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Methods of Obtaining and Creating Pediatric Dysphagia Cases for Graduate Level Training
Award Winner
Recipient of the 12th Annual Graduate Student Symposium Scholarship Award, Poster Presentations - Second Place (2019)
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Presentation Type
Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Deglutition disorders in children; Speech therapists--Training of;
Due to the lack of specialized, clinical training opportunities in pediatric dysphagia across speech-language pathologist master’s programs in the U.S. (Lefton-Greif & Arvedson, 2016, p. 304), children with feeding and swallowing disorders as well as the speech-language pathologists caring for them are at a significant disadvantage. Many challenges exist for academic programs who are responsible for assuring that graduating speech-language pathology students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to evaluate and treat pediatric dysphagia. Recently, hybrid clinical training methods in the area of dysphagia (e.g. online, video experiences, case studies, and simulations) have gained support and evidence of significantly improving student performance greater than or in supplement to traditional face-to-face lectures (Ball & Riquelme, 2016; Sia, Halan, Lok, & Crary, 2016). In order to promote better and more widely available training in the areas of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders, we sought to create two, simulation-based and video-supported case studies which may be incorporated into graduate-level training. The purpose of this project is to describe the methods of obtaining permission and collaboration to formulate de-identifed, real-life case scenarios and to create supplemental, educational simulation in the area of pediatric dysphagia for graduate students at the University of Northern Iowa.
Start Date
3-4-2019 11:00 AM
End Date
3-4-2019 1:00 PM
Year of Award
2019 Award
Faculty Advisor
Laura Pitts
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
©2019 Sydney Kunzweiler & Olivia Steffen
File Format
Embargo Date
Methods of Obtaining and Creating Pediatric Dysphagia Cases for Graduate Level Training
Due to the lack of specialized, clinical training opportunities in pediatric dysphagia across speech-language pathologist master’s programs in the U.S. (Lefton-Greif & Arvedson, 2016, p. 304), children with feeding and swallowing disorders as well as the speech-language pathologists caring for them are at a significant disadvantage. Many challenges exist for academic programs who are responsible for assuring that graduating speech-language pathology students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to evaluate and treat pediatric dysphagia. Recently, hybrid clinical training methods in the area of dysphagia (e.g. online, video experiences, case studies, and simulations) have gained support and evidence of significantly improving student performance greater than or in supplement to traditional face-to-face lectures (Ball & Riquelme, 2016; Sia, Halan, Lok, & Crary, 2016). In order to promote better and more widely available training in the areas of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders, we sought to create two, simulation-based and video-supported case studies which may be incorporated into graduate-level training. The purpose of this project is to describe the methods of obtaining permission and collaboration to formulate de-identifed, real-life case scenarios and to create supplemental, educational simulation in the area of pediatric dysphagia for graduate students at the University of Northern Iowa.