Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science | IAS Journals & Newsletters | University of Northern Iowa

The Iowa Academy of Science began publishing the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science in 1887 (volumes 1-12 are titled Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences). The publication continued until 1987, when it became known as the peer-reviewed Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science. The change coincided with the 100th Annual Meeting of the Academy, concluding a process that began in 1971 when the Proceedings became a quarterly periodical which included papers that had not been presented at the previous annual meeting.

Current Volume 94, Number 4 (1987)

Issue cover date: December 1987

Front Matter

General Interest Article



Modified Static Mercury Drop Electrode p. 105-106
B. Lyon and E. B. Buchanan Jr.


Method of Extracting Starch from Bacteria p. 107-110
J. M. Dunleavy and K. S. Gobelman-Werner


An Exposure of the Sangamon Soil in Southeastern Minnesota p. 111-115
R. S. Lively, E. A. Bettis III, G. R. Hallberg, and H. Hobbs


Iowa's Forest Area in 1832: A Reevaluation p. 116-120
George W. Thomson


Life History of Elsinoe panici p. 121-127
A. W. Gabel and L. H. Tiffany

Back Matter


Marilyn D. Bachmann
Roger W. Bachmann
Managing Editor
James G. Macmillan
Associate Editors
Richard M. Shibles, Agricultural Sciences
Donald R. Farrar, Botany
Louis B. Best, Conservation
Paul L. Garvin, Geological Sciences and Anthropology/Archeology
Bruce Friedrich, Physical. Sciences and Mathematics
William D. Klipec, Social Sciences and Education
Nixon Wilson, Zoology