UNI Faculty and Staff Publications | University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications


This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection. Most of the works in the collection have summary information (metadata) about the work with a link out to the publisher's website.

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Submissions from 2013


A Bloody Transition: Child Killers In Narciso Ibáñez Serrador'S ¿Quién Puede Matar A Un Niño? (1976), Eli Evans and Haley O'Neil


42nd Biennial Convention of the Society of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Paula Even


Search Engine Anatomy: The Industry And Its Commercial Structure, Bettina Fabos

Media in Society: A Brief Introduction, Bettina Fabos, Richard Campbell, Joli Jensen, Douglas Gomery, and Julie Frechette


The Sikh Ẓafar-Nāmah of Guru Gobind Singh: A Discursive Blade in the Heart of the Mughal Empire, Louis E. Fenech


The Economic Impact of Des Moines Parks & Recreation Services, Kristine Fleming, Oksana Grybovych, Brian Gedlinske, Wade P. Kooiman, Jill Lankford, and Sam Lankford


Motivational Changes in Reading Recovery Children: A Pre and Post Analysis, Salli Forbes and Susan King Fullerton


The Relation Between Accounting Conservatism And Corporate Social Performance: An Empirical Investigation, Rick N. Francis, Steven Harrast, James Mattingly, and Lori Olsen


Strategies For Building Stronger Families, Mary L. Franken and Patricia E. Gross


Ballistic Electron Transport Properties Across The Manganese/Silicon Interface, B. E. Friend, E. Wolter, T. E. Kidd, and A. J. Stollenwerk


For The Betterment Of Kids Who Look Like Me': Professional Emotional Labour As A Racial Project, Carissa Froyum


Leaving The Street Alone: Contesting Street Manhood As A Gender Project, Carissa M. Froyum


Theories Have Consequences, Don't They? On The Moral Nature Of Educational Theory And Research, Deborah Gallagher


Students' Perceptions Of Teachers And Teaching, Deborah J. Gallagher, Melody J. Tankersley, and Joanne M. Herbe


The Effectiveness Of A Gastrocnemius-Soleus Stretching Program As A Therapeutic Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis, Troy R. Garrett and Peter J. Neibert


Road Salt Use And Groundwater Quality: An Empirical Study, Brian Gedlinske

Higher Derivatives of Spectral Functions Associated with One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators II, Daphne Gilbert, B. J. Harris, and S. M. Riehl


Motivations Of Wine Travelers In Rural Northeast Iowa, Oksana Grybovych, Jill Lankford, and Samuel Lankford


The Relationship Between Leader Fit And Transformational Leadership, Russell P. Guay


The Interactive Effect Of Conscientiousness And Agreeableness On Job Performance Dimensions In South Korea, Russell P. Guay, In Oh, Daejeong Choi, Marie S. Mitchell, Michael K. Mount, and Kanghyun Shin


Establishing Continuity Of Self-Memory Boxes In Dementia Facilities For Older Adults: Their Use And Usefulness, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi


Negotiating Continuity Of Self At Home: Restorative Strategies And Home Spaces Used By Caregivers And Care Recipients, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi


On A Class Of Generalized Marshall-Olkin Bivariate Distributions And Some Reliability Characteristics, Ramesh C. Gupta, S. N.U.A. Kirmani, and N. Balakrishnan


Cultural Authenticity in Susan Fletcher's Shadow Spinner, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar


Beyond Octanitrocubane: A Theoretical C-8 Octanitro Compound Having an Oxygen Balance of Zero, Jesse L. Hansen and John A. Bumpus


Cellular Effects Of Metolachlor Exposure On Human Liver (Hepg2) Cells, Sean Hartnett, Sadiatu Musah, and Kavita R. Dhanwada


Stimulant Medication Use In College Students: Comparison Of Appropriate Users, Misusers, And Nonusers, Cynthia M. Hartung, Will H. Canu, Carolyn S. Cleveland, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Melissa J. Mignogna, David A. Fedele, Christopher J. Correia, Thad Leffingwell, and Joshua D. Clapp


Policing In Northern Ireland: Community Control, Community Policing, And The Search For Legitimacy, R. Allen Hays


Moderating Effects Of Gender On The Relationship Between Poverty And Children's Externalizing Behaviors, William R. Henninger IV and Gayle Luze


Learning, Problem Solving, and Mindtools: Essays in Honor of David H. Jonassen, Mary C. Herring, J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, and Sharon B. Smaldino


Observation of Low Energy Raman Modes in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Rui He, Ting Fung Chung, Conor Delaney, Courtney Keiser, Luis A. Jauregui, Paul M. Shand, C. C. Chancey, Yanan Wang, Jiming Bao, and Yong P. Chen


Observation Of Low Energy Raman Modes In Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Rui He, Ting Fung Chung, Conor Delaney, Courtney Keiser, Luis A. Jauregui, Paul M. Shand, C. C. Chancey, Yanan Wang, Jiming Bao, and Yong P. Chen


The Xianbei In Chinese History, Charles Holcombe

A Comparative Study Of Biobased And Conventional Rail Curve Grease, Lou Honary

An Update On The Use Of Microwaves In Manufacturing Grease, Lou Honary


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Building American National Identity Through Art, Alison D. Howard and Donna R. Hoffman


Using explicit teaching, modeling, and feedback to facilitate vocabulary instruction for early childhood educators, Emily A. Howell

Technological Tools for the Literacy Classroom, Stephanie Huffman, Jeff Whittingham, Wendy Rickman, and Cheryl Wiedmaier


Human Performance With Multiple Devices Influencing A Single Cursor, Stephen Hughes, Cody Bardell, and J. Ben Schafer


The Effects Of A Buddy Skills Package On Preschool Children's Social Interactions And Play, Kristy Hughett, Frank W. Kohler, and Donna Raschke

Plottage Revisited, Hans R. Isakson


Information Technology And Supply Chain Collaboration: Examining The Contingent Role Of Environmental Uncertainty, Karthik N.S. Iyer


Editor’s Introduction, Amy Petersen Jensen


Editor’s Introduction, Amy Petersen Jensen


Local Embeddedness And Expatriates' Effectiveness For Knowledge Transfer Within MNCs: A Cultural Perspective, Fiona Xiaoying Ji and Mary L. Connerley


Photoemission Studies Of The Pseudogap Regime In The High TC Cuprate Phase Diagram, P. D. Johnson, H. B. Yang, J. D. Rameau, G. D. Gu, T. E. Kidd, H. Claus, and D. Hinks


Development Of Leaf Shape In Two North American Native Species Of Ampelopsis (Vitaceae), A. W. Jones, B. G. Doughan, J. M. Gerrath, and Julie Kang


Asian And Hispanic Americans' Cancer Fatalism And Colon Cancer Screening, Jungmi Jun and Kyeung Mi Oh


The Dollar-Pound Exchange Rate During The First Nine Months Of World War II, Bryce Kanago and Ken McCormick

Stormwater Monitoring: A Primer On Basic Data And Methods, Rebecca Kauten

Water Quality Monitoring: Lessons Learned From The Field 2004-2012, Rebecca Kauten


Inter-Symbol Interference Cancelation In Monobit Transmitted-Reference Impulse Radio UWB Receivers, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, and Zhizhang Chen


Introduction: The Tragedies Of The Authoritarian State In Africa, George Klay Kieh and Pita Ogaba Agbese


Rethinking The Authoritarian State In Africa: The Lessons, George Klay Kieh and Pita Ogaba Agbese


Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz


Play Therapy, Terry Kottman

The Mutual Storytelling Technique: An Adlerian Application In Child Therapy, Terry Kottman and Kathy Stiles

Adlerian Play Therapy: Practical Considerations, Terry Kottman and Jayne Warlick

Promoting Effective Health Advocacy To Promote Global Health: The Case Of The Global Advocacy Leadership Academy (Gala), Gary L. Kreps, Carol G. Daugherty, Paula Kim, Mollie Rose Canzona, Lisa Sparks, Wonsun Kim, Linda Neuhauser, and Jungmi Jun

Promoting Effective Health Advocacy To Promote Global Health: The Case Of The Global Advocacy Leadership Academy (Gala), Gary L. Kreps, Paula Kim, Lisa Sparks, Linda Neuhauser, Carol G. Daugherty, Mollie Rose Canzona, Wonsun Kim, and Jungmi Jun


Identity, Value, And The Work Of Genre: Black Action Films, Charles Kronengold


Professional staffing levels and fourth-grade student research in rural schools with high-poverty levels, Karla Steege Krueger and Jean Donham


Environmental Consciousness of Local People of Yakutia Under Global Climate Change, Stanislav M. Ksenofontov, Yury I. Zhegusov, Trofim Ch. Maximov, Atsuko Sugimoto, and Go Iwahana


Negotiating the Way to Inquiry: Encouraging Negotiation Early in the Year Promotes Scientific Communication, Mason Kuhn and Mark McDermott

The Ceremony Of Dining At Napoleon III's Court Between 1852 And 1870, Anne Lair

The Public Policy Theory Primer, Christopher W. Larimer and Kevin B. Smith


Cullen Jones Is My Friend!: Increasing Diversity In Swimming Through Parasocial Relationships On Facebook, Katherine L. Lavelle


Metal-Insulator Transition In Variably Doped (Bi1-Xsb X)2Se3 Nanosheets, Chee Huei Lee, Rui He, Zhenhua Wang, Richard L.J. Qiu, Ajay Kumar, Conor Delaney, Ben Beck, T. E. Kidd, C. C. Chancey, R. Mohan Sankaran, and Xuan P.A. Gao


Modular Polynomials And Derivatives Of Quasimodular Forms, Min Ho Lee


An Evaluation Of Fractal Characteristics Of Urban Landscape In Indianapolis, Usa, Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images, Bingqing Liang, Qihao Weng, and Xiaohua Tong


Measurement And Analysis Of Intra-Vehicle UWB Channels, Qingshan Liang, Abubakar Audu, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, and Zhizhang Chen


Change Of Eye Shape During Metamorphosis In Two Flatfishes, Paralichthys Olivaceus And Solea Senegalensis, With Comparison Of Eye Shape Within The Pleuronectiformes, Lekang Li, Jiayi Zheng, Baolong Bao, and Peter B. Berendzen

Changing Mistaken Beliefs Through Visualization Of Early Recollections, Mary Ann Lingg and Terry Kottman

Information Technology And Firm Profitability In Network Environments, Yucong Liu, Younghwa Lee, and Andrew Chen


Information Technology and Firm Profitability in Network Environments, Yucong Liu, Younghwa Lee, and Andrew N. K. Chen


Mechanism Of Metolachlor Action Due To Alterations In Cell Cycle Progression, Dana M. Lowry, Donovan Greiner, Michelle Fretheim, Macy Ubben, and Kavita R. Dhanwada


The Plant Vascular System: Evolution, Development And Functions, William J. Lucas, Andrew Groover, Raffael Lichtenberger, Kaori Furuta, Shri Ram Yadav, Ykä Helariutta, Xin Qiang He, Hiroo Fukuda, Julie Kang, Siobhan M. Brady, John W. Patrick, John Sperry, Akiko Yoshida, Ana Flor López-Millán, Michael A. Grusak, and Pradeep Kachroo


Soldiers Of Faith Behind The Lines: Religious Women And Community Patriotism During The First World War In France, Emily Machen


Developing A Risk And Needs Assessment Instrument For Prison Inmates: The Issue Of Outcome, Matthew Makarios and Edward J. Latessa


Civic Education And Democratic Capacity: How Do Teachers Teach And What Works?, Allison M. Martens and Jason Gainous


Resurrection And Redescription Of The Pocket Gopher Thomomys Sheldoni From The Sierra Madre Occidental Of Mexico, Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and James W. Demastes


Thomomys Nayarensis, A New Species Of Pocket Gopher From The Sierra Del Nayar, Nayarit, Mexico, Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and James W. Demastes


Laboring For Community, Civic Participation, And Sanitation: The Performance Of Indian Toilet Festivals, Danielle Dick McGeough


Coining Phrases for Dollars: Jay Z, Economic Literacy, and the Educational Implications of Hip-Hop’s Entrepreneurial Ethos, Shuaib J. Meacham, Michael Anthony Anderson, and Carolina Correa


Preschool Teachers’ Language Use During Dramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell


An Exploration Of Counselors' Professional Leadership Development, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Kara Carnes-Holt, Casey A. Barrio Minton, Katherine Purswell, and Yulia Pronchenko-Jain


Preservice Teachers And Blogs: An Invitation To Extended Reflection And Conversation, Wendy Miller and Rachel Marie Crane Williams

Long-Term Biofuel Projections Under Different Oil Price Scenarios, John Miranowski and Alicia Rosburg


The Economics Of Performance Studies: Does It Make Cents?, Karen Mitchell


Using Cartoons to Teach About Perfectionism: Supporting Gifted Students’ Social-Emotional Development, Sarah E. Montgomery and Audrey C. Rule


Autochthonous Cultures And The Global Market, Mario Morales


Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Methods for Systematic Inquiry, Lauren K. Nelson


Influence of Richness and Seeding Density on Invasion Resistance in Experimental Tallgrass Prairie Restorations, Kristine T. Nemec, Craig R. Allen, Christopher J. Helzer, and David A. Wedin

State and Local Government 2013-2014, Jayme Nieman and Kevin B. Smith

Preface, James Noble, Ralph Johnson, Uwe Zdun, and Eugene Wallingford


Analysis of Discourse Practices in Elementary Science Classrooms using Argument-Based Inquiry During Whole-Class Dialogue, Lori A. Norton-Meier, Matthew J. Benus, Morgan B. Yarker, and Brian M. Hand


Examining Teacher Actions Supportive of Cross-Disciplinary Science and Literacy Development among Elementary Students, Lori A. Norton-Meier, Brian Hand, and Yuliya Ardasheva


Engaging Parents as Researchers to Support Children’s Language and Literacy Development., Lori A. Norton-Meier and Kathryn F. Whitmore


Finding—and Seeing—Third Spaces in a School-University Partnership, Lori Norton-Meier and Corey Drake


Teacher Leaders as Active Agents in Online Professional Development: The Learning Cluster Method, Alex Oberle, Carmen P. Brysch, Richard G. Boehm, Jacqueline L. Waite, Jung Eun Hong, David Lambert, Cheryl A. Frazier, and Brenda Barr


Boards And Cords: Discriminating Types Of Artificial Cranial Deformation In Prehispanic South Central Andean Populations, T. G. O'Brien and A. M. Stanley


Valley to Valley: The Biological Connection between Prehispanic Residents of Cochabamba, Bolivia, and Azapa, Chile, Tyler G. O'Brien, Héctor H. Varela, and José A. Cocilovo


Sexual Dimorphism in Prehispanic Populations of the Cochabamba Valleys, Bolivia, Tyler G. O'Brien, Héctor H. Varela, José A. Cocilovo, and María L. Fuchs


Response To Intervention: Following Three Reading Recovery Children On Their Individual Paths To Becoming Literate, Evelyn A. O'Connor, Connie Briggs, and Salli Forbes


Colorectal Cancer Screening Knowledge, Beliefs, And Practices Of Korean Americans, Kyeung Mi Oh, Gary L. Kreps, and Jungmi Jun


Brassicaceae, Molecular Systematics And Evolution Of, S. L. O'Kane


Playing for Keeps, Heather Olsen and Nicholas J. Pace


Simple, complete, and novel quantitative model of holography for students of science and science education, Dale Olson


Simple, Complete, And Novel Quantitative Model Of Holography For Students Of Science And Science Education, Dale W. Olson


Development And Application Of A Spreadsheet-Based Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), Dossay Oryspayev, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and John DeGroote


Enhanced Detection Of Nanostructures By Scanning Electron Microscopy Using Insulating Materials, Aaron O'Shea, Jeff Wallace, Matt Hummel, Laura H. Strauss, and Timothy E. Kidd


Reality Calling: The Story of a Principal's First Semester, Nicholas J. Pace


Champion or Chump: Using a Book-Length Case Study to Evaluate a Mythical Principal, Nicholas J. Pace and Timothy W. Gilson


How About the Real Responders' Perceptions? A Comparative Case Study on School Principals' Perceptions of School Administration Through Metaphors in USA and Turkey, Harun Parpucu and Ibrahim H. Karatas


Pop-Up Constructions Motivate and Reinforce Science Learning for Upper Elementary Students, Harun Parpucu, Benjamin D. Olsen, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, Zaid Alkouri, and Audrey C. Rule


Fused Glass Sample Preparation For Quantitative Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Of Geologic Materials, Patrick Pease


The Influence Of Topography And Approach Angles On Local Deflections Of Airflow Within A Coastal Blowout, Patrick Pease and Paul Gares


Mechanism of Promoter Repression by Lac Repressor-DNA Loops, Justin P. Peters, Nicole A. Becker, and L. James Maher


DNA A-tracts are Not Curved in Solutions Containing High Concentrations of Monovalent Cations, Justin P. Peters, Earle Stellwagen, L. James Maher, and Nancy C. Stellwagen


Mechanical Properties of DNA-like Polymers, Justin P. Peters, Shweta P. Yelgaonkar, Seergazhi G. Srivatsan, Yitzhak Tor, and L. James Maher


Identification Of Disabilities And Service Receipt Among Preschool Children Living In Poverty, Carla A. Peterson, Shavaun Wall, Hyun Joo Jeon, Mark E. Swanson, Judith J. Carta, Gayle J. Luze, and Elaine Eshbaugh


Idiosyncratic Volatility Covariance And Expected Stock Returns, David R. Peterson and Adam R. Smedema


Creative Alaska: Creative Capital And Economic Development Opportunities In Alaska, Andrey N. Petrov and Philip A. Cavin


The North. Balancing Tradition and Change, Andrey N. Petrov and Gita J. Laidler


Mapping Long-Term Spatial Trends of the Taimyr Wild Reindeer Population, Andrey N. Petrov, Anna V. Pestereva, Leonid A. Kolpashchikov, and Vladimir V. Mikhailov


Applying Cultural Anthropology: An Introductory Reader, Aaron Podolesfsky, Peter J. Brown, and Scott M. Lacey


Improved Algorithms For Matching R-Separated Sets With Applications To Protein Structure Alignment, Aleksandar Poleksic


Decision Support Analytics and Business Intelligence, Daniel J. Power


Engineering Effective Decision Support Technologies: New Models and Applications, Daniel J. Power


Mobile Decision Support And Business Intelligence: An Overview, Daniel J. Power

Preface, Daniel J. Power


Decision Support For Crisis Incidents, Daniel J. Power, Roberta M. Roth, and Rex Karsten

Experimental Study And Regression Modeling Of Tool Wear In CNC Turning Operation Using Soybean Based Cutting Fluid, P. N. Rao, Julie Zhang, and Marry Eckman


Auto Ads Execution In The United States And Around The World: A Census Comparison In A Major U.S. Magazine, And A Sample Comparison In Major World Magazines, Mohammed Rawwas, Mathew Bunker, K. N. Rajendran, and Michael Klassen


An Introduction Of Epistemology To Business Ethics: A Study Of Marketing Middle-Managers, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas, Surendra Arjoon, and Yusuf Sidani


How Do Small Firms Possibly Survive? A Comparison Study Of Marketing Skills And Logistics Infrastructure Of Small And Large Wholesalers, Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas and Karthik N.S. Iyer


Use Of Toys In Child-Centered Play Therapy, Dee C. Ray, Kasie R. Lee, Kristin K. Meany-Walen, Sarah E. Carlson, Kara L. Carnes-Holt, and Jenifer N. Ware

Not A Country For Old Men: Scapegoats And Sacrifice In Santa Varvara, Martha Reineke


Review of The Triumph of Israel’s Radical Right, by Ami Peadahzur, Evan Renfro


The Varieties of Individual Engagement (VIE) Scales: Confirmatory Factor Analyses across Two Samples and Contexts, Jayme L. Renfro, Lisa M. PytlikZillig, Myiah J. Hutchens, Peter Muhlberger, Shiyuan Wang, and Rabecca Harris


Further Validation Of A Single-Item Measure Of Social Identification, Stephen Reysen, Iva Katzarska-Miller, Sundé M. Nesbit, and Lindsey Pierce


Myth Versus Reality: Comparing The Depiction Of Juvenile Delinquency In Metropolitan Newspapers With Arrest Data, Gayle M. Rhineberger-Dunn


Influence Of Pulsing Electromagnetic Field Therapy On Resting Blood Pressure In Aging Adults, János Rikk, Kevin J. Finn, Imre Liziczai, Zsolt Radák, Zoltán Bori, and Ferenc Ihász


Promoting Conceptual Change Through Inquiry, Ronald Rinehart, Clark A. Chinn, Ravit Golan Duncan, and Michael Dianovsky


Differences In Beliefs About The Causes Of Health Disparities In Black And White Nurses, Susan Roberts-Dobie, Elana Joram, Michele Devlin, Deann Ambroson, and Joyce Chen


Relative Preferences For Paper And For Electronic Books: Implications For Reference Services, Library Instruction, And Collection Management, Leila June Rod-Welch, Barbara E. Weeg, Jerry V. Caswell, and Thomas L. Kessler


Adding Constructive Competition To Enhance A Cooperative Learning Experience: A Quest For Kudos, Sarah B. Rosol


Bridging The Inequality Gap To Accessing Medicare And Medicaid Information Online: An Empirical Analysis Of E-Government Success 2002 Through 2010, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal


Children's Mental-Health Language Access Laws: State Factors Influence Policy Adoption, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal


Medicare And Medicaid Services Online: Government Initiatives Narrowing Online Access Inequalities, Mary Schmeida and Ramona McNeal


Performance In Upper-Level Accounting Courses: The Case Of Transfer Students, Dennis Schmidt and Martha Wartick


The I-35W Bridge Collapse: Crimes Of Commission And Omission Resulting From The Confluence Of State Processes And Political-Economic Conditions, Casey James Schotter and Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn


The Influence of Benzene as a Trace Reactant in Titan Aerosol Analogs, Joshua A. Sebree, Melissa G. Trainer, Y. Heidi Yoon, and Margaret A. Tolbert


Communication: Making Connections, William J. Seiler, Melissa L. Beall, and Joseph P. Mazer


The Legacy Of Gordon Kaufman: Theological Method And Its Pragmatic Norms, Jerome P. Soneson


Mindtools And Problem Solving: An Introduction, J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Mary C. Herring


Preface, J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, Sharon E. Smaldino, and Mary C. Herring


Efficacy Or Convenience? Model-Based Approaches To Phylogeny Estimation Using Morphological Data, Marc R. Spencer and Eric W. Wilberg


Nothing Says Love Like a Skull and Crossbones Tea Cozy: Crafting Contemporary Subversive Handcrafts, Marybeth C. Stalp and Therèsa M. Winge


Fecundity of the Chinese mystery snail in a Nebraska reservoir, Bruce J. Stephen, Craig R. Allen, Noelle M. Chaine, Kent A. Fricke, Danielle M. Haak, Michelle L. Hellman, Robert A. Kill, Kristine T. Nemec, Kevin L. Pope, Nicholas A. Smeenk, Daniel R. Uden, Kody M. Unstad, Ashley E. VanderHam, and Alec Wong


What Is The (Real Option) Value Of A College Degree?, Jeffrey R. Stokes


CRISTAL (Chemistry Resources and Instructional Strategies for Teaching All Learners for MS & HS Chemistry), Jody Stone


Dwelling On 'Road Rage': The Effects Of Trait Rumination On Aggressive Driving, Kyle A. Suhr and Sundé Nesbit


Run to Glory & Profits: The Economic Rise of the NFL during the 1950s, David G. Surdam


Possessing Brazil in Print, 1630-54, Elizabeth Sutton


One-Dimensional Trflp-Sscp Is An Effective Dna Fingerprinting Strategy For Soil Archaea That Is Able To Simultaneously Differentiate Broad Taxonomic Clades Based On Terminal Fragment Length Polymorphisms And Closely Related Sequences Based On Single Stranded Conformation Polymorphisms, Colby A. Swanson and Marek Sliwinski


Archaeal Assemblages Inhabiting Temperate Mixed Forest Soil Fluctuate In Taxon Composition And Spatial Distribution Over Time, Colby A. Swanson and Marek K. Sliwinski


Archaeal Assemblages Inhabiting Temperate Mixed Forest Soil Fluctuate in Taxon Composition and Spatial Distribution over Time, Colby A. Swanson and Marek K. Sliwinski


The Bilingual Counselor's Guide to Spanish: Basic Vocabulary and Interventions for the Non-Spanish Speaker, Roberto Swazo


Response Of Juvenile Diamond-Backed Terrapins (Malaclemys Terrapin) To An Aquatic Thermal Gradient, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Victoria F. Moran, and Emily J. Riesberg


Locating the Library in the Non-Library Censorship of the 1950’s: Ideological Negotiations in the Professional Record, Joan Bessman Taylor


Leading Change And Innovation In Teacher Preparation: A Blueprint For Developing TPACK Ready Teacher Candidates, Tommye Thomas, Mary Herring, Pamela Redmond, and Sharon Smaldino


The Distribution Of Fiddler Crabs (Uca) Along The Coast Of Brazil: Implications For Biogeography Of The Western Atlantic Ocean, Carl L. Thurman, Samuel C. Faria, and John C. McNamara


50 Shades of Green: Promoting Campus Sustainability through Library Partnerships, Meghann Toohey and Anne Marie H. Gruber


Knox1 Genes Regulate Lignin Deposition And Composition In Monocots And Dicot, Brad T. Townsley, Neelima R. Sinha, and Julie Kang


KNOX1 genes regulate lignin deposition and composition in monocots and dicots, Brad T. Townsley, Neelima R. Sinha, and Julie Kang

E. D. E. N. Southworth's Tragic Muse, Karen Tracey


Searching For On-Field Parity: Evidence From National Football League Scheduling During 1991-2006, Bulent Uyar and David Surdam


Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Human Security: A Comparative Analysis, Dhirendra Kumar Vajpeyi

What We Can Learn Of History From Older African American Women Who Worked As Maids In The Deep South, Katherine Van Wormer, David W. Jackson, and Charletta Sudduth


Restorative Justice Today: Practical Applications, Katherine S. Van Wormer and Lorenn Walker


Does The Disorder Matter? Investigating A Moderating Effect On Coached Noncredible Overreporting Using The Mmpi-2 And Pai, Carlo O.C. Veltri and John E. Williams


Consumer Ethics: An Investigation Of The Ethical Beliefs Of Elderly Consumers, Scott J. Vitell, James Lumpkin, and Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas


Religion in the Public Schools: Negotiating the New Commons, Michael D. Waggoner


The Praeger Handbook of Faith-Based Schools in the United States, K-12, Michael D. Waggoner


Brazil's Restorative Prisons, Lorenn Walker, Andrew Johnson, and Katherine S. van Wormer


Sigma Gamma Epsilon Chapter Service Award, James Walters


Sigma Gamma Epsilon Quality Chapter Awards, James C. Walters


Cross-Observer Agreement and Self-Concept Consistency Across Cultures: Integrating Trait and Cultural Psychology Perspectives, Congcong Wang, Timothy A. Church, Marcia S. Katigbak, Rina Mazuera Arias, Brigida Carolina Rincon, Jose de Jesus Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibanez-Reyes, Lei Wang, Juan M. Alvarez, and Fernando A. Ortiz


Commitment To Strength And Conditioning: A Sport Commitment Model Perspective, Windee M. Weiss and Danae Halupnik


Is Neotropical Conservation Sold-Short: Diminishing Returns for Birding Suggest Ecolodges Could Encourage Longer Stays, Mark Welford and Anthony Barilla


Selected Vaginal Bacteria and Risk of Preterm Birth: An Ecological Perspective, Ai Wen, Usha Srinivasan, Deborah Goldberg, John Owen, Carl F. Marrs, Dawn Misra, Deborah A. Wing, Sreelatha Ponnaluri, Arianna Miles-Jay, Brigette Bucholz, Khadija Abbas, and Betsy Foxman


Transcriptome Sequences Resolve Deep Relationships Of The Grape Family, Jun Wen, Zhiqiang Xiong, Ze Long Nie, Likai Mao, Yabing Zhu, Xian Zhao Kan, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Jean Gerrath, Elizabeth A. Zimmer, and Xiao Dong Fang


Transcriptome Sequences Resolve Deep Relationships of the Grape Family, Jun Wen, Zhiqiang Xiong, Ze-Long Nie, Likai Mao, Yabing Zhu, Xian-Zhao Kan, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Jean Gerrath, Elizabeth A. Zimmer, and Xiao-Dong Fang


Conservation Genetics Of The Central Newt (Notophthalmus Viridescens) In Iowa: The Importance Of A Biogeographic Framework, S. Scott Whitmore, Selena Losee, Laurel Meyer, and Theresa A. Spradling


Engaging Students with the Nature of Science and Nature of Technology by Modeling the Work of Scientists., Jesse Wilcox and Jerrid Kruse


Hydroseeding survey of IRVM counties in Iowa, Dave Williams


vManagement: Initial Exploration of Management Practice, M. Susan Wurtz, Dale Cyphert, and Leslie K. Duclos


Blind Narrowband Interference Mitigation Using Filter Bank For Energy Detection Based UWB Receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang David Chen, Hassan Khani, and Aidong Yang


Modified Kurtosis Detection For UWB Impulse Radios, Aidong Yang, Hong Nie, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang David Chen


Stochastic Pareto-Optimal Reinsurance Policies, Xudong Zeng and Shangzhen Luo


Equilibrium Balking Strategies In Markovian Queues With Working Vacations, Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang, and Bin Liu


Equilibrium Joining Probabilities In Observable Queues With General Service And Setup Times, Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang, and Bin Liu


Green/Sustainable Manufacturing - Evaluation Of A Soybean-Based Metal Cutting Fluid In Turning Operation, Ju Lie Zhang and P. N. Rao


Ambient Energy Harvesting And Self-Sustainability For Transportation Infrastructure Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks, Jin Zhu, Laura Hattaway, and Sultan Altamimi

Implementation And Field Testing Of A Wireless Sensor Network For Infrastructure Monitoring, Jin Zhu and M. D. Salim


Sex and Death in Eighteenth-Century Literature, Jolene Zigarovich


Teaching Primary Grade Students Perfectionism Through Cartoons Compared to Bibliotherapy, Miranda L. Zousel, Audrey C. Rule, and Stephanie R. Logan

Teaching Primary Grade Students Perfectionism Through Cartoons Compared To Bibliotherapy, Miranda L. Zousel, Audrey Rule, and Stephanie R. Logan

Submissions from 2012


Interspecific RNA Interference Of Shoot Meristemless-Like Disrupts Cuscuta Pentagona Plant Parasitism, Amos Alakonya, Ravi Kumar, Daniel Koenig, Seisuke Kimura, Brad Townsley, Steven Runo, Helena M. Garces, Julie Kang, Andrea Yanez, Rakefet David-Schwartz, Jesse Machuka, and Neelima Sinha


Protein Structure Alignment: Is There Room For Improvement?, Mauricio Arriagada and Aleksandar Poleksic


Preschoolers’ Daytime Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Nightime Sleep, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Lori Elmore-Staton, Mona El-Sheikh, and Brian Vaughn


Associations Between Preschoolers' Daytime and Nighttime Sleep Parameters, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Lori Staton, Mona El-Sheikh, Brian E. Vaughn, and W. Justin Dyer


Queen Salome: Jerusalem's Warrior Monarch of the First Century B.C.E., Kenneth Atkinson


An Entropy Approach To Size And Variance Heterogeneity In U.S. Commercial Banks, Lakshmi Balasubramanyan, Spiro E. Stefanou, and Jeffrey R. Stokes


Differential Effects Of Tea Extracts On Growth And Cytokine Production By Normal And Leukemic Human Leukocytes, Diana Bayer, Jonathon Jansen, and Lisa A. Beltz


Ship Shape, a Dazzle Camouflage Sourcebook, Roy R. Behrens


Determination Of Contact Angle From The Maximum Height Of Enlarged Drops On Solid Surfaces, F. Behroozi


Grammar Instruction Needs Fixed: Teaching Standardized Grammatical Conventions and Honoring Linguistic Idenity, Shelia Benson


Fss/Tbx6 is Required for Central Dermomyotome Cell Fate in Zebrafish, Nathan Craig Bird, Stefanie Elisabeth Windner, Sara Elizabeth Patterson, Rosemarie Anne Doris, and Stephen Henri Devoto

Prevalence Of Problem Gambling In Iowa: Revisiting Shaffer's Adaptation Hypothesis, Donald W. Black, Brett McCormick, Mary E. Losch, Martha Shaw, Gene Lutz, and Jeff Allen


The Politics of Color in Oscar Hammerstein’s Carmen Jones, Melinda Boyd


The Influence Of Victim Ethnicity On Arrest In Violent Crimes, Steven Briggs and Tara Opsal


An Inquiry Into The Pay Structure Of The New York Yankees: 1919-1941, Kenneth H. Brown, Paul E. Gabriel, and David G. Surdam


The Contribution Of Previous Contact And Personality Traits To Severe Mental Illness Stigma, Seth A. Brown


Editorial: Implementing the Teacher Education Initiative, Glen Bull, Marshall George, Melanie Shoffner, Cheryl Bolick, John Lee, Janice Anderson, David Slykhuis, Joe Garofalo, Robin Angotti, Michael McKenna, Elizabeth West, Sara Dexter, Mary Herring, Mark Hofer, and Abbie Brown


A Theoretical Investigation Of The Ring Strain Energy, Destabilization Energy, And Heat Of Formation Of Cl-20, John A. Bumpus


Forever Ephemeral: John Cage's ASLSP, Jeffery Byrd and John Fritch

Challenging Authoritarianism in Mexico: Revolutionary Struggles and the Dirty War, 1964-1982, Fernando Calderón and Adela Cedillo


Segmenting Audiences And Tailoring Messages: Using The Extended Parallel Process Model And Cluster Analysis To Improve Health Campaigns, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Knute D. Carter, and Mary Losch


Ambivalence, Communication And Past Use: Understanding What Influences Women's Intentions To Use Contraceptives, Shelly Campo, Natoshia M. Askelson, Erica L. Spies, and Mary Losch


Students Speak Up On New Integration With ASHA, Megan Elizabeth Carey-Vaughan, Rene Utianski, and Roger Reeter


Disaster Narrative Emergent/Cies: Performing Loss, Identity And Resistance, Phyllis Scott Carlin and Linda M. Park-Fuller


Population estimate of Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in a Nebraska reservoir, Noelle M. Chaine, Craig R. Allen, Kent A. Fricke, Danielle M. Haak, Michelle L. Hellman, Robert A. Kill, Kristine T. Nemec, Kevin L. Pope, Nicholas A. Smeenk, Bruce J. Stephen, Daniel R. Uden, Kody M. Unstad, and Ashley E. VanderHam


Deviant Or Normal? Female Bodybuilders' Accounts Of Social Reactions, Ruth A. Chananie-Hill, Shelly McGrath, and Justin Stoll


"It Was Like This, I Think": Constructing An Adoption Narrative For Chinese Adopted Children, April Chatham-Carpenter


Temporal Discounting in Heroin-dependent Patients: No Sign Effect, Weaker Magnitude Effect, and the Relationship with Inhibitory Control, Jiuqing Cheng, Yanhong Lu, Xiaodong Han, Claudia González-Vallejo, and Nan Sui


Shell Games: The Life and Times of Pearl Mcgill, Industrial Spy and Pioneer Labor Activist, Jeffrey S. Copeland


Real World Externships Exposing Students to Possible Careers in STEM Disciplines, Disa Cornish


Adenosine-5'-Triphosphate Release By Mannheimia Haemolytica, Lipopolysaccharide, And Interleukin-1 Stimulated Bovine Pulmonary Epithelial Cells, Michael Craddick, Rakhi Patel, Amanda Lower, Sarah Highlander, Mark Ackermann, and David McClenahan


Soil Weathering And Accumulation Rates Of Oxalate-Extractable Phases Derived From Alpine Chronosequences Of Up To 1Ma In Age, Dennis Dahms, Filippo Favilli, Rolf Krebs, and Markus Egli


Application of Geospatial Technologies for Understanding and Predicting Vector Populations and Vector-Borne Disease Incidence (Abstract), J. Degroote, S. R. Larson, Yanli Zhang, and Ramanathan Sugumaran


Application Of Geospatial Technologies For Understanding And Predicting Vector Populations And Vector-Borne Disease Incidence, John P. DeGroote, Scott R. Larson, Yanli Zhang, and Ramanathan Sugumaran


National And Regional Associations Between Human West Nile Virus Incidence And Demographic, Landscape, And Land Use Conditions In The Coterminous United States, John P. DeGroote and Ramanathan Sugumaran


Cophylogeny On A Fine Scale: Geomydoecus Chewing Lice And Their Pocket Gopher Hosts, Pappogeomys Bulleri, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, Mark S. Hafner, Gretchen R. Spies, David J. Hafner, and Jessica E. Light


Synthetic Folic Acid Supplementation During Pregnancy May Increase The Risk Of Developing Autism, M. Catherine Desoto and Robert T. Hitlan


Editorial: Technology Leadership for the Teacher Education Initiative, Sara Dexter, Mary Herring, and Tommye Thomas


Leisure Education Research And The Fundamental Attribution Error, Rodney B. Dieser

Comparing Thigh Muscle Cross-Sectional Area And Squat Strength Among National Class Olympic Weightlifters, Power Lifters, And Bodybuilders, James J. Di Naso, Brian L. Pritschet, John D. Emmett, Jill D. Owen, Jeffrey M. Willardson, Travis W. Beck, Jason M. deFreitas, and Fabio E. Fontana


Comparing thigh muscle cross-sectional area and squat strength among national class Olympic weightlifters, power lifters, and bodybuilders, James J. Di Naso, Brian L. Pritschet, John D. Emmett, Jill W. Owen, Jeffrey Willardson, Travis W. Beck, Jason M. DeFreitas, and Fabio E. Fontana


Helping Couples Deal With Relationship Ambivalence, Richard Dowling, Siobhan O. Leary Evarts, and Ann Vernon


“Job Killers”in the News: Allegations without Verification, Peter Dreier and Christopher R. Martin


Case Studies 5. The Media, Peter Dreier, Christopher R. Martin, David H. Jernigan, Shannon Silva, Susan Bullers, Mariana Johnson, Donna King, Jean Anne Sutherland, and Keith N. Hampton

The Effect Of A Score On Band Directors' Written Comments Of A Recorded Performance, Kevin L. Droe

Transition Education For Adolescents With Learning Disabilities, Cari Dunn and Christina Curran


The Flea (Siphonaptera) Fauna Of Georgia, U.S.A: Hosts, Distribution And Medical-Veterinary Importance, Lance A. Durden, Nixon Wilson, Ralph P. Eckerlin, and W. Wilson Baker


Comparing middle school students' learning and attitudes in face-to-face and online mathematics lessons, Clayton M. Edwards Open Access Dissertation 2014 Award


Soil Organic Carbon And Nitrogen Accumulation Rates In Cold And Alpine Environments Over 1 MA, Markus Egli, Filippo Favilli, Rolf Krebs, Barbara Pichler, and Dennis Dahms


Microbial-Mediated Feedbacks of Leaf Litter on Invasive Plant Growth and Interspecific Competition, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Shen Yu, Torsten Vor, and Joan G. Ehrenfeld


Attack of the Cyborgs: Economic Imperialism and The Human Deficit in Educational Policy-Making & Research, Scott Ellison


From Within the Belly of the Beast: Rethinking the Concept of the ‘Educational Marketplace’ in the Popular Discourse of Education Reform, Scott Ellison


It's in the Name: A Synthetic Inquiry of the Knowledge Is Power Program [KIPP], Scott Ellison


Parental Refusal To Consent For Evaluation: A Legal Analysis With Implications For School Psychologists, Susan Etscheidt, Kerri Clopton, and Charlotte Haselhuhn


Entrepreneurial Attributes Of Undergraduate Business Students: A Three Country Comparison Revisited, Shelley M. Farrington, Danie J.L. Venter, Christine R. Schrage, and Peter O. van der Meer


Sex Differences In The Manifestation Of Adhd In Emerging Adults, David A. Fedele, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Cynthia M. Hartung, and Will H. Canu


The History Of The Zafar-Nāmah Of Guru Gobind Singh, Louis E. Fenech


Selective Dialkylation Of A Doubly Linked Dicyclopentadiene Ligand And The Ensuing Ruthenium Complexes, Patrick S. Fier, Regina R. Reinig, Janeth King, Christopher Dickerson, Robert M. Chin, Mantia Doucouré, and William Brennessel


Strengthening Kazhdan's Property (T) By Bochner Methods, David Fisher and Theron Hitchman


Expression of Cadherin-11 during Organogenesis in the Chick Embryo, Kacie D. Flaherty, Alicia F. Paulson, Ashley L. Adamson, and Darrell J. Wiens


Beyond Physics: A Case For Far Transfer, Benjamin Robert Forsyth


Guest Editors' Introduction To The Special Issue: Constructing A Color Line In The Twenty-First Century, Carissa M. Froyum and Marybeth C. Stalp


Constructing Teacher Identity Through Technology Field Practice, Ping Gao

Editorial, Ping Gao and Qiyun Wang


Differential Item Functioning Analysis Of The Mental, Emotional, And Bodily Toughness Inventory, Yong Gao, Mick G. Mack, Moira A. Ragan, and Brian Ragan


Lingual Propulsive Pressures Across Consistencies Generated By The Anteromedian And Posteromedian Tongue By Healthy Young Adults, Laura L. Gingrich, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Carlin F. Hageman, and Leonard L. LaPointe


The Reversibility Of The Adsorption Of Methane-Methyl Mercaptan Mixtures In Nanoporous Carbon, Monika Golebiowska, Michael Roth, Lucyna Firlej, Bogdan Kuchta, and Carlos Wexler

Measuring The Differences In Spatial Ability Between A Face-To-Face And A Synchronous Distance Education Undergraduate Engineering Graphics Course, Wade H. Goodridge, Scott David Greenhalgh, Oenardi Lawanto, and Gary A. Stewardson


LAC 1A Instructor Resource Guide: UNI I am Writing, David Grant and Debra Dimond Young


Assessing Multimedia Influences On Student Responses Using A Personal Response System, Kyle Gray, Katharine Owens, Xin Liang, and David Steer


A Test For The Possibility Of Photosymbiosis In Extinct Fusuline Foraminifera: Size And Shape Related To Depth Of Habitat, John R. Groves, Madison Pike, and Kasey Westley


Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy Of The Visean-Serpukhovian (Mississippian) Boundary Interval At Slope And Platform Sections In Southern Guizhou (South China), John R. Groves, Wang Yue, Qi Yuping, Barry C. Richards, Katsumi Ueno, and Wang Xiangdong


Sustainable Practices Of Community Tourism Planning: Lessons From A Remote Community, Oksana Grybovych and Delmar Hafermann


Accommodating Teachers’ Stress-Reducing Strategies: Frontstage and Backstage Areas in Schools, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi


The Federal Government and Urban Housing, R. Allen Hays


Tracing the evolution of chiropractic students’ confidence in clinical and patient communication skills during a clinical internship: a multi-methods study, Mark Hecimovich and Simone Volet


Mathematics Discussions By Design: Creating Opportunities For Purposeful Participation, John E. Henning, Timothy McKeny, Gregory D. Foley, and Megan Balong


Observation Of Infrared-Active Modes In Raman Scattering From Topological Insulator Nanoplates, Rui He, Zhenhua Wang, Richard L.J. Qiu, Conor Delaney, Ben Beck, T. E. Kidd, C. C. Chancey, and Xuan P.A. Gao


Large Physisorption Strain In Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Graphene On Copper Substrates, Rui He, Liuyan Zhao, Nicholas Petrone, Keun Soo Kim, Michael Roth, James Hone, Philip Kim, Abhay Pasupathy, and Aron Pinczuk


The Capitães Mores Of The Japan Voyage: A Group Portrait, Reinier H. Hesselink


Obama In Words And Deeds, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard


Social Convention And Neurosis As Obstacles To Moral Freedom, Margaret Holland

Microwave-Based Manufacturing For Lower-Cost Biobased Lubricants And Chemicals: The Development Of Microwave-Based Processes For Manufacturing Biobased Grease Is Reviewed, And The Economic Impact These Processes Could Have Is Presented, Lou Honary

Manufacturing Biobased Grease Using Microwaves, Lou A. Honary and Wesley James

A Study Of Compatibility Of Fully Formulated Biobased And Conventional Greases, Lou Honary and Cassandra Boevers


Comparison of Two Recently Described Procedures to Effectively Calculate the Heat of Formation Values of Energetic Compounds, Jordan M. Hoy, John A. Bumpus, and Michael S. Elioff


Urban Early Childhood Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education, Wu-Ying Hsieh and Chang-Ming Hsieh


How Mathematics Teachers Can Help Curb Childhood Obesity, Elana Joram and Anthony J. Gabriele


The Numeracy Demands Of Health Education Information: An Examination Of Numerical Concepts In Written Diabetes Materials, Elana Joram, Susan Roberts-Dobie, Sue J. Mattison, Michele Devlin, Kristy Herbrandson, Kim Hansen, and Denise Eslinger


The Moderating Effect Of Extraversion-Introversion Differences On Group Idea Generation Performance, J. H. Jung, Younghwa Lee, and Rex Karsten


Why Are Asian Americans Silent? Asian Americans' Negotiation Strategies For Communicative Discriminations, Jungmi Jun


Computer Self-Efficacy: A Meta-Analysis, Rex Karsten, Atul Mitra, and Dennis Schmidt


Visualizing Protein Structural Superpositions And Alignments With Structalignviewer, Harald Kattnig and Aleksandar Poleksic


Social Worker Interventions In Situations Of Domestic Violence: What We Can Learn From Survivors Personal Narratives?, June Keeling and Katherine Van Wormer


Performance Analysis Of High Rate Weighted-Tr UWB System In The Presence Of Inter-Block And Multiuser Interferences, Hassan Khani, Paeiz Azmi, and Hong Nie


Polarity-Invariant Square Law Technology For Transmitted Reference UWB Receivers Digitizing With A Monobit ADC, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, Zhimeng Xu, Sateesh Addepalli, and Zhizhang Chen


Low Complexity Suboptimal Monobit Receiver For Transmitted-Reference Impulse Radio UWB Systems, Hassan Khani, Hong Nie, Weidong Xiang, Zhimeng Xu, and Zhizhang Chen


Dopant Driven Electron Beam Holography, Timothy E. Kidd


Synthesis Of Magnetic 1D Dichalcogenide Nanostructures, Timothy E. Kidd, Aaron O'Shea, Zach Griffith, Stroh Leslie, Paul M. Shand, Kayla R. Boyle, and Laura H. Strauss


Schools in Balance: Comparing Iowa Physics Teachers and Teaching in Large and Small Schools, Trevor Kittleson and Jeffrey T. Morgan


Fiction: The 1960s To The Present, Jerome Klinkowitz


Development Of New Microsatellite Markers (SSRS) For Humulus Lupulus, Jared Koelling, Mark C. Coles, Paul D. Matthews, and Axel Schwekendiek


Examining Constraints To Leisure And Recreation For Residents In Remote And Isolated Communities: An Analysis Of 14 Communities In The Northwest Territories Of Canada, Christopher L. Kowalski, Oksana Grybovych, Samuel Lankford, and Larry Neal


The Status of Statewide Subscription Databases, Karla Steege Krueger


Communicating Like a Scientist with Multimodal Writing, Mason Kuhn and Mark McDermott


Child Discipline and Conservative Protestantism: Why the Relationship between Corporal Punishment and Child Behavior Problems May Vary by Religious Context, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon and Richard J. Petts

The Public Administration Theory Primer, Christopher W. Larimer, Kevin B. Smith, George H. Frederickson, and Michael J. Licari


Quasimodular Forms And Cohomology, Min Ho Lee


Testing Psychometric Properties and the Cross-Ethnic Construct Validity of the Risk and Resiliency Checkup, Sei-Young Lee


Can Online Wait Be Managed? The Effect Of Filler Interfaces And Presentation Modes On Perceived Waiting Time Online, Younghwa Lee, Andrew N.K. Chen, and Virginia Ilie

Designing Websites And Composing Music: Identifying Usability Constructs And Their Nomological Networks, Younghwa Lee and Kenneth A. Kozar


Understanding Of Website Usability: Specifying And Measuring Constructs And Their Relationships, Younghwa Lee and Kenneth A. Kozar


Preliminary Examination Of A Cartoon-Based Hostile Attributional Bias Measure For Urban African American Boys, Stephen S. Leff, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Gagan S. Khera, Brooke Paskewich, and Abbas F. Jawad


Psychometric Properties Of A Primary Care Mental Health Screening Tool For Young Children, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Cynthia M. Hartung, and David A. Fedele


Tail Asymptotics For M/M/C Retrial Queues With Non-Persistent Customers, Bin Liu, Xi Wang, and Yiqiang Q. Zhao


Keyboarding Camp!: Identifying the Effects of 4th-Grader Characteristics on Keyboarding Proficiency, Amy Lockhart and Leigh E. Zeitz


On Proportional Reinsurance With A Linear Transaction Rate, Shangzhen Luo


Minimal Cost Of A Brownian Risk Without Ruin, Shangzhen Luo and Michael Taksar


Porn Chic: Exploring the Contours of Raunch Eroticism, Annette Lynch


Recent Developments in the Interactions Between Caveolin and Pathogens, Fabiana S. Machado, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Daniel Adesse, Luciana R. Garzoni, Lisia Esper, Michael P. Lisanti, Robert D. Burk, Chris Albanese, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, Louis M. Weiss, Fnu Nagajyothi, Joshua D. Nosanchuk, Mary E. Wilson, and Herbert B. Tanowitz


Affect: The Role Of Language Anxiety And Other Emotions In Language Learning, Peter MacIntyre and Tammy Gregersen


Corporate Social Performance Profiling: Using Multiple Stakeholder Perceptions To Assess A Corporate Reputation, John Mahon and Steven L. Wartick


Direct Two-Phase Numerical Simulation Of Snowdrift Remediation Using Three-Dimensional Deflection Fins, E. Maldonado and M. W. Roth


Law, Business, and Society, Tony McAdams, Nancy Neslund, and Kiren Dosanjh Zucker


Ctenophthalmus Pseudagyrtes (Siphonaptera: Ctenopthalmidae): New To The Flea Fauna Of Texas, Chris T. McAllister and Nixon Wilson


State Response To Obama’s Broadband Access Policy: A Study In Policy Implementation, Ramona McNeal


Benzyl Benzoate Glycosides From Oligoneuron Rigidum, Sarah Miesner, Holly Frosch, Kelly Kindscher, Shane Tichy, and Kirk P. Manfredi


Archaeometric Evidence Attesting Production Of Indigenous Archaic Pottery At Monte Polizzo (Western Sicily), Giuseppe Montana, Chad Elliot Heinze, Anna Maria Polito, and Luciana Randazzo


Teacher Candidate Attitude Changes After Experiencing an Arts-Integrated Unit on Africa, Sarah E. Montgomery, Audrey C. Rule, Denise A. Tallakson, Mary K. Stichter, Allison Barness, and Katie M. Decker


Accountability For What Matters: Using Postschool Outcomes To Build School And Community Renewal, Mary E. Morningstar, Gregory Knollman, Sarah Semon, and Jeannie Kleinhammer-Tramill


Butterfly Response To Floral Resources During Early Establishment At A Heterogeneous Prairie Biomass Production Site In Iowa, USA, Mark C. Myers, Benjamin J. Hoksch, and James T. Mason


Perceptions About Disability Among Ghanaian University Students, Augustina Naami and Reiko Hayashi


FIVE NEW RECORDS OF ANTS (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) FOR NEBRASKA, Kristine T. Nemec, James C. Tager, Elizabeth Manley, and Craig R. Allen


The Influence Of Just-World Beliefs On Driving Anger And Aggressive Driving Intentions, Sundé M. Nesbit, Kevin L. Blankenship, and Renee A. Murray


Predicting Aggressive Driving Behavior From Anger And Negative Cognitions, Sundé M. Nesbit and Judith C. Conger


Nonlinear Signal Processing Technologies For Energy Detection Based Impulse Radio UWB Transceivers, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, and Zhimeng Xu


Developing Standards-Based Geography Curricular Materials From Overseas Field Experiences For K-12 Teachers, Alex Oberle and Fabián Araya Palacios


Examining The Health Information-Seeking Behaviors Of Korean Americans, Kyeung Mi Oh, Gary L. Kreps, Jungmi Jun, Elizabeth Chong, and Lolita Ramsey

Life in the Natural World: Investigating Life’s Diversity, Steve O'Kane and Kimberly Cline-Brown


I Am Hoping You Can Point Me In The Right Direction Regarding Playground Accessibility”: A Case Study Of A Community Which Lacked Social Policy Toward Playground Accessibility, Heather M. Olsen and Rodney B. Dieser


Lidar Data Reduction Using Vertex Decimation And Processing With GPGPU And Multicore CPU Technology, Dossay Oryspayev, Ramanathan Sugumaran, John DeGroote, and Paul Gray


Africa, Tropical Timber, Turfs and Trade: Geographic Perspectives on Ghana's Timber Industry and Development, John Henry Owusu

Rhetoric in Civic Life, Catherine Helen Palczewski, Richard Ice, and John Fritch


Can Personal Values Predict Performance? Evidence In An Academic Setting, Laura Parks and Russell P. Guay


Inclusion Level of Children Rights Issues In Social Studies Textbooks: (Case of Turkey and the United States), Harun Parpucu and Zihni Merey


Practicing Creative Thinking Skills by Making Creative Products Related to Economic Issues, Harun Parpucu, Audrey C. Rule, Zaid A. Alkouri, Shelly J. Criswell, Judith L. Evans, Angela N. Hileman, Bin Raun, Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren, Jill Unlenberg, Olga S. Vasileva, and Ksenia S. Zhbanova


Late Paleozoic Fusulinoidean Gigantism Driven By Atmospheric Hyperoxia, Jonathan L. Payne, John R. Groves, Adam B. Jost, Thienan Nguyen, Sarah E. Moffitt, Tessa M. Hill, and Jan M. Skotheim


Spectral Spike Reduction For Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radio System, A. Pearce, H. Nie, and Z. Chen

An Undergraduate Summer Research Experience On Energy Efficient Lighting Technologies And Harmonics, Recayi Reg Pecen, Corey Evan Eichelberger, and Faruk Yildiz

Design And Implementation Of A 10 Kw Wind Power And Instrumentation System, Recayi Reg Pecen, Faruk Yildiz, Bekir Z. Yuksek, Ulan Dakeev, and Kenan Baltaci


Imagining The Possibilities: Qualitative Inquiry At The Intersections Of Race, Gender, Disability, And Class, Amy J. Petersen


One Hundred Years Of Dasymetric Mapping: Back To The Origin, Andrey Petrov


Beyond Spillovers: Interrogating Innovation And Creativity In The Peripheries, Andrey N. Petrov


Redrawing The Margin: Re-Examining Regional Multichotomies And Conditions Of Marginality In Canada, Russia And Their Northern Frontiers, Andrey N. Petrov


On Complexity Of Protein Structure Alignment Problem Under Distance Constraint, Aleksandar Poleksic


Protein Structure Alignment In Subquadratic Time, Aleksandar Poleksic


Shape-Preserving Projections In Low-Dimensional Settings And The Q-Monotone Case, M. P. Prophet and I. A. Shevchuk


Magnetic Analyses Of Soils From The Wind River Range, Wyoming, Constrain Rates And Pathways Of Magnetic Enhancement For Soils From Semiarid Climates, Emily E. Quinton, Dennis E. Dahms, and Christoph E. Geiss


On The Relevance Of The Principal Programs Of The Leading Post-Soviet Russian Political Parties, Ernest Raiklin


The Russian Dacha: A Repository Of Civil Indifference, Ernest Raiklin


Networks Matter: Male Mexican Migrants' Use Of Hospitals, Margaret L. Ralston and Xavier Escandell

Attitudes Of Local Residents To Recreation And Tourism Development Of Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania: A Case Study, Donald L. Rockey and Samuel Lankford


Incorporation And Visibility Of Reference And Social Networking Tools On Arl Member Libraries' Websites, Leila August Rod-Welch

The Development And Validation Of The Core Competencies Scale (CCS) For The College And University Students., Bin Ruan, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, Christopher R. Edginton, and Ming Kai Chin


Cartoons for Teaching Elementary Students about Bullying, Audrey C. Rule, S. R. Logan, and Frank W. Kohler


Creativity and Thinking Skills Integrated into a Science Enrichment Unit on Flooding, Audrey C. Rule, Jean Suchsland Schneider, Denise A. Tallakson, and Diane Highnam


Using a Thinking Skills System to Guide Discussions During a Working Conference on Students with Disabilities Pursuing STEM fields, Audrey C. Rule and Greg P. Stefanich


Small Mammal Jointed Models to Make, Description Cards, and a Menu of Follow-on Activities in Different Intelligence Areas, Audrey C. Rule and Sarah M. Vander Zanden


Changing Perceptions Of Unpopular Animals Through Facts, Poetry, Crafts, And Puppet Plays, Audrey C. Rule and Ksenia S. Zhbanova

Documenting Impact Of Educational Contexts On Long-Term Outcomes For Students With Significant Disabilities, Diane Lea Ryndak, Carolyn Hughes, Sandra Alper, and John McDonnell


Diabetes Self-Management Activities For Latinos Living In Non-Metropolitan Rural Communities: A Snapshot Of An Underserved Rural State, Daniel Sadowski, Michele Devlin, and Akhtar Hussain


Diruthenium Naphthalene And Anthracene Complexes Containing A Doubly Linked Dicyclopentadienyl Ligand, Hélori Salembier, Joshua Mauldin, Tom Hammond, Rodney Wallace, Essa Alqassab, Michael B. Hall, Lisa M. Pérez, Yuen Jing Alexis Chen, Katherine E. Turner, Eric Bockoven, William Brennessel, and Robert M. Chin


Three Elements Of Stakeholder Legitimacy, Adele Santana


University Student Interest And Use Of Personal Training Services, Kathleen G. Scholl, Kristina Leen, Devyn Alexander, Rachel Pike, and Luke Johansen


Photochemistry of Benzylallene: Ring-closing Reactions to Form Naphthalene, Joshua A. Sebree, Nathanael M. Kidwell, Talitha M. Selby, Brent K. Amberger, Robert J. McMahon, and Timothy S. Zwier


The Excited States and Vibronic Spectroscopy of Diphenyldiacetylene and Diphenylvinylacetylene, Joshua A. Sebree and Timothy S. Zwier


Coulomb-Driven Cluster-Glass Behavior in Mn-Intercalated Ti1+yS2, P. M. Shand, A. L. Meyer, M. Streicher, A. Wilson, T. Rash, Tim Kidd, and L. H. Strauss


Coulomb-Driven Cluster-Glass Behavior In Mn-Intercalated Ti 1+Ys 2, P. M. Shand, A. L. Meyer, M. Streicher, A. Wilson, T. Rash, M. W. Roth, T. E. Kidd, and L. H. Strauss


Mining Functional Subgraphs From Cancer Protein-Protein Interaction Networks, Ru Shen, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, and Chittibabu Guda


Mining functional subgraphs from cancer protein-protein interaction networks, Ru Shen, Nalin Goonesekere, and Chittibabu Guda


Local Adaptation Across A Fertility Gradient Is Influenced By Soil Biota In The Invasive Grass, Bromus Inermis, Mark E. Sherrard and Hafiz Maherali


Effectiveness Of Corticosteroids In The Treatment Of Lateral Epicondylosis, Kelli R. Snyder and Todd A. Evans


Point Of View: Principled Pluralism, Cognitive Flexibility, And New Contexts For Reading, Rand J. Spiro, Paul Morsink, and Benjamin Forsyth


Spanish Vocabulary-Bridging Technology-Enhanced Instruction for Young English Language Learners’ Word Learning, Lindsey Squires and Carla Wood Jackson


Gram Stains: A Resource for Retrospective Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens in Clinical Studies, Usha Srinivasan, Sreelatha Ponnalurl, Lisa Villareal, Brenda Gillespie, Ai Wen, Arianna Miles, Brigette Bucholz, Carl F. Marrs, Ram K. Iyer, Dawn Misra, and Betsy Foxman


Evidence Of Two Theoretical Models Observed In Young Children With Disabilities Who Are Beginning To Learn To Write, Amy Staples and Evette Edmister


Marrying Into The American Population: Pathways Into Cross-Nativity Marriages, Gillian Stevens, Hiromi Ishizawa, and Xavier Escandell


The Value Of The Option To Preserve Farm Real Estate, Jeffrey R. Stokes


Emergence Of Long Range One-Dimensional Nanostructures In A Disordered Two-Dimensional System: Mn-Doped Ti 1+Δs 2, Andrew J. Stollenwerk, Aaron O'Shea, Erik Wolter, Michael W. Roth, Laura H. Strauss, and Timothy E. Kidd


GEOMES (Geoscience Educational Opportunities for Motivating Every Student), Jody Stone


Big 3D Spatial Data Processing Using Cloud Computing Environment, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Jeff Burnett, and Andrew Blinkmann


Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Analysis Of West Nile Virus Using Twitter Data, Ramanathan Sugumaran and Jonathan Voss


The Rise of the National Basketball Association, David G. Surdam


Early Modern Dutch Prints of Africa, Elizabeth A. Sutton


Producing Meaning Through Interaction: Book Groups and the Social Context of Reading, Joan Bessman Taylor


Comparison Of A Reading Fluency Intervention With And Without Passage Repetition On Reading Achievement, William J. Therrien, James F. Kirk, and Suzanne Woods-Groves


An Analysis Of The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation's Deficit And Scenarios In Determining Adequate Premiums To Cover Claim Experience, Andrew Frank Thompson, Mir A. Zaman, Sam Kolahgar, and Azadeh Babaghaderi


Water Resource Conflicts and International Security: A Global Perspective, Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi


Learning About Cognitive Dissonance And Race Relations: A Study Of The Personal Narratives Of Older White Southern Women Who Grew Up With Maids, Katherine Van Wormer and Jeannie Falkner


Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective, Katherine S. Van Wormer and Diane Rae Davis


The Maid Narratives: Black Domestics and White Families in the Jim Crow South, Katherine S. Van Wormer, David W. Jackson, and Charletta Sudduth


Confronting Oppression, Restoring Justice: From Policy Analysis to Social Action, Katherine S. Van Wormer, Laura Kaplan, and Cindy Juby

Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Drug Courts And Mental Health Courts: The US Experience, Katherine van Wormer and Saundra Starks


Preparing School Social Work for the Future: An Update of School Social Workers' Tasks in Iowa, Matthew L. Vasquez, Christopher A. Peckover, Stephanie L. Van Housen, Jeanne A. Saunders, and Larry Allen


Helping Couples Deal With Parenting And Grandparenting, Ann Vernon and Dom DiMattia


Cognitive and Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy with Couples: Theory and Practice, Ann S. Vernon


Advances In Understanding Pro-Social Development In College: Reflections On Spiritual Outcomes Research, Michael D. Waggoner


A Social Norms Approach To Hazing Prevention Workshops, Jennifer J. Waldron


Sigma Gamma Epsilon-News and Information, James Walters


Construction Of Regular And Singular Green's Functions, Aiping Wang, Jerry Ridenhour, and Anton Zettl


Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Learning a Foreign Language Online: Preparing Teachers to Work with Linguistic, Cultural, and Technological Diversity, Congcong Wang


Developing Second Graders' Creativity Through Literacy-Science Integrated Lessons On Lifecycles, Angela Naomi Webb and Audrey C. Rule


Second Graders’ Recycled/Craft Item Products Demonstrate Life Cycle Content Knowledge and Creativity Skills, Angela Naomi Webb and Audrey C. Rule


Cysteine-Linked Aromatic Nitriles As Uv Resonance Raman Probes Of Protein Structure, Colin L. Weeks, Hyunil Jo, Brandon Kier, William F. De Grado, and Thomas G. Spiro


Caries Resistance as a Function of Age in an Initially Caries-Free Population, Ai Wen, D. Goldberg, C. F. Marrs, R. J. Weyant, M. L. Marazita, U. Srinivasan, L. Zhang, R. Crout, D. W. McNeil, and B. Foxman

Strong Orbit Equivalence And Residuality, Brett M. Werner


The Effects Of Two Stretching Protocols On The Reactive Strength Index In Female Soccer And Rugby Players, Kira M. Werstein and Robin J. Lund


Promoting Community For Online Learners In Special Education, Elizabeth West, Phyllis Jones, and Sarah Semon


The Determinants Of Policy Introduction And Bill Adoption: Examining Minimum Wage Increases In The American States, 1997-2006, Eric A. Whitaker, Mitchel N. Herian, Christopher W. Larimer, and Michael Lang


The Effects of Hypergravity on Xenopus Embryo Growth and Cardiac Hypertrophy, Darrell Wiens and Bryce Joseph Duchman


The Effect Of Load Reductions On Repetition Performance For Commonly Performed Multijoint Resistance Exercises, Jeffrey M. Willardson, Roberto Simao, and Fabio E. Fontana


Beyond Great Powers and Hegemons: Why Secondary States Support, Follow, or Challenge, Kristen P. Williams, Steven E. Lobell, and Neal Jesse


Molecular Beam Growth Of Graphene Nanocrystals On Dielectric Substrates, Ulrich Wurstbauer, Theanne Schiros, Cherno Jaye, Annette S. Plaut, Rui He, Albert Rigosi, Christopher Gutiérrez, Daniel Fischer, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Abhay N. Pasupathy, Aron Pinczuk, and Jorge M. Garcia


Nonlinear Blind Narrowband Interference Mitigation For Energy Detection Based UWB Receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, Hassan Khani, and Lun Yu


On The Nonlinear Teager-Kaiser Operator For Energy Detection Based Impulse Radio UWB Receivers, Zhimeng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhizhang Chen, Hassan Khani, and Lun Yu


Research On The Differential Code-Shifted Reference Ultra-Wideband With Large Code Length, Zhi Meng Xu, Hong Nie, Zhi Zhang Chen, and Lun Yu

An Overview: Applied Interdisciplinary Renewable Energy Projects, Faruk Yildiz, Keith Coogler, and Reg Recayi Pecen


Moral Classrooms, Moral Children: Creating a Constructivist Atmosphere in Early Education, Betty Zan and Rheta DeVries


On The Optimal And Equilibrium Retrial Rates In An Unreliable Retrial Queue With Vacations, Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang, and Bin Liu


Writing Death and Absence in the Victorian Novel: Engraved Narratives, Jolene Zigarovich

Submissions from 2011


Using Nominal Technique To Inform A Sexual Health Program For Black Youth, Lucy Annang, Lonnie Hannon, Faith E. Fletcher, Wendy Sykes Horn, and Disa Cornish


Organizational Culture: Assessment And Transformation, Achilles Armenakis, Steven Brown, and Anju Mehta


Children’s Sleep, Skin Conductance Level and Mental Health, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla and Mona El-Sheikh


Children's Internalizing Symptoms: The Role of Interactions Between Cortisol and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Mona El-Sheikh, J. Benjamin Hinnant, and Stephen A. Erath


Unlocking The Condoms: The Effect On Sales And Theft, Daniel Ashwood, Karen B. Farris, Shelly Campo, Mary L. Aquilino, and Mary Losch


The Historical Chronology Of The Hasmonean Period In The War And Antiquities Of Flavius Josephus: Separating Fact From Fiction, Kenneth Atkinson


Disability Studies In Education: The Need For A Plurality Of Perspectives On Disability, Susan Baglieri, Jan W. Valle, David J. Connor, and Deborah J. Gallagher


Who Has the Advantages in My Intended Career?: Engaging Students in the Identification of Gender and Racial Inequalities, Kimberly M. Baker and Stephen Sweet


Job Adequacy And Work-Family Balance: Looking At Jobs As A Whole, Brenda L. Bass and Joseph G. Grzywacz

The Usefulness Of Contingent Claims Analysis In Predicting Corporate Credit Ratings, Mark P. Bauman


Issues In Lessor Accounting: The Forgotten Half Of Lease Accounting, Mark P. Bauman and Richard N. Francis


Genotype-Environment Interactions And Their Translational Implications, Tesfaye M. Baye, Tilahun Abebe, and Russell A. Wilke


Determination Of Surface Tension From The Measurement Of Internal Pressure Of Mini Soap Bubbles, F. Behroozi and P. S. Behroozi


The Effect Of A Soap Film On A Catenary: Measurement Of Surface Tension From The Triangular Configuration, F. Behroozi and P. S. Behroozi


Effect Of Viscosity On Dispersion Of Capillary-Gravity Waves, F. Behroozi, J. Smith, and W. Even


Immunocytochemistry to Study Myogenesis in Zebrafish, Nathan C. Bird, Stefanie E. Windner, and Stephen H. Devoto


Rethinking the Curricular Imagination: Curriculum and Biopolitics in the Age of Neoliberalism, Gregory N. Bourassa


Morphological Variation In Eunotia Serra, With A Focus On The Rimoportula, Lynn A. Brant and Paula C. Furey


History Of Ankle Sprain As A Risk Factor Of Future Lateral Ankle Sprain In Athletes, Rachel E. Brinkman and Todd A. Evans


Standardized Measures For Substance Use Stigma, Seth A. Brown


A Pilot Study Of Performance In Young And Middle-Aged Adults On Verbal Recall, Angela Burda, Jamie Flatness, Ashley Lyons, and Emily Sorensen

Communication and Swallowing Changes in Healthy Aging Adults, Angela N. Burda


Academic Demands Are Associated With Reduced Alcohol Consumption By College Students: Evidence From A Daily Analysis, Adam B. Butler, Desiree Spencer, and Kama Dodge


John Graunt, John Arbuthnott, and the Human Sex Ratio, R. B. Campbell


Paths To Citizenship? Public Views On The Extension Of Rights To Legal And Second-Generation Immigrants In Europe, Alin M. Ceobanu and Xavier Escandell


The Influence of Teacher-Initiated Reminders on the Attainment of Students' Aerobic Fitness Goals, Ross Chakrain and Jennifer J. Waldron


Digital Radio Broadcasting, Zhuojun Joyce Chen


School And Community-Based Physical Education And Healthy Active Living Programs: Holistic Practices In Hong Kong, Singapore, And The United States, Ming Kai Chin, Christopher R. Edginton, Mei Sin Tang, Kia Wang Phua, and Jing Zhen Yang


Why Do Emotionally Intelligent People Have Positive Work Attitudes? The Mediating Role Of Situational Judgment Effectiveness, Daejeong Choi, In Sue Oh, Russell P. Guay, and Eunjung Lee


Dirichlet Series Of Rankin-Cohen Brackets, Young Ju Choie and Min Ho Lee


Notes On Rankin-Cohen Brackets, Youngju Choie and Min Ho Lee


Organizational Impacts On The Secondary Traumatic Stress Of Social Workers Assisting Family Violence Or Sexual Assault Survivors, Ga Young Choi


Secondary Traumatic Stress Of Service Providers Who Practice With Survivors Of Family Or Sexual Violence: A National Survey Of Social Workers, Ga Young Choi


Effects Of Artificial Deformation On Cranial Morphogenesis In The South Central Andes, J. A. Cocilovo, H. H. Varela, and T. G. O'Brien


It Wasn't In My Contract: Security Privatization And Civilian Control, Lindsay P. Cohn


Broadening Our Horizons: Toward A Plurality Of Methodologies In Learning Disability Research, David J. Connor, Deborah Gallagher, and Beth A. Ferri


Carne Viva In Postville: Stories Of Madres And Monarchs, Jennifer Cooley and Karen Mitchell


Becoming Science "Experi-Mentors": Tenets Of Quality Professional Development And How They Can Reinvent Early Science Learning Experiences, Shelly Lynn Counsell


Do Victim Impact Programs Reduce Recidivism For Operating A Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated? Findings From An Outcomes Evaluation, Benjamin Keith Crew and Sarah Emily Johnson


A Basic Multi-Media Collection By and About J.R.R. Tolkien, Janet Brennan Croft


Jackson's Aragorn and the American Superhero Monomyth, Janet Brennan Croft


When My Country Is At War: Issue Importance And Interpersonal Influence Lead Iraq War Attitudes To Cluster Within Social Networks, Jerry G. Cullum, Bradley M. Okdie, and Helen C. Harton


Inflation And Real Sectoral Output Shares: Dynamic Panel Model Evidence From Seven Oecd Countries, George K. Davis, David Hineline, and Bryce E. Kanago


Quantum Many-Body Calculation Of Mixed-Parity Pairing In The Sr 2Ruo 4 Superconductor Induced By Spin-Orbit Coupling, J. J. Deisz and T. E. Kidd


Quantum Many-Body Calculation of Mixed-Parity Pairing in the Sr2RuO4 Superconductor Induced by Spin-Orbit Coupling, J. J. Deisz and Tim Kidd


Ramps & Pathways: A Constructivist Approach to Physics with Young Children, Rheta DeVries and Christina Sales


Of Straw Men And Melting Pots: A Response To Cara Aitchison’s (2010) ‘Labouring The Leisure Society Thesis…, Rodney Dieser


A Follow-up Investigation of the Fundamental Attribution Error in Leisure Education Research, Rodney B. Dieser


A Rejoinder to Van Puymbroeck, Austin, and McCormick’s Therapeutic Recreation Hidden Curriculum Article, Rodney B. Dieser


Comparison Of Measures Of Marker Informativeness For Ancestry And Admixture Mapping, Lili Ding, Howard Wiener, Tilahun Abebe, Mekbib Altaye, Rodney C.P. Go, Carolyn Kercsmar, Greg Grabowski, Lisa J. Martin, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakorborty, and Tesfaye M. Baye


Comparison of measures of marker informativeness for ancestry and admixture mapping, Lili Ding, Howard Wiener, Tilahun Abebe, Mekbib Altaye, Rodney CP Go, Carolyn Kercsmar, Greg Grabowski, Lisa J. Martin, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakorborty, and Tesfaye M. Baye


An Examination Of Before And After Rehearsal Pitch Tendencies Of String And Wind Musicians, Kevin L. Droe, Jonathan Chenoweth, and S. Daniel Galyen


Formal Forms Or Verbal Strategies? Politeness Theory And Japanese Business Etiquette Training, Cynthia Dickel Dunn


NCATE Standards For Preparation Of Secondary Computer Science Teachers, J. Philip East, Charmaine Bentley, Joe Kmoch, Stephen Rainwater, and Chris Stephenson


Predictability Of Operational Processes Over Finite Horizon, Nader Ebrahimi, S. N.U.A. Kirmani, and Ehsan S. Soofi

Health And Physical Education: A New Global Statement Of Consensus, Christopher R. Edginton, Ming Kai Chin, and Dobromir Bonacin


Leadership for Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services, Christopher R. Edginton, Susan D. Hudson, Kathleen G. Scholl, and Lara Lauzon


Linear and Non-linear Impacts of a Non-native Plant Invasion on Soil Microbial Community Structure and Function, Kenneth J. Elgersma and Joan G. Ehrenfeld


Legacy Effects Overwhelm the Short-term Effects of Exotic Plant Invasion and Restoration on Soil Microbial Community Structure, Enzyme Activities, and Nitrogen Cycling, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Joan G. Ehrenfeld, Shen Yu, and Torsten Vor

"Give Me A Boa And Some Bling!": Red Hat Society Members Commanding Visibility In The Public Sphere, M. Elise Radina, Lydia K. Manning, Marybeth C. Stalp, and Annette Lynch


Learning to Trust our Teachers, Scott Ellison and Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon