"Intrinsic vs extrinsic job search factors: What is more attractive to " by Danielle Nardini

Honors Program Theses


Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)

First Advisor

Russell Guay, Honors Thesis Advisor


Business students--Attitudes; College students--Attitudes; Generation Y--Attitudes; Generation Z--Attitudes; Employee fringe benefits--Public opinion; Wages--Businesspeople--Public opinion;


Attracting high-quality employees is an important function of Human Resources (HR). However, most companies may not be in touch with what characteristics attract the younger generations. This is important information for HR professionals to know, so they can make more informed decisions about the incentives and benefits packages they offer to ultimately attract more job candidates. My research explored two themes in the recruiting and benefits relationship: whether members of the younger Millennial generation and Generation Z differ from members of older generations and older Millennials regarding preference of extrinsic or intrinsic benefits, and what benefits are most attractive to UNI students who will be entering the workforce within the next two years. I hypothesized that my survey of my peers would not show a substantial difference in preferences among the two generations they span (Millennials and Generation Z); however, I did expect my peers to value extrinsic benefits such as compensation and flexibility more highly than other options. Results showed primarily that the best way to attract UNI graduates was to offer a high compensation package. The results also showed that there is a moderate amount of misunderstanding among UNI business students regarding definitions of job search factors and what they may be seeking from their future employers. It would be beneficial for both employers and students to further their knowledge of this topic to lead to more positive outcomes for both sides.

Year of Submission



Department of Management

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (28 pages)



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