Honors Program Theses
Open Access Honors Program Thesis
First Advisor
Radhi al-Mabuk
Second Advisor
Ashley Jorgensen
English language--Study and teaching (Secondary); Creative writing--Study and teaching (Secondary);
My goal for this thesis, as well as for my time at UNI, was to examine pedagogies that will inform my future practice as an English teacher, enabling me to provide a better learning environment for my future students through various means of assessment. In this study high school English teachers in three towns in the Midwest were interviewed to find out: (1) What is really going on in the writing classroom in terms of writing assessment? (2) How is formative assessment specifically being used in the writing classroom? And (3) Does the teacher find these methods effective? Speaking to professionals currently in the field gave me a taste of the real-life challenges I may encounter in the writing classroom. This research is intended to arm me with concrete methods to most effectively support my students as growing writers and also to increase my flexibility of methods when attempting to reach struggling writers. This paper is organized in the following parts: (1) literature review; (2) methodology; (3) interview questions; (4) results; (5) discussion; and (6) works cited.
Year of Submission
Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations
University Honors Designation
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF file (22 pages)
©2018 Kenna Marie Koster
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