Changing Minds, Changing Schools, Changing Systems: Comprehensive Literacy Design for School Improvement
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Changing Minds, Changing Schools, Changing Systems: Comprehensive Literacy Design for School Improvement is based on the theory that the change needed for school improvement results from changing the minds of educators: their thinking, perception, and understanding of how people learn.
Editors: Linda J. Dorn, Salli Forbes, Mary Ann Poparad, and Barbara Schubert
Foreword: Richard L. Allington and Peter H. Johnston
Afterword: Richard F. Elmore
The authors propose that the minds of educators can be changed only through authentic, mutual experiences that are grounded in contextually relevant events. As people work together within apprenticeship-type settings, they ask questions, identify problems, create solutions, and transform knowledge through active testing. Consequently, a school design would incorporate communicative structures for engaging all people (administrators, teachers, children) in constructive discourse and shared problem solving. From this perspective, the interaction between people and the environment becomes the lever for changing minds, subsequently changing the practices and outcomes within schools. The book provides concrete guidance for implementing systemic and sustainable change at multiple levels. It includes a wealth of practical resources to support people as they embark on a comprehensive literacy model for school improvement. -- Provided by publisher
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Hameray Publishing Group
Los Angeles, CA
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Recommended Citation
Dorn, Linda J.; Forbes, Salli; Poparad, Mary Ann; and Schubert, Barbara, "Changing Minds, Changing Schools, Changing Systems: Comprehensive Literacy Design for School Improvement" (2015). Faculty Book Gallery. 115.
Salli Forbes (Editor)