Content Posted in 2019
The propitious puzzle for small business owners: Understanding the Section 199A deduction, Kameron Elizabeth Kehoe
The Protein Content and Microchemical Tests of the Seeds on Some Common Iowa Weeds, L. H. Pammel and Arthur W. Dox
The Protein Requirements of Practically Mature Fattening Cattle, C. C. Culbertson and John M. Evvard
The Psychogram in Vocational Guidance, Carl E. Seashore
The Psychological Appeal of Home Made Playthings, Lovisa C. Wagoner
The Psychology of a Psychologist, Christian A. Ruckmick
The Psychology of Division, H. A. Jeep
The Pubescence of Lithospermum canescens and L. Gmelini, Henry S. Conard and Cornelia Clarke
The Pyrenomycetes or Black Fungi of Iowa, Jessie A. Parish
The Quakers of Iowa, Louis Thomas Jones
The Rank of Necturus among the Tailed Amphibians as Indicated by the Distribution of Its Cranial Nerves, H. W. Norris
Therapist self-doubt when facing severe psychopathology in adolescent males, Zachary Mark Meehan
The Rate of Decomposition of Some Artificial Manures, Frederick B. Smith
The Rate of Evaporation through Surface Films, Raymond Bartlett and Thos. C. Poulter
The Rate of Solution of Zn in H2SO4 Under Pressures up to 347 Atmospheres, Thos. C. Poulter and Glen E. Frazer
The Reaction of Chloroamines with Zinc Alkyls, George H. Coleman and Hans P. Andersen
The Reaction of Nitrogen Trichloride with Unsaturated Acids, George H. Coleman and G. M. Mullins
The Reaction of Nitrogen Trichloride with Various Types of Olefine Hydrocarbons, G. H. Coleman, A. W. Campbell, and G. M. Mullins
The Reading Difficulty of Parent Education Materials, R. H. Ojemann
The Readjustment of the Peripheral Lung Motor Mechanism after Bilateral Vagotomy, T. L. Patterson
The reasons why many African-American and Hispanic women do not choose careers in technology, Kathryn Elizabeth Guzman
The Red Road approach to healing as used in Native American adolescent addiction treatment, Colleen M. Husak
The Reduction of Sulphuric Acid by Copper as a Function of the Temperature, Launcelot W. Andrews
The Reflecting and the Absorbing Power of a Photographic Emulsion, P. S. Helmick
The Relation between Disordered Eating, Stress, and Anxiety in First-Year College Women, Jenna K. Anderson
The relation between disordered eating, stress, and anxiety in first-year college women, Jenna K. Anderson
The Relation Between the Photoelectric and the Photographic Effect in Silver Bromide, L. W. Butler
The Relation between Voltage and Candle-Power in Modern Incandescent Lamps, William Kunerth
The Relation of Aptitude Test Data to Fall Quarter Grades - 998 Cases - Fall 1931, Lyle K. Henry
The Relation of Certain Medical and Physical Data to Scholastic Success, Frederic S. Beebee
The Relation of Certain Medical and Physical Data to Scholastic Success, Frederic S. Beebee
The Relation of Cucurbit Mosaic to Wild Catnip, J. H. Muncie
The Relation of Frost to Certain Plants, L. H. Pammel
The Relation of Mathematics Aptitude to Other Aptitudes, R. D. Sinclair
The Relation of Moisture to Thermal Conductivity in Oats, A. L. Bakke and H. Stiles
The Relation of Substituents in the Hydrocarbon Radicals to the Formation and Reactions of Certain Mixed Ethers, L. Chas. Raiford and J. C. Colbert
The Relation of the Smaller Forest Areas in Non-Forested Regions to Evaporation and Movement of Soil Water, Irwin T. Bode
The Relationship Between an Alternative Form of Cognitive Reflection Test and Intertemporal Choice, Jiuqing Cheng and Cassidy Janssen
The Relationship between Biblical Information and Conduct, Pleasant R. Hightower
The relationship between psychological factors and the gait analysis of a total knee arthroplasty patient: A case study, Tyler S. Rogers
The Relative Frequency of Arterio Sclerosis of the Various Arteries, W. E. Sanders
The Relative Position of the Maxima Contractions of the Amphibian Muscle When Subjected to Various Ranges in Temperature, Ralph L. Parker
The Relative Values of the Selenium Cell and the Ionization Methods of Measuring X-Rays in Roentgenotherapy, Arthur W. Erskine and Scott W. Smith Jr.
The Resistance of Streptococci to Germicidal Agents, Henry Albert
The rise of close reading, Jayne E. Larsen
Thermoelectric Effect in Single Crystals Bismuth, R. W. Boydston
Thermo-Electric Effect in Single Crystal Zinc, Ernest G. Linder
Thermoelectric Effect in Single Crystal Zinc Wires, E. G. Linder
Thermoelectric Effect in Single Crystal Zinc Wires, E. G. Linder
Thermoelectric Power in Bismuth Single Crystals in the Neighborhood of the Melting Point, A. Soroos
The Robber Crab (Birgus latro) with Special Reference to Its Respiratory System, C. C. Nutting
The Rockford Geodes, S. L. Galpin
The Rock from Solomon's Quarries, Nicholas Knight
The Rock Shelters of Allamakee County, Iowa, a Preliminary Survey, Ellison Orr
The Role of Copper in Hemoglobin Regeneration, H. L. Keil and V. E. Nelson
The Role of Eye Movement Habits in Determining Reading Efficiency, Francis P. Robinson
The Role of Liver in Growth, Reproduction and Lactation, H. Gregg Smith and Walter H. Seegers
The role of phonemic awareness in the development of emergent literacy, Cheryl M. Geurts
The Role of the Concept in Reading Ability, Paul Murphy
The role of the kindergarten : history, concerns, and guidelines for developing an effective kindergarten program, Amanda N. Herber
The Role of the Vagi of Gastric Motility in Necturus maculatus, T. L. Patterson
The role of virtual environment and virtual reality for knowledge transfer, Michelle Rice
The roles of coaches and teachers : fostering a climate for motivation in an age of accountability, Jocelyn Hays
The Rotatoria of the Lake Okoboji Region, Dwight C. Ensign
The Sage, Robert Washut
The Salem Limestone and Its Stratigraphic Relation in Southeastern Iowa, Francis M. Van Tuyl
The Salt Effect of Certain Indicators in Slightly Buffered Solutions, John A. Dudycha and Ben H. Peterson
The Sand of Sylvan Beach, New York, Nicholas Knight
The Sanitary Analyses of Some Iowa Deep Well Waters, J. B. Weems
The Scattering of Homogeneous X-Rays of Wave Length .712 A° Unit by Carbon, Lithium, and Hydrogen, C. W. Hewlett
The Scattering of X-Rays by Camphor, Roger M. Morrow
The school counselor's role in empowering adolescent girls, Laurie A. Kirkpatrick
The School of the Future, R. P. Crawford
The Science of a GMO, Will Fett and Cindy Hall
The Scrophulariaceae of Iowa, T. J. Fitzpatrick and M. F. L. Fitzpatrick
The Scydmaenidae and Pselaphidae Occurring near Iowa City, Iowa, H. F. Wickham
The Selection of Talent for Stenography and Typing, Benjamin W. Robinson
The Selection of Thermometers for General Organic Chemistry, Thomas H. Liggett
The Separation and Gravimetric Estimation of Potassium, S. B. Kuzirian
The Seventh Annual Session of the Iowa Academy of Sciences:; Membership of the Academy
The Sex Ratio in Guinea Pigs, R. G. Schott
The Shore-Lines of Ancient Glacial Lakes, J. E. Todd
The Significance of the Hydrogen-Ion Concentration in Soil Nitrification Studies, Harry Humfeld and Lewis W. Erdman
The Silylation of Carbon-Hydrogen Bonds Using Zn(OTf)2 Catalyst, Alexandra Warren and Robert Martin Chin
The Similarity of Electrical Properties in Light-Positive Selenium to Those in Certain Crystal Contacts, F. C. Brown
The Simultaneous Adsorption of Salt by Colloidal Aluminium Hydroxide, Ben H. Peterson
The Sioux City Water Supply, Alfred N. Cook and C. F. Eberly
The Sioux City Water Supply II, Alfred N. Cook and W. J. Morgan
The Sioux City Water Supply. III, Alfred N. Cook
The Size of the Oocyst in a Selected Strain of Coccidia, Phoebe R. Hall and Elery R. Becker
The Slime Moulds of New Mexico, T. H. MacBride
The So-Called Dorsotrachealis Branch of the Seventh Cranial Nerve in Amphiuma, H. W. Norris
The Solar Surface During the Past Five Years - A Review of Sunspot Observations Made at Alta, Iowa, from 1903 to 1907, David E. Hadden
The Solar Surface during the past Five Years a Review of Sunspot Observations Made at Alta Iowa from 1921 to 1925, David E. Hadden
The Solar Surface during the past Thirteen Years - A Review of Sun-Spot Observations Made at Alta, Iowa from 1908 to 1920, David E. Hadden
The Solar Surface During the Past Twelve Years - A Review of Sun-Spot Observations Made at Alta, Iowa, from 1890 to 1902, David E. Hadden
The Solubilities and the Activity Coefficients of the Three Nitroanilines in Aqueous Solutions of Typical Salts at 85°, J. N. Pearce and L. J. Garwood
The Solubility and Heat of Solution of Succinic Acid in Water and the Paraffin Alcohols, H. E. Fowler and J. N. Pearce
The Solubility of Certain Substituted Benzoic Acids in Typical Salt Solutions at 25°, J. N. Pearce and J. W. Newsome
The Solubility of Copper Iodate in Aqueous Salt Solutions, Ben H. Peterson and Earl L. Meyers
The Somatic Chromosomes of Cypripedium hirsutum and Six Species of Habenaria, L. M. Humphrey
The Somatic Chromosomes of Eight Species of the Orchidaceae, L. M. Humphrey
The Source of the Chromaffin Cells of the Adrenals of the Pig, Mildred Yule
The Species of Rhamnus in Southwestern United States and the Pacific Coast and Puccinia Coronata, L. H. Pammel
The Spectral Distribution of Erythemal Effectiveness of Ultraviolet Radiation, George E. Davis
The Spectroscopy of Coffee Roasting, Kailey Casper and Joshua Sebree
The Spectrum of Mercury Excited by Canal-Ray Impact, Carl Frische
The Spontaneous Culture Method for Studying the Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria of the Soil, R. H. Walker and John L. Sullivan
The Stability of Iron Carbide and Calculations of Its Heat of Formation from Equilibrium Studies, Harold L. Maxwell and Anson Hayes
The Staminate Flower of Elodea, Robert B. Wylie
The State Quarry Limestone, Samuel Calvin
The Status of Sedimentation in Iowa, A. C. Trowbridge
The Status of the Biological Sciences in the High Schools of Iowa, C. W. Lantz
The Status of the Biological Sciences in the High Schools of Iowa, C. W. Lantz
The Status of the Psychogalvanic Reflex in Psychology, Nancy Bayley
The Ste. Genevieve Formation and Its Stratigraphic Relations in Southeastern Iowa, Stuart Weller and Francis M. Van Tuyl
The Ste. Genevieve Marls near Fort Dodge and Their Fauna, James H. Lees and A. O. Thomas
The Stomata and Palisade Cells of Leaves, F. C. Stewart
The Story-Hamilton Artesian Area, John E. Smith
The Story-Marshall Tornado of August 20, 1928, John E. Smith
The Story of Iowa, Thomas P. Christensen
The Stratigraphic Relations of the Greenhorn and Niobrara Formations of Western Iowa and Adjacent Areas, N. C. Georgesen
The Strengths of Phenolic Ketimines and Their Methyl Ethers as Bases, J. B. Culbertson, Paul Bieber, and Adolph Zavodsky
The Stroboscopic Effect, L. E. Dodd
The Stroboscopic Effect by Direct Reflection of Light from Vibrating Mirrors., L. E. Dodd
The Structure and Development of the Seed Coat and Cause of Delayed Germination in Mellilotus alba, J. N. Martin
The Structure of Some Nectar Glands of Iowa Honey Plants, William S. Cook
The Structure of the Fort Dodge Beds, James H. Lees
The study of computational fluency, Cassandra Hart
The Sublimation Curve for Selenium Crystals of the Hexagonal System, L. E. Dodd
The Summer Resident Birds of Polk County, Iowa - A Guide to Local Study, Lester P. Fagan
The Swimbladder as a Respiratory Organ in Lepidosteus, George E. Potter
The Swim-Bladder of a 65 MM. Gar-Pike (Lepidosteus platystomus) Embryo, George E. Potter
The Switchboard and Arrangement of Storage Battery at Simpson College, John L. Tilton
The Synthesis of 4-Hydroxy and 2-Hydroxy-Diphenyl Ketimines, Paul Vittum, Richard Anderson, and J. B. Culbertson
The Synthesis of Ethyl Alcohol from Acetylene, J. C. Frazee
The Synthesis of Vitamins by Microorganisms, Gertrude Sunderlin and C. H. Werkman
The Tactual Analog of Stroboscopy, L. E. Dodd
The Talent Survey in Our Music School, Esther Allen Gaw
The Taxonomic Value of Style Color in the Genus Antennaria, Helen Nicholson
The Taxonomy of Algebraic Surfaces, R. P. Baker
The Teaching of English in Lebanese Classrooms: A Critical Look at the Dominant Curricula and Practices, nadia bhuiyan
The Teaching of Plant Pathology, L. H. Pammel
The Teaching of Plant Pathology, W. H. Davis
The Terraces of the Missouri, J. E. Todd
The Terrestrial Isopods of Iowa, Mayne Longnecker
The Tertiary Silicified Woods of Eastern Arkansas, R. Ellsworth Call
The Theory of Binaural Beats - An Experimental Contribution, G. W. Stewart and Harold Stiles
The Theory of the Two-Way Quincke Tube, G. W. Stewart
The Thermal Conductivity of Tellurium, Arthur R. Fortsch
The Thistles of Iowa, with Notes on a Few Other Species, L. H. Pammel
The Toledo Lobe of Iowan Drift, T. E. Savage
The Torques and Forces between Short Cylindrical Coils Carrying Undamped Alternating Currents of Radio Frequency, W. A. Parlin
The Total Solar Eclipse of May 28, 1900 (Observed at Wadesboro, N.C.), David E. Hadden
The Toxic Effect of Ultra Violet Radiations upon Yeast and Yeast-Growing Media, A. C. Bailey
The Toxicities of Some Organo-Lead Compounds for Cancer and Related Studies, Henry Gilman, O. M. Gruhzit, J. D. Robinson, and E. B. Towne
The Trace Left by a Helical Beam of Electrons on a Plane Perpendicular to Its Axis, C. J. Lapp
The Transference Numbers and the Degree of Solvation of the Ions of Lithium Chloride in Certain Alcohols, J. N. Pearce and W. G. Eversole
The transition of flipped instruction : from professional development to classroom, Alison J. Sauer
The Trans Legacy of Frankenstein, Jolene Zigarovich
The Trapezius Muscle of the Ganoid Fishes, H. W. Norris
The trend of academic achievement and retention for immigrant Latino youth, Pamela Humphrey
The Tungsten X-Ray Spectrum, Elmer Dershem
The Underground Organs of a Few Weeds, L. H. Pammel and Estelle D. Fogel
The University of Montana Biological Station, Maurice Ricker
The Unlikely Event, Chris Merz
The Unsoundness of Certain Types of Rocks, Mark Morris
The Uranato-Malate Complex, Launcelot W. Andrews
The Uredinales (Rusts) of Iowa, J. C. Arthur
The Uric Acid Ferments, Elbert W. Rockwood
The Use of a Ballistic Galvanometer and Pendulum for Measuring Rapidly Fluctuating Resistances, W. H. Clark
The use of art therapy in counseling children, Laura Longo
The Use of Common Names for Plants, B. Shimek
The Use of Cone-In-Cone Structure for the Purpose of Correlation, A. C. Tester
The use of electronic portfolios for preservice teachers, Kimberly Gobble-Sengstock
The Use of Iron in Nutrient Solutions for Plants, G. E. Corson and A. L. Bakke
The use of metaphor in counseling, Helen Driscoll Kemp
The use of Sodium Taurocholate and Crystal Violet in the Isolation of Bact. tumefaciens Sm. & Town., M. K. Patel
The Use of the Individual Parts of the Aptitude Test for Predicting Success of Students, Gertrude M. Cox
The Use of the Rayleigh Disk in the Determination of Relative Sound Intensities, Harold Stiles
The Use of the Terms Flint and Chert, Waldo S. Glock
The Use of the Words Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit, O. M. Norlie
The use of touchscreen devices to support writing development of preschoolers, Celeste Mortvedt
The Uses and Abuses of the Questionary Method, Christian A. Ruckmick
The Uses of Formaldehyde in Animal Morphology, Gilbert L. Houser
The Utilization of Cob Char as a Carburizing Agent, H. L. Maxwell
The Vagus and Anterior Spinal Nerves in Amphiuma, H. W. Norris
The value of inquiry-based science instruction for elementary students, Jessica Renae Enger
The Value of Twig and Bud Characters in Keys for the Identification of Trees in Summer Condition, Harold D. Harrington
The Vapor Pressures and the Activity Coefficients of Aqueous Solutions of Perchloric Acid at 25°, J. N. Pearce and A. F. Nelson
The Vapor Pressures of Aqueous Solutions of Lithium Nitrate at 25°, J. N. Pearce and A. F. Nelson
The Variation of Sound Intensity with Distance from the Source; An Interesting Case of Deviation from the Inverse Square Law, Harold Stiles and G. W. Stewart
The Vascular Cryptogams of Iowa and the Adjoining Parts of Southeastern Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, L. H. Pammel and Charlotte M. King
The Vascular Supply of the Teeth of the Domestic Cat, C. C. Nutting
The Vegetation of Cape Blanco, Morton E. Peck
The Vegetative Organs of Some Perennial Grasses, Florence Willey
The Velocites of Hydrolysis of Mono- and Polyhydroxy-Diphenyl Ketimines, James B. Culbertson and James L. Nauman
The Velocites of Hydrolysis of the Three Monomethoxy-Diphenyl Ketimines, James B. Culbertson and Amel L. Bresson
The Velocity of Ultra Waves in Ether Vapor, George E. Thompson
The Viability of Weed Seeds under Different Conditions of Treatment, and a Study of Their Dormant Periods, H. S. Fawcett
The Vibrato as Produced on String Instruments, Scott N. Reger
The Weathered Zone (Sangamon) between the Iowan Loess and Illinoian Till Sheet, Frank Leverett
The Weathered Zone (Yarmouth) between the Illinoian and Kansan Till Sheets, Frank Leverett
The Western Interior Geosyncline and Its Bearing on the Origin and Distribution of the Coal Measures, Francis M. Van Tuyl
The What, the Why, and the How of using repeated readings of poetry to increase reading fluency, Melissa Feldmann
The White Admiral or Banded Purple Butterfly in Iowa, B. O. Wolden
The White Water Lily of Clear Lake, Iowa, Henry S. Conard
The White Waterlily of Iowa, Henry S. Conard
The White Waterlily of McGregor, Iowa, Henry S. Conard
The Wisconsin Drift-Plain in the Region about Sioux Falls, J. Ernest Carman
The world of work : an intermediate level curriculum model integrating school-to-work and service learning, Virginia LaVelle
The Wright Message, 2018-2019, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Mathematics.
The X-Ray K-Radiation of Tungsten, Elmer Dershem
Things Ain't What They Used To Be, Mercer Ellington
Think-Alouds : thinking beyond the text to increase reading comprehension, Jennifer Marie Lee
Thinking Classroom Journal, v7n1, January 2006, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v7n2, April 2006, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v7n3, July 2006, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v7n4, October 2006, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v8n1, January 2007, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v8n2, April 2007, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v8n3, July 2007, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v8n4, October 2007, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v9n1, January 2008, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v9n2, April 2008, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v9n3, July 2008, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Thinking Classroom Journal, v9n4, October 2008, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project/Open Society Institute
Third Annual Conference on African American Children and Families, February 28, 2014, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education
Thomisidae of the Ames Region, I. L. Ressler
Thomson Effect in Single Crystals of Zinc, L. A. Ware
Thomson Effect in Single Crystal Zinc, L. A. Ware
Threat as a Mediator of the Relationship between Political Orientation and Prejudice toward Immigrants, Nathan Lewey
Three and One, Thad Jones
Three Different Types of Genetic Sterility in the Parasitic Wasp, Habrobracon, P. W. Whiting
Three Glacial Tills at Ames, Iowa, John E. Smith
ThreeHouse Detroit Service/Learning Trip, Dave Glenn-Burns
Three Maxims for the Study of the Nutrition of Microorganisms, Ellis I. Fulmer
Three Mushrooms with pedestrians
Tickets at door for Hearst fete
Tiffin Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Till-Like Deposits South of Kansas River in Douglas County, Kansas, Walter H. Schoewe
Time for us, Nino Roto
Tipton East Quadrangle by USGS 1953, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Tipton West Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, James H. Lees
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, James H. Lees
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, L. S. Ross
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, T. E. Savage
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, T. E. Savage
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, A. G. Leonard
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, A. G. Leonard
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, Samuel W. Beyer
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, Samuel W. Beyer
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, H. Foster Bain
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, Herbert Osborn
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, Herbert Osborn
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, Herbert Osborn
Title Page - Letter of Transmittal, Herbert Osborn
Title Pages, Herbert Osborn
Title Pages, Herbert Osborn
Title pages, Herbert Osborn
Title Page, Volume 1, Part I, 1887, 1888, 1889
Title Page, Volume 1, Parts I-IV
Tobacco cessation outcomes: The case for milestone-based services, Disa L. Cornish, Ki Park, and Mitchell SJ Avery
Toby, Eddie Barefield
Tom Pettit, an NBC News correspondent, The Northern Iowan, October 21, 1986
Tom Pettit dies, was award-winning journalist and UNI alumnus, Northern Iowa Today, Winter 1996
Tom Pettit Journalism Scholarship applications due March 3 at UNI, UNI News, February 6, 1986
Tom Pettit Journalism winners announced at Northern Iowa, UNI News, April 20, 1988
Tom Pettit main speaker at SCI Journalism Conference, The College Eye, March 13, 1964
Tom Pettit to deliver public address at UNI Monday (July 13), UNI News, July 8, 1987
Tom Pettit to receive honorary degree from University of Northern Iowa, UNI News, April 21, 1988
Tones for Joan's Bones, Chick Corea
Toolesboro Quadrangle by USGS 1953
Topaz Crystals of Thomas Mountain, Utah, Arthur J. Jones
Topographical map of Adair County Iowa 1904, Iowa Publising Co.
Topographical map of Allamakee County 1903, Huebinger Surveying and Map Publising Co.
Topographical map of Cerro Gordo County 1903, Iowa Publising Co.
Topographical map of Chickasaw County 1903, Iowa State Atlas Publishing Company
Topographical map of Clayton County 1903, Iowa Publising Co.
Topographical map of Clinton County 1902, Huebinger Surveying and Map Publising Co.
Topographical map of Delaware County 1903
Topographical map of Des Moines County 1902
Topographical map of Humboldt County 1902
Topographical map of Jackson County 1902
Topographical map of Keokuk County 1903
Topographical map of Linn County 1902
Topographical map of Monona County Iowa 1903
Topographical map of Muscatine & Louisa Counties 1902 by Iowa State Atlas Pub'l. Co.
Topographical map of Pottawattamie County 1904
Topographical map of Ringgold County Iowa 1902
Topographical map of Sioux County 1904
Topographical map of the northern part of the Lake of the Woods by A. C. Lawson 1885
Topographical map of the road 1843 section 6
Topographical map of the road 1843 section 7
Topographical map of the road 1846 section 1
Topographical map of the road 1846 section 2
Topographical map of Van Buren County Iowa 1903
Topographical map of Winnebago County Iowa 1904
Topographical map of Winneshiek County Iowa 1903
Topographic map of Muscatine & Louisa Counties 1902 by Iowa State Atlas Pub'l. Co.
Topographic map of the Yellowstone Nat'l. Park 1912
Topography of the Granite and Porphyry Region of Missouri, E. H. Lonsdale
Tornado as it Passed Glenwood, Paul S. Rowe
Toward a Performative Understanding of Politeness, C. Kyle Rudick and Danielle E. McGeough
Town's economy is hit hard after immigration raid
Township map of the State of Iowa 1851 side 1
Township map of the State of Iowa 1851 side 2
Township map of the State of Iowa 1854
Township map of the State of Iowa 1856
Traffic flow chart of the United States 1937
Trainers' perspectives of teacher professional development, Harun Parpucu
Training--official U.S. Navy photo, United States Navy
Training : what is training, identifying the need for training, methods of training, and how can trainings effectiveness be evaluated?, Michael Johnson Jr.
Tramping in Western Washington, Thomas H. Macbride
Transcript of hearing before the Judiciary Subcommittee
Transferring a face-to-face course to online instruction at a community college, Brenda Heitmeyer
Transient Aphasia as a Common Element in Speech and Reading Defects, Geo. A. Kelly
Translocation of Iowa's Siouan Mountains, Charles Keyes
Trapping and Banding Birds at Iowa City during 1925, Dayton Stoner
Trapping and Banding Birds at Iowa City During 1927, Dayton Stoner
Trapping Birds at Iowa City during 1923, Dayton Stoner
Trapping Birds at Iowa City During 1924, Dayton Stoner
Trauermusik, Paul Hindemith
Treatment and intervention strategies for battered women : breaking the cycle of violence, Hope L. Huff
Tree identification and age project, Mark Jensen
Treeman color postcard by Kirk L. Smith
Treeman in storm 1981 by Bill Witt
Treeman with Governor Robert Ray
Tree planted in memorial to Hake, The Northern Iowan, June 16, 1972
Trees and Shrubs of Hamilton County, H. A. Mueller
Trees of the Proposed Mississippi Valley National Park, L. H. Pammel
Trenton Limestone in Iowa, Charles Keyes
Treynor Quadrangle by USGS 1956
Tropograph and Flectograph, W. J. Himmel
Tune for Little Girl, Curt Bradshaw
Turkey River Quadrangle by USGS 1957, Geological Survey (U.S.)
TV history series produced by Herb Hake, Alumnus, December 1959
TV news van, Julie Berg-Raymond
TV news van outside of St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
TV reporters and police, Julie Berg-Raymond
Twelfth Annual Graduate Student Symposium [Program], 2019, University of Northern Iowa.
Twelve Hundred Miles of Winter Birds, Chas. J. Spiker
Twenty-First Annual Meeting (of the Iowa Academy of Science): Minutes; Program; Staff & Committee Reports, L. S. Ross
Twenty-Five Years of Botany in Iowa, Thomas H. MacBride
Twinkle, twinkle, little star: the effects of using music with young children, Eileen Heck
Two Additions to Our List of Cruciferae, R. I. Cratty
Two and three year olds on outdoor gym
Two Cases of Abnormal Incisors in White Rats, J. E. Guthrie
Two Generations of Selection with Reference to the Inheritance of Scurvy Resistance in Guinea-Pigs, W. V. Lambert
Two New Infusoria (Protozoa) from Iowa, Robert L. King
Two parade marshals named for UNI Homecoming Parade, UNI News Information Service, October 22, 1969
Two Remarkable Cephalopods from the Upper Paleozoic, Charles R. Keyes
Two Theorems on Annuities, John F. Reilly
Ubi Facit Ibi Est, John A. Eldridge
Ukimwi : HIV/AIDS in Kenya, Virginia Wangui Gathua
Ukrainian booth August 29, 1999
Ultra Violet Absorption Spectra of Carotene and Vitamin A, Jay W. Woodrow and J. B. Philipson
Umpire hurries in for the call
Uncomfortable Relations of Bethany Limestones, Charles Keyes
Underachievement and movitation : why children underachieve and the school counselor's role in helping students, Sarah M. Kakacek
Undercover worker aided agents
Understanding ESL Undergraduate Students' Beliefs About Learner-Centered Instruction, Mahjabeen Hussain
Understanding ESL undergraduate students' beliefs about learner-centered instruction, Mahjabeen Hussain
Understanding gender stereotypes and their impact on clients, Stacey Hurt
Underwood Quadrangle by USGS 1956
UNI alumna Nancy Powell named U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, News Release, July 2, 2007
UNI alumna to direct U.S. Foreign Service, Northern Iowa Today, Fall 2009
UNI alumna wins Pulitzer Prize for poetry, Northern Iowan, April 16, 1991
UNI Alumni Association presents 2008 Heritage Honours Awards, Northern Iowa Today, Fall 2008
UNI alum will speak on her work as U. S. Ambassador to Nepal, News Release, October 3, 2008
UNI Basketball 2010 Panther Postseason Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Financial Aid & Scholarships, Tim Bakula
UNI football winning tradition spans decades, The Northern Iowan, September 16, 2008
Unifying the English Major: Applying Process to Literary Studies, Jeffery Jones
UNI grads to lead parade, The Northern Iowan, October 21, 1969
UNI Grad Student News, v17n3, February 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI Grad Student News, v17n4, May 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI Grad Student News, v18n1, September 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI Grad Student News, v18n2, December 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Graduate College.
UNI grad wins poetry award, Alumnus, December 1971
UNI Magazine, issue 01, 2019, University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association
UNI men's golf team (year unknown)
UNI Names Pettit Journalism Scholarship recipients, UNI News, April 7, 1987
UNI Nonprofit Explor-A-Ganza, Hannah Luce
Union: ICE raid interfered with ongoing investigation
UNI Pep Band, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
UNI Permanent Art Collection, Gallery of Art, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Political Science Newsletter, v14n1, June 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Political Science.
UNI Professional Writing Program - Community Engagement Projects in Workplace Communication, Adrienne Lamberti
UNI S A C Updates: Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology Newsletter, Summer 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology.
UNI ScholarWorks Brochure [Faculty Focused], Rod Library. University of Northern Iowa.
UNI Science Education Update Conference [Program] April 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa Science Education Program.
UNI's first broadcaster ends versatile career, Alumnus, May 1972
UNI's first honorary doctorate to Hearst
UNI's Tour de 'Loo, Bekah Bass, Emily Shotzco, Emily Loomis, Madeleine Hartleip, Nathan Zoss, Chris Wichert, and Bel Bremser
UNI Swordfighting, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
United States by Henry Teasdale 1843
United States of America 1855 side 1
United States of America 1855 side 2
Unit Systems and Dimensions, T. Proctor Hall
Universal design for learning, Julie Hill
University Catalog 1976-1978, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1978-1980, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1980-1982, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1982-1984, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1984-1986, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1986-1988, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1988-1990, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1990-1992, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1992-1994, University of Northern Iowa
University Catalog 1994-1996, University of Northern Iowa
University honors renowned poet, Northern Iowa Today, July 1991
University of Northern Iowa 1976, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Catalog 1996-1998, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Fact Book, 2018-2019, University of Northern Iowa. Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, April 22, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, April 8, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, February 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, February 25, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, January 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, January 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, March 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, March 25, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, November 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, October 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, October 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, September 23, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, September 9, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, April 22, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, April 8, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, December 10, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, February 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, February 25, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, January 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, January 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, March 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, March 25, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, November 11, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, October 14, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, October 28, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, September 23, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, September 9, 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Faculty Senate.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, February 28, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, January 24, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, March 28, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, November 29, 2018, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, October 25, 2018, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Agenda, September 12, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, February 28, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, January 24, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, November 29, 2018, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, October 25, 2018, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, September 12, 2019, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, September 13, 2018, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Council Minutes, September 27, 2018, Graduate Council, University of Northern Iowa.
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Program Survey 2017-2018, Megan Vogt-Kostner
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Program Survey 2018-2019, Bailey Holm
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey 2017-2018 Academic Year, Bailey Holm
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2019 Academic Year, Bailey Holm
University of Northern Iowa Panther Volleyball 2009 Media Guide, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Wrestling Media Guide 2012-2013, University of Northern Iowa
Unloading ITC sculpture April 1979
Unloading papers from Sedan delivery
Unorganized territory map by A. M. Sea
Unsolved Problems Related to the Inoculation of Legumes, Lewis W. Erdman
Unusual Dolomites, Nicholas Knight
Upcoming rally is calling for immigration reform, worker justice, family unity
Update; Court hearings held on the dance floor
Upper Carboniferous of Southwestern Iowa, E. H. Lonsdale
Uprising, Issue 7, Spring 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Northern Iowa Student Government.
Uprising, Issue 8, Fall 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Northern Iowa Student Government.
Uptight, Moy Judkins Cosby and Oliver Nelson
U.S. Attorney's office files motion to keep former CEO in prison
U.S. citizenship on horizon for former meatpacking plant worker
U.S. Department of Education guidance on Title IX
Use of Galena as a Terranal Title in Iowa, Charles Keyes
Use of social stories for students with autism spectrum disorders, Alicia Ann Karwal
Use of the New Type Examinations, B. F. Zuehl
Using a balanced literacy approach in elementary schools, Jennifer Lynn Freeman
Using comprehensive literacy instructional modules for literacy instruction with students with disabilities, Amanda M. Wasylik
Using critical literacy and emotionally responsive teaching to discuss racism in a literature circle unit, Autumn Rose Den Boer
Using digital writing tools in supporting student writing, Sarah McKee
Using high interest reading material to motivate struggling and reluctant readers, Nicoles C. Hoover
Using interactive read-alouds to support students' comprehension, Emily D. Chaffin
Using interactive writing with reluctant writers, Candis Frieden
Using literacy booster lessons to maintain and extend reading recovery success in the primary grades, Karla K. Kittelson-Mackenzie
Using Mindtools to build information literacy and promote critical thinking, Matthew J. Haan
Using NGSS phenomena as a formative assessment to measure understanding of science concepts in a ninth grade physical science classroom, Keith Richard Kohl
Using picture books to enhance content area reading, Tamra C. Foster
Using podcasts to support distance education for adult learners, David Graw
Using PowerPoint created talking books for reading fluency instruction, Gretchen R. Lawyer
Using Program Evaluation to Support Academic Excellence
Using running records data in planning for literacy instruction, Tabitha A. Waltz
Using sign language in the infant room, Sara Paar
Using sign language with hearing preschool children, Jamie E. Johnson
Using the instructional computing design process to introduce and incorporate the Boys Town social skills, Marcus R. Kurtz
Using Walkthroughs as a School Improvement Tool
Using Web 2.0 technology to support collaborative learning in distance education, Sarah E. Ling
Using web-based material to support secondary science curriculum, Ghadeer Filimban
Ustilaginae of Iowa, H. H. Hume
Utilization of Chinic Acid in the Differentiation of the Colon-Aerogenes Groups, Buford H. Butcher
Utilizing local project experts to provide professional development for early childhood educators : a professional development project, Dawn Janette Johnson
Utviklingssang, Carla Bley
Vaccination against Typhoid Fever, Henry Albert
Vacuum Tube Circuits as a Source of Power for Conductivity Measurements, H. A. Geaque and F. Paul Ralston
Vail NE topographical map 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Vail topographical map 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Valuation Multiples: Identifying Undervalued Stocks From 1987 to 2017, Luke Muller
Vanadium Oxytrichloride as a Solvent, F. E. Brown and J. E. Snyder
Van Duyn vs. Ginsberg, Alumnus, December 1971
Variation in Evaporation in Limited Areas, D. H. Boot
Variation in Ray Flowers of anthemis cotula and Other Composites, H. S. Fawcett
Variation in the Position of the Nodes on the Axial Segments of Pygidium of a Species of Encrinurus, William Harmon Norton
Variation in the Succinidae of the Loess, B. Shimek
Variation of Acoustic Absorption Caused by Different Surface Treatments of Insulation Board, H. J. Plagge, Edward Richard Wittemore, and L. K. Arnold
Variation of Intensities of the Visible and of the Ultra Violet in Sunlight and in Skylight, William Kunerth and Russel D. Miller
Variation of the Intensity of the Spectral Lines of Mercury with the Velocity of the Exciting Electrons, W. D. Crozier
Variations in Soil Reaction Affect Nitrification, P. E. Brown and G. V. C. Houghland
Variations in the Branches of the Coeliac Arterty in the Rabbit, H. R. Werner
Variations in the Carotid Arteries of the Rabbit, Francis Marsh Baldwin
Variations in the Chemical Composition of Soils of Various Types, G. B. Killinger and F. B. Smith
Variations in the Viscosity of Solution Cultures of Rhizobium, D. A. Anderson and R. H. Walker
Variations on a Theme Joy by Bill Witt
Variations on a Theme Joy May 1982 by Bill Witt
Variations sculpture 1981 by Bill Witt
Variations sculpture with large group
Vascular Structure of the Kidney in the Snapping and Painted Turtles, Willis De Ryke
Vegetable Lecithin as an Antioxidant, E. W. Kochenderfer and H. Gregg Smith
Vehicular flow Cedar Falls 1937
Velocity Coefficients of the Reaction between Ethyl Iodide and Silver Nitrate in Ethyl and Methyl Alcohol and Mixtures of These Solvents, J. N. Pearce and O. M. Weigle
Velocity of Cadmium Atoms Regularly Reflected from a Rock Salt Crystal, A. Ellett and H. F. Olson
Velocity of Ultra-Sonic Waves in Vapor, George E. Thompson
Verle McFarland Diary, Verle McFarland
Verle portrait by Hedger Studios, Chariton, Iowa
Vernation in Some Iowa Woody Plants, H. D. Harrington
Vertical Range of Fossils at Louisiana, Charles R. Keyes and R. R. Rowley
Very Early, Bill Evans
Viability Tests of Seeds of Different Ages, Charlotte M. King
Vic Rosenthal, Julie Berg-Raymond
Video Gaming, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
View down spiral staircase Fall 1965
View of the dugout at Latham Field
Vigil at National Cattle Congress
Vine Street Rumble, Benny Carter
Vinyl advertisement in the UNI Bookstore windows, Emma Wilker
Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 (1844): Allegro molto appassionato, Felix Mendelssohn
Virtual classrooms : a look at educational uses of the Internet, Beth Voss Kuehl
Visible Phase Relations in an A.C. Circuit, L. B. Spinney
Visitors to Balanced/Unbalanced Beaks
Visual communication and entertainment through animation, James T. Hamrock
Visual phonics : its impact as an instructional tool to promote literacy development in kindergarten students, Lori J. Bower
Vitamin A and Longevity, J. H. Hansbrough, V. E. Nelson, and E. I. Fulmer
Vitamin Deficiency Studies : 1. The Relation of Vitamin Deficiency to Muscle Fatigue in Rats, V. E. Nelson, F. M. Baldwin, Anna Gertrude Riggs, and Marjorie Cunningham
Vocabulary development in a literature-based instructional program, Gwen Johnson
Vocabulary development through math journaling using technology resources in an elementary math classroom, Debbie Hansel
Vocabulary matters : why vocabulary instruction is important and how to implement quality instruction in preschool, Melanie Blocker
Voices from Postville, Virginia Gibbs
Volatility of Mercuric Chloride, Abbott C. Page
Volcanic Necks of Piatigorsk, Southern Russia, Charles R. Keyes
Volcanic Phenomena about Citaltepetl and Popocateptl, Charles R. Keyes
Volcanic Phenomena of Coon Butte Region, Arizona, Charles R. Keyes
Volunteers at St. Bridget's Catholic Church 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers at St. Bridget's Catholic Church 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers at St. Bridget's Catholic Church 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers folding clothes at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers needed to help in office of Hispanic ministry
Volunteers serving food at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers with children at St. Bridget's Catholic Church 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers with children at St. Bridget's Catholic Church 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Volunteers with children at St. Bridget's Catholic Church 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Walcott Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Walker Quadrangle by USGS 1973
Walking the talk: Embedding standards-based grading in an educational leadership course, Matt Townsley
Wallin Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Wall Lake NE topographical map 1978
Wall Lake NW topographical map 1978
Wall Lake SE topographical map 1978
Wall Lake SW topographical map 1978
Walls of Jericho, Tommy Newsom
Wandersoul of the South: Situating 20th century Alabama poet Clement Wood in a literary tradition, Skye Rozario
Wapello Quadrangle by USGS 1946
Wapello Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Warner eager to take the reins, The Northern Iowan, August 31, 1993
Warner garners second NFL MVP award, The Northern Iowan, January 18, 2002
Warner guides Rams to first division title in 14 years, The Northern Iowan, December 7, 1999
Warner helps those who help others, The Northern Iowan, March 12, 2002
Warner made most of opportunity in 1993, The Northern Iowan, February 4, 2000
Warner makes NFL history, The Northern Iowan, October 5, 1999
Warner proves dreams can come true, The Northern Iowan, February 1, 2000
Warner puts UNI on the map, The Northern Iowan, April 28, 2000
Washington Variations: A New Composition for Solo Violin, Denzel Washington and Bethany Washington
Watching march from rooftop 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Watching march from rooftop 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Water Conduction in Apple Trees Affected with Crown Gall, J. H. Muncie and Christine Berkhout
Waterloo area topographic map by USGS 1967, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Waterloo Nirenstein's Nat'l. Realty Map 1952 sheet 1
Waterloo Nirenstein's Nat'l. Realty Map 1952 sheet 2
Waterloo North Quadrangle by USGS 1963, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Waterloo South Quadrangle by USGS 1963, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Water Softening by Base Exchange, Edward Bartow
Water Softening for Municipalities, Edward Bartow
Water Softening in the Home, Edward Bartow
Water-Table of the Loess, Charles Keyes
Waterworks Laboratories, Jack J. Hinman Jr.
Waukee Quadrangle by USGS 1908 side 1
Waukee Quadrangle by USGS 1908 side 2
Waukee Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Waukon Quadrangle by USGS 1903, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Waverly Phoenix, April 10, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, April 11, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, April 13, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, April 14, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, April 17, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, April 18, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, April 20, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, April 21, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, April 24, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, April 25, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, April 27, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, April 28, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, April 3, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, April 4, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, April 6, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, April 7, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, August 1, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, August 14, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, August 15, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, August 16, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, August 21, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, August 2, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, August 22, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, August 23, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, August 28, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, August 29, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, August 30, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, August 7, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, August 8, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, August 9, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, December 1, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, December 12, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, December 13, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, December 15, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, December 19, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, December 20, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, December 22, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, December 26, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, December 27, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, December 29, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, December 5, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, December 6, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, December 8, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, February 10, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, February 13, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, February 14, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, February 16, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, February 17, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, February 20, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, February 21, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, February 2, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, February 23, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, February 24, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, February 27, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, February 28, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, February 3, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, February 6, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, February 7, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, February 9, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, January 10, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, January 12, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, January 13, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, January 16, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, January 17, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, January 19, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, January 20, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, January 2, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, January 23, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, January 24, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, January 26, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, January 27, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, January 30, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, January 31, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, January 3, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, January 5, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, January 6, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, January 9, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, July 10, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, July 11, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, July 12, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, July 17, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, July 18, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, July 19, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, July 24, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, July 25, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, July 26, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, July 31, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, June 12, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, June 13, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, June 14, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, June 19, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, June 20, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, June 21, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, June 26, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, June 27, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, June 28, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, March 10, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, March 13, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, March 14, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, March 16, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, March 17, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, March 20, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, March 21, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, March 2, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, March 23, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, March 24, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, March 27, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, March 28, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, March 30, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, March 31, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, March 3, 1897
Waverly Phoenix, March 6, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, March 7, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, March 9, 1893
Waverly Phoenix. November 10, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, November 1, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, November 14, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, November 15, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, November 17, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, November 21, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, November 22, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, November 24, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, November 28, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, November 29, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, November 3, 1892
Waverly Phoenix, November 7, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, November 8, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, October 10, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, October 11, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, October 13,1892
Waverly Phoenix, October 17, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, October 18, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, October 1895-December 1896
Waverly Phoenix, October 20,1892
Waverly Phoenix, October 24, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, October 25, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, October 27,1892
Waverly Phoenix, October 31, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, October 3, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, October 4, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, October 6,1892
Waverly Phoenix, September 11, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, September 12, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, September 13, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, September 18, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, September 19, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, September 20, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, September 25, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, September 26, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, September 27, 1893
Waverly Phoenix, September 4, 1895
Waverly Phoenix, September 5, 1894
Waverly Phoenix, September 6, 1893
Waverly Quadrangle by USGS 1963, Geological Survey (U.S.)
WAVES at Berg Corner Drug 1943
WAVES in Cedar Falls, July 1943, front
WAVES in Cedar Falls, July 1943, reverse
WAVES in Cedar Falls, May 1943, front
WAVES in Cedar Falls, May 1943, reverse
WAVES Officers' Inspection, January 1943, front
WAVES Officers' Inspection, January 1943, reverse
Wayland Quadrangle by USGS 1949
We Are the Asteroid: Art and the Ecological Crisis, Justin Brice Guariglia
WebQuests : an online strategy for web-based inquiry learning, Chieko Homma
Webster City Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Weeds of California and Their Relation to Weeds in Other Sections of Country, L. H. Pammel
Weed Succession on an Abandoned Roadway, Robert P. Adams
Weed Survey of Story County, Iowa, L. H. Pammel and Charlotte M. King
Weight loss practices in amateur wrestlers and its relationship to disordered eating, Lyndsey M. Manderfield
Weldon Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Well’s pocket hand-book of Iowa, John G. Wells
We Love Iowa, Bob Cook and Joe Pundzak
We're on the air, Alumnus, October 1942
West Branch Quadrangle by USGS 1965, Geological Survey (U.S.)
West Burlington Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Western and Eastern Hemispheres
West Indian Pancake, Duke Ellington
West Liberty SW Quadrangle by USGS 1965
West Point Quadrangle by USGS 1964
West Side Story: Symphonic Dances, Leonard Bernstein
We've Got Spirit, Bob Cook
What about me? : the final question of a suicidal teen, Peggy Ann Kleve
What are appropriate interventions and treatment programs for children with severe autism in an educational setting?, Michelle Leicht
What Cheer Quadrangle by USGS 1965
What Constitutes Voice?, C. I. Erickson
What does educational technology mean in the promotion of student achievement : a literature review, Fongching Lee
What does "NGSS Implementation" Really Look Like?, Mandie Sanderman
What does the research say about standards-based grading? A research Primer, Matt Townsley and Tom Buckmiller
What Do We Do?, Bill Frisell
What every kindergarten teacher should know about spelling, Gjoa King
What Happened This Summer poster
What I believe about leadership and education, Joseph L. Green II
What I believe about leadership and education, Debra A. Kisch
What I believe about leadership and education, Brandon M. Kleve
What I believe about leadership and education, Todd M. Kress
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Angela C. Fogle
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Diane Shumate Foley
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Lisa L. Goedken
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Paul R. Henely
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Michael J. Irvin
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Julia M. Jorgenson
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Thomas Keegan Knight
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Katie J. Koble/Walsworth
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Christine A. Mangrich
What I believe about leadership and education : a reflective essay, Deanna Martens
What I believe about leadership and education : reflective research, Trent A. Jeffrey
What I (Should) Know For Sure: The Existentialism of English Studies, Eve Sanchez
What is the Absolute Value of the Prevailing Method of Selecting Kernels from Ears of Seed Corn for Testing Purposes?, Winfield Scott
What is the Relation between the Moisture Content and Viability of Seed Corn When Subjected to Low Temperatures?, Winfield Scott
What methods have been used to help narrow the achievement gap between African-American students and White students?, Cindra L. Landau
What Names Should Be Used for the Organisms Producing Nodules on the Roots of Leguminous Plants?, R. E. Buchanan
What parents and teachers want to know about schools and how schools can advertise this information using technology, Denise H. Krefting
What relationship between preschool class sizes and student behaviors do teachers report?, Lindsey Steen
What Shall We Do with Precambrian?, Charles Keyes
What's happening in and around Postville... (Peace rally and walk is Sunday)
What's happening in and around Postville... (Service at St. Bridget)
What’s In A Name? Measuring Potential Influence of Medical Cannabis Labels on Attitudes Towards Its Use, Dylan Pieper
What We Don't Know about Emotions, Christian A. Ruckmick
What Were You Wearing? Survivor Art Exhibit, Carly Nielsen
Wheatland Quadrangle by USGS 1953, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Wheatland Quadrangle by USGS 1976, Geological Survey (U.S.)
When Cedar Falls Was Young, Roger Leavitt
When the Land Fought Back, Bob Cook and Joe Pundzak
When the wildebeest gets your berries : adolescent anger management, Patresa A. Hartman
Where have all the past EYE editors gone?, The College Eye, April 9, 1965
Where I spent many happy hours - 1926
Where was I?: Engagement strategies for students with attention deficit disorders, Brenna L. Herrmann
White flowers represent the detained women, Julie Berg-Raymond
Who is For Immigration?, Alyssa Dixson
Why Hot Water Pipes in Household Plumbing Burst More Frequently Than Cold Water Pipes, F. C. Brown and Waldemar Noll
Why should we care and be involved? Interfaith Alliance, Des Moines, Iowa, November 9, 2008
Wightman topographical map 1978, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Williams Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Wilmert Lake Quadrangle bu USGS 1967
Wilton Junction Quadrangle by USGS 1970
Winfield's Deep Well, J. M. Lindly
Winter Bird Records of Chickasaw and Adjacent Counties, Chas. J. Spiker
Winter Birds Records, 1922 to 1926, in Northwestern Iowa, Chas. J. Spiker
Winter scene at Dolliver Memorial Park no.1
Winter Scene at Dolliver Memorial Park no.2
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 10, 1925, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 11, 1924, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 12, 1928, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 12, 1929, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 13, 1923, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 3, 1932, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 5, 1931, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 7, 1922, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 7, 1927, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 7, 1930, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 7, 1935, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 8, 1921, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 8, 1926, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 8, 1934, Iowa State Teachers College
Winter Term Commencement [Program], March 9, 1920, Iowa State Teachers College
Winthrop Quadrangle by USGS 1903 side 1, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Winthrop Quadrangle by USGS 1903 side 2, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Winthrop Quadrangle by USGS 1973, Geological Survey (U.S.)
With Great Power Comes Terrible Memes: Tracing Alt-Right Roots in the History of Spider-Man, Seth Thill
Woman and child 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woman and child 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woman and child 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woman, child, man sitting on porch, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woman in traditional dress, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woman with baby, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woman with children, Julie Berg-Raymond
Women Artists and Patrons in the Netherlands, 1500-1700, Elizabeth Sutton
Women in the Comic Book Industry, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Women in traditional dress 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Women in traditional dress 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Women in traditional dress 03, Julie Berg-Raymond
Women of Faith and Religious Identity in Fin-de-Siècle France, Emily Machen
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v1n1, Fall 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v2, Spring 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Women's occupational health and safety in the informal economy: Maternal market traders in Accra, Ghana, Joyceline Amoako
Women vital to growth and success of UNI, Northern Iowan, December 9, 2003
Women who gamble, Hannah RB Heritage
Women with child, Julie Berg-Raymond
Woodbine Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Woodland Quadrangle by USGS 1964
Woodward Quadrangle by USGS 1965
Woody Plants of Western Wisconsin, L. H. Pammel
Woolstock Quadrangle by USGS 1978
Word study and its importance to reading and writing in the primary classroom, Korie Frazier
Workers at Sabor Latino 01, Julie Berg-Raymond
Workers at Sabor Latino 02, Julie Berg-Raymond
Working Memory & Executive Functioning: Treatment of Children with Specific Language Impairments (SLI), Brittney Lenth and Anna Varriano
Working with children suffering from abuse and neglect, Shalon L. Frye
Working with children suffering from abuse and neglect : the elementary school counselor as an advocate, Bernice A. Fischels
Work-related outcomes and organizational commitment, Mushaun Miller
World around South Africa 1946
World around the U.S.S.R. 1946
Writing a defensible Personal Education Plan : rationale and design, Mary Kay Desenberg Johnson
Writing in the kindergarten classroom : it can be done!, Stephanie Kartman
Writing portfolios in a first grade classroom, Lisa A. Friday
X-Ray Diffraction by Organic Solutions, Alfred W. Meyer
X-Ray Diffraction in Liquids: Isomers of Normal Heptane, G. W. Stewart
X-Ray Diffraction in Water 2° to 98°C: The Nature of Molecular Association, G. W. Stewart
Year One in the writing workshop : a step in the right direction, Michelle L. Grimm
Year round schooling, Rita Danielle Fiala
Yeasts of Carbonated Beverages, W. R. Turner
Yeoman Training School--offical U.S. Navy photograph, United States Navy
Yetter topographical map 1977, Geological Survey (U.S.)
Youth Academy Cafe, Joyce Levingston and DongYub Back
Youth violence : a comprehensive literature review, Amy L. Licht
Zaneta Quadrangle by USGS 1971
Zephyr Blue Persian Set with Tangerine Lip Wraps created by Dale Chihuly
Zephyr Blue Persian Set with Tangerine Lip Wraps in Russell Hall 2011
Zephyr Blue Persian Set with Tangerine Lip Wraps photo by Randy Darst