Faculty Publications
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Exercise, Exhaustion scale, Rasch model, Development
Journal/Book/Conference Title Title
Psychology of Sport and Exercise
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Objectives: The objective of this study to report on the development and psychometric analysis of a scale to measure post exercise exhaustion.
Design: This study utilised the Rasch measurement model for the psychometric analysis of a new scale aimed at measuring acute onset exhaustion in athletes.
Method: An extensive literature review, feedback from athletes and an expert panel from educators in psychology, sports science and exercise physiology provided feedback on the scale, providing evidence of content validity. A final survey, consisting of the 25 items and completed by three hundred and seventynine athletes (Sport: 187 tri-athletes and 192 cyclists; gender: 211 males, and 168 females; age: 18e25 [31], 26e35 [114], 36e45 [120], and 46þ [114]), was submitted to Rasch analysis.
Results: After amendments a final 14 item scale provided internally consistent and reliable measures of exhaustion for participants. The items of the final scale have good fit, and the scale has high PSI providing statistical evidence of reliability. The scale could benefit from items dealing with mid-range levels of exhaustion. The correlational association between the new scale and a similar scale was positive and significant correlation adding to the evidence of the validity of the new scale.
Conclusions: The scale appears to be a valuable tool for the assessment of exercise-induced acute onset exhaustion and may be an attractive option for researchers, clinicians, and coaches seeking to measure the levels of exhaustion in individuals. In addition to its valid theoretical structure and sound psychometric properties, the scale has advantages over other exhaustion or fatigue scales as it is not disease-specific.
School of Kinesiology, Allied Health, and Human Services
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UNI ScholarWorks, University of Northern Iowa, Rod Library
©2014 Mark D. Hecimovich, Jeremiah J. Peifffer, and Allen G. Harbaugh. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
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Recommended Citation
Hecimovich, Mark D.; Peiffer, Jeremiah J.; and Harbaugh, Allen G., "Development and psychometric evaluation of a post exercise exhaustion scale utilising the Rasch measurement model" (2014). Faculty Publications. 8.
First published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise, v. 15 n.6 (2014), pp. 569-579, published by Elsevier Ltd. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.06.003