Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The purpose of this study was to further understand students' ability to comprehend science content information after reading graphic novels. Students were also monitored for interest and enjoyment of the graphic novel format when reading about astronomy, Earth, and space. This descriptive study sought to describe what students learn about science content when reading from graphic novels, what changes occur in students' comprehension statements after reading graphic novels, and the interest and enjoyment students have when reading graphic novels. Participants met four times, for 45 minutes, to read and discuss graphic novels, as well as rate their interest and enjoyment of graphic novels. Results showed when reading graphic novels to learn about science content, three students increased their comprehension scores and one maintained her comprehension score for the topic of astronomy. Considering the topic of Earth all students who were present increased their comprehension score. With the topic of space, three students increased their scores and one student maintained his score. In response to the open-ended question, students were able to readily supply facts learned from reading graphic novels about science topics. At the same time, students struggled to process those science related graphic novel facts into meaningful explanations and/or conclusions. Overall, students became more interested in each of the three topics after reading the graphic novels. Each student also rated their enjoyment of science related graphic novels as above average, with each student rating each graphic novel with a four or five with five being highest. This research does not suggest graphic novels should replace textbooks but can be an excellent supplemental informational text to use for students' learning of science.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Division of School Library Studies

First Advisor

Karla Krueger


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Object Description

1 PDF file (ii, 44 pages)
