UNI Faculty and Staff Publications | University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications


This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection. Most of the works in the collection have summary information (metadata) about the work with a link out to the publisher's website.

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Submissions from 2017


Sandboxes, Loose Parts, And Playground Equipment: A Descriptive Exploration Of Outdoor Play Environments, Heather Olsen and Brandy Smith


Disney Theatrical Productions: Anything Can Happen If You Let It, Amy S. Osatinski


Ghosts In The Machine: Digital Technology And Screen-To-Stage Musicals, Amy S. Osatinski

Great Teachers on Great Singing, Katherine Osborne and Scott McCoy


Beyond Peitho: The Women's Debate Institute as Civic Education, Catherine H. Palczewski

Pledge-A-Picketer, Power, Protest, And Publicity: Explaining Protest When The State/Establishment Is Not The Opposition, Catherine Helen Palczewski and Kelsey Harr-Lagin


Challenges And Coping Strategies Of East Asian Graduate Students In The United States, Hyejoon Park, Meng Jung Lee, Ga Young Choi, and Janet S. Zepernick


Arctic Sustainability Research : Past, Present and Future, Andrey N. Petrov


Human Capital and Sustainable Development in the Arctic: Towards Intellectual and Empirical Framing, Andrey N. Petrov


Inventing the New North: Patents & Knowledge Economy in Alaska, Andrey N. Petrov and Salma O. Zbeed

A Critical Review Of Decision Support Systems Foundational Articles, Gloria Philips-Wren, Daniel Power, Mary Daly, and Frederic Adam


A Critical Review of Decision Support Systems Foundational Articles, Gloria Phillips-Wren, Mary Daly, Daniel Power, and Frederic Adam


The Influence Of Oropalatal Dimensions On The Measurement Of Tongue Strength, Laura L. Pitts, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Carlin F. Hageman, and Leonard L. LaPointe


Mining FDA Resources To Compute Population-Specific Frequencies Of Adverse Drug Reactions, Aleksandar Poleksic, Carson Turner, Rishabh Dalal, Paul Gray, and Lei Xie

Returning to Dust, Carol Poster


Decision Support, Analytics, and Business Intelligence, Daniel Power and Ciara Heavin

The Responsibility to Heal: Dr. Richard Clarke Cabot and the Creation of Medical Social Work in the United States, Laura Praglin


Increasing The Capabilities Of Computer Process Modeling With Applied Programming Interface, S. Ravi and J. Thiel

Girard And The Feminist Critique Of Religion: Intimate Mediation In Kristeva And Girard, Martha Reineke


Ana-Maria Rizzuto and the Psychoanalysis of Religion: The Road to the Living God, Martha J. Reineke, David M. Goodman, Ana Maria Rizzuto, John McDargh, Mario Aletti, Arne Austad, Leif Gunnar Engedal, Anthony Stern, Jacob Waldenmaier, and Gry Stalsett


The ‘Affective Security Curriculum’: Breeding JBS Through The Marriage Of The Academic And The Jingoistic, Evan Renfro


Nano Cutting Fluids, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Amrita Maddamsetty, and Vamsi Krishna Pasam


Application Of Cutting Fluids In Machining Of Titanium Alloys—A Review, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Posinasetti Naseswara Rao, Venkata Ramana Vsn, and M. Amrita


The Model Of Domain Learning: A Good Science-Based Theory, Ralph E. Reynolds and Dessy S. Stoycheva


The CSI Effect, DNA Discourse, And Popular Crime Dramas*, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Steven J. Briggs, and Nicole E. Rader


Comparing Demographic Factors, Background Characteristics, And Workplace Perceptions As Predictors Of Burnout Among Community Corrections Officers, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Kristin Y. Mack, and Kimberly M. Baker


Race, Criminal Justice Professionals, And Intellectual Authority In Fictional Crime Dramas, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn and Nicole E. Rader


Changing Roles Of Ability And Education In U.S. Intergenerational Mobility, Jeremiah Richey and Alicia Rosburg

Blackface Nation: Race, Reform, and Identity in American Popular Music, 1812-1925, Brian Roberts


Exploring Writing Circles as Innovative, Collaborative Writing Structures with Teacher Candidates, Sherron Killingsworth Roberts, Norine Blanch, and Nandita Gurjar


2X1. UNI Teacher Preparation: Iowa Principals’ Perceptions, Victoria Robinson and Mary Losch


Lipid Bodies Accumulation In Leishmania Infantum-Infected C57Bl/6 Macrophages, N. E. Rodríguez, R. D. Lockard, E. A. Turcotte, T. Araújo-Santos, P. T. Bozza, V. M. Borges, and M. E. Wilson


Library Outreach And Instruction To Academic Departments Of Military Science And ROTC Cadets, Leila June Rod-Welch, Barbara E. Weeg, and Glen P. Keith


Managing Feedstock Supply Risk For The Development Of A US Stover Biofuel Industry, Alicia Rosburg, Jonathan McFadden, and John Miranowski


Comparing Hispanic-To-White Co-Cultural Communication At Four-Year, Public Hispanic Serving And Predominately White Institutions, C. Kyle Rudick, Michael Sollitto, Christopher J. Claus, Amy Aldridge Sanford, Keith Nainby, and Kathryn B. Golsan


Teaching From the Heart, Kyle Rudick, Kathryn B. Golsan, and Kyle Cheesewright


Adhd Symptomology And Social Functioning In College Students, Gina M. Sacchetti and Elizabeth K. Lefler


An Arendtian Recognitive Politics: The Right To Have Rights As A Performance Of Visibility, Yasemin Sari


Factors Shaping Qatari Students' Career Expectations In Stem, Business Or Public Sector Fields, Abdellatif Sellami, Linda Kimmel, Jill Wittrock, Brian Hunscher, Anna Cotter, Ahmed Al-Emadi, and Darwish Al-Emadi


Associations Between Trunk Muscle Morphology, Strength And Function In Older Adults, Behnaz Shahtahmassebi, Jeffrey J. Hebert, Mark D. Hecimovich, and Timothy J. Fairchild


Wind Power Potential Assessment Of Kano, Nigeria, Gaddafi Sani Shehu, Mehmet Argin, Abdullah Bala Kunya, and Sadik Kucuksari


Polyethylenimine Applications In Carbon Dioxide Capture And Separation: From Theoretical Study To Experimental Work, Xinhua Shen, Hongbo Du, Riley H. Mullins, and Raghava R. Kommalapati

Characterizations Of Air Quality Weekend Effect In Houston, Texas, Xinhua Shen, Natalie Gallegos, Riley H. Mullins, Molly A. Standard, Hongbo Du, and Raghava Kommalapati

Estimating Surface Pm2.5 Using Satellite Aod Observations And The Nasa Merra Model Simulations, Xinhua Shen, Huanxin Zhang, Hawra H. Algazwi, Riley H. Mullins, Tyler W. Schley, Hongbo Du, and Raghava R. Kommalapati

3S1. Building Resilience in Students Using a Trauma-Informed Lens: Results of a Pilot Study, Carol Kose Smith, Armeda Stevenson Wojciak, and Janis Powers


Fixed Fields Coded Data For Geo-Related Information In The Marc21 Structure: A Discussion On The Possible Expansion Of Coded Data Elements To Improve Machine Manipulation And User Discovery, Jan Smits, Susan M. Moore, and Paige G. Andrew


On The Ihara Zeta Function And Resistance Distance-Based Indices, Marius Somodi


On A Construction Using Commuting Regular Graphs, Marius Somodi, Katie Burke, and Jesse Todd


Resolvability In C.C.C. Generic Extensions, Lajos Soukup and Adrienne Stanley


Privatization And Capitalist Development: The Case Of The Private Police, Steven Spitzer and Andrew T. Scull


Maintaining Residential Normalcy Through Self-Initiated Assimilative And Accommodative Coping While Aging-In-Place, Gloria E. Stafford


If At First You Don’t Succeed, Rip It Out and Try Again: The Benefits of Failure Among DIY Handcrafters, Marybeth C. Stalp and Therèsa M. Winge


The Collaborative Process in Educators’ Self-Study of Practice, Amy Staples and Deborah Tidwell


Addressing Wicked Problems in Practical Ways: Empowering Ethical Action in Higher Ed and Beyond, Cara B. Stone and Anne Marie Gruber


V2O5: A 2D Van Der Waals Oxide With Strong In-Plane Electrical And Optical Anisotropy, Sukrit Sucharitakul, Gaihua Ye, Walter R.L. Lambrecht, Churna Bhandari, Axel Gross, Rui He, Hilde Poelman, and Xuan P.A. Gao


Art, Animals, and Experience: Relationships to Canines and the Natural World, Elizabeth Sutton


Global Mental Health in Action: Reducing Disparities One Community at a Time, Nathan Taylor, Richard J. Bischoff, and Paul R. Springer


Creativity Of Third Graders’ Leadership Cartoons: Comparison Of Mood-Enhanced To Neutral Conditions, Jolene Teske, Courtney K. Clausen, Phyllis Gray, Latisha L. Smith, Sukainah Al Subia, Maryam Rod Szabo, Mason Kuhn, Mindy Gordon, and Audrey C. Rule


Advancements In Materials For Three-Dimensional Printing Of Molds And Cores, J. Thiel, S. Ravi, and N. Bryant


Restoring Monarch Butterfly Habitat In The Midwestern US: 'All Hands On Deck', Wayne E. Thogmartin, Laura López-Hoffman, Jason Rohweder, Jay Diffendorfer, Ryan Drum, Darius Semmens, Scott Black, Iris Caldwell, Donita Cotter, Pauline Drobney, Laura L. Jackson, Michael Gale, Doug Helmers, Steve Hilburger, Elizabeth Howard, Karen Oberhauser, John Pleasants, Brice Semmens, Orley Taylor, Patrick Ward, Jake F. Weltzin, and Ruscena Wiederholt


Geographical Variation In Osmoregulatory Abilities Among Populations Of Ten Species Of Fiddler Crabs From The Atlantic Coast Of Brazil: A Macrophysiological Analysis, Carl L. Thurman, Samuel C. Faria, and John C. McNamara


Magnetic Evolution Of Itinerant Ferromagnetism And Interlayer Antiferromagnetism In Cerium Doped Laco2P2 Crystals, Yong Tian, Yixiu Kong, Kai Liu, Anmin Zhang, Rui He, and Qingming Zhang


Television Formats And The United States: New Developments In Production And Distribution, Paul Torre


Effects Of Pressure And Strain On Spin Polarization Of Irmnsb, Ibrica Tutic, Juliana Herran, Bradley Staten, Paul Gray, Tula R. Paudel, Andrei Sokolov, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, and Pavel V. Lukashev


CET Research Brief #2 June 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Educational Transformation.


Beauty Outside Our Doors: Conservation Stories of Black Hawk County, University of Northern Iowa. Environmental Literature (Spring 2017).


Running Past the Trees: Facing Childhood and Adolescence in Iowa's Cedar Valley, University of Northern Iowa. Two-Dimensional Concepts (Spring 2017).


Globalization Reappraised: False Oracle or a Talisman, Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi and Roopinder Oberoi

Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Macro Level : Groups, Communities, and Organizations, Katherine Van Wormer and Fred H. Besthorn


Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Micro Level: Individuals and Families, Katherine S. Van Wormer


Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective, Katherine S. Van Wormer and Diane Rae Davis


Integrating a Trauma-Informed Care Perspective in Baccalaureate Social Work Education: Guiding Principles, Matthew L. Vasquez and Shamra Boel-Studt


The Common Vision Project: Four Reactions, William Yslas Vélez, Amy Cohen, Priscilla Bremser, and Douglas Mupasiri


Creative Approaches To Counseling, Ann Vernon


Spirituality and Contemporary Higher Education, Michael D. Waggoner


China, Penny Wang and TingTing Wang


University of Northern Iowa Youth Arts Summit: Mentoring and Empowering Youth Voice Through the Arts, Angela Waseskuk, Alyssa Bruecken, Heidi Fuchtman, Shauib Meacham, Emmett Phillips, Courtney Clausen, and Wendy Miller

Association Between Weight-Teasing And Physical Activity In Adolescents, Priscila Iumi Watanabe, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, Michael Pereira Silva, Oldemar Mazzardo, Eliane Denise Bacil, and Wagner de Campos


Middle Level Preservice Teachers Experience a Natural History Arts-Integrated Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit, Carolyn A. Weber and Audrey C. Rule


Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning, Jeffrey Weld


Archival Evidence of Secular Changes in Georgia Hurricanes: 1750-2012, Mark R. Welford, Brian H. Bossak, and Ethan J. Gibney


Bayesian Analysis Of The Association Between Family-Level Factors And Siblings’ Dental Caries, A. Wen, R. J. Weyant, D. W. McNeil, R. J. Crout, K. Neiswanger, M. L. Marazita, and B. Foxman


Is High Folic Acid Intake a Risk Factor for Autism?—A Review, Darrell Wiens and M. Catherine DeSoto


Is High Folic Acid Intake A Risk Factor For Autism?—A Review, Darrell Wiens and M. Catherine Desoto

From ELLs To Bilingual Teachers: Spanish-English Speaking Latino Teachers’ Experiences Of Language Shame & Loss, Lisa Winstead and Congcong Wang


Proxy Reporting In Education Surveys: Factors Influencing Accurate Reporting In The 2012 Qatar Education Study, Jill Wittrock, Linda Kimmel, Brian Hunscher, and Kien Trung Le

3Dsp Feature Generation In The Yz And Xy Plane, Kip Woods


Effect of Fe substitution on the structural, magnetic and electron-transport properties of half-metallic Co2TiSi, Y. Yin, J. Waybright, P. Kharel, I. Tutic, J. Herran, P. Lukashev, S. Valloppilly, and D. J. Sellmyer


The Effect Of Adsorbed Liquid And Material Density On Saltation Threshold: Insight From Laboratory And Wind Tunnel Experiments, Xinting Yu, Sarah M. Hörst, Chao He, Nathan T. Bridges, Devon M. Burr, Joshua A. Sebree, and James K. Smith


A Frequency Domain Two-Stage Spectrum Sensing Method Based On SVM, Xuping Zhai, Yong Nie, Xiang Ye, Tao Wang, and Hong Nie


Model Of Orbital Populations For Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy In Transition-Metal Thin Films, Jia Zhang, Pavel V. Lukashev, Sitaram S. Jaswal, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal


TransGothic in Literature and Culture, Jolene Zigarovich


A Spectrum Sensing Scheme With Dynamic Sensing Period Adjustment For Femtocells In Lte Systems, Xuzhou Zuo and Hong Nie

Submissions from 2016


Productivity and resistance to weed invasion in four prairie biomass feedstocks with different diversity, Jessica E. Abernathy, Dustin R. J. Graham, Mark E. Sherrard, and Daryl D. Smith


Productivity And Resistance To Weed Invasion In Four Prairie Biomass Feedstocks With Different Diversity, Jessica E. Abernathy, Dustin R.J. Graham, Mark E. Sherrard, and Daryl D. Smith


The Human Dimensions Of Climate Change: A Micro-Level Assessment Of Views From The Ecological Modernization, Political Economy And Human Ecology Perspectives, Lazarus Adua, Richard York, and Beth Anne Schuelke-Leech


Voltage Regulation Of Unbalanced Distribution Network With Distributed Generators, Islam Ali and Sadik Kucuksari


Teaching For Democracy In Post-Arab Spring: Challenges & Opportunities, Abdullah F. Alrebh and Radhi Al-Mabuk


Re-Membering The Wilton Processional, Alison Altstatt


The Rogationtide Processions of Wilton Abbey, Alison N. Altstatt


Ana’s Voice: It’s All About The Journey, J. Ana Donaldson


Editor’s Introduction, J. Ana Donaldson


Historical And Chronological Observations On Josephus's Account Of Seleucid History In Antiquities 13.365-371: Its Importance For Understanding The Historical Development Of The Hasmonean State, Kenneth Atkinson


History of the Hasmonean State: Josephus and Beyond, Kenneth Atkinson


Sacrifice at Khirbet Qumran and in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Implications for Understanding the Wilderness Tradition and Penitential Prayers, Kenneth Atkinson


Musical Pastiche: The Case of Matisyahu, Thaddeus Atzmon


"I'm Going To Shut Down All Of Your Tricks": Depictions Of Treatment Professionals In Addiction Entertainment, Kimberly M. Baker


Peer Review As A Strategy For Improving Students’ Writing Process, Kimberly M. Baker


Balance Sheet Classification And The Valuation Of Deferred Taxes, Mark P. Bauman and Kenneth W. Shaw


Harmonizing Pension Accounting: Income Statement Effects Of Applying Ias19R To U.S. Firms, Mark P. Bauman and Kenneth W. Shaw


Communication: Making Connections, Melissa L. Beall, Bill Seiler, and Joseph P. Mazer


Frank Lloyd Wright and Mason City: Architectural Heart of the Prairie, Roy R. Behrens

Theatre for Youth II : More Plays with Mature Themes, Gretta Berghammer


Post-embryonic Development of Canal and Superficial Neuromasts and the Generation of Two Cranial Lateral Line Phenotypes, Nathan C. Bird, Emily A. Becker, and Jacqueline F. Webb


Relationship Of Personalized Jerseys And Aggression In Women's Ice Hockey, Jamie Blome, Jennifer J. Waldron, and Mick G. Mack


Third Graders Explore Sound Concepts through Online Research Compared to Making Musical Instruments, Kyrie D. Borsay and Page Foss


Motion virtual manipulatives in the elementary math classroom, Cole Boudreau Open Access Honors Program Thesis


(Re)Claiming Space For Ingeborg Von Bronsart’s Wildenbruch Lieder, Op. 16, Melinda Boyd


Rubrics As A Tool In Writing Instruction: Effects On The Opinion Essays Of First And Second Graders, Kendall Bradford, Amanda C. Newland, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery


Superman is Jewish?: How Comic Book Superheroes Came to Serve Truth, Justice and the Jewish-American Way, Harry Brod


The Women Of Library History Project, Katelyn Browne


Mozart's Bawdy Canons, Vulgarity And Debauchery At The Wiednertheater, David J. Buch


Academic panel: Privacy, technology and surveillance in the digital age: the Big Brother scenario, Mari Buche, Joey F. George, Deepak Khazanchi, Daniel Power, and Michael Zimmer


Listening To The Consumer's Voice In Website Analytics, Matthew P. Bunker, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, and Darrel E. Bartholomew


Peaceful Conquest: Woodrow Wilson, Religion, and the New World Order, Cara Lea Burnidge


Designing an Earthquake-Proof Art Museum: An Arts-and Engineering-Integrated Science Lesson, Anastasia Carignan and Mahjabeen Hussain


Multicultural Curriculum Designs in Counselor Education Programs: Enhancing Counselors-in-Training Openness to Diversity, Dorota Celinska and Roberto Swazo


Plugged In Or Disconnected? A Model Of The Effects Of Technological Factors On Employee Job Embeddedness, Steven D. Charlier, Russell P. Guay, and Ryan D. Zimmerman


Attribute-Wise vs. Alternative-Wise Mechanism in Intertemporal Choice: Testing the Proportional Difference, Trade-off, and Hyperbolic Models, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo


Exploring The Relationship Between Adoptive Parents And International Adoptees: From The Perspectives Of Cross-Cultural Communication And Adaptation, Zhuojun Joyce Chen


Commentary: Advances In Research On Sourcing—Source Credibility And Reliable Processes For Producing Knowledge Claims, Clark A. Chinn and Ronald W. Rinehart


Climate And Developmental Plasticity: Interannual Plasticity In Grapevine Leaf Morphology, Daniel H. Chitwood, Susan M. Rundell, Darren Y. Li, Quaneisha L. Woodford, Tommy T. Yu, Jose R. Lopez, Daniel Greenblatt, Julie Kang, and Jason P. Londo


Symmetric Tensor Representations, Quasimodular Forms, And Weak Jacobi Forms, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee


Exploring Technology Through Issues Of Social Justice, Courtney K. Clausen


Water Play, Jane E. Cline and Brandy A. Smith


Partisan Social Pressure And Voter Mobilization, Meghan Condon, Christopher W. Larimer, and Costas Panagopoulos


Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women, Mary L. Connerley and Jiyun Wu


Uncovering The Complexities Of The Relationship Between Women And Well-Being In The Workplace:An Introduction, Mary L. Connerley and Jiyun Wu


Acts of Courage in World War II: Reviewing World War II through Medal of Honor Stories [Lesson Plan], Thomas G. Connors


America's National Cemeteries: A Resource Guide for College Instructors [Instructional Guide], Thomas G. Connors


Battle Cry of Freedom: Honoring African American Military Service in the Civil War [Lesson Plan], Thomas G. Connors


Diversity and U.S. Forces in World War II: Stories of Courage from Riverside National Cemetery [Lesson Plan], Thomas G. Connors


Eliza Potter's Story: Remembering the Civil War Fallen at Beaufort, SC [Lesson Plan], Thomas G. Connors


Memorial Day: Honoring Service and Sacrifice [Lesson Plan], Thomas G. Connors


I'm Published! Now What?: An Author's Guide to Creating Successful Book Events, Readings, and Promotions, Jeffrey S. Copeland


Mentoring The Next Generation Of Higher Education Professionals, Doris R. Corbett


"Reforms Looked Really Good On Paper": Rural Food Service Responses To The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Of 2010, Disa Cornish, Natoshia Askelson, and Elizabeth Golembiewski


Testing The Feasibility Of Fidelity Evaluation In A Multisite, Multiprogram Initiative, Disa Lubker Cornish, Mary E. Losch, and Mitchell Avery


"Come on Down!”: Gaming in the Flipped Classroom, Angie Cox

Ransoming the Waste Land: Papers on C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, and Other Works Volume I, Janet Croft, Emily E. Auger, and Nancy-Lou Patterson

Ransoming the Waste Land: Papers on C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, and Other Works Volume II, Janet Croft, Emily E. Auger, and Nancy-Lou Patterson


Faerian Drama …Without the Fairies: Two Post-Tolkienian Examples, Janet Brennan Croft


The Effects of Labyrinth Walking in an Academic Library, Janet Brennan Croft, Donna M. Zucker, Jeungok Choi, and Matthew N. Cook


Social Networks And Parent Motivational Beliefs: Evidence From An Urban School District, Katherine A. Curry, Gaëtane Jean-Marie, and Curt M. Adams


Developing Communication Management Skills: Integrated Assessment And Reflection In An Experiential Learning Context, Dale Cyphert, Elena Nefedova Dodge, and Leslie K. Duclos Wilson

Teacher Quality and Teacher Education Quality: Accreditation from a Global Perspective, Robin Dada, Nicholas Michelli, Deborah Eldridge, Rana Tamim, and Karen Karp


Carbonate And Elemental Accumulation Rates In Arid Soils Of Mid-To-Late Pleistocene Outwash Terraces, Southeastern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Dennis Dahms and Markus Egli


Bringing Indigenous Kamchatka to Google Earth, Tatiana Degai, Brian Thom, and Benedict J. Colombi


Minority Report: Re-Reading Gilgamesh After Levinas, Francis Dominic Degnin


Minority Report: Re-Reading Gilgamesh After Levinas, Francis Dominic Degnin


Idiosyncratic Volatility And Firm-Specific News: Beyond Limited Arbitrage, R. Jared DeLisle, Nathan Mauck, and Adam R. Smedema


Systematic Limited Arbitrage And The Cross-Section Of Stock Returns: Evidence From Exchange Traded Funds, R. Jared DeLisle, Brian C. McTier, and Adam R. Smedema


Interpretive Reliability Of Six Computer-Based Test Interpretation Programs For The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2, Mark A. Deskovitz, Nathan C. Weed, Joseph K. McLaughlan, and John E. Williams


Speculations On Vitamin K, Vkorc1 Genotype And Autism, M. C. DeSoto


Suppression Of Women's Cortisol Variance: Depression Doesn't Mediate The Sex Difference, M. Catherine DeSoto


Trueerase: Leveraging An Auxiliary Data Path For Per-File Secure Deletion, Sarah Diesburg, Christopher Meyers, Mark Stanovich, An I.Andy Wang, and Geoff Kuenning


Is Your Data Gone? Measuring User Perceptions Of Deletion, S. Diesburg, C. A. Feldhaus, M. Al Fardan, J. Schlicht, and N. Ploof


Integrating Positive Psychology, Behavioral Activation, and the Serious Leisure Perspective in Mental Health Counseling: A Case Report, Rodney Dieser and Jacob Christenson

Women’s Voices in the Field of Educational Technology: Our Journeys, Ana J. Donaldson


Still Alone At The Table? Women Working In Technology Organizations, Marilyn Drury


Cross-Language Community Engagement: Assessing the Strengths of Heritage Learners, Elise DuBord and Elizabeth Kimball


Creating "Bright, Positive" Selves: Discourses Of Self And Emotion In A Japanese Public-Speaking Course, Cynthia Dickel Dunn


Calculating Heat Of Formation Values Of Energetic Compounds: A Comparative Study, Michael S. Elioff, Jordan Hoy, and John A. Bumpus


Calculating Heat of Formation Values of Energetic Compounds: A Comparative Study, Michael S. Elioff, Jordon Hoy, and John A. Bumpus


Neoliberalism Goes to School, Scott Ellison


The Accuracy of Microtargeted Policy Positions, Kyle Endres


Assistive Technology For Students With Disabilities: A Legal Analysis Of Issues, Susan Larson Etscheidt


Spotlight On Athletic Training Practice-Based Research Networks: A Celebration And A Challenge, Todd A. Evans


Sigma Gamma Epsilon Student Research Poster Session, Geological Society of America Meeting 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Paula Even


Digital Literacy, Public History, And Fortepan, Bettina Fabos, Leisl Carr Childers, and Sergey Golitsynskiy

The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies, Louis E. Fenech and Pashaura Singh


A Comparison Of Base Running And Sliding Techniques In Collegiate Baseball With Implications For Sliding Into First Base, Travis Ficklin, Jesus Dapena, and Alexander Brunfeldt


Lumbopelvic Muscle Activation Patterns In Adolescent Fast Bowlers, Mitchell Forrest, Mark Hecimovich, and Alasdair Dempsey


Students’ Epistemic Worldview Preferences Predict Selective Recall Across History And Physics Texts, Benjamin Robert Forsyth


The Effects Of Family, Dentition, And Dental Caries On The Salivary Microbiome, Betsy Foxman, Ting Luo, Usha Srinivasan, Kirtana Ramadugu, Ai Wen, Deborah Goldberg, Kerby Shedden, Richard Crout, Daniel W. McNeil, Robert Weyant, and Mary L. Marazita


The Psychology Of Interpersonal Forgiveness And Guidelines For Forgiveness Therapy: What Therapists Need To Know To Help Their Clients Forgive, Suzanne Freedman and Tiffany Zarifkar


Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Judgment Accuracy And Calibration Accuracy: Do They Predict Students’ Mathematics Achievement Outcomes?, Anthony J. Gabriele, Elana Joram, and Ki H. Park


Civic Education: Do Liberals Do It Better?, Jason Gainous and Allison M. Martens


School Counselors' Experiences Working with Digital Natives: A Qualitative Study, Laura L. Gallo, Meredith Rausch, Carol Klose Smith, and Susannah Wood


Examining How Accreditation Standards May Drive Quality Improvement and Accountability in Nonprofit Studies Educational Programs, Julianne Gassman and Andrew F. Thompson


Laws Impacting the Role of the Public School Administrator, Timothy Gilson


The Journey to a Program for Teacher Leadership in International Schools: Vision, Dilemmas & Success, Timothy W. Gilson and Leigh C. Martin


Perceptions and predictors of questionable research practices in the biological sciences, Anita M. Gordon and Helen C. Harton


Perceptions and predictors of questionable research practices in the social sciences, Anita M. Gordon and Helen C. Harton


Perceptions of questionable research practices in social work and other disciplines, Anita M. Gordon, Cindy Juby, and Helen C. Harton


Shadow Puppet Plays in Elementary Science Methods Class Help Preservice Teachers Learn about Minority Scientists, Phyllis Gray, Audrey C. Rule, Anneliese Gentzsch, and Denise Tallakson


Learning Form and Function by Dance-Dramatizing Cultural Legends to Drum Rhythms Wearing Student-Made Animal Masks, Phyllis Gray, Audrey C. Rule, Gloria Kirkland Holmes, Stephanie R. Logan, Andrea L. Alert, and Cynthia A. Mason


The Effects Of 3D Printing In Design Thinking And Design Education, Scott Greenhalgh


Navigating The Visual Turn In Argument, Leo Groarke, Catherine H. Palczewski, and David Godden


Why People Harm The Organization And Its Members: Relationships Among Personality, Organizational Commitment, And Workplace Deviance, Russell P. Guay, Daejeong Choi, In Sue Oh, Marie S. Mitchell, Michael K. Mount, and Kang Hyun Shin


Reading Promotion Events Recommended for Elementary Students, Nicole N. Guldager, Karla Steege Krueger, and Joan Bessman Taylor


A Pilot Study Of Sustainable Machining Process Design In Indian Process Industry, Sumit Gupta, G. S. Dangayach, Amit Kumar Singh, and P. N. Rao


Systems Theories And Approaches, Gary Gute


Assessing Psychological Complexity in Highly Creative Persons: The Case of Jazz Pianist and Composer Oscar Peterson, Gary Gute, Deanne Gute, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


‘Give Us The Words’: Protestant Faith Leaders And Sexuality Education In Their Churches, Alexa Hach and Susan Roberts-Dobie


Information Technology is Transforming the Heartland: Making the Case for Midwest United States, Rassule Hadidi, Daniel Power, and Joey F. George


The Character in the Mask: An Analysis of Mask in Art Spiegelman’s Maus, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar


Reliability and concurrent validity of an alternative method of lateral lumbar range of motion in athletes, Mark D. Hecimovich and Jeffrey J. Herbert


Lumbar Sagittal Plane Spinal Curvature And Junior-Level Cricket Players, Mark D. Hecimovich and Norman Jay Stomski


The Fifth Leaf And Spike Organs Of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) Display Different Physiological And Metabolic Responses To Drought Stress, Jordan A. Hein, Mark E. Sherrard, Kirk P. Manfredi, and Tilahun Abebe


The fifth leaf and spike organs of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) display different physiological and metabolic responses to drought stress, Jordan A. Hein, Mark E. Sherrard, Kirk P. Manfredi, and Tilahun Abebe


Maternal Warmth: A Re-Examination Of The Role Race And Socioeconomic Status Play, William R. Henninger and Patricia E. Gross


Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Educators, Mary C. Herring, Matthew J. Koehler, and Punya Mishra


Introduction To The Second Edition Of The TPACK Handbook, Mary C. Herring, Matthew J. Koehler, Punya Mishra, Joshua M. Rosenberg, and Jolene Teske


TPACK Development In Higher Education, Mary C. Herring, Sohyun Meacham, and Daniel Mourlam


Sharon And Mary’s Voices: Sisterhood-The Journey, Mary C. Herring and Sharon E. Smaldino


Interlayer Breathing And Shear Modes In Nbse2 Atomic Layers, Rui He, Jeremiah Van Baren, Jia An Yan, Xiaoxiang Xi, Zhipeng Ye, Gaihua Ye, I. Hsi Lu, S. M. Leong, and C. H. Lui


Coupling And Stacking Order Of Res2 Atomic Layers Revealed By Ultralow-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy, Rui He, Jia An Yan, Zongyou Yin, Zhipeng Ye, Gaihua Ye, Jason Cheng, Ju Li, and C. H. Lui


Distinct Surface And Bulk Charge Density Waves In Ultrathin 1T-Ta S2, Rui He, Zhipeng Ye, Gaihua Ye, Heidi Anderson, Xia Dai, Xianxin Wu, Jiangping Hu, Yu Liu, Wenjian Lu, Yuping Sun, Abhay N. Pasupathy, and Adam W. Tsen

The Dream of Christian Nagasaki: World Trade and the Clash of Cultures, 1560-1640, Reinier H. Hesselink


The Relationship Between Perceived Greenness And Perceived Restorativeness Of University Campuses And Student-Reported Quality Of Life, J. Aaron Hipp, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, Susana Alves, and Sonia Sequeira

Roles and Responsibilities of Deans and Directors in Digital Initiatives and Campus IRs, W. Lee Hisle, Christopher Cox, and Jennifer Nutefall


Linguistic Ostracism Causes Prejudice: Support For A Serial Mediation Effect, Robert Thomas Hitlan, Michael A. Zárate, Kristine M. Kelly, and M. Catherine DeSoto


Astronomers: Never Blinded By Science, Thomas Hockey


Astronomy Unplugged, Thomas Hockey

Bush And The Faith-Based Initiative: Forgoing The Role Of Chief Legislator, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison Dana Howard


Was Medieval China Medieval? (Post-Han To Mid-Tang), Charles Holcombe


Social Media, Participation, And Attitudes: Does Social Media Drive Polarization?, Justin W. Holmes and Ramona Sue McNeal


Continuity of the Conquest: Charlemagne and Anglo-Norman Imperialism, Wendy Marie Hoofnagle


Models of Psychopathology: Generational Processes and Relational Roles, Lisa Hooper, Luciano L'Abate, Laura Sweeney, Giovanna Gianesini, and Peter Jankowski


Constraints On Geographic Variation In Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae: Uca) From The Western Atlantic, M. J. Hopkins, A. Haber, and C. L. Thurman


Creating in a Participatory Culture: Perceptions of Digital Tools Among Teachers, Emily Howell, Rebecca Kaminski, and Sarah Hunt-Barron


Social Exchange Process In Collectivistic Countries: An Examination Of Sporting Events In China, Haiyan Huang, Sophia D. Min, Tzu Shuo Ryan Wang, and Luke Lunhua Mao


Fourth Graders Make Inventions using SCAMPER and Animal Adaptation Ideas, Mahjabeen Hussain and Anastasia Carignan


Vistabeans Coffee Shop Data Analytics Teaching Case, Amy Igou and Martin Coe

Age-Dependent Aerobic Capacity Among Young And Middle-Aged Males, Ferenc Ihász, Piroska Boros, Peter Szabó, Andras Oláh, Balázs Fügedi, and József Bognár


Sex Differences In Claimed And Behavioral Self-Handicapping And Adhd Symptomatology In Emerging Adults, Maryanne Jaconis, Stephen J. Boyd, Cynthia M. Hartung, Sean M. McCrea, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Will H. Canu


Reading media literature with young people, Amy Petersen Jensen


La Paternidad Periférica y Su Relación Con La Crisis De La Masculinidad En Todo Lo Que Tú Quieras De Achero Mañas, Heather Jerónimo


Playing With Subversive Spaces In Lluís Maria Todó'S El Juego Del Mentiroso And El Mal Francés, Heather Jerónimo


Modification Of Electronic Band Structure In Ml + Nl (M = 1, 2; N = 1-5) Free-Stacking Graphene, Jianting Ji, Rui He, Yinghao Jie, Anmin Zhang, Xiaoli Ma, Linjing Pan, Le Wang, Liyuan Zhang, and Qing Ming Zhang


Magnetism And Electronic Structure Of Cofecrx (X = Si, Ge) Heusler Alloys, Y. Jin, P. Kharel, P. Lukashev, S. Valloppilly, B. Staten, J. Herran, I. Tutic, M. Mitrakumar, B. Bhusal, A. O'Connell, K. Yang, Y. Huh, R. Skomski, and D. J. Sellmyer


Effectiveness Of Corticosteroid Injections In The Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis, Shanna L. Karls, Kelli R. Snyder, and Peter J. Neibert


Urban Pollution Of Bagmati River Corridor Within The Densely Populated Kathmandu Valley In Nepal, Y. J. Khadka, M. Z. Iqbal, and K. De Nault


Effect of disorder on the magnetic and electronic structure of a prospective spin-gapless semiconductor MnCrVAl, P. Kharel; J. Herran; Pavel Lukashev; Y. Jin; J. Waybright; S. Gilbert; B, Staten; P. Gray; S. Valloppilly; Y. Huh; and D. J. Sellmyer


Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz


Near, Far, And Online: Small Business Owners’ Advice-Seeking From Peers, Kristine Kuhn, Tera Galloway, and Maureen Collins-Williams


Meta-Sticks: Having Children Consider the Source of Knowledge Promotes Scientific Thinking, Mason Kuhn


Using Creativity from Art and Engineering to Engage Students in Science, Mason Albert Kuhn, Scott Greenhalgh, and Mark McDermott


Race, Gender, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the US Military: Differential Vulnerability?, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon and Sarah A. Mustillo


Mental Maps and a Community-Based Sense of Place: A Case Study among Kansas Third Graders, Thomas Larsen and John Harrington Jr.


Biochar amendment of grassland soil may promote woody encroachment by Eastern Red Cedar, Ramesh Laungani, Kenneth Elgersma, Maria Juarez, Kristin McElligott, and Tyler Kuhfahl


Biochar Amendment Of Grassland Soil May Promote Woody Encroachment By Eastern Red Cedar, Ramesh Laungani, Kenneth Elgersma, Kristin McElligott, Maria Juarez, and Tyler Kuhfahl


Differential Operators On Modular Forms Associated To Quasimodular Forms, Min Ho Lee


Theta Series Associated To Symmetric Matrices, Min Ho Lee


Disruptive Behaviors And Aggression, E. K. Lefler and C. M. Hartung


Adhd In College: A Qualitative Analysis, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Gina M. Sacchetti, and Dawn I. Del Carlo


Range Expansion Of The Invasive Rusty Crayfish Orconectes Rusticus (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda: Astacoidea) In Northeastern Iowa (USA) Rivers, Mauricio Leon, Megan J. Merner, Allison A. Dreyer, Audrey Cooper, Leander Scott, Peter B. Berendzen, David A. McCullough, and Eric C. Merten


Improved Genome-Scale Multi-Target Virtual Screening Via A Novel Collaborative Filtering Approach To Cold-Start Problem, Hansaim Lim, Paul Gray, Lei Xie, and Aleksandar Poleksic


Large-Scale Off-Target Identification Using Fast And Accurate Dual Regularized One-Class Collaborative Filtering And Its Application To Drug Repurposing, Hansaim Lim, Aleksandar Poleksic, Yuan Yao, Hanghang Tong, Di He, Luke Zhuang, Patrick Meng, and Lei Xie


Large-ScaleOff-Target IdentificationUsing Fast and Accurate Dual Regularized OneClass Collaborative Filtering and Its Application to Drug Repurposing, Hansaim Lim, Alexsandar Poleksic, Yuan Yao, Hanghang Tong, Di He, Luke Zhuang, Patrick Meng, and Lei Xie


The Impact Of Supervised Filial Therapy Training On Attitude, Knowledge, And Skills, Natalya A. Lindo, Kristie Opiola, Peggy L. Ceballos, Szu Yu Chen, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Yi Ju Cheng, Gustavo Barcenas, Emily Reader, and Sarah Blalock


Second Reaction: A Good Deed Is Never a Waste, Stephanie R. Logan


Multicultural Inclusion Of Lesbian And Gay Literature Themes In Elementary Classrooms, Stephanie R. Logan, Dwight C. Watson, Yolanda Hood, and Terri A. Lasswell


Becoming Virginia Woolf: Her Early Diaries and the Diaries She Read, Barbara Lounsberry


Virginia Woolf's Modernist Path: Her Middle Diaries & the Diaries She Read, Barbara Lounsberry


Investigation of spin-gapless semiconductivity and half-metallicity in Ti2MnAl-based compounds, Pavel V. Lukashev, Parashu Kharel, S. Gilbert, B Staten, N. Hurley, R Fuglsby, Yung Huh, Shah R. Valloppilly, Wenliang Zhang, K. Yang, Ralph A. Skomski, and David J. Sellmyer


Modification of the G-phonon mode of graphene by nitrogen doping, Pavel V. Lukashev, Liuyan Zhao, Tula R. Paudel, Theanne Schiros, Noah Hurley, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Aron Pinczuk, Abhay Pasupathy, and Rui He


Modification Of The G-Phonon Mode Of Graphene By Nitrogen Doping, Pavel V. Lukashev, Liuyan Zhao, Tula R. Paudel, Theanne Schiros, Noah Hurley, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Aron Pinczuk, Abhay Pasupathy, and Rui He


Modification of the G-phonon mode of graphene by nitrogen doping, Pavel V. Lukashev, Liuyan Zhao, Tula R. Paudel, Theanne Schiros, Noah Hurley, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Aron Pinczuk, Abhay Pasupathy, and Rui He


Investigation Of Spin-Gapless Semiconductivity And Half-Metallicity In Ti2Mnal-Based Compounds, P. Lukashev, P. Kharel, S. Gilbert, B. Staten, N. Hurley, R. Fuglsby, Y. Huh, S. Valloppilly, W. Zhang, K. Yang, R. Skomski, and D. J. Sellmyer


A Stochastic Differential Game For Quadratic-Linear Diffusion Processes, Shangzhen Luo


Barrier Present Value Maximization For A Diffusion Model Of Insurance Surplus, Shangzhen Luo and Mingming Wang


Optimal Reinsurance: Minimize The Expected Time To Reach A Goal, Shangzhen Luo, Mingming Wang, and Xudong Zeng

Individual Differences, Peter D. MacIntyre, Tammy Gregersen, and Richard Clément


Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Physical Function Item Bank, Version 1.0: Physical Function Assessment For Athletic Patient Populations, Leif P. Madsen, Todd A. Evans, Kelli R. Snyder, and Carrie L. Docherty


The Effectiveness Of Manual Lymphatic Drainage In Patients With Orthopedic Injuries, Tricia Majewski-Schrage and Kelli Snyder


Staff Quality And Treatment Effectiveness: An Examination Of The Relationship Between Staff Factors And The Effectiveness Of Correctional Programs, Matthew Makarios, Lori Lovins, Edward Latessa, and Paula Smith


Nitrogen loading leads to increased carbon accretion in both invaded and uninvaded coastal wetlands, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, and Kenneth J. Elgersma


Nitrogen Loading Leads To Increased Carbon Accretion In Both Invaded And Uninvaded Coastal Wetlands, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, and Kenneth J. Elgersma


Pedagogical Voyeurism: Dialogic Critique of Documentation and Assessment of Learning, Eugene Matusov, Ana Marjanovic-Shane, and Sohyun Meacham


Qualitative Analysis Of Dietary Behaviors In Picture Book Fiction For 4- To 8-Year-Olds, Oksana Matvienko


Identifying Effective Spelling Interventions Using A Brief Experimental Analysis And Extended Analysis, Merilee McCurdy, Lynne F. Clure, Amanda A. Bleck, and Stephanie L. Schmitz


State-Level Cyberbullying Policy: Variations In Containing A Digital Problem, Ramona Sue McNeal, Susan M. Kunkle, and Lisa Dotterweich Bryan


State-Level Cyberbullying Policy: Variations In Containing A Digital Problem, Ramona Sue McNeal, Susan M. Kunkle, and Lisa Dotterweich Bryan


Smartphones And Their Increased Importance In U.S. Presidential Elections, Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida, and Lisa Bryan


The E-Government Surveillance In The United States: Public Opinion On Government Wiretapping Powers, Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida, and Justin Holmes


The E-Government Surveillance In The United States: Public Opinion On Government Wiretapping Powers, Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida, and Justin Holmes


Peer Relationships And Internally Persuasive Discourse, Sohyun Meacham


Teachers’ Responsiveness To Preschoolers’ Utterances In Sociodramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell


The Impact Of Wellness-Focused Supervision On Mental Health Counseling Practicum Students, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Darcie Davis-Gage, and Natalya A. Lindo


Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy, Kristin Meany-Walen and Terry Kottman


Adlerian Play Therapy With Students With Externalizing Behaviors And Poor Social Skills, Kristin K. Meany-Walen and Sunny Teeling

Education In Transition: Trends In Central And Eastern Europe, Kurtis S. Meredith and Jeannie L. Steele

Tracing The Development Of The South African Alto Saxophone Style, Christopher Linn Merz

Guilt, Trips, And Insights: How Little We Know About One Another!, Joyce Milambiling


Continuing To Bridge The Academic-Practitioner Divide: Development Of The General Parsimonious Scale (GPS) For Spectator Sports, Sophia Deulre Min, Tzushuo Ryan Wang, and Woong Kwon


Smallest Meaningful Pay Increases: Field Test, Constructive Replication, And Extension, Atul Mitra, Aino Tenhiälä, and Jason Shaw

Lithic Analysis At The Millennium: Introduction, Norah Moloney and Michael J. Shott


Exploring The Intel Teach Elements In Teacher Education: Integration And Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge Development, Daniel Mourlam and Mary Herring


Speaking Different Languages Or Reading From The Same Script? Word Usage Of Democratic And Republican Politicians, Jayme L. Neiman, Frank J. Gonzalez, Kevin Wilkinson, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing


The Effect Of Flowering Calendula And Cuphea Plants On Orius Insidiosus Survival And Predation Of Aphis Glycines, Kristine Nemec, Eric Beckendorf, Louis Hesler, Walter Riedell, and Jonathan Lundgren


An Improved Joint Power Harvesting And Communication Technology For Smartphone Centric Ubiquitous Sensing Applications, Hong Nie, Ranjana Joshi, and Ziyuan Li


Demonstration Of A Joint Power Harvesting And Communication Technology For Smartphone Centric Ubiquitous Sensing Applications, Hong Nie, Ranjana Joshi, and Ziyuan Li


Responding To Student Thinking: Enhancing Mathematics Instruction Through Classroom Based Professional Development, Lynne Nielsen, Olof B. Steinthorsdottir, and Laura B. Kent


Aligning Teaching to Learning: A 3-Year Study Examining the Embedding of Language and Argumentation into Elementary Science Classrooms, Lori A. Norton-Meier, Brian Hand, Murat Gunel, and Recai Akkus


Scientific Concepts, Multiple Modalities, and Young Children, Lori Norton-Meier and Deborah L. Linebarger


A Note On Assessing The Relation Between Ceo Characteristics And Stock Performance: Alpha Above Replacement, Brett C. Olsen, Sanjay R. Sisodiya, and Judith Swisher


The 1919 Prison Special: Constituting White Women's Citizenship, Catherine H. Palczewski


Feminisms and Argumentation, Catherine Helen Palczewski

Rhetoric in Civic Life, Catherine Helen Palczewski, Richard Ice, and John Fritch


Preschoolers Explore Greenhouses by Visiting a Greenhouse, Making a Model, and Growing Plants, Leann M. Perkins and Dessy Stoycheva


Perspectives Of Special Education Teachers On General Education Curriculum Access: Preliminary Results, Amy Petersen


Exploring The Arctic’s “Other Economies”: Knowledge, Creativity And The New Frontier, Andrey N. Petrov


Arctic Sustainability Research: Toward A New Agenda, Andrey N. Petrov, Shauna BurnSilver, F. Stuart Chapin, Gail Fondahl, Jessica Graybill, Kathrin Keil, Annika E. Nilsson, Rudolf Riedlsperger, and Peter Schweitzer


The Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Gene Occurs On A Minichromosome With Extensive Heteroplasmy In Two Species Of Chewing Lice, Geomydoecus Aurei And Thomomydoecus Minor, Lucas L. Pietan, Theresa A. Spradling, and James W. Demastes


The Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Gene Occurs on a Minichromosome with Extensive Heteroplasmy in Two Species of Chewing Lice, Geomydoecus aurei and Thomomydoecus minor, Lucas L. Pietan, Theresa A. Spradling, and James W. Demastes


The Role Of Social Media In Enforcing Environmental Justice Around The World, Gayle M. Pohl


Detecting Non-Trivial Protein Structure Relationships, Aleksandar Poleksic


Decision Support Negative Consequences?, Daniel Power


Celebrating 50 Years of Management Information Systems (MIS) Research and Teaching, Daniel Power, Rassule Hadidi, and Kevin P. Scheibe


“Big Brother” Can Watch Us, Daniel J. Power


Data Science: Supporting Decision-Making, Daniel J. Power


Victim Blame In Fictional Crime Dramas: An Examination Of Demographic, Incident-Related, And Behavioral Factors, Nicole E. Rader, Gayle M. Rhineberger-Dunn, and Lauren Vasquez


French-Chinese Dialogical Interaction Via Web Collaborative Blog-Writing: Code-Switching To Extend Online Tandem Language Learning, Ya Rao, Congcong Wang, and Jacob Bender


Performance Evaluation Of Vegetable Oil Based Nano Cutting Fluids In Machining Using Grey Relational Analysis-A Step Towards Sustainable Manufacturing, Padmini Rapeti, Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Krishna Mohana Rao Gurram, and Rukmini Srikant Revuru

Increasing The Capabilities Of Computer Process Modeling With Applied Programming Interface, S. Ravi and J. Thiel


Clearing Crime In Prime-Time: The Disjuncture Between Fiction And Reality, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Steven J. Briggs, and Nicole Rader


Secondary Trauma Among Community Corrections Staff: An Exploratory Study, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Kristin Y. Mack, and Kimberly M. Baker


Epistemic Cognition and Philosophy: Developing a New Framework for Epistemic Cognition, Ronald W. Rinehart and Clark A. Chinn


Critical Design Decisions for Successful Model-Based Inquiry in Science Classrooms, Ronald W. Rinehart, Ravit Golan Duncan, Clark A. Chinn, Trudy A. Atkins, and Jessica DiBenedetti

Let’s get serious: The role of academic libraries in preparing graduate students for their collegiate careers, Leila June Rod-Welch


Modeling Biomass Procurement Tradeoffs Within A Cellulosic Biofuel Cost Model, Alicia Rosburg, John Miranowski, and Keri Jacobs


Simulation And Characterization Of Tetracosane On Graphite: Molecular Dynamics Beyond The Monolayer, M. W. Roth, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M. J. Connolly, E. Maldonado, and C. Wexler


Simulated Structural And Magnetic Behavior Of Mn-Ti Intercalated Dichalcogenide Crystals, M. W. Roth, B. Wandling, T. E. Kidd, P. M. Shand, and A. Stollenwerk


The Power Of Language: A Constitutive Response To Millennial Student Research, C. Kyle Rudick and Scott Ellison


Editorial: Welcome to the Journal of STEM Arts, Crafts, and Constructions, Audrey C. Rule


Spatial Thinking Skills and STEM Connections: How Does this Issue Address Them?, Audrey C. Rule


Art-Integration through Making Dioramas of Women Mathematicians’ Lives Enhances Creativity and Motivation, Audrey C. Rule, Dana L. Atwood-Blaine, Clayton M. Edwards, and Mindy M. Gordon


Literacy and Arts-Integrated Science Lessons Engage Urban Elementary Students in Exploring Environmental Issues, Audrey C. Rule, Phyllis Gray, Caroline Elser, and Julie Leigh Klein


Prairie Restoration Project: Alternatives For Identifying Gifted Students, Katie E. Salisbury, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden


Boom Back Or Blow Back? Growth Strategies In Mono-Industrial Resource Towns-'East' And 'West', Gertrude Saxinger, Andrey Petrov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Vera Kuklina, and Doris Carson


State Policy Action On Medicaid Telemedicine Reimbursement Laws, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal


Internet Pharmacy Cybercrime: State Policy Mitigating Risks 2000-2015, Mary Schmeida and Ramona S. McNeal


U.S. Public Support To Climate Change Initiatives? Setting Stricter Carbon Dioxide Emission Limits On Power Plants, Mary Schmeida and Ramona Sue McNeal


U.S. Public Support To Climate Change Initiatives?: Setting Stricter Carbon Dioxide Emission Limits On Power Plants, Mary Schmeida and Ramona Sue McNeal


Upper Body Muscle Activation During Low-Versus High-Load Resistance Exercise In The Bench Press, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Dan Ogborn, Fabio Fontana, and Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez


Cycling State that Can Lead to Glassy Dynamics in Intracellular Transport, Monika Scholtz, Stanislav Burov, Kimberly L. Weirich, Björn J. Scholtz, S.M. Ali Tabei, Margaret L. Gardel, and Aaron R. Dinner


Cycling State That Can Lead To Glassy Dynamics In Intracellular Transport, Monika Scholz, Stanislav Burov, Kimberly L. Weirich, Björn J. Scholz, S. M.Ali Tabei, Margaret L. Gardel, and Aaron R. Dinner


Our Discipline: An Ecological Creative Writing Manifesto, Jeremy Schraffenberger

Manifold Nature: John Burroughs and the North American Review, Jeremy Schraffenberger and Joan Burroughs

The Necessary Poetics of Atheism, Jeremy Schraffenberger, Martín Espada, and Lauren Marie Schmidt


Clustering Of Worry Appraisals Among College Students, Nicholas G. Schwab, Jerry C. Cullum, and Helen C. Harton


13C And 15N Fractionation Of Ch4/N2 Mixtures During Photochemical Aerosol Formation: Relevance To Titan, Joshua A. Sebree, Jennifer C. Stern, Kathleen E. Mandt, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, and Melissa G. Trainer


A Case Study In Estimating Avionics Availability From Field Reliability Data, Ettore Settanni, Linda B. Newnes, Nils E. Thenent, Daniel Bumblauskas, Glenn Parry, and Yee Mey Goh


Applying Forgotten Lessons In Field Reliability Data Analysis To Performance-Based Support Contracts, Ettore Settanni, Linda B. Newnes, Nils E. Thenent, Glenn C. Parry, Daniel Bumblauskas, Peter Sandborn, and Yee Mey Goh

Polyethyleneimine Applications In Post Combustion Carbon Capture: From Theoretical Study To Experimental Work, Xinhua Shen, Hongbo Du, Ziaul Huque, and Raghava Rao Kommalapati

Size As A Factor In Middle Palaeolithic Assemblage Variation In The Old World: A North American Perspective, Michael J. Shott


Integrating Models Of Collaborative Consultation And Systems Change To Implement Forgiveness-Focused Bullying Interventions, Nicole R. Skaar, Suzanne Freedman, Amy Carlon, and Elizabeth Watson


Zebras and Jaguars, Oh My! Integrating Science and Engineering Standards with Art during Prekindergarten Block Time, Brandy A. Smith and Jane E. Cline


Systematic Revision Of The Pocket Gopher Genus Orthogeomys, Theresa A. Spradling, James W. Demastes, David J. Hafner, Paige L. Milbach, Fernando A. Cervantes, and Mark S. Hafner


Measurement Of Properties Of Cutting Fluids With Capb (Vegetable Based Emulsifier), R. R. Srikant and V. S.N. Venkata Ramana


Studies On Corrosion And Quenching Effects Of Cutting Fluid With Vegetable-Based Emulsifier On Aisi 1040 Steel, R. R. Srikant and V. S.N. Venkata Ramana


Screening Limited Switching Performance Of Multilayer 2D Semiconductor Fets: The Case For SNS, Sukrit Sucharitakul, U. Rajesh Kumar, Raman Sankar, Fang Cheng Chou, Yit Tsong Chen, Chuhan Wang, Cai He, Rui He, and Xuan P.A. Gao


Not So Black And White: Race And Promotion In Major League Baseball, 1951-1955, David Surdam, Kenneth Brown, and Paul E. Gabriel


Dogs And Dogma: Perception And Revelation In Rembrandt's Presentation In The Temple, C. 1640, Elizabeth Sutton


The Lived Experience of Young Widows and Widowers, Nathan C. Taylor and W. David Robinson


Using Experiential Interventions with Distance Technology: Overcoming Traditional Barriers, Nathan C. Taylor, Paul R. Springer, Adam Farero, and Richard J. Bischoff

Advancements In Materials For Three Dimensional Printing Of Molds And Cores, J. Thiel, S. Ravi, and N. Bryant


Adhd Stigma Among College Students, Amanda Chi Thompson and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Raman Scattering In Superconducting Ndo 1-X F X Bis 2 Crystals, Yong Tian, Anmin Zhang, Kai Liu, Jianting Ji, Jianzhong Liu, Xiyu Zhu, Hai Hu Wen, Feng Jin, Xiaoli Ma, Rui He, and Qing Ming Zhang


Self-Study and Diversity II: Inclusive Teacher Education for a Diverse World, Deborah Tidwell, Linda Fitzgerald, and Julian Kitchen


What does the research say about standards-based grading? A research Primer, Matt Townsley and Tom Buckmiller

Cheap Amusements: A Hayden Fuller Mystery, Grant Tracey


Using Institutional Resources And Agency To Support Graduate Students’ Success At A Hispanic Serving Institution, Natalie Tran, Gaetane Jean-Marie, Katherine Powers, Sean Bell, and Kimberly Sanders


The Four Roles Of A Master Toddler Teacher, Jill Uhlenberg


CET Research Brief #1 July 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Educational Transformation.


The Make Cook Do Book, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Languages and Literatures., Jennifer Cooley, and Caitlin Agrosinger


A Cello, A Plane, And A Garden: Reclaiming The Context Of Play With Young Children To Promote Literacy, Sarah Vander Zanden, Sohyun Meacham, Jane Frost, and Jennifer Strange

Foreword, Katherine van Wormer


Cultural Representations In Walt Disney Films: Implications For Social Work Education, Katherine van Wormer and Cindy Juby


Adopted Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Qualitative Study on Family Processes, Matthew L. Vasquez and Meredith Stensland

Hazing In Sport, Jennifer J. Waldron


It’s Complicated: Negotiations And Complexities Of Being A Lesbian In Sport, Jennifer J. Waldron


Handbook of Research on Foreign Language Education in the Digital Age, Congcong Wang and Lisa Winstead


Introduction: Foreign Language Education In The Digital Age, Congcong Wang and Lisa Winstead


Preface, Congcong Wang and Lisa Winstead


Could Folic Acid Influence Growth Cone Motility During the Development of Neural Connectivity?, Darrell Wiens


Influence Of Folic Acid On Neural Connectivity During Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurogenesis, Darrell Wiens, Alexandra Dewitt, Morgan Kosar, Celeste Underriner, Maren Finsand, and Mikayla Freese


The Prairie in Seed: Identifying Seed-Bearing Prairie Plants in the Upper Midwest, Dave Williams


Syntheses, Characterization, And Reactivity Of Diruthenium Hydrido Complexes, Heather R. Wiltse, Alyssa N. Johnson, Raphael Durand, William Brennessel, and Robert M. Chin


Feminist Eudaimonia: A Research Direction, Jiyun Wu and Mary L. Connerley


Multichannel Energy Detection UWB Receivers Based On Nonlinear Square Law Technology, Zhimeng Xu, Aidong Yang, Zhizhang David Chen, and Hong Nie


On The Variance-Based Detection For Impulse Radio UWB Systems, Aidong Yang, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, and Zhizhang Chen


Influence Of Curriculum Quality And Educational Service Quality On Student Experiences: A Case Study In Sport Management Programs, Jingxian Zhang, Junqi Wang, Sophia D. Min, Kenny K. Chen, and Haiyan Huang


Development Of Low-Cost Air-Based Hydraulic Leakage Detection System Through Real-Time Pressure Decay Data Acquisition Technology, Julie Zhang, Justin Shang, Nilmani Pramanik, P. N. Rao, and Bo Li


Prior Knowledge Determines Interest In Learning In Physical Education: A Structural Growth Model Perspective, Tan Zhang, Ang Chen, Sami Yli-Piipari, Jerry Loflin, Stephanie Wells, Ray Schweighardt, Kevin Moennich, Deockki Hong, and Catherine D. Ennis


“Arresting The Dead”: Victorian Insolvency Laws And The Novel, Jolene Zigarovich


Death Embraced: Camilla’s Dream As Vampiric Fantasy, Jolene Zigarovich


Proleptic Death In Dickens’s A Christmas Carol And Little Dorrit, Jolene Zigarovich

Submissions from 2015


Occupational Choices Of Working Children In Bangladesh, Imam M. Alam, Shahina Amin, and Janet M. Rives

Grid Connected Wind Turbines - A Simulation Study, Islam Ali and Bekir Zihni Yuksek

Ethics In The Theory And Practice Of Hizmet, Radhi H. Al-Mabuk


Inaccuracy Of Regression Results In Replacing Bivariate Correlations, Ariel M. Aloe

Pushing Up Against The Limit-Horizon Of Educational Change: A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Popular Education Reform Texts, Ashlee Anderson, Brittany Aronson, Scott Ellison, and Sherrie Fairchild-Keyes


Developed Economy Investment Promotion Agencies And Emerging Market Foreign Direct Investment: The Case Of Chinese FDI In Canada, John Anderson and Dylan Sutherland


Entry Mode And Emerging Market MNEs: An Analysis Of Chinese Greenfield And Acquisition FDI In The United States, John Anderson and Dylan Sutherland


An Event Study Of Home And Host Country Patent Generation In Chinese MNEs Undertaking Strategic Asset Acquisitions In Developed Markets, John Anderson, Dylan Sutherland, and Sean Severe


RDA, Resource Description & Access and Cartographic Resources, Paige G. Andrew, Susan M. Moore, and Mary Lynette Larsgaard


PV Reactive Power Injection Effect On Voltage Profile, Mehmet Argin and Sadik Kucuksari


“Baby? Baby Not?”: Exploring Women’s Narratives About Ambivalence Towards An Unintended Pregnancy, Natoshia M. Askelson, Mary E. Losch, Lindsey J. Thomas, and Julie C. Reynolds


The Manual of Speech Sound Disorders: A Book for Students and Clinicians, Ken Mitchell Bleile


Clinical Assessment Versus MRI Diagnosis Of Meniscus Tears, Megan P. Brady and Windee Weiss


Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Manual, Josh Brandt, Kirk Henderson, Jim Uthe, and Maria Urice


Stigma Towards Marijuana Users And Heroin Users, Seth A. Brown


Correlates Of Self-Stigma Among Individuals With Substance Use Problems, Seth A. Brown, Kirstin Kramer, Brittany Lewno, Luci Dumas, Gina Sacchetti, and Elisa Powell

Emanuel Schikaneder As Theater Composer, Or Who Wrote Papageno's Melodies In Die Zauberflote?, David J. Buch


A Markov Decision Process Model Case For Optimal Maintenance Of Serially Dependent Power System Components, Daniel Bumblauskas


Prairie power project: determining maximum sustainable production of biomass with a mixture of prairie species, Cynthia Cambardella, Kenneth Elgersma, Eric Giddens, Mark Myers, Mark Sherrard, and Daryl Smith

Promoting Interest In Your Class Or Studio, Theresa Chardos Camilli


The Effect Of Inbreeding Constraints And Offspring Distribution On Time To The Most Recent Common Ancestor, R. B. Campbell


Media & Culture: Mass Communication in a Digital Age, Richard Campbell, Christopher Martin, and Bettina Fabos


It Isn't All About Language: Communication Barriers For Latinas Using Contraceptives, Shelly Campo, Connie Kohler, Natoshia M. Askelson, Cristina Ortiz, and Mary Losch


Size of the Risk: Histories of Multiple Use in the Great Basin, Leisl A. Carr Childers


Incident At Galisteo: The 1955 Teapot Series And The Mental Landscape Of Contamination, Leisl Carr Childers


Quasimodular Forms And Jacobi-Like Forms, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee


Optical Phonons In Twisted Bilayer Graphene With Gate-Induced Asymmetric Doping, Ting Fung Chung, Rui He, Tai Lung Wu, and Yong P. Chen


Mathematical Game Creation and Play Assists Students in Practicing Newly-Learned Challenging Concepts, Kalyn Jon Cody, Audrey C. Rule, and Benjamin R. Forsyth


Making Meaning Of Experience: Navigating The Transformation From Graduate Student To Tenure-Track Professor, Pamela K. Coke, Sheila Benson, and Monie Hayes


Influence Of Interface Coupling On The Electronic Properties Of The Au/Mos2 Junction, Matt Cook, Robert Palandech, Keith Doore, Zhipeng Ye, Gaihua Ye, Rui He, and Andrew J. Stollenwerk


Rural School Food Service Director Perceptions on Voluntary School Meal Reforms, Disa Lubker Cornish, Natoshia Askelson, and Elizabeth Golembiewski


STEM Learning with Young Children: Inquiry Teaching with Ramps and Pathways, Shelly Counsell, Lawrence T. Escalada, Rosemary Geiken, Melissa Sander, Jill M. Uhlenberg, Beth Van Meeteren, Sonia Yoshizawa, and Betty L. Zan


STEM Learning with Young Children: Inquiry Teaching with Ramps and Pathways, Shelly Counsel, Lawerence Escalada, Rosemary Geiken, Melissa Sander, Jill Uhlenburg, Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren, Sonia Yoshizawa, and Betty Zan


Special Speciation, Lyn L. Countryman and Jill D. Maroo


Special Speciation, Lyn L. Countryman and Jill D. Maroo

Baptism of Fire: The Birth of the Modern British Fantastic in World War I, Janet Croft


Giving Evil a Name: Buffy's Glory, Angel's Jasmine, Blood Magic, and Name Magic, Janet Brennan Croft


The Vampire Family Plot: Naming, Siring, and Identity, Janet Brennan Croft


Three Rings for Hollywood: Scripts for The Lord of The Rings by Zimmerman, Boorman, and Beagle, Janet Brennan Croft

Perilous and Fair: Women in the Works and Life of J. R. R. Tolkien, Janet Croft and Leslie A. Donovan


Overview Of The Hungarian National Youth Fitness Study, Tamás Csányi, Kevin J. Finn, Gregory J. Welk, Weimo Zhu, István Karsai, Ferenc Ihász, Zoltán Vass, and László Molnár


Pre-Alpine Mire Sediments as a Mirror of Erosion, Soil Formation and Landscape Evolution During the Last 45ka, Dennis Dahms, Hans Jäger, Matthias Achermann, Jarosław Waroszewski, Cezary Kabała, Małgorzata Malkiewicz, Holger Gärtner, Rolf Krebs, and Markus Egli


Step-Count Guidelines For Children And Adolescents: A Systematic Review, Michael Pereira Da Silva, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, Eric Callahan, Oldemar Mazzardo, and Wagner De Campos


Addressing Environmental Concerns In Closed Loop Supply Chain Design And Planning, Kanchan Das and Posinasetti Naseswara Rao


The Influence Of Historical And Contemporary Landscape Variables On The Spatial Genetic Structure Of The Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma Caeruleum) In Tributaries Of The Upper Mississippi River, Dane J. Davis, Anna C. Wieman, and Peter B. Berendzen


Theoretically Based Group Models Used In Counseling And Psychotherapy Groups, Darcie Davis-Gage and Ann Vernon

Reflective Liberals And Intuitive Conservatives: A Look At The Cognitive Reflection Test And Ideology, Kristen D. Deppe, Frank J. Gonzalez, Jayme L. Neiman, Carly Jacobs, Jackson Pahlke, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing


Neuroticism and Cortisol: The Importance of Checking for Sex Differences, M. Catherine DeSoto and Manuel Salinas


Games With Rules, Rheta Devries


Integrating Flow Theory And The Serious Leisure Perspective Into Mental Health Counseling, Rodney Blake Dieser, Jacob Christenson, and Darcie Davis-Gage


Metatheorizing Leisure Theory, Rodney Dieser, G. Walker, and S. Kono


Changing Minds, Changing Schools, Changing Systems: Comprehensive Literacy Design for School Improvement, Linda J. Dorn, Salli Forbes, Mary Ann Poparad, and Barbara Schubert


The Meaning And Utility Of Institutional Teaching Evaluations, Katheryn East


Managing Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services: An Introduction, Christopher R. Edginton, Samuel V. Lankford, Dale Larsen, and Susan D. Hudson


Repeated Reading, Turn Taking, And Augmentative And Alternative Communication (AAC), Evette Edmister and Jane Wegner


Free Online Resources Not to Miss for Teaching Middle School Mathematics, Clayton M. Edwards


Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Stratigraphy Of Ordovician Bulk Carbonate: Implications For Preservation Of Primary Seawater Values, Cole T. Edwards, Matthew R. Saltzman, Stephen A. Leslie, Stig M. Bergström, Alexa R.C. Sedlacek, Amanda Howard, Jeffrey A. Bauer, Walter C. Sweet, and Seth A. Young


Does Clonal Resource Translocation Relate to Invasiveness of Typha Taxa? Results from a Common Garden Experiment, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Radka Wildová, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, and Deborah E. Goldberg

Promoting Prevention And Early Intervention Of Adolescents' Self-Disclosure And Online Risk Behavior, Rachel Ellingson and Nicole R. Skaar


The Enduring Relevance of National Presidential Nominating Conventions, Kyle Endres and Costas Panagopoulos

Ecological Creative Writing, James Engelhardt and Jeremy Schraffenberger


The Value Of Group Work: Functional Group Models And Historical Perspectives, Bradley T. Erford, Ann Vernon, and Darcie Davis-Gage


Gender Gaps In Educational Outcomes Among Children Of New Migrants: The Role Of Social Integration From A Comparative Perspective, Xavier Escandell, Marga Marí-Klose, and Pau Marí-Klose

The Complexity Of Cross-Cultural Variation: Values In Guatemala And The U.S., Sara Estrada-Villalta and Nicholas Terpstra-Schwab


What Are the Most Appropriate Patient-Oriented Outcome Measures to Use for Gauging Disability and Functional Recovery During Rehabilitation Following Ankle Sprain?, Todd A. Evans and Kelli R. Snyder


Sigma Gamma Epsilon 2014 W.A. Tarr Awards, Paula Even


Sigma Gamma Epsilon Student Research Poster Session, Geological Society of America Meeting 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Paula Even


Impact Of A Passive Social Marketing Intervention In Community Pharmacies On Oral Contraceptive And Condom Sales: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Karen B. Farris, Mary L. Aquilino, Peter Batra, Vince Marshall, and Mary E. Losch


Ranjit Singh, The Shawl, And The Kaukab-I Iqbāl-I Punjāb, Louis E. Fenech


Agreement Between Omron 306 And Biospace In Body 720 Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzers (BIA) In Children And Adolescents, Kevin J. Finn, Pedro F. Saint-Maurice, István Karsai, Ferenc Ihász, and Tamás Csányi


The Role Of Alcohol Consumption Patterns And Pro-Social Bystander Interventions In Contexts Of Gender Violence, Wm Michael Fleming and Jacquelyn D. Wiersma-Mosley


A Closed-Form, After-Tax, Net Present Value Solution To The Mortgage Refinancing Decision, Richard A. Followill and Brett C. Olsen


Step-Count Guidelines Referenced On 60-Minutes Of Moderate/Vigorous Physical Activity, Fabio Eduardo Fontana, Michael Pereira Da Silva, Ripley Marston, Kevin Finn, and Jere Gallagher


Marie Clay's Search for Effective Literacy Instruction: a Contribution to Reading Recovery and Small-Group Teaching, Salli Forbes and Linda J. Dorn


A Look at Summer Reading Programs Across Iowa, Salli Forbes, Amy Hutchison, and Kristen Missall


Environmental Controls On The Post-Permian Recovery Of Benthic, Tropical Marine Ecosystems In Western Palaeotethys (Aggtelek Karst, Hungary), William J. Foster, Silvia Danise, Alexa Sedlacek, Gregory D. Price, Kinga Hips, and Richard J. Twitchett


Measurement Estimation as a Vehicle for Making Sense of Measurement, Anthony J. Gabriele and Elana Joram


Influence Of Topography On Wind Speed Over A Coastal Dune And Blowout System At Jockey's Ridge, NC, USA, Paul A. Garès and Patrick Pease


Serving-Learning Pedagogy: Understanding the Impact of Student Breadth and Depth of Engagement in Student Organizations, Julianne Gassman


Religion And Fat = Protestant Christianity And Weight Loss? On The Intersections Of Fat Studies And Religious Studies, Lynne Gerber, Susan Hill, and Lerhonda Manigault-Bryant

Taming the Wild Grape: Botany and Horticulture in the Vitaceae, Jean Gerrath, Usher Posluszny, and Lewis Melville


Factors Contributing to Faculty Research Misconduct, Anita Gordon and Helen Harton


University Faculty Perceptions of Research Practices and Misconduct, Anita Gordon and Helen Harton


Perceptions of research misconduct: Pilot data from a national survey, Anita M. Gordon and Helen Harton


University faculty perceptions of research practices and misconduct, Anita M. Gordon and Helen Harton


To Whom Does Transformational Leadership Matter More? An Examination Of Neurotic And Introverted Followers And Their Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Russell P. Guay and Daejeong Choi


“How Would I Like to Read a Mawlawna EBook?”: Children’s Interests and Concerns When Reading EBooks, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar


Ion trap mass analyzer apparatus, methods, and systems utilizing one or more multiple potential ion guide (MPIG) electrodes, Curtiss Hanson


Ion trap mass analyzer apparatus, methods, and systems utilizing one or more multiple potential ion guide (MPIG) electrodes, Curtiss Dwight Hanson


Host Behaviour Drives Parasite Genetics At Multiple Geographic Scales: Population Genetics Of The Chewing Louse, Thomomydoecus Minor, Sheree E. Harper, Theresa A. Spradling, James W. Demastes, and Courtney S. Calhoun


Big Opportunities or Big Problems?: Participants’ Views on Big Data, Helen Harton, Michael Mintz, and Kristin Broussard


Neighborhood Networks, Social Capital, And Political Participation: The Relationships Revisited, Richard Allen Hays


Impact Of An Intuitive Eating Education Program On High School Students’ Eating Attitudes, Nicole Healy, Elana Joram, Oksana Matvienko, Suzanne Woolf, and Kimberly Knesting


Enhancing Academic Integrity and Facing Academic Dishonesty Afternoon Plenary Session & Wrap-Up, Abbylynn Helgevold, Jennifer Waldron, Disa Lubker Cornish, Brittany Flokstra, and Craig VanSandt


Emerging Qualities Of Effective Teaching: Embracing New Literacies, Mary Herring, Christina Curran, Jody Stone, Nadene Davidson, Iradge Ahrabi-Fard, and Ksenia Zhbanova


Laser Induced Oxidation And Optical Properties Of Stoichiometric And Non-Stoichiometric Bi2Te3 Nanoplates, Rui He, Sukrit Sucharitakul, Zhipeng Ye, Courtney Keiser, Tim E. Kidd, and Xuan P.A. Gao


Tailoring Modified Moore Method Techniques To Liberal Arts Mathematics Courses, Theron J. Hitchman and Douglas Shaw


What A Way To Go, Thomas Hockey


Battleground Iowa: Swing State Extraordinaire, Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer


Process and apparatus for manufacturing grease, Lou A. T. Honary and James E. Wesley