Home > Iowa Academy of Science > Journals & Newsletters > Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science
The Iowa Academy of Science began publishing the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science in 1887 (volumes 1-12 are titled Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences). The publication continued until 1987, when it became known as the peer-reviewed Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science. The change coincided with the 100th Annual Meeting of the Academy, concluding a process that began in 1971 when the Proceedings became a quarterly periodical which included papers that had not been presented at the previous annual meeting.
- Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science (2020 to current)
- Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science (1988 to 2019)
- Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science (1887 to 1987)
Current Volume 94, Number 4 (1987)
Issue cover date: December 1987
Front Matter
General Interest Article
Annual Report of the Iowa Academy of Science, 1986-87 p. 135-147
James G. MacMillan
Modified Static Mercury Drop Electrode p. 105-106
B. Lyon and E. B. Buchanan Jr.
Method of Extracting Starch from Bacteria p. 107-110
J. M. Dunleavy and K. S. Gobelman-Werner
An Exposure of the Sangamon Soil in Southeastern Minnesota p. 111-115
R. S. Lively, E. A. Bettis III, G. R. Hallberg, and H. Hobbs
Iowa's Forest Area in 1832: A Reevaluation p. 116-120
George W. Thomson
Life History of Elsinoe panici p. 121-127
A. W. Gabel and L. H. Tiffany
Standing Stocks of Fish in Some Iowa Streams, with a Comparison of Channelized and Natural Stream Reaches in the Southern Iowa Drift Plain p. 128-134
Vaughn L. Paragamian
Back Matter
Index for Volume 94 p. 146-147

- Editors
- Marilyn D. Bachmann
- Roger W. Bachmann
- Managing Editor
- James G. Macmillan
- Associate Editors
- Richard M. Shibles, Agricultural Sciences
- Donald R. Farrar, Botany
- Louis B. Best, Conservation
- Paul L. Garvin, Geological Sciences and Anthropology/Archeology
- Bruce Friedrich, Physical. Sciences and Mathematics
- William D. Klipec, Social Sciences and Education
- Nixon Wilson, Zoology