Faculty Publications

The Effects of Hypergravity on Xenopus Embryo Growth and Cardiac Hypertrophy

Document Type


Journal/Book/Conference Title

American Journal of Undergraduate Research





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All life on earth has developed and evolved in a unity gravity (1G) environment. Any deviation below or above 1G could affect animal development, a period when much change occurs and sensitivity is high. We imposed simulated hypergravity through centrifugation and analyzed the effects on the overall body length and cardiac growth of Xenopus laevis embryos. We predicted that increased contractile force would be required from the heart to adequately circulate blood, dispersing nutrients, and that this would inhibit organism growth and possibly induce a state of hypertrophy. Embryos reaching gastrulation stage were exposed to a 7G or 1G (control) field via centrifugation for 96 hours. We then recorded behavior, mortality and took body length measurements. We found no significant differences in behavior or mortality, however, body length was significantly reduced by an average of 6.8% in the 7G group. We then fixed, embedded, sectioned and stained embryos in order to investigate the dimensions of cardiac tissue and of the cardiac region of the body using image analysis software. We found the 7G group had a significantly reduced average body cross-sectional area (-18%) and yet a significantly larger ventricular cross-sectional area (+36%) when compared to the 1G group. The average ratio of ventricle cross-sectional area to average body cross-sectional area was significantly higher in the 7G group when compared to the 1G. From these data, we conclude that hypergravity has a significant inhibitory impact on the Xenopus laevis embryo growth and causes a significant increase in ventricle size.


Department of Biology

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