Complete Schedule

Presentation Type

Open Access Breakout Session


Learning disabled children--Attitudes;


Learning disabilities (LD) researchers have produced a knowledge base about the academic side of LD. A gap exists concerning the experiences of individuals with LD, particularly their feeling-meaning-making about having LD. Based on a three-year qualitative study using critical ethnographic methods, I center Sophia Cruz's experiences with LD and the label. Sophia experienced the hegemony of smartness and disability micro-aggressions and voiced the idea that LD is a complex multifaceted construct. I discuss implications for the LD field. In addition, I provide tools for participants to improve their ability to work with historically marginalized team members and populations such as students with dis/abilities at their intersections.

Start Date

7-11-2017 10:20 AM

End Date

7-11-2017 11:20 AM


Department of Special Education


Speaker: Dr. David Hernandez-Saca, Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa

Type: Paper

Strand: Social-Emotional Learning

Location: Elm Room, Maucker Union, University of Northern Iowa



File Format


Embargo Period


Additional Files

Handout 1.pdf (216 kB)

Handout 2.pdf (292 kB)


Nov 7th, 10:20 AM Nov 7th, 11:20 AM

2S1. Re-Framing Master Narratives of Dis/ability Through an Emotion Lens: Sophia Cruz’s LD Story at her Intersections

Learning disabilities (LD) researchers have produced a knowledge base about the academic side of LD. A gap exists concerning the experiences of individuals with LD, particularly their feeling-meaning-making about having LD. Based on a three-year qualitative study using critical ethnographic methods, I center Sophia Cruz's experiences with LD and the label. Sophia experienced the hegemony of smartness and disability micro-aggressions and voiced the idea that LD is a complex multifaceted construct. I discuss implications for the LD field. In addition, I provide tools for participants to improve their ability to work with historically marginalized team members and populations such as students with dis/abilities at their intersections.