Content Posted in 2019
01- Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
02- Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
03- Postville woman in church 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
04- Postville woman in church 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
05- Postville woman in church 03, Araceli M. Castañeda
06- Woman with red flower, Araceli M. Castañeda
07- Group waiting for the protest to start, Araceli M. Castañeda
08- Family with red flowers, Araceli M. Castañeda
09- Red flowers before march starts, Araceli M. Castañeda
10- Man with protest signs, Araceli M. Castañeda
11- Immigrants help the economy, Araceli M. Castañeda
12- Letter to sign and women, Araceli M. Castañeda
13- Signing the letter 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
14- Pastor David Vasquez giving instructions 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
14th Annual Research in the Capitol [Program], April 1, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. University Honors Program., Iowa State University. Honors Program., and University of Iowa. Honors Program.
15- Signing the letter 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
16- Pastor David Vasquez giving instructions 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
17- Director Luis Argueta, Araceli M. Castañeda
1890 model school by C. Sorensen
1896 team photo by MacArthur, MaCarthur
18- Children with red flower, Araceli M. Castañeda
1902 small group souvenir by W. C. Fisher, W. C. Fisher
1902 souvenir by W. C. Fisher, W. C. Fisher
1903 team photo with Coach George Affleck
1904 kindergarten equipment in central hall
1905 Normal Eyte Annual, Iowa State Normal School
1906 Pedagog, Iowa State Normal School
1907 Old Gold, Iowa State Normal School
1907 tennis courts near East Gym
1908 Old Gold, Iowa State Normal School
1909 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1910 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1911 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1912 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1913 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1914 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1915 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1916 Courant, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1916 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1917 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1917 Senior Review, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1918 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1919 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1920 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1921 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1922 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1923 Little Tutor, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1923 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1924 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1925 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1926 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1927 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1928 kindergarten held at Pres. Seerley's home
1928 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1929 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1929 practice before Grinnell game
1930 art class by Thompson Photographers
1930 observing alligator in greenhouse
1930 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1930 physics class with teacher Cyril Jackson
1930s track fans pack wooden bleachers
1931 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1932 Dr. Norma Peterson teaching observation class by Don McCavick
1932 Kgn. Theater unit Little Black Sambo
1932 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1933 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1934 making Easter Eggs with Louise Heeschen
1934 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1935 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1936 kindergarten class reproduced by Waterloo Engraving and Service Co
1936 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1937 Little Tutor, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1937 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1938 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1938 tennis courts near Lawther Hall
1939 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1940 Little Tutor, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1940 neutral re-start or bully
1940 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1940 photo by Vic Feddersen, Vic Feddersen
1940s small group with Coach McCuskey
1941 classroom by Hollett's Photos
1941 concert band by Hollett's Photos
1941 measuring outdoors by Hollett's Photos
1941 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1942 Deane Nuss, later killed in Germany during WWII
1942 faculty-student get acquainted interview
1942 Joel Herman, later killed as pilot in WWII
1942 Little Tutor, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1942 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1942 Red Cross benefit with Grinnell
1942 student-teacher with business class
1942 tennis and archery set up outside Lawther
1943 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1944 Jean Letch , junior supervisor
1944 Jean Letch shows how to model clay
1944 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1945 field shot of T.C. relays
1945 flag ceremony at T.C. relays
1945 group looking at newspapers
1945 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1946 Bench and crowd at N.D.S. game
1946 Carl Dresselhaus, pitcher
1946 James W. Nelson (heavy weight)
1946 Lindon Schaffer, 2nd base
1946 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1946 tackle during N.D.S. game
1946 touchdown during Hamline game
1947 A. Jerome (Jerry) Nielsen
1947 Bill Briggs, distance runner
1947 Ellertson, Trekell, Porter, Erbe, Bundy
1947 Emil Hurt, distance runner
1947 Gerald (Gene) Leeman on the mat
1947 Harvey Clemmensen 165 lbs.
1947 Iowa centennial celebration
1947 Jimmie Stoyanoff 121 lbs.
1947 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1947 scrimmage photo by Dan Hall
1948 Dave Sandovld and friend golfing
1948 Ferguson, Weil, Porter, Ellertson
1948 game with S. Dakota taken by R. J. Salisbury
1948 John Revelle, high jumper
1948 Little Tutor, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1948 Norm Jesperson shot by R. J. Salisbury, R. J. Salisbury
1948 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1949-50 with a Moviola editing machine
1949 Coach Whitford with Demitroff and Dahlke
1949 Hogeland, Jesperson, Riek and Williams
1949 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1949 small group photo by Dan Hall, Dan Hall
1950 as radio program director
1950 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1950 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1950 radio station KXEL's first director
1951 Marguerite Struble in French and Latin classroom
1951 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1952 Howie Pigg in Wartburg game
1952 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1952 Lois Heinz and Donna Whiting
1952 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1952 putting under the Campanile
1953 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1953 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1954 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1954 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1955 casual game outside Lawther
1955 golf course - aerial view from SW
1955 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1955 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1955 R. Westphal, B. Benek, C. Shumacher, R. Kenny, B. Vance
1955 Van Epps, Brendel, Yager, and Hessenius
1956 football cheerleaders on the field
1956 Garman, Ware, Boardson and Ramor
1956 Hake, Ed West, Floyd Hutzell
1956 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1956 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1956 Swisher and Boderman, pitchers
1957 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1957 TCHS, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1957 with Bob Davis inspecting TV camera
1957 with Bob Davis in the control room
1958 Fleming, Porzman, Zahn, and Folsom
1958 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1958 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1958 Shevin, Sovich, and Poock
1959 at Dean Martin Nelson's retirement party
1959 leaving school with winter coats
1959 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1959 Lough, Molinsky, Lane, and Kibbie
1959 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1960 Little Panther, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1960 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1960s panther and cheerleaders
1960s questions about new library
1961 Little Panthers, Iowa State Teachers College High School
1961 Old Gold, Iowa State Teachers College
1962 Old Gold, State College of Iowa
1962 Price Lab School pool photo
1962 Work Wins Everything, State College of Iowa High School
1963 Coach Lawrence (Mon) Whitford
1963 library of tapes and recordings
1963 Little Panther, State College of Iowa High School
1963 Old Gold, State College of Iowa
1964 all-conference team photo
1964 Little Panther, State College of Iowa High School
1964 Old Gold, State College of Iowa
1965 Little Panther, State College of Iowa High School
1965 Old Gold, State College of Iowa
1965 Stan Sheriff hoised on shoulders
1965 working with adding machine
1965 working with the film projector
1966 Old Gold, State College of Iowa
1966 SC, Northern University High School
1966 Wessley home visit by Coach Jack Jennett (photo by Dan Jacob), Dan Jacob
1967 Old Gold, State College of Iowa
1967 SCHS, State College of Iowa High School
1968 Lynn King and Larry Clement
1968 Lynn Schwandt teaching computer use
1968 NUHS, State College of Iowa High School
1968 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1969 map of legislative recommendations
1969 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1969 Panther, Northern University High School
1969 UNI Quarterly, v1n1 [fall 1969], University of Northern Iowa
1970 althletic banquet featuring Wayne Carpenter and Bill Russell
1970 meet with LaCrosse State 1
1970 meet with LaCrosse State 2
1970 meet with LaCrosse State 3
1970 Panther, Northern University High School
1970 runners Green, Samore and Villers
1970 Skip Anderson and Zeke Hogeland
1970 UNI Quarterly, v1n2 [winter 1970], University of Northern Iowa
1970 UNI Quarterly, v1n3 [spring 1970], University of Northern Iowa
1970 UNI Quarterly, v1n4 [summer 1970], University of Northern Iowa
1970 UNI Quarterly, v2n1 [fall 1970], University of Northern Iowa
1970 UNI Quarterly, v2n2 [winter 1971], University of Northern Iowa
1970 UNI Quarterly, v2n3 [spring 1971], University of Northern Iowa
1970 UNI Quarterly, v2n4 [summer 1971], University of Northern Iowa
1971 captains Lee, Callanan and Brauman
1971 Coach Patten teaches a move
1971 Dickinson relays finish line
1971 Eaton, Fielding and Coach Henry
1971 group photo by Mike Schilling, Mike Schilling
1971 Panther, Northern University High School
1971 Scott Evans family of Knoxville Sep.
1971 UNI Quarterly, v3n1 [fall 1971], University of Northern Iowa
1972 Panther, Northern University High School
1972 UNI Quarterly, v3n2 [winter 1972], University of Northern Iowa
1972 UNI Quarterly, v3n3 [spring 1972], University of Northern Iowa
1973 Panther, Northern University High School
1974 Panther, Northern University High School
1974 Stan Sheriff and cheerleaders
1974 tee closed by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1974 UNI golf course maintenance shed
1975-76 Kathy Shogren shooting in game
1975 Herb & Monabelle Hake homecoming parade grand marshals
1975 Panther, Northern University High School
1976-77 golf national qualifiers
1976 centennial panther on Dome
1976 Davis and Broshar with trophies
1976 Diane Braun and Barb Wahlstrom
1976 Herb & Monabelle enjoying a moment at IBAHF
1976 Panther, Northern University High School
1976 receiving membership into the Iowa Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame
1977-78 short putt by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1977 grad. ass't. Mark Pilcher
1977 Jeff Johnson doing conditioning exercises
1977 Jim Sond and Jeff Hamilton working on conditioning
1977 Panthers on the Go, Northern University High School
1977 Roy Fielding (Athletic Staff)
1977 UNI national golf qualifiers
1977 varsity golf meet putt #2
1978-79 women's golf team photo
1978 at the net by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 backhand by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 co-ed match by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 Court shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 duo by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 Gary Bentrim has foe on his back
1978 Guy Mazula by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 in East Gym by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 leaps by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 men's golf by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 modern dance by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 number 33 by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 Panther Paths, Northern University High School
1978 race by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 team photo by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 team trophy for NCAA Div. II by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 trio by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 two at the net by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 warmups by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1978 women vs. men by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 action shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 action shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 A Touch of Class, Northern University High School
1979 at the net by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 Carol Breuer and Linda Nelson
1979 cheerleaders by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 cheerleaders on the sideline by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 cheerleaders with tubas by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 closeup by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 drill team photo by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 February action shot by Dan Gevas, Dan Grevas
1979 floor exercise by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 game with Drake by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 Gary Bentrim in photo by Jim Humphrey, Jim Humphrey
1979 homcoming parade by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 homecoming by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 hurdles by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 indoor game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 indoor meet by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 in East Gym by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 January game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 near the goal by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 November game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 November women's golf by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 number 33 by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1979 outdoor game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 pep rally by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 poms in a line by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 poms in the Dome by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 Sheriff's deputies by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 shot by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 team photo by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 team photo by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 team photo by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 time out by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1979 training room by Dan Grevas, Dan Greavs
1979 twirler by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1979 watching and waiting by Dan Gevas, Dan Grevas
1980 Coach Chuck Patten by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1980 Coach Hartman and Teresa Kennedy
1980 February strategy session by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1980 free throw by Bill Witt Dec., Bill Witt
1980 game by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1980 game with Iowa State by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 high jump shot by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 hurdles in Dome by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 hurdles shot by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 January strategy session by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 Joe Gormally by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1980 Kris Skov running cross country
1980 long jump shot by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 match by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1980 November men's golf team membership
1980 November UNI golf team membership
1980 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1980 photo by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 race shot by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 ref checking the back by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1980 September game by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1980s Junior High computer work
1980 view from the top of the East Gym pool by Dan Grevas, Dan Grevas
1980 Yearbook, Northern University High School
1981 action shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 action shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 balance beam 1 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 balance beam 2 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 crawl photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 February strategy session by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1981 floor exercise 2 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 floor exercise by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 high jump by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 January game by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1981 Kate Witte by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 Nineteen Hundred Eighty-one, Northern University High School
1981 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1981 Penny Wilson dismounts pommel horse by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 pole vault shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 pommel horse by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 pompom small group by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 practice by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 practice spectators by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 race starts now by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 relay shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 serve by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 stretching by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 team photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 team photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 trampoline coaching by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 uneven bars 1 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 uneven bars 2 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1981 volley by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 at the net by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Bickelhaupt, Goedken, Brewer, and Nauman
1982 caught in front of the fence
1982 cheerleading sqaud photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Coach Ahrabi-Fard and players
1982 Coach Ahrabi-Fard during game by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 coach during timeout by Chuck Holley, Chuck Holley
1982 computer work by Bill Witt
1982 diver and spectators, 1982
1982 fans in the stands by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 game by Chuck Holley, Chuck Holley
1982 game shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 going for the kill by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Loras game shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Miller, Potts, Pettit, and Davis
1982 net shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Nov. game shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 number 20 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 number 22 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 number 24 by Chuck Holley, Chuck Holley
1982 numbers 32 and 34 by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Oct. game shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1982 photo by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1982 photo by Chuck Holley, Chuck Holley
1982 pompom squad by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 Powers, Witte, Fair, and Lehman
1982 press guide photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 pyramid by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 returning serve by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 set-up shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 starter by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 team photo by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1982 team photo by Bill Oakes, Bill Oakes
1982 Treasured Memories, Northern University High School
1982 two at the net by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 using calculators by Bill Witt
1982 volley by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1982 winner shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 Accent On, Northern University High School
1983 finishers by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 game shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 golf course by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 group in dugout by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 maintenance shed by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1983 press guide photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 return shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 September course maintenance by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 September fairway, UNI golf course by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 September UNI golf course by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 shot by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1983 team photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1984 Not Just Another Yearbook, Northern University High School
1984 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1984 pompom squad by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1985 ballet by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1985 Bob Bowlsby presents Hall of Fame Award
1985 dance troupe by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1985 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1985 Who Dun' It?, Northern University High School
1986 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1986 Once in a Lifetime, Northern University High School
1987 Apart . . . and Yet a Part, Northern University High School
1987 costumes for Colonial Christmas
1987 meet photo by Bill Witt, Bill Witt
1987 Mike Schwab at Iowa match
1987 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1988 computer simulation project
1988 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1988 Reach for the Stars, Northern University High School
1989 Images, Northern University High School
1989 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1990-92 deputy chief of mission, Togo
1990 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1990s Joey Woody running at Drake
1990s Joey Woody running hurdles
1990 Unique and Just a Little Bizarre, Northern University High School
1991 honorary doctorate group photo
1991 honorary doctorate with C. Curris & B. Lounsberry
1991 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1991 Signs of the Times, Northern University High School
1992-93 men's golf with Coach Ken Green
1992 Andy Showalter in West Gym
1992 cheering to packed stands
1992 Expressions & Impressions, Northern University High School
1992 megaphones at the ISU game
1992 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1992 Scott Hassel during Purdue match
1992 Steve Hartle during match
1992 stunt at Youngstown State Game
1992 the flag and the football teams
1992 Tousignant and Camerlinck
1993 Coach Meredith Bakley at the mound
1993 cross country runners and spectators
1993 Dyan Fluhrer running indoor meet
1993 Grady Murphy, catcher in action
1993 Heidi Heiar and Michelle Wing
1993 Jacinda Grishaber and father
1993 Lawson, Miller, and Ritrievi
1993 Looking Forward to Looking Back, Northern University High School
1993 Lori Hasenwinkel on the court
1993 Molly Ostrander does high jump
1993 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1993 Shantel Twiggs at Drake relays
1993 Valerie Ripperger in cross country
1994 credentials ceremony, New Delhi, India
1994 drill team with marching band
1994 game discussion with Coach Allen
1994 Joey Woody at Drake relays
1994 meeting young fans in the stands
1994 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1994 panther quarterback in action
1994 poms on the basketball court
1994 Turn up the Heat, Northern University High School
1995 Jim Sweigert and students off to Russia
1995 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1995 Seeing is Believing, Northern University High School
1996 coaches and players huddle
1996 Coming out of the Woodwork, Northern University High School
1996 Cyclone and Panther cheerleaders
1996 homecoming TC arrives in style
1996 informal spectators at Marshall playoff game
1996 meeting prime minister of Bangladesh,_Sheikh Hasina
1996 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1996 UNI and ISU cheer together
1996 Wegener twins at ISU Game
1997 Back to the Basics, Northern University High School
1997 Bangladesh seminar on marketing & fundraising
1997 coaches and players huddle
1997 golf team with Coach John Bermel
1997 Melanie Becker and Heather Mowery
1997 Melanie Becker watches Sara Cartwright
1997 NCAA tournament in the Dome
1997 Old Gold, University of Northern Iowa
1997 performance of staying alive
1998 By the Book, Northern University High School
1998 Coach Bucknam in steeplechase pit
1999 Hall of Fame inductee Seider with squad
1999 Twenty Questions, Northern University High School
19- Director Luis Argueta and crowd, Araceli M. Castañeda
2000 Face of the Future, Northern University High School
2001 Break Through, Northern University High School
2002 Panther Yearbook, Northern University High School
2003 Panther Yearbook, Northern University High School
2004 Here's Looking at NU, Northern University High School
2005 Capture the Moment . . ., Northern University High School
2006 Anatomy of a Panther, Northern University High School
2007 Everything You Never Expected, Northern University High School
2008 Betcha can't do it like we did it, Northern University High School
2009-2010 UNI Basketball (Men's), University of Northern Iowa
2009 We are '09, Northern University High School
2010 It's Our Time, Northern University High School
2011 Soundtrack to our Lives, Northern University High School
2011 UNI Football Media Information, University of Northern Iowa
2012 Done it. Said it. Noted. Quoted., Northern University High School
2012 University of Northern Iowa Football, University of Northern Iowa
2013-14 Northern Iowa Panther Basketball, University of Northern Iowa
2013-14 UNI Wrestling, University of Northern Iowa
2014-2015 Panther Men's Basketball, University of Northern Iowa
2014-2015 UNI Men's Basketball Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
2014 UNI Volleyball Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Northern Iowa. Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
2015 UNI Volleyball Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
2015 UNI Women's Soccer Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Northern Iowa. Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
2017-18 UNI Track & Field Record Book, University of Northern Iowa
2017-2018 University Committee Memberships, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Northern Iowa. Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
2018-2019 University Committee Memberships and Committee on Committees Annual Report, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 01, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 02, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 03, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 04, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 05, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 06, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 08, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 09, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 10, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 11, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 12, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 13, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 14, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 15, Jessica Moon
2018 Research in the Capitol Event Photo 16, Jessica Moon
2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Northern Iowa. Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
2019-2020 Northern Iowa Women's Basketball, University of Northern Iowa
2019-2020 UNI Swimming & Diving, University of Northern Iowa
2019 Mary Ann Bolton Undergraduate Research Award Winners, University of Northern Iowa
2019 Northern Iowa Football, University of Northern Iowa
2019 Northern Iowa Soccer, University of Northern Iowa
2019 Panther Volleyball Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Program, University of Northern Iowa. Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
2019 UNI Men's Basketball, University of Northern Iowa
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 01, Jessica Moon
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 02, Jessica Moon
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 03, Jessica Moon
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 04, Jessica Moon
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 05, Jessica Moon
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 06, Jessica Moon
2019 UNI Research in the Capitol Event Photo 07, Jessica Moon
20- Group with protest signs, Araceli M. Castañeda
21- Family and friends, Araceli M. Castañeda
22- Family unity, Araceli M. Castañeda
23- I was an immigrant and you welcomed me, Araceli M. Castañeda
24- Mother and daughter waiting for march to start, Araceli M. Castañeda
25- Protesters preparing, Araceli M. Castañeda
26- Protester recieving instruction, Araceli M. Castañeda
27- Respect hard workers, Araceli M. Castañeda
28- Signing the letter 03, Araceli M. Castañeda
29- Strong families help all, Araceli M. Castañeda
30- The time is now, Araceli M. Castañeda
31 students write for spring issue of Purple Pen, The College Eye, May 16, 1941
31- Women hugging, Araceli M. Castañeda
32- Keep families together, Araceli M. Castañeda
33- Women with traditional wear, Araceli M. Castañeda
34- America says YES to earned citizenship, Araceli M. Castañeda
35- Marchers with American flag 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
36- Marchers with American flag 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
37- Marching 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
389 Hand-made flowers, created by 4 of the detained women living in Postville, Julie Berg-Raymond
38- Marching 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
39- From shadows to citizenship, Araceli M. Castañeda
3 in 1 Blues, Mustafa Melton
40- La Lucha Sigue, Araceli M. Castañeda
41- Protester 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
42- Protester 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
43- 2013 year for immigration reform, Araceli M. Castañeda
44- Protect workers rights we pay taxes, Araceli M. Castañeda
45- A fair path to citizenship, Araceli M. Castañeda
46- Gracias por su Valor Hace la Diferencia 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
47- Gracias por su Valor Hace la Diferencia 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
48- Cameraman, Araceli M. Castañeda
49- Woman in traditional wear with baby, Araceli M. Castañeda
4th D, Robert Washut
50- At the church 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
51- At the church 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
52- Mother and daughter putting the red flowers down, Araceli M. Castañeda
53- Red flowers and the American flag, Araceli M. Castañeda
54- Red flowers immigration reform now, Araceli M. Castañeda
55- Erik CamaydFreixas interpreting, Araceli M. Castañeda
56- Pedro Arturo, Araceli M. Castañeda
57- Social after march 01, Araceli M. Castañeda
58- Social after march 02, Araceli M. Castañeda
59- Women socializing after the march, Araceli M. Castañeda
A Baltimore Oriole Census, Katherine Gilmore and H. E. Jaques
ABC's of Playground Supervision: Educational Videos, Karlene Izer, Brooke Brown, and Heather Olsen
Abingdon topographical map 1978
A Biological Reconnaissance of the Okefinokee Swamp in Georgia: The Fishes, E. L. Palmer and A. H. Wright
A blue print for administration of secondary schools : a reflective essay, Jay Goulden
Abnormal Flowers of Populus grandidentata Michx., Lucy M. Cavanagh
Abnormalities Found in a Two Headed Calf, Horace Essex and Marshall Huston
Abnormal Pelage in Lepus sylvaticus, Herbert Osborn
A Boreal Moss Community, Henry S. Conard
Aboriginal Rock-Mortars, H. L. Bruner
A Brief Summary of Work on Iowa Algae, G. W. Prescott
Absorption Spectra Characteristic of Vitamin A in Animal and Vegetable Oils, J. B. Philipson and Jay W. Woodrow
Absorption Spectrum of Vitamin A Concentrates, Jay W. Woodrow and J. B. Philipson
A Buried Peat Bed in Dodge Township, Union County, Iowa, T. E. Savage
Abuse and dissociation disorder, Myrtle Godfrey
AbUSed: The Postville raid: The technical aspects of the documentary, Luis Argueta
A Business Librarian Finds Inspiration in PICO, Jim Kelly
Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80, Johannes Brahms
A Calculation of the Bulk Modulus of the Earth, L. P. Sieg
A Case of Abnormal Development in Gallus domesticus with Notes on Similar Cases in Other Species, F. L. Fitzpatrick
A Case of Arsenical Injury to Tomato Plants, F. A. Fenton
A Case of the Isolation of Diphtheria Bacilli from a Post Mortem, L. S. Ross
A Case of Urticaria Factitia Observed in the Coe College Psychological Laboratory, W. S. Newell
A case study of an electively mute child, Robert Driscol
A Catalogue of the Poisonous Plants of Iowa, L. H. Pammel and Estelle D. Fogel
Accountability for comprehensive school counseling programs in Iowa, Emily N. Janssen
A Century of Iowa Geology, Charles Keyes
A Chemical Classification of the Activities of Soil Microorganisms, Paul Emerson
A Chemical Study of Butter Increasers, J. B. Weems and F. W. Bouska
A Chemical Study of Dolomites, Nicholas Knight
A Chemical Study of Honey, W. H. Heileman
A Chemical Study of Rhus glabra, A. W. Martin
A Cherry Disease, L. H. Pammel
Acid Potassium and Acid Sodium Phthalates as Standards in Alkalimetry and Acidimetry, W. S. Hendrixson
Ackley NE topographical map 1976
Ackley NW topographical map 1977
Ackley SE topographical map 1976
Ackley SW topographical map 1977
A color photo of bikes and blossoms
A color photo of bikes and blossoms 1, setting 12
A color photo of bikes and blossoms 2, setting 10
A color photo of bikes and blossoms 3, setting 8
A Combination of Chromic Acid, Acetic Acid and Formalin as a Fixative for Animal Tissues, H. W. Norris
A commitment to excellence in educational leadership: a reflective essay, Michelle A. Hunt
A comparative analysis of early childhood education in Kenya and the United States of America : Kenya's social and economic constraints, Peter Kibet Koech
A Comparative Morphological Study of Certain Species of the Dacryomycetaceae, Marian C. Fisher
A Comparative Study of Bilingual Education Programs In The U.S. and Singapore, Muhammad Intizom
A Comparative Study of the Digestive Systems of Certain Teleosts with Special References to Carpoides cyprines, Walter W. Aitken
A Comparative Study of the Leaves of Lolium, Festuca, and Bromus, Emma Pammel
A Comparative Study of the Red-Seeded and Common Dandelion, June Berry
A Comparative Study of the Removal of Corn and Cottonseed Oil Stains from Wool and Silk, Ruth O'Brien and Barbara Wentch
A Comparative Study of the Spores of North American Ferns, C. B. Weaver
A Comparative Study of the Weeds of Central Iowa, Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, L. H. Pammel
A Comparison of Barbituric Acid, Thiobarbituric Acid and Malonylguanidine as Quantitative Precipitants for Furfural, Arthur W. Dox and G. P. Plaisance
A Comparison of Grades in Chemistry with the Same and with Different Instructors, F. E. Brown and Kenneth L. Bird
A Comparison of Intensities Required under Direct and under Indirect Lighting Systems, WM. Kunerth
A Comparison of Media for the Quantitative Estimation of Bacteria in Milk, C. H. Eckles
A Comparison of Power Output Conical, Hyperbolic and Exponential Trumpets, G. W. Stewart
A Comparison of the Food Value of Iowa Winter Apples, Paul Warner Frisk
A Comparison of Two Methods of College Instruction, Norma V. Scheidemann
A Compositional Study of the UNI Museum Benin Bronzes Using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Elizabeth Akers
A comprehensive review of treatment options for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Kristin Vanderah
A Concave Ultrasonic Diffraction Grating, George E. Thompson
A Content Analysis of Thirty Children’s Picture Books about Ecology, Natalia Martín Martín, Jennifer L. Hageman, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Audrey C. Rule
A Continuous Reading Electro-Titration Apparatus, Stephen Popoff and J. Hildebrand
A Contribution to Madison County Geology, F. A. Brown
A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Development of Prunus americana, R. Earle Buchanan
A Convenient Method for the Laboratoy Preparation of Absolute Ethyl Alcohol, Thomas H. Liggett and Kenneth Dykstra
A Convenient Standard Cell, Dieu Ung Huong and J. N. Pearce
A Convenient Voltaic Cell, L. Begeman
A Correlation of the Peneplains of the Driftless Area, Urban B. Hughes
Acoustic Wave Filters in Solids, V. C. Hall
Acquisition of Knowledge Using Parallax BOE Online Manual, Tyler Brown and Timothy Kidd
A Crime to Work: The Part of "Illegal" I Don't Understand
A Critical Analysis of Reading Test Scores, Francis P. Robinson and Frieda H. McCollom
A Criticism of the Law of Effect, Clellen L. Morgan
Acrobats in the studio closeup
Action of Bromic Acid on Metals, W. S. Hendrixson
Action of Natural Alkali Waters on Portland Cement, Geo. W. Burke
Action of Potassium Carbonate on Certain Phenyl Alkyl Ethers, L. Chas. Raiford and D. M. Birosel
Action of Solvents on Steffen's Waste Water From the Manufacture of Beet Sugar, Edward Bartow and E. C. Little
Action of Thionyl Chloride on Diacetone-Glucose, James B. Allison
Active Bystander Training Think Tank, Grace Brady, Jordan Weber, Anna Gradoville, Laura Kaufmann, Triet Ngo, and Carter Stochl
Active learning techniques to teach Spanish vocabulary, Sara E. Janssen
Activists worried about immigration raid in Waterloo
Activites of Members of the Iowa Academy during the World War
A Curve of Moisture Condensation on Glass Wool, L. E. Dodd
Adapting curriculum for autism in art education, Melanie Jo Lambert
A Day near Muskogee, Oklahoma, L. H. Pammel
Additional Evidence of Post-Kansan Glaciation in Johnson County, Iowa, Morris M. Leighton
Additional Mammal Notes, T. Van Hyning
Additional Notes on Iowa Mollusca, B. Shimek
Additional Notes on Iowa Mosses, Betty Blagg
Additional Notes on Iowa Mosses, Betty Blagg
Additional Notes on Iowa Mosses — 1929-1930, Betty Blagg
Additional Notes on the Little Spotted Skunk, Spilogale interrupta Raf., B. H. Bailey
Additional Observations on Surface Deposits in Iowa, B. Shimek
Additional Significant Pleistocene Sections in Iowa, George F. Kay
Additions and Corrections to Catalogue of Hemiptera, Herbert Osborn
Additions to Lichen Distribution in the Mississippi Valley, Bruce Fink
Additions to the Bibliography of North American Lichens, Bruce Fink
Additions to the Catalogue of Iowa Hemiptera, Herbert Osborn
Additions to the Flora of Linn County, E. J. Petry
Additions to the Known Species of Iowa Ichneumonidae, Alice M. Beach
Additions to the List of Hemiptera of Iowa, with Descriptions of New Species, Herbert Osborn
Addition to Iowa Flora, B. Fink
Addressing peer mediation : conflict resolution in schools, Amy Junkermeier
Addressing the Academic, Emotional, and Cultural Needs of Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education, Tammy Harris
Addressing the cultural needs of Latino students in the classroom : a workshop for reflective educators, Tamara J. Hess
Address of the Retiring President - Recent Advances in the Theory of Solutions, Launcelot W. Andrews
A decade of closed-circuit TV, Alumnus, December 1968
A Deep Well at Laurens, Pocahontas County, E. J. Cable
A Demonstration of Dielectric Hysteresis in Rubber, W. D. Crozier
A Derivation of the Solubility Product Law, Warren C. Vosburgh
A Design for Electrical Regulation of High Temperature Ovens, W. E. Tisdale
A Device for Measuring the Degree of Aesthetic Sensitivity, Norman C. Meier
A Devonian Hiatus in the Continental Interior - Its Character and Depositional Equivalents, Charles R. Keyes
ADHD Symptoms and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in the Transition to College, Anna Garner
Administrator leadership of secondary schools : a reflective essay, David W. Griffin
Admissions policies and ethical concerns regarding intercollegiate athletics, W. Andrew Hlubek
Adolescent dating abuse, Becky Krieg
Adolescent depression : a school perspective, Kayann Lilja
Adolescent school refusal in Japan : implications for school counselors, Noriko Ido
Adsorption from Salt Solutions by Colloidal Copper Ferrocyanide, Mikkel Frankert and J. A. Wilkinson
Adult learners : who are they, and what do they need to succeed?, Antoinette Givens
Aerial survey advance field sheet [Black Hawk County] by R. J. Kuehl 1969, United States. Soil Conservation Service
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Aero Exploration 1952, United States. Department of Agriculture. Production and Marketing Administration.
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 1, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 2, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 3, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 4, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 5, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 6, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 7, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 8, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Gatschet 1937 sheet 9, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by General Aerial Surveys 1964 sheet 1, United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by General Aerial Surveys 1964 sheet 2, United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by General Aerial Surveys 1964 sheet 3, United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by General Aerial Surveys 1964 sheet 4, United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Park Aerial Surveys 1941, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Robinson Aerial Surveys 1957, United States. Commodity Stabilization Service
Aerial survey [Black Hawk County] by Walker and Assoc. 1974, United States. Soil Conservation Service
A Few Records of Birds Infrequently Seen in Southeastern Iowa, H. E. Jaques and Pete Parks
A Field of Eskers in Central Iowa, John E. Smith
A Flora of Webster County, Iowa, O. M. Oleson and M. P. Somes
A Forest Census in Lyon County, Iowa, David H. Boot
A Fossil Pine Cone from Drift of Northern Iowa, A. O. Thomas
African-American Children & Families Conference, February 23, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
African-American Children & Families Conference, February 24, 2017, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
African-American Children & Families Conference, February 5, 2016, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
African-American Children & Families Pre-Conference, February 22, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
African Masks: Are They Authentic of Fake? A Fluorescence and Reflective UV-Vis Spectroscopic Approach, Kaitlyn Parrott
A Further Report on the May Beetles (Phyllophaga Spp.) in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
A Further Study of the Home Life of the Brown Thrasher, Ira N. Gabrielson
A Gametophyte of Botrychium obliquum Muhl, Henry S. Conard
Agency Quadrangle by USGS 1956
A General Section for the Missouri Series in Madison County, Iowa, L. W. Wood
A Generic Synopsis of the Nearctic Pentatomidea, H. E. Summers
A Genetic Study of Reflex Conduction Rate, Charles Harzard
Age of Certain Sandstones near Iowa City, Charles R. Keyes
A Geological Situation in the Lava Flow, with Reference to the Vegetation, Harriet M. Clearman
Ag files Child Labor Law violations
Agglutination and Colloidal Reactions, F. W. Mulsow
A Glossary of Physical Terminology, Le Roy D. Weld
A graphical file system visualization tool for operating systems, Jacob Bundt
Agreement reached in detainee lawsuit
Agricprocessors Inc. OSHA citations
Agricultural Adjustment Adm. [Black Hawk County] 1941, United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Agricultural Geology, John E. Smith
Agriprocessors 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Agriprocessors 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Agriprocessors 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Agriprocessors 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Agriprocessors and named employees plead not guilty
Agriprocessors fighting to replace lost workers
Agriprocessors filed Chapter 11, Many employees leave Postville
Agriprocessors Inc. Chapter 11 bankruptcy 1-08-474772
Agriprocessors Inc. criminal complaint
Agriprocessors Inc. federal indictments
Agriprocessors Inc. motion suppress tridena
Agriprocessors Inc. OSHA logs 2007
Agriprocessors Inc. search warrant August 29, 2008
Agriprocessors Inc. warrant information
Agriprocessors is assessed fines totaling nearly ten million dollars
Agriprocessors keeps plant running; hiring replacements
Agriprocessors probe necessary
A Handy Device for Staining Slides, E. Laurence Palmer