Graduate Research Papers
This collection contains graduate research papers by students in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
The Graduate Research Paper is a non-thesis paper or project, which can be considered the capstone of the graduate program. For the paper, students synthesize information they have learned throughout the program and apply it to the field experience. To view the Award Winners, click here.
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Submissions from 2024
Student Reading Motivation through Book Talks, Amy Abbott, Stephanie Stockton, Luvy Webb, and Jessica Werderman Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
A Case Study of the Impact of Lateral Reading Instruction On Students’ Evaluation of Digital Information, Devon Allbee, Jenny Marburger, and Tiffany Ostrowski Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Proposal for an Analysis of the Depiction of Prosocial Behaviors in High Quality Early Elementary Picture Books, Teresa Bettin Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The Impact of Book Self-Selection and Format on Student Motivation to Read, Josie Bishop, Mattie Carstens, and Molly Mitola Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Gamification and Engagement in a 3rd Grade Classroom, Ellen Braet Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining the Impact Book Promotions Have on Student Book Selection, Chelsea Dearborn Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher Librarians’ Influence on Information Literacy Skills: A Research Proposal, Amy Diewold, Diana Lord, and Sierra Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Quality Inclusive Classrooms and Integrating the Project Approach with Children with Special Needs, Marie Elizabeth Helmrich Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Developing and Delivering New-Hire Training Curriculum, Lacey A. Montgomery Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Increasing Reading Fluency in ELL learners, Jennifer N. Patton Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Case Study of the Influence of the Teacher Librarian On Middle and High School Student Book Selection, Hilary Peyton, Lindsay Salinas, Josie Smock, and Meg Tisinger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Representation of LGBTQ+ Characters In the 2019 to 2022 Iowa Teen Award Books, Jamie Thompson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Impact of Gamification on the Motivation of Students in the Classroom Setting, Jack Woodard Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2023
Diversity in Collections Utilizing Accelerated Reader Programs, Leah Cahill Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Communicating Emotions Through Art and Conversation, Paige E. Kayvan, Samantha R. Doyle, Payton Cannon, and Traci Jolley Open Access Graduate Research Paper 2024 Award
Promoting Social-Emotional Development in Elementary Children Through the Use of Quality Picture Books: A Content Analysis, Shauna Mostek Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Does systematic phonological awareness in the early primary grades impact student learning beyond primary grades, Renee Lyn Sorenson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2022
Building an understanding of the Common Core state standards and complex texts, while supporting upper elementary readers with complex text through shared reading, Joanna Mae Carlson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Relationship between decoding and writing with early readers: An action research study, Nicole M. Henningsen Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Vocabulary strategies in elementary science - A self-study, Katherine Hooey Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Partnership to grow effective readers: professional learning for interventionists and classroom teachers, Jennifer Lane Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher librarian influence on students' self-selection of books, Elizabeth A. Nelson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of Native Americans and Native culture in children's picture books, Janace Nester Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Pleasure reading workshop: Meeting SEL competencies based on sustained (and maybe not so silent) reading, Lora Sink Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The influence of book talks on reader engagement in fourth grade students, Jennifer Smith Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
A case study of the impact a pleasure reading curriculum has on students' passion for reading, Danielle M. Wolfe Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Hey! That's how I feel! A qualitative content analysis of anxiety in middle grade literature, Heather M. Wood Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2021
The influence of book club conversations on reluctant or struggling readers, JaDee Jo Gloede Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Mental illness representation in young adult literature, Ashley Aberle Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of characters with autism in picture books, Tara Amundson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Teaching race through multicultural children's literature, Kaley Bailey and Maiya Duthoo-Wolpert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining diversity in the Iowa Goldfinch Award, Jill M. Doyle Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining teacher librarians' impact on students' self-selection strategies, Sarah Gunsolley Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The portrayal of fathers in children's literature, Kate A. Hite Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Inspiring students to take action in order to make positive change through the integration of social studies themes in children's literature, Morgan Ives, Taylor Marsho, Ashtyn Riley, and Deidra Rudd Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Diverse representation within secondary-level state consortium-provided e-books, Jill McDonald Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
A case study of the impact of teacher librarian collaboration in the instruction of information literacy and digital citizenship on student achievement in inquiry skills, Abby M. Mussmann Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The historical and cultural accuracy of the Japanese internment camps in children's literature, Zoey Perrigo Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Portrayal of females in notable science trade books for children, Carolyn Proesch Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Examining the impact a teacher librarian has on students' self-selection strategies, Stefanie Throndson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2020
Representation of Native peoples in picture books about Christopher Columbus: A literary analysis, Mari Butler Abry Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of characters with physical disabilities in picture books, Emily Biederman Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The impact of the use of mobile computing on vocabulary learning in the language classroom, Lorena Harger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Characterizing protagonists in graphic novels for teens, Danielle Lahr Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of immigration in fiction for grades 4-6, Melissa N. Marwedel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Culture in transitional chapter books: Assimilation or inclusion, Jeanette P. White Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Elementary school library program integration with art, literacy, and STEAM through makerspaces, Kristi Baldwin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using mentor texts to enhance the teaching of reading comprehension and writing, Alexandra Jordyn Cushman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of Diverse Family Structures in Children's Literature, Beth Grafft Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Three cases of makerspace integration in school library programs in conjunction with district initiatives: Literacy, design thinking, and STEAM, Sara Pflughaupt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Influence of book clubs on reading motivation for third through fifth grade students, Allyson Reister Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Trauma in children's literature, Kyra Ross Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An analysis of ADHD in middle grade and young adult literature, Sydney Schuler Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Representation of LGBTQ characters in 2019 young adult literature, Janelle M. Snyder Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Gazing at scattered stars: Immigration through the lens of elementary graphic literature, Jennifer K. Stanerson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Three cases of makerspace integration in school library programs in conjunction with district initiatives: STEAM, design thinking, and literacy, Lisa Tegels Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2019
Teacher perceptions of understaffed school libraries, Amanda Bonjour Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of gamification on student motivation, David A. Brahn Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The effects of gamification on student engagement and motivation, Sara Butcher Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Computer science is elementary: Comprehensive plan for computer science implementation at the elementary level, Erin Chute Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using critical literacy and emotionally responsive teaching to discuss racism in a literature circle unit, Autumn Rose Den Boer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Student engagement within the use of graphic novels, Melissa Felsenthal Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Best practices in assessment and evaluation of literacy at the secondary level, Meaghan Kathleen Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Is there a correlation between oral reading rate and social conversational speaking rate?, Sarah C. Mason Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of females in agriculturally themed children's books, Malinda Mick Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The effects of a makerspace curriculum on the 4C's in education, Staci Novak Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of text-to-speech on students with reading disabilities, Melissa Oberembt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Representation of Controversial Materials in Middle School Library Collections in Iowa, Danielle Ramsey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of digital game-based learning on student learning: A literature review, Katrina Serrano Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective professional development design, Katie Stull Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The effectiveness of using intelligent tutoring systems to increase student achievement, Tedi Swanson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Supporting early social-emotional development with wordless picture books, Kayla E. Takatsuka Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The effects of computer coding on elementary students, Cassidy Winslow Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2018
Shift into ctrl: Integrating digital citizenship into high school freshman transition curriculum, Ellen Fairfield Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Blended learning and second language acquisition in the classroom, Victoria R. Hamilton Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Embracing New Experiences: Young Adult Literature About the Immigrant Experience, Ashley Hoppenjan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Blended learning in credit recovery, Robin Kuhn Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Exploring the effects of web-based parenting support on access to information and resources for rural families, Anne Plagge Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The role of virtual environment and virtual reality for knowledge transfer, Michelle Rice Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Depression and Anxiety in Current Middle Grade Fiction: Finding Quality, Authentic Portrayals for Use in Bibliotherapy, Tonia Sandersfeld-Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of a station-rotation model of blended learning on student engagement, Melinda Tremmel Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Information Literacy: Expectations of High School Students in Joint Enrollment Courses, Steven Witmer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2017
Defying the odds: A research based reading program project guide, Megan Casey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Fluency and instruction in the elementary grades, Stacey Bakken Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Taking university business courses online: An instructional designer's perspective, Zachary P. Benton-Slocum Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Ultrasound simulators: Determining the simulator's role in diagnostic medical sonography programs, Lisa Bindert Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Vocabulary matters : why vocabulary instruction is important and how to implement quality instruction in preschool, Melanie Blocker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Visual phonics : its impact as an instructional tool to promote literacy development in kindergarten students, Lori J. Bower Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Going 1:1 across the district, Kim Carlson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
TPACK learning activity types for secondary computer science courses, Rebecca Carton Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Invented spelling and its effect on kindergarten students' reading and writing abilities, Kelli A. Daly Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining student selection behaviors with library fiction collections, Katie Delaney Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using Google tools to enhance secondary writing instruction, Sarah Ebener Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The power of professional learning communities, Amanda Eller Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The value of inquiry-based science instruction for elementary students, Jessica Renae Enger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Book selection approaches and the middle school student, Sara Fischer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Reading aloud to tweens and teens to create empathy: A functional criteria, Elizabeth Good Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of blended learning on K-12th grade students, Laura Hesse Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Impact of family engagement on child outcomes in preschool, Kathryn S. Ingham Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of using technology to enhance and enrich music instruction, Megan L. Kannenberg Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Dungeons and Dragons and literacy: The role tabletop role-playing games can play in developing teenagers' literacy skills and reading interests, Stefanie L. B. Kaylor Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher librarians and technology leadership, Jennifer Kizer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of using digital tools to support writing in the ELL classroom, Katrina Lint Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Play-based early childhood classrooms and the effect on pre-kindergarten social and academic achievement, Amy McGinn Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The use of touchscreen devices to support writing development of preschoolers, Celeste Mortvedt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Collaboration between School and Public Librarians, Elizabeth Pearson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Prep-kindergarten teachers' beliefs : basic skills versus child-centered orientation, Katie Stundahl Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Vocabulary development with instructional coaching support, Jessica L. Swaab Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Parent-child interaction : how it impacts language and literacy skills, Angie Thurman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Infant and toddler care, Maggie Trecker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Technology and young children, Jamie Vircks Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Benefits of movement for academic achievement and classroom behaviors, Alison A. Waltz Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Recreational reading in secondary schools through book clubs, Briana White Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2016
The development and support of geometric and spatial concepts in preschool- and kindergarten-aged children, Laura J. Becker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of flipped instruction on student learning : perspectives from students and teachers, Britta Adams Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Fostering reading with a summer literacy unit for elementary students, Diane M. Bahrenfuss Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective professional development for teachers : read-alouds in the middle level, Kelly Ann Behmer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of digital storytelling on student motivation and student engagement, Robyn Bredvick Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Increasing vocabulary and oral language skills of pre-K English language learners through shared storybook reading and take-home literacy bags, Angela Butler Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Supporting reading curriculum without restricting access to library materials: Resources for teacher librarians, Tricia Carty Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using interactive read-alouds to support students' comprehension, Emily D. Chaffin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How can a child's fluency be improved and provide support for comprehension?, Sharon Marie Collins Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Exploring effective classroom management techniques in a 1:1 classroom setting, Kenton Engels Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of specific interventions on child engagement in a preschool classroom, Sarah Elizabeth Farber Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of using digital storytelling for fourth graders' literacy learning, Benjamin J. Feight Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of flipped learning on students in secondary education, Abigail M. Fish Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Word study and its importance to reading and writing in the primary classroom, Korie Frazier Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Female sexuality in current young adult literature, Joanna M. Freking-Smith Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Parent perceptions of support from the school library, Heather Garrett Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Sign language in the preschool classroom : a self-study, DiAnna Geiger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Readers' advisory program for non proficient readers, Lisa Gogel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Make it so: Employing a multi-player starship bridge simulator in a military-based leadership course, Robert Green Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A unit design : learning to code with Finches, William V. Gruman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A selective annotated list of reading promotion events recommended for elementary students, Nicole Nadine Guldager Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A twist on happily ever after : Fractured fairy tales for young adults, Kathryn Hale Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Critical literacy and digital technology with a novel unit, Brandon Harrison Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The use of mentor texts to teach writing in kindergarten, first and second grades, Mary Heeringa Open Access Graduate Research Paper
E-readers and struggling middle school readers, Abigail L. Hendrickson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The impact of augmented reality on curriculum and training design, Destery K. Hildenbrand Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Content analysis of two libraries resources for supporting primary economics instruction, Lindsey J. Hilts Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Enhancing student motivation and success in reading through learning clubs, Sarah Pamela Jackman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Strengthening early mathematics in early childhood classrooms : a professional development project, Jennifer Lynn Jansen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Empowering elementary teachers to explore critical literacy through drama-based instruction, Courtney J. Jensen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Utilizing local project experts to provide professional development for early childhood educators : a professional development project, Dawn Janette Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cinematherapy in gifted education identity development : integrating the arts through STEM-themed movies, Timothy Carl Kangas Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The attitudes of typically developing young children toward their peers with disabilities : a review of the literature, Sara Elizabeth Kayser Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Designing a self-directed gamified professional development course for technology integration, Rebecca J. Kinnander Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The design of a professional development program for technology integration, Dana M. Lampe Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The rise of close reading, Jayne E. Larsen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Changing early intervention provider practices to a coaching model through self-study and distance mentoring model : family-guided routines-based interventions and the key indicators, Cindy Lefeber Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Online audiobook reference guide for Iowa elementary school librarians, Kerry LeWarne Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Makerspaces and the Iowa Core: Connections in a high school library, Tracie Marshall Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The advantages and disadvantages of school- and center-based preschool programs : implications for early childhood policy, Christy Martin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Methods for Supporting 21st Century Learning in School Library Spaces, Ashley McGrath Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using digital writing tools in supporting student writing, Sarah McKee Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Sound : the study of differentiating pitch and volume with preschoolers, Jennifer Lyn Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effects of gamification on motivation and engagement in secondary curriculum, Matthew J. Molumby Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of serious gaming on elementary student learning, Amanda Moritz Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Self-study of one to one reading conferences in a third grade setting, Angel Munson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Gender stereotypes in children's literature, Christine C. Nebbia Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Differentiated reading instruction through guided reading : a framework for effective reading instruction in the primary grades, Kara L. Neville Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A professional development plan to increase student motivation through the analysis of three motivational components : student, teacher, and accountability measures, Ashley Ann Oleson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using sign language in the infant room, Sara Paar Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Picture Book Biography of Jessie Field Shambaugh, Kimberly Peterson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The need for a teacher librarian to take a leadership role in the implementation of supplemental reading program initiatives to achieve desired student outcomes, Mindy M. Reimer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The transition of flipped instruction : from professional development to classroom, Alison J. Sauter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A New Vision for a 6-12 Library Science Curriculum, Jacqueline Leigh Seidl Open Access Graduate Research Paper
What relationship between preschool class sizes and student behaviors do teachers report?, Lindsey Steen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A journey of designing and beta-testing a game-based unit, Renee E. Thomas Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using running records data in planning for literacy instruction, Tabitha A. Waltz Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using comprehensive literacy instructional modules for literacy instruction with students with disabilities, Amanda M. Wasylik Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Extending mathematic learning beyond the classroom through online discussion and reflection, Linsey Zimmerman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2015
The 21st century school teacher librarian: Trends in the Iowa school library survey data over the last decade, Emily Baltes Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Closing the knowledge gap between virtual design and product manufacturing : using 3D printing for the ninth grade, Jeremiah D. Cooper Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The 1930s: The Great Depression and beyond ; an annotated bibliography, Tydra Corbin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of school library circulation policy change: A case study, Kristen Downes Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Middle school leisure reading selection: Influences during selection and implications for school library programs, Jessica A. Elliot Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An annotated bibliography of materials recommended for middle school classrooms regarding the multiple perspectives on the causes of the American Civil War, Emma Folland Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Coaching stances : changing practice through self-reflection, Patricia D. Foster Open Access Graduate Research Paper
ELA teacher perceptions of the school librarian's role in standards implementation, Franny Frey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Genrifying the school library's fiction collection, Andrea Hora Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Best Practices for Adoption of an Inquiry Learning Model in K-5 Education, Michelle M. Kruse Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining variations in technology use for K-12 students of different gender and socioeconomic status, Nikki Lyons Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective professional development for elementary teachers : creating dialogic classrooms to improve reading comprehension, Amanda J. Mroch Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Poverty and homelessness : A content analysis of children's nonfiction literature, Christine Newell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An analysis of online and blended learning environments : measuring approach and learning outcomes in corporate settings, Meghan B. O'Neal Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher librarians & literacy coaches: Their roles in reading support, Nicole N. Ruthaivilavan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Annotated Bibliography of Thematically Related Historical Fiction Picture Books and Nonfiction Pairs, Katherine Seibel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Poverty's Effect on Students' 21st Century Skills Acquisition and Learning Experiences, Anne Sellers Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Public Library Experience: Choosing Books to Read from Predetermined Levels and Its Implications, Amy L. Seufert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Student achievement in the area of inquiry learning with the implementation of 1:1 iPads, Denise Shekleton Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2014
The effectiveness of flipped classroom learning in higher education : a literature review from 2009 to 2014, Samir Taha Amin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An investigation of adolescent boys' dispositions toward leisure reading, Julie Barnett Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Influencing incoming fourth graders' reading habits through a summer literature circle: A case study, Brandy E. Bingman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Affordances of flipped learning and its effects on student engagement and achievement, Jarod Bormann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining professional history as context for instructional meaning, Kristie L. Beyer Campbell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of on-line math games and e-books use on elementary student achievement, Mel Carnahan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
To complete or not complete : Student persistence in post-secondary education online courses, Amy Christian Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Why don't they read?, Cynde Duncan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How fifth grade elementary students select books, Tiffany Evans Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Digital storytelling : the impact on student engagement, motivation and academic learning, Mindy Foelske Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A review of the effects of computer-based reading programs on middle school students, Ann Hansen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Integrating iPads into the elementary physical education curriculum, Tyler M. Hellmann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Usefulness of Graphic Novels as Information Sources for Nonfiction Reading, Sarah Holub Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The collaborative relationship between teacher librarians and public librarians, Jennifer J. Keltner Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of interactive videoconferencing on elementary literacy : collaborative learning environment, Heather A. Klenke Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of Web 2.0 pedagogy on student engagement, collaboration, and achievement, Kelsey Lage Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of blogging on K-12 student learning: engagement, self-expression, and higher-order thinking, Brian McGurk Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Technology's Role in Inquiry-Based Learning, Melissa Mulder Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Determining the benefits and designing an externship program for medical office students at Marshalltown Community College, Kristin Murphy Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of game-based learning on middle school students' academic achievement, Marija-Lisa Musselman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Resource to support teaching local history in Baxter, Iowa, Greg Pickett Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Resource to Support Teaching Local History in Baxter, Iowa, Greg Pickett Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The implementation of problem-based learning for adults: Student, instructor, and organization leader challenges, Randon Ruggles Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective implementation of 1:1 computing : benefits and teacher readiness, Kirstin Thompson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Video modeling : play skills for students with autism spectrum disorder via peers, Ashley Ulin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effectiveness of blended learning on student engagement, Tyler Youngers Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2013
Reader's workshop: A new approach to integrating literacy, Ashlea M. Ahrenholtz Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Improving multiplication fact recall; Interventions that lead to proficiency with mathematical facts, Brandon J. Bauer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cold Shoulder: An Alaskan adventure, Christine C. Berlin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
What are the effects of integrating technology into student literacy?, Lauren A. Bitetto Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Teacher perceptions of graphic novels, Katherine Block Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Getting graphic: Exploring the inferential thinking skills that are required to comprehend graphic novels, Angela Brauns Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Vocabulary instruction : becoming word conscious to support reading comprehension, Amy Evelyn Bries Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Building empathy through literacy: A review of classroom literacy practices, Alyssa J. Bruecken Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using TPACK to promote effective language teaching in an ESL/EFL classroom, Wilson M. R. Bugueño Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using readers theaters to help students develop reading fluency, Adrianna D. Cavanaugh Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of explicit writing instruction, Christine M. Clark Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Comparison of student achievement, understanding, enjoyment, and motivation in mathematics units for high-achieving fifth graders with and without creative problem solving games, Kalyn Jon Cody Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of Latinos in young adult fiction, Jennifer Cole Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A training guide and reference handbook for elementary school library secretaries in the Iowa City Community School District, Lisa Collier Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Library instruction designed to support core curriculum, Julie Courter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Technology, toddlers and vocabulary development, Gwendolyn Dayton Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective comprehension strategies in the elementary classroom, Melissa Ann Determan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The uniqueness of the English language learner : Research based strategies for English language learners, Carolyn Lindgren Dietz Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using the instructional coaching model to implement positive behavior supports in early childhood special education programs, Heather Donoho Open Access Graduate Research Paper
College freshmen dispositional readiness: Examining the perceptions, Jennifer Dovre Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
College freshmen dispositional readiness: Examining the perceptions, Jennifer Dovre Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Literature circles and technology : a study of students' attitudes, Laura Ann Edwards Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effect of student choice on acquisition of alphabet knowledge, Lindsey L. Fonkert Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The effects of STEM inquiry practices on English language acquisition in a first grade classroom in Thailand, Rebecca J. Fuhrman-Petersen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Transition to kindergarten : a project for the Grinnell-Newburg School District, Donna Godar Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of peer-conferencing on writing revisions in a second grade classroom, Emily C. Guetzlaff Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A WebQuest for the instruction of appropriate online behavior, Susan Heilig Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Books, blogging, and boredom : the impact of one-to-one computing on student engagement and literacy, Amanda M. Hudson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Iowa core technology integration: A resource for kindergarten through second grade teachers, Shalyn Huerter Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Investigating the use of an interactive whiteboard to teach literacy in the early childhood classroom, Laci A. Hummel Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
How elementary students can apply self-guided learning strategies in the classroom, Nicole Ivers Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Gifted student achievement and motivation levels related to participation in gifted programming, Stacey M. Jambura Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A comparison of print and e-book texts with 4th grade students to evaluate comprehension and motivation, Sarah Johnson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Misconceptions of the Teacher Librarian Role, Mary Junker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Collaboration of the Teacher Librarian and the Classroom Teacher to Incorporate Literature and Information Literacy Skills into a Sixth Grade Social Studies Unit, Susan A. Klett Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Library Paraeducators' Training: Assumptions or Facts?, Virginia H. Knapp Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of agriculture in children's literature: Contemporary stories in picture books, traditional tales, and nonfiction, Kathryn S. Koller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Making Historical Fiction Appealing to Young Adults Through Book Trailers, Chelsey Kolpin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A professional development program for balanced literacy, Sheila Charlene McCullough Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How educators and parents can collaborate to improve student reading fluency, Jackie M. McDermott Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A selective annotated bibliography of materials recommended for junior high classrooms regarding resistance during the Holocaust, Katharine Mulfinger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Young Adult Memoir Dealing with Alcohol, Abuse, Infidelity, Violence and Poverty, Kelly Reinhold Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using virtual worlds in medical and health education, Amy J. Renze Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Early Childhood Library Resources and Support, Lisa Catherine Riese Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Examining the benefits of technology in training, Nelson Rokke Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Portrayal of Characters with Disabilities within K-6 Fictional Literature, Katie Roling Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Vocabulary acquisition in kindergarten for English language learners: Ventriglia's Rule of 3, or Marzano's Six Steps to Effective Vocabulary Instruction?, Danielle Marie Rose Open Access Graduate Research Paper
101 books for youth that feature hunters & hunting, Leann Seddon Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Integrated curriculum in the elementary classroom, Katherine Decker Simpson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Scheduled library visits and reading achievement, David Stanfield Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Improving 21st century literacy skills and student engagement by integrating digital storytelling across the curriculum, Sandra J. Steinfadt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Student, Teacher and Parent Perceptions of the Role Accelerated Reader Plays in Elementary Students' Reading Motivation, Jannette Thrane Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A need for motivation : increasing engagement to bolster success, Libbie M. Willert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Facilitating transfer for adult learners through cross-cultural e-learning, Min Zhang Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An Examination of the Criteria for the Iowa Children's Choice Award List, Jessica Zimmerman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2012
Understanding and meeting the needs of the millennials in the classroom: A literature review, Amanda Alexander Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Implementing a family involvement project in early childhood classrooms, Elizabeth Barrett Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teens Read book trailers, Jill Besler Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teachers' perceptions of skills needed for children's entry into kindergarten, Jessica Blohm Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Early Algona: A digital story, Kathy Bottaro Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Leadership of identified gifted compared to high-potential students studying Iowa's natural history, Katie E. Broeg Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Lecture capture technology : does it make a difference on college student achievement?, Debra S. Bruxvoort Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Parental perspective on technology integration in PK-2 in a rural community school, Stephanie L. Callan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The influence of digital communication on young adult contemporary fiction, Melissa J. Dagel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective professional development and social media technologies' potential for enhancement, Jami J. Elliott Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Professional development for the library para educator: Developing a guide to answer questions about school libraries in the 21st century, Tifini Foglesong Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Supporting English language learners in today's early childhood classrooms, Katie Furlong Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Multicultural picture books: Windows and mirrors, Dawn M. Goodale Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Implementing electronic storybooks and the effects on reading achievement at the elementary level, Chelsey Heidemann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Storybook for Children with Celiac Disease, Heather A. Hope Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Fifth graders' discussions of graphic novels facilitated by de Bono Thinking Skills, Kimberly Ann Jennings Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Access versus circulation for kindergarten students, Linda Johnson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The inverted classroom : a literature review, Jennie Kies Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Comparing fossil instruction with and without analogy use for gifted middle-school students, Tabatha J. Klopp Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Concept-Based Picture Books for Mathematics, Miranda E. Kral Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Digital storytelling : building 21st century literacy skills in the secondary classroom, William P. Lammers Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The role of the school principal in technology integration : a literature review, Lance Lennon Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Building 21st century business skills in high school business classrooms using digital games and simulations, Stacy Marcus Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Universal Design for Learning at the University of Northern Iowa, Marty Mark Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School Libraries: Developing a Valuable Resource for Gifted Learners, Corinn K. Matheson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective in-service professional development for child care providers, Tina McCullough Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Invented spelling and its value in kindergarten, Michelle J. McDonald Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using Positive Behavior Instructional Support (PBIS) in early childhood, Megan Merkel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Differentiated instruction : learning profiles, assessment, and professional development, Sharon Kay Meyer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects new literacy and digital learning have on our youth, Joshua L. Mitchell Sr. Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using social technology in professional development: a literature review, Catherine M. Olson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Vocabulary acquisition in preschool English language learners, Leann Perkins Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher education protocol : how social media improves connections between teachers and students, Darcel Pledge Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Integrating literacy into the math classroom : a staff development for innovative educators, Kathryn Pollina Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Social bookmarking in the classroom, Sara Richardson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Try to See Me as Me: Understanding Autism in Children's Literature, Brandee Roelfs Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The use of nonfiction with early childhood aged children, Lacy J. Rose Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Decoding Hollywood: An instructional design module for visual literacy of race, ethnicity, & cultural portrayals in Hollywood films, Derek A. Sallis Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Kindergarten transition and parent communication, Jessica Rae Sandboth Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Measuring depth of understanding when using smartphones as cognitive tools in the elementary classroom, Lisa Westcott Schaa Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The new literacies: Transitioning the secondary writing workshop classroom, Laura Schafer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Boy's Recreational Reading in a One-to-One Computer School, Michaela Seeman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Peer coaching in early childhood, Michelle Silvera Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School library circulation records: What do they reveal about boys' reading preferences?, Chelsea Sims Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of pretend play on cognitive and academic development of kindergarten students, April Marie Thelen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Observation as a formal assessment tool in early childhood classrooms: A professional development module, Kathleen M. Thornton-Lang Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher Librarian Evaluation in Small Districts in Four Iowa Counties, Marci Titera Open Access Graduate Research Paper
What About the Girls? The Female Fantasy Protagonist in Contemporary Young Adult Literature, Christine M. Tomlinson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Beyond the dictionary : what teachers can do to help build struggling readers' vocabularies, Stefanie Van Heukelom Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Digital gaming as a learning tool : a literature review, Seth Weylin Vickers Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Library and Technology Combined Curriculum for Kindergarten/First Grade Common Core, Dyann K. Vilez Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The role of teacher belief systems in technology integration, Joni M. Walvatne Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using serious games in an educational setting, Angela Webb Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Infant literacy, Tera Weber Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teaching perfectionism through cartoons compared to bibliotherapy for primary grade students, Miranda L. Zousel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2011
Supporting student learning through scientific inquiry, Allison J. Barness Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Accelerated reader and sustained silent reading's impact on students' motivation to read, Amy Benedict Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Kindergartners can read and understand : emergent reading strategies at work, Kacey Lynn Beyer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Homework : Providing quality activities that engage the students and extend the learning from the classroom, Angella M. Blatz Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Connecting children's quilt literature with the Iowa Core Curriculum social studies standards, Suzanne D. Burris Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The presence of gender stereotypes in children's picture book illustrations, Jenahlee Chamberlain Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teaching poetry writing in the primary grades, Staci Cramer-Wilkinson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Immigration as portrayed in literature for youth, April A. Crowder Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Readers' workshop in the elementary classroom, Alaina Terese Daters Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Surveying the online classroom : Student reactions to e-learning, Jordan Dierks Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An analysis of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment, Lisa Doering Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Misconceptions in middle school life science and strategies teachers can use to change them, Jody L. Fairbanks Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Middle school students' reading motivation for a school summer reading program, Tricia Fleagle Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The implementation of a flexible schedule in an elementary library setting, Carrie Foell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Supervision in the school library program: Administrator expectations of paraprofessionals and traveling teacher librarians, Dixie Forcht Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A history of the Pigtail Bridges in South Dakota, Krystol R. Frerking Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Homework : burden or benefit?, Mandy Glawe Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Social discourse of literature circles with a focus on gender, Laurie Hornor Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Children with cerebral palsy and early intervention services, GenaLee Horsfield Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade Information Literacy, Library, and Technology Curriculum Delivered on a Fixed Schedule for Library and Computer Facility Access, Brenda Husak Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Motivating struggling readers, Tawnie Kerska Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Student motivation and No Child Left Behind, Tiffany Kleckner Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Curricular integration in the elementary classroom, Jill Leibold Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Engaging emergent writers with anchor lessons, Jamie Meyer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Life of chaos, life of hope: Dystopian literature for young adults, Lisa Newgard Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Accommodations for Students with Learning Disabilities within the Library Setting, Alicia J. Patten Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School uniforms, Nicole Waytenick Reuter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
No child left behind: Advantages and disadvantages, Kelly M. Rohlfsen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of one-on-one peer tutoring with below-grade-level seventh grade readers, Kelsi Salter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An Environmental A to Z Book: An Educational Resource for the 21st Century, Nicolette Smith Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Hope and Despair in Young Adult Science Fiction, Erin Stohlmeyer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Content Analysis of American Civil War Historical Fiction for Upper Elementary Grades, Gwen L. Van Dee Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Is She Real or is She Wonder Woman? Finding the Authentic Woman in Graphic Novels and Comic Strips, Michael Welch Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Student motivation : encouraging children to read in school, Kelly White Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Are students ready for post-secondary research?, Paula Winward Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The development of musical improvisation in second grade children, Akiko Yoshizawa Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2010
Design practices business organizations employ to deliver virtual classroom training, Rebecca L. Adams Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The unforgettable June 2008 Cedar River flood, Keri Annis Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A research project contributing to African American children's literature based in the 1950s time period in Midwestern culture, Paula Noelle Bolander Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Welcome to the Iowa Early Learning Standards : a professional development opportunity, Tammy R. Bormann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Fifth grade student learning and interest in the American Revolution through reading graphic novels compared to reading biography or other nonfiction books, Kari Bosma Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Fifth grade student learning and interest in the American Revolution through reading graphic novels compared to reading biography or other nonfiction books, Kari Bosma Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The portrayal of grandparents as caregivers in young adult fiction, Susan Christine Bunch Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Designing a library program to increase the number of fourth grade reading goals, Jodonna Carlson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Essential assessment for quality online learning in higher education, Shu-hsiang Chen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cyber-communication : can virtual server technologies serve as effective media delivery tools for human performance enhancement?, James E. Dorris Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Developing personal learning networks through social media as an effective learning strategy across generational demographics, John A. Engelhart Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Self-censorship in Iowa elementary libraries, Lacey Fliger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Designing and developing online instruction for the adult learner : learning theories, motivational models, and e-tivities, Krystal Grady Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Facilitating maximum benefit for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in distance education, Rodd Grady Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Hidden Alphabet on the Farm: Can you Find it? A Research Project, Sandra Greufe Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Interaction and social learning : keys in distance education, Delmar Hafermann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Need for Picture Books Showing Girls Playing Organized Team Sports, Lisa A. Heiden Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Hull Iowa: Yesterday and Today, Lisa Jansma Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Role of the Teacher Librarian Engaged in Collaboration with a Classroom Teacher During Implementation of a Pilot Iowa Core Curriculum Unit, Mary Beth Janssen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Designing effective multi-user learning environments to enhance game-based learning, Brian C. Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cloning in young adult fiction, Jennifer L. Kehoe Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Sheldon community history traveling trunk project, Jan M. Kinderknecht Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Katelyn's Story: Using Fiction to Combat High School Dropout, Cecilia La France Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Laughter and Tears: A Qualitative Content Analysis, Apra Loomis Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A review of instructional strategies for assisting children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the preschool classroom, Michelle Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Educating a school community implementing a one-to-one laptop learning initiative, Shannon McClintock Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
What is really happening when I teach? : A self-study in a secondary English classroom, Margaret Christensen Mnayer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Constructivism and distance education : meeting the needs of adult learners in distance education, Kimberly D. Nicholson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using mobile devices in education, Jennifer N. Nitchals Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Importance of Reader's Advisory Interview in Graphic Novel Promotion, Lori Petersen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Talking about Death, Laura Dostal Reicks Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Strategies for Efficient and Effective Collaborative Practice in the School Library, Ann E. Reynolds Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Professional development: Integrating technology into professional learning communities, Debra Robinson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Beyond just reading the words: Interacting with text using literature response journals, Lisa L. La Rue Sage Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School size and academic performance, Jennifer J. Schlomer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Virtual field trips, Jill R. Stannard Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Rigor, Relevance, and Authentic Learning: A Quest to Align Projects and Activities with the Dubuque Community School District Information Literacy Standards., Cindy K. Wagner Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Research Process with Primary Students, Michelle Walker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School Library Facilities, Meeting the Needs of Individuals with Disabilities, Nicole Willard Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Promoting a Desire to Read with Graphic Novels, Alexis Woodward Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Parental Perceptions of a Midwest Public Library: An Exploratory Study of Chinese-Speaking Residents, Lingxin Ruth Yan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Electronic portfolios : tools for authenic formative assessment, Melissa Yocum Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A mixed-methods research study comparing observations during integrated curriculum lessons with traditional single-subject lessons for primary-age students, Ksenia Sergeevna Zhbanova Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2009
Reading instruction at the secondary level, justified or unjustified? : real strategies for content area reading instruction with applications for social studies, Bridgette Pohlman Andersen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of homework on academic achievement of diverse learners, Jed Batterson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Engaging and motivating young readers, Alisha Briggs Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Implementing supplemental course material websites for higher education technology courses, Mark W. Bromwich Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Creating an accessible child development resource for family home child care providers focusing on child-initiated play, Paula Buck Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The portrayal of Asian intercountry adoptees in children's literature, Rachel A. Burrow Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The portrayal of teenage sexuality in young adult literature, Carolyn Marie Carr Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The benefits of family literacy, Cassandra Cate Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The 4-1-1 on adolescents' attitudes toward the 5-0 and the portrayal of law enforcement officials in young adult literature, Amy Chopard Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A portrayal of the modern day dairy farm in children's literature, Bridget Donlon Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Graphic practice : a strategy for developing fine motor skills in the early childhood setting, Kathleen A. Eichelberger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A content analysis of Holocaust fiction for young people, Teresa Ann Evans-Winfield Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Only one quarterback, Stacey Galles Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective writing strategies for primary grades, Rebecca Gardemann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Children's Picture Book Biography of the Historical American Woman, Amy Gochenouer Gardner Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Distance education : Is the classroom becoming obsolete?, Randall M. Gilbert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Networked learning in an educational environment, Garey Gill Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Designing K-12th technology training : technology mentoring program, Robert J. Gingery Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using podcasts to support distance education for adult learners, David Graw Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Childhood Grief: The Resilience of Loss, Brenda A. Haskin Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Twinkle, twinkle, little star: the effects of using music with young children, Eileen Heck Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Interactive writing in a kindergarten classroom, Amy Henze Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of differentiation strategies on student achievement, Angela Naomi Hileman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Remember me always, love you forever: A mother's memory book, Katie Houselog Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Second language development and guided reading, Emilia Alejo Hummel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using sign language with hearing preschool children, Jamie E. Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The influence of high-quality early childhood education programs on at-risk children's literacy and language development, Gwendolyn M. Kellen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
What every kindergarten teacher should know about spelling, Gjoa King Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Class size : appropriate student-teacher ratios in early childhood classrooms in relation to student achievement, Brian D. Kingrey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School readiness : what it means to be "ready" for kindergarten, Brian D. Kingrey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Reading intervention support for the older struggling reader : a desk-reference for reading interventions, April L. Kleinschmidt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cooking : mixing and measuring with young children, Aimee Marie Klostermann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Integrating and implementing literacy in a toddler classroom, Emily Knutson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Technology-enriched learning environments : creating a classroom environment for the 21st century, Megan Lahey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Meeting academic needs through explicit vocabulary insturction, Ann D. M. Langenfeld Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A review of character education programs and their impact on student performance, Cara Marie Ludemann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Literature circles and improved comprehension in struggling readers, Christine Lynn Marxen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Iowa State Fair in Iowa's History, Leann Matlage Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Princesses persevere: Seeking representations of gender equity in modern fairy tales, Erin Becker McConnell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Listening to learn : the academic achievement of auditory learners, Rae Ann McLean-Dickinson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Family involvement strategies at the Meskwaki Settlement school, Carol Gary Meyer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Digital storytelling, Erin Alynn Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Strategies to improve the comprehension of struggling readers and the elementary level, Melissa Mueller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Preschool Spanish speakers who are learning English : factors related to later reading success, Debra S. Negley Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The portrayal of volunteer firefighters in children's literature, Jamie Noack Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Using online rubrics to make project grading more standardized and efficient, Sandra Ann Groff O'Brien Open Access Graduate Research Paper
"I can do it" and you can, too : toddlers and autonomy in a multicultural classroom, Chelssi Lynn Michelle Parrott Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Forest city: The City on the Hill, Teresa Pietsch Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Not enough non-fiction literacy material in early childhood, Melani L. Piscitelli Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Time for books : motivating children through choice, change, and chances to read, Amy Prime Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Constructivist practices that positively impact literacy development and motivation in young children, Sara Pruss Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Portrayal of Attention Deficit Disorder in Children's and Young Adult Literature, Ambri Refer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective family literacy practices, Stefanie Naumburg Riepe Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Impact of the Iowa Reinstatement of the Professional Teacher Librarian Requirement on School Libraries, Kelly Schaufenbuel Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of technology on primary students' phonemic awareness achievement, Joy Marie Schirmer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of oral language activities in preschool on reading competence in kindergarten and beyond, Melissa Sifert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Children with cleft lips and/or palates in early childhood classrooms : overcoming obstacles and misconceptions, Angel Simons Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The importance of differentiation for the struggling reader, Christine M. Troyer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teacher-Child Relationships in Early Childhood Classrooms, Michelle Tuttle Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Sign language and gestures in young early childhood, Donna Uhlenberg Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Instructing for fluency in the first grade, Kim Vierkant Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of instructional materials on the motivational of struggling readers, Kimberly Weeks Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Best grouping practices for reading instruction, Stacia Ann Weisskopf Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effects of applied behavior analysis on teaching social skills to young children with autism, Michelle Yeggy Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2008
Rapid eLearning : its impact on instructional design in the corporate world, Stephen W. Acheson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Preparing instructors of adult learners to address the needs of minority students, Travell Unique Brock Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Gaming towards academic and physical success, Eric Burt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Determining if the use of certification goals in Accelerated Reader impacts student selection of books, Randy J. Crawford Open Access Graduate Research Paper
21st century teaching, learning, and one-to-one computing, Sarah Davison Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School library orientation: Introducing teachers to the roles and services of teacher librarians, Allison Emery Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Importance of teaching reading comprehension with nonfiction texts, Valeria Jo Frey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
No One Will Love You If You Are Fat, Mary Lynn Gerzema Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A case study on the effectiveness of Kurzweil software on improving participation and comprehension with special education students in the science classroom, Christina Glaub Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Visual perceptions: A study of how children can learn through pictures, Melody L. Gustas Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Comparison of the portrayal of evil in fairy tales and contemporary fantasy fiction, Donna Gwinnup Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Children’s web site: History of Elkader, Iowa… for kids, Nancy Healy Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The History of the Iowa Teen Award, Joni K. Hoing Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Janesville CSD K-12 School Library: A Facility Design and Development Study, Christine Jacobs Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How teacher-librarians can effectively support technology integration in 21st century schools, Holly L. Karlen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
An herbal ABC book: A contribution to information available to children and adults, Linda Jo Kirkland Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cooperation or Irritation: The Relationship Between Teacher-Librarians and Public Librarians in the North Central Iowa Library Service Area, Joette L. Kofoot Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Technology integration within the elementary classroom setting, Krista K. Krebsbach Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Mississippi River Towns: From Dubuque, Iowa to Hamilton, Illinois, Bonnie Jean Lawhorn Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Bullying in America's middle schools : identifying factors that affect school environment, Marnie M. L. Leiferman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Effective e-learning environments for adult learners, Lois A. Lindell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using Web 2.0 technology to support collaborative learning in distance education, Sarah E. Ling Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Music and the brain, Kimberly D. Madison Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Motivating middle level students : strategies to help reach and teach middle level students, Lisa L. Munsey Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School librarians are teachers too!: University of Northern Iowa teacher education majors and their perceptions of the role of the school librarian, Colleen Nelson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Barriers of technology integration in kindergarten through fifth grade, Theressa Northouse Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Technology integration into the elementary school curriculum, Yulia Vladimirovna Koreshkova Poblete Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Implementing electronic portfolios, Courtney Rogne Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Promoting student success in online courses, Cecilia Ruhlmann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Teenage Life in the Fat Lane, Kristi Shreffler Open Access Graduate Research Paper