"Adolescent school refusal in Japan : implications for school counselor" by Noriko Ido

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


School attendance--Japan;


Since its emergence in the late 1950s, school refusal has been identified as a severe problem related to schooling in Japan. Its etiology is complex; changes in social environment in Japan after World War II which affect everyone, familial factors such as parenting style, and school environmental factors are considered as critical factors which cause school refusal.

School counselors need to not only understand the background information of school refusal, but also identify early symptoms and intervene before students develop it. Coordination and consultation roles are especially important in dealing with this problem. Consultation with parents of school refusers is often observed in helping students who have developed school refusal. As a coordinator, school counselors can offer those parents and their children information of various psychological services, such as alternative classroom and counseling services by regional educational institutes.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Postsecondary Education

First Advisor

Ann Vernon


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