Faculty Publications
Diagnostic Reliability Of Mmpi-2 Computer-Based Test Interpretations
Document Type
Computer-based test interpretation, Diagnostic reliability, MMPI-2, Q-sort, Test interpretation
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Psychological Assessment
First Page
Last Page
Reflecting the common use of the MMPI-2 to provide diagnostic considerations, computer-based test interpretations (CBTIs) also typically offer diagnostic suggestions. However, these diagnostic suggestions can sometimes be shown to vary widely across different CBTI programs even for identical MMPI-2 profiles. The present study evaluated the diagnostic reliability of 6 commercially available CBTIs using a 20-item Q-sort task developed for this study. Four raters each sorted diagnostic classifications based on these 6 CBTI reports for 20 MMPI-2 profiles. Two questions were addressed. First, do users of CBTIs understand the diagnostic information contained within the reports similarly? Overall, diagnostic sorts of the CBTIs showed moderate inter-interpreter diagnostic reliability (mean r = .56), with sorts for the 1/2/3 profile showing the highest inter-interpreter diagnostic reliability (mean r = .67). Second, do different CBTIs programs vary with respect to diagnostic suggestions? It was found that diagnostic sorts of the CBTIs had a mean inter-CBTI diagnostic reliability of r = .56, indicating moderate but not strong agreement across CBTIs in terms of diagnostic suggestions. The strongest inter-CBTI diagnostic agreement was found for sorts of the 1/2/3 profile CBTIs (mean r = .71). Limitations and future directions are discussed. © 2014 American Psychological Association.
Department of Psychology
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Recommended Citation
Pant, Hina; McCabe, Brian J.; Deskovitz, Mark A.; Weed, Nathan C.; and Williams, John E., "Diagnostic Reliability Of Mmpi-2 Computer-Based Test Interpretations" (2014). Faculty Publications. 1455.