Content Posted in 2019
Preparing Mexican food at St. Paul's Lutheran Church 1999
Prep-kindergarten teachers' beliefs : basic skills versus child-centered orientation, Katie Stundahl
Presentation of the Calvin Memorial Portrait; Addresses Pertaining to the Presentation of the Calvin Memorial Portrait, Thomas H. Macbride, L. H. Pammel, M. F. Arey, B. Shimek, A. O. Thomas, and Edgar R. Harlan
Presenting "a day in the life of a teacher," Alumnus, April 1947
Pre-service teacher knowledge and attitudes about the trans body in the classroom: Implications for teacher education, Kyrie Dora Borsay
Preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning, Helga M. Gudenschwager
Preservice teacher technology competencies : investigating levels of technology use by preservice teachers, Allison Y. Kenkel
Preserving the Past: Scientific Study, Conservation, and Interpretation of the Mammut Americanum, Jessica Cruz, Nathan Arndt, and Elizabeth Akers
Presidential Address - A Review of the Development of Mineralogy, Melvin F. Arey
Presidential Address - Botany in Its Relation to Good Citizenship, B. Shimek
Presidential Address - Influence of Modern Science in the Formation of Ideals, C. O. Bates
Presidential Address - Some Features of the Science of a Hundred Years Ago, W. S. Hendrixson
Presidential Address - Some Problems of Heredity and Evolution, H. E. Summers
Presidential Address - The Academy and the People, T. H. MacBride
Presidential Address - The Relation of Physics to the Other Material Sciences, A. A. Veblen
Presidential Address - The Social Service of Science, William Harmon Norton
Presidential Address - Two Centuries of North American Lichenology, Bruce Fink
Presidential Manor, Billy Byers
President Maucker and Ted Egri
President Price answers "quiz" question put by radio director Herbert Hake, Alumnus, January 1945
President's Address, C. C. Nutting
President's Address - Science Required for a General Education, John L. Tilton
President's Address: The Mission and Spirit of the Pure Scientist, Louis Begeman
President's Address - The Work of the Iowa Geological Survey, Samuel Calvin
President Trump's transgender military ban: A legal analysis, Kailee Martens
Press conference 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Press conference 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Priest came out of retirement to help meatpacking plant workers
Primary class 1930 - Mardell - Ronald
Primary road system State of Iowa 1922
Primghar Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Prismatic Sandstone from Missouri, Erasmus Haworth
Prize-winning poet appearing Friday, Northern Iowan, October 15, 1991
Problems encountered with the readability of social studies books, Peggy Drinovsky
Problems on the Border Lines between Geology and the Other Sciences, G. F. Kay
Problems Suggested by an Uncertainty Principle in Acoustics, G. W. Stewart
Proboscidian Remains from Red Oak and Ottumwa, Iowa, A. O. Thomas
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, H. W. Norris
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences; Staff & Committee Reports
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, G. E. Finch, A. A. Veblen, and A. G. Leonard
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, S. W. Beyer
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, H. Foster Bain
Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences for 1888
Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences for 1889
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, T. E. Savage
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences; Staff & Committee Reports, Herbert Osborn
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, S. W. Beyer
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, C. C. Nutting, C. O. Bates, and A. C. Page
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, Herbert Osborn
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, A. C. Page, M. F. Arey, and S. Calvin
Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences: Staff & Committee Reports, L. S. Ross
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Science: Staff & Committee Reports; Program; Exchanges in Academy Library, L. S. Ross and G. F. Kay
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Science: Staff & Committee Reports; Program, L. S. Ross and George F. Kay
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Science: Staff & Committee Reports; Constitution of the Iowa Academy of Science as Amended to 1912; Program, L. S. Ross and G. F. Kay
Process of Formation of Certain Quartzites, Charles R. Keyes
Production and Marketing Adm. [Black Hawk County] 1952, United States. Commodity Stabilization Service
Production of High Amperage in Low Voltage Coolidge Tube, R. V. Zumstein
Production of Hydrogen Sulphide by Members of the Colon Group of Bacteria, Frederick W. Mulsow and Frederick S. Paine
Professional development : the missing component in education, Brett C. Ernst
Professional Writing Students Learn Needs Analysis with Waterloo Writing Project, David Grant, Matthew Bancroft-Smithe, Carlos Elizalde, Mahayla M. Hill, Cecilia L. Mitchell, Connor K. Gibson, and Adam Sitzmann
Professor J. H. Paarmann, L. H. Pammel
Program and Award Ceremony, University of Northern Iowa
Program and Awards Ceremony, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses 1998-2000, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses 2000-2002, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses 2002-2004, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses 2004-2006, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses 2006-2008, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses 2008-2010, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2010-2012, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2012-2014, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2014-2016, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2016-2017, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2017-2018, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2018-2019, University of Northern Iowa
Programs and Courses Catalog 2019-2020, University of Northern Iowa
Progress in the Analysis of Cosmic-Ray Observations, LeRoy D. Weld
Progress in the Analysis of Cosmic-Ray Observations (II), Le Roy D. Weld
Progress Report of a Survey of Iowa Insects, H. E. Jaques
Promoting inference-making in a first grade classroom, Susan E. Flater
Promoting learning goals in the classroom : a preventative approach to motivational problems, Marc Groen
Promoting resilience in inner city youth : implications for counselors, Anthony D. Lymus
[Proposal to award an honorary Doctor of Literature degree], Northern Iowan, March 29, 1991
Protective Adaptations in the Nesting Habits of Some Central American Birds, Morton E. Peck
Protein Requirements of Lactating Sows with Litters, Q. W. Wallace and John M. Evvard
Protestors 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 05, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 06, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 07, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 08, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 09, Julie Berg-Raymond
Protestors 11, Julie Berg-Raymond
Providing Effective Instruction for English Language Learners: The School and District Context
Provincial Unity of Continental Interior Coal Fields, Charles Keyes
Psychology Applied to the Improvement of Control of the Pitch of the Voice in Singing, Carl J. Knock
Psychology Applied to the Measurement of Merit of Advertisements, Harry H. Gould
Psychology of Drill Organization in Arithmetic Textbooks, O. S. Lutes
Psyllidae Found at Ames, C. W. Mally
Pure Food Laws, C. O. Bates
Pure Sodium Chloride, Nicholas Knight
Purification of Water by Electro-Osmose, Edward Bartow and R. H. Jebens
Putting the best possible teacher in the classroom : through reflection and self-evaluation, Renee Fisher
Pyrite in Coal, J. M. Lindly
Quantification of TrigonellineFrom Coffee Beans and its Correlation with the pH, Kashif A. Shaikh, Jaspreet K. Rishi, and Joshua Sebree
Quantitative Analysis of Lettuce Ash, Louise Wendt and John A. Wilkinson
Quantitative Measurements in the Transmission in Solid Acoustic Wave Filters with Varying Physical Dimensions, H. F. Olson
Quasqueton Quadrangle by USGS 1973, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Quercitron Oak and Its Relation to Soils, Raymond J. Becraft
Quince Fruit with an Immense Number of Seeds, L. H. Pammel
Rabbi Morris Allen, marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Rabbi Morris Allen, Paul Rael, marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Radcliffe NE topographical map 1977
Radcliffe NW topographical map 1977
Radcliffe SE topographical map 1977
Radcliffe SW topographical map 1977
Radical Visions: Poetry by Vietnam Veterans, Vince Gotera
Radical Visions: Poetry by Vietnam Veterans, Vince Gotera
Radio board hears much praise for station manager
Radio Broadcasting vs. Lecturing in Psychology: Preliminary Investigation, Harold V. Gaskill
Radio course added to college curricula, Alumnus, April 1944
Radio office receives 2000 requests for teaching aids, The College Eye, November 19, 1948
Rainbow and Other Atmospheric Phenomena, F. May Tuttle
Raising Acrobats November 1965
Raman Spectroscopy for Authentication of African Tribal Masks, Huzaifa Islam Shah and Joshua Sebree
Raman Spectroscopy of Bronze Disease on WWII Artifacts, Andrea M. Reutzel
Rand McNally and Co.'s Iowa part 1
Rand McNally and Co.'s Iowa part 2
Rand McNally & Co. indexed railroad, township & county map of Iowa 1878
Rand McNally & Co.'s sectional map of Iowa 1894
Rand McNally polar map of the world 1943 side 1
Rand McNally polar map of the world 1943 side 2
Rand McNally's new sectional map of Iowa part 1
Rand McNally's new sectional map of Iowa part 2
Rand McNallys new township map of Iowa side 1
Rand McNallys new township map of Iowa side 2
Rand McNally vest pocket map of Iowa part 1
Rand McNally vest pocket map of Iowa part 2
Randolph Quadrangle by USGS 1957
Rappers win it all in air band contest, The Northern Iowan, March 16, 2009
Rationale for using group therapy with couples affected by domestic violence, Joyce C. Fehr
Reaction of Some Carbonyl and Thiocarbonyl Compounds with Phenylhydrazine, L. Chas. Raiford and W. T. Daddow
Reactive attachment disorder, Kalen J. Espy
Reading aloud to children : is there a relationship to reading achievement?, Stephanie Gierstorf
Reading between the "signs", Sarah Durchenwald/Williamson
Reading comprehension : what strategies make a difference?, Jill Helgerson
Reading intervention support for the older struggling reader : a desk-reference for reading interventions, April L. Kleinschmidt
Reading intervention : using self-assessment to increase fluency and comprehension for struggling readers, Paula L. Ganzeveld
Reading motivation of middle school students, Sandra K. Leinen
Reading portfolios in a first grade classroom, Donna L. Lowe
Reading Recovery in the classroom : a literacy team approach, Nancy Strunk Larsen
Reading Recovery : the teacher's perspective, Nancy A. Johnson
Ready for a tennis game - Albia
Real World Issues in Young Adult Fiction, Randi Smith
Real-World Research: A Qualitative Study of Faculty Perceptions of the Library's Role in Service-Learning, Anne Marie Gruber
Re-Assessing the Current Validity of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, Christina Fortuna, Kurt Klobassa, and Matthew Sedlacek
Rebuilding little lives : using play therapy with traumatized children, Denise E. Maas
Receiving Hawaiian hospitality
Recent Alluvial Changes in Southwestern Iowa, J. E. Todd
Recent Army Worm and Variegated Cutworm Outbreaks in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
Recent Developments in the Dubuque Lead and Zinc Mines, A. G. Leonard
Recent Developments in the Interactions Between Caveolin and Pathogens, Fabiana S. Machado, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Daniel Adesse, Luciana R. Garzoni, Lisia Esper, Michael P. Lisanti, Robert D. Burk, Chris Albanese, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, Louis M. Weiss, Fnu Nagajyothi, Joshua D. Nosanchuk, Mary E. Wilson, and Herbert B. Tanowitz
Recent Discoveries of Glacial Scorings in Southeastern Iowa, Francis M. Fultz
Recent Jewish immigrants' communication in Postville, Iowa: A case study, Anna I. Levina
Recessional Moraines of the Wisconsin in Iowa, John E. Smith
Recessional Stages Between the Altamont and the Gary (?) Moraines in Iowa, John E. Smith
Recognition of Beds of Tertiaric Age in Our state, Charles Keyes
Recommendations for Measurement and Management of an Elite Athlete, William Sands, Marco Cardinale, Jeni McNeal, Steven Murray, Christopher Sole, Jacob Reed, Nikos Apostolopoulos, and Michael Stone
Record of the Grinnell Deep Boring, Arthur J. Jones
Red flowers represent the detained men, Julie Berg-Raymond
Red Oak South Quadrangle bu USGS 1978
Reducing suicide risk among adolescents : treatment and intervention, Angie Kippe
Red Wing Adv. Companys map of Iowa
Reevaluating Teaching Materials in Southeast Asia, Amanda Albertsen
Reflection from Pedro Arturo Lopez
Reflections form Rabbi Morris Allen
Reflections from Sister Mary McCauley, BVM, English-Spanish
Reflections from Sonia Parras, Attorney, Law Office of Sonia Parras
Reflections of administration, Todd R. Hahlen
Regeneration in the Crayfish, John J. Lambert
Regular meeting of the City Council of Postville, Iowa (July 14, 2008)
Regular TV programs began here yesterday, The College Eye, October 6, 1950
Reinfection of Rats with Eimeria miyairii after Immunization, E. R. Becker and Phoebe R. Hall
Rejuvenated 'Purple Pen' to be released March 11, The College Eye, February 13, 1942
Relational counseling, Janice E. Drury
Relation of Starch to the Strength of Wheat Flour, G. G. Naudain and J. H. Buchanan
Relation of the Motor Nerve Endings to Voluntary Muscle in the Frog, B. A. Place
Relation of the Wisconsin Drift to the Iowan Drift as Revealed in Worth County, E. J. Cable
Relationship of Chance, or Consistency, to Rate and Extent of the Vibrato, Melvin S. Hattwick
Relative Ability of Anterior and Posterior Ends of the Body to Regenerate in Earthworms, F. L. Fitzpatrick
Relative Costs of Home Made and Dehydrated Nutrient Agar, Max Levine
Relativistic Reflections, Edward S. Allen
Relief fund set up for Postville
Remarkable Occurrence of Aurichalcite, Charles R. Keyes
Remarkable Prairie Synclinorium, Charles Keyes
Remarks on the Loess, F. W. Sardeson
Remedial Measures in Pitch Intonation, Lawrence E. Eberly
Remedial Measures in Reading at the College Level, Francis P. Robinson
Remembering those who were taken
Removal of a Common Source of Trouble in Hydrogen Ion Measurements, Stephen Popoff and A. H. Kunz
Removing dust bunnies and expensive paperweights from the classroom : effective staff development in educational technology, Margaret F. Krzywicki
Repercussions of immigration raid felt far beyond Iowa
Report: Even before immigration reform, why not try these changes
Report of an Intelligence Survey of the State Training School for Girls at Mitchellville, Iowa, Gladys Palmer
Report of Committee on State Fauna, C. C. Nutting
Report of the Committee on State Fauna, C. C. Nutting
Report of the Committee on State Flora, L. H. Pammel
Report on a Fossil Diatomaceous Deposit in Muscatine County, Iowa, P. C. Myers
Report on the Food Habits of Citellus tridecemlineatus tridecemlineatus (Mitchill), F. L. Fitzpatrick
Representations of health and wellness in children's literature, Emily Kate Murphy
Reproduction in Cyathus stercoreus (Schw.) De Toni, Don B. Creager
Research at the Capitol Photo Galleries
Researchers' Acceptability of Questionable Research Practices Across Disciplines, Zachary Meehan and Anna Garner
Residential Community for Artists, Gowri Gulwadi
Residential learning communities : what are they? why do we have them? are they here to stay?, Kris Franzen
Residual Effects of Some Germicides Used in Sterilizing Legume Seeds, Dean A. Anderson and R. H. Walker
Resilience in undergraduate students: The relation between personality, social support, and cortisol levels, Elisheva Joy Havlik
Resistance Change in a Magnetic Field of Single Crystals of Bismuth, Roy A. Nelson and G. R. Watson
Resistivity of Mosaic Zinc Crystals, W. J. Poppy
Resistivity of Zinc Crystals, W. J. Poppy
Resistivity of Zinc Crystals, E. P. T. Tyndall and A. G. Hoyem
Resolutions on Darwin, T. H. MacBride and L. H. Pammel
Response letters to Camayd-Freixas article on Postville raid
Response of the Genus Rhamnus to Puccinia coronata Corda, S. M. Dietz
Response to Intervention in Middle and High Schools
Response to recognition at Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition, April 26, 2009
Results of Recent Geological Work in Madison County, J. L. Tilton
Results of the Testing Program Given at Iowa State College, Nora M. Klise
Retention in the primary grades, Joni Gunter
Retrogressive Changes in the Ovaries of Rana clamitans Tadpoles following X-Ray Treatment, William T. Levine
Return of the Diver, Matt Harris
Reverend Jack, Robert Washut
Reviewer terms original one-act plays 'delightful', The College Eye, February 6, 1942
Review of Valeria Appel’s “The Theatre of the Oppressed for Beginners”, Ola Kraszpulska
Revisited: Calculating the Polarity of an Extremely Polar Organic compound, Alyssa Bauer, Lane Ver Mulm, and John Bumpus
Revival of an Old Method of Brain Dissection, H. J. H. Hoeve
Rhus typhina Linn, T. H. MacBride
Richard Quinney: Journey of Discovery, Clemens Bartollas and Dragon Milovanovic
Richard topographical map 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Rig'd By, Phil Wilson and Dan Haerle
Rights workshop held amid immigration raid fears
Ritual for Large Orchestra, Alfred Schnittke
Road Materials from the Des Moines Series of the Pennsylvanian System of South-Central Iowa, L. W. Wood
Robert Paulson and Dick Lattin
Rock Bluff Quadrangle by USGS 1956
Rockin' in Rhythm, Duke Ellington
Rock Rapids Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Rockwell City topographical map 1977, Geological Survey (U.S.)
RodCon: Bringing the Community Together with Comics, Angela Cox and Melinda Beland
RodCon day of Service, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
RodCon, Flier, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
RodCon, Program, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library Annual Report 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library Bookmark, Rod LIbrary. University of Northern Iowa.
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n06, January 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n07, February 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n08, March 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n09, April 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n10, May 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n11, June/July 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Roland Wick named head of Old Gold staff, The College Eye, May 23, 1941
Roles and reflections : using team teaching to improve literacy teaching, Jennifer L. Frett
Rondo Wry, Robert Washut
Roosters and rabbits on display
Rosa pratincola Greene, Evelyn Ensign
Rose Hill Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Roster of the Faculty 2018-2019, Spring 2019 Semester, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
Roster of the Faculty 2019-2020, Fall 2019 Semester, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
Rotary Club of Lacrosse; Quillans donate to local food pantry
Rounding the bases in Wartburg game
Round Midnight, Thelonious Monk
Round Midnight, Thelonious Monk
Royal Quadrangle by USGS 1970, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Rubashkin arrested again & held on allegations of federal bank fraud
Rumba Abierta, Mario Bauza
Russell Quadrangle by USGS 1966
Russlan and Ludmilla: Overture (1842), Mikhail Glinka
Sabor Latino 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 04, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 05, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 06, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 07, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino 08, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino store 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sabor Latino store 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sac City East topographical map 1977
Salary Survey, Fall 2009, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Fall 2010, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Spring 2009, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Spring 2010, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Spring 2011, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Summer 2009, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Summer 2010, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Summer 2011, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Winter 2010, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Salary Survey, Winter 2011, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Sanborn Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Sand Mandala: Over Seven Days of Careful Construction, Northern Iowa Today, Spring 2009
San Francisco with Joanne Alesch
Sap Hydrion Concentration as a Factor in Plant Metabolism, Walter F. Loehwing
Satin Spar from Dubuque, A. G. Leonard
Savanna Quadrangle by USGS 1967
Scale Formation in Water Cooling System of Refrigerating Machines, Edward Bartow
Scarbourough Fair, Paul Clark
Scared relatives huddling inside Postville church
Schaller South topographical map 1978
Schedules for the Field Descriptions of Sedimentary Rocks, A. C. Trowbridge
School-based intervention programs for dropouts, Mmamiki Gaolatlhe Kamanakao
School-based prevention of adolescent substance abuse, Kristina Lorenzen
School-based primary prevention programs for eating disorders, Suzanne D. Holmes
School climate : a review of literature, Sarah Galloway
School readiness : what it means to be "ready" for kindergarten, Brian D. Kingrey
School-to-work : What does this mean for our schools?, Amy K. Leonhart
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 1
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 2
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 3
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 4
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 5
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 6
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 7
Schreiner's map of Des Moines 1893 sheet 8
Science Education Update Conference, Save the Date Flier, Spring 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Science Education Program.
Science Educator, v16n1, Spring 2007, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v16n2, Fall 2007, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v17n1, Spring 2008, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v17n2, Fall 2008, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v18n1, Spring 2009, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v18n2, Fall 2009, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v19n1, Spring 2010, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v20n1, Spring 2011, National Science Education Leadership Association
Science Educator, v20n2, Fall 2011, National Science Education Leadership Association
Scleroderma vulgare and Its Iowa Allies, Guy West Wilson
Scranton topographical map 1978
Scratchin' in the Gravel, Mary Lou Williams
Screening of Luis's Argueta's abused documentary at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sculpture Rises by Wellness/Recreation Center, Northern Iowa Today, Summer 2000
Seasons, Bob Cook
Secondary Emission of Electrons from Metals, Paul L. Copeland
Second Grade Students Learn about Civil Engineers and Erosion, Andrea Anderson
Second language development and guided reading, Emilia Alejo Hummel
Second Thoughts, Mulgrew Miller
Secotium agaricoides, a Stalked Puffball, Henry S. Conard
Section at the Fort Dodge Limestone Company at Fort Dodge, L. W. Wood
Secular Decay of Granitic Rocks, Charles Rollin Keyes
Securing a Stand of Clover on the Southern Iowa Loess, E. B. Watson
Sedges of Henry County, John Theodore Buchholz
Sedimentary Processes on Volcanic Islands, Chester K. Wentworth
Sedimentation of the Cedar Valley Limestone, A. C. Tester
Seed mix design and first-year management influence ecological outcomes in prairie reconstruction, Alec J. Glidden
Seed Mix Design and First-year Management Influences Ecological Outcomes in Prairie Reconstruction, Alec Glidden
Segmentation in Earthworms, Resulting from Inability to Regenerate a Portion of the Ventral Nerve Cord, F. L. Fitzpatrick and S. L. Stolba
Segregation of Fat Factors in Milk Production, F. B. Hills and E. N. Boland
Selections for Arbor and Bird Day, Memorial Day, Iowa. Dept. of Education
Selective Action in the Zincke Nitration, L. Chas. Raiford and G. R. Miller
Self-esteem : cognitive therapy and creative interventions, Barbara J. Fay
Self-Help International Graphic Design Work, Delynn Plante
Self-monitoring : an efficient and effective intervention for academic and behavioral targets in the school, Stacy S. Huisinga
Self-monitoring with preschoolers, Nicole Fay Kimball
Self-study of one to one reading conferences in a third grade setting, Angel Munson
SEM/EDX Analysis of Bronze Disease, Brian Pauley and Nicole Bishop
Separability of maize varieties using an unmanned aircraft and hyperspectral sensor in Iowa, Daniel Murphy
September 1960 with George Wine in the radio office
Serenade for Strings, Op. 20: Larghetto, Edward Elgar
Serengeti, Mark Levin
Sergeant Bluff Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Serial Action as a Basic Measure of Motor Capacity, C. Frederick Hansen
Serial Subdivision of the Early Carbonic Succession in the Continental Interior, Charles Keyes
Serious leisure as a catalyst to community development as defined by community engagement, Marie Elomba Adebiyi
Service and Leadership Council, Morgan Johnston, Rose Simon-Ressler, Hanna Bush, and Emma Alman
Settlement reached in immigration lawsuit
Several hundred arrested in immigration raid here Monday
Sex Differences in Adult ADHD Symptom, Anna Garner
Sex-Linked Factors in the Inheritance of Rudimentary Mammae in Swine, Edward N. Wentworth
Sex-Related Differences in Immune Response and Symptomatic Manifestations to Infection with Leishmania Species, Ryan D. Lockard, Mary E. Wilson, and Nilda E. Rodriguez
Shadder of Your Smile, Gary Langford
Shadow of Your Smile, Johnny Mandel
Shared reading for teaching English as a Foreign Language to young learners in Russia, Inna V. Kuznetsova
Shaw's masterpiece termed 'good theatre,' The College Eye, April 24, 1942
Shelby Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Sheldon Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Sheldon SE Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Shellsburg Quadrangle by USGS 1968, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Shenandoah East Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Shenandoah West Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Sherrill Quadrangle by USGS 1956
She's not allowed to do that: performing stigmatized same-sex sexuality, Orion Lee Risk
She's Not Allowed to Do That: Two Actors Embody Female Same-Sex Sexuality, Orion Lee Risk
Shrubs and Trees of Madison County, H. A. Mueller
Shrubs of the McGregor District, L. H. Pammel
Siegfried Idyll, Richard Wagner
Significance of the Concealed Crests of Fly Catchers, C. C. Nutting
Significance of the Occurrence of Minute Quantities of Metalliferous Minerals in Rocks, Charles R. Keyes
Significance of Thrust Planes in the Great Basin Ranges, Charles R. Keyes
Sign language in the preschool classroom : a self-study, DiAnna Geiger
Signyfin', Jeff Sturges
Sigourney Deep Well, H. Foster Bain
Sigourney Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Silence, Charlie Haden
Silence, Randi Smith
Silvis Quadrangle by USGS 1949
Silvis Quadrangle by USGS 1953
Silyation of carbon-hydrogen bonds using diruthenium catalysts, Joshua Wesley Prybil
Silylation Using a Zinc Catalyst, Rodney Wallace, Victoria Williams, and Robert Martin Chin
Simblum sphaerocephalum in Iowa, Henry S. Conard
Simultaneous Development of the Seed Coat and Embryo in the Seeds of Sweet Clover, John R. Watt
Simultaneous Fast and Slow Drum Records of Fatigue, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Sinfonia in D Minor, Op. 37, No. 3: Allegro Moderato, Luigi Boccherini
Single custodial fathers : effects on families and implications for school counselors, Nicole M. Gebel
Single Spore Isolation, W. H. Davis
Sioux Center Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Sioux City Ia. & S. Sioux City Neb. by Wakefield, Hill & Wingeland 1888
Sioux City Ia. & vicinity by W. R. Webb 1936
Sioux City Nirensteins Nat'l. Realty Map Co. 1952 sheet 1
Sioux City Nirensteins Nat'l. Realty Map Co. 1952 sheet 2
Sioux City North Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Sioux City South Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Sister Mary McCauley 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sister Mary McCauley 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sister Mary McCauley, marchers, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sister Mary McCauley, marcher with Guatemalan flag, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sister Mary MccCuley, Maryn Olsen,, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sisters, Julie Berg-Raymond
Sisters launch billboard campaign for immigration reform
Sitting on floor with questions
Six students see Windy City: Observe drama from gallery, The College Eye, January 10, 1941
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa 1851
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa & Dakota no.2 1860
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa & Dakota no.2 1861
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa & Dakota no.2 1862
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa no.2 1853
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa no.2 1854
Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa Territory
Skittish, Jim McNeely
Skyshine and Sunshine at Ames, William Kunerth and Russel D. Miller
Slime Bash Social, Joyce Levingston and DongYub Back
Slime Bash Social: A Tactile Manipulative for Child and Youth Play, Joyce A. Levingston, Marie E. Adebiyi, Brian Hadley, Younis Al-Hassan, Dongyub Back, Michelle Cook, and Christopher R. Edginton
Small Learning Community: Benefits and Planning Consideration
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Jerome Kern
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Jerome Kern
Snake Notes, J. E. Guthrie
Snake Notes, J. E. Guthrie
Snakes Swallowing Their Young, E. D. Ball
[Social Work] Newsletter, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Social Work.
Society of St Vincent de Paul - Strategic Plan, Glynis Worthington
Sociology as a Science, Hornell Hart
Soft Water of Central New York, Nicholas Knight and J. B. Shumaker
Soil Bacteriology as a Science, P. E. Brown
Soil Characteristics Affecting Weed Invasion on Conservation Reserve Program Pollinator Habitats, Jennifer Pauley
Soil conservation aerial mosaic [Black Hawk County] 1974, United States. Soil Conservation Service
Soil map (2) Benton County 1921, United States. Bureau of Soils
Soil map Adair County 1919, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Appanoose County 1923, United States. Bureau of Soils
Soil map Benton County 1921, United States. Bureau of Soils
Soil map Boone County 1920, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Bremer County 1913, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Buena Vista County 1917, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Cedar County 1919, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Chickasaw County 1927, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Clay County 1916, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Crawford County 1928, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station
Soil map Des Moines County 1921
Soil map Dickinson County 1920
Soil map Henry County sheet 1917
Soil map Jefferson County sheet 1922
Soil map Montgomery County 1917
Soil map Palo Alto County 1918
Soil map Winnebago County 1918
Soil map Winneshiek County 1922
Solar structure in Environmental Place
Solubility and Polarity, Wm. Kunerth
Solubility in Austenite of Carbon from Carbon and of Carbon from Iron-Carbide, H. L. Maxwell and Anson Hayes
Solubility of Copper in Milk, E. I. Soloman and G. N. Quam
Solution-focused approach to therapy : an overview of the literature, Gail L. Garwood
Some Abnormal Reactions of Organomagnesium Halides, Henry Gilman, J. E. Kirby, R. E. Fothergill, and S. A. Harris
Some Additional Notes on Pollination of Red Clover, L. H. Pammel and L. A. Kenoyer
Some Additional Observations on Sphenodon punctatum in Captivity, Warren N. Keck
Some Additional Observations on the Loess in and about Muscatine, F. M. Witter
Some Alaska Fungi, J. P. Anderson
Some Amanitas from Eastern Iowa, G. W. Martin
Some American Dolomites, Burleigh B. Reed and Nicholas Knight
Some American Eruptive Granites, Charles Rollin Keyes
Some Anatomical Studies of the Leaves of Sporobulus and Panicum, Emma Sirrine and Emma Pammel
Some Aspects of the Problem of Fatigue, Christian A. Ruckmick
Some Auxoamylases, Elbert W. Rockwood
Some Bacteriological Examinations of Iowa Waters, L. H. Pammel, R. E. Buchanan, and Edna L. King
Some Basic Experimental Results in Audition, A. R. Root
Some Biological Contributions to Recreation (Address of the President), H. E. Jaques
Some Biological Effects of Certain Nitrogen Fertilizers, P.E. Brown and F. H. Mendell
Some Black River Brachiopods from the Mississippi Valley, Carroll Lane Fenton and Mildred Adams Fenton
Some Bred Parasitic Hymenoptera in the Iowa Agricultural College Collection, Alice M. Beach
Some Buried "Pictured Rocks", W. H. Norton
Some Cercosporae of Macon Co., Alabama, George W. Carver
Some Conditions Affecting Tree Growth as Revealed by the Annual Rings, Max W. Van Horn
Some Conics with Names, Roscoe Woods
Someday My Prince Will Come, Frank Churchill and Larry Morey
Some Diseases of Rocky Mountain Plants, L. H. Pammel
Some Dolomites, Nicholas Knight
Some Dragonflies of Northwest Iowa, Wilbur C. Yeager
Some Ecological Notes on the Vegetation of the Uintah Mountains, L. H. Pammel
Some Effects of Fertilization on Nitrification in High-Lime Soils, F. B. Smith and Hartzell C. Dean
Some Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers in the Nitrifying Power of Carrington Loam, Mark H. Brown
Some Errors in the Use of Physico-Chemical Concepts in Physiology of Bacteria, R. E. Buchanan
Some Evidence of Recent Progress in Geology, George F. Kay
Some Experiences with Laboratory Control of Field Water Supplies, Jack J. Hinman Jr.
Some Experiments for the Purpose of Determining the Active Principles of Bread Making, Minnie Howe
Some Factors Affecting Fetal Development, John M. Evvard
Some Factors Involved in Motivation, Nira M. Klise
Some Facts Brought to Light by Deep Wells in Des Moines County, Iowa, Francis M. Fultz
Some Features in the Analysis of Dolomite Rock, Nicholas Knight
Some Features of Iowa Ground Waters, W. S. Hendrixson
Some Features of Iowa Ground Waters, II, W. S. Hendrixson
Some Features of the Bering River Coal Field, Alaska, G. F. Kay
Some Features of the Channel of the Mississippi River between Lansing and Dubuque, and Their Probable History, Samuel Calvin
Some Features of the Fort Dodge Gypsum, James H. Lees
Some Ferns of the Ozark Region of Missouri, R. Ellsworth Call
Some Food Reactions of Snails, E. W. Johns
Some Forestry Problems of the Prairies of the Middle West, Hugh P. Baker
Some Fossils from an Outcrop in Des Moines, A. O. Thomas
Some Fundamental Concepts of Earth History, James H. Lees
Some Fungous Diseases of Fruit Trees in Iowa, L. H. Pammel
Some Fungus Diseases of Iowa Forage Plants, L. H. Pammel
Some Fungus Diseases of Trees, L. H. Pammel
Some Galvanic Responses of Psychopathic Individuals, D. U. Greenwald
Some Geological Aspects of Artificial Drainage in Iowa, G. G. Wheat
Some Geological Formations of the Cap-au-Gres Uplift, Charles R. Keyes
Some Goelogical Aspects of Conservation, James H. Lees
Some Goniatites from the Paleozoic of Iowa, A. O. Thomas
Some Home-Made Teaching Models, J. E. Guthrie
Some Improved Laboratory Devices and Apparatus, A. A. Veblen
Some Improved Laboratory Methods, W. S. Hendrixson
Some Interesting Insect Habitats in the Tropics, Dayton Stoner
Some Investigation of the Ethanol Carbontetrachloride System, S. Fred Calhoun and Thos. C. Poulter
Some Iowa Records of Lepidoptera, A. W. Lindsey
Some Iowa Sandstone, Robert Hendricks and Nicholas Knight
Some Iowa Waters, Nicholas Knight
Some Large Colonies of Stromatopora Found near Iowa City, Iowa, A. O. Thomas
Some Large Glacial Boulders in Des Moines County, Iowa, A. L. Lugn
Some Manitoba Cladocera, with Description of One New Species, L. S. Ross
Some Meiotic Irregularities in Cultivated Lilies, John E. Sass
Some Misunderstood Slime-Mold Species, Ella Baskerville
Some Municipal Water Problems, L. H. Pammel
Some Natural Waters of Central New York, Nicholas Knight and Vernon C. Shippee
Some Needed Bird Observations in Iowa, Walter W. Bennett
Some New Double Bromides and Their Dissociation in Aqueous Solution, Nicholas Knight
Some New Endoparasites of the Snake, Thesle T. Job.
Some New Paleozoic Glass-Sponges from Iowa, A. O. Thomas
Some Nitrification Studies on an Alkali Soil in Iowa, Sanford M. Smith and F. B. Smith
Some Notes on California Forest Flora, L. H. Pammel
Some Notes on Certain Iowa Algae, Bruce Fink
Some Notes on Chromogenic Bacteria, L. H. Pammel and Robert Combs
Some Notes on Collecting Cerambycidae, Robert E. Ware
Some Notes on Empoasca flavescens Fabricius (Homoptera, Cicadellidae), R. L. Webster
Some Notes on Plants of Whitehall, Michigan, L. H. Pammel and R. I. Cratty
Some Notes on the Flora of Forest and Florence Counties, Wisconsin, and Iron County, Michigan, L. H. Pammel
Some Notes on the Voges-Proskauer Reaction, S. S. Epstein and Max Levine
Some Notes on Trickling Filters in the Purification of Creamery Wastes, Max Levine
Some Noteworthy Iowa Fungi of 1925, Guy West Wilson
Some Observations of the Erosion History of the Yangtze River, China, C. L. Foster
Some Observations on E. C. Kendall's Method of Estimating Iodine in Thyroid Preparations, S. B. Kuziran
Some Observations on Helix cooperi, F. M. Witter
Some Observations on Spectral Color Discrimination, Le Roy D. Weld
Some Observations on Sycamore Blight and Accompanying Fungi, J. P. Anderson
Some Observations on the Effect of Iodine Administration upon Sheep, John M. Evvard, Alvin R. Lamb, and W. G. Gaessler
Some Observations on the Embryology of Chronomus, W. N. Craven
Some Observations on the Germicidal Efficiencies of Alkalies, Max Levine, J. H. Buchanan, Grace Lease, and E. E. Peterson
Some Observations on the Habits of Leeches, Catharine Mullin
Some Observations on the Relation of the Composition of the Diet to Lactation, P. D. Wilkinson and V. E. Nelson
Some Observations on Undertow, A. L. Lugn
Some Observations upon the Action of Coherers When Subjected to Direct Electromotive Force, Frank F. Almy
Some of the Causes and Results of Polygamy among the Pinnipedia, C. C. Nutting
Some of the Flowering Plants of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, J. M. Lindly
Someone to Watch Over Me, George Gershwin
Some Parasitic Polyporaceae, Clarence D. Learn
Some Peculiarities in the Elastic Properties of Certain Substances, K. E. Guthe
Some Peculiarities of the Plagiostome Ear, H. W. Norris
Some Peculiarties of Solutions of Ferric Sulphocyanate, Launcelot Andrews
Some Phenological Records of Spring Flowering Plants of Henry County, H. E. Jaques
Some Physical Aspects of General Geological Correlation, Charles R. Keyes
Some Physical Properties of Aqueous Salt Solutions, J. N. Pearce and M. A. Hooper
Some Physical Properties of Concentrated Aqueous Salt Solutions, J. N. Pearce and Mildred A. Hooper
Some Physico-Chemical Effects of Organic Soil Colloids, Walter F. Loehwing
Some Physico-Chemical Studies of Organo-Metallic Compounds, Henry Gilman, L. L. Heck, and J. A. Leermakers
Some Pleistocene Exposures in Des Moines, James H. Lees
Some Points on the Floral Development of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense), J. N. Martin
Some Polypores in Henry County, Mary Carnahan
Some Preglacial Soils, J. A. Udden
Some Problems in the Classification of the Fungi, Guy West Wilson
Some Problems of Water Supply for Troops, Jack J. Hinman Jr.
Some Proboscidian Remains Found in Henry County, H. E. Jaques
Some Properties of Vitamin E Concentrates, H. S, Olcott
Some Protozoa Found in the Faeces of Cattle, Elery R. Becker and W. W. Frye
Some Protozoa from Fayette, Iowa, Guy West Wilson
Some Psycho-Physiological Measurements of Athletes, John G. Jenkins
Some Railroad Water Supplies, L. H. Pammel and Estelle D. Fogel
Some Reactions in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide, Jacob Cornog and Vernon A. Lamb
Some Reactions of Diphenyletyleneimine and Attempts to Prepare Aminoethenes, George H. Coleman and G. P. Waugh
Some Rearrangement Reactions of Organosodium and Organolithium Compounds, Henry Gilman and Fritz W. Breuer
Some Reasons Why Frogs Are Able to Survive, Gilman Drew
Some Recent Analyses of Iowa Building Stones; Also of Potable Water, Nicholas Knight
Some Recent Contributions to Our Understanding of Corn Diseases, I. E. Melhus
Some Recent Developments in High Pressure Windows, Robert Wilson and Thos. C. Poulter
Some Recent Discoveries Concerning the Behavior of Platinum-Iridium Wires, L. P. Sieg
Some Recent Finds of Remains of the Extinct Ground Sloth in Southwest Iowa, Fred Delavan
Some Recent Improvements in the Galvanic Techniques, Christian A. Ruckmick
Some Recent Studies Concerning Organometallic Compounds, H. H. Parker, F. Schulze, W. B. King, J. M. Peterson, and H. Gilman
Some Relationships between Scholastic Efficiency and Motor Ability, Frederic S. Beebee
Some Relations of the Older and Younger Tectonics of the Great Basin Region, Charles R. Keyes
Some Soil and Moisture Relationships of Sweet Gum and River Birch in Southern Maryland, F. B. Trenk
Some Standardizing Tests of Stern's Tone Variator, R. H. Sylvester
Some Studies on the Seeds and Fruits of Berberidaceae, L. H. Pammel, J. R. Burnip, and Hannah Thomas
Some Theoretical Stages in the Retreat of the Iowan Ice Sheets, John E. Smith
Some turn to their faith following raid
Some Unique Niagaran Cephalopods, A. O. Thomas
Some Variant Conclusions in Iowa Geology, J. E. Todd
Some Visual Puns, Christian A. Ruckmick
Some Weeds of Iowa, Florida, Lower Rio Grande Valley, Cuba and India Compared, L. H. Pammel
Some Well Known Building Materials, Nicholas Knight
Somewhere, Leonard Bernstein
Some Winter Flowering Plants, R. W. Poulter
Some Wound Responses of Citrus Leaves, Robert B. Wylie
Some Wound Responses of Foliage Leaves, Robert B. Wylie
Sound Localization: A Comparison of Methods, C. A. Ruckmick
Sound : the study of differentiating pitch and volume with preschoolers, Jennifer Lyn Miller
South English Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Southern Extension of the Cretaceous in Iowa, E. H. Lonsdale
Southward Extension of the Bozeman Tertiaries into Utah, Charles Keyes
Souvenir Program of the Fiftieth Commencement of the Iowa State Teachers College, May 28 - June 1, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
Sown and Unsown Floral Resources Both Support Bee Abundance, Pryce Johnson, Kenneth Elgersma, and Ai Wen
Sown Forb Performance in CP42 Fields, Nathan Theel and Mark Sherrard
Spatiotemporal assessment of condition, seasonal trends, and determinants of agriculturally derived nutrients in the upper Cedar River watershed, Iowa, Sushil Tuladhar
Special meeting of the City Council of Postville, Iowa (June 17, 2008)
Special meeting of the City Council of Postville, Iowa (May 21, 2008)
Species composition influences soil nutrient depletion and plantphysiology in prairie agroenergy feedstocks, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth Elgersma, Jordan M.A. Koos, Catherine M. Kokemuller, Hannah E. Dietz, Alec J. Glidden, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Species Crosses in the Genus Cucurbita, Edward F. Castetter
Specification for the Erection of the "Soldiers' Orphans' Home," Cedar Falls, Iowa, Unknown
Specific Infectious Pyelonephritis of Cows, C. D. Rice
Specific problem solution and distant learning, David L. Kastler
Speech Sound Disorders: For Class and Clinic, Ken Mitchell Bleile
Speech Sounds of Preschool Children, Beth L. Wellman
"Speling it rite eevn aftr the test" : what students can tell us, Jennifer L. Heckmann
Spencer Quadrangle by USGS 1966, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Spermaphyta of the Flora of Fayette, Iowa, Bruce Fink
Sperry Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Spiders of the Family Attidae Collected in the Vicinity of Ames, Iowa, I. L. Ressler
Spin in Place, Bury Our Years: An Iowan Lyr, Seth Thill
Spirit Lake Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Spirit Lake SE Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Spiritual calling, work, and family : a review of the literature, Jaymee Glenn-Burns
Spontaneous Decomposition Temperatures of Potassium Chlorate-Iron Oxide Mixtures, F. E. Brown and C. O. White
Spore Formation in Lycogala exiguum Morg., Henry S. Conard
[Spring 1951 honor roll],Iowa State Teachers College Information Services, July 16, 1951
Spring Baccalaureate and Commencement, May 23, 1949, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Baccalaureate and Commencement, May 27, 1945, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 1, 1956, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 2, 1951, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 3, 1955, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 3, 1959, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 4, 1954, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 4, 1958, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 6, 1953, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 6, 1963, State College of Iowa
Spring Commencement [Program], June 7, 1952, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 7, 1957, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 8, 1960, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], June 8, 1962, State College of Iowa
Spring Commencement [Program], June 9, 1961, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], May 10-11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa
Spring Commencement [Program], May 20, 1950, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], May 25, 1946, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], May 25, 1948, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Commencement [Program], May 27, 1947, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring edition of student magazine on sale Tuesday, The College Eye, May 10, 1940
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], June 2, 1941, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], June 3, 1940, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], May 21, 1944, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], May 23, 1943, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], May 29, 1939, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], May 30, 1938, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Quarter Commencement [Program], May 31, 1942, Iowa State Teachers College
Springtails as Economic Insects, Harlow B. Mills
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 1, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 1, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 1, 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 1, 1936, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 2, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 2, 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 3, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 3, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 3, 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 4, 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 5, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], June 5, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], May 29, 1933, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], May 30, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], May 30, 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], May 31, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], May 31, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
Spring Term Commencement [Program], May 31, 1937, Iowa State Teachers College
Stacy's industrial & commercial map of Cedar Rapids 1931
Stage set for a film #1 by artist Dennis Oppenheim
Stages of the Des Moines, or Chief Coal Bearing Series of Kansas and Southwest Missouri and Their Equivalents in Iowa, Charles R. Keyes
Standard Oil Co. 1937 road map side 1
Standard Oil Co. 1937 road map side 2
Standards of Capacity, J. B. Dempster, E. G. Linder, and E. O. Hulburt
Stan Sheriff and John Kamerick with print
Stanton Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Stanton SW Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Stanwood Quadrangle by USGS 1901 side 1, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Stanwood Quadrangle by USGS 1901 side 2, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Stanwood Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Star Count in the Dark Ring Nebula in Cygnus, D. W. Morehouse and Richard S. Zug
Star Crossed Lovers, Duke Ellington
Statement from Congressman Bruce Braley
State of Iowa comparative area of the counties & larger cities 1926
State steps in to help Postville residents
Statistical Control of a Grading System, George W. Snedecor
Status of Certain Rhynchonellid Brachiopods from the Devonian of Iowa, A. O. Thomas and M. A. Stainbrook
Status of Stream Pollution in Iowa, A. H. Wieters
Status of the Devonian Beds at Middle Amana, S. W. Stookey
St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Oficina del Ministerio Hispano, Julie Berg-Raymond
St. Bridget's Catholic Church, rectory front porch, Julie Berg-Raymond
Stepfamilies : implications and interventions for children, Deanna S. Johnson
Stereoscopic Projection in Natural Colors, C. F. Lorenz
Steric Hindrance as a Factor in the Hydrolytic Stability of Aromatic Ketimines, J. B. Culbertson, Rachel Albright, Drew Baker, and Paul Sweitzer
Steric Hindrance in the Behavior of Phenyl Alkyl Ether and Derivatives, L. Chas. Raiford and D. M. Birosel
Stimulation of Root Growth on Cuttings from Hardwood Forest Trees, G. C. Hutchings and J. A. Larsen
Stochastic Lattice Simulation of the RAD51 Nucleoprotein Filament Formation on Single-Stranded DNA, Mary Sutton, Ali Tabei, Colleen Caldwell, and Maria Spies
Stolen Moments, Oliver Nelson and Phil Woods
Stone Axes from Adel, James H. Lees
Stork makes visit to editor's house, The College Eye, July 31, 1953
Story of Our Lives English script
Story of Our Lives English translation of commentary by Juventino Lopez Pichia
Story of Our Lives front cover
Story of Our Lives Kate Blair's directors notes
Story of Our Lives letter from Alex Skitolsky
Story of Our Lives performance schedule in Spanish and English
Story of Our Lives personal interviews
Story of Our Lives Spanish commentary by Juventino Lopez Pichia
Story of Our Lives Spanish program for Chicago performance
Story of Our Lives Spanish script
Story of Our Lives Spanish translation of written statement from co-director Alex Skitolsky
Story of Our Lives table of contents
Story of Our Lives transcribed Spanish commentary by Juventino Lopez Pichia
Story of Our Lives written Spanish personal account by Juventino Lopez Pichia
Story of our Lives written statement for Decorah performance
Story of Our Lives written statement from director Alex Skitolsky
Storytime for children and adults
Straight, No Chaser, Thelonious Monk
Strata between Ford and Winterset, J. L. Tilton
Strategies for bridging the gender gap in technology use : from education to the workplace, Martha Frazier
Stratford Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Stratigraphic Delimitation of St. Louis Formation, Charles Keyes
Stratigraphic Position of Western Red-Beds, Charles R. Keyes
Stratigraphic Value of Volcanic Ash, Charles Keyes
Strengthening early mathematics in early childhood classrooms : a professional development project, Jennifer Lynn Jansen
Stress and coping behavior : the effects of poverty on women and children, Laura J. Sorensen Lyons
Striation of Rocks by River Ice, J. E. Todd
Stroboscopic Velocities in the Tonoscope, H. R. Fossler and L. E. Dodd
Structural Evidences of an Iron-Carbon Eutectoid, H. E. Flanders and Anson Hayes
Structure and Composition of Pollen Grains of Vernal Plants, Ada Hayden and J. N. Martin
Structure and Function of the Stigma in Relation to the Germinative Requirements of the Pollen in the Easter Lily, J. N. Martin, Fred C. Werkenthin, and Elizabeth Hudson
Structure and magnetism of NiFeMnGaxSn1-x (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00) Heusler compounds, Jace Waybright, Lee Halbritter, Bishnu Dahal, Hanyang Qian, Yung Huh, Pavel Lukashev, and Parashu Kharel
Structure of the Des Moines Series at Redfield, Iowa, C. S. Gwynne
Structure of the Mystic Coal Basin, H. Foster Bain
Structure of the Seed Coats of Polygonaceae, Emma Sirrine
[Student delighter, Herbert V. Hake], Alumnus, January 1947
Student engagement in higher education: Measuring the differences in community engagement, Stanley S. Ebede
Student engagement within the use of graphic novels, Melissa Felsenthal
Student-led conferences : a better way, Beverly A. Maronn
Student led video production projects in the classroom, Slade Hovick
Students are appointed to faculty group, The College Eye, January 23, 1952
Students in the Margin: The Creation of Evangelical Ministries on College Campuses, Hannah Gregor
Student-teacher relationships: How to find a common ground in relationship building, Jason Knittel
Student variables and teacher perceptions: Examining the decline of reading proficiency at sixth grade, Jo Ellen Latham
Studies in Karyokinesis, James Ellis Gow
Studies in the Foundation of Artistic Aptitude, Norman C. Meier
Studies in the Selection for Susceptibility and Resistance to Anaphylactic Shock in Guinea Pigs, E. W. Shrigley
Studies in the Solubility of Portland Cement Continued from 1908, G. G. Wheat
Studies in Variation of Red Clover, Edna C. Pammel and Clarissa Clark
Studies of Insect Transmission and Cross Inoculation of Mosaic on the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Leguminosea, O. H. Elmer
Studies of the Blood of Suprarenalectomized Dogs, F. Yonkman
Studies of the Collembolan Eye, J. E. Guthrie
Studies of the Cytology of Melilotus alba, E. F. Castetter
Studies of the Diurnal Fluctuations of Sap Hydrion Concentration in Young Wheat Plants, Walter F. Loehwing
Studies of the Phycomycetes of Iowa, J. M. Raeder
Studies of Yeast V - Is Bios a Single Substance, Ellis I. Fulmer and V. E. Nelson
Studies on Germination of Trees and Woody Plants, Continued, L. H. Pammel and Charlotte M. King
Studies on Methods of Measuring the Nitrate Assimilating Power of Soils, Ray A. Pendleton and Frederick B. Smith
Studies on Nitrogen Fixation in Some Iowa Soils, R. H. Walker
Studies on Regeneration of Hemoglobin, H. L. Keil and Victor E. Nelson
Studies on the Commercial Preparation of Chlorates, H. A. Christopherson
Studies on the Effect of Ultra-Violet Rays upon Yeast Metabolism - I. The Effect of Ultra Violet Light upon the Medium, A. C. Bailey, J. W. Woodrow, and Ellis I. Fulmer
Studies on the Germination of Pumpkin Pollen, Edward F. Castetter
Studies on the Germination of Some Woody Plants, L. H. Pammel and C. M. King
Studies on the Role of Rye in the Vienna Process for Yeast Manufacture, Ellis I. Fulmer and Roma Elmer
Studies upon the Absorption and Germination of Wheat Treated with Formaldehyde, A. L. Bakke and H. H. Plagge
Study Methods of College Students in Relation to Intelligence and Acheivement, Nira M. Klise
Study of a Section of the Oregon Coast Flora, Morton E. Peck
Study of Glands in the Hop-Tree, Cassie M. Bigelow
Study of Peronospora trifolioum Debary on Species of Leguminosae, I. E. Melhus and M. K. Patel
Study of the Weeds of Alfalfa Fields of Iowa, A. L. Hershey and L. H. Pammel
Submarginal Venation of Foliage Leaves, Robert B. Wylie
Submarine cable connections of the world 1898
Substances Dissolved in Rain and Snow, H. S. Fries and Nicholas Knight
Substances in Rain and Snow, Nicholas Knight
Substitution of Time for Stress in Performance of Measure Accent in Piano Music, Mack T. Henderson
Successful "Mink Farming" in Iowa, B. H. Bailey
Sugar Dissimilation by Shigella paradysenteriae Variety Sonne, Howard Reynolds, C. S. McCleskey, and C. H. Werkman
Suggested Revisions of Pleistocene Classification, George F. Kay
Suggestion as to Structure in Ionic Solutions, G. W. Stewart
Sulfofication in Soils, P. E. Brown and E. H. Kellogg
Sulphate Retention following Bilateral Adrenal Extirpation, W. W. Swingle and W. F. Wenner
Summary of Discussion, S. Calvin
Summary of the Archaeology of Iowa, Frederick Starr
Summer 1960 working with globes
Summer Baccalaureate and Commencement [Program], August 16 & 17, 1953, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 10, 1950, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 10, 1961, State College of Iowa
Summer Commencement [Program], August 16, 1951, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 17, 1954, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 18, 1949, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 19, 1948, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 21, 1947, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 21, 1952, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 2, 1956, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 22, 1946, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 23, 1945, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 4, 1955, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 4, 1960, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 6, 1959, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 7, 1958, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 7, 1963, State College of Iowa
Summer Commencement [Program], August 8, 1957, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Commencement [Program], August 9, 1962, State College of Iowa
Summer melt and socialization: Informing retention strategies for higher education, Cecelia Alice Hawbaker
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 17, 1944, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 18, 1938, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 19, 1943, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 20, 1942, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 21, 1941, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 22, 1940, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Quarter Commencement [Program], August 24, 1939, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 18, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 18, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 18, 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 19, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 19, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 19, 1937, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 20, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 20, 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 20, 1936, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 21, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 21, 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 22, 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 23, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 23, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 23, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 23, 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 24, 1933, Iowa State Teachers College
Sundry Provincial and Local Phases of the General Geologic Section of Iowa, Charles Keyes
Sunflecks, W. H. Davis
Super alumnus…, The Northern Iowa Today, Spring 2000
Super Bowl XLIII: Panthers partake, The Northern Iowa Today, June 1, 2009
Supercoiled DNA Looping by Lac Repressor Protein Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Hannah Peterson, Taylor Harris, Timothy Kidd, and Justin Peters
Superimposition of Kansan Drift on Subaftonian Drift in Eastern Iowa, Morris M. Leighton
Superposed Stroboscopic Velocities, L. E. Dodd
Supervising construction of new radio tower
Supervisor discussing zoning; Hear updates from auditor and emergency management
Supplemental List of Plants from Southeastern Alaska, J. P. Anderson
Supplement to Alumni News Letter [v6n2] for April 1, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
Supplement to News Letter [v4n3], July 1, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
Supporting Student Learning Through Effective Use of Resources
Supporting the North Central Conference
Surface Disintegration of Granitic Masses, Charles Rollin Keyes
Susan Vavrg and boys in Spanish class
Susceptible and Resistant Phases of the Dividing Sea-Urchin Egg when Subjected to Various Concentrations of Lipoid-Soluble Substances, Especially the Higher Alcohols, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Sustainable Solutions to Food Insecurity in the Cedar Valley, Brian Rumsey
Sutherland West Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Sweet Georgia Upside Down, Phil Kelly
Swimming Pool Sanitation, Jack J. Hinman Jr.
Swimming Pool Sanitation at the University of Iowa, Jack J. Hinman Jr.
Swisher Quadrangle by USGS 1968
Swiss Air, Ernie Wilkins
Sword, Bible, old phonograph can be found in radio office, The College Eye, August 12, 1949
Symphonic Metamorphoses of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber: Allegro, Paul Hindemith
Symphony in 3 forms in the studio
Symphony in 3 Forms October 1991
Symphony in 3 Forms with Finegan December 1961
Symphony in Three Forms with the sculptor
Symphony No. 1 in G Minor (1895): Allegro Moderato, Vassili Sergeiovich Kalinnikov
Symphony No. 4: Andante, Peter Illich Tchaikovsky
Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90 (Italian): Saltarello, Felix Mendelssohn
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67: Allegro con brio, Ludwig van Beethoven
Symposium: Some Results of Current Research in the Psychological Laboratory of the State University of Iowa, C. E. Seashore
Synchronization of Action Current Waves from Homologous Muscle Groups during Reflex Activity, Mervin Patterson
Synopsis of American Paleozioc Echinoids, Charles Rollin Keyes
Synthesis and characterization of Cp2Ru2(dppm)2(CH3)2, Nina Jocic
Synthesis of a Naphthotetrazine from Diethyl Succinylosuccinate and Dicyandiamide., Arthur W. Dox
Synthetic Hypnotics in the Barbituric Acid Series, Arthur W. Dox
Systematic Botany, B. Shimek
Systematic Zoology in Colleges, C. C. Nutting
System for retrieval of data on adverse drug reactions, Mohammed Rawwas
Systems Formed by Certain Inorganic Compounds with Liquid Sulphur Dioxide, Howard T. Beach and P. A. Bond
Table of Contents - Authors' Index
Table of Contents for Volume 1, Parts I-IV
Tabor NE Quadrangle by USGS 1957
Tabor SW Quadrangle by USGS 1957
Take the 'A' Train, Billy Strayhorn
Take the "A" Train, Ernie Wilkins
Taking university business courses online: An instructional designer's perspective, Zachary P. Benton-Slocum
Talented and gifted programs in the middle school : critical components, Patricia R. Kayser
Tallgrass Prairie Center Newsletter, Summer 2019, Tallgrass Prairie Center
Tama Iowa by F. O. Nelson 1926
Tama Iowa drawn by F. O. Nelson 1926
Tapajack, Ray Anderson
Tarot Reading, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Taryn Kroymann, University of Northern Iowa
Taste of Postville ethnic dancers August 26, 2001
Taste of Postville Newspaper, August 27, 2000
Taste of Postville Newspaper, August 29,1999
Taste of Postville Newspaper, September 13, 1998
Taste of Postville Nordic players September 13, 1998
Taste of Postville Philippine dancers 2001
Taste of Postville program, August 24, 2003
Taste of Postville program, August 26, 2001
Taste of Postville Sabor Latino food booth
Taste of Postville September 13, 1998
Taste of Postville street dancers September 13, 1998
Taxonomic Rank of Pennsylvanian Groupings, Charles Keyes
Taxonomy of Iowa's Glacial Deposits, Charles Keyes
Taylor Quadrangle by USGS 1957
Teacher change in math education, Jamie Folkers
Teacher Compensation: Performance Pay and Other Issues
Teacher-controlled web pages and their impact on home/school communication, Colleen S. Hobus
Teacher Esther Stone with small group
Teacher perceptions of understaffed school libraries, Amanda Bonjour
Teacher Rose Hanson in Drama and Speech class
Teachers College High School sophomore class photo, 1916
Teachers College of the air, Alumnus, January 1945
Teachers College of the air' has far distant listeners, The College Eye, December 11, 1942
Teachers College presents weekly television show, Alumnus, December 1950
Teacher's contract May 28, 1926
Teachers' perceptions of skills needed for children's entry into kindergarten, Jessica Blohm
Teachers' positive and negative effects on student effort, Jeanne Turner
Teacher standing in back of class
Teacher standing in front of class
Teacher Well-Being: Voices in the Field, Abby Weiland
Teacher Working Conditions: What Matters and Why
Teaching and assistant at desk
Teaching fractions through the multiple intelligences, Lisa K. Freese
Teaching From the Heart, Kyle Rudick
Teaching literacy in kindergarten, Dawnette Diane Leslie
Teaching of Biology in Junior Colleges and High Schools, L. H. Pammel
Teaching students observing storytime
Teaching the Elementary Course in Bacteriology, R. E. Buchanan
"Teaching with TV" experimental courses start with 2nd semester, Alumnus, December 1957
Technique Development of Finite Layer Dichalcogenides by Mechanical Exfoliation on Gold Substrate, Taylor Harris and Tim Kidd
Techniques for Recording Time Intervals upon Paper Ribbon, J.D. Alexander
Technology coordinators : the relationship between employment responsibilities and need for ongoing professional development, Mary C. Frese
Technology-enriched learning environments : creating a classroom environment for the 21st century, Megan Lahey
Technology in education : is it working?, Daryl Hartwig
Technology integration within the elementary classroom setting, Krista K. Krebsbach
Technology training in preservice education programs : a review of the literature, Catherine A. Gersema
Ted Egri explains Impact of Experience
Ted Egri measuring sculpture October 1965
Ted Egri visits with J. W. Maucker
Tekamah NW Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Tekamah Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Television violence : the impact and influence on children and adolescents, Preston B. Hoskins
Tell Me You Love Me, Sonny Rollins
Temperature and Catalase Activity in Germinating Corn, C. W. Lantz
Temperature Studies Made on Lake Okoboji during the Summer of 1924, F. A. Stromsten
Temperature Studies of Lake Okoboji for 1925, Frank A. Stromsten
Temperature-Time Relations in Canned Foods During Sterilization, George E. Thompson
Temporal and spatial dynamics of competitive parapatry in chewing lice, David J. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Jessica E. Light, and James W. Demastes
Temporal Precision in Motor Rhythm, Robert Holmes Seashore
Terms and Conditions May Apply teacher's guide
Terraces of the Nile Valley, Charles R. Keyes
Terranal Affinities of Iowa Chalks, Charles Keyes
Terranal Affinities of Original Chouteau Limestone, Charles Keyes
Tertiary Terranes of New Mexico, Charles R. Keyes
Testimony from Dept. of Justice on ICE conduct during raid
Testimony from Director Forman on ICE conduct during raid
Test of a U-Tube Capillary Viscometer, LeRoy D. Weld
Tests on Soilvita, L. W. Erdman and P. E. Brown
Texaco road map Iowa 1930 side 1
Texaco road map Iowa 1930 side 2
Texaco road map Iowa 1936 side 1
Texaco road map Iowa 1936 side 2
The 1918 Outbreak of Sod Webworms in Iowa, R. L. Webster
The 1921 Outbreak of the Clover-Leaf Weevil in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
The 1924 Outbreak of Brood A of White Grubs in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
The 1929 Distribution of White Grubs in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
The 45th Annual Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture in History: Did Women Have a Great War? Reflections on the 100th Anniversary of the First World War, University of Northern Iowa. Department of History.
The 46th Annual Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture in History: India Engaged in World History: Environment, Migration, and Politics, University of Northern Iowa. Department of History.
The 4-Nitro-5-Methyl-2-Sulphobenzoic Acid and Some of Its Derivatives, William J. Karslake and Perry A. Bond
The Absorption of Light Passing through Deep Slits as a Function of the Length and Depth of the Slits and of the Wave Length of the Light, L. P. Sieg and A. T. Fant
The Absorption of Moisture by Hard Rubber, Geo. E. Thompson
The Accretion of Flood Plains by Means of Sand Bars, Howard E. Simpson
The Action of a Helmolts Resonator in a Branch Line, G. W. Stewart
The Action of an Orifice in an Acoustic Conduit and a Means of Determing the Effect of Viscosity, G. W. Stewart
The Action of Certain Oxidizing Agents in Sulfite and Its Determination, W. S. Hendrixson
The Action of Chloric Acid on Metals, W. S. Hendrixson
The Action of Conical Horns, G. W. Stewart
The Action of Cylindrical Tubes in Branch Acoustic Lines, G. W. Stewart
The Action of Epinephrin upon the Muscle Tissue of the Vein, J. T. M'Clintock
The Action of Manure on a Certain Iowa Soil, E. B. Watson
The Action of Sodium Thiosulphate Solutions on Certain Silver Salts, W. M. Barr
The Action of the Alkyl Chlorides in the Wurtz Reaction, Harry F. Lewis
The Action of the Amino Group on Amylolitic Enzymes, Elbert W. Rockwood
The Adaptation and Modification of Rhizobium leguminosarum to Certain Adverse Conditions, L. A. Burkey
The Adaption of Selenium to Measurements of Energy Too Small to Be Measured by Other Devices, L. P. Sieg and F. C. Brown
The Address of the President, Geo. W. Stewart
The Address of the President - A Century of Botany in Iowa, L. H. Pammel
The Address of the President - American Science, Nicholas Knight
The Address of the President - Atomicity in Physical Nature, LeRoy D. Weld
The Address of the President - Botanical Notes on Fiji and New Zealand, Robert B. Wylie
The Address of the President - Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of Iowa, George F. Kay
The Address of the President - Our Underground Geology, James H. Lees
The Address of the President - Some Problems in Conservation, Samuel Walker Beyer
The Address of the President - The Cosmology of the Universe, D. W. Morehouse
The Address of the President - The Ministry of Science, R. I. Cratty
The Address of the President - The Social Responsibility of Science, Orrin H. Smith
The Address of the President - The Taxonomic Unit, T. C. Stephens
The Adsorption of Certain Vapors by Activated Charcoal, J. N. Pearce and Paul E. Peters
The Adsorption of Certain Vapors by Charcoal at Various Temperatures up to and above Their Critical Temperatures, J. N. Pearce and C. M. Knudson
The Adsorption of Chromate Ions by Colloidal Aluminum Hydroxide, Ben H. Peterson and Kieth H. Storks
The Adsorption of Hydrogen, Ethylene and Ethane by Tin Oxide, Sylvia M. Goergen and J. N. Pearce
The Adsorption of Negative Ions by Colloidal Suspension of Aluminum Hydroxide, Ben H. Peterson and Floyd H. Trimble
The advantages and disadvantages of school- and center-based preschool programs : implications for early childhood policy, Christy Martin
The Aecial Stage of Alsike Clover Rust, W. H. Davis
The Aftonian Age of the Aftonian Mammalian Fauna, Samuel Calvin
The Aftonian and Pre-Kansan Deposits in Southwestern Iowa, H. Foster Bain
The Age of the Terrace South of Des Moines, Iowa, John L. Tilton
The Algona Recessional Stages of the Wisconsin Glaciation in Iowa, John E. Smith
The Algona Recessional Stages of the Wisconsin Till in Iowa, John E. Smith
The Alpha Lines in the "K" Series Tungsten Spectrum, Charles Crofutt
The Alumni News Letter, v10n2, April 1, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v10n3, July 1, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v10n4, October 1, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v11n1, January 1, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v11n1 [v10n1], January 1, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v11n2, April 1, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v11n3, July 1, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v11n4, October 1, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v12n1, January 1, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v12n2, April 1, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v12n3, July 1, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v12n4, October 1, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v13n1, January 1, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v13n2, April 1, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v13n3, July 1, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v13n4, October 1, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v3n1, January 1, 1919, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v3n2, April 1, 1919, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v3n2 [v4n1], January 1, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v3n3, July 1, 1919, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v3n4, October 1, 1919, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v4n2, April 1, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v4n3, July 1, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v4n4, October 1, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v5n1, January 1, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v5n2, April 1, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v5n3, July 1, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v5n4, October 1, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v6n1, January 1, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v6n2, April 1, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v6n3, July 1, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v6n4, October 1, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v7n1, January 1, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v7n2, April 1, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v7n3, July 1, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v7n4, October 1, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v8n1, January 1, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v8n2, April 1, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v8n3, July 1, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v8n4, October 1, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v9n1, January 1, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v9n2, April 1, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v9n3, July 1, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumni News Letter, v9n4, October 1, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v14n1, January 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v14n3, July 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v14n4, October 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v15n1, January 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v15n2, April 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v15n2 [v14n2], April 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v15n3, July 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v15n4, October 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v16n1, January 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v16n2, April 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v16n3, July 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v16n4, October 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v17n1, January 1933, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v17n2, April 1933, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v17n3, July 1933, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v17n4, October 1933, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v18n1, January 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v18n2, April 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v18n3, July 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v18n4, October 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v19n1, January 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v19n2, April 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v19n3, July 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v19n4, October 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v20n1, January 1936, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v20n2, April 1936, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v20n3, July 1936, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v20n4, October 1936, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v21n1, January 1937, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v21n2, April 1937, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v21n3, July 1937, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v21n4, October 1937, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v22n1, January 1938, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v22n2, April 1938, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v22n3, July 1938, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v22n4, October 1938, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v23n1, January 1939, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v23n2, April 1939, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v23n3, July 1939, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v23n4, October 1939, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v24n1, January 1940, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v24n2, April 1940, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v24n3, July 1940, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v24n4, October 1940, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v25n1, January 1941, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v25n2, April 1941, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v25n3, July 1941, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v25n4, October 1941, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v26n1, January 1942, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v26n2, April 1942, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v26n3, July 1942, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v26n4, October 1942, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v27n1, January 1943, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v27n2, April 1943, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v27n3, July 1943, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v27n4, October 1943, Iowa State Teachers College
The Alumnus, v28n1, January 1944, Iowa State Teachers College
The Analysis of Smaltite with Special Reference to the Estimation of Arsenic and Cobalt, Nicholas Knight
The Anatomy of Sphaerium sulcatum Lam., Gilman A. Drew
The Anatomy of the Crowns and Roots of the Annual and Biennial White Sweet Clover Compared, J. N. Martin
The Ancient House People of the Brush Creek Region, in Northeastern Utah, Albert B. Reagan
The Animal Cell in the Light of Recent Work, Gilbert L. Houser
The anthropological significance of Knockloon Hill, Emma Rosentrater
The Antioxidant of Lettuce, H. S. Olcovich and H. A. Mattill
The Apache Region, Arizona, and Its Indians, Albert B. Reagan
The Application of Psychological Classification of Changes Effected through Learning to Problems of Curriculum Construction, R. H. Ojemann
The Arborescent Flora of Midwest Farmsteads, T. J. Fitzpatrick
The Area of Slate Near Nashua, N.H., J. L. Tilton
The Attenuation Factors in Acoustic Wave Filters, H. B. Peacock
The attitudes of typically developing young children toward their peers with disabilities : a review of the literature, Sara Elizabeth Kayser
The August Cloud-Burst in Des Moines County, Maurice Ricker
The Availabilty of Indole Derivatives for Supplementing Diets Derivatives in Tryptophane, Lyle C. Bauguess and Clarence P. Berg
The Baking Temperature of Bread, O. B. Read
The Banana Snake Boa imperator, J. E. Guthrie
The Barberry in Iowa and Adjacent States, L. H. Pammel
The Behavior of Benzidine toward Selenic and Telluric Acids, Arthur W. Dox
The Behavior of Legume Bacteria in Acid and Alkaline Media, Raymond C. Salter
The Behavior of Solutions at the Critical Temperatures - A Preliminary Report, Perry A. Bond
The benefits of collaboration and co-teaching in the elementary grades, Katherine Kelley Hoover
The benefits of using "community" in the elementary classroom, Rodney Edgerton Lyons
The Bermudas as a Type Collecting Ground for Invertebrates., H. A. Cross Jr.
The Binaural Difference of Phase Effect, G. W. Stewart
The Biological Aspects of the Flood-Control and Drainage Problems, B. Shimek
The Biology of the Bacillus Violaceus Laurentius or Pseudomonas Janthina, Grace Roodde Rueda
The Birds of Marshall County, Iowa, II, Ira N. Gabrielson
The Blackening of a Photographic Plate as a Function of Intensity of Monochromatic Light and Time of Exposure, P. S. Helmick
The Bleaching of Soy Bean Oil with Peat, H. V. Wright and G. A. Peirce
The Blue Book of Iowa Women, Winona Evans Reeves
The Blue Quail (Callipepla squamata) in Iowa, J. E. Todd
The Bone Deposit at Cherokee, E. J. Cable
The Botanical Work of Dr. L. H. Pammel at Iowa State College, A. T. Erwin
The Botany of the Rio Grande Valley and Adjacent Mexico, L. H. Pammel
The Broadening of the Balmer Lines of Hydrogen with Pressure, E. O. Hulburt
The Buchanan Gravels: An Interglacial Deposit in Buchanan County, Iowa, Samuel Calvin
The Buchanan Gravels of Calvin and the Iowan Valley Trains, M. M. Leighton
The Buffalo in Iowa, L. H. Pammel
The Building and Function of the College Museum, B. H. Bailey
The Burlington Artesian Well, Francis M. Fultz
The Butterflies of Woodbury County, A. W. Lindsey
The Cannon and Auditorium, Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, IA
The Carboaryloxy Radical in the Migration of Acyl from Nitrogen to Oxygen in Ortho Aminophenol Derivatives, L. Chas Raiford and G. O. Inman
The Carotid Arteries and Their Relation to the Circle of Willis in the Cat, H. W. Norris
The Cedar Valley Limestone at Glory and at Waterloo, Iowa, L. W. Wood
The Cedar Valley Nonprofit Luncheon, Samantha Lanphier
The Change of Phase on Reflection of Light from the Silvered Interfaces of an Etalon, E. Hobart Collins
The Characterization of Leather WWII Artifacts Using GC/MS and Raman Spectroscopy, Brice Houser
The Chemical Composition of Nuts Used as Food, J. B. Weems and Alice W. Hess
The Chemical Composition of Sewage of the Iowa State College Sewage Plant, J. B. Weems, J. C. Brown, and E. C. Myers
The Chemical Composition of the Burlington Limeston Near Oakville, Iowa, Nicholas Knight
The Chemiluminescence of Solid Sodium, R. M. Bowie
The Chemung Formation of Iowa and Western New York, A. C. Tester
The Chlorine Derivatives of Vanillin, L. Chas. Raiford and J. G. Lichty
The Cicatrization of Wounded Citrus Leaves, Robert B. Wylie
The Clarinda Oil Prospect, James H. Lees
The Classification of the Enzymes of Microorganisms, R. E. Buchanan
The Coefficient of Simple Rigidity and Young's Modulus for Hexagonal Crystals of Selenium, L. P. Sieg and R. F. Miller
The Coleoptera of Henry County, Iowa, Inez N. King
The Color and Intensity of the Chemiluminescence of Solid Sodium, R. M. Bowie
The Color of Deep-Sea Animals, C. C. Nutting
The Color of Meats and of the Munsell Color Charts Compared, A. A. Benedict
The Commercial Preparation of Oxygen from Lime and Chlorine, O. R. Sweeney and A. W. Ralston
The Comparative Stability of Colors in Wallpaper, J. M. Lindly
The Composition and Digestibility of Sudan Grass Hay, W. G. Gaessler and A. C. McCandlish
The Composition of the Unsaturated Fatty Acids of Animal Tissues, H. G. Smith
The Conductivity of Cod Liver Oil, L. W. Butler
The Conservation of Underground Waters, James H. Lees
The constructivist-based approach : the better choice for learning, Consuella Eugene
The Copper Content of Livers and Liver Extracts, G. N. Quam
The Coral Reefs of Fiji, C. C. Nutting
The Correlation between Students' Grades in High School and College Physics, Chester King and John Leist
The Correlation of Art and Science in the Museum, Homer R. Dill
The Correlation of Implicit and Explicit Behavior and the Presence of Sex Differences in Learning Responses, Alvah R. Lauer
The counselor's role in the peer sexual harassment issue : educating and empowering students concerning roles and rights, Ann Marie Lentz
The Cranial Nerves of Siren lacertina, H. W. Norris
The Crow, Fred Berninghausen
The Crystalline Rocks of Missouri, Erasmus Haworth
The Crystal Phonopticon in its Adaptation to Enable the Blind to Read the Printed Page, F. C. Brown
The Cutinization of Apple Skins in Relation to Their Keeping Qualities and Their Environment, Winifred Perry
The Cytology of Homothallism, J. E. Sass
The Daily and Seasonable Variation in the Internal Temperatures of Two Trees, Populus deltoides Marsh, J. N. Martin
The Dark Ring Nebula in Cygnus, D. W. Morehouse
The Day Democracy Died: The Postville Raid and the Criminalization of Migrants
The Decomposition of Dolomite, Nicholas Knight
The Decomposition of the Optically Active Diazo Ester from Aminolauronic Acid, F. E. Ray and W. R. Bunting
The Decompostion of Potassium Chlorate in the Presence of Iron Oxide, F. E. Brown and W. C. Orr White
The Deep Water-Well at Brighton, J. M. Lindly
The Deflection of a Stream of Electrons by Electromagnetic Radiation, E. O. Hulburt
The Dependence of the Resistance of Silver Films upon the Method of Deposition, G. R. Wait
The design of a professional development program for technology integration, Dana M. Lampe
The Des Moines Diphtheria Epidemic of 1912-13, Chas. A. Wylie
The Determination of Ferrous Iron, Nicholas Knight
The Determination of Manganese in Biological Material, Norman Ashwell Clark
The Determination of Manganese in Potable Waters, Edward Bartow and Harris Thompson
The Determination of Oxidation-Reduction Potentials from Equilibrium Data, Stephen Popoff, V. B. Fleharty, and E. L. Hanson
The Determination of Silica, Nicholas Knight
The developmental implications of parental loss during adolescence, Dacni C. Jones
The development and support of geometric and spatial concepts in preschool- and kindergarten-aged children, Laura J. Becker
The development of a Leisure and Life Satisfaction Scale for Outpatient (LLSSOP) leisure activity programs in Iowa, Li-Ming Chiang
The Development of Lymph Channels in Turtles by the Fusion of Mesenchymal Spaces, Frank A. Stromsten
The Development of Metallic Flavor in Buttermilk, M. P. Baker and B. W. Hammer
The Development of Musk Glands in the Loggerhead Turtle, Frank A. Stromsten
The Development of New Lateral Roots in the Crown Buds in Melilotus alba, J. N. Martin
The Development of the Auditory Vesicle in Necturus, H. W. Norris
The Development of the Ovary and Oviduct of the Gold Fish, Frank A. Stromsten
The Development of the Posterior Lymph Hearts of the Loggerhead Turtle, Frank A. Stromsten
The Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Birds, Albert Kuntz
The Diagnosis of Character Types by Visual and Auditory Thresholds, Ronald C. Travis
The Diclinous Flowers of Iva ganthiifolia, Nutt, Clifford H. Farr
The Dielectric Constant and Specific Conductance of Liquid Hydrogen Sulphide at 194.5° K, W. G. Bickford and J. A. Wilkinson
The Dielectric Properties of Some Crystals at Radio Frequencies, A. A. Aardal
The Differential Death-Rate of the Sexes among Animals, with a Suggested Explanation, S. W. Geiser
The Diffraction of X-Rays by Liquids, E. Horbart Collins
The Diffusion of the Active Particles in the Russell Effect, Jay W. Woodrow
The Digestibility of Bleached Flour, Elbert W. Rockwood
The Digestion of Pectin and Methylated Glucoses by Various Organisms, Harold W. Coles
The digital media lab at Bainbridge College, Neil L. Griffin
The Dipole Moments of Some Substituted Benzaldehydes, J. N. Pearce and Luther Berhenke
The discovery of extramarital affairs : clients in crisis and implications for counseling, Alyssa A. Drury
The Disparity between Age and Development in the Human Family, Illustrated by Pronounced Cases Due to Thyroid Malformations., James Frederic Clarke
The Disruption of Potentials within a Raw Potato under Constant Applied Voltage, E. C. McCracken
The Dissection of an Abnormally Developed Foetal Pig with Notes on the Possible Origins of Such "Freaks", F. L. Fitzpatrick
The Dissociation of Double Salts, Harold L. Maxwell and Nicholas Knight
The Dissociation of Some Organic and Inorganic Substances at High Temperature, Gladys M. Woods and Thos. C. Poulter
The Distribution of Forest Trees in Iowa, B. Shimek
The Distribution of Intensity in the Broadened Balmer Lines of Hydrogen, E. O. Hulburt
The Distribution of Loess Fossils, B. Shimek
The Distribution of the Genus Tradescantia in Iowa, D. G. Deihl
The Distribution of White Grubs in Iowa in 1927, H. E. Jaques
The domestic impacts of industrial wind energy in the United States, Collin John Woods
The Doppler Effect in Electrodless Discharge, Frank F. Almy
The Downy Brome Grass in Iowa, H. E. Jaques
The drama shop emerges: A true workshop, The College Eye, May 5, 1939
The Drift Section and the Glacial Striae in the Vicinity of Lamoni, Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick
The Duck Hawk (Falco peregrinus anatum) in Iowa, B. H. Bailey
The Early Instars of the Firebrat Thermobia domestica (Packard), (Thysanura), J. Alfred Adams
The Earth as a Source of Heat for Outbuildings, L. V. Crum
The Eastern Margin of the Hertha in Madison County, Arthur Goshorn
The Ecesis of the Gentian in Relation to Environmental Transition, Ada Hayden
The Ecological Histology of Prairie Plants, Ella Shimek
The Economic Impact of Des Moines Parks & Recreation Services, Kristine Fleming, Oksana Grybovych, Brian Gedlinske, Wade P. Kooiman, Jill Lankford, and Sam Lankford
The Effectiveness of Using a Podcast to Teach Person-First Language, Kylie Wilson
The effectiveness of using intelligent tutoring systems to increase student achievement, Tedi Swanson
The effect of arch height on variances in gait phases: A kinematic analysis, Mackenzie J. Haag
The Effect of Calcium and Protein Fed Pregnant Swine upon the Size, Vigor, Bone, Coat and Condition of the Offspring, John M. Evvard, Arthur W. Dox, and S. C. Guernsey
The Effect of Cathode Rays on Metal Surfaces, Elizabeth Wilcox
The Effect of Change of Lamp Voltage on Vision, Wm. Kunerth
The effect of cold stratification and perigynia removal on the germination of three prairie carex species, Christina M. Boeck Crew
The Effect of Continued Grinding on Water of Crystallization, Nicholas Knight
The Effect of Continued Grinding on Water of Crystallization (Second Paper), Nicholas Knight
The effect of digital game-based learning on student learning: A literature review, Katrina Serrano
The Effect of Drawing on the Crystal Structure of Tungsten Wires, L. P. Sieg
The effect of flipped instruction on student learning : perspectives from students and teachers, Britta Adams
The effect of gamification on student motivation, David A. Brahn
The Effect of Gas-Pressure on Tesla-Luminescence, G. M. Wissink
The Effect of Heavy Rains on the Orthoptera (Grasshopper) Population of the Prairie, George O. Hendrickson
The Effect of Hydrogen-Sulphide on the Unilateral Conductivity of Zincite-Copper Contacts, R. B. Dodson
The Effect of Immediate Knowledge of Results on Motivation, B. F. Zuehl
The Effect of Impurities on the Physical Properties of Oxychloride Cements, H. L. Olin and Ben H. Peterson
The Effect of Lecithin in Dairy Products upon Butter Fat Determination, O. W. Chapman
The Effect of Light Intensity on Tissue Fluids in Wheat, W. F. Loehwing
The Effect of Lime and Phosphate on Nitrification in an Acid Soil, Harold L. Dean and F. B. Smith
The Effect of Lime on Nitrification in the Grundy Silt Loam, R. H. Walker and L. G. Thompson Jr.
The Effect of Lime on the Availability of Phosphate in Tama Silt Loam, G. B. Killinger and F. B. Smith
The Effect of Low Voltage Cathode Rays on Photographic Film, A. R. Brown
The Effect of Manganese on the Growth of Rats, V. E. Nelson, J. M. Evvard, and W. E. Sewell
The effect of math tracking on students' growth mindsets, Amber Lawrence
The Effect of Phosphorus on Nitrogen Fixation by Azotobacter, L. G. Thompson Jr. and F. B. Smith
The Effect of Physical Factors on the Development of Woodland and Prairie Associations in Iowa, J. M. Aikman
The Effect of Plant Cover on Soil Temperature, A. F. Dodge and J. M. Aikman
The Effect of Pressure on Chemical Reaction, F. E. Brown
The Effect of Pressure on the Rate of Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate-Manganese Dioxide Mixtures, F. E. Brown and H. M. McLaughlin
The Effect of Pressures up to 16000 Atmospheres Upon the E.M.F. of the Weston Standard Cell, Thomas C. Poulter, Carter Richey, Robert Wilson, and John Fulton
The Effect of Pressures up to 17,000 Atmospheres upon Some Colloidal Suspensions, Robert Wilson and Thos. C. Poulter
The Effect of Rupture by Abrasion on the Electrical Conductivity of Selenium, F. C. Brown
The effect of serious gaming on elementary student learning, Amanda Moritz
The Effect of Size of Peg and Form Boards upon the Performance Scores of Young Children, Thomas F. Vance
The Effect of Smoke and Gases upon Vegetation, A. L. Bakke
The Effect of Steffen Waste on the Fermentation of Pentosans from the Corn Stalk, E. I. Fulmer, C. H. Werkman, R. M. Hixon, and A. L. Williams
The Effect of Substituents in the Formation of Thiocarbanilides by Various Methods, L. Chas. Raiford and G. Mervin McNulty
The Effect of Teenagers' Sleeping Deprivation on Cognition/Academic Outcome and Obesity, DongYub Back
The Effect of Temperature and Solvent on Nitrogen Trichloride Additions; Acetylene Hydrocarbons and Nitrogen Trichloride, G. H. Coleman, C. N. Owen, and J. A. Rodriguez
The Effect of the Addition of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Silicate on the Casting Properties of Clay Slip, F. E. Brown and Chi-fang Lai
The Effect of the Material Composing the Sides of Deep Slits on the Intrinsic Intensity of Light Transmitted through the Slits, Clarence R. Smith
The Effect of Ultaviolet Light on the Dielectric Properties of Crystals, Albert A. Aardal
The Effect of Various Treatments on Microorganisms in the Soil under a Five-Year Rotation, P. E. Brown and B. A. Tomlin
The Effect of Vitamin Deficiency on Blood Pressure in Rats, H. B. Cook and F. M. Baldwin
The Effect of Weeds upon Crop Production, A. L. Bakke and L. H. Pammel
The effects of affirmative action on students of color applying to four-year institutions, Cathy M. Ketton
The effects of a makerspace curriculum on the 4C's in education, Staci Novak
The effects of computer coding on elementary students, Cassidy Winslow
The effects of divorce on children and adolescents, Rachelle A. Haker
The Effects of Exfloration on the Soybean, Stanley Austin
The effects of flipped learning on students in secondary education, Abigail M. Fish
The effects of fluoride on macrophage THP-1 cellular functions, Ashlee Renee Osier
The effects of gamification on student engagement and motivation, Sara Butcher
The effects of homogeneous grouping practices on talented and gifted students, Angela Kurt-Sconsa
The effects of parental alcoholism on children, Ryan A. Flaherty
The Effects of Potash and Crop Residues on Available Potassium in Some Alkali Soils of Iowa, Hartzell C. Dean and F. B. Smith
The Effects of Presssure upon Lines in the Spectrum of Iron, Frank F. Almy
The Effects of Relative Wages and Border Enforcement on Illegal Immigration, Aaron Iehl
The effects of seeding rate of prairie grasses and forbs on native plant establishment in a prairie reconstruction. Iowa Department of Transportation final report., Dave W, Williams and Daryl D. Smith
The Effects of Seeding Time on Native Plant Establishment in a Prairie Reconstruction, Dave W. Williams and Daryl D. Smith
The Effects of Some Nitrogen Fertilizers on Nitrification, Ray A. Pendleton, P. E. Brown, and F. B. Smith
The effects of strain-counterstrain on chronic ankle instability: A validation case study, Samantha Dewey
The Effects of Substituents in the Formation of Thiocarbanilides, L. Chas. Raiford and G. Mervin McNulty
The effects of text-to-speech on students with reading disabilities, Melissa Oberembt
The effects of using digital storytelling for fourth graders' literacy learning, Benjamin J. Feight
The Electrical Conductivity of Solutions of Certain Electrolytes in Organic Solvents, J. N. Pearce
The Electric Conductivity of Kerosene and Gasoline as a Function of the Temperature, C. A. Morehouse
The Electrometric Determination of Lime, H. V. Wright
The Electrometric Standardizing of Titanous Solutions, W. S. Hendrixson and L. M. Verbeck
The Electromotive Force and Free Energy of Dilution of Lithium Chloride in Aqueous and Alcoholic Solutions, J. N. Pearce and F. S. Mortimer
The Epizoology of an Outbreak of Anthrax in Iowa, Charles D. Rice
The Eradication of the Canadian Thistle through the Action of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid, Harry F. Lewis
The erosion of democracy: Gerrymandering in the United States, Matthew P. Ruiz
The European Starling in Iowa, W. F. Kubichek
The Evaluation of the Musical Capacity of Nursery School Children, Thomas F. Vance and Medora Grandprey
The Experimental Psychology of the Preschool Child, Beth L. Wellman
The Extension of the Wisconsin Drift Southwest from Des Moines, John L. Tilton
The Eyeball and Associated Structures in the Blindworms, H. W. Norris
The factors preventing the successful implementation of a middle level advisory program at one middle school, Gina Grasso Leonard
The Fagaceae of Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick and M. F. L. Fitzpatrick
The Fauna of the Chemung Formation of Southwestern New York, H. Donald Curry
The Fern Flora of Nebraska, T. J. Fitzpatrick
The Fern Flora of Northeastern Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick
The Ferns of Muscatine County, Iowa, F. M. Witter
The Field of Protozoology in the Agricultural College, Elery R. Becker
The Fifth and Seventh Cranial Nerves in Plethodon glutinosus, H. W. Norris
The First 75 Years, Irving H. Hart
The First Coal Washing Plant in Iowa, George F. Kay
The First Reported Petrified American Lepidostrobus is from Warren County, Iowa, John L. Tilton
The Fishes of the Cedar River Basin, Seth E. Meek
The Fishes of the Des Moines Basin, R. Ellsworth Call
The Flora of Iowa Rock, R. B. Wylie
The Flora of Pine Hollow, Dubuque County, Iowa, L. H. Pammel
The Flora of Southern Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick and M. F. L. Fitzpatrick
The Flora of the Ledges Region of Boone County, Iowa, William W. Diehl
The Flora of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, Albert B. Reagan
The Flora of the Rainy River Region, Harriette S. Kellogg
The Flora of the Sioux Quartzite in Iowa, B. Shimek
The Flora of the Sioux Quartzite in Iowa. II., B. Shimek
The Flowering Plants of Hardin County, Morton E. Peck
The Flowers of Myiophyllum spicatum L., N. D. Knupp
The Fluorescence of Cod Liver Oil, C. A. Morehouse
The Food Selections of Nursery School Children, Thomas F. Vance
The Forest Trees of Eastern Nebraska, Charles E. Bessey
The Formalin Treatment for Controlling Oat Smut, John A. Krall
The Formation of Eskers, Arthur C. Trowbridge
The Formation of Root Hairs in Water, Clifford H. Farr
The Founders of the Art of Plant Breeding, Fred C. Werkenthin
The Free Energy of Dilution and the Activities of the Ions of Hydrogen Iodide in Aqueous Solutions, J. N. Pearce and A. R. Fortsch
The Frequency Limits of the Binaural Phase Difference and Intensity Effects, G. W. Stewart
The Fruit of Viburnum nudum, Robert H. Lott and Nicholas Knight
The Fuana of the State Quarry Beds, M. A. Stainbrook and H. S. Ladd
The Furcula in the Collembola, J. E. Guthrie
The future of educational technology, Barbara F. Erlandson
The Gall-Producing Cynipidae of Iowa, C. P. Gillette
The Gas Wells near Letts, Iowa, F. M. Witter
The General Classification of Higher Plants, Henry S. Conard
The Genesis of Loess: A Problem in Plant Ecology, B. Shimek
The Genus Ceanothus L. in Iowa, B. Shimek
The Genus Empoasca in North America, Albert Hartzell
The Genus Lactuca in Iowa, R. I. Cratty
The Genus Rumex in Iowa, R. I. Cratty
The Genus Salix in Iowa, Carleton R. Ball
The Genus Viburnum in Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick and M. F. L. Fitzpatrick
The Geographic Distribution of Iowa Devonian Echinoderms, A. O. Thomas
The Geology of Crowley's Ridge, Arkansas, R. Ellsworth Call
The Geology of the Region about Belton in Northwestern Montana, Robert H. Seashore
The Germicidal Action of α-Alkylated Furoic Acid, N. O. Calloway, H. Gilman, and C. H. Werkman
The Germination and Juvenile Forms of Some Oaks, L. H. Pammel and C. M. King
The Germination of Some Trees and Shrubs and Their Juvenile Forms, L. H. Pammel and C. M. King
The Germination of Some Trees and Shrubs and Their Juvenile Forms, L. H. Pammel and C. M. King
The Googler Primary Battery, Harry Ray Woodrow
The Graduate Program 1977-1979, University of Northern Iowa
The Graphitizing Behavior of Iron Carbide in Pure Iron Carbon Alloys for the Temperature Interval 700 to 1100 C, Harry Parker Evans and Anson Hays
The Grasses of the Unitah Mountains and Adjacent Regions, L. H. Pammel
The greatest UNI games, The Northern Iowan, November 30, 2007
The Growth of Chickens as Effected by the Sunlight Transmitted through Glass Substitutes, L. V. Crum and J. W. Woodrow
The Growth of the Hand and Wrist from Birth to Maturity, Bird T. Baldwin
The guidance counselor's role in helping children and adolescents deal with grief and loss, Brandie Erickson
The Hall Effect and Specific Resistance in Evaporated Films of Nickel, Cobalt, Palladium and Platinum, H. B. Peacock
The Hall Effect and the Specific Resistance of Thin Silver Films, G. R. Wait
The Harvest Mouse in Iowa, Frank C. Pellett
The Hearing of the Vocal Vibrato, Harold Seashore
The Heats of Adsorption of Organic Vapors on Charcoal at 25° and 50°, J. N. Pearce and G. H. Reed
The Heats of Adsorption of Organic Vapors on Charcoal at 25° and 50°, G. H. Reed and J. N. Pearce
The Hemipterous Fauna of Iowa, Herbert Osborn
The History and Distribution of Yellow Nelumbo, Water Chinquapin, or American Lotus, Mrs. H. J. Taylor
The History of Black Hawk County, Iowa, Western Historical Company
The History of Boyer Valley, James H. Lees
The Holding and Reclamation of Sand Dunes and Sand Wastes by Tree Planting, H. P. Baker
The Homology of the Inca Bone, C. C. Nutting
The House Fungus, Merulius lacrymans (Jacq.) Fr., W. H. Davis
The Humboldt Stages of the Wisconsin Glaciation in Iowa, John E. Smith
The Hunting Ground - A Comprehensive Curriculum Guide for College Educators
The Hunting Ground - High School Curriculum Guide
The Hysteresis Loop, D. W. Morehouse and Harry Ray Woodrow
The ‘I Am…’ Experience: Social Justice Art from Process to Product, Billicia Charnelle Hines and Ras Michael Courtney
The Illinois Biological Station, L. S. Ross
The impact of augmented reality on curriculum and training design, Destery K. Hildenbrand
The impact of chronic poverty on children's behavioral health and learning outcomes, Anna Catherine Rasmussen
The impact of differentiation strategies on student achievement, Angela Naomi Hileman
The impact of divorce and healthy adjustment of children, Stephanie A. Harken
The impact of grouping for reading instruction on student attitude and self-concept, Michelle Renee Keegan
The impact of math teaching strategies on math achievement, Patty Jenkins
The impact of nutrition on academic achievement, Julie A. Long
The impact of reciprocal teaching strategies on reading comprehension, Mary Jo Fitzgerald
The impact of sexual assault on sexual risk-taking, Melanie Alison Reyes
The Impact of Soil Water Storage Capacity on Species-specific Forb Establishment in CP42 Fields, Ervina Tabakovic, Mark Sherrard, Kathleen Madsen, and Allison Eagan
The impact of specific interventions on child engagement in a preschool classroom, Sarah Elizabeth Farber
The impact of technology integration on the elementary classroom with reading disabled students, Donna Heying
The implementation of reciprocal teaching at Central Middle School, Audrey Kimball
The implications of anger and school violence, Ronda Hilbert
The Importance of Soil Colloids to Soil Microorganisms, G. B. Killinger and F. B. Smith
The Importance of Vital Statistics in the Study of Social Science, Gershom H. Hill
The Increase in Potential When Some Reducing Agents Are Added to Certain Oxidants, W. S. Hendrixson
The Increase in Temperature and Weight of Young House Wrens, Dayton Stoner
The Independence Shale near Brandon, Iowa, A. O. Thomas
The Indians of the Fort Apache Region, Albert B. Reagan
The Influence of Air-Currents on Transpiration, Maud A. Brown
The Influence of Carbon Dioxide upon the Quality and Keeping Properties of Butter and Ice Cream, F. F. Sherwood
The Influence of Chlorine as Chlorides in the Determination of Oxygen Consumed in the Analysis of Water, J. B. Weems and J. C. Brown
The Influence of Floods upon Animals, D. M. Brumfiel
The influence of high-quality early childhood education programs on at-risk children's literacy and language development, Gwendolyn M. Kellen
The Influence of Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Electrolytes upon the Turbidity, Sensitivity and Settling Rates of Certain Pleistocene Clays, Hoyt C. Graham and J. N. Pearce
The Influence of Intelligence and Other Factors on the Type of Punishment Administered to Children, E. G. Lockhart
The Influence of Intensity Ratio on Binaural Sound Localization, E. M. Berry and C. C. Bunch
The Influence of pH Values on the Oxidation of Ferrous Sulphate, Jacob Cornog and Albert Hershberger
The Influence of Position on the Apparent Position, Size and Form of Angles, William B. Collins
The Influence of Solvent on the Decomposition of Trichloracetic Acid, J. N. Pearce and A. C. Nelson
The Influence of Solvent upon the Optical Rotation of Di-Ethyl Tartrate, T. J. Herbert and J. N. Pearce
The Influence of Strong Electrolytes upon the Rate of Inversion of Sucrose at 25°, J. N. Pearce and Margaret Thomas
The Influence of the Male on Litter Sizes, Edward N. Wentworth
The Influence of the Rhetorical Question on Learning, E. O. Finkenbinder and John E. Schalk
The Influence of the Size of Retinal Image and of Perspective upon the Visual Perception of Distance: A Comparative Study, Ruth Updegraff
The Inheritance of Leg-Feathering in the Chicken, W. V. Lambert and C. W. Knox
The Inheritance of Syndactylism, Henry Albert
The Innervation of the Lateral Line System of Amphiuma, H. W. Norris
The Inoculation of Different Varieties of Soybeans by Various Strains of Rhizobium japonicum, G. Gordon Pohlman and R. H. Walker
The integration of an ICN classroom into a rural school curriculum, Kathleen C. Jacobs
The integration of CALL in EFL/ESL learning environment, Kuei-chin Huang
The Interfacial Tensions of Mineral Oil against Various Aqueous Solutions at 40°C, W. G. Eversole and Dallas S. Dedrick
The Interglacial Deposits of Northeastern Iowa, Samuel Calvin
The Internet and education : uses and issues, Ronald William Fitch
The Interpretation of Certain Leached Gravel Deposits in Louisa and Washington Counties, Iowa, W. H. Schoewe
The Intrinsic Intensity and Percent of Polarization of Light Transmitted through Deep Slits, L. P. Sieg
The introduction of interactive multimedia DVD to the electronis media studies, Randal L. Lau
The Iowa, Thomas Foster and William Harvey Miner
The Iowa Academy of Science (Paper presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science), D. S. Fairchild
The Iowa Liverworts, B. Shimek
The Iowan Glaciation and the So-Called Iowan Loess Deposits, M. M. Leighton
The Iowan Gravels in Northeastern Iowa, Paul T. Miller
The Iowan-Wisconsin Border, E. J. Cable
The Iowa Piano Camera: Some Preliminary Findings, Laila Skinner
The Iowa Pitch Range Audiometer, C. C. Bunch
The Iowa State College Reasoning Test, Thomas F. Vance
The IOWAVE [class magazine], April 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [class magazine], December 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [class magazine], Fall 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [class magazine], July 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [class magazine], July 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [class magazine], May 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [class magazine], Navy Week, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], April 14, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], April 14, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], April 21, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], April 28, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], April 7, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], August 11, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], August 18, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], August 25, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], August 4, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 16, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 17, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 2, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 22, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 29, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 3, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], December 9, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 10, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 11, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 17, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 18, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 24, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 25, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 3, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], February 4, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], January 13, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], January 14, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], January 20, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], January 27, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], January 6, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], January 7, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], July 14, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], July 21, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], July 28, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], July 7, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], June 16, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], June 2, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], June 23, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], June 30, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], June 8, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 10, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 10, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 17, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 17, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 24, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 24, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 31, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 31, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], March 3, 1945, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], May 13, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], May 19, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], May 26, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], May 5, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], November 11, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], November 17, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], November 24, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], November 26, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], November 3, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], November 5, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], October 14, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], October 20, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], October 22, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], October 27, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], October 29, 1943, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], September 1, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], September 15, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], September 22, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], September 29, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], September 6, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The IOWAVE [newspaper], September 8, 1944, United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve.
The Johns Hopkins Biological Laboratory, W. S. Windle
The Juglandaceae of Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick and M. F. L. Fitzpatrick
The "K" and "L" X-Ray Spectra of Tungsten, Charles B. Crofutt
The Kansas City Formation in the Devil's Backbone Region, Madison County, Arthur Goshorn
The Key for the Identification of the Weed Seeds Found in Clover Seed, F. C. Stewart
The Knowledge and Attitudes Possessed by Parents of Elementary School Children, Lois Ackerley
The Lability and Relative Reactivities of Organic Radicals, Henry Gilmann, Edith L. St. John, and L. L. Heck
The Late Blight of Barley (Helminthosporium teres Sacc.), A. L. Bakke
The Lateral Line Organs of the Shovel-Nose Sturgeon, Distribution and Innervation, H. W. Norris
The Leaf as a Propagative Organ, John A. Yarbrough
The Le Claire Limestone, Samuel Calvin
The legality of aerial bombing during World War II in Europe, Robert I. Umsted
The Libriform Fibers in the Roots and Crown of Medicago and Melilotus, J. N. Martin and Austin O. Simonds
The Lichens of "The Ledges," Boone County, Iowa, Katy A. Miller
The Life and Behavior of the House Spider, H. E. Ewing
The Life of Portland Cement, G. G. Wheat and A. J. Wheat
The Light-Energy of 2536A Required to Render Developable a Grain of Silver Bromide, P. S. Helmick
The Lighting of a Home under Various Color Conditions, William Kunerth and Kathryn C. Waldron
The Liliales of Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick
The Lineage of Lake Agassiz, J. E. Todd
The Lithogenesis of the Sediments, Francis M. Van Tuyl
The Localization of Sound by Wave Phase in the Open Ear, Henry M. Halverson
The Loess and the Antiquity of Man, B. Shimek
The Loess of Crowley's Ridge, Arkansas, B. Shimek
The Loess of Péczel, Hungary, B. Shimek
The Loess of the Missouri River, B. Shimek
The Loess of the Paha and River-Ridge, B. Shimek
The Losses of Calcium from the Newton Experimental Field, Winfield Scott
The Lower Rapids of the Mississippi River, Frank Leverett
The M Absorption Limits of the Tungsten X-Ray Spectrum, R. V. Zumstein
The major developmental skills necessary for emergent reading : a review of literature, Stacy B. Longley
The Major Vegetation of Lake Okoboji, Robert B. Wylie
The Manhattan Project and the Globalization of Nuclear Weapons, Cole Schreiber and Paul Shand
The Manufacture of Oxalic Acid from Corn Cobs, H. A. Webber
The Measurement of Basic Capacities in Motor Control, Carl E. Seashore
The Measurement of Filipino Attitudes toward America by Use of the Thurstone Techniques, Gertrude Hill Nystrom
The Measurement of Motility in Children, Lillian Tow
The Measurement of Natural Capacity for Skill in Stenography, Oliver A. Ohmann
The Measurement of Psychophysical Functions Characteristic of Extreme Degrees of Artistic Capacity, Carolyn E. Tiebout
The Measurement of Talent in Graphic Art, Norman C. Meier
The Mechanical Penetration of the Sweet Corn Pericarp, R. A. Rudnick and A. L. Bakke
The Membrane Bones in the Skull of a Young Amphiuma, H. W. Norris
The merits of kindergarten readers' workshop, Janet K. Hurley
The Metabolic Rates of Amblystoma Larvae, O. M. Helff
The Micro-Climate of Zea mays in Central Iowa, J. M. Aikman
The Micro Determination of Citric Acid by the Thunberg Methylene Blue Method, Adrian C. Kuyper
The Migration of Nervous Elements into the Dorsal and Ventral Nerve-Roots of Embryos of the Pig, Albert Kuntz
The Mississippian-Pennsylvanian and Pennsylvanian-Pleistocene Unconformities in Lucas County, Iowa, A. L. Lugn
The Mode of Vibration of the Human Vocal Cords, Wolfgang Metzger
The Monterey Conifers, Thomas H. Macbride
The Morphology and Function of the Amphibian Ear, H. W. Norris
The Morphology of Basidiophora kellermanii, Guy West Wilson
The Morphology of the Thallus and Cupules of Blasia pusilla, Marguerite B. Rohret
The moth-eaters & other stories, Adrianne Lea Lloyd
The Moulding Action of Surface Tension on a Free Sheet of Water, L. B. Spinney
The M Series Absorption Spectra of Osmium Iridium and Platinum, R. A. Rogers
The Myriopoda of Iowa, Betty Rogers
The Myxomycetes of the Black Hills, Thomas H. MacBride
The Nashua Marls of the St. Johns River Region, S. W. Stookey
The Native and Cultivated Forest Trees and Shrubs of the Missouri River Basin, L. H. Pammel, G. B. MacDonald, and H. B. Clark
The Native Food Fishes of Iowa, Seth E. Meek
The Natural Ultra-Violet Frequency of Silver Bromide, P. S. Helmick
The Need for Better Methods for Determinating the Purity of Stream Water, H. V. Pederson
The need for technology in homeschooling, Jonathan Luttenegger
The Nerve Cells of the Shark's Brain, Gilbert L. Houser
The New Albin Inscribed Tablet, Ellison Orr
The Newly Completed Waterworks of the City of Oneida, New York, Nicholas Knight
The New School of Animal Psychology, C. C. Nutting
The N!gger Word teaching guide, Julie Cortez
The Nitrate Assimilating Power of the Soil and Some Nitrate Assimilating Soil Bacteria, Frederick B. Smith
The Nodal Infection of Corn by Diplodia zeae, L. W. Durrell
The Nomenclature Question among the Slime-Moulds, T. H. MacBride
The Normal Curve of Acuity in Hearing, Paul B. Anderson
The North Star, by Altabelle W. Milgram
The Nutritional Effects of Feeding Potassium Salt to Pregnant Ewes, John M. Evvard, C. C. Culbertson, A. R. Lamb, and W. E. Hammond
The Occurrence and Possible Toxicity of Molds in Corn Silage, Alvin R. Lamb
The Occurrence of Barite in the Lead and Zinc District of Iowa, Illinios and Wisconsin, W. D. Shipton
The Occurrence of Caliche in Oklahoma, John T. Lonsdale
The Occurrence of Hickories in Iowa in Relation to Soil Types, Fred B. Trenk
The Occurrence of Juniperus horizontalis in Floyd County near Rockford, L. H. Pammel
The Occurrence of Melanism in the Broad Winged Hawk (Buteo latissimus), B. H. Bailey
The Occurrence of Mottled Enamel in Iowa, Carl T. Ostrem, D. A. Greenwood, H. A. Wilhelm, and Victor E. Nelson
The Occurrence of the Brachiopod Bilobites bilobus in the Silurian of Iowa, A. O. Thomas
The Oil in Cherry Pits, Harold L. Maxwell and Nicholas Knight
The Okoboji Lakeside Laboratory, Thomas H. MacBride
The Optical Constants of Crystals of Selenium Tellurium for Wave-Lengths from 3000 to 5000 A, R. F. Miller
The Orchidaceae of Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick and M. F. L. Fitzpatrick
The Organs of the Parietal Fossa in Elasmobranchs, H. W. Norris
The Organs of the Parietal Fossa in Elasmobranchs, R. E. Smiley, W. R. Ingram, and E. Blagg
The Orientation of Buildings on the Basis of Sunlight, WM. Kunerth
The Origin of the Extra-Morainic Till, J. E. Todd
The Origin of the Geodes of the Keokuk Beds, Francis M. Van Tuyl
The Origin of the St. Peter Sandstone, Arthur C. Trowbridge
Theory of Megaphones and Receiving Horns, G. W. Stewart and G. R. Butz
Theory of Meteoritic Agglomeration and the Ultimate Source of the Ores, Charles R. Keyes
The Oxidation of Citric Acid, Adrian C. Kuyper
The Oxidation of Nitrogenous Material in Contaminated River Water, Ben H. Peterson and John Hann
The Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Upper Carboniferous of Iowa, Geo. L. Smith
The Paraffine Method Applied to the Study of the Embryology of the Flowering Plants, H. W. Norris
The Parvus Group of Unionidae, R. Ellsworth Call
The Passenger Pigeon as a Former Iowa Bird, Philip A. Du Mont
The Path of a Rigid Electron Which Moves in a Magnetic Field of Constant Strength Rotating with Constant Angular Velocity, E. O. Hulburt
The Pattern Score in Scientific Study of Music, Harold Seashore
The Perception of Binaural Phase Difference Not Caused by an Intensity Effect, G. W. Stewart
The Peripheral Distribution of the Cranial Nerves of Necturus maculatus, H. W. Norris and Margaret Buckley
The Personal Equation in Motor Ability, Martin L. Reymert
The Phase-Theory as a Time Theory in Sound Localization, Otis C. Trimble
The phenomenon of math anxiety, Mary S. Fliehler
The Phosgeno-Aluminates of Lithium Magnesium Potassium and Lead. Molecular Association in Phosgen solutions, D. M. Birosel
The Phosphorescence of Fused Quartz, A. C. Bailey
The Photographic Action of Irradiated Cod-Liver Oil, Jay W. Woodrow and G. M. Wissink
The Photographic Determination of the Form of an Airplane Loop, and the Dynamics of the Loop, L. P. Sieg
The Physical Laboratory at Iowa College, Frank F. Almy
The Physical Properties of Some Short Period Anneal Products of White Cast Iron, Anson Hayes and W. J. Diederichs
The Physical Science Laboratory of the State Normal, A. C. Page
The Physiographic Ecology of a Wisconsin Drift Lake, Lois A. Catlin and Ada Hayden
The Physiology of Growth, Clifford H. Farr
The Pine Creek Conglomerate, J. A. Udden
The Plant Life of a Prairie Province in Polk County, Iowa, Winifred Gilbert
The Plants of Emmet County, Iowa, B. O. Wolden
The Pleistocene of Capitol Hill, James H. Lees
The Pollution of the Underground Waters with Sewage through Fissures in Rocks, Henry Albert
The Polyporaceae of Fayette Iowa, Guy West Wilson
The Polyporaceae of Iowa, Robert E. Fennell
The Position of the Vibrating Source in the Kundt's Tube Experiment, G. W. Stewart
The Possibility of a New Vitamin for Reproduction, V. G. Heller
The Postville story, Just Faith participants, Resurrection Parish, Dubuque, Iowa, February 20, 2010
The Postville Story, Sisters of St. Francis, Mt. St. Francis, Dubuque, Iowa, January 14, 2010
The Potential of the Silver-Silver Iodata Electrode at 25°, J. N. Pearce and Verda I. Wirth
The Prairie du Chien - St. Peter Unconformity in Iowa, Arthur C. Trowbridge
The Prairie of the Mississippi River Bluffs, B. Shimek
The Precise Determination of Sulfates, Stephen Popoff and E. W. Neuman
The Prediction of Success of Elementary Teachers, J. E. Bathurst
The Preparation and Properties of Furyl Phenyl Ketimine, J. B. Culbertson and Ben Davis
The Preparation of Activated Carbon form Furfural Residues, Galen Hunt
The Preparation of Ammonia Free Water for Water Analysis, J. B. Weems, C. E. Gray, and E. C. Myers
The Preparation of Dibromoamine and its Reaction with Grignard Reagents, George H. Coleman, Charles B. Yager, and Harold Soroos
The Preparation of m-Hydroxybenzonitrile, James B. Culbertson, Erwin L. Carpenter, and Ernest K. Nielsen
The Preparation of Permanent Filter Mats for Gooch Crucibles, G. N. Quam and H. V. Wright
The Preparation of Phenyl Ether, Alfred N. Cook
The Preparation of Pure Di-Isobutyl, H. F. Lewis and J. Wesley Fleming
The Preparation of Pure Octane, H. F. Lewis and G. Roert Yohe
The Preparation of Zeolytic Water Softening Materials, Eston L. Barthel
The Present Tendencies in the Bacteriological Examination of Water, Jack J. Hinman, Jr.
The President's Address, Thomas H. MacBride
The President's Address - Does the History of Science Have a Place in the College Curriculum?, L. S. Ross
The Problem of Weeds in the West, L. H. Pammel
The Production of Kynurenic Acid from Tryptophane Derivatives, Clarence P. Berg
The Production of Propionic Acid from Pentoses by Propionibacterium pentosaceum, C. H. Werkman, R. M. Hixon, E. I. Fulmer, and C. H. Rayburn
The Progessive and Step-Wise Decarboxylation of Furan-Tetracarboxlic Acid, Henry Gilman, Harold Oatfield, and Willard H. Kirkpatrick
The Progress in Physics in Iowa in the Quarter Century, Frank F. Almy
The Progress of Research in the Coe College Radiological Laboratory, Scott W. Smith Jr.
The Progress of Zoology in Iowa During the Last Twenty-Five Years, C. C. Nutting
The Project Method in Laboratory Psychology, R. H. Sylvester
The Prolificness of Some Common Plants, H. E. Jaques
The Proper Use of the Geological Name, "Bethany", John L. Tilton
The Prophets Really Prophesy as Mystics, The Commentators Merely by Statistics