Faculty Publications
This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection. Most of the works in the collection have summary information (metadata) about the work with a link out to the publisher's website.
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- Open Access Faculty Publications (This is a collection of Open Access publications by UNI faculty and staff, which is a sub-collection of the larger Faculty Publications collection)
- Faculty Book Gallery (Books written or edited by UNI faculty and staff)
- Open Textbooks@UNI (OER textbooks authored or edited by UNI faculty and staff)
- Faculty Projects (Projects developed by UNI faculty and staff)
- UNI Impact Newsletter (This campus newsletters gathers information about UNI faculty and staff scholarship and awards)
Submissions from 2019
Revisiting Mediational Models Of Sport Commitment With Female Gymnasts, Windee M. Weiss and Ariel M. Aloe
From Borders And Border Crossers In The German-Language South Tyrolean Literature, Siegrun Wildner
Projecting Future Land Use/Land Cover By Integrating Drivers And Plan Prescriptions: The Case For Watershed Applications, Cyril O. Wilson, Bingqing Liang, and Shannon J. Rose
Quantifying Below-Water Fluvial Geomorphic Change: The Implications Of Refraction Correction, Water Surface Elevations, And Spatially Variable Error, Amy S. Woodget, James T. Dietrich, and Robin T. Wilson
Feasibility Of US Foundry Supply Chain Consumables For Three-Dimensional Sand Printing, K. Woods, S. Giese, and S. Trikha
Advertising In Digital Games: A Bibliometric Review, Gunwoo Yoon
An Investigation On In-Process SPC Sampling Frequency For A Shaft Bearing Turning Process, Julie Zhang, Daniel Bumblauskas, Chad Jiaxu Chu, and Ali Kashef
The Effect Of Anger On Variety Seeking For Consumers Of Differing Socio-Economic Backgrounds, Jinling Zhao, Carla Childers, Hui Sang, Jiuqing Cheng, and Ronaldo Vigo
Ocean Underwater Scene Dioramas of First Graders with Submarine Porthole Views, Ksenia Zhbanova, Audrey C. Rule, and Denise A. Tallakson
Submissions from 2018
New Patterns Of Civil-Military Relations In Africa, Pita Ogaba Agbese
Nigeria: How To Derail A Transition Program, Pita Ogaba Agbese
Qr-Code Implementation To Reduce Unnecessary Procedures In Material Handling, Junyong Ahn, Younghan Jung, Sara Smith, and Shahram Varzavand
Income, Education, And Three Dimensions Of Religiosity In The USA, Imam Alam, Shahina Amin, and Ken McCormick
The Effect Of Religion On Women's Labor Force Participation Rates In Indonesia, Imam M. Alam, Shahina Amin, and Ken McCormick
Access to and Quality of Higher Education Available to Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Germany, Radhi Al-Mabuk and A. F. Alrebh
A Review Of The Internationalization Of Chinese Enterprises, Ilan Alon, John Anderson, Ziaul Haque Munim, and Alice Ho
Who Is Sexually Faithful? Own And Partner Personality Traits As Predictors Of Infidelity, Emma E. Altgelt, Melanie A. Reyes, Juliana E. French, Andrea L. Meltzer, and James K. McNulty
The Mediating Role Of Self-Criticism In The Relationship Between Parental Expressed Emotion And NSSI, Brooke A. Ammerman and Seth Brown
The Interactive Role Of Eating Regulation And Stress In The Prediction Of Weight-Related Outcomes Among College Students, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Amanda W. Arnold, Karla P. Teel, Pamela V. Ulrich, and Sareen S. Gropper
Abstracts by Kenneth Atkinson of the Josephus Between the Bible and the Mishnah: An Interdisciplinary Seminar, Kenneth Atkinson
Hasmoneans and Their Neighbors: New Historical Reconstructions from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Classical Sources, Kenneth Atkinson
The Gabriel Revelation (Hazon Gabriel): A Reused Masseba Forgery?, Kenneth Atkinson
Exploring The Relationship Between Institutional Factors And FDI Attractiveness: A Meta-Analytic Review, Nicholas Bailey
Corrections Today, Clemens Bartollas and Larry J. Siegel
Fin48 And Income Tax-Based Earnings Management: Evidence From The Deferred Tax Asset Valuation Allowance, Mark P. Bauman and Cathalene Rogers Bowler
Value Relevance Of Customer-Related Intangible Assets, Mark P. Bauman and Kenneth W. Shaw
Relative Age Effect And Academic Timing In American Junior College Baseball, Thomas C. Beals, Ovande Furtado, and Fabio E. Fontana
In Praise Of The Catenary, F. Behroozi
Weighing A Magnet As It Falls With Terminal Velocity Through An Aluminum Pipe, F. Behroozi
In Praise of the Catenary, Fred Behroozi
Speech Sound Disorders: For Class and Clinic, Ken Mitchell Bleile
Secondary School Chemistry Teacher's Current Use Of Laboratory Activities And The Impact Of Expense On Their Laboratory Choices, Sarah B. Boesdorfer and Robin A. Livermore
Development Of Ultralight Nanocellulose Magnets Using Ultrasonic Agitation, Derek T. Bradley, Eric Clausen, Paul M. Shand, Matthew Fleming, and Timothy E. Kidd
Clinical Diagnostic Tests Versus MRI Diagnosis Of ACL Tears, Megan P. Brady and Windee Weiss
The Motivational Climate And Intrinsic Motivation In The Rehabilitation Setting, Rachel E. Brinkman-Majewski and Windee M. Weiss
Tattoo Or Taboo? Tattoo Stigma And Negative Attitudes Toward Tattooed Individuals, Kristin A. Broussard and Helen C. Harton
Afs/Fef Student Technology Contest: Critical Characteristics Affecting The Surface Finish Of Castings, Nathaniel Bryant and Jerry Thiel
Managing Multiple Projects: Applying A Demand-Based Approach, Daniel Bumblauskas, Sarah Rosol, and Paul Bumblauskas
Order In The Courts: Propagating A Culture Of Efficiency Within The Irish Court Services, Dan Bumblauskas and Salil Kalghatgi
Do Scores On An Attention Test Predict Scores On Executive Function Tests?, Angela N. Burda, Jaimie L. Gilbert, Courtney Amundson, Kelsey Baughman, Aaron Brummel, Sarah Crimmins, Lisa Daringer, Courtney Hansen, Delaney Hoffman, Olivia Ferguson, and Katherine Polit
Woodrow Wilson's Christian Internationalism And The Pursuit Of A Just And Lasting Peace, Cara Lea Burnidge
The Mediating Effects Of Parentification On The Relation Between Parenting Behavior And Well-Being And Depressive Symptoms In Early Adolescents, Shelby Burton, Lisa M. Hooper, Sara Tomek, Bridget Cauley, Ahmad Washington, and Patrick Pössel
Crowdfunding For Academic Libraries: Indiana Jones Meets Polka, Sara Bushong, Susannah Cleveland, and Christopher Cox
Rewriting The History Of The Urban Revolutionary: Documentary Film And Human Rights Activism In Post-Dirty War Society, Fernando Herrera Calderón
Working-Class Heroes: Barrio Consciousness, Student Power, And The Mexican Dirty War, Fernando Herrera Calderón
Techno-Economic Analysis Of High Potential Offshore Wind Farm Locations In Turkey, Umit Cali, Nuh Erdogan, Sadik Kucuksari, and Mehmet Argin
Media Essentials: A Brief Introduction, Richard Campbell, Christopher Martin, and Bettina Fabos
Shaping Supervisory Working Alliance From a Distance, Tawny Chamberlain and Carol Smith
Unpacking Decision Difficulty: Testing Action Dynamics In Intertemporal, Gamble, And Consumer Choices, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo
Discounting Or Intra-Attribute Comparison: A Review Of Choice Mechanism In Intertemporal Choice, Jiuqing Cheng, Shennan Liang, and Cassidy Janssen
Relative Size Processing Performance In 8th Grade: Testing The Role Of Gender, Region And Teachers' Academic Rating, Jiuqing Cheng and Yao Tang
Constructing Narratives in Response to Trump's Election: How Various Populations Make Sense of an Unexpected Victory, Sarina Chen
January Sentiment Effect In The Us Corporate Bond Market, Zhongdong Chen and Karen Ann Craig
The January Sentiment Effect In The U.S. Stock Market, Zhongdong Chen and Phillip R. Daves
Turnover Threat And CEO Risk-Taking Behavior In The Banking Industry, Zhongdong Chen and Alireza Ebrahim
Triangulation, Monaliza M. Chian and Judith L. Green
Student Evaluation Of Teaching And Matters Of Reliability, Dennis E. Clayson
Plague in Paradise : the Black Death in Los Angeles, 1924, Jeffrey S. Copeland
Focus On: Cultivating Your Spiritual Health, Disa Cornish
Tobacco cessation outcomes: The case for milestone-based services, Disa L. Cornish, Ki Park, and Mitchell SJ Avery
Social Support in the "Fourth Trimester": A Qualitative Analysis of Women at 1 Month and 3 Months Postpartum, Disa Lubker Cornish and Susan Roberts-Dobie
Learning to be Lost in (Research) Space, Angie Cox
Is There Water on Mars? A de Bono Skills Mystery for Twice-Exceptional Gifted Students, Christopher Cox, Megan Sova-Tower, and Nathan Wear
Doors into Elf-mounds: J.R.R. Tolkien's Introductions, Prefaces, and Forewords, Janet Brennan Croft
"What if I'm Still There? What if I Never Left That Clinic?": Faërian Drama in Buffy's "Normal Again", Janet Brennan Croft
Theorizing The Role Of Big Data Visualization: Moving Visuals From Delivery To Invention, Dale Cyphert
Revised Quaternary Glacial Succession And Post-LGM Recession, Southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Dennis Dahms, Markus Egli, Derek Fabel, Jon Harbor, Dagmar Brandová, Raquel de Castro Portes, and Marcus Christl
Googling Indigenous Kamchatka: Mapping New Collaborations, Tatiana Degai, Benedict J. Colombi, and Brian Thom
Small Business Challenges And The Triple Bottom Line, TBL: Needs Assessment In A Midwest State, U.S.A., Diane Depken and Catherine Zeman
Evaluating Elementary Student Interaction With Ubiquitous Touch Projection Technology, Sarah M. DIesburg, C. Adam Feldhaus, Coved Oswald, Cole Boudreau, and Beau Brown
Recreation & Leisure Programming: A 21st Century Perspective, Rodney B. Dieser and Christopher R. Edginton
Leisure Programming at Mayo Clinic in Rochester (MN): A Quality-of-Life and Cafeteria based Approach, Rodney Blake Dieser, Christopher R. Edginton, and Renee Ziemer
Quiet Eye: Practical Applications In Sport And Physical Education, Jacob Digmann, Zachary Prouty, Ashley Klein, Wesley Castro, Alex Lang, Fabio Fontana, and Mick G. Mack
Using Practice-Based Coaching To Increase Use Of Language Facilitation Strategies In Early Head Start And Community Partners, Mary Donegan-Ritter and Beth Van Meeteren
Bilingual Tricksters: Conflicting Perceptions Of Bilingualism In The Informal Labor Economy, Elise M. DuBord
Combining Mold Milling And 3D Sand Printing To Optimize Casting Design, Leah Dunlay, Craig Ertl, and Wil Tinker
Bowing Incorrectly: Aesthetic Labor and Expert Knowledge in Japanese Business Etiquette Training, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Prediction of Soil Formation as a Function of Age Using the Percolation Theory Approach, Markus Egli, Allen G. Hunt, Dennis Dahms, Gerald Raab, Curdin Derungs, Salvatore Raimondi, and Fang Yu
Prediction Of Soil Formation As A Function Of Age Using The Percolation Theory Approach, Markus Egli, Allen G. Hunt, Dennis Dahms, Gerald Raab, Curdin Derungs, Salvatore Raimondi, and Fang Yu
Disruptive Innovation, Labor Markets, And Big Valley Stem School: Network Analysis In Stem Education, Scott Ellison and Ben Allen
From Objects To Subjects: Repositioning Teachers As Policy Actors Doing Policy Work, Scott Ellison, Ashlee B. Anderson, Brittany Aronson, and Courtney Clausen
Does Microtargeting Matter? Campaign Contact Strategies and Young Voters, Kyle Endres and Kristin J. Kelly
Preelection Poll Accuracy and Bias in the 2016 U.S. General Elections, Kyle Endres, Costas Panagopoulos, and Aaron C. Weinschenk
Discrimination against Obese Exercise Clients: An Experimental Study of Personal Trainers, Fabio Fontana, Jonathan Bopes, Seth Bendixen, Tyler Speed, Megan George, and Mickey Mack
Defining Far Transfer Via Thematic Similarity, Benjamin Robert Forsyth
Forgiveness As An Educational Goal With At-Risk Adolescents, Suzanne Freedman
“They Are Just Like You And Me”: Cultivating Volunteer Sympathy, Carissa Froyum
’They’re Just Like You and Me’: Cultivating Volunteer Sympathy, Carissa Froyum
The Handbook on the Sociology of Gender, Carissa A. Froyum, Barbara J. Risman, and William J. Scarborough
Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology, Carissa M. Froyum, Spencer Cahill, and Kent Sandstrom
Student Loan Debt and Its Impact on the Nonprofit Sector, Julianne Gassman, Dorothy Norris-Tirrell, and Kristina Kofoot
Co-Creating Service-Learning: The Importance of True Partnerships, Julianne Gassman, Emily J. Shields, Katie Kleinhesselink, and Elaine K. Ikeda
Correlation Of Thermal Analysis To Binder Emissions, Scott R. Giese
The Impact Of Brain Breaks Classroom-Based Physical Activities On Attitudes Toward Physical Activity In Polish School Children In Third To Fifth Grade, Agata Glapa, Joanna Grzesiak, Ida Laudanska-Krzeminska, Ming Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, and Michal Bronikowski
The Impact of Brain Breaks Classroom-Based Physical Activities on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in Polish School Children in Third to Fifth Grade, Agata Glapa, Joanna Grzesiak, Ida Laudanska-Krzeminska, Ming-Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, and Michal Bronikowski
Historical And Current Prairie Restoration In The Midwest, Steve Glass and Daryl Smith
Identification Of Genes Highly Downregulated In Pancreatic Cancer Through A Meta-Analysis Of Microarray Datasets: Implications For Discovery Of Novel Tumor-Suppressor Genes And Therapeutic Targets, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, Wyatt Andersen, Alex Smith, and Xiaosheng Wang
Agriculturally Led Development: Ethiopia, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self
Review of Composition in the Age of Austerity, Nancy Welch and Tony Scott, Eds., David M. Grant
Signature Strengths As A Gateway To Mentoring: Facilitating Emergent Teachers’ Transition Into Language Teaching, Tammy Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Real-World Research: A Qualitative Study of Faculty Perceptions of the Library's Role in Service-Learning, Anne Marie Gruber
Real-World Research: A Qualitative Study Of Faculty Perceptions Of The Library’s Role In Service-Learning, Anne Marie Gruber
Moving Words: Building Community through Service-Learning in the Arts, Anne Marie Gruber, Angela L. Pratesi, and Angela Waseskuk
Adoption Of Sustainable Supply Operation Quality Practices And Their Impact On Stakeholder’s Performance And Sustainable Performance For Sustainable Competitiveness In Indian Manufacturing Companies, Sumit Gupta, G. S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, M. L. Meena, and P. N. Rao
Implementation Of Sustainable Manufacturing Practices In Indian Manufacturing Companies, Sumit Gupta, G. S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, M. L. Meena, and P. N. Rao
Gender Comparisons Of Young Adults’ Eating Behavior Regulation: Re-Examination Of The Regulation Of Eating Behavior Scale (REBS), Tessa Hamilton, Jessica Hoffman, Dilbur Arsiwalla, Robert Volpe, Ellyn Schmidt, and Sareen Gropper
Challenges For Digital Transformation–Towards A Conceptual Decision Support Guide For Managers, Ciara Heavin and Daniel J. Power
Youth Australian Footballers Experience Similar Impact Forces To The Head As Junior-And Senior-League Players: A Prospective Study Of Kinematic Measurements, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, Alasdair Dempsey, Mason Gittins, and Myles Murphy
Head Impact Exposure in Junior and Adult Australian Football Players, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, Alasdair Dempsey, and Myles Murphy
The King–Devick Test Is A Valid And Reliable Tool For Assessing Sport-Related Concussion In Australian Football: A Prospective Cohort Study, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, Alasdair R. Dempsey, and Myles Murphy
Quantifying Rates Of Soil Deflation With Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry In West Greenland, Ruth C. Heindel, Jonathan W. Chipman, James T. Dietrich, and Ross A. Virginia
Intersectionality Dis/Ability Research: How Dis/Ability Research In Education Engages Intersectionality To Uncover The Multidimensional Construction Of Dis/Abled Experiences, David I. Hernández-Saca, Laurie Gutmann Kahn, and Mercedes A. Cannon
Structural And Magnetic Properties Of Bulk Mn2Ptsn, J. Herran, S. Prophet, Y. Jin, S. Valloppilly, P. R. Kharel, D. J. Sellmyer, and P. V. Lukashev
Dimensionality-Driven Orthorhombic Mot E2 At Room Temperature, Rui He, Shazhou Zhong, Hyun Ho Kim, Gaihua Ye, Zhipeng Ye, Logan Winford, Daniel McHaffie, Ivana Rilak, Fangchu Chen, Xuan Luo, Yuping Sun, and Adam W. Tsen
Jupiter, Thomas A. Hockey and William Sheehan
Iowa: Still Swinging After All These Years, Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer
Out-of-plane electron transport in finite layer MoS2, R Holzapfel, Jake Weber, Pavel Lukashev, and Andrew Stollenwerk
Out-Of-Plane Electron Transport In Finite Layer Mos2, R. Holzapfel, J. Weber, P. V. Lukashev, and A. J. Stollenwerk
Prairie Restoration Series: Drying, Cleaning and Storing Prairie Seed, Greg Houseal
Prairie Restoration Series: Native Seed Source and Quality, Greg Houseal
Prairie Restoration Series: Propagating Native Plants, Greg Houseal
Prairie Restoration Series: Recognizing and Appreciating Tallgrass Prairie Remnants, Greg Houseal
Prairie Restoration Series: Seed Collecting from Tallgrass Prairies, Greg Houseal
Assessment Competence Through In Situ Practice For Preservice Educators, Kimberly S. Hurley
Practices, Perceived Benefits, and Barriers to Strength Training Among Women Enrolled in College, Kimberly S. Hurley, Kaleigh J. Flippin, Lindsey C. Blom, Jocelyn E. Bolin, Donald L. Hoover, and Lawrence W. Judge
Multicultural American Exceptionalism In The Speeches Of Frederick Douglass And Barack Obama, Julie Husband
“Taking Their Rights” During Reconstruction: Susan B. Anthony’s and Frederick Douglass’s Performances of Identity, Julie Husband
The Speeches of Frederick Douglass: A Critical Edition, Julie Husband, John R. McKivigan, and Heather L. Kaufman
Coaching In Practice-Based Literacy Education Courses, Nicholas E. Husbye, Christy Wessel Powell, Sarah Vander Zanden, and Tiffany Karalis
Increasing Stem Literacy Via an Informal Learning Environment, Christa D. Jackson and Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder
Family Bonds That Ensnare And Empower: Dementia As Identity Formation In Elvira Lindo's Una Palabra Tuya, Heather Jerónimo
Gendering The Suicidal Body: Male Translation Of Female Death In Javier Marías' Corazón Tan Bianco, Heather Jerónimo
Schizophrenia, Sex, and Sentience: Familial (Dys)Function as Identity Formation in La Isla Interior (2009), Heather Jerónimo
Structural, Magnetic, And Electron-Transport Properties Of Epitaxial Mn2Ptsn Films, Y. Jin, S. Valloppilly, P. Kharel, J. Waybright, P. Lukashev, X. Z. Li, and D. J. Sellmyer
The Effect Of Pause Location On Perceived Fluency, Jimin Kahng
A Strategic Value Appropriation Path For Cloud Computing, Abhishek Kathuria, Arti Mann, Jiban Khuntia, Terence J.V. Saldanha, and Robert J. Kauffman
A Business Librarian Finds Inspiration in PICO, Jim Kelly
“We Are Two Of The Lucky Ones”: Experiences With Marriage And Wellbeing For Same-Sex Couples, Heather R. Kennedy, Rochelle L. Dalla, and Steven Dreesman
Documenting the Postville Story, Thomas L. Kessler
The Influence Of Distractor Strength And Response Order On MCQ Responding, John Emmanuel Kiat, Ai Rene Ong, and Asha Ganesan
Three-Dimensional Quantum Size Effects On The Growth Of Au Islands On Mos2, T. E. Kidd, J. Weber, R. Holzapfel, K. Doore, and A. J. Stollenwerk
Room Temperature Formation of Carbon Onions via Ultrasonic Agitation of MoS2 in Isopropanol, Timothy E. Kidd, Andrew J. Stollenwerk, Eric Clausen, Matthew Cook, Keith Doore, Ryan Holzapfel, Jacob Weber, and Rui He
Transcending Barriers In The Superintendency: The Resiliency Leadership Discourse Of African American Women, Francemise Kingsberry and Gaëtane Jean-Marie
Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz
Virtue Epistemology And Collective Epistemology, Reza Lahroodi
Developing a Learning Progression for Place, Thomas B. Larsen and John A. Harrington
Place, Learning Progressions, and Progress, Thomas B. Larsen and John A. Harrington
Exploring Affective Dimensions of Authentic Geographic Education Using a Qualitative Document Analysis of Students’ YouthMappers Blogs, Thomas B. Larsen, Rebecca Hite, Patricia Solís, and Lindsay Wargo
Learning Progression Research In Geography: What Teachers Need To Know, Thomas B. Larsen, Lisa Millsaps, John A. Harrington, and Rhonda Lefferd
Bringing Stories To Life: Integrating Literature And Math Manipulatives, Lotta C. Larson and Chepina Rumsey
Transdisciplinary Graduate Training in Predictive Plant Phenomics, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Theodore J. Heindel, Patrick S. Schnable, Stephanie J. Strong, Jill Wittrock, Mary E. Losch, and Julie A. Dickerson
Transdisciplinary Graduate Training In Predictive Plant Phenomics, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Theodore J. Heindel, Patrick S. Schnable, Stephanie J. Strong, Jill Wittrock, Mary E. Losch, and Julie A. Dickerson
Quasimodular Forms And Automorphic Pseudodifferential Operators Of Mixed Weight, Min Ho Lee
The Benefits of Early Care and Education for Child Welfare-Involved Children: Perspectives from the Field, Sei-Young Lee, Sacha Klein, Brittany Mihalec-Adkins, and Stephanie Benson
Change in Delinquency Over Time Between Adolescents With and Without Maltreatment Experiences: Attachment and the School's Role, Sei-Young Lee, Siyan Rhee, and Margarita Villagrana
Perceived Self-Stigma in the Utilization of Mental Health Services in Foster Care and Post Foster Care Among Foster Care Alumni, Sei-Young Lee, Margarita Villagrana, Cindy Guillen, and Vanessa Macedo
Talk The Talk Or Walk The Walk? An Examination Of Sustainability Accounting Implementation, W. Eric Lee and Amy M. Hageman
Sentencing Recommendations By Probation Officers And Judges: An Examination Of Adult Offenders Across Gender, Michael J. Leiber, Maude Beaudry-Cyr, Jennifer H. Peck, and Kristin Y. Mack
Depletion Or Expansion? Understanding The Effects Of Support Policy Use On Employee Work And Family Outcomes, Andrew Li, Adam Butler, and Jessica Bagger
Characterizing Urban Landscape By Using Fractal-Based Texture Information, Bingqing Liang and Qihao Weng
Activity Recognition Based On Thermopile Imaging Array Sensor, Qingshan Liang, Lei Yu, Xuping Zhai, Zaihong Wan, and Hong Nie
Development And Characterization Of 12 Novel Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci For The Mammal Chewing Louse Geomydoecus Aurei (Insecta: Phthiraptera) And A Comparison Of Next-Generation Sequencing Approaches For Use In Parasitology, J. E. Light, S. E. Harper, K. P. Johnson, J. W. Demastes, and T. A. Spradling
Developing A Landscape Of Urban Building Energy Use With Improved Spatiotemporal Representations In A Cool-Humid Climate, Wenliang Li, Yuyu Zhou, Kristen S. Cetin, Sha Yu, Yu Wang, and Bingqing Liang
Implementation Of A Joint Power Harvesting And Communication Technology On A Smartphone'S 3.5 Mm Audio Interface, Ziyuan Li and Hong Nie
Implementation Of A Joint Power Harvesting And Communication Technology On A Smartphone's 3.5Mm Audio Interface, Ziyuan Li, Hong Nie, and Adnan Affandi
Gender And Diversity In The Workforce, Brenda Lloyd-Jones, Lisa Bass, and Gaëtane Jean-Marie
A Historical And Political Look At The Modern School Choice Movement, Stephanie R. Logan
Virginia Woolf, the War Without, the War Within: Her Final Diaries & the Diaries She Read, Barbara Lounsberry
Iowa and the Civil War, Volume 3: The Longest Year, 1864-1865, Kenneth Lyftogt and Hal Jespersen
Iowa and the Civil War, Volume I: Free Child of the Missouri Compromise, 1850-1862, Kenneth Lyftogt and Hal Jespersen
Circumpolar Spatio-Temporal Patterns And Contributing Climatic Factors Of Wildfire Activity In The Arctic Tundra From 2001-2015, Arif Masrur, Andrey N. Petrov, and John DeGroote
Cultural Analysis Of Corporate Social Action, James E. Mattingly, Harry T. Hall, and Craig VanSandt
Performance Outcomes Of Investing Slack Resources In Corporate Social Responsibility, James E. Mattingly and Lori Olsen
Law, Business and Society, Tony McAdams
“It Was At The Library; Therefore It Must Be Credible”: Mapping Patterns Of Undergraduate Heuristic Decision-Making, Ryan McGeough and C. Kyle Rudick
Comparative Analysis Of Repeatability And Reproducibility Of Compaction Testing, K. W. McLain, D. P. Bumblauskas, D. J. White, and D. D. Gransberg
Cyber Harassment and Policy Reform in the Digital Age: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Ramona S. McNeal
Teachers' Interactions With A Young Child With: Comparing Ipad And Non-Ipad Use, Sohyun Meacham and Saeed Almalki
Play Therapists' Perceptions Of Wellness And Self-Care Practices, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Alyssa Cobie-Nuss, Eric Eittreim, Sunny Teeling, Stacy Wilson, and Chuck Xander
Doing Play Therapy: From Building the Relationship to Facilitating Change, Kristin K. Meany-Walen and Terry Kottman
Effectiveness of a Play Therapy Intervention on Children's Externalizing and Off-Task Behaviors, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Sunny Teeling, Aubrey Davis, George Artley, and Andrea Vignovich
Cost-effective seed mix design and first-year management, Justin Meissen
The Universal Declaration Of Linguistic Rights, Joyce Milambiling
Seeking Alternatives In Therapeutic Recreation/Recreation Therapy: A Social/Recreation Community Model, Kenneth E. Mobily and Rodney B. Dieser
"You're Not Latino, You're American": Heritage Learners of Spanish Navigate Issues of Cultural Identity in Higher Education, Sarah E. Montgomery, Zak K. Montgomery, Anne E. Birtwistle, and Elizabeth Silbernagel Yvonne Ayesiga
Cultivating the Collective: Exploring the American Dream with Sixth Graders, Sarah E. Montgomery, Zak K. Montgomery, Sarah Vander Zanden, Ashley Jorgensen, and Mirsa Rudic
Ecosystem Shake Up: An Environmental Change Adaptation Project, Hannah E. Morgan, Dana Atwood-Blaine, and Audrey C. Rule
Countering Overseas Power In Global Value Chains: Information Asymmetries And Subcontracting In The Plastics Industry, Michael Murphree and John Andy Anderson
Rethinking Social Activism Regarding Human Rights For Student-Athletes In South Korea, Benjamin H. Nam, Deockki Hong, Racheal C. Marshall, and Jenong Ho Hong
Conflicts Among Stakeholders Regarding The New Academic System In The Korea University Sport Federation, Benjamin H. Nam, Deockki Hong, Racheal C. Marshall, and Jeongho Hong
Relationship Between Demographic Variables And Collegiate Athletes’ Perceptions Of Social Support From Head Coaches, Nathan D. Newman and Windee M. Weiss
I Will Just SWH It: The Learning Lens of Teachers as They Engage in the Exploration of Argument-Based Inquiry, Lori Norton-Meier and Brian Hand
Terrorists And Social Media Messages: A Critical Analysis Of Boko Haram’s Messages And Messaging Techniques, Chris Wolumati Ogbondah and Pita Ogaba Agbese
Classroom Management And Socioemotional Functioning Of Burmese Refugee Students In Malaysia, Colleen O’Neal, Ranga Atapattu, Anasuya Jegathesan, Jennifer Clement, Edward Ong, and Asha Ganesan
Mental Health Consumer Concept Mapping Of Supportive Community, Steven J. Onken
Arts Integration into Elementary Science: Force and Motion and Natural Disasters, Eric C. Ooms, Tabitha M. Wu, Ashley R. Kokemuller, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Audrey C. Rule
Women at the Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument: Remapping the Gendered/Sexed Circumference of Memory, Catherine Palczewski
Comparing The Performance & Viability Of Nano And Microfluids In Minimum Quantity Lubrication For Machining Aisi1040 Steel, Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, and Srinu Gugulothu
Small Vertebrate Granivores Reduce Seedling Emergence In Native Tallgrass Prairie Restoration, Carmen A. Pellish, Mark E. Sherrard, Paige A. Leytem, and Laura L. Jackson
High-Resolution Characterization of DNA/Protein Complexes in Living Bacteria, Justin P. Peters, Nicole A. Becker, and L. James Maher
An Assay that Predicts In Vivo Efficacy for DNA Aptamers that Stimulate Remyelination in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis, Justin P. Peters, Robin M. Heider, John A. Smestad, Hernan Nicolas Lemus, Brandon Wilbanks, Arthur E. Warrington, Moses Rodriguez, and L. James Maher
Comparative Analysis of Inosine-substituted Duplex DNA by Circular Dichroism and X-ray Crystallography, Justin P. Peters, Ewa A. Kowal, Pradeep S. Pallan, Martin Egli, and L. James Maher
Approaches for Determining DNA Persistence Length Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Justin P. Peters and L. James Maher
Regulating Judicial Elections: Assessing State Codes of Judicial Conduct, Scott C. Peters
Inuvialuit Social Indicators: Applying Arctic Social Indicators Framework to Study Well-Being in the Inuvialuit Communities, Andrey Petrov
Re-Tracing Development Paths: Exploring the Origins and Nature of the 20th Century’s Northern Development Paradigms in Russia and Canada, Andrey N. Petrov
Creating New Path through Creative Capital: Theories and Evidence from the Northern Periphery, Andrey N. Petrov and Philip Cavin
Measuring Impacts: A Review Of Frameworks, Methodologies, And Indicators For Assessing Socioeconomic Impacts Of Resource Activity In The Arctic, Andrey N. Petrov, Jessica Graybill, Matthew Berman, Philip Cavin, Vera Kuklina, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, and Matthew Cooney
Validity, Reliability And Sensitivity Of The Norla-6: Naming And Oral Reading For Language In Aphasia 6-Point Scale, Laura L. Pitts, Rosalind Hurwitz, Jaime B. Lee, Julia Carpenter, and Leora R. Cherney
Lingual Pressure As A Clinical Indicator Of Swallowing Function In Parkinson’s Disease, Laura L. Pitts, Sarah Morales, and Julie A.G. Stierwalt
Predicting Serious Rare Adverse Reactions Of Novel Chemicals, Aleksandar Poleksic and Lei Xie
Implementation Of Brain Breaks® In The Classroom And Effects On Attitudes Toward Physical Activity In A Macedonian School Setting, Biljana Popeska, Snezana Jovanova-Mitkovska, Ming Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, and Serjoza Gontarev
Implementation of Brain Breaks((R)) in the Classroom and Effects on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in a Macedonian School Setting, Biljana Popeska, Snezana Jovanova-Mitkovska, Ming-Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, and Serjoza Gontarev
Evolution Of Soil Erosion Rates In Alpine Soils Of The Central Rocky Mountains Using Fallout Pu And Δ13C, Raquel Portes, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Gerald Raab, Marcus Christl, Peter Kühn, Michael Ketterer, and Markus Egli
Analytics and Evidence-based Decision Making, Daniel Power, Dale Cyphert, and Roberta Roth
Managing the Scientific Literature Overload: Digital Object Identifiers and Scopus, Daniel Power and Rassule Hadidi
Modern Information Systems: Expanding the Boundaries, Daniel Power and Rassule Hadidi
Data-Based Decision Making and Digital Transformation, Daniel Power and Ciara Heavin
Digital Business: Using Data In Decision Making, Daniel J. Power and Ciara Heavin
Defining Business Analytics: An Empirical Approach, D. J. Power, C. Heavin, J. McDermott, and M. Daly
Use(Less) Data: Discovery, Counter, And Music Databases, Angela L. Pratesi
Three at the Door : a Novel, Nancy Price
Forgiveness As Potentiality In Criminal Justice, Aaron Pycroft and Clemens Bartollas
Denudation Variability Of The Sila Massif Upland (Italy) From Decades To Millennia Using 10Be And 239+240Pu, Gerald Raab, Fabio Scarciglia, Kevin Norton, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Raquel de Castro Portes, Marcus Christl, Michael E. Ketterer, Annina Ruppli, and Markus Egli
Lessons From The Field: A Mixed Methods Analysis Of Hair Stylists’ Reflections On Their Experience As Lay Health Educators, Addie Rasmusson, Susan Roberts-Dobie, and Mary E. Losch
Use Of Dilatometry To Evalute The High Temperature Characteristics Of Silica In Chromite Sand, S. Ravi, J. Thiel, N. Bryant, S. Giese, and T. J. Schneiter
Evaluation Of Green Sand Premixes For Emission Characteristics, S. Ravi, J. Thiel, and V. LaFay
Perception Of Politics And Job Outcomes: Moderating Role Of Islamic Work Ethic, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Basharat Javed, and Muhammad Naveed Iqbal
A Comparison Between North And South Business Ethics: The Concepts Of Renzhi And Fazhi In China, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Yanfang Wang, Baochun Zhao, and Basharat Javed
Stitched Together, Torn Apart: The Keffiyeh As Cultural Guide, Evan Renfro
Development Of Finite Element Based Model For Performance Evaluation Of Nano Cutting Fluids In Minimum Quantity Lubrication, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Ismail Syed, and Uday Kumar Paliwal
Minimum Quantity Lubrication Using Nano-Graphite Cutting Fluids For Sustainable Machining Of Aisi 4140 Under Different Cutting Conditions, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Posinasetti Nageswara Rao, M. Amrita, and Venkata Ramana S.N. Vuppala
Optimization Of Titanium Alloys Turning Operation In Varied Cutting Fluid Conditions With Multiple Machining Performance Characteristics, Rukmini Srikant Revuru, Julie Z. Zhang, Posinasetti Nageswara Rao, and Timothy Kidd
Decomposing Economic Mobility Transition Matrices, Jeremiah Richey and Alicia Rosburg
Supplemental Seed Increases Native Seedling Establishment In Roadside Prairie Restoration, Jessica L. Riebkes, Mark E. Sherrard, and Laura L. Jackson
Epistemic Design: Design to Promote Transferable Epistemic Growth in the PRACCIS Project, Ronald Rinehart, Clark Chinn, and Ravit Golan Duncan
The Speak Up! Salon Project: Using Hair Stylists As Lay Health Educators About Unintended Pregnancy, Susan Roberts-Dobie, Addie Rasmusson, and Mary E. Losch
Students' Perceptions of STEM Learning After Participating in a Summer Informal Learning Experience, Thomas Roberts, Christa Jackson, Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder, Sarah B. Bush, Cathrine Maiorca, Maureen Cavalcanti, D. Craig Schroeder, Ashley Delaney, Lydia Putnam, and Chase Cremeans
Epidemiological And Experimental Evidence For Sex-Dependent Differences In The Outcome Of Leishmania Infantum Infection, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Iraci D. Lima, Upasna Gaur Dixit, Elizabeth A. Turcotte, Ryan D. Lockard, Hemali Batra-Sharma, Eliana L. Nascimento, Selma M.B. Jeronimo, and Mary E. Wilson
Factors Influencing Corn Fungicide Treatment Decisions, Alicia Rosburg and Luisa Menapace
Factors Influencing Corn Fungicide Treatment Decisions, Alicia Rosburg and Luisa Menapace
Profiling Potential Plagiarizers: A Mastery Learning Instructional Technique To Enhance Competency, Sarah Rosol and Dale Cyphert
Yes, And … : Continuing The Scholarly Conversation About Freedom Of Speech At Colleges And Universities*, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, And … ”: Continuing The Scholarly Conversation About Immigration And Higher Education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
Yes, And … : Continuing The Scholarly Conversation About Mental Health Stigma In Higher Education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
“Yes, And … *”: Continuing The Scholarly Conversation About Anti-Lgbt Bullying In K-12 Education, C. Kyle Rudick and Deanna P. Dannels
Civility And White Institutional Presence: An Exploration Of White Students' Understanding Of Race-Talk At A Traditionally White Institution, C. Kyle Rudick and Kathryn B. Golsan
Critical Communication Pedagogy And Service Learning In A Mixed-Method Communication Research Course, C. Kyle Rudick, Kathryn B. Golsan, and Jennifer Freitag
Relational Dialectics Theory: A New Approach For Military And Veteran-Connected Family Research, Erin Sahlstein Parcell and Benjamin M.A. Baker
Unions Of Left-Separated Spaces, E. Scheidecker and A. Stanley
Subsurface Nutrient Processing Capacity In Agricultural Roadside Ditches, Keith E. Schilling, Matthew T. Streeter, Martin St. Clair, and Justin Meissen
Long-Term Care Spending Relevant To U.S. Medicaid Expansion: Medicaid Long-Term Care Spending, Mary Schmeida and Ramona Sue McNeal
Magnetic And Magnetocaloric Properties Of Co2-Xfexvga Heusler Alloys, K. Schroeder, J. Waybright, P. Kharel, W. Zhang, S. Valloppilly, J. Herran, P. Lukashev, Y. Huh, R. Skomski, and D. J. Sellmyer
Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Co2-xFexVGa Heusler alloys, K. Schroeder, J. Waybright, P. Kharel, W. Zhang, S. Valloppilly, J. Herran, P. Lukashev, Y. Huh, R. Skomsk, and D. J. Sellmyer
Entropy Production Rate Is Maximized In Non-Contractile Actomyosin, Daniel S. Seara, Vikrant Yadav, Ian Linsmeier, A. Pasha Tabatabai, Patrick W. Oakes, S. M.Ali Tabei, Shiladitya Banerjee, and Michael P. Murrell
Detection Of Prebiotic Molecules In Plasma And Photochemical Aerosol Analogs Using Gc/Ms/Ms Techniques, Joshua A. Sebree, Madeline C. Roach, Emma R. Shipley, Chao He, and Sarah M. Hörst
Variation In Photon Flux During Extended Photochemical Aerosol Experiments: Implications For Atmospheric Laboratory Simulations, Joshua A. Sebree, Jessica M. Wayson, and Jose R. Lopez
A Decision Support Framework For Assessing The Contextual Factors For Complex Highway Projects, Akanksha Sinha, Kelly C. Strong, Mehmet E. Ozbek, and Jennifer Shane
‘I Like Knowing When The Zombies Arrive, I Won’t Be Naked’: Young Women And Leisure Handcrafting In The United States, Marybeth C. Stalp, Emily A. Gardner, and Ashley Beaird
A Serial Multiple-Choice Format Designed To Reduce Overestimation Of Meaning-Recall Knowledge On The Vocabulary Size Test, Tim Stoeckel and Tomomi Sukigara
Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Laminated Wood Structures Using a Homemade Bending Tester, Andrew J. Stollenwerk and J. Weber
Age of Ruth and Landis: The Economics of Baseball During the Roaring Twenties, David G. Surdam and Michael J. Haupert
Is The Strategic Asset Seeking Investment Proclivity Of Chinese MNEs Different To That Of Developed Market Mnes? A Comparative Analysis Of Location Choice And Orientation, Dylan Sutherland, John Anderson, and Peter Hertenstein
How Do Quality Of Teaching, Assessment, And Feedback Drive Undergraduate Course Satisfaction In U.K. Business Schools? A Comparative Analysis With Nonbusiness School Courses Using The U.K. National Student Survey, Dylan Sutherland, Philip Warwick, John Anderson, and Mark Learmonth
Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580-c. 1620)., Elizabeth Sutton
Multilingualism in Counselor Education and Human Services Professionals: Implications for a New Training Paradigm, Roberto Swazo and Dorota Celinska
GeoTechnologies and the Spatial Citizen, Lisa Tabor, Tom Baker, and Mary Curtis
Supporting Strong Families and Capable Communities through Cross-National Research, Nathan C. Taylor, Deborah K. Hartman, Richard J. Bischoff, Alan Hayes, Paul R. Springer, Hazel E. Dalton, and David Perkins
The Systemic Interaction of Attachment on Psychophysiological Arousal in Couple Conflict, Nathan C. Taylor, Ryan B. Seedall, W. David Robinson, and Kay Bradford
Global Proofing: A Collaborative Care Telemental Health Intervention in Brazil, Nathan C. Taylor, Paul R. Springer, Patrícia Scheeren, Richard J. Bischoff, Daiana Cargnin, Enrique Barros, and Olga G. Falceto
Profiling The Quality Of Bentonite Clay With Dilatometry, J. Thiel, S. Ravi, and V. Lafay
Navigating Instructional Dialectics: Empirical Exploration Of Paradox In Teaching, Blair Thompson, C. Kyle Rudick, Jeff Kerssen-Griep, and Kathryn Golsan
The Unusual Case Of The Widely Distributed Fiddler Crab Minuca Rapax (Smith, 1870) From The Western Atlantic: An Exemplary Polytypic Species, C. L. Thurman, M. J. Hopkins, A. L. Brase, and H. T. Shih
A Fourth Face: A Hayden Fuller Mystery, Grant Tracey
Between Soviet Legacy And Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Benefit Sharing Frameworks In The Irkutsk Oil Region, Russia, Maria Tysiachniouk, Andrey N. Petrov, Vera Kuklina, and Natalia Krasnoshtanova
Benefit Sharing In The Arctic Energy Sector: Perspectives On Corporate Policies And Practices In Northern Russia And Alaska, Maria S. Tysiachniouk and Andrey N. Petrov
Center for Educational Transformation, Research and Development Center Annual Report, November 2018, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Educational Transformation.
First Opinion: A Response to Glenn Ringtved’s Cry, Heart, but Never Break, Sarah Vander Zanden
Aggression In Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Sign Of Deficits In Emotional Regulatory Processes?, Matthew Vasquez and Nicole Miller
Series Editor Introduction, Michael D. Waggoner
Four Perspectives For Understanding LGBTIQ People In Sport, Jennifer J. Waldron
3D Printed Smart Molds For Sand Casting, Jason Walker, Evan Harris, Charles Lynagh, Andrea Beck, Rich Lonardo, Brian Vuksanovich, Jerry Thiel, Kirk Rogers, Brett Conner, and Eric MacDonald
Teachers' Experience as Foreign Language Online Learners: Developing Teachers' Linguistic, Cultural, and Technological Awareness, Congcong Wang
Transitions Of Developmental Trajectories Of Depressive Symptoms Between Junior And Senior High School Among Youths In Taiwan: Linkages To Symptoms In Young Adulthood, Yu Chung Lawrence Wang, Hsun Yu Chan, and Pei Chun Chen
The Long-Term Societal Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers: Bolsa Família a Decade In, Brian Warby
The Global Challenge of Equal Access for Girls to an Education: An Investigation Using Inquiry, Carolyn A. Weber and Heather N. Hagan
Geographies of Plague Pandemics: The Spatial-Temporal Behavior of Plague to the Modern Day, Mark R. Welford
A New Phylogenetic Tribal Classification Of The Grape Family (Vitaceae), Jun Wen, Li Min Lu, Ze Long Nie, Xiu Qun Liu, Ning Zhang, Stefanie Ickert-Bond, Jean Gerrath, Steven R. Manchester, John Boggan, and Zhi Duan Chen
Documenting The Process Of A Prospective Elementary Teacher’s Flexibility Development: Scaffolded Strategy Ranges And Sociomathematical Norms For Mental Computation, Ian Whitacre and Chepina Rumsey
Spatial Genetic Variation And Habitat Association Of Rhinichthys Cataractae, The Longnose Dace, In The Driftless Area Of The Upper Mississippi River Basin, Anna C. Wieman and Peter B. Berendzen
Prairie Restoration Series: Designing Seed Mixes, Dave Williams
Prairie Restoration Series: Evaluating Stand Establisment, Dave Williams
Prairie Restoration Series: Initial Post Seeding and Early Reconstruction Management, Dave Williams
Prairie Restoration Series: Seeding, Dave Williams
Prairie Restoration Series: Site Preparation, Dave Williams
Land Use, Microclimate, And Surface Runoff Linkages: Space-Time Modeling From Rokel-Seli River Basin, Sierra Leone, C. Wilson, B. Liang, S. Wilson, and F. Akiwumi
Feasibility Of Us Foundry Supply Chain Consumables For Three Dimensional Sand Printing, K. Woods, S. Giese, and S. Trikha
A Generalized Nonlinear Detector For Impulse Radio UWB Receiver Employed Square Law Technology, Zhimeng Xu, Aidong Yang, Zhizhang David Chen, and Hong Nie
A Calibration Method Based On Virtual Large Planar Target For Cameras With Large FOV, Lei Yu, Yangyang Han, Hong Nie, Qiaofeng Ou, and Bangshu Xiong
Editorial: Arts Integration Allows Students the Opportunity to be Original, Ksenia S. Zhbanova and Audrey C. Rule
Spotlight on Edward de Bono Thinking Skills and Twice-Exceptional Gifted Learners Applied to Mars Mysteries in NASA Photographs, Ksenia S. Zhbanova and Audrey C. Rule
Time And Frame Synchronization Of Ieee 802.15.6 Ir-UWB Physical Layer With Strong Narrowband Interferences, Xuzhou Zuo and Hong Nie
Submissions from 2017
Managing Ethnic Relations In A Heterogeneous Society: The Case Of Nigeria, Pita Ogaba Agbese
15 Years Later: Post 9/11 Support For Increased Security And Criminalizing Muslims, Eva Aizpurua, Alexa J. Singer, Leah F. Butler, Nicole L. Collier, and Marc G. Gertz
The Five-Factor Model For Leisure Management: Pedagogies For Assessing Personality Differences In Positive Youth Development Programmes, Andrea Anderson
Students Explore Fossil Creatures of the Cambrian Period Burgess Shale through Model-Making, Andrea Anderson, Ksenia Zhbanova, Phyllis Gray, Jolene K. Teske, and Audrey C. Rule
Associations Between Romantic Relationship Attachment And Health Among Young Adults: The Mediating Role Of Sleep And Emotion Regulation, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla
The Role Of Alcohol Consumption And Romantic Attachment Insecurity As Risk Factors For Disrupted Sleep And Emotion Regulation Among Underage And Young Adult Drinkers, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla
Portrayals of the Pharisees and the Sadducees in the Qumran texts and Josephus, Kenneth Atkinson
Mobile Gaming And Student Interactions In A Science Center: The Future Of Gaming In Science Education, Dana Atwood-Blaine and Douglas Huffman
Ecosystem Food Web Lift-the-Flap Pages, Dana L. Atwood-Blaine, Audrey C. Rule, and Hannah Morgan
1P1. Google Technology as Inclusive Practice for the Universally Designed Classroom, Patti Bahr, Christina Curran, Sarah Lalk, and Lea Ann Peschong
God's Scoundrels and Misfits: Lessons Learned and Opportunities Missed, Clemens L. Bartollas
Clonal Plant Allocation To Daughter Ramets Is A Simple Function Of Parent Size Across Species And Nutrient Levels, E. E. Batzer, J. P. Martina, K. J. Elgersma, and D. E. Goldberg
Asymptotic Investment Behaviors Under A Jump-Diffusion Risk Process, Tatiana Belkina and Shangzhen Luo
High-Resolution Thermal Micro-Imaging Using Europium Chelate Luminescent Coatings, Timothy M. Benseman, Yang Hao, Vitalii K. Vlasko-Vlasov, Ulrich Welp, Alexei E. Koshelev, Wai Kwong Kwok, Ralu Divan, Courtney Keiser, Chiharu Watanabe, and Kazuo Kadowaki
Effects Of Zr, Ti, And Al Additions On Nonmetallic Inclusions And Impact Toughness Of Cast Low-Alloy Steel, Pavel V. Bizyukov and Scott R. Giese
Ain’t No Makin’ It In The Age Of Austerity: The Making And Taking Of Educational Life, Gregory Bourassa
Toward An Elaboration Of The Pedagogical Common, Gregory N. Bourassa
Monstrous Generosity: Pedagogical Affirmations Of The “Improper”, Gregory N. Bourassa and Frank Margonis
Late Pleistocene – Holocene Surface Processes And Landscape Evolution In The Central Swiss Alps, Max Boxleitner, Alessandra Musso, Jarosław Waroszewski, Małgorzata Malkiewicz, Max Maisch, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Marcus Christl, Raquel de Castro Portes, and Markus Egli
Panel Session, Timi Brown-Powers, Mark Grey, Charles McNulty, David Tilly, and Megann Tresemer
The Effects Of Direct-To-Consumer-Advertising On Mental Illness Beliefs And Stigma, Seth A. Brown
Battling Bishops In Catherine II's Russia, Gregory Bruess
The Relationship between Sports Specialization and Mental Toughness, Courtney Buhrow, Jacob Digmann, and Jennifer J. Waldron
Assessing The Environmental Context Of Hand Washing Among School Children In Limpopo, South Africa, Nicola Bulled, Kara Poppe, Khuliso Ramatsisti, Londolani Sitsula, Geoffrey Winegar, Jabulani Gumbo, Rebecca Dillingham, and James Smith
The Convergence Of Online Teaching And Problem Based Learning Modules, Daniel Bumblauskas
Smart Maintenance Decision Support Systems (SMDSS) Based On Corporate Big Data Analytics, Daniel Bumblauskas, Douglas Gemmill, Amy Igou, and Johanna Anzengruber
Big Data Analytics: Transforming Data To Action, Daniel Bumblauskas, Herb Nold, Paul Bumblauskas, and Amy Igou
Selling Technical Sales To Engineering Learners, Daniel P. Bumblauskas, Adam R. Carberry, and David P. Sly
Performance Of Young, Middle-Aged, And Older Adults On Tests Of Executive Function, Angela N. Burda, Emily Andersen, Marissa Berryman, Maddisen Heun, Claire King, and Tina Kise
A Proposed New Etymology For In Northwest Semitic, John Burnight
Assessing The Effects Of Exposure To Supermax Confinement On Offender Postrelease Behaviors, H. Daniel Butler, Benjamin Steiner, Matthew D. Makarios, and Lawrence F. Travis
Media & Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication in a Digital Age, Richard Campbell, Christopher Martin, and Bettina Fabos
Paid versus Unpaid Internships: Perspectives of Students and Nonprofit Directors, Megan Capek, Jonathan Klein, and Julianne Gassman
The Impact of Geographic and Cultural Dispersion on Information Opacity, George D. Cashman, David M. Harrison, Michael J. Seiler, and Hainan Sheng
What rhyme tells us about the status of homogeneous diphthongs in spanish, Juan Carlos Castillo
Kindergarten Scores, Storytelling, Executive Function, And Motivation Improved Through Literacy-Rich Guided Play, Dena M. Cavanaugh, Kimberly J. Clemence, Mikaila M. Teale, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Community Gardens As Urban Social-Ecological Refuges In The Global North, Joana Chan, Bryce B. DuBois, Kristine T. Nemec, Charles A. Francis, and Kyle D. Hoagland
Action Dynamics in Intertemporal Choice Reveal Different Facets of Decision Process, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo
Workplace Emotion and Communication: Supervisor Nonverbal Immediacy, Employee’s Emotional Experience, and Their Communication Motives, Jiuqing Cheng, Moyi Jia, and Claudia L. Hale
Ann, Shing Ling S. Chen
Cross-Cultural Adaptation Challenges To Management Innovation In Multinational Business Context: Theoretical Model And Practices, Zhuojun Joyce Chen
Secondary Traumatic Stress And Empowerment Among Social Workers Working With Family Violence Or Sexual Assault Survivors, Ga Young Choi
Understanding Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors Of Korean American Women In Sociocultural Contexts, Ga Young Choi, Eun Koh, Sam Choi, and Ji Young Cho
Predicting Genome Terminus Sequences Of Bacillus Cereus-Group Bacteriophage Using Next Generation Sequencing Data, Cheng Han Chung, Michael H. Walter, Luobin Yang, Shu Chuan Grace Chen, Vern Winston, and Michael A. Thomas
Predicting genome terminus sequences of Bacillus cereus-group bacteriophage using next generation sequencing data, Cheng-Han Chung, Michael H. Walter, Luobin Yang, Shu-Chuan (Grace) Chen, Vern Winston, and Michael A. Thomas
Leisure, Ethics, And Spirituality, Belinda A. Creighton-Smith, Michelle Cook, and Christopher Edginton
Intersectionality Between Happiness and Well-Being: A Pilot Study Project in a Midwestern University, Belinda A. Creighton-Smith, Junu Shrestha, Thomas M. Flack, and Theodora Merle Jn Baptiste
Detecting Wimsey: Papers on Dorothy L. Sayers's Detective Fiction, Janet Croft, Emily E. Auger, and Nancy-Lou Patterson
The Name of the Ring; or, There and Back Again, Janet Brennan Croft
Raman Spectroscopy Of Optical Phonon And Charge Density Wave Modes In 1T-Tise2 Exfoliated Flakes, Lin Cui, Rui He, Gaomin Li, Yujun Zhang, Yumeng You, and Mingyuan Huang
Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice (Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design), Christina M. Curran and Amy J. Petersen
Weak-Coupling Analysis Of Quasiparticle Excitations In Sr2Ruo4 Along The Γ-M Cut, J. J. Deisz and T. E. Kidd
Training Students With T-Shaped Interdisciplinary Studies In Predictive Plant Phenomics, Julie A. Dickerson, Theodore J. Heindel, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Patrick S. Schnable, Jill Wittrock, and Mary E. Losch
Decreasing Patient Stress And Physician/Medical Workforce Burnout Through Health Care Environments: Uncovering The Serious Leisure Perspective At Mayo Clinic's Campus In Rochester, Minnesota, Rodney B. Dieser, Christopher R. Edginton, and Renee Ziemer
Antecedents Of Trust Among Citizens And Non-Citizens In Qatar, Abdoulaye Diop, Ashley E. Jardina, Mark Tessler, and Jill Wittrock
Stem For All Children: Preschool Teachers Supporting Engagement Of Children With Special Needs In Physical Science Learning Centers, Mary Donegan-Ritter
Electronic Structure Of Multi-Walled Carbon Fullerenes, Keith Doore, Matthew Cook, Eric Clausen, Pavel V. Lukashev, Tim E. Kidd, and Andrew J. Stollenwerk
Impact of a Less Restrictive Circulation Policy in an Elementary Library, Kristen Reinhardt Downes, Karla Steege Krueger, and Joan Bessman Taylor
Words in the World: Developing Social Responsibility through Critical Learning Practices across Language Disciplines, Elise DuBord, Rachel Morgan, Jeremy Schraffenberger, Adrienne Lamberti, Caroline Ledeboer, and Jennifer Cooley
Personal Narratives And Self-Transformation In Postindustrial Societies, Cynthia Dickel Dunn
Community Parks & Recreation: An Introduction, Christopher R. Edginton, Samuel V. Lankford, Rodney D. Dieser, and Christopher L. Kowalski
Middle School Students' Mathematics Knowledge Retention: Online Or Face-To-Face Environments, Clayton M. Edwards, Audrey C. Rule, and Robert M. Boody
Effectiveness Of Cattail (Typha Spp.) Management Techniques Depends On Exogenous Nitrogen Inputs, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, Deborah E. Goldberg, and William S. Currie
Effectiveness of cattail (Typha spp.) management techniques depends on exogenous nitrogen inputs, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, Deborah E. Goldberg, and William S. Currie
Boycotts, Buycotts and Political Consumerism in America, Kyle Endres and Costas Panagopoulos
Bringing Inquiry To The First Two Years Of College Mathematics, Dana C. Ernst, Theron Hitchman, and Angie Hodge
Phylogenetic Patterns And The Adaptive Evolution Of Osmoregulation In Fiddler Crabs (Brachyura, Uca), Samuel Coelho Faria, Diogo Borges Provete, Carl Leo Thurman, and John Campbell McNamara
Phylogenetic patterns and the adaptive evolution of osmoregulation in fiddler crabs (Brachyura, Uca), Samuel Coelho Faria, Diogo Borges Provete, Carl Leo Thurman, and John Campbell McNamara
Tackling Food Waste In Iowa's K-12 Schools, Mallory Feeney
Anti-Fat Bias By Professors Teaching Physical Education Majors, Fabio Fontana, Ovande Furtado, Oldemar Mazzardo, Deockki Hong, and Wagner de Campos
Dog in the Classroom, Jessica Fordice and Mason Kuhn
Dog in the Classroom, Jessica Fordice and Mason Kuhn
Predicting First-Year Law School Performance: The Influences Of Race, Gender, And Undergraduate Major, John Fordyce, Lisa K. Jepsen, and Ken McCormick
The Use of Forgiveness Therapy with Female Survivors of Abuse, Suzanne Freedman
Creating and Contesting Social Inequalities: Contemporary Readings, Carissa M. Froyum, Katrina Bloch, and Tiffany Taylor
Introduction, Jayne Gackenbach
Extra! Extra! Read All About It: Newspaper Archives As Archaeological Site Survey, Donald H. Gaff
Ordered West: The Civil War Exploits of Charles A. Curtis, Donald H. Gaff PH.D and Alan D. Gaff
Memorializing Lost Lives: A Review Of The Commandant Of Lubizec, Stephen J. Gaies
A Response To Gustavsson, Kittelsaa & Tøssebro, Deborah J. Gallagher
Creating Intentional Paths to Citizenship: An Analysis of Participation in Student Organizations, Julianne Gassman, Jennifer M. Beck, and Jonathan Klein
Faculty & Community Partners Co-Creating Service-Learning, Julianne Gassman, Emily Shields, and Lauren Finke
Influence Of Trace Aromatics On The Chemical Growth Mechanisms Of Titan Aerosol Analogues, Thomas Gautier, Joshua A. Sebree, Xiang Li, Veronica T. Pinnick, Andrej Grubisic, Mark J. Loeffler, Stephanie A. Getty, Melissa G. Trainer, and William B. Brinckerhoff
Environmental Temperature Effect On The Far-Infrared Absorption Features Of Aromatic-Based Titan's Aerosol Analogs, Thomas Gautier, Melissa G. Trainer, Mark J. Loeffler, Joshua A. Sebree, and Carrie M. Anderson
Green Church Case Study: Implementing Incremental Improvements in Sustainability, Brian Gedlinske and Bryant Campbell
Inflorescence Morphology And Development In The Basal Rosid Lineage Vitales, Jean M. Gerrath, Usher Posluszny, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, and Jun Wen
Linking nutrient reduction practices with biomass energy, Eric Giddens, Laura Jackson, and Kamyar Enshayan
Plant Size And Competitive Dynamics Along Nutrient Gradients, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason P. Martina, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and William S. Currie
Plant Size and Competitive Dynamics along Nutrient Gradients, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason P. Martina, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and William S. Currie
Engineering For The Economy Of The 21st Century, Carlos Humberto Villarroel González, Fernando Cabrales Gómez, and Jaime Gómez Douzet
In Search Of Voice: Theory And Methods In K-12 Student Voice Research In The US, 1990–2010, Taucia E. Gonzalez, David I. Hernandez-Saca, and Alfredo J. Artiles
Faculty and student perceptions of cheating, Anita M. Gordon, Helen C. Harton, and Emma Welch
Ethical Dilemmas in Promoting Transparency and Community Input in Public Service Work, Joe Gorton
The Development Of Manufacturing: Unintended Consequence, Richard Grabowski and Sharmistha Self
Writing Wakan: The Lakota Pipe As Rhetorical Object, David M. Grant
A Tpack Diagnostic Tool For Teacher Education Leaders, Kevin J. Graziano, Mary C. Herring, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Sharon Smaldino, and Elizabeth S. Finsness
America’s “Peculiar Children”: Authority And Christian Nationalism At Antebellumwest Point, Michael Graziano
Do You See What I Feel? An Idiodynamic Assessment Of Expert And Peer’s Reading Of Nonverbal Language Anxiety Cues, Tammy Gregersen, Peter D. MacIntyre, and Tucker Olson
Idiodynamics: An Innovative Method To Build Emotional Intelligence Through Systematic Self-Assessment/Reflection/Critique, Tammy S. Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Innovative Practices in Language Teacher Education: Spanning the Spectrum from Intro- to Inter-Personal Professional Development, Tammy S. Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Introduction, Tammy S. Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Optimizing Language Learners' Nonverbal Behavior: From Tenet to Technique, Tammy S. Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre
Campus Infrastructure And Sustainable Resource Management Practices: Mapping Campus Dna For Human Resiliency, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi and Kathleen G. Scholl
Regime Shifts And Panarchies In Regional Scale Social-Ecological Water Systems, Lance Gunderson, Barbara A. Cosens, Brian C. Chaffin, Craig A. Tom Arnold, Alexander K. Fremier, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Robin Kundis Craig, Hannah Gosnell, Hannah E. Birge, Craig R. Allen, Melinda H. Benson, Ryan R. Morrison, Mark C. Stone, Joseph A. Hamm, Kristine Nemec, Edella Schlager, and Dagmar Llewellyn
Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social-ecological water systems, Lance Gunderson, Barbara A. Cosens, Brian C. Chaffin, Craig A. (Tony) Arnold, Alexander K. Fremier, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Robin Kundis Craig, Hannah Gosnell, Hannah E. Birge, Craig R. Allen, Melinda H. Benson, Ryan R. Morrison, Mark C. Stone, Joseph A. Hamm, Kristine Nemec, Edella Schlager, and Dagmar Llewellyn
Strategic Global Strategy: The Intersection Of General Principles, Corporate Responsibility And Economic Value-Added, Laura P. Hartman, Patricia H. Werhane, Cynthia E. Clark, Craig V. Vansandt, and Mukesh Sud
Carbon Monoxide Affecting Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry, Chao He, Sarah M. Hörst, Sydney Riemer, Joshua A. Sebree, Nicholas Pauley, and Véronique Vuitton
Prevalence Of Head Injury And Medically Diagnosed Concussion In Junior-Level Community-Based Australian Rules Football, Mark D. Hecimovich and Doug King
Accelerometric Analysis of Head Impacts in Amateur Wrestling: An Exploratory Analysis, Mark Hecimovich, Doug King, and Troy Garrett
Examining The Psychometric Properties Of A Sport-Related Concussion Survey: A Rasch Measurement Approach, Mark Hecimovich and Ida Marais
Comparing Lumbopelvic Stabilization Exercises and Yoga on Functional Stability and Low Back Pain in Young, Non-Elite, Female Gymnasts, Mark Hecimovich, M. Pomije, and A. Harbaugh
Building a Culture of Ethics in Higher Education, Abbylynn Helgevold, Yasemin Sari, LeAnn Faidley, and Timothy Adamson
2S1. Re-Framing Master Narratives of Dis/ability Through an Emotion Lens: Sophia Cruz’s LD Story at her Intersections, David Hernandez-Saca
Atomic disorder induced modification of magnetization in MnCrVAl, Juliana Herran, Rishabh Dalal, Paul Gray, Parashu Kharel, and Pavel Lukashev
Atomic Disorder Induced Modification Of Magnetization In MnCrVAl, Juliana Herran, Rishabh Dalal, Paul Gray, Parashu Kharel, and Pavel V. Lukashev
Internationalization Within Networks: Exploring The Relationship Between Inward And Outward FDI In China’s Auto Components Industry, Peter Hertenstein, Dylan Sutherland, and John Anderson
Confederate Homefront: A History in Documents, Wallace Hettle
Iowa In Eclipse, Thomas Hockey
Iowa First Congressional District: Anomaly Or New Normal?, Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer
Iowa: The Religious Right as Sometime Republican Kingmaker, Donna R. Hoffman and Christopher W. Larimer
A History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century, Charles W. Holcombe
Integrating Multimodal Arguments Into High School Writing Instruction, Emily Howell, Tracy Butler, and David Reinking
Species Delimitation And Phylogeography Of The Studfish Fundulus Catenatus Species Group (Ovalentaria: Cyprinodontiformes), Peter J. Hundt, Peter B. Berendzen, and Andrew M. Simons
Alpha-arylphorin is a Mitogen in the Heliothis Virescens Midgut Cell Secretome Upon Cry1Ac Intoxication, Jerreme Jackson, Anais Castagnola, Omaththage P. Perera, Cris Oppert, Shigetoshi Eda, and Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes
Islamic Work Ethic, Innovative Work Behaviour, And Adaptive Performance: The Mediating Mechanism And An Interacting Effect, Basharat Javed, Sajid Bashir, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, and Surendra Arjoon
Black Women At The Helm In HBCUs: Paradox Of Gender And Leadership, Gaëtane Jean-Marie and Virginia Cook Tickles
Self-Employment, Earnings, And Sexual Orientation, Christopher Jepsen and Lisa K. Jepsen
Effect Of Fe Substitution On The Structural, Magnetic And Electron-Transport Properties Of Half-Metallic Co2Tisi, Y. Jin, J. Waybright, P. Kharel, I. Tutic, J. Herran, P. Lukashev, S. Valloppilly, and D. J. Sellmyer
Use Of Portion Size Estimation Aids For High-Energy-Dense Snack Foods Increases Portion Size Estimation Accuracy In College Students, Elana Joram and Morgan Weigel
Fake News: What it is and How to Rein it in, Nancy Justis, Pat Blank, Christina Hageman, Doug Hines, and Christopher Larimer
South Asian Adults’ Performance On Executive Function Tests, Veena Kallambettu, Angela N. Burda, and Nicole Wakeman
Cinematherapy in Gifted Education Identity Development: Integrating the Arts Through STEM-themed Movies, Timothy C. Kangas, Michelle Cook, and Audrey C. Rule
Effect Of Disorder On The Magnetic And Electronic Structure Of A Prospective Spin-Gapless Semiconductor Mncrval, P. Kharel, J. Herran, P. Lukashev, Y. Jin, J. Waybright, S. Gilbert, B. Staten, P. Gray, S. Valloppilly, Y. Huh, and D. J. Sellmyer
Measurement Of The Head Impacts In A Sub-Elite Australian Rules Football Team With An Instrumented Patch: An Exploratory Analysis, D. King, M. Hecimovich, T. Clark, and C. Gissane
Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz
Complete Stories of Kurt Vonnegut, Jerome Klinkowitz, Kurt Vonnegut, Dan Wakefield, and Dave Eggers
Coaches' Perspectives On Bullying, Christopher Kowalski
Fifth Graders’ Creativity in Inventions with and without Creative Articulation Instruction, Darcie K. Kress and Audrey C. Rule
"To Fish or Not to Fish?": Fishing Communities of Arctic Yakutia in the Face of Environmental Change and Political Transformations, Stanislav Ksenofontov, Norman Backhaus, and Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
Permafrost Livelihoods: A Transdisciplinary Review and Analysis of Thermokarst-Based Systems of Indigenous Land Use, Stanislav Ksenofontov, Susan Crate, Mathias Ulrich, J. Otto Habeck, Aleksey R. Desyatkin, Roman V. Desyatkin, Aleksander N. Fedorov, Tetsuya Hiyama, Yashihiro Iijima, Csaba Mészáros, and Hiroki Takakura
Utilizing Nonfiction Texts To Enhance Reading Comprehension And Vocabulary In Primary Grades, Karen E. Kuhn, Casey M. Rausch, Tiffany G. McCarty, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Audrey C. Rule
Simply The Best: An Exploration Of Advice That Small Business Owners Value, Kristine M. Kuhn, Tera L. Galloway, and Maureen Collins-Williams
Using Argument-Based Inquiry Strategies for STEM Infused Science Teaching, Mason Kuhn and Mark McDermott
Introducing the ASSIST Approach to Preservice STEM Teachers, Mason Kuhn and Mark A. McDermott
Experimental Investigation On Mechanical And Thermo-Mechanical Properties Of Alumina Filled Polypropylene Composites Using Injection Molding Process, Deepak Kumar, G. S. Dangayach, and P. N. Rao
Child Maltreatment and Cumulative Inequality: The Impact of Race, Misfortune, and Resources for Early Life Course Mental Health?, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon
Braving Waves: Fusing The Digital Humanities And Social Sciences In Public Discourse, Adrienne P. Lamberti and Lee Tesdell
The Public Policy Theory Primer, Christopher W. Larimer and Kevin B. Smith
Place, Learning Progressions, and Transformative Geographic Education, Thomas B. Larsen and John K. Harrington Jr.
Hilbert Quasimodular Forms And Vector Bundles, Min Ho Lee
Ethnic Differences in Bullying Victimization and Psychological Distress: A Test of an Ecological Model, Sei-Young Lee, Siyon Rhee, and Sook-Hee Jung
Parental Influence on Adolescent Cigarette, Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Focus on Race/Ethnicity and Age, Sei-Young Lee and Margarita Villagrana
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Referral Source for Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions for Youths, Sei-Young Lee and Margarita Villagrana
Exposing Students To Environmental Sustainability In Accounting: An Analysis Of Its Impacts In A US Setting, W. Eric Lee, Rachel N. Birkey, and Dennis M. Patten
Balancing Research, Teaching, Clinical Work, and Family: Nine Suggestions for Young Professionals, Elizabeth K. Lefler
Development Of Sexing Primers In Glyptemys Insculpta And Apalone Spinifera Turtles Uncovers An Xx/Xy Sex-Determining System In The Critically-Endangered Bog Turtle Glyptemys Muhlenbergii, Robert Literman, Srihari Radhakrishnan, Jeff Tamplin, Russell Burke, Cassie Dresser, and Nicole Valenzuela
Large-Scale Growth Of High-Quality Hexagonal Boron Nitride Crystals At Atmospheric Pressure From An Fe-Cr Flux, Song Liu, Rui He, Zhipeng Ye, Xiaozhang Du, Jingyu Lin, Hongxing Jiang, Bin Liu, and James H. Edgar
Treatment Integrity and Recidivism among Sex Offenders: The Relationship between CPC Scores and Program Effectiveness, Matthew Makarios, Lori Brushman Lovins, Andrew J. Myer, and Edward Latess
Adolescent Criminal Behavior, Population Heterogeneity, And Cumulative Disadvantage: Untangling The Relationship Between Adolescent Delinquency And Negative Outcomes In Emerging Adulthood, Matthew Makarios, Francis T. Cullen, and Alex R. Piquero
Corporate Social Performance: A Review Of Empirical Research Examining The Corporation–Society Relationship Using Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini Social Ratings Data, James E. Mattingly
General Introduction, John Mukum Mbaku, Pita Ogaba Agbese, and Mwangi S. Kimenyi
Reading Nonfiction Science Literature with and without Arts Integration Activities, Elizabeth McCartney, Catherine Mochal, Victoria Boyd, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Challenging Elementary Learners with Programmable Robots during Free Play and Direct Instruction, Kimberly S. McCoy-Parker, Lindsey N. Paull, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
First-Generation Students’ Privacy Management Rules With Parents: Advocating For A Relational Ethic Of Listening Through Critical Communication Pedagogy, Alyssa McFarlan, Walter Abrego, Sherokee Eder, Crystal Hernandez, Sara Koch, and C. Kyle Rudick
Learning About Inequality From Kids: Interviewing Strategies For Getting Beneath Equality Rhetoric, Tricia McTague, Carissa Froyum, and Barbara J. Risman
Breakbeat Breakthroughs: Hip-Hop Problem Solving Within The Context Of Community Engagement Nihilism And The Need For “Space”, Shuaib Meacham
Preschoolers’ Author-Illustrator Study Of Donald Crews, Sohyun Meacham, Shuaib Meacham, Gloria Kirkland-Holmes, and Myae Han
Adlerian Play Therapy: Practice And Research, Kristin K. Meany-Walen and Terry Kottman
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, Rachel E. Meisinger and Elizabeth K. Lefler
Prairie enhancement of non-native cool-season grass stands, Justin Meissen
Assessing Long-Term Risks Of Prairie Seed Harvest: What Is The Role Of Life-History?, Justin C. Meissen, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Meredith W. Cornett
Meeting Seed Demand For Landscape-Scale Restoration Sustainably: The Influence Of Seed Harvest Intensity And Site Management, Justin C. Meissen, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Meredith W. Cornett
A Time-Sensitive Framework for Including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Professional Development Activities for Classroom Teachers, Lisa Tabor Millsaps
Using GIS to Teach Climate Change in the Science and Agricultural Education Classroom, Lisa Tabor Millsaps
A Time-Sensitive Framework For Including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) In Professional Development Activities For Classroom Teachers, Lisa Tabor Millsaps and John A. Harrington
Banners For Books: “Mighty-Hearted” Kindergartners Take Action Through Arts-Based Service Learning, Sarah E. Montgomery, Wendy Miller, Page Foss, Denise Tallakson, and Maria Howard
Discovery Of The Youngest Sex Chromosomes Reveals First Case Of Convergent Co-Option Of Ancestral Autosomes In Turtles, E. E. Montiel, D. Badenhorst, J. Tamplin, R. L. Burke, and N. Valenzuela
Honey & Blood, Blood & Honey, Rachel Morgan
Individual Differences In Short-Term Anticipation Training For High-Speed Interceptive Skill, Sean Müller, Yasmin Gurisik, Mark Hecimovich, Allen G. Harbaugh, and Ann Maree Vallence
Understanding The Impact Of A DUI Court Through Treatment Integrity: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Andrew J. Myer and Matthew D. Makarios
The impact of education on legislative responsiveness in three field experiments, Jayme Neiman
The Impact Of Education On Legislative Responsiveness In Three Field Experiments, Jayme Neiman
Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Methods for Systematic Inquiry, Lauren K. Nelson
Teacher Roles of Questioning in Early Elementary Science Classrooms: A Framework Promoting Student Cognitive Complexities in Argumentation, Lori Norton-Meier, Ying Chih Chen, and Brian Hand
More Voices from the Classroom: International Teachers’ Experience with Argument-Based Inquiry, Lori Norton-Meier, Brian Hand, and Jeong-Yoon Jang
Geographic Education for Sustainability: Developing a Bi-national Geographical Thinking Curriculum, Alex Oberle, Fabián Araya Palacios, Ximena Cortés Quezada, and Mollie Ullestad
Media Laws In Political Transition, Chris W. Ogbondah
Life in the Natural World: Investigating Life’s Diversity, Steve O'Kane and Kimberly Cline-Brown
The Role of Working Memory among Non-Traditional Foreign Language Students, Gabriela Olivares-Cuhat and Michelle H. Ploof
Dean Dean Dean Dean, Jim O'Loughlin
Planting Red Geraniums : Discovered Poems of James Hearst, Jim O'Loughlin
Sixth Graders Investigate Models and Designs through Teacher-Directed and Student-Centered Inquiry Lessons: Effects on Performance and Attitudes, Benjamin D. Olsen and Audrey C. Rule
Corporate Governance Changes Around Bankruptcy, Brett C. Olsen and Chris Tamm