Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher-librarians--Effect of technological innovations on; Educational technology;


The purpose of this study is to examine the strategies and techniques of current teacher librarians who are technology leaders in their schools. It aims to clarify teacher librarians’ roles in technology integration for administrators and newly hired professionals. In order to investigate the techniques and strategies, that make teacher librarians successful technology leaders, the researcher used a qualitative approach to gather data from participants via a focus group.

The study set out to find the ways technology leaders and teacher librarians are able to successfully integrate technology in lessons, how frequently they collaborate with classroom teachers, the strategies and techniques which are used to implement the technology leadership role, and how teacher librarians work with administrators and teachers to advocate for technology leadership.

The researcher discovered successful teacher librarians and technology leaders work to find ways to bring the library and love of books to students by using technology. They make continued efforts to collaborate with classroom teachers and give them ideas and suggestions for technology integration. Strategies and techniques used in technology leadership included becoming involved in school leadership and making sure decision makers are aware of what is happening in the library. This includes meeting frequently with administrators to discuss technology and technology integration.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Division of School Library Studies

First Advisor

Karla Kreuger

Second Advisor

Joan Bessman

Third Advisor

Deborah Tidwell

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (42 pages)



File Format

