"Notes on Iowa Grasses" by Robert P. Adams

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In presenting this list of Iowa Grasses, no claim is made of reporting any species new to the state. The list does include, however, a number of rarer forms, species that are very local in habitat or in distribution and several strays and introductions that are perhaps worthy of mention. There have been a number of systematic lists of Iowa grasses published heretofore. None of them have emphasized to any great extent the habitat, the ecological side of their distribution. It is to stress this phase of grass study, that the present paper is written. Grasses furnish valuable criteria of the ecological conditions of the area in which they grow. The paper is based on extensive field observations and studies, ranging over several years and including many parts of the state. Specimens listed are preserved at the herbarium at Iowa City. They were selected from a collected list of some 100 species. In this field work, which I consider one of the most important phases of botanical study, no efforts were spared to gain a proper appreciation of habitat and relationship with other plants. Dates were preserved, that flowering and fruiting seasons might be ascertained. The soil composition, moisture supply, exposure and other ecological factors were considered.

Publication Date


Journal Title

Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science





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©1930 Iowa Academy of Science, Inc.



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