosae, J. N. Martin
Pollination of Clover, L. H. Pammel and Charlotte M. King
Pollination of Cucurbits, L. H. Pammel and Alice M. Beach
Polyembryony in Alfalfa and Sweet Clover, John R. Watt and J. N. Martin
Polygonum in the State of Iowa, G. L. Wittrock
Popejoy NE topographical map 1976
Popejoy NW topographical map 1977
Popejoy SE topographical map 1977
Popejoy SW topographical map 1976
Porta Largo artist and crew August 1985 by Bill Witt
Porta Largo Fall 1985 by Bill Witt
Porta Largo installation August 1985 by Bill Witt
Porta Largo with sculptor Walter Dusenberry photo by Bill Witt
Port Byron Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Portfolios as an alternative assessment, Carmine Z. Draude
Port of Entry, Wayne Shorter
Portrayal of females in agriculturally themed children's books, Malinda Mick
Portsmouth Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Possible Uses of Waste Chlorine, Jack Hussey and O. R. Sweeney
Poster for Camayd-Freixas presentation
Post-Kansan Erosion, M. M. Leighton
Post traumatic stress disorder and the benefits of guided mental imagery in treatment, Lisa A. Langstraat
Posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents, Mary R. Driscoll
Post-trip blues: Full time college students' emotional and motivational post-trip transition from adventure break trips, Nichole Crockford
Postville and Chinese Immigrants flyer
Postville begins the healing process following last week's immigration raid
Postville community support provides food for residence in their time of need
Postville detainees include Guatemalans, other nationalities, and some juveniles
Postville Diversity Film Series flyer
Postville food pantry needs volunteer help
Postville hearings justice; Lost in translation
Postville Herald Leader, August 21, 2002
Postville Herald Leader, August 24, 2005
Postville Herald Leader, September 13, 1998
Postville Herald Leader, September 16, 1998 1
Postville Herald Leader, September 16, 1998 2
Postville Herald Leader, September 2, 1998
Postville Herald Leader, September 5, 2001
Postville high school 2013 commencement program
Postville house with American flag, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville house with Obama sign 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville house with Obama sign 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville is the 'Hometown of Hope;' Official ribbon campaign launched
Postville main street 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville main street 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville main street 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville main street 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Postville plant has record of violations, reprimands
Postville raid was largest at single site in history
Postville: The emotional consequences, Mollie Burke
Postville, USA: Surviving diversity in small town America, Mark A. Grey
Postville, USA: The community's perception of the past and predictions for the future, Chad Wahls
Potato Tubers as a Culture Medium For Phytopathogenic Bacteria and Fungi, W. H. Davis
Potentials of Spark Lines of Mercury vapor, J. A. Eldridge
Potential technology application in English instruction in the People's Republic of China, Ping Gao
Powdery Mildew of the Apple, L. H. Pammel
Powdery Mildew of the Apple, L. H. Pammel
Practical Art Projects Related to Children’s Picture Books about Ecology, Jennifer L. Hageman, Natalia Martín Martín, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Audrey C. Rule
Practice on fielding grounders
Prairie City Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Prairie Openings in the Forest, B. Shimek
Prairie Rose Lake Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Prairie Vegetation and Environmental Factors, Myrel Burk
Prayer service on the Anniversary of the Postville raid program
Precontact Conduction Currents, L. E. Dodd
Predicting Scholastic Success on the Basis of Informational Data, F. K. Shuttleworth
Preglacial Elevation of Iowa, H. Foster Bain
Pre-Glacial Moingona River, Charles Keyes
Prehistoric Plant Resources in the Cedar Valley: How Prehistoric People Utilized Flora In Subsistence Practices, Lyn Tackett
Preliminary List of the Flowering Plants of Adair County, James E. Gow
Preliminary List of the Parasitic Fungi of Fayette County, Iowa, Guy West Wilson
Preliminary Note on the Sedentary Habits of Platyceras, Charles R. Keyes
Preliminary Note on the So-Called "Loess" of Southwestern Iowa, James Ellis Gow
Preliminary Note on the Sterilization of Seeds of the Leguminosae with Hydrogen Peroxide, Rudger H. Walker and Lewis W. Erdman
Preliminary Notes on Nectar Production, L. A. Kenoyer
Preliminary Notes on the Flora of Western Iowa, Especialy from the Physiographical Ecological Standpoint, L. H. Pammel
Preliminary Notes on the Iowa Entomostraca, L. S. Ross
Preliminary Observations on a Cattle Disease Frequently Occurring in Iowa, W. B. Niles
Preliminary Report on Amino Acid Synthesis in Plants, Walter F. Loehwing
Preliminary Report on Geological Work in Northeastern Iowa, Arthur C. Trowbridge
Preliminary Report on the Diatoms of Iowa, P. C. Myers
Preliminary Report on the Optical Properties of Magnesium, M. E. Graber
Prelude a L'Apres-midi d'un Faune, Claude Dubussy
Premier, Fall 2019, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.