Faculty Publications
This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection. Most of the works in the collection have summary information (metadata) about the work with a link out to the publisher's website.
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Dissertations from 2015
Composing Film: Multimodality And Production In Elementary Classrooms, Nicholas E. Husbye and Sarah Vander Zanden
Improved Statistical Methods Enable Greater Sensitivity In Rhythm Detection For Genome-Wide Data, Alan L. Hutchison, Mark Maienschein-Cline, Andrew Chiang, S. M.Ali Tabei, Herman Gudjonson, Neil Bahroos, Ravi Allada, and Aaron R. Dinner
Body Composition Comparisons By Age Groups In Hungarian Adults, Ferenc Ihász, Kevin J. Finn, Josip Lepes, Sabolc Halasi, and Péter Szabó
Characteristics Of Cardiorespiratory Output Determining Factors Among 11-19-Year-Old Boys At Rest And During Maximal Load: Its Impact On Systolic Hypertension, F. Ihász, I. Karsai, M. Kaj, O. Marton, K. J. Finn, and T. Csányi
Labor-Market Specialization Within Same-Sex And Difference-Sex Couples, Christopher Jepsen and Lisa K. Jepsen
Trade Networks And Conflict Processes In The Israeli Conflict System, Nadia Jilani-Hyler, Ashley Murph-Schwarzer, Dona Roy, Matthew Shaffer, and Brian Warby
Development Of Leaf Lobing And Vein Pattern Architecture In The Genus Ipomoea (Morning Glory), Austin Jones and Julie Kang
A Joint Power Harvesting And Communication Technology For Smartphone Centric Ubiquitous Sensing Applications, Ranjana Joshi and Hong Nie
Ambient Energy Harvester Design For A Wireless Sensor Network, Ranjana Joshi and Jin Zhu
Preferences Toward Gender of Coach and Perceptions of Roles of Basketball Coaches, Jacqui L. Kalin and Jennifer J. Waldron
A Complementary Measure of MIS Program Outcomes: Useful Insights from a Student Perspective, Rex Karsten and Roberta M. Roth
A Complementary Measure Of Mis Program Outcomes: Useful Insights From A Student Perspective, Rex Karsten and Roberta M. Roth
"I Want to Leave—Go Far Away—I Don’t Want to Get Stuck on the Res[ervation]": Developmental Outcomes of Adolescent-Aged Children of Navajo Native American Teenage Mothers, Heather R. Kennedy and Rochelle L. Dalla
Hippie, Inc., Michael L. Klassen
Upper Elementary Students Creatively Learn Scientific Features of Animal Skulls by Making Movable Books, Juile L. Klein, Phyllis Gray, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, and Audrey C. Rule
Vulnerability and Children with Disabilities: Ethical Spheres of Concern in Research and Practice, Chris Kliewer and Susan Etscheidt
At The End Of Intellectual Disability, Christopher Kliewer, Douglas Biklen, and Amy J. Petersen
Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz
Teachers’ Efficacy for Supporting At-Risk Students and Their Perceived Role in Dropout Prevention, Kimberly Knesting-Lund, Brent O'Rourke, and Anthony Gabriele
The Ethics of Words in an Ethical (Academic) World, Bill Koch
Cross-National Homicide: A Review Of The Current Literature, Maria D.H. Koeppel, Gayle M. Rhineberger-Dunn, and Kristin Y. Mack
Examining The Role Of Anthropogenic Emissions In Combination With Biogenic Emissions On Air Quality In Houston-Galveston-Brazoria And Dallas-Fort Worth Areas, Raghava R. Kommalapati, Samarita Sarker, Xinhua Shen, Akhil Kadiyala, and Ziaul Huque
Do teacher judgment accuracy and teacher feedback predict student achievement in elementary and middle-school science?, Mason Albert Kuhn Open Access Dissertation 2017 Award
Using Student Knowledge To Enhance Inquiry: A Theoretical And Practical View Of Negotiation In A Science Classroom, Mason Albert Kuhn
Overview of Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Misuse among Active Duty Service Members Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Self-Report and Diagnosis, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon, Sarah A. Mustillo, Susan R. Douglas, Ryan Hargraves, Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, Melissa Fraine, and Nicole L. Frazer
Gubernatorial Stability in Iowa: A Stranglehold on Power, Christopher W. Larimer
Voters And The Limits Of Gubernatorial Power: The Case Of Iowa, Christopher W. Larimer
The Public Administration Theory Primer, Christopher W. Larimer and George H. Frederickson
Sex Differences, Personality, and Ideology: A Deeper Investigation Via Contexts in a Study of Local Politics, Christopher W. Larimer, Rebecca J. Hannagan, and Matthew V. Hibbing
Human Development In The New Arctic, Joan Nymand Larsen and Andrey Petrov
Cohen-Kuznetsov Liftings Of Quasimodular Forms, Min Ho Lee
Differential Operators On Modular Forms Associated To Theta Series, Min Ho Lee
Hilbert Modular And Quasimodular Forms, Min Ho Lee
Accessing Quality Early Care and Education for Children in the Child Welfare System: Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Barriers and Opportunities for Interagency Collaboration, Sei-Young Lee, Stephanie M. Benson, Sacha M. Klein, and Todd M. Franke
Difference in Risk and Protective Factors Between Crossover and Non-Crossover Youth in Juvenile Justice, Sei-Young Lee and Margarita Villagrana
Use Of Discretionary Environmental Accounting Narratives To Influence Stakeholders: The Case Of Jurors’ Award Assessments, W. Eric Lee and John T. Sweeney
Adhd Symptoms In American Indian/Alaska Native Boys And Girls, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Cynthia M. Hartung, Jami Bartgis, and David G. Thomas
Stacking-Dependent Shear Modes In Trilayer Graphene, Chun Hung Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Courtney Keiser, Eduardo B. Barros, and Rui He
Observation Of Interlayer Phonon Modes In Van Der Waals Heterostructures, C. H. Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Chao Ji, Kuan Chang Chiu, Cheng Tse Chou, Trond I. Andersen, Casie Means-Shively, Heidi Anderson, Jenn Ming Wu, Tim Kidd, Yi Hsien Lee, and Rui He
Observation of Interlayer Phonon Modes in van der Waals Heterostructures, C. H. Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Chao Ji, Kuan-Chang Chiu, Cheng-Tse Chou, Trond I. Andersen, Casie Means-Shively, Heidi Anderson, Jenn-Ming Wu, Tim Kidd, Yi-Hsien Lee, and Rui He
Ethnic Dress in the United States: A Cultural Encyclopedia, Annette Lynch and Mitchell D. Strauss
The Effects Of Family Structure And Family Processes On Externalizing And Internalizing Behaviors Of Male And Female Youth: A Longitudinal Examination, Kristin Y. Mack, Jennifer H. Peck, and Michael J. Leiber
Annie Wittenmyer And The Twilight Of Evangelical Reform, Robert F. Martin
Decoding Potential Effects Of Climate And Vegetation Change On Mineral Weathering In Alpine Soils: An Experimental Study In The Wind River Range (Wyoming, USA), Christian Mavris, Gerhard Furrer, Dennis Dahms, Suzanne P. Anderson, Alex Blum, Jens Goetze, Aaron Wells, and Markus Egli
Law, Business, and Society, Tony McAdams, Nancy Neslund, Kiren Dosanjh Zucker, and Kristofer Neslund
The Response Of Ω-Loop D Dynamics To Truncation Of Trimethyllysine 72 Of Yeast Iso-1-Cytochrome C Depends On The Nature Of Loop Deformation, Levi J. McClelland, Sean M. Seagraves, Md Khurshid Alam Khan, Melisa M. Cherney, Swati Bandi, Justin E. Culbertson, and Bruce E. Bowler
Building High Integrity Applications with SPARK, John W. McCormick and Peter C. Chapin
Literacy In Performance Studies: Connecting Oral Interpretation, Critical Media Literacy, And Digital Performance, Danielle Dick McGeough
Oppositional Memory Practices: U.S. Memorial Spaces As Arguments Over Public Memory, Ryan Erik McGeough, Catherine Helen Palczewski, and Randall A. Lake
Activities for Challenging Gifted Learners by Increasing Complexity in the Common Core, Alyssa McKeone, Lenora Caruso, Kailyn Bettle, Ashley Chase, Bridget Bryson, Jean S. Schneider, and Audrey C. Rule
Digital Paranoia: Unfriendly Social Media Climate Affecting Social Networking Activities, Ramona Sue McNeal and Mary Schmeida
Group Adlerian Play Therapy With Children With Off-Task Behaviors, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Quinn Bullis, Terry Kottman, and Dalena Dillman Taylor
Effects Of Adlerian Play Therapy On Children's Externalizing Behavior, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Terry Kottman, Quinn Bullis, and Dalenna Dillman Taylor
Knowledge Integration In Outsourced Software Development: The Role Of Sentry And Guard Processes, Nikhil Mehta and Anandhi Bharadwaj
The Structure of Chinese Higher Education Corruption: A Case Statistical Analysis, Qingli Meng
Self-Reported Race/Ethnicity In The Age Of Genomic Research: Its Potential Impact On Understanding Health Disparities, Tesfaye B. Mersha and Tilahun Abebe
Self-reported race/ethnicity in the age of genomic research: its potential impact on understanding health disparities, Tesfaye B. Mersha and Tilahun Abebe
Iteration Modeled by Playlists: An Unexpected Occurrence of The Triangular Numbers, Catherine M. Miller and Douglas J. Shaw
The Utility Of Pay Raises/Cuts: A Simulation Experimental Study, Atul Mitra, G. Douglas Jenkins, Nina Gupta, and Jason D. Shaw
Ipads And Teacher Education: Exploring A 1:1 Initiative In A Professional Development School Partnership, Daniel J. Mourlam and Sarah E. Montgomery
Birds And Butterflies Respond To Soil-Induced Habitat Heterogeneity In Experimental Plantings Of Tallgrass Prairie Species Managed As Agroenergy Crops In Iowa, USA, Mark C. Myers, James T. Mason, Benjamin J. Hoksch, Cynthia A. Cambardella, and Jarrett D. Pfrimmer
Disability, Gender, and Employment Relationships in Africa: The Case of Ghana, Augustina Naami
Voting at Home Is Associated with Lower Cortisol than Voting at the Polls, Jayme Neiman, Karl Gieseffi, Kevin Smith, Jeffrey French, Israel Waismel-Manor, and John Hibbing
Voting At Home Is Associated With Lower Cortisol Than Voting At The Polls, Jayme Neiman, Karl Giuseffi, Kevin Smith, Jeffrey French, Israel Waismel-Manor, and John Hibbing
Enhancement Of Curie Temperature In Mn2Rusn By Co Substitution, A. Nelson, P. Kharel, Y. Huh, R. Fuglsby, J. Guenther, W. Zhang, B. Staten, P. Lukashev, S. Valloppilly, and D. J. Sellmyer
Teacher Learning Of Subject Matter Knowledge Through An Educative Curriculum, Jihwa Noh and Matthew Webb
Integrating Science and Literacy for Young English Learners: A Pilot Study, Lori A. Norton-Meier, Yuliya Ardasheva, Thomas R. Tretter, and Sherri L. Brown
Negotiation, Embeddedness, and Non-Threatening Learning Environments as Themes of Science and Language Convergence for English Language Learners, Lori Norton-Meier, Yuliya Ardasheva, and Brian Hand
Developmental Moments: Teacher Decision Making to Support Young Writers, Lori Norton-Meier and Kathryn F. Whitmore
The Latino Commercial Landscape And Evolving Hispanic Immigrant Population In Two Midwestern Metropolitan Areas, Alex Oberle
Developing A Binational Geography Curriculum In Sustainability, Alex Oberle, Fabian Araya, Ximena Cortés, and Mollie Ullestad
Mexican Americans, Alex P. Oberle and Daniel D. Arreola
Is Farm Real Estate The Next Bubble?, Brett C. Olsen and Jeffrey R. Stokes
SAFE and Fun Playgrounds: A Handbook, Heather M. Olsen, Susan D. Hudson, and Donna Jean Thompson
Teacher-, Student-, And Peer-Directed Strategies To Access The General Education Curriculum For Students With Autism, Amy J. Olson, Carly A. Roberts, and Melinda M. Leko
Disturbing Argument, Catherine Palczewski
South Korean Teachers’ Perceptions of Integrating Information and Communication Technologies into Literacy Instruction, Sangho Pang, David Reinking, Amy Hutchison, and Deanna Ramey
Introduction: Teaching Oral Interpretation In The Age Of Performance Studies, Charles T. Parrott and Danielle Dick McGeough
Mof Crystal Growth: Uv Resonance Raman Investigation Of Metal-Ligand Binding In Solution And Accelerated Crystal Growth Methods, Thomas D. Petersen, Gurusamy Balakrishnan, and Colin L. Weeks
Modeling Dioxygenase Enzyme Kinetics in Familial Paraganglioma, Justin P. Peters, Yeng F. Her, and L. James Maher
Quantitative PCR Analysis of DNA Aptamer Pharmacokinetics in Mice, Justin P. Peters, Katherine Perschbacher, John A. Smestad, Miranda M. Standiford, Aleksandar Denic, Bharath Wootla, Arthur E. Warrington, Moses Rodriguez, and L. James Maher
Utilization Of Machine-Learning Algorithms For Wind Turbine Site Suitability Modeling In Iowa, USA, Andrey N. Petrov and Jordan M. Wessling
Homework, Motivation, And Academic Achievement In A College Genetics Course, Matthew Planchard, Kristy L. Daniel, Jill Maroo, Chandrani Mishra, and Tim McLean
A polynomial time algorithm for computing the area under a GDT curve, Aleksandar Poleksic
A Polynomial Time Algorithm For Computing The Area Under A GDT Curve, Aleksandar Poleksic
Towards A Better Measure Of Protein 3D Model Quality, Aleksandar Poleksic
Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support: Role of Business Intelligence and Social Media, Daniel Power and Lakshmi S. Iyer
‘Big Data’ Decision Making Use Cases, Daniel J. Power
Using Fluorescein And Bromide Tracers To Investigate The Role Of Baseflow In A Small Suburban Watershed In Iowa, USA, S. Rai and M. Z. Iqbal
Sustainable Machining Utilizing Vegetable Oil Based Nanofluids, P. N. Rao and R. R. Srikant
Cheating Resistant Pedagogies: Applying Insights from “Cheating Lessons” in the Classroom, Martha Reineke, Kim Baker, Lisa Brodersen, and Timothy Adamson
Systems Analysis and Design, Roberta Roth, Barbara Haley Wixon, and Alan Dennis
Engaged Scholarship: Bok’s Undergraduate Competency Framework And The Camp Adventure™ Child And Youth Services Programme, Bin Ruan, Christopher R. Edginton, Ming Kai Chin, and Magdalena Mo Ching Mok
Invention through Form and Function Analogy, Audrey C. Rule
African Mask-Making Workshop: Professional Development Experiences Of Diverse Participants, Audrey C. Rule, Sarah E. Montgomery, Gloria Kirkland-Holmes, Dwight C. Watson, and Yvonne Ayesiga
Building Student Understanding Of The Cause Of Day And Night: A Study Of Literacy- And Spatial Thinking-Integrated Activities Compared To A Commercial Curriculum, Audrey C. Rule and Angela Naomi Webb
Faculty Perceptions Of Expertise Among Teachers Of Students With Severe Disabilities, Andrea Ruppar, Carly Roberts, and Amy Jo Olson
Progress In Development Of Differential Code Shift Reference Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband Transceiver, Bhargava Sahukar, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
A Proposal For New Millimeter Wave Wideband Transceiver System-The Code Shifted Reference Impulse Radio System, Bhargava Sahukar, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang David Chen
Cross-Validation Of A Pacer Prediction Equation For Assessing Aerobic Capacity In Hungarian Youth, Pedro F. Saint-Maurice, Gregory J. Welk, Kevin J. Finn, and Mónika Kaj
Disentangling The Knot: Variable Mixing Of Four Motivations For Firms’ Use Of Social Practices, Adele Santana
Medicare And Medicaid Services Online: Government Initiatives Narrowing Online Access Inequalities, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
Online Health Information: Home Caregiver Population Driving Cyberspace Searches In The United States, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces, Kathleen G. Scholl and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
The Great Sympathetic: Walt Whitman and the North American Review, Jeremy Schraffenberger
Intergalactic Encounters: Desire And The Political Immediacy Of Children’s Drawing, Christopher M. Schulte
Lines Of Deterritorialization: The Becoming-Minor Of Carter’s Drawing, Christopher M. Schulte
Magnetic States In Nanostructured Manganese-Intercalated Tas2, P. M. Shand, C. Cooling, C. Mellinger, J. J. Danker, T. E. Kidd, K. R. Boyle, and L. H. Strauss
The Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Of Power Generation From Lignocellulosic Biomass, Xinhua Shen, Raghava R. Kommalapati, and Ziaul Huque
Soil Type And Species Diversity Influence Selection On Physiology In Panicum Virgatum, Mark E. Sherrard, Lucas C. Joers, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Creating Cartoons to Promote Leadership Skills and Explore Leadership Qualities, Latisha L. Smith, C. K. Clausen, J. K. Teske, M. Ghayoorrad, P. Gray, Mason Albert Kuhn, Sukainah Subia, Dana L. Atwood-Blaine, and Audrey C. Rule
Performance Evaluation Of Vegetable Emulsifier Based Green Cutting Fluid In Turning Of American Iron And Steel Institute (Aisi) 1040 Steel – An Initiative Towards Sustainable Manufacturing, R. R. Srikant and V. S.N.V. Ramana
Development And Performance Evaluation Of Self-Lubricating Drill Tools, R. R. Srikant, V S.N.V. Ramana, and P. Vamsi Krishna
Relational Resource Antecedents And Operational Outcome Of Supply Chain Collaboration: The Role Of Environmental Turbulence, Prashant Srivastava, Mahesh Srinivasan, and Karthik N.S. Iyer
Still A Man’s Art World: The Gendered Experiences of Women Artists, Marybeth Stalp
Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Too): Complicating The Study Of Femininity And Women's Leisure, Marybeth C. Stalp
Manipulation Of Subsurface Carbon Nanoparticles In Bi2Sr2Cacu2 O8+Δ Using A Scanning Tunneling Microscope, A. J. Stollenwerk, N. Hurley, B. Beck, K. Spurgeon, T. E. Kidd, and G. Gu
Manipulation of subsurface carbon nanoparticles in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ using a scanning tunneling microscope, A. J. Stollenwerk, N. Hurley, B. Beck, K. Spurgeon, Tim Kidd, and G. Gu
Identity Rights: A Structural Void In Inclusive Growth, Mukesh Sud and Craig V. VanSandt
Century of the Leisured Masses: Entertainment and the Transformation of Twentieth-Century America, David G. Surdam
The Big Leagues Go to Washington: Congress and Sports Antitrust, 1951-1989, David G. Surdam
A New Amsterdam, Elizabeth Sutton
Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age, Elizabeth Sutton
Attachment-based Consideration for Addressing Adolescent Substance Use (ASU) in a Family Context, Nathan C. Taylor, Adam B. Downs, Ryan B. Seedall, and Karly J. Downs
The Critical Zone In Desert Environments, Vatche Tchakerian and Patrick Pease
Anthropological Research Framing for Archaeological Geophysics: Material Signatures of Past Human Behavior, Jason Randall Thompson
Final Stanzas, Grant Tracey
Ethics without Borders: Translating the Ethical Standards to an International Setting, Halkeno Tura and Disa Lubker Cornish
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Emerging Economies, Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi and Roopinder Oberoi
Productive Taboos: Cultivating Spatialized Literacy Practices, Sarah Vander Zanden
Oppression, Katherine van Wormer
Social Welfare Policy for a Sustainable Future: The U.S. in Global Context, Katherine S. Van Wormer and Rosemary J. Link
Individual and Interpersonal Risk Factors for Physical Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration by Biological Sex and Ethnicity, Matthew L. Vasquez, Lynette M. Renner, and Stephen D. Whitney
Cultural Competence: A Journey to an Elusive Goal, Matthew L. Vasquez, Jeanne A. Saunders, and Motier Haskins
Foreword, Michael D. Waggoner
Predictors Of Mild Hazing, Severe Hazing, And Positive Initiation Rituals In Sport, Jennifer J. Waldron
Politics, Poverty, and Microfinance: How Governments Get in the Way of Helping the Poor, Brian Warby
Disability And Silences That Do Not Tell, Linda Ware and Danielle Cowley
Conflicts of interest and boundary setting for growth in faculty-to-faculty mentoring, Barbara E. Weeg
Analytical Investigation Of Urea Deposits In SCR System, Colin L. Weeks, Dan R. Ibeling, Sonia Han, Lindsey Ludwig, and Ponnaiyan Ayyappan
Exafs And Epr Studies Of The Alkene Oxidation Catalyst Species Trans-[CrIii(Bpb)(L)2]N+ And CrV Oxidation Products (Bpb=N,N′-Bis(2-Pyridinecarboxamido)-1,2-Benzene), Colin L. Weeks, Aviva Levina, Ronald R. Fenton, and Peter A. Lay
Competitive-Level Differences On Sport Commitment Among High School- And Collegiate-Level Athletes, Windee M. Weiss
Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of the Medieval Black Death, Mark R. Welford and Brian H. Bossak
Serendipitous Conservation: Impacts of Oil Pipeline Construction in Rural Northwestern Ecuador, Mark R. Welford and Robert A. Yarbrough
Shifting Elasmobranch Community Assemblage At Cocos Island-An Isolated Marine Protected Area, Easton R. White, Mark C. Myers, Joanna Mills Flemming, and Julia K. Baum
Hybrid Testimony And Moral Indictment: A Survivor's Poetic Response To The Mauthausen Nazi Concentration Camp Experience, Siegrun Bubser Wildner
Discrete Extremal Length And Cube Tilings In Finite Dimensions, William E. Wood
Modeling Of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Channels With The Modified Leapfrog ASI-FDTD Method, Meng Lin Zhai, Wen Yin, Zhizhang Chen, Hong Nie, and Xiang Hua Wang
Dopant Segregation In Polycrystalline Monolayer Graphene, Liuyan Zhao, Rui He, Amir Zabet-Khosousi, Keun Soo Kim, Theanne Schiros, Michael Roth, Philip Kim, George W. Flynn, Aron Pinczuk, and Abhay N. Pasupathy
Identification Of Gifted African American Primary Grade Students Through Leadership, Creativity, And Academic Performance In Curriculum Material Making And Peer-Teaching: A Case Study, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, Audrey C. Rule, and Mary K. Stichter
Hands-On Russian Culture Lessons, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, Audrey C. Rule, and Michelle L. Tichy
Illustrating Pip And The Terrible Stranger, Jolene Zigarovich
Submissions from 2014
Development Of A Multi-Mode Self-Adaptive Traffic Shaping Algorithm For An Efficient Wireless Network, Melanie L. Abbas and Jin Zhu
Mentoring And Facilitating Professional Engagement As Quality Enhancement Strategies: An Overview And Evaluation Of The Family Child Care Partnerships Program, Ellen Abell, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Robin I. Putnam, and Ellaine B. Miller
Reconstructing the Authoritarian State in Africa, Pita Ogaba Agbese and George Klay Kieh
Review: Educating the Muslims of America. Y. Y. Haddad, F. Senzai, & J. I. Smith, Radhi Al-Mabuk
The Role of Empathy and Sympathy in Character Education, Radhi Al-Mabuk
An Empirical Investigation Of Partial Effect Sizes In Meta-Analysis Of Correlational Data, Ariel M. Aloe
Classroom Management Self-Efficacy And Burnout: A Multivariate Meta-Analysis, Ariel M. Aloe, Laura C. Amo, and Michele E. Shanahan
A Multivariate Meta-Analysis Of Student Misbehavior And Teacher Burnout, Ariel M. Aloe, Shannon Shisler, Benjamin D. Norris, Amanda B. Nickerson, and Tyler W. Rinker
Role Of Prostaglandin F2Α Production In Lipid Bodies From Leishmania Infantum Chagasi: Insights On Virulence, Théo Araújo-Santos, Nilda E. Rodríguez, Sara Moura-Pontes, Upasna Gaur Dixt, Daniel R. Abánades, Patrícia T. Bozza, Mary E. Wilson, and Valéria Matos Borges
A Review by Kenneth Atkinson of Reading the Dead Sea Scrolls: Essays in Method, Society of Biblical Literature, by George J. Brooke, Kenneth Atkinson
A Review by Kenneth Atkinson of The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography, by John J. Collins, Kenneth Atkinson
Judah Aristobulus and Alexander Jannaeus in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Kenneth Atkinson
Shelamzion Alexander, Hyrcanus II, and Aristobulus II in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Kenneth Atkinson
NSF S-Stem Scholarship Grant For Engineering And Applied Technology Majors To Increase Enrollment And Retention, Kenan Baltaci, Melissa Thompson, and Bekir Zihni Yuksek
Constituting The System: Radical Developments In Post-Newtonian Society, Clemens Bartollas
Juvenile Delinquency, Clemens L. Bartollas and Frank J. Schmalleger
Juvenile Justice in America, Clemens Bartollas and Stuart Miller
Forecasting Operating Profitability With Dupont Analysis Further Evidence, Mark P. Bauman
An Analysis Of Critical Accounting Estimate Disclosures Of Pension Assumptions, Mark P. Bauman and Kenneth W. Shaw
A Fresh Look At The Catenary, F. Behroozi
A Simple Derivation Of Time Dilation And Length Contraction In Special Relativity, Fred Behroozi
Optimal Constrained Investment In The Cramer-Lundberg Model, Tatiana Belkina, Christian Hipp, Shangzhen Luo, and Michael Taksar
Heterochrony, Modularity, and the Functional Evolution of the Mechanosensory Lateral Line Canal System of Fishes, Nathan C. Bird and Jacqueline F. Webb
Comparative Development and Evolution of Two Lateral Line Phenotypes in Lake Malawi Cichlids, Nathan C. Bird, Jacqueline F. Webb, Lauren Carter, and Juleen Dickson
The Art & Ignominy Of Compromise: M. L. King, Jr., And The MFDP, Michael D. Blackwell
Ihara Zeta Functions And Cospectrality Of Joins Of Regular Graphs, Andrea Blanchard, Ehrich Pakala, and Marius Somodi
The Late Eight, Ken Mitchell Bleile
Humanitarian SLP/SLT Outreach and the ICF-CY: A Nicaraguan Experience, Kenneth Bleile
Pck In Action: Examining One Chemistry Teacher's Practice Through The Lens Of Her Orientation Toward Science Teaching, Sarah Boesdorfer and Anthony Lorsbach
Silo ice climbing: An exploration of a new outdoor leisure activity, Don Briggs and Robert Stebbins
Unanticipated Consequences: The Impact Of A Smoke-Free Law On Assaults Around Bars, Steven Briggs, Andrey Petrov, and Samuel Peterson
A New Interpretation And Translation Of Job 5:5, John Burnight
Does Eliphaz Really Begin "Gently"? An Intertextual Reading Of Job 4: 2-11, John Burnight
Job 5:7 As Eliphaz's Response To Job's "Malediction" (3:3-10), John Burnight
We Walk The Line: An Analysis Of The Problems And Possibilities Of Work At The Sport Psychology-Sport Sociology Nexus, Ted M. Butryn, Nicole M. Lavoi, Kerri J. Kauer, Tamar Z. Semerjian, and Jennifer J. Waldron
Media & Culture: Mass Communication in a Digital Age, Richard Campbell, Christopher Martin, and Bettina Fabos
Utilizing Sandtray Within The Discrimination Model Of Counselor Supervision, Kara Carnes-Holt, Kristin Meany-Walen, and Andrew Felton
Hyperbolic Discounting: Value and Time Processes of Substance Abusers and Non-Clinical Individuals in Intertemporal Choice, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo
When Mcluhan Met Simmel: Form Is The Content, Medium Is The Message, Shing Ling S. Chen, Mark D. Johns, and Laura A. Terlip
Cross-Cultural Adaptation Challenges To Management Innovation In Multinational Business Context: Theoretical Model And Practices, Zhuojun Joyce Chen
Domestic Violence Against Migrant Women In South Korea: Addressing The Needs Of A Uniquely Situated Victim Population In Domestic Violence Policy, Ga Young Choi and Soo Jung Byoun
What Does Ratemyprofessors.Com Actually Rate?, Dennis E. Clayson
Microtubule Orientation And Spacing Within Bundles Is Critical For Long-Range Kinesin-1 Motility, Leslie Conway, Michael Gramlich, S. M. Ali Tabei, and Jennifer L. Ross
Social Network Analysis For Facebook: Locating Cliques And Visualizing Sociability, Jeffrey Coon and Shing Ling S. Chen
Ain't No Harm to Kill the Devil: The Life and Legend of John Fairfield, Abolitionist for Hire, Jeffrey S. Copeland
Finding Fairfield: The Behind the Scenes Story of "Ain't No Harm to Kill the Devil", Jeffrey S. Copeland
A State STEM Initiative Takes Root, Blossoms, Disa Cornish
Tolkien in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Tom Shippey, Janet Croft, John William Houghton, Nancy Martsch, John D. Rateliff, and Robin Anne Reid
A Comparison Of Three Different Start Techniques On Sprint Speed In Collegiate Linebackers, Jason L. Cusick, Robin J. Lund, and Travis K. Ficklin
Surface Reconstruction and Derivation of Erosion Rates Over Several Glaciations (1Ma) in an Alpine Setting (Sinks Canyon, Wyoming, USA), Dennis Dahms, Fabian Züst, Ross Purves, and Markus Egli
Estimation In A Competing Risks Proportional Hazards Model Under Length-Biased Sampling With Censoring, Jean Yves Dauxois, Agathe Guilloux, and Syed N.U.A. Kirmani
Gender in Communication: A Critical Introduction, Victoria Pruin DeFrancisco, Catherine Palczewski, and Danielle E. McGeough
Religious Belief and Practice in Itelmen History, Tatiana Degai, David Koester, and Viktoria Petrasheva
Landscape, Demographic And Climatic Associations With Human West Nile Virus Occurrence Regionally In 2012 In The United States Of America, John P. DeGroote, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and Mark Ecker
Landscape, demographic and climatic associations with human West Nile virus occurrence regionally in 2012 in the United States of America, John P. DeGroote, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and Mark Ecker
Springsteen as Developmental Therapist: An Autoethnography, Rodney Dieser
Cross-Cultural Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation, Rodney B. Dieser
The World Leisure Commission On Accessibility And Inclusion, Rodney B. Dieser
Network Structure Moderates Intergroup Differentiation Of Stereotyped Rumors, Nicholas DiFonzo, Jerry Suls, Jason W. Beckstead, Martin J. Bourgeois, Christopher M. Homan, Samuel Brougher, Andrew J. Younge, and Nicholas Terpstra-Schwab
A Grothendieck Compactness Principle For The Mackey Dual Topology, P. N. Dowling and D. Mupasiri
Language, Immigration and Labor: Negotiating Work in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, Elise M. DuBord
"Then I Learned About Positive Thinking": The Genre Structuring Of Narratives Of Self-Transformation, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Effect Of Growth Temperature On Ballistic Electron Transport Through The Au/Si(001) Interface, M. W. Eckes, B. E. Friend, and A. J. Stollenwerk
Leisure as Transformation, Christopher R. Edginton
A Content Analysis Of The World Leisure Journal: 1958–2012, Christopher R. Edginton, Miklos Banhidi, Abubakarr Jalloh, Rodney B. Dieser, Nie Xiafei, and Dong Yub Baek
Physical Education & Health: Global Perspectives & Best Practice, Christopher R. Edginton and Ming-Kai Chin
Incorporating Sustainability Throughout The Manufacturing Engineering Technology Curriculum, Immanuel Adaikalaraj Edinbarough, Posinasetti Nageswara Rao, and Kanchan Das
Soil Formation Rates On Silicate Parent Material In Alpine Environments: Different Approaches-Different Results?, Markus Egli, Dennis Dahms, and Kevin Norton
Soils Suppressing and Promoting Non-Native Plant Invasions, Kenneth J. Elgersma
Emergence of Nutrient-Cycling Feedbacks Related to Plant Size and Invasion Success in a Wetland Community-Ecosystem Model, Kenneth J. Elgersma, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason Martina, Radka Wildova, and Emily Farrer
Gaps In Alzheimer's Knowledge Among College Students, Elaine M. Eshbaugh
Sigma Gamma Epsilon 2012-2013 W. A. Tarr Awards, Paula Even
Sigma Gamma Epsilon 2014 Quality Awards, Paula Even
Sigma Gamma Epsilon 2014 Service Awards and Projects, Paula Even
The Trouble With Iconic Images: Historical Timelines And Public Memory, Bettina Fabos
Resonance Raman Scattering In Bulk 2H-Mx2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) And Monolayer Mos2, Jia He Fan, Po Gao, An Min Zhang, Bai Ren Zhu, Hua Ling Zeng, Xiao Dong Cui, Rui He, and Qing Ming Zhang
Evaluating Types And Combinations Of Multimodal Presentations In The Retention And Transfer Of Concrete Vocabulary In EFL Learning, Miguel Farías, Katica Obilinovic, Roxana Orrego, and Tammy Gregersen
Historical Dictionary of Sikhism, Louis E. Fenech and W. H. McLeod
A Comparison Of Jump Height, Takeoff Velocities, And Blocking Coverage In The Swing And Traditional Volleyball Blocking Techniques, Travis Ficklin, Robin Lund, and Megan Schipper
Yours, Mine, Or Ours: Tax-Related Decision Responsibility Of Married Couples, Carol M. Fischer, Timothy J. Rupert, and Martha L. Wartick
Reclaiming Our Children's Education: Building A Fortress Of Support For Children Of African Descent, Gevonee E. Ford, Dwight C. Watson, and Lesley Ford
Managing Emotions In The Classroom, Carissa M. Froyum
Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology, Carissa M. Froyum, Spencer Cahill, and Kent Sandstrom
Challenging Orthodoxy In Special Education: On Longstanding Debates And Philosophical Divides Revisited, Deborah J. Gallagher
The Politics Of Legitimating Research: A Case With Commentary, Deborah J. Gallagher
Beyond The Far Too Incessant Schism: Special Education And The Social Model Of Disability, Deborah J. Gallagher, David J. Connor, and Beth A. Ferri
A Complete View Of Viète-Like Infinite Products With Fibonacci And Lucas Numbers, Esther M. García-Caballero, Samuel G. Moreno, and Michael P. Prophet
New Viète-Like Infinite Products Of Nested Radicals With Fibonacci And Lucas Numbers, Esther M. García-Caballero, Samuel G. Moreno, and Michael P. Prophet
Student Association Activities Contribute to Leadership Development of Students in Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Julianne Gassman, Dakotah Reed, and Angela Widner
Road Salt Use and Groundwater Quality: Cedar Falls, IA, Brian Gedlinske
Agricultural Drainage Tiles: An Overview of their Use, Benefits, and effect on Hydrology and Water Quality, Brian B. Gedlinske
Characterization of Non-Cage Structural Analogs of Octanitrocubane and CL-20, Jenna L. Geick and John A. Bumpus
Understanding Emission Characteristics Of A Foundry Sand Binder, Scott R. Giese and Anne Shepard
The U.S. Rare Earth Industry: Its Growth And Decline, Joanne Abel Goldman
A Meta Analysis of Pancreatic Microarray Datasets Yields New Targets as Cancer Genes and Biomarkers, Nalin C. W. Goonesekere, Xiaosheng Wang, Lindsey Ludwig, and Chittibabu Guda
A Meta Analysis Of Pancreatic Microarray Datasets Yields New Targets As Cancer Genes And Biomarkers, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, Xiaosheng Wang, Lindsey Ludwig, and Chittibabu Guda
Rational and moral perceptions of research misconduct, Anita M. Gordon
Rational Choice And Moral Decision Making In Research, Anita M. Gordon
Rational Choice and Moral Decision-Making in Research, Anita M. Gordon
‘I Can See A Little Bit Of You On Myself’: A Dynamic Systems Approach To The Inner Dialogue Between Teacher And Learner Selves, Tammy Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
The Motion Of Emotion: Idiodynamic Case Studies Of Learners' Foreign Language Anxiety, Tammy Gregersen, Peter D. Macintyre, and Mario D. Meza
Capitalizing on Language Learners' Individuality: From Premise to Practice, Tammy S. Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Associations Among Eating Regulation And Body Mass Index, Weight, And Body Fat In College Students: The Moderating Role Of Gender, Sareen S. Gropper, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Denali C. Lord, Kevin W. Huggins, Karla P. Simmons, and Pamela V. Ulrich
Rediscovery Of The Pocket Gopher Orthogeomys Lanius (Rodentia: Geomyidae) In Veracruz, Mexico, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, Erick E. Gonzáles, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, and Fernando A. Cervantes
Intraspecific Variation in Carapace Morphology Among Fiddler Crabs (Genus Uca) From the Atlantic Coast of Brazil, Kelsey R. Hampton, Melanie J. Hopkins, John C. McNamara, and Carl L. Thurman
Intraspecific Variation In Carapace Morphology Among Fiddler Crabs (Genus Uca) From The Atlantic Coast Of Brazil, Kelsey R. Hampton, Melanie J. Hopkins, John C. Mcnamara, and Carl L. Thurman
Beating The Odds: A Longitudinal Investigation Of Low-Income Dual-Language And Monolingual Children's English Language And Literacy Performance, Myae Han, Carol Vukelich, Martha Buell, and Sohyun Meacham
Development and psychometric evaluation of a post exercise exhaustion scale utilising the Rasch measurement model, Mark D. Hecimovich, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, and Allen G. Harbaugh
Development and psychometric evaluation of scales to measure professional confidence in manual medicine: a Rasch measurement approach, Mark D. Hecimovich, Irene Styles, and Simone E. Volet
The Effect of Exercise Training on Lower Trunk Muscle Morphology, Mark Hecimovich, Behnaz Shahtahmassebi, Jeffrey J. Hebert, Norman J. Stomski, and Timothy J. Fairchild
Simulated learning in musculoskeletal assessment and rehabilitation education: comparing the effect of a simulation-based learning activity with a peer-based learning activity, Mark Hecimovich and Simone Volet
Poverty, Caregiver Depression And Stress As Predictors Of Children's Externalizing Behaviours In A Low-Income Sample, William R. Henninger and Gayle Luze
Decisions⋯ Decisions⋯ How To Source Plant Material For Native Plant Restoration Projects, Brook Herman, Stephen Packard, Cathy Pollack, Gregory Houseal, Shawn Sinn, Chip O'Leary, Jeremie Fant, Abigail Derby Lewis, Stuart Wagenius, Danny Gustafson, Kristina Hufford, Bob Allison, Kelsay Shaw, Steve Haines, and Corrine Daniels
Special Editorial: Technology Leadership For Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers To Use Technology, Mary Herring, Tommye Thomas, and Pamela Redmond
The Carlisle Clovis Cache From Central Iowa, Matthew G. Hill, Thomas J. Loebel, and David W. May
Luminosity, Brightness, And Distance, Thomas Hockey
Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 2nd Edition, Thomas A. Hockey
Chinese Shogun: Gao Huan (496-547), Charles Holcombe
Multimodal Arguments, Technology, and Social Issues: A Formative Experiment, Emily Howell, Tracy Butler, and David Reinking
Operational Impact Of Collaboration And Resource Specificity: The Moderating Role Of Technology Context, Karthik N.S. Iyer
Aligning Supply Chain Relational Strategy With The Market Environment: Implications For Operational Performance, Karthik N.S. Iyer, Prashant Srivastava, and Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas
Molecular Evolution Of Dmrt1 Accompanies Change Of Sex-Determining Mechanisms In Reptilia, Daniel E. Janes, Christopher L. Organ, Rami Stiglec, Denis O'Meally, Stephen D. Sarre, Arthur Georges, Jennifer A.M. Graves, Nicole Valenzuela, Robert A. Literman, Kim Rutherford, Neil Gemmell, John B. Iverson, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Scott V. Edwards, and Tariq Ezaz
Fifth Graders' Enjoyment, Interest, and Comprehension of Graphic Novels Compared to Heavily-Illustrated and Traditional Novels, Kimberly Ann Jennings, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Fifth Graders' Enjoyment, Interest, And Comprehension Of Graphic Novels Compared To Heavily-Illustrated And Traditional Novels, Kimberly Ann Jennings, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Subversive Desires and Bodies: Construction of a Female Paradigm in Mercedes Abad’s Sangre, Heather Jerónimo
Symbolic Interaction and New Social Media, Mark D. John, Sarina Chen, and Laura Terlip
Role Of Aquaporin Activity In Regulating Deep And Shallow Root Hydraulic Conductance During Extreme Drought, Daniel M. Johnson, Mark E. Sherrard, Jean Christophe Domec, and Robert Jackson
Intimate Partner Violence Victimization, Maternal Child Maltreatment, And The Mediating Impact Of Changes In Family Structure, Cindy Juby, William Downs, and Barb Rindels
New Iowa School Redux: Second Life As Laboratory, Michael A. Katovich and Shing Ling S. Chen
Examining Identity Consolidation Processes Among Ethnic Minority Gay Men and Lesbians, Heather R. Kennedy and Rochelle L. Dalla
Polarity-Invariant Square Law Technology For Monobit Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband Receivers, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang Chen
Universal Method For Creating Optically Active Nanostructures On Layered Materials, Timothy E. Kidd, Aaron Oshea, Benjamin Beck, Rui He, Conor Delaney, Paul M. Shand, Laura H. Strauss, Andrew Stollenwerk, Noah Hurley, Kyle Spurgeon, and Genda Gu
A Corporal's Story: Civil War Recollections of the Twelfth Massachusetts, George Kimball, Alan D. Gaff, and Donald H. Gaff
Lessons From Farming For It, Christopher King, Dana Peiffer, and Nik Varrone
Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz
Frank Lloyd Wright and His Manner of Thought, Jerome Klinkowitz
Computer Technology-Integrated Projects Should Not Supplant Craft Projects In Science Education, Tabatha J. Klopp, Audrey Rule, Jean Suchsland Schneider, and Robert M. Boody
Effectiveness Of An Ongoing, Community-Based Breast Cancer Prevention Program For Korean American Women, Eun Koh, Ga Young Choi, and Ji Young Cho
Chicotealma, Robert Krueger
Divergent Opinions Of Proper Lyme Disease Diagnosis And Implications For Children Co-Morbid With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mason Kuhn and Robert Bransfield
Arctic Social Indicators: ASI II - Implementation, Joan Nymand Larsen, Peter Schweitzer, and Andrey Petrov
A Multigroup Analysis Of Students' Intention To Major In Accounting Before, During, And After The Recession: Emergence Of A Professional Ethics Perception, W. Eric Lee and Dennis Schmidt
A professional learning community activity for science teachers: How to incorporate discourse-rich instructional strategies into science lessons, Elizabeth Lewis, Dale Baker, Nievita Bueno Watts, and Michael Lang
Multiscale Fractal Characteristics Of Urban Landscape In Indianapolis, USA, Bingqing Liang and Qihao Weng
Teachers As Therapeutic Agents: Perceptions Of A School-Based Mental Health Initiative, Natalya A. Lindo, Dalena Dillman Taylor, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Katherine Purswell, Kimberly Jayne, Terri Gonzales, and Leslie Jones
Tail Asymptotics Of The Waiting Time And The Busy Period For The M/G/1/K Queues With Subexponential Service Times, Bin Liu, Jinting Wang, and Yiqiang Q. Zhao
The Embeddedness Of Bank Branch Networks In Immigrant Gateways, Wei Li, Lucia Lo, and Alex Oberle
Privatization, Business Attraction, And Social Services Across The United States: Local Governments' Use Of Market-Oriented, Neoliberal Policies In The Post-2000 Period, Linda Lobao, Lazarus Adua, and Gregory Hooks
Diffusion And Escalation Of Ethnic Conflict, Steven E. Lobell and Philip Mauceri
Temperature-Activated Layer-Breathing Vibrations In Few-Layer Graphene, Chun Hung Lui, Zhipeng Ye, Courtney Keiser, Xun Xiao, and Rui He
Stochastic Brownian Game Of Absolute Dominance, Shangzhen Luo
An Optimal Investment Model With Markov-Driven Volatilities, Shangzhen Luo and Xudong Zeng
French Women And The Global Fight For Faith: Catholic International Religious Outreach In Turn-Of-The-Century France, Emily Machen
Development Of A Core-Stability Model: A Delphi Approach, Tricia Majewski-Schrage, Todd A. Evans, and Brian Ragan
Treatment Dosage And The Risk Principle: A Refinement And Extension, Matthew Makarios, Kimberly Gentry Sperber, and Edward J. Latessa
What If Macgyver Taught Physical Education?, Rip Marston and Trey Leech
Media Essentials: A Brief Introduction, Christopher Martin, Richard Campbell, and Shawn Harmsen
Internationalization As An Explanation? The Development Of Ethnic Conflict In Latin America, Philip Mauceri
Structure Control And Sorption Properties Of Porous Coordination Polymers Prepared From M(No3)2 And 4,4′-Bipyridine (M = Co2+, Ni2+), Kathryn Mauger-Sonnek, Laura K. Streicher, Owen P. Lamp, Arkady Ellern, and Colin L. Weeks
Early Holocene Alluvial Stratigraphy, Chronology, And Paleoindian/Early Archaic Geoarchaeology In The Loup River Basin, Nebraska, U.S.A., David W. May and Steven R. Holen
Preschool Teachers' Questioning In Sociodramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell
Effects Of Adlerian Play Therapy On Reducing Students' Disruptive Behaviors, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Sue C. Bratton, and Terry Kottman
Information Technology And Knowledge In Software Development Teams: The Role Of Project Uncertainty, Nikhil Mehta, Dianne Hall, and Terry Byrd
W.R.I.T.E: Writing’s Role in Thoughtful Endeavors, Catherine M. Miller
Understanding Consumers Of Asian Female Sports: A Case Study Of The Women's Korean Basketball League, Sophia D. Min, James J. Zhang, Minkil Kim, and Chong Kim
From Research To Practice: Promising Insights From Computer Self-Efficacy, Atul Mitra, Rex Karsten, and Dennis Schmidt
Critical Democracy Through Digital Media Production In A Third-Grade Classroom, Sarah E. Montgomery
Re-envisioning Social Studies with the Community School Model of Elsie Ripley Clapp, Sarah E. Montgomery
Reconsidering the American Dream and U.S. Latino Culture in a College Spanish Service-Learning Course, Sarah E. Montgomery, Zak K. Montgomery, Sarah Vander Zanden, Serena B. Ugoretz, Ashley Jorgensen, and Mirsa Rudic
Revision Of The [Fe/H]-Φ31-P Relationship For Rrc Variables, Siobahn Morgan
Sexing Communication: Hearing, Feeling, Remembering Sex/Gender And Sexuality In The NCA, Charles E. Morris and Catherine Helen Palczewski
Lamentations on the Rwandan Genocide: Poems, Pierre-Damien Mvuyekure
Burgess' To Try the Bloody Law: The Story if Mary Dyer, Anne G. Myles
Queerly Lamenting Anne Bradstreet, Anne G. Myles
Breaking The Barriers: Ghanaians' Perspectives About The Social Model, Augustina Naami
Responses of predatory invertebrates to seeding density and plantspecies richness in experimental tallgrass prairie restorations, Kristine T. Nemec, Craig R. Allen, Stephen D. Danielson, and Christopher J. Helzer
Assessing Resilience in Stressed Watersheds, Kristine T. Nemec, Joana Chan, Christina Hoffman, Trisha L. Spanbauer, Joseph A. Hamm, Craig R. Allen, Trevor Hefley, Donald Pan, and Prabhakar Shrestha
Low Level Laser Therapy: A Review Of Research Evidence, Nathan D. Newman and Katie J. Homan
Measurement Of The Bystander Intervention Model For Bullying And Sexual Harassment, Amanda B. Nickerson, Ariel M. Aloe, Jennifer A. Livingston, and Thomas Hugh Feeley
State and Local Government 2014-2015, Jayme L. Nieman and Kevin B. Smith
"So My Grandpa Knows What Way to Drive the Tractor" Children Engage Rural Ways of Knowing, Lori Norton-Meier
Grade 5 Students’ Online Argumentation about Their In-Class Inquiry Investigations, Lori Norton-Meier, Aeran Choi, and Brian Hand
When the Water Goes Bad and Other Essential Reasons to Argue and Write About Science in Elementary Classrooms, Lori Norton-Meier and Brian Hand
Fit Happens Globally: A Meta-Analytic Comparison Of The Relationships Of Person-Environment Fit Dimensions With Work Attitudes And Performance Across East Asia, Europe, And North America, In Sue Oh, Russell P. Guay, Kwanghyun Kim, Crystal M. Harold, Jong Hyun Lee, Chang Goo Heo, and Kang Hyun Shin
Seeking Balance: The Story of a Principal's Second Semester, Nicholas J. Pace
Racing/Sexing the Rhetorical Situation: Angela Davis’s Embodied Contextual Reconstruction, Catherine H. Palczewski and Linda Diane Horwitz
Social Pressure, Descriptive Norms, And Voter Mobilization, Costas Panagopoulos, Christopher W. Larimer, and Meghan Condon
Diagnostic Reliability Of Mmpi-2 Computer-Based Test Interpretations, Hina Pant, Brian J. McCabe, Mark A. Deskovitz, Nathan C. Weed, and John E. Williams
Source Provenance Of Carbonate Grains In The Wahiba Sand Sea, Oman, Using A New Libs Method, Patrick Pease and Vatche Tchakerian
Bacterial Promoter Repression by DNA Looping Without Protein-Protein Binding Competition, Justin P. Peters, Nicole A. Becker, Alexander M. Greiner, and L. James Maher
Mechanical Properties of Base-Modified DNA are Not Strictly Determined by Base Stacking or Electrostatic Interactions, Justin P. Peters, Lauren S. Mogil, Micah J. McCauley, Mark C. Williams, and L. James Maher
The Free Solution Mobility of DNA and Other Analytes Varies as the Logarithm of the Fractional Negative Charge, Justin Peters, Nancy C. Stellwagen, Qian Dong, L. James Maher, and Earle Stellwagen
Creative Arctic: Towards Measuring Arctic’s Creative Capital, Andrey N. Petrov
Indigenous Minorities And Post-Socialist Transition: A Review Of Aboriginal Population Trends In The Russian North, Andrey N. Petrov
A Dynamic Social Network Experiment With Multi-Team Systems, Andrew Pilny, Alex Yahja, Marshall Scott Poole, and Melissa Dobosh
Utilizing Twilight Zone Sequence Similarities To Increase The Accuracy Of Protein 3D Structure Comparison, Aleksandar Poleksic, Paul Gray, and B.
Using ‘Big Data’ For Analytics And Decision Support, Daniel J. Power
Applying Complexity Theory: Whole Systems Approaches to Criminal Justice and Social Work, Aaron Pycroft and Clemens Bartollas
Introduction, Aaron Pycroft and Clemens Bartollas
Preparation For And Response To The Flood Of 2008 In Cedar Falls, Iowa, Munshi Khaledur Rahman and Kay E. Weller
An Overcurrent Protection Relay Based On Local Measurements, Abouzar Rahmati, Mahmoud A. Dimassi, Reza Adhami, and Daniel Bumblauskas
A Test Of U.S. Versus Germanic European Ethical Decision-Making And Perceptions Of Moral Intensity: Could Ethics Differ Within Western Culture?, Alexandra Rausch, Tim Lindquist, and Monica Steckel
The Use Of Specialty Sand Blends To Improve Casting Quality And Reduce Costs, S. Ravi and J. Thiel
Evaluation Of Period Of Purple Crying, An Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Program, Laura Schwab Reese, Erin O. Heiden, Kimberly Q. Kim, and Jingzhen Yang
Intimate Domain: Desire, Trauma, and Mimetic Theory, Martha J. Reineke
Epistemic Cognition and Evaluating Information: Applying the AIR Model of Epistemic Cognition, Ronald W. Rinehart, Clark A. Chinn, and Luke A. Buckland
Eosinophils And Mast Cells In Leishmaniasis, Nilda E. Rodríguez and Mary E. Wilson
Preservice Teachers Map Compassion: Connecting Social Studies And Literacy Through Nonfictional Animal Stories, Audrey C. Rule, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Sarah Vander Zanden
Guardians Of The Earth: Teaching Children To Care For All Living Things, Audrey C. Rule and Ksenia S. Zhbanova
Firm Size And Ownership Structure: Effects On Motivations For Use Of Business Community Involvement Practices, Adele Santana
Online Health Information: Home Caregiver Population Driving Cyberspace Searches In The United States, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal
An Electromyographic Comparison Of A Modified Version Of The Plank With A Long Lever And Posterior Tilt Versus The Traditional Plank Exercise, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez, Jeffrey M. Willardson, and Fabio Fontana
Muscle Activation During Low- Versus High-Load Resistance Training In Well-Trained Men, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Jeffrey M. Willardson, Fabio Fontana, and Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez
The Waxen Poor : Poems, Jeremy Schraffenberger
The Effects Of Emergent Norms And Attitudes On Recycling Behavior, Nicholas Schwab, Helen C. Harton, and Jerry G. Cullum
Genetic Dominance & Cellular Processes, Robert D. Seager
Genetic Dominance & Cellular Processes, Robert D. Seager
Titan Aerosol Analog Absorption Features Produced From Aromatics In The Far Infrared, Joshua A. Sebree, Melissa G. Trainer, Mark J. Loeffler, and Carrie M. Anderson
87Sr/86Sr Stratigraphy From The Early Triassic Of Zal, Iran: Linking Temperature To Weathering Rates And The Tempo Of Ecosystem Recovery, Alexa R.C. Sedlacek, Matthew R. Saltzman, Thomas J. Algeo, Micha Horacek, Rainer Brandner, Kenneth Foland, and Rhawn F. Denniston
When Idealists Evade Taxes: The Influence Of Personal Moral Philosophy On Attitudes To Tax Evasion - A Lebanese Study, Yusuf M. Sidani, Abdul Jalil Ghanem, and Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas
Forgiveness Education and Bullying Prevention and Intervention: Benefits for Bullies, Victims and Schools, Nicole Skaar, Amy Carlon, and Suzanne Freedman
Measuring Adolescent Prosocial And Health Risk Behavior In Schools: Initial Development Of A Screening Measure, Nicole R. Skaar, Theodore J. Christ, and Ross Jacobucci
Assessing Business Student Thinking Skills, Gerald F. Smith
Quality In Educational Research, John K. Smith
Developing A Framework For Ankle Function: A Delphi Study, Kelli R. Snyder, Todd A. Evans, and Peter J. Neibert
An Infinite Family Of Perfect Parallelepipeds, Benjamin D. Sokolowsky, Amy G. Vanhooft, Rachel M. Volkert, and Clifford A. Reiter
Longitudinal Analysis of Receptive Vocabulary Growth in Young Spanish English–Speaking Children From Migrant Families, Lindsey Squires, Carla Wood Jackson, and Christopher Schatschneider
The Reintegration Of Technology As A Function Of Curriculum Reform: Cases Of Two Teachers, Amy Staples and Evette Edmister
The Speculative Value Of Farm Real Estate, Jeffrey R. Stokes and Arthur T. Cox
Universal Method for Creating 3D Photoluminescent Nanostructures on Layered Materials, Andrew Stollenwerk, Timothy E. Kidd, Aaron O'Shea, Benjamin Beck, Rui He, Conor Delaney, Paul M. Shand, Laura H. Strauss, Noah Hurley, Kyle Spurgeon, and Genda Gu
Changes In Fruit And Vegetable Consumption Of Third-Grade Students In Body Quest: Food Of The Warrior, A 17-Class Childhood Obesity Prevention Program, Barbara J. Struempler, Sondra M. Parmer, Lisa M. Mastropietro, Dilbur Arsiwalla, and Robert R. Bubb
Using A Cloud Computing Environment To Process Large 3D Spatial Datasets, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Jeffrey Burnett, and Marc P. Armstrong
Double Charge Ordering States And Spin Ordering State Observed In A Rfe2O4 System, Fei Sun, Rui Wang, C. Aku-Leh, H. X. Yang, Rui He, and Jimin Zhao
Editing Lives: Essays in Contemporary Textual and Biographical Studies in Honor of O M Brack, Jr., Jesse G. Swan
Cutting Edge Practices To Teach Multicultural Competencies In Counseling, Psychology, And Education: Teaching Abroad Or On Campus?, Roberto Swazo and Dorota Celinska
Teacher-made Tactile Science Materials with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities for Learners Including those with Visual Impairments, J. Teske, P. Gray, C. K. Clausen, Latisha L. Smith, S. A. Alsubia, M. Ghayoorad, Audrey C. Rule, and J. S. Schneider
Making Dioramas of Women Scientists Help Elementary Students Recognize Their Contributions, Jolene K. Teske, Phyllis Gray, Julie L. Klein, and Audrey C. Rule
Humic substances-based polymer system, Gerard R. Thiel
Analysis And Prediction Of Casting Defects Using Casting Simulation, J. Thiel and S. Ravi
Archaic Modernity Vs The High Priesthood: On The Nature Of Unstable Archaeological/ Palaeoanthropological Orthodoxies, Jason Randall Thompson
Familial Reality Engendering Feminism: The Impact Of A Matriarchal Upbringing On Thinking About Teaching And Learning, Deborah L. Tidwell, Pamela T. Schwartz, and Janet T. Dunn
Locating The Global In Transnational Ethnography, Takeyuki Tsuda, Maria Tapias, and Xavier Escandell
Civil-Military Relationships in Developing Countries, Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi and Glen Segell
Foreword, Katherine Van Wormer
Women and the Criminal Justice System, Katherine S. Van Wormer and Clemens Bartollas
Coastal, Valley, And Oasis Interaction: Impact On The Evolution Of Ancient Populations In The South Central Andes, Héctor H. Varela, Jose A. Cocilovo, Maria L. Fuchs, and Tyler G. O'Brien
Foreword, Michael D. Waggoner
Letter From SGE National Secretary, James Walters
A Four-Culture Study of Self-Enhancement and Adjustment Using the Social Relations Model: Do Alternative Conceptualizations and Indices Make a Difference?, Congcong Wang, Timothy A. Church, Marcia S. Katigbak, Rina Mazuera Arias, Brigida Carolina Rincon, Jose de Jesus Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibanez-Reyes, Lei Wang, Juan M. Alvarez, and Fernando A. Ortiz
Effects Of Teacher Lesson Introduction On Second Graders' Creativity In A Science/Literacy Integrated Unit On Health And Nutrition, Angela Naomi Webb and Audrey C. Rule
Primary Grade Students Engage In Creative Word Play Through Traditional And Hands-On Methods, Angela Naomi Webb, Audrey C. Rule, Adrianna D. Cavanaugh, and Angel Munson
Revealing Relationships: First Graders Share Personal Literature, Timothy G. Weih
Student-Described Engagement With Text: Insights Are Discovered From Fourth Graders, Timothy G. Weih
Coastal Georgia is Not Immune: Hurricane History, 1851-2012, Mark R. Welford, Brian H. Bossak, Sarah S. Keihany, and Ethan J. Gibney
Mycoplasma, Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Bacteria BVAB3, Race and Risk of Preterm Birth in a High-Risk Cohort, Ai Wen, Betsy Foxman, Usha Srinivasan, Deborah Goldberg, Carl F. Marrs, John Owen, Deborah A. Wing, and Dawn Misra
Exploring the Effect of Dentition, Dental Decay and Familiality on Oral Health using Metabolomics, Ai Wen, Betsy Foxman, Usha Srinivasan, Lixin Zhang, Carl F. Marrs, Deborah Goldberg, Robert Weyant, Daniel McNeil, Richard Crout, and Mary Marazita
A Panmictic Fiddler Crab From The Coast Of Brazil? Impact Of Divergent Ocean Currents And Larval Dispersal Potential On Genetic And Morphological Variation In Uca Maracoani, A. C. Wieman, P. B. Berendzen, K. R. Hampton, J. Jang, M. J. Hopkins, J. Jurgenson, J. C. McNamara, and C. L. Thurman
Academic Freedom And Tenure: Northeastern Illinois University, Rebecca J. Williams, Betty A. Deberg, and Joseph J. Persky
Handheld Computers, Zhimeng Xu, Zhizhang David Chen, and Hong Nie
On The Nonlinear Teager-Kaiser Operator For Energy Detection Based Impulse Radio UWB Receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, Hassan Khani, Weidong Xiang, and Lun Yu
Variance Detection For Non-Coherent Impulse Radio UWB Receivers, Aidong Yang, Hong Nie, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang Chen
A Unified Framework For Nonlinear Detections Of Impulse Radio UWB Systems, Aidong Yang, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen
Risk Information Seeking And Processing Model: A Meta-Analysis, Z. Janet Yang, Ariel M. Aloe, and Thomas Hugh Feeley
Reflecting, Coaching And Mentoring To Enhance Teacher-Child Interactions In Head Start Classrooms, Betty Zan and Mary Donegan-Ritter
Constructivist Approaches To Moral Education In Early Childhood, Betty Zan and Carolyn Hildebrant
Development Of An In-Process Pokayoke System Utilizing Accelerometer And Logistic Regression Modeling For Monitoring Injection Molding Flash, Julie Z. Zhang
Constructing Cardiovascular Fitness Knowledge In Physical Education, Tan Zhang, Ang Chen, Senlin Chen, Deockki Hong, Jerry Loflin, and Catherine Ennis
Construal Level Theory Applied To Sixth Graders' Creativity In Craft Constructions With Integrated Proximal Or Distal Academic Content, Ksenia S. Zhbanova and Audrey C. Rule
Submissions from 2013
Graduate Program Redesign to Prepare 21st Century Educational Leaders, Michelle Abrego, Chuey Abrego, Timothy W. Gilson, Nicholas J. Pace, Mary J. Goggins Selke, and Peggy Smith
The U.S. War On Terrorism And The Dynamics Of Threat Perception In West Africa, Pita Ogaba Agbese
Occupational Safety Among Working Children In The Export Sector Of Bangladesh, Imam M. Alam, Shahina Amin, and Janet M. Rives
Predictors of regional establishment success and spread of introduced non-indigenous vertebrates, Criag R. Allen, Kristine T. Nemec, Donald A. Wardwell, Justin D. Hoffman, Mathew L. Brust, Karie L. Decker, Daniel Fogell, Jennifer Hogue, Aaron Lotz, Thaddeus Miller, Marcy Pummill, Luis E. Ramirez-Yañez, and Daniel R. Uden
Accommodating Culturally Meaningful Activities In Outdoor Settings For Older Adults, Susana Martins Alves, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, and Uriel Cohen
Class, Status, Poverty, and Capital: A Guide to Social Stratification in Career Counseling, Tina M. Anctil Peterman, Brian Hutchison, and Carol Klose Smith
Slaying The Desktop Management Dragon With Configuration Manager 2012, Benjamin Arnold
Creating Your Master Mind: Personal And Professional Development Through Mastermind Groups, Benjamin Arnold, Lucas Friedrichsen, and Mo Nishiyama
On the Difference in Quality between Current Heuristic and Optimal Solutions to the Protein Structure Alignment Problem, Mauricio Arriagada and Aleksandar Poleksic
On The Difference In Quality Between Current Heuristic And Optimal Solutions To The Protein Structure Alignment Problem, Mauricio Arriagada and Aleksandar Poleksic
Historical References and Allusions to Foreigners in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Seleucids, Ptolemies, Nabateans, Itureans, and Romans in the Qumran Corpus, Kenneth Atkinson
What would my avatar do? Gaming, pathology, and risky decision making, Kira Bailey, Robert West, and Judson Kuffel
What Would My Avatar Do? Gaming, Pathology, And Risky Decision Making, Kira Bailey, Robert West, and Judson Kuffel
The Adequacy Of Fixed Asset Disclosures Under U.S. GAAP, Mark P. Bauman
On The Ihara Zeta Function Of Cones Over Regular Graphs, Paymun Bayati and Marius Somodi
Don't Paint your Chevy Blazer in High Visibility Orange, Roy R. Behrens and Rich Dana
Method and apparatus for measurement of fluid properties, Feredoon Behroozi
Self-Acceptance In The Education And Counseling Of Young People, Michael E. Bernard, Ann Vernon, Mark Terjesen, and Robyn Kurasaki
Driving Stimuli Increases Accessibility Of Aggression-Related Concepts In "Angry" Drivers, Kevin L. Blankenship and Sundé M. Nesbit
Driving Anger And Metacognition: The Role Of Thought Confidence On Anger And Aggressive Driving Intentions, Kevin L. Blankenship, Sundé M. Nesbit, and Renee A. Murray
Comparison of Face-to-Face and Online Mathematics Learning of Sixth Graders, Robert Boody, Clayton M. Edwards, and Audrey C. Rule
Teachers’ Perceptions of High School Dropout and Their Role in Dropout Prevention: An Initial Investigation, Robert Boody, Kimberly Knesting-Lund, and Dustin Reese
Effectiveness Of A Rational Emotive Behavior Education Program In Reducing Teachers' Emotional Distress, Carmen Hortensia Bora, Ann Vernon, and Simona Trip
Social Studies Content Reading about the American Revolution Enhanced with Graphic Novels, Kari Bosma, Audrey C. Rule, and Karla Steege Krueger
The Impact Of Population Selection On Examinations Of Discretionary Searches In Traffic Stops, Steven J. Briggs and B. Keith Crew
Warrants, Ownership Concentration, And Market Liquidity, Paul Brockman and Brett C. Olsen
Men's Studies: A Retrospective View, Harry Brod
Understanding 'Likers' On Facebook: Differences Between Customer And Non-Customer Situations, Matthew P. Bunker, K. N. Rajendran, Steven B. Corbin, and Ciara Pearce
Experience Sampling Methods for Work-Family Research: A Review and Research Agenda, Adam Butler, Zhaoli Song, and Remus Ilies
"Wow, That Was Funny": The Value Of Exposure And Humor In Fostering Campaign Message Sharing, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Erica L. Spies, Christie Boxer, Kristina M. Scharp, and Mary E. Losch
Dynamics Of The His79-Heme Alkaline Transition Of Yeast Iso-1-Cytochrome C Probed By Conformationally Gated Electron Transfer With Co(Ii)Bis(Terpyridine), Melisa M. Cherney, Carolyn C. Junior, Bryan B. Bergquist, and Bruce E. Bowler
Mutation Of Trimethyllysine 72 To Alanine Enhances His79-Heme-Mediated Dynamics Of Iso-1-Cytochrome C, Melisa M. Cherney, Carolyn C. Junior, and Bruce E. Bowler
Does Same-Sex Preference Make 3-4-Year-Olds More Gullible?, Sunah Chung and Youngon Choi
Initial Impressions And The Student Evaluation Of Teaching, Dennis E. Clayson
An Introduction To Multitasking And Texting: Prevalence And Impact On Grades And GPA In Marketing Classes, Dennis E. Clayson and Debra A. Haley
Chemostratigraphy Indicates a Relatively Complete Late Permian to Early Triassic Sequence in the Western United States, Alexa R. Clements Sedlacek and Matthew R. Saltzman
Justices Denied: A County-Level Analysis Of The 2010 Iowa Supreme Court Retention Election, Andrew J. Clopton and C. Scott Peters
Relations Between Uniformed And Contractor Personnel In Complex Operations, Lindsay P. Cohn
Ramps And Pathways Early Physical Science Program: Preparing Educators As Science Mentors, Shelly L. Counsell, Jill M. Uhlenberg, and Betty Zan
Social Pedagogy And Liberal Egalitarian Compensatory Programs: The Case Of Head Start, Shelly Lynn Counsell and Robert M. Boody
"Being Grown": How Adolescent Girls with Disabilities Narrate Self-Determination and Transitions, Danielle Cowley
Lois McMaster Bujold: Essays on a Modern Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Janet Croft
Curricular Implications Of Virtual World Technology: A Review Of Business Applications, Dale Cyphert, M. Susan Wurtz, and Leslie K. Duclos
Geography of the Holy Land: New Insights, William Dando, Caroline Dando, and Jonathan J. Lu
Restorative Justice And Gendered Violence, Anne den Hay and Katherine S. van Wormer
Introduction To "Binders Full Of Women: Gendered Identities, Experiences, And Institutions", Tina Deshotels and Ruth Chananie
Ignoring The Forest And The Trees: Vaccine Antigen Study Is Overmatched, M. Catherine Desoto
Professional Opinion on the Question of Changes in Autism Incidence, M. Catherine DeSoto and Robert T. Hitlan
Leisure Education: A Person-Centered, System-Directed, Social Policy Perspective, Rodney B. Dieser
A Global Therapeutic Recreation Discussion: An Overview from Rimini, Italy, Rodney B. Dieser, Miklos Banhidi, Fran Stavola Daly, Eduardo De Paula Azzine, Shannon Hebblethwaite, David Jones, Fumika Kimura, Sharon E. McKenzie, Charlé Meyer, and Marié E.M. Young
Rank-Based Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals The Association Of Ryanodine Receptor-2 Gene Variants With Childhood Asthma Among Human Populations, Lili Ding, Tilahun Abebe, Joseph Beyene, Russell A. Wilke, Arnon Goldberg, Jessica G. Woo, Lisa J. Martin, Marc E. Rothenberg, Marepalli Rao, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakraborty, and Tesfaye B. Mersha
Analyzing the Creative Problem-Solving Process: Inventing a Product from a Given Recyclable Item, Caralee K. Doak, Stacey M. Jambura, Jason A. Knittel, and Audrey C. Rule
Managing, J. Ana Donaldson, Sharon Smaldino, and Robert Pearson
Enhancing Teaching and Learning: A Leadership Guide for School Libraries, Jean Donham
Effect Of Verbal Praise On Achievement Goal Orientation, Motivation, And Performance Attribution, Kevin L. Droe
Using Multimedia Conferencing to Connect Literacy Educators, Marilyn Drury, Rick Seeley, Salli Forbes, and Rick Traw
Effect Of TRIF On Permeability And Apoptosis In Bovine Microvascular Endothelial Cells Exposed To Lipopolysaccharide, Jason Dubbert, Amy Bowers, Yutao Su, and David McClenahan
Speaking politely, kindly, and beautifully: Ideologies of politeness in Japanese business etiquette training, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Speaking Politely, Kindly, And Beautifully: Ideologies Of Politeness In Japanese Business Etiquette Training, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
A Note On A Non-Stationary Point Source Spatial Model, Mark D. Ecker, Victor de Oliveira, and Hans Isakson
Creating Writing Opportunities For Young Children, Evette Edmister, Amy Staples, Beth Huber, and Jennifer Walz Garrett
Different Voices, Many Journeys: Explorations Of The Transformative Nature Of The Self-Study Of Teacher Education Practices, Susan E. Elliott-Johns and Deborah L. Tidwell
Review: Transformational Crisis? Thinking Within and Beyond the Limits of Neoliberal Education Policy, Scott Ellison
Immigration And The Welfare State In Western Societies Ethnic Heterogeneity, Redistribution And The Role Of Institutions, Xavier Escandell and Alin M. Ceobanu
Promoting Careers In Gerontology To Students: What Are Undergraduates Seeking In A Career?, Elaine Eshbaugh, Patricia E. Gross, Kelsey Hillebrand, Josie Davie, and William R. Henninger
Potential Mediators Of The Relationship Between Gender And Death Anxiety, Elaine Eshbaugh and William Henninger
"Truly Disabled?": An Analysis Of Ld Eligibility Issues Under The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, Susan Etscheidt