2019 Community Engagement Celebration Day

Light and Shadow

Type of Presentation

Tri-fold display

Presentation Type


Project Summary

The Iowa Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education housed in UNI's College of Education has partnered with North Tama County Community School District to conduct research and curriculum development in integrative STEM and literacy. This partnership has resulted in NTCCSD becoming a beacon to other schools around the state, with many teams from other schools coming to observe how to integrate STEM and literacy in K-3 classrooms. The work has also allowed the Regents' Center to land an Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory council Scale Up program enabling us to provide research-based high quality professional learning on research-based high quality STEM experiences to Iowa teachers across the state. This is our 3rd year in a Scale Up program. STEM learning starts early. Focusing on middle school and high school is too late. We must grow creative and innovative minds from the start.

Start Date

19-4-2019 9:00 AM

End Date

19-4-2019 10:30 AM

Event Host

UNI Office of Undergraduate Studies


Iowa Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education in College of Education

Award Category

Commitment to Service Award (Faculty/Staff Only)

Award Category

Sustainability and Environmental Awareness Award (Theme-Based)

Award Category

Research-Based Project Award

Electronic copy is not available through UNI ScholarWorks.


Apr 19th, 9:00 AM Apr 19th, 10:30 AM

Light and Shadow

The Iowa Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education housed in UNI's College of Education has partnered with North Tama County Community School District to conduct research and curriculum development in integrative STEM and literacy. This partnership has resulted in NTCCSD becoming a beacon to other schools around the state, with many teams from other schools coming to observe how to integrate STEM and literacy in K-3 classrooms. The work has also allowed the Regents' Center to land an Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory council Scale Up program enabling us to provide research-based high quality professional learning on research-based high quality STEM experiences to Iowa teachers across the state. This is our 3rd year in a Scale Up program. STEM learning starts early. Focusing on middle school and high school is too late. We must grow creative and innovative minds from the start.