Art on Campus Photographs

Location Depicted
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Date of Installation
University of Northern Iowa
Place of Publication
Cedar Falls, IA
Public art--Iowa--Cedar Falls; Art--Iowa--Cedar Falls; University of Northern Iowa; Iowa State Teachers College;
Alt Text: Spirographic metal sculpture being off loaded from a crane onto a flat bed truck. One man operates the cran as another looks on. Black and white image.
An image of the Industrial Technology Sculpture on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The sculpture by Robert Engman was installed northwest of the Industrial Technology Center in 1979. The medium is Cor-Ten steel.
Object Description
1 JPEG file
Digital Date
Repository Collection
Special Collections & University Archives
Art on Campus Subcollection
Industrial Technology Sculpture
Rights Advisory
U.S. and International copyright laws protect this digital object. Commercial use or distribution of this object not permitted without prior permission of copyright holder.
Document Type
File Format
Recommended Citation
"ITC sculpture May 1979 by Dan Grevas" (2019). Art on Campus Photographs. 45.

The materials in this collection are available in the UNI University Archives.
Public art--Iowa--Cedar Falls; Art--Iowa--Cedar Falls; University of Northern Iowa; Iowa State Teachers College;
Alt Text: Two round, white spiky cement sculptures sit amongst three other stone pillars on a sunny day. A building stands in the background amongst trees and a sidewalk. Black and white image.