UNI Faculty and Staff Publications | University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications


This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection. Most of the works in the collection have summary information (metadata) about the work with a link out to the publisher's website.

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Submissions from 2025


Between Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Confidence: A Case Study of Pronunciation Training and Teacher Preparation, Lena Barrantes-Elizondo and Joshua Gordon


Effects of Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation on Muscle, Bone and Brain- Hope or Hype for Older Adults?, Darren G. Candow and Terence Moriarty


Modeling Inflation Expectations in Forward-Looking Interest Rate and Money Growth Rules, Zhengyang Chen and Victor J. Valcarcel


Education at the End of the World, Scott Ellison, William R. Lange, and Shehreen Iqtadar


Reactivity of Methyl Diruthenium Complexes with the Bis(diphenylphosphino)methane (dppm) Ligand and Formation of Dinitrogen and Dihydrogen Complexes via Methane Loss, Suhashini Handunneththige, Ryder Downey, Michael B. Hall, William W. Brennessel, and Robert M. Chin


Tuning the Magnetic Properties of CrI3 Using Ni Thin Film Deposition for Applications in Spintronic Devices, Cynthia Nnokwe, Connor J. Cunningham, Wenhao Liu, Gaihua Ye, Tri Nguyen, Kai Wu, Colin Hemesath, Caden Sadler, Pavel Lukashev, Paul M. Shand, Andrew James Stollenwerk, and Jia An Yan


Optimization in Hyperbolic Space - Applications to Drug-Target Interaction Prediction, Aleksandar Poleksic


Utilizing Comprehensive Biological Network to Improve Accuracy of Computational Drug Repurposing, Aleksandar Poleksic


Evaluation of Optimum Process Parameters Based on Specific Cutting Energy in Turning for Sustainability, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Kethavath Tejasvi Sanjay, Banoth Srinu, and Pasam Vamsi Krishna


Accessibility of Public Health Knowledge: The Presence of Public Health Courses in General Education Programs at US Public Universities, Susan Roberts-Dobie, Disa Cornish, and Jeremy Schraffenberger


The Pattern and Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases in Armed Conflict-Exposed Populations in Northeastern Nigeria, Roland I. Stephen, Jennifer A. Tyndall, Jamiu S. Olumoh, Malachy I. Okeke, Jacob A. Dunga, Tonde G. Elijah, Dillys M. Bello, Oyelola A. Adegboye, and Jimmy A. Reyes


Editorial Overview: Mentoring in Practice, Nathan R. Templeton, Nahed Abdelrahman, Jordan Donop, Supritha Kannan, Theophile Muhayimana, and Kristina Hall


Fiddler Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) From Coastal Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands: Species Descriptions and DNA Barcodes, Carl L. Thurman, John C. McNamara, Hsi-Te Shih, and Mariana V. Capparelli


Robotic Process Automation at Top Accountants: An Adaptable Case Designed to Evaluate Processes and Create Bots with Various Levels of Complexity, Nishani Edirisinghe Vincent, Amanuel F. Tadesse, and Amy J. Igou

Submissions from 2024


Important Mechanisms in the Development of Anxiety in Children with ADHD: The Role of Associated Features of ADHD and Interpersonal Functioning, Helena F. Alacha, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Sara J. Bufferd


Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Learning Effectiveness in College Students with ADHD Symptoms, Helena F. Alacha, Fayth C. Walbridge, Helen C. Harton, John M. Vasko, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Yvette Rother, and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Disruptive Behaviors and Aggression, H. F. Alacha, E. K. Lefler, and C. M. Hartung


Collaborative Planning: The Critical Foundation for Successful Math Interventions, David Allsopp, Samuel L. Eskelson, Sarah van Ingen Lauer, Jessica Hinton, Jennie Farmer, and Elizabeth K. Hughes


People-Nature Interactions Within Activity Settings: Understanding Health-Promoting Mechanisms using Amos Rapoport’s Three EBS Questions, Susana Alves and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi


Measuring Chinese MNE activity: The Challenge of Corporate Inversions and Capital in Transit Related FDI, John Anderson, Dylan Sutherland, and Jamie Hurst


Does Chinese Investment into Europe Facilitate Strategic Asset Growth in the Chinese Parent Company? The Role of Entry Mode, John Anderson, Dylan Sutherland, and Sean Severe


Nurturing a College-Going Identity in Black Emerging Adults, Kim M. Anderson, Alison C. Cares, Amie R. Newins, Alexander Lewis, Michael Nunes, Arin A. Copeland, and Itunu Ilesanmi


An Account of the 1453 CE Ottoman Siege of Constantinople Interpreted Through a First Century BCE Jewish Text: How an Ancient Collection of Second Temple Period Poems Changed the Course of Western Civilization, Kenneth Atkinson


Roman History in Sibylline Oracle 13: A Palestinian Jewish Perspective on Emperors, Usurpers, and Saviors During the Third Century CE (Part One: From Maximus I “Thrax” to Philip I “The Arab”), Kenneth Atkinson


Roman History in Sibylline Oracle 13: A Palestinian Jewish Perspective on Emperors, Usurpers, and Saviors During the Third Century CE (Part Two: From Decius to Odenath of Palmyra), Kenneth Atkinson


Sefer Yosippon as a Source for Hasmonean History: The Mysterious Story of John Hyrcanus and the Parthians, Kenneth Atkinson


The Pagan Reception of Judaism from the Sibylline Oracles: Insights from Pseudo-Seneca’s Octavia Regarding the Creation and Circulation of Oral Sibylline Oracles by the Plebs, Kenneth Atkinson


Digital Crowdsourcing and VGI: impact on information quality and business intelligence, Ali Bai, Maryam Satarpour, Fahimeh Mohebbi, and Amir Masoud Forati


A Radical Interactionist Perspective on Family Conflicts and Mothers With Substance Use Problems, Kimberly M. Baker


From Ground Up: Increasing Pitching Velocity through Lower-Limb Training, Nate Barnes, Hye Young Cho, and Mick G. Mack


Critical Writing About Literature, Erika L. Bass


Engineered Transcription Activator-Like Effector Dimer Proteins Confer DNA Loop-Dependent Gene Repression Comparable to Lac Repressor, Nicole A. Becker, Justin P. Peters, Elizabeth Lewis, Camden L. Daby, Karl Clark, and L. James Maher


High-Resolution Characterization of DNA/Protein Complexes in Living Bacteria, Nicole A. Becker, Justin P. Peters, and L. James Maher


Horse-racing Pooh-bah: C.W. Williams and his Kite-shaped Track, Roy R. Behrens


MacKinlay Kantor: The Tangled Past of a Once-Famous Author, Roy R. Behrens


Ralph Waldo Emerson in Iowa: When the Popular Essayist Walked on Water, Roy R. Behrens


William Cary Wright: Looking for Frank Lloyd Wright's Father, Roy R. Behrens


Exploring Forgiveness through Theologically Informed Education: Lessons from Judaism, Yitzhak Ben Yair, Sarel Ohayon, Natti Ronel, and Suzanne Freedman


Borderline Personality Disorder Subtypes and Public Stigma, Seth A. Brown


The Genetic Structure of Founding Bumblebee Populations in Reconstructed Prairie Habitat 3 Years After Planting, Clarissa E. Bruns, James W. Demastes, Peter B. Berendzen, and Ai Wen


3D Printed Smart Mold for Sand Casting: Monitoring Binder Curing, Nathaniel Bryant, Josh O’Dell, Sairam Ravi, Jerry Thiel, Janely Villela, Juan Owen Villela, Eric MacDonald, Alan Alemán, Brandon Lamoncha, Brian Vuksanovich, and Rich Lonardo


Horizontal Subcontracting and the Global Factory, Peter J. Buckley, Michael Murphree, and John Anderson


Societal Impact: Leveraging Operational Excellence in the Iowa Prison Industries, Dan Bumblauskas, Russell P. Guay, and Steve Forbes


Introduction, Cara Lea Burnidge and Lauren Frances Turek


Religion and Foreign Relations, Cara Lea Burnidge and Lauren Frances Turek


“Storying” from Special Education Classroom: Centering Voices from Accessible-Interdependence-Intimacy as Interdisciplinary Justice in Pedagogical Practices, Mercédès A. Cannon and David I. Hernández-Saca


Synergistic Effects of Microplastic and Lead Trigger Physiological and Biochemical Impairment in a Mangrove Crab, Mariana V. Capparelli, Ricardo Dzul-Caamal, Erick M. Rodríguez-Cab, Merle M. Borges-Ramírez, Jaime Rendón von Osten, Karen Beltran, Brian Pichardo-Casales, Alethia I. Ramírez-Olivares, Jorge Arturo Vargas-Abúndez, Carl L. Thurman, Gabriel M. Moulatlet, and Carlos Rosas


Manolo Santana: El Sonriente Héroe Quijotesco Que Convirtió El Tenis En Un Deporte De Masa En España, Juan Carlos Castillo Berástegui


Psychological Traits and Public Attitudes Towards Abortion: The Role of Empathy, Locus of Control, and Need for Cognition, Jiuqing Cheng, Ping Xu, and Chloe Thostenson


Performance or Appearance: Paradoxical Generalized Others of the College Female Athletes, Shing Ling S. Chen, Zhuojun Joyce Chen, and Courtney Styron


A Granular Investigation on the Stability of Money Demand, Zhengyang Chen and Victor J. Valcarcel


The Effect of Visual Sensory Interference During Multitask Obstacle Crossing in Younger and Older Adults, HyeYoung Cho and Shirley Rietdyk


The Interaction of Race/Ethnicity and School-Connectedness in Presenting Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Among Adolescents, Mijin Choi, Sei Young Lee, Jangmin Kim, and Jungup Lee


Are Mondays Different? Evidence from Initial Public Offerings, Abu Chowdhury, Mika Vaihekoski, and Mir Zaman


The Climacteric Gothic: Impotence and Menopause in the Eighteenth Century, Jeremy Chow and Jolene Zigarovich


A Parent’s Multimodal Support to Bilingual Child’s Reading: A Case Study of Korean Immigrant Family, Sunah Chung


Children’s Reading of Visuals in Informational Picturebooks and Biographies, Sunah Chung


When a Book Makes you Cry: Reader Responses to Stories of the Carceral Child in Indigenous Picturebooks, Sunah Chung, Suzan Alteri, and Rhoda Zuk


Acclaimed Children's Literature as Global Resources, Sunah Chung, Melanie D. Koss, and Kathleen A. Paciga


Peritextual Elements in Chinese Nonfiction Picturebooks, Sunah Chung, Jongsun Wee, and Sohyun Meacham


Size Matters: The Influence of Supplier Size on Buyer's Usage of Mediated Power in Positive and Negative Supplier-Induced Disruptions, Yu (Jade) Chu and Yanji Duan


Hurricane Risk Perceptions and Evacuation Decision-Making in the Postvaccine Era of COVID-19 in U.S. Coastal States Impacted by North Atlantic Hurricanes, Jennifer Collins, Elizabeth A. Dunn, Rashida K. Jones, Amy Polen, Nagashree R. Rao, Stephen Murphy, and Mark Welford


An Open Letter to the Field: Contemplating Special Education's Collaborative Role in Developing Inclusive Education, David J. Connor, Scot Danforth, and Deborah Gallagher

The Creative Listener, Brett Copeland, Dakota Corbliss, Derek Ganong, and Austin Seybert


Monitoring and Modeling Urban Temperature Patterns in the State of Iowa, USA, Utilizing Mobile Sensors and Geospatial Data, Clemir Abbeg Coproski, Bingqing Liang, James T. Dietrich, and John DeGroote


Imagination Grows a Better World: Courage, Creativity, and Fantastic Futures, Janet Croft


Editorial, Janet Brennan Croft


Introduction to Special Issue: Fantasy Goes to Hell, Janet Brennan Croft and Erin Giannini


Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education: A Framework for Prevention Science Program Development, Cindy A. Crusto, Lisa M. Hooper, and Ishita S. Arora


Review: The Age of Experience: Harnessing Happiness to Build the New Economy Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt, Rodney B. Dieser


Creating a Culture for Heritage Speakers in the Midwest: Promoting Spanish and French as Heritage Languages among Undergraduate Students, Elise M. DuBord and Elizabeth Zwanziger


In the Mix: A Workshop Merging Computational Chemistry and Electrochemistry Alongside Data Science, Rebekah Duke, Amelia Sweet, Nathan C. Stumme, Ramin Ordikhani-Seyedlar, Souradeep Chattopadhyay, Chih Hsuan Yang, Hsin Jung Yang, Anton S. Perera, Lisa Green, Kyle Endres, Mary E. Losch, and Baskar Ganapathysubramanian


Centering Equity for Multilingual Learners in Preservice Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Carmen Durham


“Mirá, Mirá [Look at this]”: High School Emergent Bilingual Learners Multitasking and Collaborating with Digital Tools, Carmen Durham and Loren Jones


Theorizing Outside the Lines: A Self-Study of Collaborative Learning in a Critical Posthuman Reading Group, Laura A. Edwards, Oona Fontanella-Nothom, and Kathryn J. Strom


Literacy Pedagogies in Tension: Young Latiné Children Literacy Competencies in the Rural Midwest, Laura Anna Edwards


Developing a Playbook of Equitable Grading Practices, Stephen H. Edwards, David L. Largent, Ben Schafer, Debarati Basu, Amy Csizmar Dalal, Dan Garcia, Brian Harrington, Kevin Lin, Dan S. Myers, Christian Roberson, Giulia Toti, and Brett Wortzman


Conservation Reserve Program Vegetation Affects Occupancy of an Invasive Grass and Invasive Forb, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Destiny Magee, and Ai Wen


Education, Pedagogy, & the ‘F’ Word, B. Scott Ellison


Experimenting with QR Codes and Envelope Size in Push-to-Web Surveys, Kyle Endres, Erin O. Heiden, Ki Park, Mary E. Losch, Karisa K. Harland, and Anne L. Abbott


The Biphasic Activity of Autophagy and Heat Shock Protein Response in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Following Acute Resistance Exercise in Resistance-Trained Males, Kurt A. Escobar, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, Kelly E. Johnson, Matthew Stratton, James J. McCormick, Terence Moriarity, Karol Dokladny, Roger A. Vaughan, Chad M. Kerksick, Len Kravitz, and Christine M. Mermier


Imagining Futures for Communication Education: Health Communication Campaigns as Pedagogical, Sergio Fernando Juárez and C. Kyle Rudick


Understanding the Work of Professional Learning Communities for English Language Learner Teachers: Possibilities and Limitations From Two Urban High Schools, Aliza Fones


Reflections on a Restructuring Initiative: Conceptualization, Implementation, and Reflection on an “Episode in Contradictions”, Benjamin Robert Forsyth, Timothy Gilson, and Susan Etscheidt


Navigating the Academy: Using Memory-Work to Chart a Way Forward, Dawn Garbett, Rena Heap, Ronnie Davey, Linda May Fitzgerald, and Lynn Thomas


Emotional Dysregulation in Emerging Adult ADHD: A Key Consideration in Explaining and Classifying Impairment and Co-Occurring Internalizing Problems, Patrick K. Goh, Ashlyn W.W. Ashlyn, Da Eun Suh, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Yvette Rother, Cynthia M. Hartung, and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Value Creation in a Pedagogically-Focused Faculty Online Learning Community, Fred Goldberg, Edward Price, Mo Basir, Lawrence Escalada, Steve Maier, Steven Sahyun, Tamara D. Snyder, and Liang Zeng


“The Most Important Thing Is to Make Them Aware”: A Case Study of Teacher Metalanguage Knowledge and Explicit L2 Pronunciation Instruction, Joshua Gordon and Roger Segura Arias


Idealizing Nativeness vs. Embracing Nonnativeness: A Case Study on L2 Pronunciation Teachers’ Identity, Joshua Gordon and Lena Barrantes-Elizondo


Pedagogical Decisions in the Teaching of Segmentals and Suprasegmentals, Joshua Gordon and Isabelle Darcy


Human hnRNPA1 Reorganizes Telomere-Bound Replication Protein A, Sophie L. Granger, Richa Sharma, Vikas Kaushik, Mortezaali Razzaghi, Masayoshi Honda, Paras Gaur, Divya S. Bhat, Sabryn M. Labenz, Jenna E. Heinen, Blaine A. Williams, S. M. Ali Tabei, and Marcin W. Wlodarski


Religion and National Security in the Early Cold War, Michael Graziano


Early Childhood Science Practices Observation Tool (EC-SPOT): Assessing Science Practices Across Multiple Classroom Contexts, Daryl Greenfield, Betty Zan, Christine McWayne, Michael Harris, Alexandra Alexander, Wendy Ochoa, and Jayanthi Mistry


Surface Dependence of Electronic Growth of Cu(111) on MoS2, Haley A. Harms, Connor J. Cunningham, Timothy E. Kidd, and Andrew J. Stollenwerk


Adsorption of Ag, Au, Cu, and Ni on MoS2: Theory and Experiment, Haley Harms, Andrew J. Stollenwerk, Connor Cunningham, Caden Sadler, Evan O'Leary, Timothy E. Kidd, and Pavel V. Lukashev


U.S. Men’s Sheds: Promoting Meaning, Purpose, and Connection, Melinda Heinz, Kaylin Kent-Thomas, and Julie Hinders


Tokugawa Hidetada’s Last Months, Reinier H. Hesselink


The Relationship Between A Transient Scientific Phenomenon and Local Journalism at the Beginning of the Gilded Age, Thomas Hockey

Early Childhood and the Asian American Experience: Exploring Intersectionality and Addressing Misrepresentations, Wi Ying Hsieh, Sohyun Meacham, Su Jeong Wee, Jinhee Kim, and Sophia Han


Returnees’ Perspectives of the Adverse Impact of Forced Displacement on Children, Itunu O. Ilesanmi, Jasmine D. Haynes, and Florence O. Ogundimu


Sortase-Encoding Genes, srtA and srtC, Mediate Enterococcus Faecalis OG1RF Persistence in the Helicoverpa Zea Gastrointestinal Tract, Jerreme J. Jackson, Samantha Heyer, and Geneva Bell


The Power of Homeownership: The Case for Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity, Esha Jayswal, Joseph Ugrin, Disa Cornish, Brent Buhr, and Ali Parrish


Effect of Teacher Social Support on Students’ Emotions and Learning Engagement: A U.S.-Chinese Classroom Investigation, Moyi Jia and Jiuqing Cheng


The Stanislavsky System of Actor Training and Piano Performance: The Need for Interdisciplinary Applications, Andrea Johnson


Opportunities to Collectively Reason About Numbers While Building Connections to Key Conceptual Ideas in Mathematics: Examining the Questions Used by Teachers Studying and Implementing Number Talks, Candace Joswick, Brandon G. McMillan, and Kimberly A. Conner


Critical Race Theory Interventions for Public Speaking, Sergio Fernando Juárez and C. Kyle Rudick


Imagining Futures for Communication Education: Decolonial Possibilities and Land Based Pedagogy, Sergio Fernando Juárez and C. Kyle Rudick


Imagining Futures for Communication Education: Reproductive Justice, Abortion, and Pedagogy, Sergio Fernando Juárez and C. Kyle Rudick


Imagining Futures for Communication Education: XR/VR and the Promise of Educational Technology, Sergio Fernando Juárez and C. Kyle Rudick


Inequality in Everyday Life, Michael A. Katovich and Shing Ling S. Chen


Electronic, Magnetic and Structural Properties of CoFeVAl and CoFeV0.5Mn0.5Al, Parashu Kharel, Gavin Baker, Matthew Wieberdink, Salimatou Diallo, Mohd Anas, Paul M. Shand, and Pavel V. Lukashev


Frances’ Earrings: Or, Responding to Everyday Heterosexual Domination, Alexandra Kogl


A Climatology of the Comprehensive Climate Index and Input Values for Türkiye, 1985–2014, Hayati Koknaroglu, John A. Harrington, Terry L. Mader, and Thomas B. Larsen


Global Change Impacts on Indigenous Sustainability in Sakha Republic: A Synthesis of Knowledge, Stanislav Saas Ksenofontov and Andrey N. Petrov


A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Brain-Breaks® Video Programming on Academic Performance and Physical Activity of School Children, Garry Kuan, Ming Kai Chin, Yee Cheng Kueh, Abdulwali Sabo, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, Govindasamy Balasekaran, Yu Kai Chang, Christopher R. Edginton, Ian Culpan, Biljana Popeska, and J. Larry Durstine


Utilizing Extractive Transportation Infrastructures for Subsistence Livelihoods: Experience of Evenki Communities in Eastern Siberia, Vera Kuklina, Viktoriya Filippova, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Antonina Savvinova, Viktor Bogdanov, and Mariia Kuklina


Celebrating Progress in Geography Education: NCGE’s Ongoing Role in Shaping the Future of Geography, Thomas B. Larsen


Geography and Inspiration: Reminders to Deepen Our Relationship with Place, Thomas B. Larsen


The NCGE Partner Network: A Collective “Yes” to Geography Education, Thomas B. Larsen


Become an NCGE Placemaker: A Model for Member Engagement Driving Geography Education to the Future, Thomas Larsen and Kyle Tredinnick


Publics’ Motivations for Sharing Public Policy Promotions on Social Media and Their Impacts on Publics’ Sharing Behavior, Joonghwa Lee, Gunwoo Yoon, Hannah G. Scheffer-Wentz, and Taejun Lee


“He Knows Me as a Person”: Navigating Cultural Dynamics in Relational Pathways Towards Positive Youth-Adult Relationships in Youth Programs, So Jung Lee, Aisha N. Griffith, Bernadette Sánchez, Xue Jiang, Caniece Leggett, Nazarah J.N. Bilal, and Sunah Chung


How Consideration of Future Consequences, Prior Gain or Loss, Personal Risk Profile, and Justification Affect Risk–Payoff Preferences, W. Eric Lee


The Impact of Undermining Coparenting on the Mental and Physical Health Outcomes of Black Fathers: The Role of Depression and Restrictive Emotionality, Brianna P. Lemmons, Matthew C. Jackson, Ailton Coleman, Jaimie L. O’Gara, Natasha De Veauuse Brown, Tasha L. Alston, Corey A. Tolliver, and Latrice S. Rollins


The Overlooked First Intercostal Ligament: Does it Help to Stabilize the Weberian Apparatus?, Jake Leyhr, Tatjana Haitina, and Nathan C. Bird


Presence, Absence, and Spatial Relations: An Interactional Ethnography of Physical-Virtual Field-Based Learning Through a Sociomaterial Lens, Sergio C.T. Lo, Susan M. Bridges, Monaliza M. Chian, Valerie W.Y. Yip, Jessica S.C. Leung, Gary K.W. Wong, Christelle Not, Gray A. Williams, Kennedy K.H. Chan, Bayden D. Russell, and A. Lin Goodwin


Natural Formation of Linear Defect Structures in MoS2, Pavel V. Lukashev, Timothy E. Kidd, Haley A. Harms, Colin Gorgen, and Andrew J. Stollenwerk


Electronic, Magnetic, and Structural Properties of NiFeMnAl, Pavel V. Lukashev, Jax Wysong, Stephen McFadden, Gavin Baker, Brandon Schmidt, Paul M. Shand, and Parashu Kharel


Widening Global Variability in Grassland Biomass Since the 1980s, Andrew S. MacDougall, Ellen Esch, Qingqing Chen, Oliver Carroll, Colin Bonner, Timothy Ohlert, Matthias Siewert, John Sulik, Anna Schweiger, Elizabeth T. Borer, Dilip Naidu, Sumanta Bagchi, and Kenneth Elgersma


Correction: Widening Global Variability in Grassland Biomass Since the 1980s, Andrew S. MacDougall, Ellen Esch, Qingqing Chen, Oliver Carroll, Colin Bonner, Timothy Ohlert, Matthias Siewert, John Sulik, Anna K. Schweiger, Elizabeth T. Borer, Dilip Naidu, Sumanta Bagchi, and Kenneth Elgersma


Empowering Academic Excellence: A Theoretical Exploration of the Influence of HRM Empowerment on Faculty Job Performance in UAE Higher Education, Ahmed Mahade, Alaa Amin Abdallaa, and Abdallah Elmahi


Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Improving Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Critically Appraised Paper, Tricia L. Majewski-Schrage and Kelli R. Snyder


Understanding Why Educational Professionals Engage with Podcasts: Educational Podcasts Motivational Scale Development and Validation, Scott W.T. McNamara and Sophia D. Min


School Violence: A Focus on Mental Health, Ramona Sue McNeal, Susan M. Kunkle, Lisa Dotterweich Bryan, and Mary Schmeida


Ode to Insulin, Rachel Morgan


Showcasing Faculty Projects: Beyond Traditional Types of Publications, Ellen Neuhaus


Method as Meaning Making: Critical Friends’ Collaborative Inquiry, Megumi Nishida, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, and Deborah Tidwell


Priorities for Pan-American Geography Education: Needs and Trends, Alex Oberle, Fabian Araya, and Sandra Alvarez


Developing an Online Elementary Social Studies Community of Practice to Enhance K-6 Geography, Alex Oberle, C. Fay Gore, and Elaine Larson


Bullying Victimization and Aggression, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Ana B. Pacífico, Michael P. da Silva, Thiago S. Piola, Eliane D.A. Bacil, Jhonatan G. Campos, Fabio Fontana, and Wagner de Campos


Association Between Bullying Victimization and Health Risk Behavior in Adolescents, Ana Beatriz Pacífico, Eliane Denise Araújo Bacil, Mariana Ardengue, Thiago Silva Piola, Michael Pereira da Silva, Fabio Fontana, Ademar Avelar, and Wagner de Campos


Qualitative Exploration of the Duality of Mothers Who Are Play Therapists: A Feminist Perspective, Maggie Morganfield Parker, Courtney Glickman, Kara Carnes-Holt, and Kristin Meany-Walen


Toward Prebiotic Chemistry on Titan: Impact Experiments on Organic Haze Particles, Ben K.D. Pearce, Sarah M. Hörst, Christopher J. Cline, Mark J. Cintala, Chao He, Joshua A. Sebree, Shannon M. MacKenzie, R. Terik Daly, Alexandra J. Pontefract, and Cara Pesciotta


Organic Hazes as a Source of Life’s Building Blocks to Warm Little Ponds on the Hadean Earth, Ben K.D. Pearce, Sarah M. Hörst, Joshua A. Sebree, and Chao He


Recentering and Claiming Joy and Radical Love in Education, Holly Pearson and David I. Hernández-Saca


Approaches for Determining DNA Persistence Length Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Justin P. Peters and L. James Maher


Detection and Monitoring of Stress Using Wearables: A Systematic Review, Anuja Pinge, Vinaya Gad, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Surjya Ghosh, and Sougata Sen


mTanaaw: A System for Assessment and Analysis of Mental Health with Wearables, Anuja Pinge, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Surjya Ghosh, Aditya Challa, and Sougata Sen


Read the Feed: High-Emotion Simulation of Preterm Feeding to Enhance Graduate-Level Training, Laura L. Pitts and Lindsey R. Squires


Fast Dual-Regularized Autoencoder for Sparse Biological Data, Aleksandar Poleksic


Sustainable Machining Using MQL Application of Cutting Fluids, Nageswara Rao Posinasetti, Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, and Basil Kuriachen


Feminist Thought and Mimetic Theory: Insights and Challenges in the Work of René Girard, Martha Reineke


Political Graffiti and Global Human Rights: Take Another Look, Evan Renfro and Philip Hopper


Grant Writing: The Essentials, Jayme Renfro

Strategic Planning for University Colleges and Departments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing, Refining, and Implementing Effective Strategy, Jayme Renfro


Exploring the Impact of Rehabilitation and Custody Orientations on Workplace Experiences of Juvenile Probation and Detention Officers, Gayle Rhineberger and Kristin Y. Mack


Land of a Thousand Hills: English Writing Education and Teacher Professional Development, Robin Rhodes, John Fiacre Haliyamutu, Jean de Dieu Amini Ngabonziza, and Théophile Muhayimana


Animal Assisted Play Therapy™ as a Polyvagal Process, Mary Rottier and Rebecca Dickinson


Curbing the Major and Growing Threats from Invasive Alien Species is Urgent and Achievable, Helen E. Roy, Aníbal Pauchard, Peter J. Stoett, Tanara Renard Truong, Laura A. Meyerson, Sven Bacher, Bella S. Galil, Philip E. Hulme, Tohru Ikeda, Sankaran Kavileveettil, Melodie A. McGeoch, Martin A. Nuñez, Alejandro Ordonez, Sebataolo J. Rahlao, Evangelina Schwindt, Hanno Seebens, Andy W. Sheppard, Vigdis Vandvik, Alla Aleksanyan, Michael Ansong, Tom August, Ryan Blanchard, Ernesto Brugnoli, John K. Bukombe, Bridget Bwalya, Chaeho Byun, Morelia Camacho-Cervantes, Phillip Cassey, María L. Castillo, and Stanislav Ksenofontov


Planting New Fields: A Renewed Purpose for Communication Education, C. Kyle Rudick


Instruction in Indian Secondary Schools: The Indirect Effect of Teacher Humor on Student Engagement Through Interest, C. Kyle Rudick, Alan K. Goodboy, Aashita Singh Vadhera, Seerat Gill, Jai Madhav Goel, Jasleen Kaur Atwal, Divij Gupta, Khushi Saluja, Arunima Nimbokar, Kanwardeep Singh, Siya Kapoor, Simrandeep Kaur, Ojas Jetley, and Sehar Malik

Nurturing Math Curiosity With Learners in Grades K–2, Chepina Rumsey and Jody Guarino


Do Women Make Less Than Men in IT? Yes and No!, Kashif Saeed, Javier Rubio-Herrero, and Atul Mitra


White Girl Wasted: Gender Performativity of Sexuality with Alcohol in National Panhellenic Conference Sorority Women, Pietro A. Sasso, Amber Manning-Ouellette, Kim E. Bullington, and Shelley Price-Williams


Poster: Automated Tooth Brushing Detection Using Smartwatch, Blake Schleter, Marina Avdonina, Rishiraj Adhikary, Dheryta Jaisinghani, and Sougata Sen


Pressure Induced Modification of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of MnCrNbAl and MnCrTaAl, Brandon Schmidt, Paul M. Shand, Parashu Kharel, and Pavel V. Lukashev


Hopping Crossover and High-Temperature Superspin Glass Behavior in Ni Films Deposited on MoS2, P. M. Shand, Y. Moua, H. Harms, C. Gorgen, C. J. Cunningham, P. V. Lukashev, T. E. Kidd, and A. J. Stollenwerk


Human Capital Assessment in Indigenous Regions to Enable Sustainable Futures, Victoria N. Sharakhmatova and Elena G. Mikhailova


Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Report Ongoing and Widespread Climate Change Impacts on Local Social-ecological Systems, Victoria Sharakhmatova, Victoria Reyes-García, David García-del-Amo, Santiago Álvarez-Fernández, Petra Benyei, Laura Calvet-Mir, André B. Junqueira, Vanesse Labeyrie, Xiaoyue Li, Sara Miñarro, Vincent Porcher, Anna Porcuna-Ferrer, Anna Schlingmann, Christoph Schunko, Ramin Soleymani, Adrien Tofighi-Niaki, Mariam Abazeri, Emmanuel M.N.A.N. Attoh, Ayansina Ayanlade, Julia Vieira Da Cunha Ávila, Daniel Babai, Rodrigo C. Bulamah, Joao Campos-Silva, Rosario Carmona, Julián Caviedes, Rumbidzayi Chakauya, Mouna Chambon, Zhuo Chen, Fasco Chengula, Esther Conde, and Aida Cuní-Sanchez


iMat:A Non-Intrusive and Low Cost Sleep Posture Estimation Mat, Ramandeep Singh, Nishtha Phutela, and Dheryta Jaisinghani


Teaching Precarity: Pedagogy, Politics, and Abortion Post Dobbs, Shreya Singh, Cecilia Cerja, and Catherine Helen Palczewski


Self-Administered Mindfulness Interventions Reduce Stress in a Large, Randomized Controlled Multi-Site Study, Alessandro Sparacio, Hans IJzerman, Ivan Ropovik, Filippo Giorgini, Christoph Spiessens, Bert N. Uchino, Joshua Landvatter, Tracey Tacana, Sandra J. Diller, Jaye L. Derrick, Joahana Segundo, Jace D. Pierce, Robert M. Ross, Zoë Francis, Amanda LaBoucane, Christine Ma-Kellams, Maire B. Ford, Kathleen Schmidt, Celia C. Wong, Wendy C. Higgins, Bryant M. Stone, Samantha K. Stanley, Gianni Ribeiro, Paul T. Fuglestad, Valerie Jaklin, Andrea Kübler, Philipp Ziebell, Crystal L. Jewell, Yulia Kovas, and Tenzin Urgyen


Correction: Self-Administered Mindfulness Interventions Reduce Stress in a Large, Randomized Controlled Multi-Site Study, Alessandro Sparacio, Hans IJzerman, Ivan Ropovik, Filippo Giorgini, Christoph Spiessens, Bert N. Uchino, Joshua Landvatter, Tracey Tacana, Sandra J. Diller, Jaye L. Derrick, Joahana Segundo, Jace D. Pierce, and Tenzin Urgyen


Agility in Supply Chains and Operational Performance Outcomes: Investigating the Contingent Influence of Supply Uncertainty and Product Complexity, Prashant Srivastava, Karthik N.S. Iyer, Yu Jade Chu, and Mohammed Rawwas


Learning How to Listen: A How-To for Qualitative Methods, Marybeth C. Stalp


Estimating the Cholesterol Affinity of Integral Membrane Proteins from Experimental Data, Theodore L. Steck, S. M. Ali Tabei, and Yvonne Lange


Factors Affecting Performance on a Screening Tool in Persons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Jordan Stierwalt, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Heather Clark, Angela Burda, Hanna Benavidez Kiley, Erica Collins, Morgan Kortemeyer, Elizabeth Miller, Grace Peckenschneider, Elizabeth Schieltz, Yashvi Shah, and Kayleigh Simon


Professional Team Sports and Congress: Investigations, Antitrust, Mergers and Media, David George Surdam


Exploring the Impact of Establishment Mode on Intangible Strategic Asset Creation in Chinese MNEs: Springboard Cross-Border Strategic Asset-Seeking M&As Versus Greenfield R&D-Related FDI Projects, Dylan Sutherland, John Anderson, Ludan Wu, and Sean Severe


Water Depth Used by Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in Iowa during Seasonal Activity Periods, Jeff Tamplin, Jessica Haugen, Tyler Anderson, Samuel Berg, Jordan Burtch, Alexandra Hayes, and Gavin Hobbs


Editorial Overview: Mentoring Across Disciplines, Nathan R. Templeton, Nahed Abdelrahman, Jordan Donop, Supritha Kannan, Theophile Muhayimana, and Kristina Hall


Editorial Overview: Mentoring and the Integration of Knowledge, Nathan R. Templeton, Nahed Abdelrahman, Jordan Donop, Supritha Kannan, Theophile Muhayimana, and Kristina Hall


Editorial Overview: Mentoring in and Beyond Academia, Nathan R. Templeton, Nahed Abdelrahman, Jordan Donop, Supritha Kannan, Theophile Muhayimana, and Kristina Hall


Reconsidering Household Food Insecurity: Assessing the Impact of Neighborhood and Household Characteristics, Sweta Tiwari and Shrinidhi Ambinakudige


Regional Geographies and Public Health Lessons of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Arctic, Sweta Tiwari, Andrey N. Petrov, Nikolay Golosov, Michele Devlin, Mark Welford, John DeGroote, Tatiana Degai, and Stanislav Ksenofontov


“PE Is More Than Playing Kick Ball the Entire Hour”: Using Standards-Based Grading to Elevate Physical Education’s Status Among Preservice Physical Educators, Matt Townsley and Scott W.T. McNamara


Student Assessment During Covid: A View from the Principal’s (Virtual) Desk, Matt Townsley, Nicholas J. Sauers, and Jayson W. Richardson


Tracking People Across Ultra Populated Indoor Spaces by Matching Unreliable Wi-Fi Signals with Disconnected Video Feeds, Hai Truong, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Shubham Jain, Arunesh Sinha, Jeong Gil Ko, and Rajesh Balan


Beyond COVID: Towards a Transdisciplinary Synthesis for Understanding Responses and Developing Pandemic Preparedness in Alaska, Taylor P. van Doren, Ryan A. Brown, Guangqing Chi, Patricia Cochran, Katie Cueva, Laura Eichelberger, Ruby Fried, Stacey Fritz, Micah B. Hahn, Ron Heintz, Davin Holen, and Andrey N. Petrov

Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective, Katherine S. Van Wormer and Diane Rae Davis


Examining Paradoxes of Access in Disability Law: A Critical Analysis of the Least Restrictive Environment, Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides, Susan Larson Etscheidt, and David I. Hernández-Saca


The Interactive Effects of Strategy Communication and Report Integration on Investors' Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility Measures, Lei Wang and Lei Dong


The Association Between Infant Non-Nutritive Suck and Oral Motor Development, Ross Westemeyer, Morgan Hines, Alaina Martens, and Emily Zimmerman


Building Bridges: An Exploratory Study of Carver Bridge to STEM Success Students' Experiences and Sense of Belonging, Jesse Wilcox, Heidi Berger, Sara Lawson, and Molly Ella Ramker


Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Decision-Making During Lesson Study, Jesse Wilcox and Nadia Stoyanova Kennedy


Why Do Effective Science Teachers Persist?: Exploring Post-induction Effective Science Teachers’ Experiences through a Collective Case Study, Jesse Wilcox, Molly Ella Ramker, William Raymond Lange, Pranav Kota, Carolyn Kress, Lily Fettkether, Dori Clausen, and Kiran Willis


Research Experiences for Undergraduates Through Extracurricular Practitioner Inquiry: Exploring the Experiences of Preservice Elementary Teachers, Jesse Wilcox, Sarah Voss, Jerrid Kruse, Shelby Miller, and Lily Fettkether


Targeting Reform: Superfund, Industri-Plex, and Pollution Remediation in the United States, Johnathan K. Williams


Proof Without Words: Estimating Generalized Pi, William E. Wood


Ambiguity Preference in Waiting Time: Investigating the Desirability Effect and the Interplay of Temporal Description, Outcome Category, and Evaluation Mode, Ping Xu, Jiuqing Cheng, Xianyue Shang, and Zhixian Jin


Vulnerable Communities in the Face of Heat: A Pilot Study on Perceptions, Behaviors, and Support Networks During Heat Events, Tian Yao, Michael C. Dorneich, Ulrike Passe, Nicholas Schwab, Mary Losch, Caroline C. Krejci, and Jeremy Caron


Facebook Likes and Corporate Revenue: Testing the Consistency Between Attitude and Behavior, Gunwoo Yoon, Cong Li, Jiangmeng Liu, Michael North, Yi Ji, and Cheng Hong


Arctic Communities in the Face of Change: Resilience, Governance, and Well-Being, Abigail York, Andrey N. Petrov, Victoria N. Sharakhmatova, Tatiana Degai, Liza Mack, Vera Metcalf, Rodion Sulyandziga, Sean Asikłuk Topkok, and Eduard Zdor


Establishment and Characterization of Turtle Liver Organoids Provides a Potential Model to Decode Their Unique Adaptations, Christopher Zdyrski, Vojtech Gabriel, Thea B. Gessler, Abigail Ralston, Itzel Sifuentes-Romero, Debosmita Kundu, Sydney Honold, Hannah Wickham, Nicholas E. Topping, Dipak Kumar Sahoo, Basanta Bista, Jeffrey Tamplin, Oscar Ospina, Pablo Piñeyro, Marco Arriaga, Jacob A. Galan, David K. Meyerholz, Karin Allenspach, Jonathan P. Mochel, and Nicole Valenzuela


Warding Off Cognitive Dissonance: How Supervisor Perspective Taking Shapes the Responses of Employees Who Engage in Unethical Behavior, Bulin Zhang, Xiangmin Liu, and Zhengtang Zhang


Flesh and Fluids: The Problem of Sex Determination in Eighteenth-Century Intersex Case Studies, Jolene Zigarovich


Victorian Literature as Trans Literature, Jolene Zigarovich


Post-Pandemic Pedagogy: Multimodal Tools in French Instruction, Elizabeth Zwanziger

Submissions from 2023


Positive Illusory Bias and Self-Handicapping in Adults with ADHD: A Scoping Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Research and Clinical Practice, Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Laura E. Knouse, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Brief Announcement: Understanding Self-stabilizing Node-Capacitated Overlay Networks Through Simulation, Winfred Afeaneku, Andrew Berns, Weston Kuchenberg, Sara Leisinger, and Cedric Liu


What the Book of First Enoch and the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal About the History of the Qumran Community, Kenneth Atkinson

Misusing Scripture: What are Evangelicals Doing with the Bible?, Kenneth Atkinson, Mark Elliot, and Robert Rezetko


Essays on the Psalms of Solomon: Its Cultural Background, Significance, and Interpretation, Kenneth Atkinson, Patrick Pouchelle, and Felix Albrecht


Confronting White Supremacist Antisemitism: U.S. College Campuses, Thaddeus Atzmon and Joe R. Feagin


Campus Traditions, White Supremacy, and the Reproduction of Systemic White Racism at Historically White Colleges and Universities, Thaddeus Atzmon and Greg Fink


Synthesis, Crystal Structure, And Magnetic Properties Of CoMoFeAl And Related Compounds, Gavin Baker, Jax Wysong, Shah Valloppilly, Paul Shand, Pavel Lukashev, and Parashu Kharel


Photochemical Model Representation Of Ozone And Precursors During The 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS), Kirk R. Baker, Jennifer Liljegren, Lukas Valin, Laura Judd, Jim Szykman, Dylan B. Millet, Alan Czarnetzki, Andrew Whitehill, Ben Murphy, and Charles Stanier


Equity Misvaluation and Debt Markets, May Xiaoyan Bao, Aaron Crabtree, Marc Morris, and Huishan Wan


Using University–School Partnerships To Facilitate Preservice Teachers' Reading And Responding To Student Writing, Erika L. Bass


Promising Practice: Book Studies as Professional Development for Rural Teachers, Erika L. Bass and Anthony Olson


Did Artist Meet Architect? Grant Wood & Frank Lloyd Wright in Iowa City, Roy R. Behrens


Stories of Sarah Royce: From Tipton, Iowa to Weaverville, California, Roy R. Behrens


Low Standards Yet Disappointed: Adhd Symptoms And Experiential Avoidance In College Students, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan, Caroline E. Hough, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Michael C. Meinzer, and Kevin M. Antshel


Superficial Adherence to EBP: An Example of Low Fidelity to the RNR Model Using a Halfway House, Jenna L. Borseth, Andrew J. Myer, and Matthew D. Makarios


Mechanisms Of Aerobic Exercise In Attenuating Obesity-Induced Cognitive Impairment: A Brief Review, Kelsey Bourbeau, Micah Zuhl, Ann Gibson, Len Kravitz, and Christine Mermier


Are The “Big 5” Personality Traits Associated With Substance Use Self-Stigma?, Seth A. Brown and I.


Real-Time Measurement of Mold and Core Quality in Chemically Bonded Sands, Nathaniel C. Bryant, Jacob L. O’Dell, Joshua I. Kowalsky, and Gerard R. Thiel


Remote Testing of Adult Neurogenic Tests: Implications and Recommendations for Speech-Language Pathologists, Angela Burda, Carrie Axt, Samantha Balk, Zoe Bleile, Madilyn Fahey, Paul Kort Freeman, Heather Hogelucht, Paeten Schultz, Kamryn Shaffer, and Kara Wright


Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: Case Description And Information For Speech-Language Pathologists, Angela Burda, Courtney Banwart, Madison Engels, Heather Hogelucht, Lauren Lilly, Hallee Mingus, Deepthy Nair, and Madison Simon


A Survey Of South Carolina Pharmacists' Readiness To Prescribe Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, Charles M. Burns, Kyle Endres, Caroline Derrick, Alexandra Cooper, Patricia Fabel, Nwora Lance Okeke, Divya Ahuja, Amy Corneli, and Mehri S. McKellar


Misogynoir And The Public Woman: Analog And Digital Sexualization Of Women In Public From The Civil War To The Era Of Kamala Harris, Cecilia Cerja, Nicole D. Nave, Kelly L. Winfrey, Catherine Helen Palczewski, and Leslie A. Hahner


Similarities And Differences In The Longitudinal Trajectories Of Depressive Symptoms From Mid-Adolescence To Young Adulthood: The Intersectionality Of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, And Levels Of Depressive Symptoms, Eva Yi Ju Chen and Eli Yi Liang Tung


Active Attention, Retail Investor Base, And Stock Returns, Zhongdong Chen and Karen Ann Craig


Infant Mortality and Racism in the United States, Disa Lubker Cornish and Madison Grimm


Investigating Faculty Perceptions of Information Literacy and Instructional Collaboration, Angie Cox, Amandajean Nolte, and Angela L. Pratesi


The Road to Fair Elfland: Tolkien On Fairy-stories: An Extended Commentary (2022) by Giovanni Carmine Costabile, Janet Brennan Croft


Editorial, Janet Brennan Croft


Editorial, Janet Brennan Croft


The Fairy Tale World, edited by Andrew Teverson, Janet Brennan Croft


The Hen that Laid the Eggs: Tolkien and the Officers Training Corps [expanded], Janet Brennan Croft


The Hen That Laid the Eggs: Tolkien and the Officers Training Corps [Expanded], Janet Brennan Croft


Taking a Rhetorical Perspective on Emerging Communication Practice: Pedagogy as Theory-Building Scholarship, Dale Cyphert


Standards Based Grading Learning Objective for the Chemistry, Life, the Universe, and Everything General Chemistry Curriculum, Dawn Del Carlo and Laura Strauss


Is A Genetic Diathesis For Poor Nutrition Becoming More Crucial Due To The Uniformity Of Covid Social Stress?, M. Catherine DeSoto


A Rough Dombi Bonferroni Based Approach For Public Charging Station Type Selection, Muhammet Deveci, Nuh Erdogan, Dragan Pamucar, Sadik Kucuksari, and Umit Cali


Scaling Up To A Statewide Network For CS Teacher Preparation By Introducing AEA Community Of Practice Partnerships, Sarah Diesburg and J. Ben Schafer


Advancing The Association For Humanistic Counseling Principles Through The Serious Leisure Perspective, Rodney B. Dieser


A Logotherapy Meaning-Centered Approach to Therapeutic Recreation Rooted in Centripetal Leisure, Rodney B. Dieser


Viktor Frankl’s (Centripetal) Leisure: An Initial Exploration, Rodney B. Dieser


The “Search for Meaning” in Therapeutic Recreation, Rodney B. Dieser, Miika Hernesniemi, and Sienna Caspar


Correction: Producer and Consumer Perspectives on Supporting and Diversifying Local Food Systems in Central Iowa, Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson, and Ulrike Passe


Producer and Consumer Perspectives on Supporting and Diversifying Local Food Systems in Central Iowa, Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson, and Ulrike Passe


Teacher Educator Toolbox: Strategic Mediation In Teacher Preparation Coursework Focused On Technology, Carmen Durham


Mid-contract Management Alters Conservation Reserve Program Vegetation in the Central and Western United States, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark Vandever, and Ai Wen


Aporia, Interregnum, & Pedagogy: Education In A Time Of Crisis, Scott Ellison and Shehreen Iqtadar


A Randomized Experiment Evaluating Survey Mode Effects For Video Interviewing, Kyle Endres, D. Sunshine Hillygus, Matthew Debell, and Shanto Iyengar


Monitoring The Transition Requirements Of The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: A Critique And A Proposal To Expand The Performance Indicators, Susan Larson Etscheidt, David Hernandez-Saca, and Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides


Securing School-Based Mental Health Services Through A Six-Step IEP Approach, Susan Larson Etscheidt, Nicole R. Skaar, Kerri L. Clopton, and Stephanie L. Schmitz


The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies, Amy Erdman Farrell and Susan E. Hill


Guru Gobind Singh And The Khalsa, Louis Fenech


A Historian’s Quest For Sikh History, Louis E. Fenech


Persian Sikh Literature, Louis E. Fenech


What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas? Firsthand Experience And Edgar Search Activity In Las Vegas Casino Hotels, Ryan Flugum, Choonsik Lee, and Matthew E. Souther


Stakeholder Value: A Convenient Excuse for Underperforming Managers?, Ryan Flugum and Matthew E. Souther


A Brief History of Kappa Delta Pi, Psi Chapter, Stephen J. Fortgang and Becky W. Hawbaker


Forgiveness Education As A Form Of Peace Education With Fifth-Grade Students: A Pilot Study With Implications For Educators, Suzanne Freedman and Eva Yi Ju Chen


Economic Stratification in Higher Education: An Asset-Based Approach to Low-SES Students’ Sense of Belonging, Amy E. French and Shelley R. Price-Williams


Semantic Components Of Laughter Behavior: A Lexical Field Study Of 14 Translations Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Elisa Gironzetti, Christian F. Hempelmann, Adel Aldawsari, Sarvenaz Balali, Władisław Chłopicki, Hilal Ergül, Meichan Huang, Liisi Laineste, Shigehito Menjo, and Ksenia Shilikhina


Corrective Feedback And Second Language Pronunciation Instruction: A Case Study Of A Nonnative-Speaking Teacher, Joshua Gordon


Powerful Field-Based And Place-Based Exercises, Raymond Greene, Jacqueline L. Waite, William G. Moseley, Matthew R. Cook, and Alex Oberle


Methods of Teaching Early Literacy, Nandita Gurjar, Sohyun Meacham, and Constance Beecher


Next Step: University of Northern Iowa, Nichole Harken


Cornerstone: 2023-2024 [2nd edition], Nikki Harken, Deb Young, Sadé Barfield, and Scott Bredman


Aural Training and Sight Singing Supplement for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource [2023], Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley


On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions, Helen C. Harton, Michael Schaerer, Christilene Du Plessis, My Hoang Bao Nguyen, Robbie C.M.Van Aert, Leo Tiokhin, Daniel Lakens, Elena Giulia Clemente, Thomas Pfeiffer, Anna Dreber, Magnus Johannesson, Cory J. Clark, and Eric Luis Uhlmann


Men’s Sheds: An Outlet for Engaging in Creative Activities, Melinda Heinz


Older Adults Documenting Purpose and Meaning Through Photovoice and Narratives, Melinda Heinz, Nathan Benton, and Laura Gleissner


Irish Men’s Sheds Serving as Therapeutic Landscapes for Older Men, Melinda Heinz and Frank Houghton


A Critical Systematic Literature Review of Global Inclusive Education Using an Affective, Intersectional, Discursive, Emotive and Material Lens, David Isaac Hernández-Saca, Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides, and Susan Larson Etscheidt


The Politics Of Fat And Gender In The Ancient World, Susan E. Hill

Negative Judgments About Beautiful Women’s Sex Lives And Self-Esteem, Robert T. Hitlan, Reza Shabahang, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Mara S. Aruguete, Wendy Wolfe, and Mark Rivardo

The View From The Bottom, Thomas Hockey


America's First Eclipse Chasers: Stories of Science, Planet Vulcan, Quicksand, and the Railroad Boom, Thomas A. Hockey


Three of a Kind: Iowa’s Unique Congressional Competitiveness, Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer


Correction: Attachment To Peers And School: Longitudinal Moderators Of The Relation Between Caregiver Psychological Distress And Adolescent Hopelessness, Lisa M. Hooper, Sei Young Lee, Sara Tomek, Jeremiah W. Jaggers, Grace Kim, Wesley T. Church, and John Bolland


Supporting Young Exceptional Children’s Mental Health in the Early Childhood Classroom, Wu Ying Hsieh

Cultivating Critical Discourse in the Classroom, Stephanie Huffman, Stacie Lynn Finley, Pamela Correll, and Cathy Pearman

Empowering Students Through Multilingual and Content Discourse, Stephanie Huffman, Stacie Lynn Finley, Pamela Correll, and Cathy Pearman


Digital Futures For Accountants, Amy Igou, Daniel J. Power, Sandra Brosnan, and Ciara Heavin


Delineating Contaminant Hotspots Through Hydrochemical Assessment of a Severely Degraded Watershed in Nepal, Mohammad Iqbal, Tara Nidhi Bhattarai, Chad Heinzel, Sushil Tuladhar, Sunita Magar, and Nirmal Raila


Irvine Prairie outreach and education, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Justin Meissen, Laura Walter, Andrew Olson, and Anne Phillips


Irvine Prairie science update, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Justin Meissen, Laura Walter, Andrew Olson, and Anne Phillips


Irvine Prairie planned work, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Laura Walter, Justin Meissen, Andrew Olson, and Anne Phillips


Symbiotic Association of Resources and Market-Facing Capabilities in Supply Chains as Determinants of Performance: A Resource Orchestration Perspective, Karthik N.S. Iyer, Prashant Srivastava, and Mahesh Srinivasan


A 33 Year Old Native Seed System In The Upper Midwest: Public Policy And Investment Contribute To A Diverse Commercial Native Seed Market [Slideshow], Laura L. Jackson, Kristine Nemec, and Laura Fischer Walter


Packets-To-Prediction: An Unobtrusive Mechanism For Identifying Coarse-Grained Sleep Patterns With Wifi Mac Layer Traffic, Dheryta Jaisinghani and Nishtha Phutela


IoT In The Air: Thread-Enabled Flying IoT Network For Indoor Environments, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Tanzeel Ur Rehman, Ryan Mulkey, and Andrew Berns


Taking a Knee: Effect of NFL Player Protests on Subsequent Employment and Earnings, Christopher Jepsen and Lisa K. Jepsen


Queer Ageing, Heather Jerónimo


“Most of His Teachers Had ‘Given Up’”: Preparing Future Educators to Critically Examine Their Multifaceted Instructional Demands, Loren Jones, Carmen Durham, and Sharon Smith


Adolescent Mental Health And Culturally Responsive Pediatric Care, V. Faye Jones, Katie F. Leslie, and Lisa M. Hooper

A Number Talk Questioning Framework for Advancing Research and Teacher Development, Candace Joswick, Kimberly Conner, and Brandon McMillan


The Comovement Between Forecast Errors For Real Gdp And Its Deflator In Six Oecd Countries: Did Supply Shocks Become Less Dominant During The Great Moderation?, Bryce Kanago


Volunteer Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment Makers: Third Sphere Labor, Caring Masculinities, And Redoing Gender, Kimberly Kelly, Braden Leap, and Marybeth C. Stalp


Epidemiological Characteristics Of School Playground Injuries, Eric A. Kennedy, Drew A. Filchner, Zane D. Patterson, and Heather M. Olsen


Exploring the Role of Environmental Features on Student Experience in the University Classroom with the Community of Inquiry Framework, Heather R. Kennedy and Gloria E. Stafford


Structural, Electronic, And Magnetic Properties Of CoFeVGe-Based Compounds: Experiment And Theory, Parashu Kharel, Zachary Lehmann, Gavin Baker, Lukas Stuelke, Shah Valloppilly, Paul M. Shand, and Pavel V. Lukashev


Children’s Names And Naming Practices: Wrestling With Racism In Asian American Families, Jinhee Kim, Sophia Han, Su Jeong Wee, and Sohyun Meacham


Prenatal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Developmental Outcomes: A Scoping Review Study, June Yung Kim, Lixia Zhang, Anne Marie Gruber, Sun Kyung Kim, Megan R. Holmes, and Amanda Brevda


How Does Fairness Promote Innovative Behavior in Organizational Change?: The Importance of Social Context, Myungsun Kim, Daejeong Choi, Russell P. Guay, and Angela Chen


Psychological Distress And Protective Factors Among Black Americans Pre- And Post-Covid-19, Laura Kohn-Wood, Lisa Hooper, Brittney Davis, and Guerdiana Thelomar


Determination Of Climatologically Suitable Places In Türkiye For Feedlot Cattle Production Using The Comprehensive Climate Index Model, Hayati Koknaroglu, John A. Harrington, Terry L. Mader, and Thomas B. Larsen


A New Rough Ordinal Priority-Based Decision Support System For Purchasing Electric Vehicles, Sadik Kucuksari, Dragan Pamucar, Muhammet Deveci, Nuh Erdogan, and Dursun Delen


Frozen Infrastructures In A Changing Climate: Transforming Human–Environment-Technology Relations In The Anthropocene, Vera Kuklina, Andrey N. Petrov, and Dmitry Streletskiy


Combining Community Observations And Remote Sensing To Examine The Effects Of Roads On Wildfires In The East Siberian Boreal Forest, Vera Kuklina, Oleg Sizov, Victor Bogdanov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Arina Morozova, and Andrey N. Petrov


Pandemics in the Age of Social Media, Vikas Kumar and Mohit Rewari


The Power Of Family? Family Social Capital And The Risk Of Externalising Behaviours Among Youth With Multiple Childhood Adversities, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon


Effects Of Credit And Labor Constraints On Microenterprises And The Unintended Impact Of Changes In Household Endowments: Use Of Threshold Estimation To Detect Heterogeneity, Bidisha Lahiri and Richard Daramola


A Basic Model For The Association Of Ligands With Membrane Cholesterol: Application To Cytolysin Binding, Yvonne Lange, S. M. Ali Tabei, and Theodore L. Steck


He Does (Not) Care: COVID-19 Volunteers’ Assessments of Donald Trump’s Responses to the Pandemic, Braden Leap, Marybeth C. Stalp, and Kimberly Kelly


Graduate Research Project Guide: Secondary Data Analysis, Sei-Young Lee and Siyon Rhee


Effects Of Experiential Service Learning In Improving Community Engagement Perception, Sustainability Awareness, And Data Analytics Competency, W. Eric Lee and Arif Perdana


Reprint Of: Effects Of Experiential Service Learning In Improving Community Engagement Perception, Sustainability Awareness, And Data Analytics Competency, W. Eric Lee and Arif Perdana


Professor And Peer Perceptions Of Requests For Academic Accommodations In College: An Examination Of Adhd And Specific Learning Disorder, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Helena F. Alacha, Brendan M. Weed, Chloe J. Reeble, and Anna M. Garner


Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in Psychological Research: Exploring Data Trends & Researcher Opinions, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Jennifer Tabler, Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan, Anne E. Stevens, Judah W. Serrano, Christopher R. Shelton, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Pressure Modulated Spin-Gapless Semiconductivity In FeCrTiAl, Pavel V. Lukashev, Stephen McFadden, Paul M. Shand, and Parashu Kharel


Electronic, Magnetic, and Structural Properties of CoVMnSb: Ab Initio Study, Pavel V. Lukashev, Adam Ramker, Brandon Schmidt, Paul M. Shand, Parashu Kharel, Vagharsh Mkhitaryan, Zhenhua Ning, and Liqin Ke


Experimental And Theoretical Investigation Of FeCrVAl And Related Compounds, Pavel V. Lukashev, Lukas Stuelke, Zach Pottebaum, Young Moua, Gavin Baker, Jax Wysong, Matthew Flesche, Shah Valloppilly, Paul M. Shand, and Parashu Kharel


The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present, Annette Lynch and Jennifer Van Haaften


Experimental Design in Psychology: A Case Approach, Tenth Edition, Kimberly MacLin


The Moffett Roundtable, Jonathan Marine, Paul Rogers, Mary Ann Smith, Tom Gage, Fran Claggett, Richard Graves, Russel Durst, Sandra Murphy, Jim Davis, Steve Lafer, Doug Hesse, Damian Koshnick, Regina Foehr, Lois Weiner, Ruth Nathan, and Elizabeth Spalding


Preservice Teachers Developing Humanizing Intercultural Competence During Field-Based Interactions: Opportunities And Challenges, Melinda Martin-Beltrán, Carmen Durham, and Amanda Cataneo


Labor Journalism History: The Missing Story of Workers, Christopher R. Martin

Communication for College, Career, and Civic Life, Ryan McGeough, C. Kyle Rudick, Danielle Dick McGeough, and Kathryn B. Golsan


Affordability And State Support For Higher Education, Ramona Sue McNeal, Lisa Dotterweich Bryan, and Mary Schmeida


Engagement In The Preschool Classroom: Brief Measures For Use With Children From Ethno-Racially Diverse And Low-Income Backgrounds, Christine M. McWayne, Wendy Ochoa, Julie Segovia, Betty Zan, Daryl Greenfield, and Jayanthi Mistry


When Bad Things Happen To Good Processes: A Theory Of Entropy For Process Science, Brad C. Meyer, Daniel Bumblauskas, Richard Keegan, and Dali Zhang


Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House, Joyce Milambiling


Adapting To Survive … And Thrive, Karen S. Mitchell


Moral CSR, Barry M. Mitnick, Duane Windsor, and Donna J. Wood


Historia Sancti Iohannis Evangeliste (Traditionibus Leodiensis et Boscoducis) ed. by Catherine Saucier (review), Juana Monsalve and Alison Altstatt


Dose–Response of Creatine Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Healthy Young Adults, Terence Moriarty, Kelsey Bourbeau, Katie Dorman, Lance Runyon, Noah Glaser, Jenna Brandt, Mallory Hoodjer, Scott C. Forbes, and Darren G. Candow


How Am I Doing? Using Self-Mentoring Practices To Improve A Tenure-Track Faculty’S Online Instructional Strategies, Théophile Muhayimana


Learning The Ropes Together: New Faculty Co-Mentoring In A “Mandatory” Community Of Practice, Théophile Muhayimana and Susan E. Hill


Building Educational Leaders’ Capacity In A Community Of Practice, Théophile Muhayimana, Denise Schares, and Megan Ruxton


Relations Among Bitcoin Futures, Bitcoin Spot, Investor Attention, and Sentiment, Arun Narayanasamy, Humnath Panta, and Rohit Agarwal


Developmental moments: Teacher decision making to support young writers., Lori Norton-Meier and Kathryn F. Whitmore


Closeness and Direct Engagement: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Non-Resident Father Involvement, Jaimie L. O’Gara


The Effect Of Paternal Economic Hardship On Nonresident Father Involvement And Co-Parenting Among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Fathers, Jaimie L. O’Gara


Empowering L2 Learners: The Role Of Relational Empathy In L2 Learning, Gabriela Olivares-Cuhat and Giovanni Zimotti


Organizational Capital and Credit Ratings, Humnath Panta, Arun Narayanasamy, and Ayush Panta


An Agent-Based Model of Agricultural Land Use in Support of Local Food Systems, Poojan Sanjay Patel, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas G. Schwab, and Michael C. Dorneich


Prototyping And Implementing Robotic Process Automation In Accounting Firms: Benefits, Challenges And Opportunities To Audit Automation, Arif Perdana, W. Eric Lee, and Chu Mui Kim


Indigenous Health-Care Sovereignty Defines Resilience To The Covid-19 Pandemic, Andrey N. Petrov, Dalee Sambo Dorough, Sweta Tiwari, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, Michele Devlin, Tatiana Degai, Stanislav Ksenofontov, and John DeGroote


Pleoardoris Graminearum, gen. et sp. nov., A New Member of Pleosporales from North American Plains, Its Biogeography and Effects on a Foundation Grass Species, Xiomy Janiria Pinchi-Davila, Diana Vargas-Hernández, María José Romero-Jiménez, Ari Jumpponen, Jennifer A. Rudgers, Jose Herrera, Miriam Hutchinson, John M. Dunbar, Cheryl Kuske, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro


A Know-Brainer: The Power of Cadaver-Based Instruction to Teach Clinical Neuroanatomy, Laura L. Pitts, Tricia Majewski-Schrage, Elizabeth K. Schieltz, Lexi A. Harpenau, and Justine Radunzele


Hyperbolic Matrix Factorization Improves Prediction Of Drug-Target Associations, Aleksandar Poleksic


Decision Support And Analytics, Daniel J. Power and Ramesh Sharda


Serving the Underserved: Formerly Incarcerated Students and Support Services, Shelley Price-Williams and Rebecca Caskey


Social Support In College Students With Adhd Symptoms: Quantity Beats Quality In Moderating Impairment, Chloe J. Reeble, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Tamara Abu-Ramadan, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, and Will H. Canu


The View From Pȏle Nord: Sartre, Beauvoir, And Girard On Mimesis, Embodiment, And Desire, Martha J. Reineke


The Combat Syllabus: Life, Death, and Books, Evan O. Renfro


Public Administration: The Essentials, Jayme L. Renfro


A Critical Look At Ban-The-Box Policies And Their Unintended Consequences, Jayme Neiman Renfro


The Absolute State Of Research In Communication Education: Facing Hanlon’s Razor, C. Kyle Rudick


Self-Study in a Pandemic: Process, Pedagogy, People, and Publishing, David M. Schmid, Shelley Price-Williams, Morgan Anderson, and Matt Townsley


Local Observations of Climate Change and Impacts on Livelihoods in Kamchatka, Russia, Victoria N. Sharakhmatova and Drew Gerkey


Correlations between Educational Struggle, Toxic Sites by School District and Demographic Variables, with Geographical Information System Projections, Junu Shrestha, Raihan K. Khan, Shane McClintock, John DeGroote, and Catherine L. Zeman


Exploring the Complex Relationships Between Factors That Affect Employee Cyberloafing Using a Novel Approach: Findings from Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Mengmeng Song, Farveh Farivar, Joseph C. Ugrin, Jinnan Wu, Fang Wang, and Lin Liu


Interfirm Partnership Resource–Lean Capability Association: Exploring The Moderating Role Of Learning Orientation And Performance Implications, Prashant Srivastava, Karthik N.S. Iyer, and Mahesh Srinivasan


Feeling WELL: COVID-19 and the Adoption of Wellness Themes in Interior Design Curricula, Gloria E. Stafford, Heather Carlile Carter, Laura B. Cole, Dawn M. Loraas, and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi


‘This Was Like Some Little House On The Prairie Shit’: The Intensive Care(Work) Of Making PPE During Covid-19, Marybeth Stalp, Braden Leap, and Kimberly Kelly


Genetic Risk, Neighborhood Characteristics, And Behavioral Difficulties Among African American Adolescents Living In Very Low-Income Neighborhoods, Emma M. Sterrett-Hong, Fazil Aliev, Danielle M. Dick, Lisa M. Hooper, and Brian Mustanski


Transitioning To College With Adhd: A Qualitative Examination Of Parental Support And The Renegotiation Of The Parent-Child Relationship, Anne E. Stevens, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Judah W. Serrano, and Cynthia M. Hartung

Teaching about Local Climates, Global Climate, and Climatic Change, Lisa Tabor and John Harrington Jr


Prairie Strips: The Luze Farm, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa


Minuca Panema (Coelho, 1972): Resurrection of a Fiddler Crab Species from Brazil Closely Related to Minuca Burgersi (Holthuis, 1967) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae), Carl L. Thurman, Hsi Te Shih, and John C. McNamara


Incorporating Resilience When Assessing Pandemic Risk In The Arctic: A Case Study Of Alaska, Sweta Tiwari, Andrey Petrov, Nino Mateshvili, Michele Devlin, Nikolay Golosov, Marya Rozanova-Smith, Mark Welford, John Degroote, Tatiana Degai, and Stanislav Ksenofontov


Patterns Of Parentification, Health, And Life Satisfaction: A Cluster Analysis, Sara Tomek, Judyta Borchet, Shan Jiang, Maciej Dębski, and Lisa M. Hooper


A Parents' Guide to Grading and Reporting: Being Clear about What Matters, Matt Townsley


Onward in Higher Education: Business Faculty Perspectives on Authentic Assessment, Matt Townsley and Farah L. Kashef

Neon Kiss: A Hayden Fuller Mystery, Grant Tracey


Elements of Creative Writing, Grant Tracey, Rachel Morgan, and Jeremy Schraffenberger


Persistence And Quality Of Vegetation Cover In Expired Conservation Reserve Program Fields, Mark W. Vandever, Kenneth Elgersma, Sarah K. Carter, Ai Wen, Justin L. Welty, Robert S. Arkle, Timothy J. Assal, David S. Pilliod, David M. Mushet, and Rich Iovanna


National and Regional Dress, Jennifer Van Haaften and Annette Lynch


Investigating Ramps and Pathways With Young Children (Ages 3-8), Beth Van Meeteren


Investigating Water with Young Children (Ages 3-8), Beth Van Meeteren


Educational Inequality And The Paradox Of Dis/Ability Rights In A Schooled Society: Moving Towards An Intersectional Discursive, Material, And Emotive Approach, Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides, Susan Larson Etscheidt, and David Hernández-Saca


50 Years Of Religion And Education: Evolution And Transformation Of The Treatment Of Religion In Higher Education, Michael D. Waggoner


A 33 Year Old Native Seed System In The Upper Midwest: The Evolving Role Of Stock Seed Production And Stakeholder Communication [Poster], Laura Fischer Walter and Laura L. Jackson


Emotions in Crisis: Consequences of Ceremonial Refugee Camp Visits to Bhutanese Refugee Camps in Nepal, Kamryn Warren


Integrating Inquiry in Social Studies Classrooms, Carolyn A. Weber and Heather N. Hagan


Being (Asian) American Children: Children’s Exploration Of Racial/Cultural Identity And Racism, Su Jeong Wee, Sohyun Meacham, and Jinhee Kim


Biogeography, Mark R. Welford


No One Optimal Way to Measure People’s Attitudes? Preferred Length of Scales in Advertising Research, Gunwoo Yoon


Exploring Chinese Early Childhood Teachers’ Mathematical Belief Profiles and Associated Teacher Characteristics, Jie Zhu, Wu Ying Hsieh, and Pui Sze Yeung


Charging the Dead: The Necroeconomies of Burial Laws and the Legal Suspension of the Dead, Jolene Zigarovich


Death and the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel, Jolene Zigarovich


Review of Ronjaunee Chatterjee's Feminine Singularity: The Politics of Nineteenth-Century Literature, Jolene Zigarovich


Victorian Necropolitics: Introduction, Jolene Zigarovich


Semillas [Seeds]: Elementary Spanish I, Giovanni Zimotti, Rachel Klevar, Eden Jones, and Gabriela Olivares-Chat

Submissions from 2022


An Exploration Of How Biophilic Attributes On Campuses Might Support Student Connectedness To Nature, Others, And Self, Susana Alves, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, and Pia Nilsson


Editorial: Cross-Cultural And Relational Views On Nature, Susana Alves, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, and Paula Villagra


Experimental Investigation On Effect Of Inclusion Of Graphene While Machining Ti6Al4V, Maddamasetty Amrita, Bodduru Kamesh, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, M. S.S. Bharati, B. Chandu, and S. Venugopal Rao


Sustainability Evaluation Ofmachining Ti6Al4V With Graphene Inclusion, M. Amrita, B. Kamesh, R. R. Srikant, M. S.S. Bharati, B. Chandu, and S. Venugopal Rao


Edtech, Market Logics, And Pedagogic Containment: Critical Pedagogies For A Critical Moment, Morgan Anderson


Public Education in the Digital Age: Neoliberalism, Edtech, and the Future of Our Schools, Morgan Anderson


Cultural Inertia: Framework Of Change And Intergroup Relations, Angel Armenta, Miriam J. Alvarez, Rafael Aguilera, Robert Hitlan, Christopher Federico, and Michael A. Zárate


Academic Work As Factory Work: A Former Blue-Collar Worker’s Observations On Class And Caste In The Academy, Kenneth Atkinson


Galla Placidia and the “Daughter of the Queen of the South”: The Historical Consequences of a Late Roman Interpretation of Daniel 11, Kenneth Atkinson


Jewish Eschatology and Early Islamic History, Kenneth Atkinson


Judean Piracy, Judea And Parthia, And The Roman Annexation Of Judea: The Evidence Of Pompeius Trogus, Kenneth Atkinson


Periodization at Qumran and its Importance for Understanding Hellenistic History, Kenneth Atkinson


Allen Ginsberg in Cedar Falls: Beatniks, Socialists, and “All That Hair”, Roy R. Behrens


Gertrude Stein: The Author's Fondness for Her Iowa Friends, Roy R. Behrens


Oscar Wilde, Whiskey and the Peacock Room, Roy R. Behrens


Paintings in Sand: The Meticulous Work of Andrew Clemens, Roy R. Behrens


The Edge Profile Of Liquid Spills, F. Behroozi


A Fresh Look At The Young-Laplace Equation And Its Many Applications In Hydrostatics, Fred Behroozi


How Spice Dispensers Reveal The Physics Behind Hummingbird Feeders, Fred Behroozi


Do Changes In MD&A Section Tone Predict Investment Behavior?, John Berns, Patty Bick, Ryan Flugum, and Reza Houston


Money Isn't Everything: Compensation Of Locally Educated Executives, Patty Bick and Ryan Flugum


An Investigation Of A Polish Version Of The Parentification Inventory, Judyta Borchet, Lisa M. Hooper, Aleksandra Lewandowska-Walter, Piotr Połomski, Aleksandra Peplińska, and Teresa Rostowska


Psychometric Evaluation Of The Parentification Inventory In A Polish Adolescent Sample, Judyta Borchet, Wei Schneider, Aleksandra Lewandowska-Walter, Sara Tomek, and Lisa M. Hooper


Mental And Physical Health Profile Of Syrian Resettled Refugees, Rahel S. Bosson, Monnica T. Williams, Victoria A. Powers, Ruth M. Carrico, Virginia Frazier, Julio A. Ramirez, Wei Shuang Schneider, and Lisa M. Hooper


The Influence Of The Motivational Climate On Rehabilitation Behaviors And Patient Satisfaction, Rachel E. Brinkman-Majewski and Windee M. Weiss


Public Policy And Broader Applications For The Use Of Text Analytics During Pandemics, Dan Bumblauskas, Amy Igou, Salil Kalghatgi, and Cole Wetzel


On Minimum Index Stanton 4-Cycle Designs, R. C. Bunge, A. Hakes, J. Jeffries, E. Mastalio, and J. Torf


Effectiveness Of Intense Accent Modification Training With Refugees From Burma, Angela Burda, Lindsey Squires, David Krupke, Andrew Arthur, Mariana Bahia, Kevin Bernard, Matt Easley, Maggie English, Joslyn Hicks, Valeria Johnson, Megan Lancaster, Elizabeth O’Loughlin, and Samantha Skaar


From Shared Governance to Shared Leadership: Our COVID Response to Faculty Evaluation, Support, and Advancement, John Burnight, Danielle Cowley, Becky Wilson Hawbaker, James Mattingly, Patrick Pease, Amy J. Petersen, and John Vallentine


Perceptions On HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Urgent Care Clinicians In The Southern United States, Charles M. Burns, Kyle Endres, Laura Farrow, Carl Mhina, Alexandra Cooper, Benjamin Silverberg, Mehri S. McKellar, and Nwora Lance Okeke


Occupational Characteristics Of Psychology Baccalaureate Graduates, Adam Butler and Michael Gasser


Can Tolerances Of Multiple Stressors And Calculated Safety Margins In Fiddler Crabs Predict Responses To Extreme Environmental Conditions Resulting From Climate Change?, Mariana V. Capparelli, John C. McNamara, Carl L. Thurman, Rosela Pérez-Ceballos, Mario A. Gómez-Ponce, José Gilberto Cardoso-Mohedanoa, and Gabriel M. Moulatlet


Play-Based Parent Training Programme Supporting Hong Kong Kindergarten Children In Social Competence Development, Lilian Chau, Mantak Yuen, Paul Chan, Sylvia Liu, Kit Chan, Diana Lee, and Wu Ying Hsieh


Parents’ Psychological Well-Being And Story Reading: A Six Year Cross-Lagged Analysis, Eva Yi Ju Chen and Eli Yi Liang Tung


Festschrift in Honor of Norman K. Denzin: He Knew His Song Well Vol: 55, Shing-Ling S. Chen


Discordant Pandemic Narratives in the U.S., Shing-Ling S. Chen and Nicole Allaire


Unfolding Principled Actions for Ethnographic Archiving as an Axis of Development, Monaliza Maximo Chian and Melinda Z. Kalainoff


Securing School-Based Mental Health Services For Students With Disabilities: An Illustration Of The Six-Component Approach, Kerri L. Clopton, Stephanie L. Schmitz, Nicole R. Skaar, and Susan Larson Etscheidt


Hurricanes Laura And Sally: A Case Study Of Evacuation Decision-Making In The Age Of Covid-19, Jennifer Collins, Amy Polen, Elizabeth Dunn, Isabelle Jernigan, Killian McSweeney, Mark Welford, Michelle Lackovic, Delián Colón-Burgos, and Yi Jie Zhu


Virtual Staff Teas: Connecting And Growing, Angie Cox and Jaycie Vos


A Modest Proposal: Trusted Pick-Up Points For Interlibrary Loan For Distant Users, Janet Brennan Croft


Is There An Index To The Prophecies? Or, Finding The Needle In The Enchanted Haystack, Janet Brennan Croft


Shaping Arctic’s Tomorrow Through Indigenous Knowledge Engagement And Knowledge Co-Production, Tatiana Degai, Andrey N. Petrov, Renuka Badhe, Parnuna P. Egede Dahl, Nina Döring, Stephan Dudeck, Thora M. Hermann, Andrei Golovnev, Liza Mack, Elle Merete Omma, Gunn Britt Retter, Gertrude Saxinger, Annette J.M. Scheepstra, Chief Vyachelav Shadrin, Norma Shorty, and Colleen Strawhacker


An Empirical Evaluation Of Future Auditors In The U.S.A. And India Using The Trifurcated Dimensions Of Trait Professional Skepticism, Gabriel Dickey, R. Greg Bell, and Sri Beldona


Jane Addams: Debunking The American Hyper-Individualistic Histories And Enlarging Her Collectivistic Sensibilities (And A Case Study Of How Leisure Textbooks Can Be Encapsulated Within National Ideologies), Rodney Blake Dieser


The Doctors Mayo: Historical and Contemporary Case Study of Community Parks and Recreation Linked to the Mayo Clinic Model of Care, Rodney B. Dieser and Renee Ziemer


Ev Fleet Charging Load Forecasting Based On Multiple Decomposition With Ceemdan And Swarm Decomposition, Emrah Dokur, Nuh Erdogan, and Sadik Kucuksari


Reflections On Project Work In Early Childhood Teacher Education, Mary Donegan-Ritter, Betty Zan, and Allison Pattee


The Joint Effect Of Supervisor Influence And Investor Perspective: Unintended Consequences On Assessing Accounting Estimates, Lei Dong, Lei Wang, and Wen Wen Chien


The Importance Of An Inquiry Model In Teaching And Learning, Jean Donham


‘We Just Learned From Each Other’: ESOL Pre-Service Teachers Learning To Use Digital Tools Across Coursework And Student Teaching, Carmen Durham

Cross-Validation Techniques For Resampling Housing Sales, Mark D. Ecker and Hans R. Isakson


Investigating Elementary Teachers’ Views, Implementation, And Longitudinal Enactment Of Nature Of Science Instruction, Hallie Edgerly, Jerrid Kruse, and Jesse Wilcox

Crisis, Mutant Neoliberalism, & Critical Education Policy Analysis, Scott Ellison


Co-Simulation Of Optimal Evse And Techno-Economic System Design Models For Electrified Fleets, Nuh Erdogan, Sadik Kucuksari, and Umit Cali


A Multi-Objective Optimization Model For Evse Deployment At Workplaces With Smart Charging Strategies And Scheduling Policies, Nuh Erdogan, Sadik Kucuksari, and Jimmy Murphy


A Hybrid Power Heronian Function-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model For Workplace Charging Scheduling Algorithms, Nuh Erdogan, Dragan Pamucar, Sadik Kucuksari, and Muhammet Deveci


Our Professional And Ethical Responsibilities To Support Student Mental Health, Susan Larson Etscheidt, Nicole R. Skaar, Kerri L. Clopton, and Stephanie L. Schmitz


Stepping-Up Technology Implementation—How Does It Happen?, Anya S. Evmenova, Kelley S. Regan, Michelle Schladant, Tracey E. Hall, Jay Buzhardt, Karen A. Erickson, Jun Ai, Christina Sudduth, and Terry Jackson


Loremasters and Libraries in Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Gedenkschrift for David Oberhelman, Jason Fisher and Janet Brennan Croft


Shining A Light In A Dark Corner: Does Edgar Search Activity Reveal The Strategically Leaked Plans Of Activist Investors?, Ryan Flugum, Choonsik Lee, and Matthew E. Souther


The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Sleep Quality, And Stress: A Study Of Teachers During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Fabio Fontana, Kelsey Bourbeau, Terence Moriarty, and Michael Pereira da Silva


Perception Of The Bachelor Of Applied Science Degree At 4-Year Institutions: A Look Through The Lens Of University Personnel, Lee John Geisinger and Janice Nahra Friedel


Planting Time, First-Year Mowing, And Seed Mix Design Influence Ecological Outcomes In Agroecosystem Revegetation Projects, Alec J. Glidden, Mark E. Sherrard, Justin C. Meissen, Mark C. Myers, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and Laura L. Jackson


Structural Change In Africa: Role Of Agriculture, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self


Rhetorical New Materialisms (RNM), Laurie Gries, Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Nathaniel Rivers, Jodie Nicotra, John M. Ackerman, David M. Grant, Gabriela R. Ríos, Byron Hawk, Joshua S. Hanan, Kristin L. Arola, Thomas J. Rickert, Qwo Li Driskill, and Donnie Johnson Sackey


Ml-Based Device-Agnostic Human Activity Detection With Wifi Sniffer Traffic, Harshit Grover, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Nishtha Phutela, and Shivani Mittal


Log-Concavity And Other Concepts Of Bivariate Increasing Failure Rate Distributions, Ramesh C. Gupta and S. N.U.A. Kirmani


Development Of A Structural Model For The Adoption Of Industry 4.0 Enabled Sustainable Operations For Operational Excellence, Sumit Gupta, Basai Prathipati, Govind Sharan Dangayach, Posinasetti Nageswara Rao, and Sandeep Jagtap


Connecting Elementary Students Through Grid Pals To Develop Literacy Skills, Nandita Gurjar


Predicting And Explaining Pre-Service Teachers’ Social Networking Technology Adoption, Nandita Gurjar and Stephen Sivo


I, Jill Alexander, American Girl Revolutionary, Taraneh M. Haghanikar


Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives: Gender And Gender Representation Across Human Protagonists In Picture Books, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar, Shan Jiang, Sara Tomek, and Lisa M. Hooper


Videofluoroscopic Profiles Of Swallowing And Airway Protection Post-Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury, Valerie K. Hamilton, Laura L. Pitts, Erin A. Walaszek, and Leora R. Cherney


Historical And Legal Considerations In Development Of A For-Credit Internship Program, Nichole Zumbach Harken and Shelley Price-Williams


Cornerstone: 2022-2023 [1st edition], Nikki Harken and Deb Young


Aural Training and Sight Singing Supplement for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource [2022], Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley


Comprehensive Musicianship, A Practical Resource, Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley


Workbook for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource, Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley


“I’ll Be There With You”: Social Influence And Cultural Emergence At The Capitol On January 6, Helen C. Harton, Matthew Gunderson, and Martin J. Bourgeois


Predictors Of Transgender Prejudice: A Meta-Analysis, Hailey A. Hatch, Ruth H. Warner, Kristin A. Broussard, and Helen C. Harton


Titan Atmospheric Chemistry Revealed By Low-Temperature N2-Ch4Plasma Discharge Experiments, Chao He, Joseph Serigano, Sarah M. Hörst, Michael Radke, and Joshua A. Sebree


An Investigation into the Measurement Properties of the King-Devick Eye Tracking System, Mark Hecimovich, D. King, M. Murphy, and K. Koyama


Evaluation And Utility Of The King-Devick With Integrated Eye Tracking As A Diagnostic Tool For Sport-Related Concussion, Mark Hecimovich, Myles Murphy, Paola Chivers, and Payton Stock


The Potential of Men’s Sheds as a Resource for Men Coping with Mental Health Challenges and Addiction, Melinda Heinz


Personality and Compliance with COVID-19 Protective Measures Among Older Americans: Moderating Effects of Age, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity, Melinda Heinz, Shinae L. Choi, Peter Martin, Jinmyoung Cho, and Yeon Ji Ryou


A Cross-Disciplinary Project on Marketing to Older Adults, Melinda Heinz and Summer Zwanziger Elsinger


Corrigendum: Optimal Experience In Adult Learning: Conception And Validation Of The Flow In Education Scale (Eduflow-2) (Front. Psychol., (2021), 12, 828027, 10.3389/Fpsyg.2021.828027), Jean Heutte, Fabien Fenouillet, Charles Martin-Krumm, Gary Gute, Annelies Raes, Deanne Gute, Rémi Bachelet, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


Indiana in Eclipse, Thomas Hockey


Iowa: Islands in the Stream, Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer


Lords Of The Marches: Imperial Identity On The Margins In Early Fourth-Century China, Charles Holcombe

Handbook on Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education, Stephanie Huffman, Denise D. Cunningham, Marjorie Shavers, and Reesha Adamson


All About the Prairie: Coloring Book of Plants, Animals, and Insects Native to Iowa Prairies, Brianna Hull


Irvine Prairie planned work, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Laura Walter, Anne Phillips, C. Teator, and Justin Meissen


Irvine Prairie science update, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Laura Walter, Anne Phillips, C. Teator, and Justin Meissen


Size-Dependent Analyses Provide Insights Into The Reproductive Allocation And Plasticity Of Invasive And Native Typha, Emily E. Jameson, Kenneth Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, and Deborah E. Goldberg


Technology Transfer To Subsistence Farmers: Management Process And Behavioral Techniques, Allen D. Jedlicka


Convergence Over Time Or Not? U.S. Wages By Sexual Orientation, 2000–2019, Christopher Jepsen and Lisa Jepsen


Masculinity, Creativity, and Successful Ageing in Pedro Almodóvar's Pain and Glory (2019), Heather Jerónimo